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EMF BSC CPIM Testdeniveau V2012

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Pour la prparation aux certifications de lAPICS: - CPIM : Certified in Production and Inventory Management - BASICS of Supply Chain Management de MGCM - EMF: Essentiel du Management des Flux

Les tests de niveau qui vont suivre vous permettront d'valuer votre aptitude prparer les certifications de lAPICS et de MGCM. Notre test de niveau vous permet de tester successivement: - your understanding of written English - votre connaissance de la logistique intgrale et de la gestion industrielle - your knowledge in Supply Chain Management and Production and Inventory Management Ces tests sont prpars pour que vous puissiez les passer chez vous, sous votre seule responsabilit. Il est donc de votre intrt de respecter scrupuleusement les rgles de fonctionnement que nous vous proposons. Leur non-respect vous donnerait une fausse ide des difficults de cette prparation et ne nous permettrait pas de vous conseiller utilement. Le temps pass rpondre aux tests ne devrait pas dpasser 2 heures. Vous devez le grer au mieux. Ne vous acharnez pas sur une question difficile, passez la suivante et revenez-y ultrieurement. Toutes les questions ont le mme poids. Enfin, rappelez-vous qu'il n'est pas attendu que vous rpondiez juste toutes les questions. Certaines d'entre elles peuvent tre trs difficiles. Ce n'est qu' la fin du cycle de prparation propos que vous pourrez y rpondre correctement. Si vous souhaitez ne vous tester que pour le niveau dEMF ou de BASICS il vous suffit de vous arrter aux lieux indiqus pour chacune des deux dernires sries de questions. Ce test est rserv aux professionnels. En effet, dans le cadre de leurs tudes, les Etudiants disposent dj de moyens pour valuer leurs connaissances, tel le TOEIC pour langlais.


Ce test tant auto-administr, vous vous mettrez dans les meilleures conditions pour le passer. Vous devez disposer de: - un local o vous ne serez pas drang(e) - un temps qui peut atteindre ou dpasser 120 minutes si vous rpondez lensemble des tests. Lors de certains tests, vous pourrez utiliser un dictionnaire anglais -franais non technique


Pour remplir et nous retourner vos rponses tlchargez le fichier EXCEL: "feuille de rponse". Vous le remplissez sans modifier la position des informations qui y figurent, sinon les rsultats obtenus seront incohrents. Vous l'enregistrez en indiquant votre nom sur le nom de fichier puis vous l'envoyez en fichier joint l'adresse indique :

Test of Knowledge of Written English

Do not use a dictionary for this part
01. A. B. C. D. 02. The company that Marie DuBois started now sells ____ products throughout the world. its it theirs them If your shipment is not delivered ____ Tuesday, you can request a full refund for the merchandise. at by within while In my will, I will eventually leave my entire estate to the Spanish government (Dali). What did he mean by eventually? normally finally over time, currently possibly "You must go to school until you are 16" is an example of: a recommendation a day's schedule a strong will an obligation While the inventory ____ , the staff held a meeting yesterday in the evening. has been checked was checked check was being checked The report showed that prices have increased by 3.1 percent ____ 12 months since the last over the past in the following periodically over My line manager wants the meeting ____ Immediately to arrange arrange to be arranged be arranged 08. A. B. C. D. 09. A. B. C. D. First quarter revenue ____ $45billion from $44 billion a year earlier rose to increased declined from expanded at The company expects to see ____ breakeven and a 15 cent a share loss in the second quarter approximately more than more or less somewhere between

A. B. C. D. 03.

A. B. C. D. 04. A. B. C. D. 05. A. B. C. D. 06. A. B. C. D. 07. A. B. C. D.

For the questions 10 12, read the following text before answering the questions Are you setting up a small business? Worried about the costs of renting office space and employing the right people? Rebus Virtual Office World can help you. With our Basic Office Deal, we can set up a virtual office for you practically overnight. We will give your business a professional image and our polite, friendly staff will handle your calls and present your business in the best possible way. We can provide you with: a professional business address, a local phone number and we will also handle mail. For a more personal approach, with the option of forwarding mail and messages to your home address, dont hesitate to ask us about our Premier Office Deals. 10. A. B. C. D. Where is the text from? A message from a business to a current client An advertisement for a new business service An email from one business worker to another A newspaper article about a new businesss success What does the service provide? Off-site staff to perform general office duties A site where several businesses can locate their offices Advice on how to make your business more professional Temporary staff for local businesses Which of the following is not included in the Basic Office deal? A polite receptionist A mail-forwarding service A professional address A telephone-answering service

