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Top 135 drone open source projects

3D Trajectory Planner in Unknown Environments
✭ 246
The dRonin flight controller software.
Drone Docker
Drone plugin for publishing Docker images using Docker-in-Docker
✭ 238
University1652 Baseline
ACM Multimedia2020 University-1652: A Multi-view Multi-source Benchmark for Drone-based Geo-localization 🚁 annotates 1652 buildings in 72 universities around the world.
jMuxer - a simple javascript mp4 muxer that works in both browser and node environment.
Source one
Open Source FPV Drone Frame
✭ 220
Hands On Devops
A hands-on DevOps course covering the culture, methods and repeated practices of modern software development involving Packer, Vagrant, VirtualBox, Ansible, Kubernetes, K3s, MetalLB, Traefik, Docker-Compose, Docker, Taiga, GitLab, Drone CI, SonarQube, Selenium, InSpec, Alpine 3.10, Ubuntu-bionic, CentOS 7...
Drone Cache
A Drone plugin for caching current workspace files between builds to reduce your build times
ROS-based framework and RPi image to control PX4-powered drones 🍀
Mav active 3d planning
Modular framework for online informative path planning.
✭ 164
Drone Gke
Drone plugin for deploying containers to Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE)
Drone Ssh
Drone plugin for executing remote ssh commands
OpenKAI: A modern framework for unmanned vehicle and robot control
Djim100 People Detect Track
A ros demo for people detection and tracking on DJI M100 drone
Cross-platform ground control station for drones (Android, iOS, Mac OS, Linux, Windows)
Drone Keyboard
Drone Keyboard for Tello
Esp Drone
Mini Drone/Quadcopter Firmware for ESP32 and ESP32-S Series SoCs.
Delta5 race timer
Multi-node video transmitter race timer for drone racing
The jankest autonomous drone ever built and programmed from scratch
Interoperability System for the AUVSI SUAS Competition.
Howto use BeagleBone Blue with ArduPilot
✭ 118
Drone Tutorial
Drone Continuous Delivery Documentation using docker-compose
Drone Kubernetes
A drone plugin to update a deployment on a kubernetes cluster
Terraform Multienv
A template for maintaining a multiple environments infrastructure with Terraform. This template includes a CI/CD process, that applies the infrastructure in an AWS account.
User-friendly, commercial-grade software for processing aerial imagery. 🛩
Generalized Aviation: Open source autonomous aviation software platform, designed for fully autonomous drones and flying cars.
✭ 1,377
Flight review
web application for flight log analysis & review
Just another ground control station
In-Flight Analysis for PX4
Drone Gae
Drone plugin for managing deployments and services on Google App Engine (GAE)
Drone Volume Cache
Drone plugin for caching to a locally mounted volume
Web Bluetooth Parrot Drone
Control a Parrot Mini Drone from your web browser using Web Bluetooth
Autonomous Drone
This repository intends to enable autonomous drone delivery with the Intel Aero RTF drone and PX4 autopilot. The code can be executed both on the real drone or simulated on a PC using Gazebo. Its core is a robot operating system (ROS) node, which communicates with the PX4 autopilot through mavros. It uses SVO 2.0 for visual odometry, WhyCon for visual marker localization and Ewok for trajectoy planning with collision avoidance.
Drone Telegram
Drone plugin for sending Telegram notifications
Mrs uav system
The entry point to the MRS UAV system.
The tello Go (golang) package is an unofficial, easy-to-use, standalone API for the Ryze Tello® drone.
Yolo Autonomous Drone
YOLO Autonomous Drone - Deep Learning Person Detection: The YOLO Drone localizes and follows people with the help of the YOLO Deep Network
An easy to use library to support DJI Tello scripting in Python 3
Eyantra drone
Metapackage to control the edrone via services and topics -
Drone Slack
Drone plugin for sending Slack notifications
✭ 52
Fmt firmware
Embedded Code of FMT Autopilot
A functioning desktop testbed for flying the Ryze Tello drone via the Go tello package.
The ultimate node.js library for controlling Bitcraze Crazyflie 2.0 drones
Virtual cockpit for UAVs
Drone Slack Blame
Drone plugin to send build status blames via Slack
✭ 18
Rectangular Pyramid Partitioning using Integrated Depth Sensors (RAPPIDS): A Fast Planner for Multicopter Navigation
Onboard Sdk
DJI Onboard SDK Official Repository
🍰 The missing library manager for Android Developers
Drone pentesting framework console
Flask Restful Example
DroneBridge is a system based on the WifiBroadcast approach. A bidirectional digital radio link between two endpoints is established using standard WiFi hardware and a custom protocol. DroneBridge is optimized for use in UAV applications and is a complete system. It is intended be a real alternative to other similar systems, such as DJI Lightbridge or OcuSync.
open Multiple View Geometry library. Basis for 3D computer vision and Structure from Motion.
Quadrotor control, path planning and trajectory optimization
1-60 of 135 drone projects