FusionRCNN: LiDAR-Camera Fusion for Two-Stage 3D Object Detection
<p>Comparison of our method with previous LiDAR-based two-stage methods. LiDAR-based methods often struggle to determine object categories and produce less confident scores correctly. The confidence score indicates the likelihood of an object (e.g., vehicle) being present in the box and the accuracy of the bounding box. Our approach, on the other hand, effectively integrates point cloud structure with dense image information, allowing us to overcome these challenges.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>Overall architecture of FusionRCNN. Given 3D proposals, LiDAR and image features are extracted separately through the RoI feature extractor. Then, the features are fed into <span class="html-italic">K</span> fusion encoding layers which comprise self-attention and cross-attention modules. Finally, point features fused with image information are further fed into a decoder and predict the refined 3D bounding boxes and confidence scores.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>Visualizations of attention map. First Row: input images and the predictions of object queries projected on the images (painted in <span style="color: #00FF00">green</span>), and the circumscribed rectangle of expanding predictions projected on the images are painted in <span style="color: #0000FF">blue</span>. Second Row: Intra-modality self-attention maps within the expanding RoI area of the image branch with high attention weights on the part of the vehicles and background. Third Row: Inter-modality cross-attention maps of image branch, higher attention weights are on the vehicles. Our fusion strategy can dynamically choose relevant image features as supplementary information with the help of the Intra-modality and Inter-modality attention modules. The two images are picked from the KITTI dataset.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>Qualitative comparison between LiDAR-based two-stage detector (CT3D) and our FusionRCNN on the Waymo Open Dataset. Ground-truth and predictions are painted in <span style="color: #00FF00">Green</span> and <span style="color: #0000FF">Blue</span>, respectively. Three proposal vehicles in red circles are zoom-in and visualized on 2D images and 3D point clouds. Our FusionRCNN works better than CT3D with only LiDAR input in long-range detection.</p> "> Figure 5
<p>Qualitative comparison between LiDAR-based two-stage detector (CT3D) and our FusionRCNN on the KITTI Dataset. <span style="color: #00FF00">Green</span> boxes and <span style="color: #0000FF">Blue</span> boxes are ground-truth and predictions, respectively. Our FusionRCNN performs better than CT3D with only LiDAR input in long-range detection.</p> "> Figure 6
<p>Framework comparison of FusionRCNN and FusionRCNN-L. FusionRCNN-L is a LiDAR-based method that disables intra-modality self-attention of the image branch and inter-modality cross-attention module in Fusion Encoder.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
- We propose a versatile and efficient two-stage multi-modality 3D detector, FusionRCNN. The detector combines image and point clouds within regions of interest and can enhance existing one-stage detectors with minor modifications.
- We introduce a novel transformer-based mechanism that enables the simultaneous achievement of attentive fusion between pixel and point sets, providing rich context and structural information.
- Our method demonstrates superior performance when compared to two-stage approaches on challenging samples that have sparse points in both the KITTI and Waymo Open Dataset.
2. Related Works
2.1. LiDAR-Based 3D Detection
2.2. Camera-Based 3D Detection
