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- No process Concerned about relationships Role not worthy (1) (2) (3) Female-0.053-0.012-0.015 (-1.546) (-0.397) (-0.429) Demographic controls Yes Yes Yes Job Controls Yes Yes Yes Constant 0.158 0.090-0.042 (0.883) (0.573) (-0.248) R2 0.030 0.024 0.030 T-statistics are in parentheses. ***, ** and * represent statistical significance at the 1%, 5% and 10% levels. All estimations consist of 1593 observations. Standard errors are clustered by employer. 24 Appendix 1A: Estimations by Age Sub-Samples (AWRS 2013-2014). Full Set of 840 Employer-Dummies Included.
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- Part-time here is defined as < 38 hours per week. 22 Table 5: Regression Equations for the Reasons that I Did Not Ask for a Pay Rise: (i) I Am Satisfied with My Wage and (ii) I Am Satisfied with My Role (AWRS 2013-2014). Includes a Full Set of 840 Employer-Dummy Variables.
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- Table 4: Part-time and Full-time Subsamples: Regression Equations for My Pay is Negotiated, I Have Been Successful in Negotiating Since Joining, and I Have Asked for a Pay Rise (AWRS 2013-2014). Includes a Full Set of 840 Employer-Dummy Variables.
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