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My Sound Space: An attentional shield for immersive redirection
In the context of extended reality, the term immersion is commonly used as a property denoting to which extent a technology can deliver an illusion of reality while occluding the users' sensory access to the physical environment. In this paper we ...
An Immersive Approach to 3D-Spatialized Music Composition: Tools and Pilot Survey
Open-sourced 3D sound spatialisation software tools, developed by the Groupe de Recherche en Immersion Spatiale (GRIS) at Université de Montréal, were used as an integrated part of two music compositions, in an immersive, object-based audio approach. A ...
Muscle activity response of the audience during an experimental music performance
This exploratory study investigates muscular activity characteristics of a group of audience members during an experimental music performance. The study was designed to be as ecologically valid as possible, collecting data in a concert venue and making ...
Index Terms
- Proceedings of the Audio Mostly 2018 on Sound in Immersion and Emotion
Synaesthetic Audio-Visual Sound Toys in Virtual Reality
AM '21: Proceedings of the 16th International Audio Mostly ConferenceThis paper discusses the design of audio-visual sound toys in Cyberdream, a virtual reality music visualization. While an earlier version of this project for Oculus GearVR provided a journey through audio-visual environments related to 1990s rave ...
The immersive computer-controlled audio sound theater: history and current trends in multi-modal sound diffusion
SIGGRAPH '09: SIGGRAPH 2009: TalksMulti-channel sound diffusion has been an essential part of the electronic and computer music performance from the beginnings of the genre in the 1950's. We see early experimentation in sound spatialization in Varèse's use of loudspeaker "paths" in ...
Human emotion recognition and analysis in response to audio music using brain signals
Human emotion recognition using brain signals is an active research topic in the field of affective computing. Music is considered as a powerful tool for arousing emotions in human beings. This study recognized happy, sad, love and anger emotions in ...