Spectrum Sensing for Cognitive Radio: Recent Advances and Future Challenge
<p>Cognitive Radio (CR) access paradigms.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>The two main functioning modes of SU activity. Listen-before-Talk (LBT): SU remains silent during the sensing period and no sensing is performed during the transmission. Listen and Talk (LAT): sensing and transmission are made concurrently.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>Spectrum Sensing processes under LBT and LAT. For LBT, no Self-Interference Cancellation (SIC) module is required since there is no simultaneous Transmit-Sense (TS), and the Test Statistic may be directly applied to the received signal. By contrast, SIC is applied before evaluating the Test Statistic in LBT to reduce the effect of SI on the Spectrum Sensing (SS) performance.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>The communication mechanism in asynchronous Transmit-Receive (TR) mode. A delay of <math display="inline"><semantics> <msub> <mi>T</mi> <mi>s</mi> </msub> </semantics></math> is made in order to reduce the collision time between the secondary and the primary transmissions.</p> "> Figure 5
<p>Spatial Dimension of CR application: SU is able to exploit the spatial dimension by transmitting in a non-overlapping direction with the PU transmission. Here, SU should be able to estimate/know the PU beam in order to avoid the interference.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
- Overlay Access: the SU may transmit simultaneously with the PU on the same channel up to its maximum power, but at the cost of playing a role of relay between two or more PUs [10,11]. In this case, the SU sends its data while relaying the PUs. This kind of access requires high level of cooperation between PUs and SUs, which may expose the PUs privacy.
- Interweave Access: SU is allowed to transmit using its maximum power only when PU is absent. This paradigm is also known as the classical CR and it is the focus of this paper given its popularity.
- A state of the art on the classical SS techniques is provided
- The operating modes of CR derived from involving the FD tool in CR are detailed and investigated
- The role of Machine and Deep Learning in enhancing the SS is surveyed, where we analyzed the contributions of these techniques from local sensing and cooperative sensing levels
- Using SS in IoT/WSN and the latest achievements in both Spectrum Sensing as a Service and Dynamic Spectrum Sharing for IoT/WSN networks are surveyed.
- The possible application of CR, especially SS, in the 5G and the upcoming technologies is discussed
- New trends and challenges related to the future wireless communication technologies are also discussed and investigated.
2. Half-Duplex Cognitive Radio: Listen Before Talk
Detection Criteria
- Incremental EnergyWhen PU starts to transmit, the energy of the received signal will be incremented compared to the noise-only case. By estimating previously the power of the stationary noise, and by comparing the energy of the received signal to a pre-defined threshold depending on the noise power, SU decides whether the channel is occupied by a PU signal or not. Many detectors are based on this criterion, the most known is the traditional ED [30,31]. Other detectors such as the Cumulative Power Spectral Density (CPSD) detector [29], cyclo-energy detector [32] and generalized ED [33,34,35] are based on differentiating between the energy of the received signal with and without the presence of PU’s signal. It is worth mentioning that the generalized ED may use a power exponent in the definition of it as an extension of the ED Test Statistic, which is based on the energy of the received signal (i.e., ). However, the energy-based detectors face the problem of Noise Uncertainty (NU), which occurs when the noise power becomes time-dependent. This phenomena adversely impacts the SS performance of these detectors [36].
- PU signal patternThe features of the communication signals can be exploited by the SU to distinguish them from the noise. Processes, such as the modulation, oversampling, sine-wave carrier, adding a cyclic prefix (e.g., for the OFDM signal), etc. do not exist in the noise. Several detectors were proposed in the literature by exploiting these characteristics such as the Cyclo-stationary Detector (CSD) [37,38,39], which distinguishes the PU signal from the noise based on the cyclic features caused by the modulation, the sinewave carrier etc. Other detectors such as Auto-Correlation Detector (ACD) [40] and Eigenvalue-based Detector (EVD) [41] exploit the correlation presented in the PU signal due to the oversampling and cyclic prefix. The main advantage of such detectors is their independence of the noise variance, which also overcome the NU problem. Nevertheless, these detectors are more computationally complicated than the classical ED. Furthermore, cyclic frequencies of the PU signal should be known to apply CSD. This requires cooperation between SU and PU.
