Algorithms for Hyperparameter Tuning of LSTMs for Time Series Forecasting
<p>Heat Map of Correlation Matrix between each of the input features and the output variable.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>Fourier Transform plot of an input feature, denoting the frequency distribution present in the input signal. The plot is obtained by using Fast Fourier Transform technique.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>Flowchart of HBO-algorithm for tuning hyperparameters of LSTM Networks.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>Flowchart of GAO-algorithm for tuning hyperparameters of LSTM Networks.</p> "> Figure 5
<p><math display="inline"><semantics> <msup> <mi>R</mi> <mn>2</mn> </msup> </semantics></math> Score versus Cutoff Frequency used for decomposing the data signal.</p> "> Figure 6
<p>Comparison between the original signal and the signals obtained after data decomposition using FFT filtering: (<b>a</b>) High Frequency Component of the original data (<b>b</b>) Low Frequency Component of the original data.</p> "> Figure 7
<p>Comparison between HBO-algorithm and GAO-algorithm using Iteration Fitness Performance parameter for 5 iterations (5 generations for GAO-algorithm): (<b>a</b>) Iteration Fitness for High Frequency Component of the original data (<b>b</b>) Iteration Fitness for Low Frequency Component of the original data (<b>c</b>) Iteration Fitness for the original data.</p> "> Figure 8
<p>Comparison of HBO-algorithm, GAO-algorithm, No Optimiser LSTM Networks 90 min ahead Forecasts with actual output values: (<b>a</b>) Forecast of High Frequency Component of original data (<b>b</b>) Forecast of Low Frequency Component of original data (<b>c</b>) Forecast of original data.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
- Trade-off between the exploration and exploitation of the search space of hyperparameters. This affects the bias of the algorithm to perform a local search near the current best-selected search agents or perform a random search to attain a new set of search agents. Such trade-offs are generally affected by resource constraints.
- Trade-off between inference and search of hyperparameters. The algorithm generates a new set of hyperparameters from the currently available set of hyperparameters either by searching for better hyperparameters or inferencing from the existing set. This refers to the exploitation characteristic of the algorithm.
- Decomposing Time Series Data using Fast Fourier Transform to extract logical and meaningful information from the raw data.
- Two algorithms and an optimized workflow for tuning hyperparameters of LSTM networks using HBO and GA have been designed and developed for potential operational-ready applications.
- The effect of two different optimizers on LSTM Networks and the effect of data decomposition on the network’s forecast performance and efficiency have been analyzed and inter-compared.
- The optimized LSTM Network with the default network using 90 min ahead forecast has been evaluated and compared. The impact and the necessity of hyperparameter tuning are highlighted and depicted through the comparisons performed.
2. Methodology
2.1. Data Processing
2.1.1. Feature Selection and Data Processing
2.1.2. Conversion to Supervised Time Series
- 1.
- Column Axis Shifting to generate Time Series:All the input features were shifted by 18 to 1 records on the column axis to create a time series of length 18 points as follows,The past value of the output variable is also considered as an input feature and forms the input pattern similar to one observed in Jursa and Rohrig, 2008 [25]. The output variable is shifted forward by 18 points i.e., is the actual time series output which is to be forecasted.
- 2.
- Reshaping the Data for LSTM Network:After creating the time series, the data consisted of 18 × 23 = 414 input features and 1 output column. The input vector is a two-dimensional vector and is not compatible with LSTM networks. The input data needs to be reshaped as,Hence the input vector is reshaped into a three-dimensional vector,
2.1.3. Data Decomposition
2.2. Optimiser Design
2.2.1. Heap Based Optimiser
- Impact of the immediate parent or the superior nodeIt implies that the next optimal point may be located in the neighbourhood of the parent node and hence the search area is modified to match the neighbourhood of the parent heap node.
- Impact of cousin nodes or colleaguesNodes at the same level as the current node balance the exploration and exploitation of the search space for the optimal solution.
- Impact of the heap node on itself (Self-contribution)The node has some effect on itself for the next iteration and remains unchanged for the particular iteration.
- 1.
- Initialise the algorithm with the optimiser parameters like Initial Population Size (Heap Size) and Maximum Iterations (T).
- 2.
- Random-generate the initial population and build the heap structure of Configuration Vectors (Section 2.3).
- 3.
- Update each component of the configuration vector using HBO’s updation policy. After updating all the components in the configuration vector, a new configuration vector that implies a new possible LSTM network has been obtained.
- 4.
- Heapify-Up [23] the newly obtained configuration vector.
- 5.
- Repeat steps 3–4 until T iterations are done.
2.2.2. Genetic Algorithm Based Optimiser
- 1.
- Configure the optimiser with its parameters like the number of generations, population size, mutation chance and random selection chance.
- 2.
- Generate the initial population and evaluate the fitness of each of the configuration vectors in the population.
- 3.
- Breed children from two randomly selected parents and either evolve or mutate them to obtain new configuration vectors based on GA parameters Mutation Chance and Random Select Chance. The parents are selected using a uniform random distribution.
- 4.
- Add the children obtained to the population and sort the population based on fitness.
- 5.
- Repeat steps 3–4 until the required number of generations is reached.
2.3. Hyperparameter Configuration Space Setup
2.4. LSTM Network Properties
- Section 2.4.1: Network Generation using the Configuration Vector.
