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Value Tensions in OpenStreetMap: Openness, Membership, and Policy in Online Communities

Published: 08 November 2024 Publication History


The social life and long-term trajectories of online peer production communities are shaped and animated in part by value tensions that arise when distributed, heterogeneous participants are brought together into collaboration. This study of OpenStreetMap (OSM) draws upon values-based approaches to investigate how peer production communities enact their values and navigate tensions between them. We examine how conflicts within the community over the rise of corporate participation in OSM provided a stage for the articulation and enactment of community values, shedding light on the broader dynamics and trajectory of the platform and its participants. The contributions of this work include reflections on how increasing corporate participation in OSM intersects with discourses about the emancipatory potential of emerging mapping technologies, insights into the challenges of scaling membership in peer production communities, and exploring the role of values in understanding the social life and governance of online communities.

Supplemental Material

ZIP File
The supplementary materials contains the qualitative codebook used within the study. The codebook shows initial codes, descriptions, and the final values created through the research process.


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Index Terms

  1. Value Tensions in OpenStreetMap: Openness, Membership, and Policy in Online Communities



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    Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction  Volume 8, Issue CSCW2
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    5. values-based approaches in hci


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