Materiaux 2 - Chap1
Materiaux 2 - Chap1
Materiaux 2 - Chap1
Figure 4 : Pressure–temperature phase diagram for H2O. Les diagrammes de phases sont
Intersection of the dashed horizontal line at 1 atm pressure réalisés lorsque les différentes
with the solid–liquid phase boundary (point 2) corresponds combinaisons des ces
to the melting point at this pressure (T = 0C). Similarly,
point 3, the intersection with the liquid–vapor boundary, paramètres sont représentées
represents the boiling point (T = 100C). les uns fonctions des autres
Pressure–temperature phase diagrams for a
number of substances have been determined
experimentally, which also have solid-, liquid-,
and vapor-phase regions. In those instances
when multiple solid phases (i.e., allotropes)
exist, there appears a region on the diagram
for each solid phase and also other triple
1.5. Diagrammes de phases à deux constituants