11. A. B. C. D. 12. A. B. C. D.

13. A. B. C. D. 14. A. B. C. D.

____ all those applying, Mr. Jamison was the most experienced applicant of from against with They are planning ____ a branch in Europe in three months. for open for opening to open open

15. A. B. C. D. 16. A. B. C. D.

They ____ hire you if you had a valid driver's license will have shall would If I begin work at 10 past 8 am and finish at 10 to 9 am, I have worked for: 20 minutes 40 minutes 50 minutes 80 minutes


Connaissance de la Gestion Industrielle au niveau de lEssentiel du Management des Flux : EMF

17. A. B. C. D. 18. Les avantages d'un inventaire tournant comprennent tout ce qui suit SAUF: Capacit dtecter les causes d'erreur Minimum d'arrt de production Personnel bien form pour les inventaires Corrections des carts sur les rservations partir des informations suivantes: - ventes 8 MF - cot des ventes 6 MF - stock 2 MF quel est le taux de rotation des stocks? 0,33 2 3 4 Laquelle des stratgies suivantes entrane le plus long dlai d'excution d'une commande? Une fabrication sur commande Un assemb lage la commande Une fabrication sur stock Une fabrication en continu Lequel des lments suivants serait plus probablement un avantage qualifiant pour un produit de grande consommation? L'image de la socit La prfrence nationale La qualit Le dlai de fabrication Pour faire un calcul de besoins nets en composants il faut disposer de tout ce qui suit SAUF : Des nomenclatures exactes Des stocks justes Des gammes prcises Un Programme Directeur de Production raliste Les demandes pour un produit saisonnier ont t successivement de 2 000, 1 000, 2 000 et 3 000. Dans une stratgie de production lisse, combien d'units devraient tre produites par priode? 1000 2000 3000 8000 23. A. B. C. D. 24. A. B. C. D. 25. La responsabilit de la russite d'un logiciel ERP repose avant tout sur : Le responsable de l'informatique Les utilisateurs Lintgrateur de logiciels Lditeur de logiciel Le moyen le plus rapide d'augmenter la capacit d'un atelier consiste : Sous-traiter Planifier des heures supplmentaires Ajouter une quipe Rduire la taille des lots Laquelle des donnes suivantes est normalement une entre des prvisions long terme? La demande pour un produit Les niveaux de stock Les changements de prix Les indicateurs conomiques. Que se passe-t-il, lorsqu'on augmente le nombre de centres de distribution? Les cots fixes et les cots de manutention augmentent Les cots de transport et les cots de lotissement augmentent Le cot total de fonctionnement diminue Le niveau total du stock diminue. Un centre de charge compos de 2 machines fonctionne 8 heures par jour et 5 jours par semaine. Lutilisation est de 80% et l'efficience de 90%. A l'heure prs, la capacit calcule est : 80 heures 58 heures 40 heures 30 heures L'horizon minimum du PDP doit tre au moins: Le dlai cumu l approvisionnement + fabrication 6 mois Suffisant pour modifier le plan stratgique Un horizon de 52 semaines

A. B. C. D. 19. A. B. C. D. 20.

A. B. C. D. 26. A. B. C. D. 27.

A. B. C. D. 21.

A. B. C. D.

A. B. C. D. 28. A. B. C. D.


A. B. C. D.


A. B. C. D.

Pour la gestion des composants en production le calcul des besoins nets est prfrable la gestion sur point de commande pour toutes les raisons suivantes SAUF : Il prend en compte les besoins futurs Il prend en compte les modifications techniques Il est plus facile grer manuellement Il permet une rduction significative des stocks

31. A. B. C. D. 32.

Quel est l'objectif du calcul des besoins nets? Donner du travail aux ateliers Maintenir la validit des dates d'exigibilit Calculer les prvisions Diminuer les stocks Le domaine du juste--temps va de la connaissance d'un besoin jusqu' laquelle des tapes suivantes? La disponibilit du produit en stock L'expdition du produit fini au client La fin de la vie du produit L'acceptation du produit par le contrle qualit

A. B. C. D.


A. B. C. D.

Que se passe-t-il si une entreprise standardise les composants utiliss dans diffrents produits finis? Les gaspillages sont rduits Le nombre d'options proposes au client diminue On utilise plus souvent des machines universelles La taille des lots de fabrication est rduite


