CurriculumThe open curriculum for learning web development
GameDesign11A project based intro to game development using the Unity game engine
amplify-nuxtVideo series code for how to setup AWS Amplify with a Nuxt project
fsharp-a-beginners-guideThis repository is a series of small lessons that I wrote for my colleagues at work, in an attempt to get them interested in F# with the possibility of using it at work in the coming months / years.
dsp-theoryTheory of digital signal processing (DSP): signals, filtration (IIR, FIR, CIC, MAF), transforms (FFT, DFT, Hilbert, Z-transform) etc.
soundshed-appDesktop app to browse and manage guitar amp tones. Control your bluetooth amp, jam to video backing tracks.
r4excel usersБесплатный видео курс "Язык R для пользователей Excel"
school houseThe new era of Elixir School now powered by @phoenixframework
PY-NOOBA repository of very simple Python programs to edit, change and learn basics of Python programming language.
PKU-Lessons-Summary北京大学软件与微电子学院硕士生课程知识点、作业等汇总【Summary of Knowledge Points and Assignments of Peking University Integrated Circuit Major Courses】