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3086 LKPD 7-1

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(LKPD) 7.1.1

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The Verb Be

NAMA : ___________________ ____

KELAS : ___________________ ____

NUMBER : ___________________ ____

Satuan Pendidikan : UPT SMP Negeri 5 Bangkala
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester : VII/1
Materi/Pokok Bahasan : The Verb Be (Singular), Question Words

A. Tujuan Pembelajaran
Peserta didik mampu membuat atau menyusun kalimat dengan menggunakan the verb be
(singular) dan question words yang baik dan benar serta memahami dan mengidentifikasi
unsur kebahasaan terkait the verb be (singular) dan question words.

B. Petunjuk
Berdoalah sebelum mengerjakan.
Bacalah semua instruksi dengan jelas.
Kerjakan latihan berikut pada lembar kerja yang tersedia.
C. Uraian Materi


am is are

I He You They
She It We

❖ Am : digunakan untuk subject orang pertama tunggal I

❖ Is : digunakan untuk subject orang ketiga tunggal He, She, It
❖ Are : digunakan jika subject berbentuk plural orang pertama tunggal They, We
bisa juga digunakan untuk orang kedua tunggal You

The verb be (singular)

Verb secara bahasa artinya adalah kata kerja. Verb adalah kata yang
mendeskripsikan aksi, tindakan, kondisi, atau pengalaman. Verb menunjukkan
aktivitas dari subjek dalam sebuah kalimat. Contohnya: The phone rings.
Sedangkan singular verb secara bahasa artinya kata kerja tunggal. Singular
verb merupakan bentuk dasar dari verb. Apabila subjek merupakan subjek tunggal,
maka kata kerja yang akan digunakan adalah singular verb. Subjek tunggal di sini
berarti hanya ada satu subjek di dalam kalimat. Contohnya: She walks alone.
Singular verb adalah kata kerja tunggal, bentuk kata kerja ini berupa bentuk dasar (verb
1) dengan penambah akhiran -s atau -es sebagai contoh: Drinks, Does, Has, dan lain
sebagainya. Seperti yang dijelaskan di atas, singular verb berpasangan dengan singular
subject seperti: He, She, It, Ardy, Eka, Anna, The Book, The Building.
Contoh Penggunaan Singular Verb
Ada beberapa peraturan dalam penggunaan singular verb jika menggunakan regular
verb (kata kerja beraturan) dan irregular verb (kata kerja tidak beraturan), yaitu:
1. Saat menggunakan subjek tunggal maka singular verb menambahkan -s di
belakang verb, contohnya:
Singular Regular Verb: Mary bakes cookies.
Singular Irregular Verb: Mary makes cookies.
2. Jika singular verb yang merujuk pada orang ketiga ( third person noun) berbentuk
irregular verb, maka tambahkan -es di belakang verb tersebut, contohnya:
Singular Irregular Verb: He always catches the ball.
Singular Irregular Verb: He goes to Africa once a year.
3. Di beberapa bentuk singular verb huruf akhir yang berbunyi -a dan -y dapat
dirubah menjadi -i dan tambahkan -es di belakangnya, contohnya:
Singular Regular Verb: The student tries to earn a straight -A average.
Singular Irregular Verb: He flies south for the winter.
Another examples:
- She goes to the school every morning by bicycle.
(Dia pergi ke sekolah setiap pagi dengan sepeda)
- He likes eating meatball. (Dia suka makan bakso)
- The cat is eating fish under the table. (Kucing itu sedang makan ikan dibawah meja)
- My mother makes delicious cakes. (Ibuku membuat kue - kue enak)
- Andi studies mathematics at the library. (Andi belajar matematika di perpustakaan)
- She makes her parents proud of her. (Dia membuat orang tuanya bangga dengannya)
- It is placed on the corner. (Ini ditempatkan di pojok)
- Lala is a smart student. (Lala adalah siswa pintar)
- He never forgets his promise. (Dia tidak pernah melupakan janjinya)

YouTube link about the verb be (singular)
Question Words
Function Example Sentence

asking for information about

What is your name?

asking for repetition or confirmation What? I can't hear you. You did what?

what...for asking for a reason, asking why What did you do that for?

when asking about time When did he leave?

where asking in or at what place or position Where do they live?

which asking about choice Which colour do you want?

asking what or which person or

who Who opened the door?
people (subject)

asking what or which person or

whom Whom did you see?
people (object)

Whose are these keys?

whose asking about ownership
Whose turn is it?

why asking for reason, asking what...for Why do you say that?

why don't making a suggestion Why don't I help you?

asking about manner How does this work?

asking about condition or quality How was your exam?

how + adj/adv asking about extent or degree see examples below

how far distance How far is Pattaya from Bangkok?

how long length (time or space) How long will it take?

how many quantity (countable) How many cars are there?

how much quantity (uncountable) How much money do you have?

how old age How old are you?

how come
asking for reason, asking why How come I can't see her?

YouTube link about question words
Activity 1

Element: Reading-Viewing

Complete the sentences below with the suitable to be (am, is, are) !
1. My mother …………. beautiful
2. My brother …………. tall.
3. The students …………. lazy to do homework
4. I …………. a member of english club
5. …………. you tired?
6. She …………. my aunt.
7. It …………. my pet.
8. …………. it your book?
9. …………. Song Jong Ki handsome?
10. Andika and Risa …………. Twin.

1. His shirts __ torn during the movie.

2. Nami, together with her husband __ the guests of the party.
3. The judge __ not convinced.
4. The lies __ always hard to forget.
5. To complain __ never the solution to any problems.
6. A pack of tigers __ approaching the camp.
7. Lying __ not always considered a bad thing.
No Complete the dialogues with the correct question words!
1 A : _______ is this?
B : It’s an Indonesian flag.
2 A : _______ are you from?
B : I’m from Makassar.
3 A : _______ is your school?
B : It’s here in Mallasoro.
4 A : _______ old are you?
B : I’m 17.
5 A : _______ is this?
B : She’s my friend.
Activity 2

Element: Writing

Write the singular!


1 Eye (example) An eye

2 Sandwich
3 Flower
4 Dish
5 Ostrich
6 Chair
Now I Know ☺
Write down anything you learn at the first time here 

I know now

Let’s sum

Let’s write everything we learn in this box. Work with your teacher and
friends to fill in the box









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