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A review of assistive spatial orientation and navigation technologies for the visually impaired

Published: 01 March 2019 Publication History


The overall objective of this work is to review the assistive technologies that have been proposed by researchers in recent years to address the limitations in user mobility posed by visual impairment. This work presents an “umbrella review.” Visually impaired people often want more than just information about their location and often need to relate their current location to the features existing in the surrounding environment. Extensive research has been dedicated into building assistive systems. Assistive systems for human navigation, in general, aim to allow their users to safely and efficiently navigate in unfamiliar environments by dynamically planning the path based on the user’s location, respecting the constraints posed by their special needs. Modern mobile assistive technologies are becoming more discrete and include a wide range of mobile computerized devices, including ubiquitous technologies such as mobile phones. Technology can be used to determine the user’s location, his relation to the surroundings (context), generate navigation instructions and deliver all this information to the blind user.


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          cover image Universal Access in the Information Society
          Universal Access in the Information Society  Volume 18, Issue 1
          Mar 2019
          208 pages
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          Berlin, Heidelberg

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          Published: 01 March 2019

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          1. Blind
          2. Review
          3. Assistive technology
          4. Location
          5. Orientation
          6. Navigation
          7. Computer vision
          8. Accessibility


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