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Rebirth-FTL: Lifetime Optimization via Approximate Storage for NAND Flash Memory

Published: 01 October 2022 Publication History


The lifetime of NAND flash cells significantly degrades with feature-size reductions and multilevel cell technology. On the other hand, we have more and more approximate data, such as images and videos that are more error tolerant than regular data like text. In this article, we propose Rebirth-FTL, which reuses faulty blocks that contain uncorrectable errors to store approximate data for lifetime optimization. Rebirth-FTL effectively manages two spaces, namely, the approximate space and the normal space, with an efficient address translator, a coordinated garbage collection, and a differential wear leveler. In addition, we develop an migration times restriction (MTR) policy to restrict the movement of the approximate data in the approximate space. We also develop a scheme to pass approximate information from userland to kernel space in Linux. Finally, a lifetime model is presented for lifetime analysis. Our experimental results show that Rebirth-FTL can extend the lifetime by 41.63% on average.


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      cover image IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems
      IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems  Volume 41, Issue 10
      Oct. 2022
      401 pages


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      Published: 01 October 2022


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