Model ViewerEasily display interactive 3D models on the web and in AR!
PulseA pendant to warn you when you touch your face
SdfxA simple CAD package using signed distance functions
Uranium A Python framework for building Desktop applications.
Node Occbuild BREP Solids with OpenCascade and NodeJS - 3D Modeling
Tf flameTensorflow framework for the FLAME 3D head model. The code demonstrates how to sample 3D heads from the model, fit the model to 2D or 3D keypoints, and how to generate textured head meshes from Images.
TailornetCode for our CVPR 2020 (ORAL) paper - TailorNet: Predicting Clothing in 3D as a Function of Human Pose, Shape and Garment Style.
MeshlabThe open source mesh processing system
Flame pytorchThis is a implementation of the 3D FLAME model in PyTorch
VersatileA simple 3D model editor based on simple quads and a sprite set.
Nips16 ptnTorch Implementation of NIPS'16 paper: Perspective Transformer Nets
Arkit Unity3dAccess ARKit features like world-tracking, live video rendering, plane estimation and updates, hit-testing API, ambient light estimation, and raw point cloud data.
DuckysparkTranslator from USB-Rubber-Ducky payloads to a Digispark code.
Assetkit🎨 Modern 2D/3D - Importer • Exporter • Util - Library, also called (AssetIO)
Altium LibraryAltium Library with 4000 components, IPC compliant footprints, 3D step model
Seam ErasureSeamlessly erase seams from your favorite 3D models.
TadbitTADbit is a complete Python library to deal with all steps to analyze, model and explore 3C-based data. With TADbit the user can map FASTQ files to obtain raw interaction binned matrices (Hi-C like matrices), normalize and correct interaction matrices, identify and compare the so-called Topologically Associating Domains (TADs), build 3D models from the interaction matrices, and finally, extract structural properties from the models. TADbit is complemented by TADkit for visualizing 3D models
ModelmodA system for modifying art in games.
Unet 3d3D Unet Equipped with Advanced Deep Learning Methods
Bfm to flameConvert from Basel Face Model (BFM) to the FLAME head model
3d TilesSpecification for streaming massive heterogeneous 3D geospatial datasets 🌎
Melomelo is mesh loader for OBJ, glTF2 and PLY
Altium LibraryOpen source Altium Database Library with over 147,000 high quality components and full 3d models.
Pyntcloudpyntcloud is a Python library for working with 3D point clouds.
MedicaldetectiontoolkitThe Medical Detection Toolkit contains 2D + 3D implementations of prevalent object detectors such as Mask R-CNN, Retina Net, Retina U-Net, as well as a training and inference framework focused on dealing with medical images.
CompressonatorTool suite for Texture and 3D Model Compression, Optimization and Analysis using CPUs, GPUs and APUs
JsketcherParametric 2D and 3D modeler written in pure javascript
SdfSimple SDF mesh generation in Python
Hederapaint 3D ivy in the Unity Editor, watch procedurally generated meshes simulate growth and clinging in real-time
VocaThis codebase demonstrates how to synthesize realistic 3D character animations given an arbitrary speech signal and a static character mesh.
Faceswap3D face swapping implemented in Python
RingnetLearning to Regress 3D Face Shape and Expression from an Image without 3D Supervision
Etlegacy DeprecatedArchived repository. For current repo, see:
Tree GenProcedural generation of tree models in blender
LumeCreate CSS3D/WebGL applications declaratively with HTML. Give regular DOM elements shadow and lighting.
O CnnO-CNN: Octree-based Convolutional Neural Networks for 3D Shape Analysis
OpenscadOpenSCAD - The Programmers Solid 3D CAD Modeller
Curated List Of Awesome 3d Morphable Model Software And DataThe idea of this list is to collect shared data and algorithms around 3D Morphable Models. You are invited to contribute to this list by adding a pull request. The original list arised from the Dagstuhl seminar on 3D Morphable Models in March 2019.
StarECCV2020 - Official code repository for the paper : STAR - A Sparse Trained Articulated Human Body Regressor
VirocoreViroCore cross-platform AR/VR renderer
ampscanampscan is an open-source Python package for analysis and visualisation of digitised surface scan data, specifically for applications within Prosthetics and Orthotics (P&O), with an aim to improve evidence-based clinical practice towards improved patient outcomes.
BASH-ModelWe developed a method animating a statistical 3D human model for biomechanical analysis to increase accessibility for non-experts, like patients, athletes, or designers.