- Section 2.4.2: LSTM Network’s Performance Parameters.
- Section 2.4.3: Optimised LSTM Network Training Setup.
2.4.1. Network Generation
2.4.2. Network Performance Parameters
- Mean Squared Error (MSE)
- Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE)
- Mean Squared Logarithmic Error (MSLE)
- Coefficient of Determination ( Score)
- Model FitnessModel Fitness is a custom metric designed to give a balanced Score in the range of [−100, 100]. Model Fitness was used as the objective/fitness function in both HBO-algorithm and GAO-algorithm for updating the population. Model Fitness is calculated as,
- Iteration FitnessThe Hyperparameter Tuning algorithms (Section 2.2.1 and Section 2.2.2) carry out their operations in multiple steps which are repeated a certain number of times. Each such cycle is known as Iteration. Hence, Iteration Fitness is defined as the average Model Fitness of the entire population for any particular iteration. This metric helps to understand the performance of the algorithm in improving the Model Fitness of the population collectively.
2.4.3. Optimised LSTM Network Training Setup
3. Results and Discussions
- Section 3.1: Comparison of Frequencies for Data Decomposition
- Section 3.2: Comparison of Optimisers
- Section 3.3: Effect of Data Decomposition versus Tuning Algorithms
- Section 3.4: Further Discussions
3.1. Comparison of Frequencies for Data Decomposition
3.2. Comparison of Optimisers
3.3. Effect of Data Decomposition versus Tuning Algorithms
- 1.
- High-Frequency Data produces the lowest amount of errors (from Table 2) but this can be misleading. After checking the Model Forecast Plot in Figure 8 and Model Fitness from Table 3 it was verified that the High-Frequency Data causes the system to forecast the mean value of data and hence the low error but a flat line forecast and very low model fitness.
- 2.
- 3.
- Original Data produces the highest error (amongst the 3 data sets). This is explained by the fact that original data contains characteristics from both high-frequency and low-frequency data. The Model Fitness is also a little lower than Low Frequency but much higher than High-Frequency Data.
3.4. Further Discussions
4. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
LSTM | Long Short Term Memory |
HBO | Heap Based Optimiser |
GAO | Genetic Algorithm Optimiser |
ML | Machine Learning |
NNs | Neural Networks |
AI | Artificial Intelligence |
ARIMA | Auto Regression Integrated Moving Average |
RNNs | Recurrent Neural Networks |
GA | Genetic Algorithm |
CRH | Corporate Ranking Hierarchy |
HF | High Frequency |
LF | Low Frequency |
FFT | Fast Fourier Transform |
MSE | Mean Squared Error |
RMSE | Root Mean Squared Error |
MSLE | Mean Squared Logarithmic Error |
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Cutoff Frequency | Low Frequency Signal (%) | High Frequency Signal (%) |
0.5 × Hz | 3.40 | 44.32 |
Hz | 4.15 | 43.57 |
Hz | 5.27 | 42.45 |
Hz | 7.19 | 40.53 |
Hz | 65.64 | −17.92 |
Hz | 72.80 | −25.08 |
Hz | 75.25 | −27.54 |
Hz | 90.64 | −42.92 |
Hz | 93.09 | −45.37 |
Hz | 94.19 | −46.48 |
Hz | 95.73 | −48.02 |
Hz | 95.94 | −48.22 |
Optimiser | MSE | RMSE | MSLE | Data Set |
Normalised Solar Irradiance × | ||||
HBO-algorithm | 2.1312 | 46.1630 | 0.9030 | High Frequency |
3.7411 | 61.1602 | 1.7730 | Low Frequency | |
14.3627 | 119.8435 | 7.2800 | Original | |
GAO-algorithm | 2.1309 | 46.1539 | 0.9021 | High Frequency |
4.4532 | 66.7310 | 2.1203 | Low Frequency | |
17.0361 | 130.5221 | 8.3667 | Original | |
No Optimiser * | 2.1319 | 46.1617 | 0.9034 | High Frequency |
6.8290 | 82.6388 | 3.3598 | Low Frequency | |
17.2401 | 131.3036 | 8.4711 | Original |
Data Set | HBO-Algorithm | GAO-Algorithm | No Optimiser * |
High Frequency | 0.0888% | 0.09468% | −0.00329% |
Low Frequency | 95.278% | 94.38% | 91.38% |
Original | 84.336% | 81.42% | 81.20% |
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Share and Cite
Dhake, H.; Kashyap, Y.; Kosmopoulos, P. Algorithms for Hyperparameter Tuning of LSTMs for Time Series Forecasting. Remote Sens. 2023, 15, 2076.
Dhake H, Kashyap Y, Kosmopoulos P. Algorithms for Hyperparameter Tuning of LSTMs for Time Series Forecasting. Remote Sensing. 2023; 15(8):2076.
Chicago/Turabian StyleDhake, Harshal, Yashwant Kashyap, and Panagiotis Kosmopoulos. 2023. "Algorithms for Hyperparameter Tuning of LSTMs for Time Series Forecasting" Remote Sensing 15, no. 8: 2076.
APA StyleDhake, H., Kashyap, Y., & Kosmopoulos, P. (2023). Algorithms for Hyperparameter Tuning of LSTMs for Time Series Forecasting. Remote Sensing, 15(8), 2076.