Safe at home? Factors influencing the safety strategies used by people with intellectual disabilitySally RobinsonApr 2, 201416(2): 99-113DownloadPDF (US English)XML (US English)Apr 2, 201416(2): 99-113
Health and functioning in a stroke population five years after first incidenceHanne Pallesen, Anders Degn Pedersen, René HolstFeb 2, 201416(2): 114-126DownloadPDF (US English)XML (US English)Feb 2, 201416(2): 114-126
Condition-related knowledge among children and adolescents with spina bifida in a Swedish countyLina Strömfors, Lars Falk, Susan Wilhelmsson, Gunnar E. HöstOct 2, 201416(2): 127-140DownloadPDF (US English)XML (US English)Oct 2, 201416(2): 127-140
Pictures as cues or as support to verbal cues at encoding and execution of prospective memories in individuals with intellectual disabilityAnna Levén, Björn Lyxell, Jan Andersson, Henrik DanielssonMay 2, 201416(2): 141-158DownloadPDF (US English)XML (US English)May 2, 201416(2): 141-158
The role of objects in understanding children's participation in paediatric rehabilitationWenche BekkenApr 2, 201416(2): 159-178DownloadPDF (US English)XML (US English)Apr 2, 201416(2): 159-178
Internalizing, externalizing and attention problems in dyslexiaAnne Elisabeth Dahle, Ann-Mari KnivsbergMay 2, 201416(2): 179-193DownloadPDF (US English)XML (US English)May 2, 201416(2): 179-193