Test au niveau "expert en Gestion Industrielle", quivalence de CPIM en franais

33. Dans la nomenclature multi-niveaux cidessous, quels articles pourraient tre sujets une demande indpendante? 34. Pour l'ensemble G, les ordres proposs (dbut) pour les priodes 1, 2, 3 et 4, seront respectivement: 2 0 0 0 0 3 5 5 3 5 5 5 7 5 5 5 Pour le composant Y, les ordres proposs (dbut) pour les priodes 1, 2, 3 et 4, seront respectivement: 22 20 20 20 0 2 10 10 0 18 20 20 18 20 20 20

A. B. C. D. 35.

A. B. C. D. A. B. C. D. 1, 2, 3, X, Y et Z X seulement 1, 2, et 3 seulement X, Y, et Z seulement

Les questions 34 37 sappuient sur les donnes suivantes: La Socit VTT assemble 2 types de bicyclettes VTT1 (10 par semaine) et VTT2 (5 par semaine) dont les nomenclatures sont donnes ci-dessous (coef. = 1 sauf spcifications contraires):

Les questions 36 et 37 se rfrent la situation suivante: La fabrication dune pice exige deux oprations A et B. Les temps de rglage sont respectivement 25 et 45 minutes. Les temps opratoires sont de 10 minutes pour A et 12 minutes pour B. Le temps de transfert entre les deux centres de charge est de 20 minutes. Il ny a pas de temps dattente et les pices doivent tre arrives lopration B pour que le rglage puisse commencer. 36. Quel temps faudra-t-il au total sil faut passer les 120 pices sur lopration A avant leur transfert sur B? 1265 1505 2660 2730 Que devient ce temps, si les pices sont traites en 4 lots de 30 et si lopration B peut commencer ds la disponibilit du premier sous lot? 1225 1470 1830 2190 Quels sont des lments suivants ceux qui caractrisent le mieux la demande dpendante? I. Elle s'applique aux composants d'un ensemble II. Elle doit tre prvue sparment III. Elle est calcule partir de la demande du parent I et II seulement I et III seulement II et III seulement I, II et III

A. B. C. D. 37.

A. B. C. D. 38.

A. B. C. D.

39. I. II. III. IV.

A. B. C. D. 40.

Les diffrents niveaux de planification : Plan Industriel et Commercial (PIC) Plan stratgique ou plan d'activits Programme Directeur de Production (PDP) Programme de Montage Final (PMF) seront mis en oeuvre dans laquelle des squences suivantes I, II, III, IV I, II, IV, III II, I, III, IV II, I, IV, III Lesquels des facteurs suivants peuvent influencer le choix d'une politique de lotissement : Variabilit de la demande Rapport entre cot de changement et cot unitaire Longueur du dlai de fabrication I et II seulement I et III seulement II et III seulement I, II et III Quand une machine est un goulet, Il faut augmenter la taille des lots Il faut placer le contrle Qualit avant la machine I seulement II seulement I et II ni I ni II Si, partir du niveau de stock existant, le nombre de ruptures planifi augmente, Le stock moyen de scurit augmente Le taux de service moyen augmente I seulement II seulement I et II ni I ni II La rduction des temps de changement de srie est aussi appele SMED ou OTED ou NTED permet d'augmenter la taille des lots permet d'augmenter la capacit de fabrication I seulement I et III seulement II et III seulement I, II et III En appliquant les principes de la technologie de groupe il est plus facile de rduire les temps de changement de srie de 1 heure zro que de 1 heure 10 minutes Les dlais de fabrication diminuent Le nombre de rfrences augmente dans l'entreprise I et II seulement I et III seulement II et III seulement I, II et III

45. I. II. III. A. B. C. D. 46. I. II. III. IV. A. B. C. D. 47.

Un goulet est un poste : vitesse d'coulement infrieure celle des autres o les travaux arrivent plus vite qu'ils n'en sortent o se fait la premire opration I et II seulement I et III seulement II et III seulement I, II et III Parmi les outils d'une action Qualit Totale on trouvera Le diagramme cause-effet La loi de Pareto L'histogramme Le diagramme de Gantt I et II seulement I, II et III seulement I, III et IV seulement II, III et IV seulement Toutes les affirmations suivantes sur les actions d'amlioration continue sont vraies SAUF : Elles ne doivent jamais s'arrter On peut les lancer sans impliquer la Direction Il vaut mieux choisir comme pilote un atelier sans problmes majeurs de production Elle peut aussi bien s'appeler Juste-A-Temps que Qualit Totale ou tout autre nom de son choix Le partenariat : Conduit rduire le nombre de fournisseurs Demande mettre en place des secondes sources Est plus difficile avec des fournisseurs loigns I et II seulement I et III seulement II et III seulement I, II et III En ce qui concerne le stock de composants et matires premires de l'usine, tout ce qui suit est vrai SAUF: Le commercial peut tre impliqu dans sa dtermination Il est ncessaire du fait des retards des fournisseurs Il ne doit pas tre dlocalis chez le fournisseur Une partie est lie la taille des lots commands