- PU signal’s waveformSending a pilot signal is widely used by telecommunication standards to establish communication with a receiver by ensuring time synchronization, channel estimation, etc. A known PU pilot signal can be used by the SU to detect PU activity. Waveform or Matched filter detector correlates the received signal with the known PU pilot signal in order to analyze the channel opportunity [45,46]. Even though this detector is an optimal one, it requires knowledge of the PU signal with perfect time and frequency synchronization. Therefore, the application of this detector in CR becomes challenging, where the SU may deal with a great variety of signals.
- The SS is not performed during the transmission slot, and thus the SU becomes unaware of the PU activity during this slot. This may lead to harmful interference with PU if the PU starts transmitting in this slot.
- The secondary throughput is affected by the silence duration (sensing time), since the SU should stay silent during the sensing slot.
3. Full-Duplex Cognitive Radio: Listen and Talk
3.1. Self-Interference Cancellation
3.2. Transmit-Sense
3.3. Transmit-Receive
3.3.1. IS-Based Transmit-Receive
3.3.2. SS-based Transmit-Receive
4. Learning Techniques for Spectrum Sensing
4.1. Local Spectrum Sensing
4.2. Cooperative Spectrum Sensing
- (1)
- Hard Decision Scheme, where each SU makes an individual decision on the PU state, then decisions of all SUs are combined at a Fusion Center (FC) to outcome a final decision.
- (2)
- Soft Decision Scheme, where the FC gathers the Test Statistics calculated at the SUs, and combines them in order to compare a final Test Statistic to a threshold and make a decision on the primary channel.
5. Wireless Sensor Network and Cognitive Radio
5.1. Spectrum Sensing as a Service
5.2. Dynamic Spectrum Sharing for WSN communication
6. Cognitive Radio Application for 5G and Beyond 5G
6.1. 3GPP Technologies
6.2. Compressive Sensing
6.3. Beamforming-Based Communication
7. Future Challenges
- Channel Coding for Interference Sensing:IS is mainly applied in the TR mode of the FDCR. Being able to use only one available channel to establish bidirectional communication between two SUs, TR becomes very attractive since it doubles the frequency efficiency compared to TS mode and HDCR [65,78]. TR uses signal decoding to reveal the PU status, which depends on the adopted channel coding technique. The weak technique may deteriorate the performance of the secondary network, while the strong technique may allow SU to decode the received signal even if PU is active. Here, the challenge becomes how to choose the optimal channel coding technique that matches the quality of service of SUs and, at the same time, does not prevent SU from detecting PU.
- Switching protocols between CR functioning modes:Existing techniques for switching from a CR mode to another only take into account PU statistics [72,76,78]. However, other parameters may be taken into consideration such as the energy and frequency resources, since each mode has different requirements. Modes that are based on SIC, such as TS and TR, require more hardware and energy resources. This is not always available, especially for the battery-powered devices, which are planned to serve for several years such as the LPWAN IoT devices. The adoption of a mode depends on the available frequency resources: TR may be one of the good choices since it requires only one channel to establish bidirectional communication between two peer SUs, but it suffers poor sensing performance at low PU SNR. Thus, both frequency and energy efficiencies are important factors that should be taken into account to make a suitable choice of the mode to adopt. With this large number of parameters, learning techniques can be extremely useful to indicate the most suitable mode to adopt by the SUs.
- Access Strategy for IoT/WSN networks:In IoT applications, contention between SUs is high due to the large number of sensors. Thus, the adopted spectrum sharing strategy in such application becomes of high importance to effectively manage the access of different types of sensors [206,207,208]. This strategy may be related to the data type to be sent by the sensor, the redundancy of the data (redundant data could be ignored or compressed) and the criticality. Sensors looking for transmitting critical data, especially those related to natural disasters and e-healthcare, may be prioritized over the other sensors. A strategy giving the sensors a weight is a common approach in WSN to alleviate interference [209]. Such a strategy may be useful in CR-IoT applications to manage the access of the nodes on the available frequency channels and maximize spectral efficiency.
