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A Rough Sketch of the Freehand Drawing Process: Blending the Line between Action and Artifact

Published: 02 May 2019 Publication History


Dynamic elements of the drawing process (e.g., order of compilation, speed, length, and pressure of strokes) are considered important because they can reveal the technique, process, and emotions of the artist. To explore how sensing, visualizing, and sharing these aspects of the creative process might shape art making and art viewing experiences, we designed a research probe which unobtrusively tracks and visualizes the movement and pressure of the artist's pencil on an easel. Using our probe, we conducted studies with artists and art viewers, which reveal digital and physical representations of creative process as a means of reflecting on a multitude of factors about the finished artwork, including technique, style, and the emotions of the artists. We conclude by discussing future directions for HCI systems that sense and visualize aspects of the creative process in digitally-mediated arts, as well as the social considerations of sharing and curating intimate process information.

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  • (2020)A Survey on Sketch Based Content Creation: from the Desktop to Virtual and Augmented RealityComputer Graphics Forum10.1111/cgf.1402439:2(757-780)Online publication date: 13-Jul-2020

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