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Reducing Jitter in Embedded Systems Employing a Time-Triggered Software Architecture and Dynamic Voltage Scaling

Published: 01 February 2006 Publication History


We have previously demonstrated that use of an appropriate Dynamic Voltage Scaling (DVS) algorithm can lead to a substantial reduction in CPU power consumption in systems employing a time-triggered cooperative (TTC) scheduler. In this paper, we consider the impact that the use of DVS has on the levels of both clock and task jitter in TTC applications. We go on to describe a modified DVS algorithm (TTC-jDVS) which can be used where low jitter is an important design consideration. We then demonstrate the effectiveness of the modified algorithm on a data set made up of artificial tasks and in a realistic case study.


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Published In

cover image IEEE Transactions on Computers
IEEE Transactions on Computers  Volume 55, Issue 2
February 2006
143 pages


IEEE Computer Society

United States

Publication History

Published: 01 February 2006

Author Tags

  1. Index Terms- Low power design
  2. real-time systems and embedded systems.
  3. scheduling


  • Research-article


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