- Exchange Protocol of SS data for IoT/WSNDeveloping adequate protocols for CR-IoT systems is essential to manage the exchange between the central entity of the IoT network and the nodes [145,210,211]. This includes requests for nodes to sense a given channel and informing the concerned nodes with the channel availability updates. For sensing requests, the energy need of the IoT nodes should be highly considered especially when the nodes are battery-based. In this regard, selecting the sensors to sense the channel, the number of sensing processes per day and the maximal sensing observation time of the sensor should be determined by the central entity of the IoT/WSN network to ensure effective utilization of the resources. Moreover, the nodes that want to send data should be informed by the central entity about the available channels a priori. Thus, effective protocols should be designed to ensure the time and the frequency synchronization between the end-nodes and the central entity.
- Use of Intelligent Reflecting Surfaces:SS may benefit from the emerging Intelligent Reflecting Surface (IRS), which is expected to play an essential role in 5G and B5G technologies [212,213]. IRS can passively reflect the signal towards a target receiver. IRS is a potential candidate to help to overcome the hidden PU problem by reflecting the PU signal towards the SUs, which suffer from low PU SNR. Several challenges are expected in using IRS to assist SS, since the optimal configuration of the IRS system depends on the channel between PU and IRS, IRS and SU, and PU and SU. In a context, where no cooperation is available between SU and PU, channel estimation becomes hard to apply. Blind channel estimation and cascaded-channel estimation could be a good candidate to help the IRS application for SS assistance [214].
- Sensing the Spatial Dimension for CRBeam-based sensing of PUs becomes more and more important for SUs since it provides the SU with the spatial availability of the spectrum. However, the PU’s transmission beam estimation remains challenging for SU especially where no cooperation is available with PU [200,215]. Even when the PU beam is known, adjusting the SU beam is challenging too due to the inevitable interference caused by the SU transmitter to the SU receiver. Thus, the transmit power, the beam direction, and the number of transmit antennas should be carefully adjusted. However, due to the need for multiple antennas to adjust the SU beam, applying beam-based CR is challenging for low-cost IoT/WSN devices.
- Towards Intelligent Spectrum Sensing:With the massive small cell deployment and Massive Machine-Type Communication in 5G and B5G, the binary decision of the SS may not be efficient. In such a deployment the SS output may be vulnerable to a high false alarm rate due to the inter-cell interference, i.e., a given channel is free in the cell where SU exists, but SU may falsely detect the presence of PU due to the inter-cell interference coming from another cell [216]. For this reason, a more intelligent and flexible SS technique should be adopted to overcome the homogeneity assumption of the PU coverage [129]. This means that the SU should be able to diagnose the channel as free even though PU is detected in some circumstances. Moreover, SS should be extended to deal with spectrum perception and environment dynamics learning. This is extremely important especially for battery-power devices to enable joint channel sensing and access.
8. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Abbreviation | Definition |
5G | Fifth Generation |
ACD | Autocorrelation Detector |
ADC | Analog to Digital Converter |
B5G | Beyond 5G |
CPSD | Cumulative Power Spectral Density |
BS | Base Station |
CR | Cognitive Radio |
CS | Compressive Sensing |
CSAT | Carrier Sensing Adaptive Transmission |
CSD | Cyclo-Stationary Detector |
DCS | Dynamic Channel Selection |
DL | Deep Learning |
DSA | Dynamic Spectrum Allocation |
ED | Energy Detector |
eMBB | enhanced Mobile Broad-Band |
