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Top 143 vuetify open source projects

Rotten Soup
A roguelike built with Vue, Vuetify, Tiled, rot.js, and PixiJS! Playable at
Building Vuebase : a Firebase-like theme : built with Vue and Vuetify (
Vue Admin Vuetify
`vue-admin-vuetify` is a Front-end component library project based on Vue.js using Vuetify. Need vpn proxy to view
Vuetify Daterange Picker
The missing date range picker for Vuetify JS you have been looking for.
Focus Budget Manager
Budget Manager application built with Vue.js, Node.js, Express.js and MongoDB
Vue People
VuePeople lists and connects Vue.JS developers around the world.
Vuetify Todo Pwa
✔️ A simple Todo PWA built with Vue CLI 3 + Vuex + Vuetify.
Vuetify Form Base
Schema-based Form Generator - Vue.js 2.0 Component based on Vuetify 2.0
Skeleton Card Vuejs
A reusable skeleton card component written in Vuejs
Inshop Crm Client
Inshop CRM / ERP Client. It's powerful framework allows to build systems for business with different workflows. It has on board multi language support, clients management, projects & tasks, documents, simple accounting, inventory management, orders & invoice management, possibilities to integrate with third party software, REST API, and many other features.
Vuetify Datetime Picker
DatetimePicker component for Vuetify.js.
A modern, powerful periodic table
Theme Blog
A Free Material Blog Theme for Vuetify
Vue Expenses
A simple expense tracking application
Vue Telescope Analyzer
Detect Vue technologies running on a website ✨
Laravel Vuetify Spa Starter
Laravel Vuetify Starter SPA built with Laravel 6.0, JWT Auth, Vue 2, Vue Router 3, Vuex 3, Axios, Vuetify 2
A B/S mode system monitor for linux (demo
Centralized supervisor WebUI and CLI
Vuetify Vscode
Vuetify vscode extension
✭ 98
Sails Nuxt
Sails + Nuxt + Vuetify Combo <3
Beautify With Vuetify
Learn how to create beautiful web applications with Vuetify!
Awesome Vuetify
🎉 The best resources related to Vuetify
Laravel Vuetify Spa
Laravel-Vue SPA starter project template with Vuetify frontend.
Color splash effects using Deep Learning
River Admin
🚀 A shiny admin interface for django-river built with DRF, Vue & Vuetify
Vuetify Draggable Treeview
Vuetify draggable v-treeview component
Vuetify Material Dashboard
Vuetify Material Dashboard - Open Source Material Design Admin
Vue Stack
Minimalistic Boilerplate for FullStack Express and Vue.js applications
An Admin Dashboard based on Vuetify material
Qb Web
A qBittorrent Web UI, write in TypeScript+Vue.
Tiptap Vuetify
Vuetify editor. Component simplifies integration tiptap editor with vuetify.
Meal Prep
Source code for a 4-part series I wrote about Vue, Vue Router, Vuex and Vuetify
Vue Crm
Simple reusable CRM built on Vue 2 PWA template and Vuetify UI
Vuetify Module
Vuetify Module for Nuxt.js
Electron Nuxt
⚡ An Electron & Nuxt.js / Vue.js quick start boilerplate with vue-cli scaffolding, electron-builder, unit/e2e testing, vue-devtools
Wg Gen Web
Simple Web based configuration generator for WireGuard. Demo:
Vue Skeleton Mvp
VueJs, Vuetify, Vue Router and Vuex skeleton MVP written on JavaScript using async/await built to work with API REST skeleton:
Vue Cli Plugins
🔌 A collection of Vuetify plugins for Vue CLI
A configurable, easy to maintain personal website
Fully configurable Zwave to MQTT gateway and Control Panel using NodeJS and Vue
Vuetify Chat
A chat built with Vue + Vuex + Vuetify + Firebase
Laravel Starter App Using Vue ,Vuetify, and InertiaJS.
Vue Form Builder
Build powerful vue form with JSON schema and composition api.
Vuetify Jsonschema Form
Create beautiful and low-effort forms that output valid data.
Vue Nodejs Youtube Clone
This is the frontend (VueJS) of the Youtube clone called VueTube.
Youtube Live Chat Flow
Chrome Extension for Flowing Chat Messages on YouTube Live
Nuxt Material Admin
Vue-CLI Boilerplate based on Nuxt and vue-material-admin template.
Laravel Starter Kit
Laravel 7.0~ Starter Kit Powered by VueJS + Material Design(Vuetify)
1-60 of 143 vuetify projects