I. II. III. A. B. C. D. 41. I. II. A. B. C. D. 42. I. II. A. B. C. D. 43. I. II. III. A. B. C. D. 44. I.

A. B. C. D.

48. I. II. III. A. B. C. D. 49.

A. B. C. D.

II. III. A. B. C. D.


Test of Knowledge in the Fundamentals of Supply Chain Management (BASICS level)

You may now use an English Dictionary.
50. Companies that produce a narrow range of high volume products will most likely choose which of the following processes? process jobbing batch line Customer-oriented manufacturing performance measures include all of the following EXCEPT service parts availability cost variances product quality delivery responsiveness Which is the most reliable feedback on external Product Quality? cost of Quality in-process quality checks Market research Final inspection In a make-to-stock company, all of the following are important in constructing the Master Production Schedule (MPS) EXCEPT: assembly capacity accumulated lead time for component parts customer backlog past due MPS The MRP output that shows the source of the requirements of an item is called: a priority report an input-output report a master schedule report a pegged requirements report In a purchasing system, which of the following originates with the department or person who will be the ultimate user? a purchase requisition a purchase order the vendor selection a request for quotation Which of the following is most likely to be the order winner in the early stages of a product's life cycle? quality design support price 57. Which of the following modes of transportation is most suitable for delivering small volume goods to a dispersed market within a continental area? rail road air water Which of the following usually offers the greatest possibility of lead time reduction in a job shop? move time queue time setup time run time Which of the following is a major input to an MRP system? the sales and operations plan the capacity plan shop floor activity planning and control the master production schedule Time fencing is used in Master Production Scheduling for which of the following purposes: minimizing forecast revisions improving customer service regulating schedule changes responding to demand changes In addition to the forecasted demand, the most useful statistical information is the: mean of the standard deviation standard deviation of the actual demand mean of the forecasted demands deviation of the forecast errors An overstated MPS leads to all of the following EXCEPT invalid priorities on the shop floor understated capacity requirements plans excessive component part inventories insufficient measure of MPS actual results

A. B. C. D. 51.

A. B. C. D. 58.

A. B. C. D. 52. A. B. C. D. 53.

A. B. C. D. 59. A. B. C. D. 60.

A. B. C. D. 54. A. B. C. D. 55.

A. B. C. D. 61. A. B. C. D. 62. A. B. C. D.

A. B. C. D. 56.

A. B. C. D.

63. A. B. C. D. 64. A. B. C. D. 65. A. B. C. D. 66. A. B. C. D. 67.

A bottleneck in the shop is usually identified by the type of product being produced the production process being used the size of the queue the attitude of the foreman Input-output control is a technique for monitoring the master Production Schedule material Requirements Plan capacity Requirements Plan sales and Operations Planning Safety stock depends on which of the following? variability of demand cost of carrying inventory cost of placing an order product obsolescence The inputs to MRP include output of the: capacity requirements plan production plan forecast master production schedule In a traditional supply chain, which of the following statements best represents the relationships among links? there are few conflicts about what to produce between production and marketing. there are seldom conflicts about how much to produce between production and finance. there are few conflicts regarding product shipping methods and shipping frequency between sales and distribution. there are constant conflicts about achieving the organizations main objectives between most functions. A traditional production planning and control system converts which of the following outputs to inputs? dependent demand to independent demand forecast finished goods to independent demand for raw materials independent demand to dependent demand finished products to takt times and kanbans for material flows


A. B. C. D.

In a traditional material requirements planning system, the job of MRP is best described by which of the following statements? to produce the right components at the right time in the right quantity to determine the quality requirements for end items through process control to manage the flow at priorities and synchronize parts flow at the constraint to determine the lot sizes for raw materials and components throughout the supply chain In traditional capacity management, capacity requirements planning takes place after which of the following planning process? the sales and operations planning process the production planning process the master scheduling process after netting of existing parts in the material requirements planning process In traditional production planning and control systems, production activity control performs which of the following function(s)? purchasing control planning and control planning, execution, and control priority and capacity planning and control Value stream mapping is discovered after implementing the 5S activity. incorporates three phases (discover, pilot, production). is a unifying kaizen event. is a map of major information and material flow. In theory of constraints (TOC), the drum schedule refers to the release of raw materials to the system the schedule of operations performed on the constraint the scheduled shipping of product from the plant the schedule of nonconstrained parts being assembled with constrained parts


