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Agents endowed with uncertainty management behaviors to solve a multiskill healthcare task scheduling

Published: 01 December 2016 Publication History


We solve the problem of the multiskill health care tasks scheduling in the pediatric emergency department.The different actors of the PED are modeled through interacting agents.Coalitions are formed to manage uncertainties.Different interfaces capable of alerting physicians when the PED is overcrowded or anticipating a possible dysfunction.Improving performance, and minimizing patients wait time. Health organizations are complex to manage due to their dynamic processes and distributed hospital organization. It is therefore necessary for healthcare institutions to focus on this issue to deal with patients requirements. We aim in this paper to develop and implement a management decision support system (DSS) that can help physicians to better manage their organization and anticipate the feature of overcrowding. Our objective is to optimize the Pediatric Emergency Department (PED) functioning characterized by stochastic arrivals of patients leading to its services overload. Human resources allocation presents additional complexity related to their different levels of skills and uncertain availability dates. So, we propose a new approach for multi-healthcare task scheduling based on a dynamic multi-agent system. Decisions about assignment and scheduling are the result of a cooperation and negotiation between agents with different behaviors. We therefore define the actors involved in the agents coalition to manage uncertainties related to the scheduling problem and we detail their behaviors. Agents have the same goal, which is to enhance care quality and minimize long waiting times while respecting degrees of emergency. Different visits to the PED services and regular meetings with the medical staff allowed us to model the PED architecture and identify the characteristics and different roles of the healthcare providers and the diverse aspects of the PED activities. Our approach is integrated in a DSS for the management of the Regional University Hospital Center (RUHC) of Lille (France). Our survey is included in the French National Research Agency (ANR) project HOST (Hpital: Optimisation, Simulation et vitement des Tensions (ANR-11-TecSan-010:


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Published In

cover image Journal of Biomedical Informatics
Journal of Biomedical Informatics  Volume 64, Issue C
December 2016
319 pages


Elsevier Science

San Diego, CA, United States

Publication History

Published: 01 December 2016

Author Tags

  1. Cooperation
  2. Decision support system
  3. Multi-agent system
  4. Multiskill task scheduling
  5. Negotiation
  6. Pediatric emergency department


  • Research-article


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