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All Projects → daviderestivo → load-bash-alias

daviderestivo / load-bash-alias

Licence: GPL-3.0 license
Convert bash aliases into eshell ones

Programming Languages

emacs lisp
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License: GPL v3 MELPA

Convert bash aliases into eshell ones.



  1. Download and copy load-bash-alias.el into .emacs.d/lisp directory.
  2. Add the following elisp code to your Emacs config:
;; Tell Emacs where is your personal elisp lib directory
(add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d/lisp/")

;; load-bash-alias
(load-library "load-bash-alias")
  1. Call load-bash-alias-load-bash-alias-into-eshell interactive function to convert bash aliases into eshell ones:
M-x load-bash-alias-load-bash-alias-into-eshell


Add the following elisp snippet to your init.el:

(use-package load-bash-alias
  :ensure t
  (setq load-bash-alias-bashrc-file "~/.bashrc")
  (setq load-bash-alias-exclude-aliases-regexp "^alias magit\\|^alias oc"))


The location of your barshrc file can be customized by setting the value of load-bash-alias-bashrc-file variable:

(setq load-bash-alias-bashrc-file "~/.bashrc")

In addition it's possible to exclude certain bash aliases to be converted into eshell ones simply setting load-bash-alias-exclude-aliases-regexp:

(setq load-bash-alias-exclude-aliases-regexp "^alias magit\\|^alias oc")


The original ideas for this package has been taken from Skye. The original elisp code can be found here.

Note that the project description data, including the texts, logos, images, and/or trademarks, for each open source project belongs to its rightful owner. If you wish to add or remove any projects, please contact us at [email protected].