A. B. C. D.



A. B. C. D. 72. A. B. C. D.

B. C.



73. A. B. C. D.

A. B. C. D.


Test of Knowledge of Production and Inventory Management (CPIM level)

You may also use an English Dictionary.
74. Which of the following considerations is (are) added to a model by second order exponential smoothing? I. Trend considerations II. Seasonal considerations I only II only Both I and II Neither I nor II 79. Which of the following is a minimum prerequisite to the successful implementation of an MRP system? The selection of an appropriate dynamic lotsizing algorithm Engineered time standards for all operations Education of key management personnel about MRP concepts The development of an accurate ABC" analysis of all parts With the Time-Phased Order Point, which of the following values must be defined before the system can function? The order quantity itself The demand during lead time A forecast of independent demand including safety stock by period The calculation of engineered lead times If the master schedule is overstated, which of the following can be expected to result? The MRP system will not be consistent with the Master Schedule Large, unexpected sales orders can be shipped with less expediting Shop orders priorities become meaningless Forecast errors due to product mix will be absorbed by excess inventory When a significant increase in production volume is anticipated, the most appropriate response would be to: Realign the process to match the new volume Implement a Flexible Manufacturing System Implement a focus factory concept Increase the degree of vertical integration Planned orders may be used for all of the following EXCEPT: They may be used to project capacity requirements They are used to generate material requirements at the next lower level They provide visibility for vendor negotiations They are used to develop a dispatch list

A. B. C. D.

A. B. C. D. 75.

For the following MPS time-phased record what is the projected on-hand balance at the end of week 1? Week 1 2 3 4 5 Forecast 35 35 35 35 35 Actual demand 20 20 Projected On Hand Balance = 0 Available To Promise Master Production 87 63 12 Schedule A. B. C. D. 76. 67 52 0 -20 For the MPS time-phased record in question 42 what is the available to promise for week 1? 67 52 15 0 A typical planning report based on orders generated by MRP has which of the following characteristics? Load is leveled within available capacity Load reflects both existing and future shop orders Load reflects only planned shop orders Load reflects only open shop orders End-of-line inspection often fails to improve quality for which of the following reasons? It lacks source accountability. It requires extensive personnel. It excludes quality circles. Its costs are significant.


A. B. C. D. 81. A. B. C. D.


A. B. C. D. 77.

A. B. C. D. 83. A. B. C. D.

A. B. C. D. 78. A. B. C. D.


A. B. C. D.

In traditional production planning and control systems, the master schedule is at which level in the production process? for make-to-stock products, the MPS is at the raw materials level. for make-to-order products, the MPS is at the component level. for assemble-to-order products, the MPS is at the subassembly level. for assemble-to-order products, the MPS is at the end product level. The sales forecasting function should supply which of the following information to production and inventory control? I. An estimate of the most likely demand for a given period II. An estimate of the highest reasonable demand for the period I only II only Both I and II Neither I nor II If the work input to a shop is equal to the output of the shop, which of the following conditions is (are) likely to exist? I. Backlog in the shop will be reduced II. Manufacturing lead times will remain relatively constant I only II only Both I and II Neither I nor II


A. B. C. D. 88.

Which of the following methods will normally increase factory output during a period when business is increasing? I. Increase shop capacity II. Increasing the number of orders entering the plant III. Establishing a priority system. I only I and II only I and III only I, II and III During times of inflation, which of the following statements would be true if the LIFO method of inventory valuation were used instead of FIFO? The dollar value of inventories would be higher, cost of goods would be higher. The dollar value of inventories would be lower, cost of goods would be lower The dollar value of inventories would be higher, cost of goods would be lower. The dollar value of inventories would be lower, cost of goods would be higher. Which of the following is the most viable approach to automating repetitive assembly processes? Apply automation to any of the repetitive processes Implement automation throughout the processes simultaneously rather than workcell by workcell Simplify the processes prior to automation Concurrently establish inspection stations and automation implementation


A. B. C. D.

A. B. C. D. 86.


A. B. C. D.

A. B. C. D.

END OF THE TEST: PRODUCTION AND INVENTORY MANAGEMENT You should not worry if you have found this last test rather difficult. It represents the level you are assumed to reach when you have prepared CPIM with MGCM. The score you will get here will be an indication of the amount of effort you are supposed to bring during your preparation. Now send us quickly your answer sheet and we will come back to you asap.

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