I wrote this, but did not publish it. A letter that I had written for someone, reflecting on the year 2021.
Good morning, my friend
My 'Brand' from way back in 1976 or so - you can read it as a statement that 'personal touch works', or a brand name 'Personal Touch Works' or 'Works with a Personal Touch'. Either way, works with a personal touch really do work. The works have included custom creations of greetings cards, photos, leading square dancing, writing, woodwork, screen printing, technical graphics and tables, maps, and much, much more.
I wrote this, but did not publish it. A letter that I had written for someone, reflecting on the year 2021.
Good morning, my friend
This was taken from a US newspaper, about 1973 or 1974. I guess it had been sent to one of my missionary companions.
About That-Ark: There Just Ain’t Noah Way
by Jack V. Fox
United Press International
Calif. – If Noah were alive today and forewarned of another great flood, could
he build an ark and get the animals aboard?
creative writing class of Willits High School decided to find out after the
woeful conclusion of a local businessman, exasperated with governmental red
tape, that "you couldn't even build an ark in this county."
class approached its inquiry on a serious level, writing letters on plain
stationery with only the high school's street address to governmental bodies,
banks, zoos, construction firms, trucking outfits and the Coast Gaurd.
decision, was made to sign the applications with the name Noah Lamechson since
the Bible that Noah was the son of Lamech.
The Old
Testament also was the basic source of information for building the ark and
selecting the animals.
It was
necessary to translate the biblical cubits into feet and inches. The student
planners decided on an ark 300 cubits or 450 feet long, 50 cubits or 75 feet wide
and 30 cubits or 45 feet high.
The Bible
says Noah used "gopher wood and pitch." A Willits pastor said that
gopher wood was probably cedar or cypress that pitch was probably bitumen found
in the Dead Sea area.
decision was made to build the boat on a property known as "the old city airport"
which was owned by the City. Class member Rich Wilkinson paced off the area
needed and a passerby, asking what Rich was doing was told “Measuring for an
said the man. “Well, have fun.”
But the
word spread quickly and was taken seriously. One businessman was overheard to
comment: "Do you know what those hippies are trying to do now? Build an
ark on city property."
first applied for a use permit to the city engineer and was turned down, so he
appealed to the planning commission.
attempts were made to collect and transport the animals. Letters were written
to several trucking agencies, all bringing a negative response, including one from
a company which advertised "No job too big for us."
wrote the California Division of Highways about transporting giraffes from San
Fransisco. A reply was received warning that “some way will have to be found to
keep their heads down to within 15 feet of the pavement — the lowest bridges
over Highway 101 are at this height,"
inquiry to the Department of Fish and Game for permission to obtain two rare
condors got this answer.
state law, California Fish and Game Code Sections 2052 and 3511, it is illegal
to take or possess certain fully protected and/or endangered wild life species.
The California condor is a species found on this list. Thank you for your interest
and your offer to raise endangered species for, their perpetuation. Unfortunately,
we do not feel that this is possible under present law."
Coast Guard was one of the agencies that quickly tumbled. Its reply said that
women crew members were perfectly acceptable so long as they were properly
the-ship should go aground on a mountaintop, it should display as distress
signals three black balls, each not less than two feet in diameter.” The coast
guard added.
Bank of
America turned down an application for a $500 000 financing loan, saying
neither the animals nor the boat would be sufficient collateral and suggesting
something could be arranged if the ark promoters could put up “marketable
filled out an environmental impact study form including the question “Could the
project result in the displacement of community residents?”
said "Lamechson." "About 30 billion of them.”
not going to tell you how it came out. You may get a hint from the title of the
student report, "You Can't Build an Ark in Mendocino County."
21 August: Original Du Toits Kloof Pass, [Goreeshoogte, Malherbeshoogte], Remhoogte Pass, Bakoondshoogte Pass, Leeuriviershoogte Pass to get onto the N2 at Swellendam to reach Vleesbaai and then Riversdale.23: Goukou Pass (N2), Soetmelksrivier Pass (N2), Gouritz River Pass (N2), [we did not go on the Mossel Bay Pass this trip although we have often travelled on it], Southern Cross Pass (N2), Hoogte Pass (N2), Maalgate River Pass (N2) to get to George Airport.24: Gwaing River Pass (N2), Kaaimans River Pass (N2), Heights Road, Silver River Pass (7 Passes Road), Kaaimansgat Pass (7 Passes Road), Swartrivier Pass (7 Passes Road) back to George Airport.25: Victoria Bay Pass, Gwaing River Pass (N2) again, Groot Brak Hoogte (R102)26: Outeniqua Pass, Beveraas Kloof Pass, Perdeskoen Draai Pass to get to Oudtshoorn.27: Brakpoort Pass, Attakwaskloofpas, Robinson Pass, Brandwaghoogte, Groot Brak Hoogte to go Oudtshoorn to Mossel Bay and George and Montagu Pass (gravel), Paardepoort (P1646 (gravel)) back to Oudtshoorn.28: Schoemanspoort Pass, Swartberg Pass (gravel), Witkranspoort (R407) to reach Prince Albert.29: Kredouw Pass, Meiringspoort, Rooikranspoort (R341) Uniondale Heights, Uniondale Poort, Prince Alfred Pass (gravel) to Knysna.30: Brenton Pass in Knysna vicinity.31: Keyters Nek, Phantom Pass (7 Passes Road) in Knysna vicinity.1 September: Plettenberg Bay (missed Plettenberg Bay pass), Sedgefield Mountain Road.2: Keurboomsrivier Hoogte, Stormsriver Pass to Jeffreys Bay.3: Cape St. Francis.4: Stormsriver Pass, Grootrivier Pass (R102), Keurboomsrivier Hoogte (N2), Keytersnek Pass (N2), Goukamma Pass (N2), Swartvleihoogte (N2), Kaaimans River Pass (N2), Gwaing River Pass (N2) , Maalgate River Pass (N2), Hoogte Pass (N2), Southern Cross Pass (N2), to Mossel Bay5: Gouritz River Pass (N2), Soetmelksrivier Pass (N2), Goukou Pass (N2), Houw Hoek Pass (N2), Coles Pass (N2), Sir Lowry’s Pass (N2) to home
'Plants are able to produce food through the process of photosynthesis. Animals depend on what the plants did, being consumers. In the web of life each producer and consumer will become decomposed and will provide food for some other consumer, but only plants are able to produce something from 'nothing'. With light, carbon dioxide, and water, they produce oxygen and carbohydrates, fats and proteins, all of which we need.Naturally, the Lion depends on animals as their food, requiring many more hectares per Lion than the hectares required per secondary consumer buck or prey.
We are now dependent on death to balance birth so that populations do not increase. If there is no death, aging, decay, then what input would we require in terms of food or sustenance? Would we require oxygen, water, protein, fats, carbohydrate, etc?
I love the details of the web of life, so wonderfully laid out by our loving creator.'