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Usability evaluation of a virtual reality smartphone app for a living museum

Published: 01 November 2022 Publication History


This paper elaborates the empirical evidence of a usability evaluation of a VR and non-VR virtual tour application for a living museum. The System Usability Scale (SUS) was used in between participants experiments (Group 1: non-VR version and Group 2: VR version) with 40 participants. The results show that the mean scores of all components for the VR version are higher compared to the non-VR version, overall SUS score (72.10 vs 68.10), usability score (75.50 vs 71.70), and learnability (58.40 vs 57.00). Further analysis using a two-tailed independent t test showed no difference between the non-VR and VR versions. Additionally, no significant difference was observed between the groups in the context of gender, nationality, and prior experience (other VR tour applications) for overall SUS score, usability score, and learnability score. Α two-tailed independent t test indicated no significant difference in the usability score between participants with VR experience and no VR experience. However, a significant difference was found between participants with VR experience and no VR experience for both SUS score (t(38) = 2.17, p = 0.037) and learnability score (t(38) = 2.40, p = 0.021). The independent t test results indicated a significant difference between participant with and without previous visits to SCV for the usability score (t(38) = −2.31, p = 0.027), while there was no significant differences observed in other components. It can be concluded that both versions passed based on the SUS score. However, the sub-scale usability and learnability scores indicated some usability issue.


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        Published In

        cover image Universal Access in the Information Society
        Universal Access in the Information Society  Volume 21, Issue 4
        Nov 2022
        229 pages
        Issue’s Table of Contents



        Berlin, Heidelberg

        Publication History

        Published: 01 November 2022
        Accepted: 06 May 2021

        Author Tags

        1. Usability
        2. User experience
        3. Google Cardboard
        4. Mobile guide
        5. Smartphone app
        6. Virtual tour
        7. Virtual reality


        • Research-article

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