2.3. LiDAR-Camera 3D Detection
2.4. Transformer for Object Detection
3. Method
3.1. RoI Feature Extractor
3.2. Fusion Encoder
3.2.1. Intra-Modality Self-Attention
3.2.2. Inter-Modality Cross-Attention
3.3. Decoder
3.4. Learning Objectives
4. Experiments
4.1. Implementation Details
4.2. Results on Waymo
4.3. Results on KITTI
4.4. Ablation Studies
5. Conclusions and Future Work
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
3D | Three dimensional |
LiDAR | Light detection and ranging |
BEV | Bird’s eye view |
RoI | Regions of Interest |
mAP | Mean average precision |
AP | Average precision |
mAPH | Mean average precision weighted by heading |
IoU | Intersection over union |
RPN | Region proposal network |
GT | Ground truth |
Appendix A
Algorithm A1 Proposed RoI Feature Extractor in FusionRCNN |
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Difficulty | Method | Reference | 3D Detection—Vehicle | BEV Detection—Vehicle | ||||||
Overall | 0–30 m | 30–50 m | 50 m-Inf | Overall | 0–30 m | 30–50 m | 50 m-Inf | |||
LEVEL_1 | SECOND * [16] | Sensor 2018 | 72.46 | 90.30 | 70.52 | 46.93 | 89.42 | 96.58 | 88.76 | 77.55 |
PointPillar [67] | CVPR 2019 | 56.62 | 81.01 | 51.75 | 27.94 | 75.57 | 92.10 | 74.06 | 55.47 | |
MVF [68] | CoRL 2020 | 62.93 | 86.30 | 60.02 | 36.02 | 80.40 | 93.59 | 79.21 | 63.09 | |
Pillar-OD [69] | arXiv 2020 | 69.80 | 88.53 | 66.50 | 42.93 | 87.11 | 95.78 | 84.87 | 72.12 | |
PV-RCNN [7] | CVPR 2020 | 70.30 | 91.92 | 69.21 | 42.17 | 82.96 | 97.35 | 82.99 | 64.97 | |
Voxel-RCNN [6] | AAAI 2021 | 75.59 | 92.49 | 74.09 | 53.15 | 88.19 | 97.62 | 87.34 | 77.70 | |
LiDAR-RCNN [3] | CVPR 2021 | 76.00 | 92.10 | 74.60 | 54.50 | 90.10 | 97.0 | 89.50 | 78.90 | |
Pyramid R-CNN [70] | ICCV 2021 | 76.30 | 92.67 | 74.91 | 54.54 | - | - | - | - | |
CT3D [4] | ICCV 2021 | 76.30 | 92.51 | 75.07 | 55.36 | 90.50 | 97.64 | 88.06 | 78.89 | |
FusionRCNN (Ours) | - | 78.91 | 92.38 | 77.82 | 58.81 | 91.94 | 97.12 | 91.22 | 85.22 | |
LEVEL_2 | SECOND * [16] | Sensor 2018 | 64.14 | 89.04 | 64.14 | 35.98 | 82.23 | 95.63 | 83.26 | 64.29 |
PV-RCNN [7] | CVPR 2020 | 65.36 | 91.58 | 65.13 | 36.46 | 77.45 | 94.64 | 80.39 | 55.39 | |
Voxel-RCNN [6] | AAAI 2021 | 66.59 | 91.74 | 67.89 | 40.80 | 81.07 | 96.99 | 81.37 | 63.26 | |
LiDAR-RCNN [3] | CVPR 2021 | 68.30 | 91.30 | 68.50 | 42.40 | 81.70 | 94.30 | 82.30 | 65.80 | |
CT3D [4] | ICCV 2021 | 69.04 | 91.76 | 68.93 | 42.60 | 81.74 | 97.05 | 82.22 | 64.34 | |
FusionRCNN (Ours) | - | 70.33 | 91.22 | 71.47 | 46.21 | 84.39 | 96.22 | 86.15 | 70.18 |
Difficulty | Method | Vehicle | Pedestrian | Cyclist | |||
mAP | mAPH | mAP | mAPH | mAP | mAPH | ||
LEVEL_1 | SECOND [16] | 70.96 | 70.34 | 65.23 | 54.22 | 57.13 | 55.62 |
+FusionRCNN | 77.67(+6.71%) | 77.10(+6.76%) | 70.63(+5.40%) | 61.88(+7.66%) | 67.55(+10.42%) | 66.17(+10.55%) | |
CenterPoint [71] | 72.76 | 72.23 | 74.19 | 67.96 | 71.04 | 69.79 | |
+FusionRCNN | 75.09(+2.33%) | 74.66(+2.43%) | 80.84(+6.65%) | 75.37(+7.41%) | 71.80(+0.76%) | 70.79(+1.00%) | |
LEVEL_2 | SECOND | 62.58 | 62.02 | 57.22 | 47.49 | 54.97 | 53.53 |
+FusionRCNN | 68.84(+6.26%) | 68.32(+6.30%) | 62.67(+5.45%) | 54.66(+7.17%) | 64.67(+9.70%) | 63.36(+9.83%) | |
CenterPoint | 64.91 | 64.42 | 66.03 | 60.34 | 68.49 | 67.28 | |
+FusionRCNN | 66.27(+1.36%) | 65.88(+1.46%) | 72.46(+6.43%) | 67.32(+6.98%) | 69.14(+0.65%) | 68.17(+0.89%) |
Method | Modality | Vehicle | |
Normal | Strict | ||
PointPillars [67] | L | 72.08 | 36.83 |
PV-RCNN * [7] | L | 70.47 | 39.16 |
MVF++ * [72] | L | 74.64 | 43.30 |
SST [59] | L | 74.22 | 44.08 |
FusionRCNN(Ours) | LC | 78.91 | 47.02 |
Method | Modality | 3D Detection—Car | ||
Easy | Mod. | Hard | ||
MV3D [19] | LC | 71.29 | 62.68 | 56.56 |
ContFuse [51] | LC | - | 73.25 | - |
