Nlp Tools😋本项目旨在通过Tensorflow基于BiLSTM+CRF实现中文分词、词性标注、命名实体识别(NER)。
Pymystem3A Python wrapper of the Yandex Mystem 3.1 morphological analyzer ( The original tool is shipped as a binary and this library makes it easy to integrate it in Python projects. Let us know in the issues if you would like to be involved into the developments or maintenance of this project. If you have any fix or suggestion, please make a pull request. We are very open to accepting any contributions.
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MonpaMONPA 罔拍是一個提供正體中文斷詞、詞性標註以及命名實體辨識的多任務模型
Deeptoxictop 1% solution to toxic comment classification challenge on Kaggle.
Shopyo🎁 Your Open web framework, designed with big in mind. Flask with Django advantages. Build your management systems, ERP products & mobile backend (coming soon). Small business needs apps included by default. First timers friendly. Email: [email protected] | password: pass
JiaguJiagu深度学习自然语言处理工具 知识图谱关系抽取 中文分词 词性标注 命名实体识别 情感分析 新词发现 关键词 文本摘要 文本聚类
SultanMinimarket Point Of Sales (POS) software writen in C++ with Qt framework
TutaposTUTA Point of Sale Using Laravel & Angularjs Framework
Nlp PapersPapers and Book to look at when starting NLP 📚
Open RetailPerangkat lunak open source yang dikembangkan khusus untuk bidang usaha ritel, grosir, toko bangunan, toko komputer, toko buku, counter hp, pos, point of sale, kasir dan bidang usaha lainnya yang sejenis.
Min nlp practiceChinese & English Cws Pos Ner Entity Recognition implement using CNN bi-directional lstm and crf model with char embedding.基于字向量的CNN池化双向BiLSTM与CRF模型的网络,可能一体化的完成中文和英文分词,词性标注,实体识别。主要包括原始文本数据,数据转换,训练脚本,预训练模型,可用于序列标注研究.注意:唯一需要实现的逻辑是将用户数据转化为序列模型。分词准确率约为93%,词性标注准确率约为90%,实体标注(在本样本上)约为85%。
Eflinventory V2🏬 Point-of-sale and inventory tracking for small-scale retail stores. Easily manage inventory, purchases, sales, and damaged and/or expired products.
Store PosPoint of Sale Desktop App built with Electron
Pytorch Pos TaggingA tutorial on how to implement models for part-of-speech tagging using PyTorch and TorchText.
JsprintmanagerAdvanced Client-side Printing & Scanning Solution for Javascript
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RdrpostaggerR package for Ripple Down Rules-based Part-Of-Speech Tagging (RDRPOS). On more than 45 languages.
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RocketpoolA next generation decentralised Ethereum proof of stake network and pool, currently in beta and built to be compatible with Ethereum 2.0 and the Beacon Chain.
WordposPart-of-speech utilities for node.js based on the WordNet database.
Provas PoscompProvas e gabaritos da POSCOMP, sem marcação das respostas 📚
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LightPOSJust a simple Point Of Sale app. [Mostly unfinished]
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ESCPOSA ESC/POS Printer Commands Helper
flutter-posA mobile POS app written with Flutter, compatible Sunmi device
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rpicoreRPICoin - Proof of Stake Cryptocurrency
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