EVD | Eigen Value based Detector |
FDCR | Full-Duplex Cognitive Radio |
FC | Fusion Center |
GoF | Goodness of Fit |
HDCR | Half-Duplex Cognitive Radio |
HSS | Hybrid Spectrum Sensing |
IBFD | In-Band Full-Duplex |
IS | Intereference Sensing |
IoE | Internet of Everything |
IoT | Internet of Things |
IRS | Intelligent Reflecting Surface |
LAT | Listen and Talk |
LBT | Listen Before Talk |
LPWAN | Low-Power Wide Area Network |
LTE | Long Term Evolution |
LTE-LAA | LTE-Licensed Assisted Access |
LTE-U | LTE-Unlicensed |
ML | Machine Learning |
mMTC | Massive Machine-Type Communication |
NU | Noise Uncertainty |
OFDM | Orthogonal Frequency Multiple Access |
PU | Primary User |
RSI | Residual Self-Interference |
SDR | Soft Defined Network |
SI | Self-Interference |
SIC | Self-Interference Cancellation |
SS | Spectrum Sensing |
SNIR | Signal to Noise and Interference Ratio |
SNR | Signal to Noise Ratio |
SSaas | Spectrum Sensing as a Service |
SU | Secondary User |
SVM | Support-Vector Machine |
TR | Transmit-Receive |
TS | Transmit-Sense |
URLLC | Ultra Reliable and Low Latency Communication |
WBS | Wide Band Sensing |
WFD | Waveform Detector |
WSN | Wireless Sensor Network |
Detector | Requires PU-SU Cooperation? | Affected by NU? | Computational Complexity | Remarks |
ED | No | Yes | [30,46] | |
Generalized ED | No | Yes | is related to the adopted power exponent. Please refer to [33] | |
CSD | Yes | No | L is an odd number and stands for the length of a unit window used in CSD [37,47,48,49] | |
EVD | No | No | K is the smoothing factor, is the oversampling factor [41,50] | |
ACD | No | No | is the oversampling factor [51,52] | |
WFD | Yes | No | M is the number of blocks used to evaluate the WFD [46] | |
CPSD | No | Yes | [29] | |
Normalized CPSD | No | No | [29] | |
GoF | No | No | [42,43] |
Mode | Reliable SS at Low SNR | Collision Time | Needs SIC for Sensing | Bidirectional Communication | Notes |
HDCR | Yes | Long | No | No | Classical HDCR does not have SIC circuit. Thus bidirectional communication and TS are not applicable [22,36,81]. |
FDCR-TS | Yes | Short | Yes | No | SIC is used to apply simultaneous Transmit-Sense strategy. No simultaneous bidirectional communication is applied in this mode [66,69,82,83]. |
FDCR-TR-IS | No | Short | No | Yes | SIC is used in this mode to establish bidirectional communication. The PU sensing is done based on the IS [65,76,77,78]. |
FDCR-TR-SS | Yes | Short | No [75,79]/Yes [80] | Yes | Even though SIC is used in this mode to apply simultaneous bidirectional communication, SS remains applicable with the help of ensuring a certain level of cooperation between the communicating SUs [75,79,80]. |
Research Papers | Local SS | Cooperative SS | Spectrum Prediction | Resource Allocation |
[95,97,98,99,100,119,120] | ✓ | ✗ | ✗ | ✗ |
[14,20,90,91,93,121,122,123,124] | ✗ | ✓ | ✗ | ✗ |
[85,89,103,104,106,125,126] | ✗ | ✗ | ✓ | ✗ |
[102,108,110,111,127,128,129,130,131,132,133,134] | ✗ | ✗ | ✗ | ✓ |
[105,107,135,136,137] | ✓ | ✗ | ✓ | ✗ |
[101,138,139,140,141] | ✗ | ✓ | ✗ | ✓ |
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Share and Cite
Nasser, A.; Al Haj Hassan, H.; Abou Chaaya, J.; Mansour, A.; Yao, K.-C. Spectrum Sensing for Cognitive Radio: Recent Advances and Future Challenge. Sensors 2021, 21, 2408. https://doi.org/10.3390/s21072408
Nasser A, Al Haj Hassan H, Abou Chaaya J, Mansour A, Yao K-C. Spectrum Sensing for Cognitive Radio: Recent Advances and Future Challenge. Sensors. 2021; 21(7):2408. https://doi.org/10.3390/s21072408
Chicago/Turabian StyleNasser, Abbass, Hussein Al Haj Hassan, Jad Abou Chaaya, Ali Mansour, and Koffi-Clément Yao. 2021. "Spectrum Sensing for Cognitive Radio: Recent Advances and Future Challenge" Sensors 21, no. 7: 2408. https://doi.org/10.3390/s21072408
APA StyleNasser, A., Al Haj Hassan, H., Abou Chaaya, J., Mansour, A., & Yao, K.-C. (2021). Spectrum Sensing for Cognitive Radio: Recent Advances and Future Challenge. Sensors, 21(7), 2408. https://doi.org/10.3390/s21072408