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Статья посвящена псковскому говору четырёх близкорасположенных деревень в Западнодвинском районе Тверской области. Говор относится к группе среднерусских акающих псковских говоров и соседствует со смоленскими говорами, относящимся к... more
This study proposes a new approach to the task of classifying Russian dialects using the method of multidimensional scaling (MDS). The work is based on the data of the Dialectological Atlas of the Russian Language in its entirety: four... more
The growing interest "world literature" as the transnational circulation of literary texts enabled scholars to study the ways in which literary works get translated and distributed across different (national and linguistic) borders. Most... more
This article interprets Zadie Smith's novel NW (2012) as an attempt to connect E. M. Forster's famous dictum " only connect " with Paul Gilroy's concept of " conviviality. " NW's representation of two friends who are constituted by... more
As the representation of Western modernity’s dark undercurrent, the Gothic novel has since its inception in the 1760s developed and transformed alongside that modernity. This paper looks at two contemporary Gothic novels from the Low... more
This chapter considers Zadie Smith as a postcolonial intellectual and her engagement with "Europe." It was published in Sandra Ponzanesi and Adriano Habed's "Postcolonial Intellectuals in Europe" (Rowman & Littlefield, 2018).
In this meeting of the Platform for Postcolonial Readings, we take a cue from Orsini to consider the production of world literature from the perspective of multilingual locals and significant geographies. We interrogate how these new... more
Jesse van Amelsvoort (University of Groningen, NL) and I are working on putting together a special issue of the interdisciplinary journal _parallax_, dedicated to a critique and elaboration of Benedict Anderson's work on the nation-state... more
How does the coexistence of different linguistic codes redefine speakers’ collective allegiances? How do literary and aesthetic representations symbolise the multiple identification mechanisms enabled by linguistic diversity and what do... more
This paper engages with Zadie Smith’s The Embassy of Cambodia and Najat El Hachmi’s L’últim patriarca, which thematise what Stuart Hall has called being “in but not of” Europe. These narratives capture the changes brought to Europe by... more