Evil Snipe2-char searching ala vim-sneak & vim-seek, for evil-mode
Org MsgOrgMsg is a GNU/Emacs global minor mode mixing up Org mode and Message mode to compose and reply to emails in a Outlook HTML friendly style.
BorgAssimilate Emacs packages as Git submodules
Elfeed ProtocolProvide extra protocols to make like Fever, NewsBlur, Nextcloud/ownCloud News and Tiny Tiny RSS work with elfeed
Perfect Margin[emacs] auto center emacs windows, work with minimap and/or linum-mode
God ModeMinor mode for God-like command entering
FrontmacsPackage-based, web-centric, customizable, awesome-by-default, acceptance-tested Emacs distribution
GoismNot a fan of Emacs Lisp? Hack Emacs in Go!
emrcEMacsRu metapackages collection
ivy-youtubeSearch for an Youtube video inside Emacs with Ivy
ts-comintts-comint will send the code from Emacs into a Typescript REPL.
modern-sh🎸 An Emacs minor mode for editing shell script.
gnuplot-modeAn emacs major mode for editing gnuplot scripts.
dired-toggleShow dired as sidebar and will not create new buffers when changing directory
epkgBrowse the Emacsmirror package database
emacs2nixAutomatically generate Nix expressions for Emacs packages