Comparative analysis of correlations of research and development indicators for rare diseases among Japan, the US, and Europe
There are many rare diseases and biomedical research efforts for treatment of each disease have been ongoing. However, few reports are available to analyze overall trends for how research and development have been performed for rare diseases generally. ...
An assessment of regional innovation system efficiency in Russia: the application of the DEA approach
The main aim of this study is to compare Russian regions according to their ability to create new technologies efficiently and to identify factors that determine these differences over a long period of time. We apply data envelopment analysis (DEA) to ...
A gender analysis of top scientists' collaboration behavior: evidence from Italy
This work analyzes the differences in collaboration behavior between males and females among a particular type of scholars: top scientists, and as compared to non top scientists. The field of observation consists of the Italian academic system and the ...
Heuristics as conceptual lens for understanding and studying the usage of bibliometrics in research evaluation
While bibliometrics are widely used for research evaluation purposes, a common theoretical framework for conceptually understanding, empirically studying, and effectively teaching its usage is lacking. In this paper, we outline such a framework: the ...
Academic rising star prediction via scholar's evaluation model and machine learning techniques
Predicting future academic rising stars provides a useful reference for research communities, such as offering decision support to recruit young researchers in research institutes. Academic rising stars prediction is considered to be a classification or ...
Mapping of topics in DESIDOC Journal of Library and Information Technology, India: a study
This study analyzed 928 full-text research articles retrieved from DESIDOC Journal of Library and Information Technology for the period of 1981---2018 using Latent Dirichlet Allocation. The study further tagged the articles with the modeled topics. 50 ...
A new approach to journal co-citation matrix construction based on the number of co-cited articles in journals
Co-citation analysis is one of the most important methods in information science. Journal co-citation analysis has been widely used to analyze the relevance, relationship and structure of underlying articles between journals. Accurate construction of co-...
Leveraging bridging universities to access international knowledge: Korean universities' R&D internationalization
Bridging universities are research entities that connect the international research community with their domestic peer universities, referred as bridged universities. In this paper, we study co-authorship networks using international collaborative ...
Technical research innovations of the US national security system
Since the Second World War the US defense has been a major participant in the development of radical innovations in information and communication technologies (ICT's), most famously probably the digital computer and the internet. A regularly present, ...
Interactions among stakeholders in the processes of city logistics: a systematic review of the literature
The aim of this article is to present a systematic review of the literature on urban logistics and its stakeholders and identify future research directions. In order to discuss the main contributions and trends of this theme, a combination of ...
Complex network analysis of keywords co-occurrence in the recent efficiency analysis literature
A network analysis (NA) of keyword co-occurrences for a broad collection of Data envelopment analysis (DEA) papers in the period 2008---2017 is carried out. The raw keywords have been cleaned up and standardized to consolidate and increase the ...
Is there convergence in international research collaboration? An exploration at the country level in the basic and applied science fields
This paper examines the patterns of convergence in international scientific collaboration across a set of developed and developing countries from 1997 through 2012. The empirical analysis was carried out in a novel way applying the methodology developed ...
A fast and integrative algorithm for clustering performance evaluation in author name disambiguation
Clustering results in author name disambiguation are often evaluated by measures such as Cluster-F, K-metric, Pairwise-F, Splitting and Lumping Error, and B-cubed. Although these measures have different evaluation approaches, this paper shows that they ...
Visualizing the studies on smart cities in the past two decades: a two-dimensional perspective
Smart cities have become a very popular topic in transdisciplinary discourses and in academic research during the past decades, especially since 2013, and there has been rapid growth in the number of publications highly related to smart cities in Web of ...
On the development of China's leadership in international collaborations
This paper studies the relationship between leadership, team size, and citation impact in China's international research output from 1980 to 2016, measured in terms of number of authors, institutions, countries, and citations. Distinction is here made ...
Are classic references cited first? An analysis of citation order within article sections
Early citations within an article section may have an agenda-setting role but contribute little to the new research. To investigate whether this practice may be common, this article assesses whether the average impact of cited references is influenced ...
The troubles of high-profile open access megajournals
The rise in open access journals was followed by the proliferation of open access megajournals, which were once expected to become a major publication platform of the future. We analyzed the bibliometric parameters of 11 megajournals sensu stricto ...
Gender gaps in international research collaboration: a bibliometric approach
This paper addresses gender differences in international research collaboration measured through international co-authorship. The study is based on a dataset consisting of 5600 Norwegian researchers and their publication output during a 3-year period (...
Impact of country self-citations on bibliometric indicators and ranking of most productive countries
The aim of the present work is to determine the share of country self-citations and to analyze its impact on total citations, average citation per paper, % cited publications and ranking of top ten most research productive countries over the period 1996-...
The strong nonlinear effect in academic dropout
Survivability is one of the features for success in contemporary science ecosystem. In this paper, we analyze the publication records of physicists in American Physical Society journals, aiming to identify the career length of each researcher and ...
Collaboration and impact of research in different disciplines with international funding (from the EU and other foreign sources)
The advancement of scientific research requires an adequate investment, which calls for promoting fair political decisions about the allocation of limited resources. In this context, funders need to be properly informed to assess the results of research ...
The careers behind and the impact of solo author articles in Nature and Science
Nature and Science--the top ranked, high impact multidisciplinary scientific journals with considerably low acceptance rate below 10%. As such, publication in these is considered to be a "Holy Grail" in disseminating ground-breaking scientific results. ...
Normalisation of citation impact in economics
This study is intended to facilitate fair research evaluations in economics. Field- and time-normalisation of citation impact is the standard method in bibliometrics. Since citation rates for journal papers differ substantially across publication ...
Characterisation of the $$\chi$$?-index and the rec-index
Axiomatic characterisation of a bibliometric index provides insight into the properties that the index satisfies and facilitates the comparison of different indices. A geometric generalisation of the h-index, called the $$\chi$$?-index, has recently ...
Examination of correlates of H-index as a measure of research productivity for library and information science faculty in the United States and Canada
This research analyzes research productivity among Library and Information Science (LIS) faculty based on number of publications and citations throughout the careers of tenure-track and tenured professors in LIS schools with an American Library ...
Is the soundness-only quality control policy of open access mega journals linked to a higher rate of published errors?
Open access mega journals (OAMJs) are broad and centralized open access journals that have come to represent profitable outlets for accumulating large volumes of research from multiple fields of study, including papers that are rejected from other ...
R package for producing beamplots as a preferred alternative to the h index when assessing single researchers (based on downloads from Web of Science)
We propose the use of beamplots--which can be produced by using the R package BibPlots and WoS downloads--as a preferred alternative to h index values for assessing single researchers.