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Autaptic Modulation of Electrical Activity in a Network of Neuron-Coupled Astrocyte

Published: 01 January 2017 Publication History


Autapse connection is considered on a biological neuron coupled by astrocyte, and the effect of autapse driving-induced response in electrical activities is investigated. In this paper, a simple network is developed on the Hodgkin-Huxley (HH) neuron coupled by astrocyte and the autapse effect is also considered. The modulation of autapse connected to HH neuron can change the membrane potential by applying time-delayed feedback along a close loop. It is found that the self-adaption of autapse driving can make the network of neuron-astrocyte generate different modes of electrical activities, and oscillating behavior of Ca2+ and IP3 setting is controlled. This new network model can give potential understanding about self-adaption of neuron to external forcing when the coupling of astrocyte and autapse is considered.


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            Published: 01 January 2017


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