A computer-aided VLSI layout system
Pages 11 - 18
The VLSI layout system is suggested as a practical approach for solving large and complex problems introduced by today's VLSI technology. Computer-based design aids are introduced which are utilized to effectively reduce design time and to increase product quality. A hierarchical description of VLSI circuits is utilized to partition the problem into manageable tasks. Each phase of the VLSI chip design cycle is discussed with special emphasis on layout techniques. The hierarchical VLSI layout system is applicable to the design of "semicustom" or master-slice VLSI circuits. The placement and placement optimization portions of the proposed system have been implemented. Routing and routing optimization techniques are currently being developed.
"Computer-aided MOS VLSI Layout System." Electrical Engineering Department, The University of Texas at Austin, February 1980. (Prepared under the direction of R. J. Smith, II, by D. LaPlante, R. Tsui, W. Dees, W. Rogers, H. Bryce, B. D. Rathi, K. Parmar, T. Gunter, and C. Hobbs.)
Breuer, Melvin A. "A Class of Min-Cut Placement Algorithms." Proc. 14th Design Automation Conference, June 1977, pp. 284--290.
Lynn, Conway, and Carver Mead. Introduction to VLSI Systems. California: Addison-Wesley, 1979.
Corrigan, Lorretta I., "A Placement Capability Based on Partitioning." Proc. 16th Design Automation Conference, June 1979, pp. 406--413.
Deutsch, David N. "A 'Dogleg' Channel Router." Proc. 13th Design Automation Conference, June 1976, pp. 425--433.
Hashimoto, Akhiro, and James Stevens. "Wire Routing by Optimizing Channel Assignment Within Large Apertures," Proc. 8th Design Automation Workshop, June 1971, pp. 155--169.
Hightower, David W. "A Solution to Line-Routing Problems on the Continuous Plane." Proc. 6th Design Automation Workshop, June 1969, pp. 1--24.
Klomp, J. G. M. "CAD for LSI---Production's Interest Is in Its Economics," ACM SIGDA Newsletter, 6 (1976), pp. 11--15.
Koller, Konrad W., and Ulrich Lauther. "The Siemens-AVESTA-System for Computer-Aided Design of MOS-Standard Cell Circuits." Proc. 14th Design Automation Conference, June 1977, pp. 153--157.
Lauther, Ulrich. "A Min-Cut Placement Algorithm for General Cell Assemblies Based on a Graph Representation." Proc. 16th Design Automation Conference, June 1979, pp. 1--10.
Lee, C. Y. "An Algorithm for Path Connections and its Applications." IRE Transactions on Electronic Computers, September 1961, pp. 346--365.
Losleben, Paul, and Kathryn Thompson. "Topological Analysis for VLSI Circuits." Proc. 16th Design Automation Conference, June 1979, pp. 461--473.
Oakes, M. F. "The Complete VLSI Design System." Proc. 16th Design Automation Conference, June 1979, pp. 452--460.
Persky, G., Deutsch, D. N., and D. G. Schweikert. "LTX---A System for the Directed Automatic Design of VLSI Circuits." Proc. 13th Design Automation Conference, June 1976, pp. 399--407.
Preas, B. T., and C. W. Gwyn. "Methods for Hierarchical Automated Layout of Custom LSI Circuit Masks." Proc. 15th Design Automation Conference, June 1978, pp. 206--212.
Preas, B. T., and W. M. vanCleemput. "Placement Algorithms for Arbitrary Shaped Blocks." Proc. 16th Design Automation Conference, June 1979, pp. 474--480.
Hightower, D. W., and R. L. Boyd. "A Generalized Channel Router." Proc. 17th Design Automation Conference, June 1980, pp. 12--21.
- A computer-aided VLSI layout system
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May 1981
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