AVOD-FPN [73] | LC | - | 74.44 | - |
F-PointNet [46] | LC | 83.76 | 70.92 | 63.65 |
PI-RCNN [11] | LC | 88.27 | 78.53 | 77.75 |
3D-CVF at SPA [74] | LC | 89.67 | 79.88 | 78.47 |
PointPillars [67] | L | 86.62 | 76.06 | 68.91 |
STD [2] | L | 89.70 | 79.80 | 79.30 |
PointRCNN [1] | L | 88.88 | 78.63 | 77.38 |
SA-SSD [75] | L | 90.15 | 79.91 | 78.78 |
3DSSD [23] | L | 89.71 | 79.45 | 78.67 |
PV-RCNN [7] | L | 89.35 | 83.69 | 78.70 |
Voxel-RCNN [6] | L | 89.41 | 84.52 | 78.93 |
Pyramid R-CNN [70] | L | 89.37 | 84.38 | 78.84 |
CT3D [4] | L | 89.54 | 86.06 | 78.99 |
SECOND [16] | L | 88.61 | 78.62 | 77.22 |
+FusionRCNN (Ours) | LC | 89.90 (+1.29%) | 86.45 (+7.93%) | 79.32 (+2.10%) |
Method | Modality | 3D Detection—Car | ||
Easy | Mod. | Hard | ||
MV3D [19] | LC | 74.97 | 63.63 | 54.00 |
ContFuse [51] | LC | 83.68 | 68.78 | 61.67 |
AVOD-FPN [73] | LC | 83.07 | 71.76 | 65.73 |
F-PointNet [46] | LC | 82.19 | 69.79 | 60.59 |
PI-RCNN [11] | LC | 84.37 | 74.82 | 70.03 |
3D-CVF at SPA [74] | LC | 89.20 | 80.67 | 77.15 |
PointPillars [67] | L | 82.58 | 74.31 | 68.99 |
STD [2] | L | 87.95 | 79.71 | 75.09 |
PointRCNN [1] | L | 86.96 | 75.64 | 70.70 |
SA-SSD [75] | L | 88.75 | 79.79 | 74.16 |
3DSSD [23] | L | 88.36 | 79.57 | 74.55 |
PV-RCNN [7] | L | 90.25 | 81.43 | 76.82 |
Voxel-RCNN [6] | L | 90.90 | 81.62 | 77.06 |
CT3D [4] | L | 87.83 | 81.77 | 77.16 |
SECOND [16] | L | 83.34 | 72.55 | 65.82 |
+FusionRCNN (Ours) | LC | 88.12 (+4.78%) | 81.98 (+9.43%) | 77.53 (+11.71%) |
Method | Overall | 0–30 m | 30–50 m | 50 m-Inf | Latency (ms) |
FusionRCNN-L | 90.25 | 96.58 | 89.24 | 80.61 | 125 |
FusionRCNN | 91.94 (+1.69%) | 97.12 (+0.54%) | 91.22 (+1.98%) | 85.22 (+4.61%) | 185 (+60) |
Methods | LEVEL_1 | LEVEL_2 | ||
3D AP | APH | 3D AP | APH | |
SECOND [16] | 72.46 | 71.87 | 64.14 | 63.60 |
+FusionRCNN | 78.91 (+6.45%) | 78.39 (+6.52%) | 70.65 (+6.51%) | 70.16 (+6.56%) |
PointPillar [67] | 72.27 | 71.69 | 63.85 | 63.33 |
+FusionRCNN | 74.67 (+2.40%) | 74.10 (+2.41%) | 65.96 (+2.11%) | 65.44 (+2.11%) |
CenterPoint [71] | 72.08 | 71.53 | 63.55 | 63.06 |
+FusionRCNN | 77.63 (+5.55%) | 77.16 (+5.63%) | 69.26 (+5.71%) | 68.83 (+5.77%) |
Output Size | LEVEL_1 | LEVEL_2 |
3D AP/APH | 3D AP/APH | |
78.88/78.36 | 70.63/70.14 | |
78.82/78.30 | 70.57/70.10 | |
78.91/78.39 | 70.65/70.16 | |
78.87/78.37 | 70.62/70.13 |
Expansion Ratio | Operation | LEVEL_1 | LEVEL_2 |
3D AP/APH | 3D AP/APH | ||
k = 1.2 | RoIAlign | 78.47/77.95 | 69.88/69.71 |
RoIPooling | 78.41/77.88 | 69.81/69.63 | |
k = 1.5 | RoIAlign | 78.62/78.09 | 70.11/69.85 |
RoIPooling | 78.63/78.11 | 70.36/69.87 | |
k = 2.0 | RoIAlign | 78.83/78.31 | 70.57/70.11 |
RoIPooling | 78.91/78.39 | 70.65/70.16 |
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Share and Cite
Xu, X.; Dong, S.; Xu, T.; Ding, L.; Wang, J.; Jiang, P.; Song, L.; Li, J. FusionRCNN: LiDAR-Camera Fusion for Two-Stage 3D Object Detection. Remote Sens. 2023, 15, 1839. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs15071839
Xu X, Dong S, Xu T, Ding L, Wang J, Jiang P, Song L, Li J. FusionRCNN: LiDAR-Camera Fusion for Two-Stage 3D Object Detection. Remote Sensing. 2023; 15(7):1839. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs15071839
Chicago/Turabian StyleXu, Xinli, Shaocong Dong, Tingfa Xu, Lihe Ding, Jie Wang, Peng Jiang, Liqiang Song, and Jianan Li. 2023. "FusionRCNN: LiDAR-Camera Fusion for Two-Stage 3D Object Detection" Remote Sensing 15, no. 7: 1839. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs15071839
APA StyleXu, X., Dong, S., Xu, T., Ding, L., Wang, J., Jiang, P., Song, L., & Li, J. (2023). FusionRCNN: LiDAR-Camera Fusion for Two-Stage 3D Object Detection. Remote Sensing, 15(7), 1839. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs15071839