Vive-LiveAn HTC Vive Musical Instrument: OSC via Unity3D to Max for Live and Ableton Live
binaural-audio-editorThis is an audio application that produces 3D binaural audio from 2D mono audio samples and positional information given by the graphical user interface. Listen to 3D audio through stereo headphones. Video Demo:
RavEngineA fast, easy to use C++20 3D game library for modern computers
HO-SIRRA MATLAB implementation of the Higher-order Spatial Impulse Response Rendering (HO-SIRR) algorithm; an alternative approach for reproducing Ambisonic RIRs over loudspeakers
m1-web-spatialaudioplayerConsolidated Mach1 spatial audio player focused on collecting all headtracking input methods and defining best practices
CavernObject-based audio engine and codec pack with Dolby Atmos rendering, room correction, HRTF, one-click Unity audio takeover, and much more.