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SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, Volume 24
Volume 24, Number 1, 2002
- Susan E. Minkoff:
Spatial Parallelism of a 3D Finite Difference Velocity-Stress Elastic Wave Propagation Code. 1-19 - Ronald B. Morgan:
GMRES with Deflated Restarting. 20-37 - Martin J. Gander
, Frédéric Magoulès
, Frédéric Nataf:
Optimized Schwarz Methods without Overlap for the Helmholtz Equation. 38-60 - Giovanni F. Gronchi:
On the Stationary Points of the Squared Distance between Two Ellipses with a Common Focus. 61-80 - Gregory Beylkin
, Robert Cramer:
A Multiresolution Approach to Regularization of Singular Operators and Fast Summation. 81-117 - Weiming Cao, Weizhang Huang
, Robert D. Russell:
A Moving Mesh Method Based on the Geometric Conservation Law. 118-142 - Jodi L. Mead
, Rosemary A. Renaut
Accuracy, Resolution, and Stability Properties of a Modified Chebyshev Method. 143-160 - Christian Lubich, Achim Schädle:
Fast Convolution for Nonreflecting Boundary Conditions. 161-182 - Xiao-Chuan Cai, David E. Keyes:
Nonlinearly Preconditioned Inexact Newton Algorithms. 183-200 - G. W. Stewart:
Adjusting the Rayleigh Quotient in Semiorthogonal Lanczos Methods. 201-207 - James Glimm, John W. Grove, Yongmin Zhang:
Interface Tracking for Axisymmetric Flows. 208-236 - David Kay, Daniel Loghin, Andrew J. Wathen:
A Preconditioner for the Steady-State Navier-Stokes Equations. 237-256 - Bradley John Charles Baxter, George Roussos
A New Error Estimate of the Fast Gauss Transform. 257-259 - Tony F. Chan
, Ke Chen
On Two Variants of an Algebraic Wavelet Preconditioner. 260-283 - Greg Henry, David S. Watkins, Jack J. Dongarra:
A Parallel Implementation of the Nonsymmetric QR Algorithm for Distributed Memory Architectures. 284-311 - Gene H. Golub, Qiang Ye:
An Inverse Free Preconditioned Krylov Subspace Method for Symmetric Generalized Eigenvalue Problems. 312-334 - Yu Zhuang, Xian-He Sun:
Stabilized Explicit-Implicit Domain Decomposition Methods for the Numerical Solution of Parabolic Equations. 335-358
Volume 24, Number 2, 2002
- Leocadio G. Casado
, Inmaculada García
, Yaroslav D. Sergeyev
Interval Algorithms for Finding the Minimal Root in a Set of Multiextremal One-Dimensional Nondifferentiable Functions. 359-376 - Michael Griebel, Marc Alexander Schweitzer:
A Particle-Partition of Unity Method-Part III: A Multilevel Solver. 377-409 - Gundolf Haase
, Michael Kuhn, Stefan Reitzinger:
Parallel Algebraic Multigrid Methods on Distributed Memory Computers. 410-427 - Peter R. Johnston
, Ramesh M. Gulrajani:
An Analysis of the Zero-Crossing Method for Choosing Regularization Parameters. 428-442 - Zhiming Chen, Shibin Dai
On the Efficiency of Adaptive Finite Element Methods for Elliptic Problems with Discontinuous Coefficients. 443-462 - Loyce Adams, Zhilin Li
The Immersed Interface/Multigrid Methods for Interface Problems. 463-479 - Doron Levy, Gabriella Puppo
, Giovanni Russo
A Fourth-Order Central WENO Scheme for Multidimensional Hyperbolic Systems of Conservation Laws. 480-506 - Angel Tocino
, Jesús Vigo-Aguiar
Weak Second Order Conditions for Stochastic Runge-Kutta Methods. 507-523 - Paul Castillo
Performance of Discontinuous Galerkin Methods for Elliptic PDEs. 524-547 - Eid H. Doha
, Waleed M. Abd-Elhameed
Efficient Spectral-Galerkin Algorithms for Direct Solution of Second-Order Equations Using Ultraspherical Polynomials. 548-571 - Gabriel N. Gatica
, Norbert Heuer:
A Preconditioned MINRES Method for the Coupling of Mixed-FEM and BEM for Some Nonlinear Problems. 572-596 - Qianshun Chang, Zhaohui Huang:
Efficient Algebraic Multigrid Algorithms and Their Convergence. 597-618 - Dongbin Xiu, George E. Karniadakis:
The Wiener-Askey Polynomial Chaos for Stochastic Differential Equations. 619-644 - Gordon W. Inverarity
Fast Computation of Multidimensional Fourier Integrals. 645-651 - Pierre L'Ecuyer
, Richard J. Simard, Stefan Wegenkittl:
Sparse Serial Tests of Uniformity for Random Number Generators. 652-668 - Xiaobai Sun, Enrique S. Quintana-Ortí
The Generalized Newton Iteration forthe Matrix Sign Function. 669-683 - Seongjai Kim, Soohyun Kim:
Multigrid Simulation for High-Frequency Solutions of the Helmholtz Problem in Heterogeneous Media. 684-701 - Dhavide A. Aruliah, Uri M. Ascher:
Multigrid Preconditioning for Krylov Methods for Time-Harmonic Maxwell's Equations in Three Dimensions. 702-718
Volume 24, Number 3, 2003
- David Colton, Houssem Haddar
, Peter Monk:
The Linear Sampling Method for Solving the Electromagnetic Inverse Scattering Problem. 719-731 - Rémi Abgrall
, Timothy Barth:
Residual Distribution Schemes for Conservation Laws via Adaptive Quadrature. 732-769 - Thomas M. Hagstrom
, John Goodrich:
Accurate Radiation Boundary Conditions for the Linearized Euler Equations in Cartesian Domains. 770-795 - Zydrunas Gimbutas
, Vladimir Rokhlin:
A Generalized Fast Multipole Method for Nonoscillatory Kernels. 796-817 - Alfio Borzì
, Kazufumi Ito, Karl Kunisch:
Optimal Control Formulation for Determining Optical Flow. 818-847 - Pamela M. Burrage, Kevin Burrage
A Variable Stepsize Implementation for Stochastic Differential Equations. 848-864 - Yongxin Li, Jianxin Zhou:
Convergence Results of a Local Minimax Method for Finding Multiple Critical Points. 865-885 - Yossi Gil, Zvi Gutterman, Shmuel Onn
, Irad Yavneh:
Automated Transformations for PDE Systems with Application to Multigrid Solvers. 886-904 - Wade S. Martinson, Paul I. Barton:
Index and Characteristic Analysis of Linear PDAE Systems. 905-923 - Cornelis W. Oosterlee
, Roman Wienands:
A Genetic Search for Optimal Multigrid Components Within a Fourier Analysis Setting. 924-944 - Paul N. Swarztrauber:
On Computing the Points and Weights for Gauss-Legendre Quadrature. 945-954 - Derek S. Bale, Randall J. LeVeque
, Sorin Mitran, James A. Rossmanith
A Wave Propagation Method for Conservation Laws and Balance Laws with Spatially Varying Flux Functions. 955-978 - Ralf Hartmann
, Paul Houston
Adaptive Discontinuous Galerkin Finite Element Methods for Nonlinear Hyperbolic Conservation Laws. 979-1004 - Yong-Tao Zhang, Chi-Wang Shu
High-Order WENO Schemes for Hamilton-Jacobi Equations on Triangular Meshes. 1005-1030 - Jos L. M. van Dorsselaer:
Several Concepts to Investigate Strongly Nonnormal Eigenvalue Problems. 1031-1053 - Zhiping Li
Numerical Justification of Branched Laminated Microstructure with Surface Energy. 1054-1075 - Yang Cao, Shengtai Li, Linda R. Petzold, Radu Serban:
Adjoint Sensitivity Analysis for Differential-Algebraic Equations: The Adjoint DAE System and Its Numerical Solution. 1076-1089
Volume 24, Number 4, 2003
- C. William Gear, Ioannis G. Kevrekidis:
Projective Methods for Stiff Differential Equations: Problems with Gaps in Their Eigenvalue Spectrum. 1091-1106 - Yousef Saad
Finding Exact and Approximate Block Structures for ILU Preconditioning. 1107-1123 - Michael D. Marcozzi:
On the Valuation of Asian Options by Variational Methods. 1124-1140 - Kai Wang, Jun Zhang:
MSP: A Class of Parallel Multistep Successive Sparse Approximate Inverse Preconditioning Strategies. 1141-1156 - Knut-Andreas Lie
, Sebastian Noelle:
On the Artificial Compression Method for Second-Order Nonoscillatory Central Difference Schemes for Systems of Conservation Laws. 1157-1174 - Ramendra K. Sahoo, Vishwanath Prasad:
A Composite Adaptive Grid Generation and Migration Technique for Materials Processing Problems. 1175-1202 - Beong In Yun
, Philsu Kim:
A New Sigmoidal Transformation for Weakly Singular Integrals in the Boundary Element Method. 1203-1217 - Ron Kimmel, Irad Yavneh:
An Algebraic Multigrid Approach for Image Analysis. 1218-1231 - Jennifer L. Mueller, Samuli Siltanen:
Direct Reconstructions of Conductivities from Boundary Measurements. 1232-1266 - Tony Shardlow
Splitting for Dissipative Particle Dynamics. 1267-1282 - Tsung-Min Hwang, Wen-Wei Lin, Volker Mehrmann:
Numerical Solution of Quadratic Eigenvalue Problems with Structure-Preserving Methods. 1283-1302 - Frédéric Bouillault, Annalisa Buffa
, Yvon Maday, Francesca Rapetti:
The Mortar Edge Element Method in Three Dimensions: Application to Magnetostatics. 1303-1327 - Marco Picasso
An Anisotropic Error Indicator Based on Zienkiewicz-Zhu Error Estimator: Application to Elliptic and Parabolic Problems. 1328-1355 - Jo Simoens, Stefan Vandewalle
A Stabilized Lifting Construction of Wavelets on Irregular Meshes on the Interval. 1356-1378 - Bruno Lombard, Joël Piraux:
How to Incorporate the Spring-Mass Conditions in Finite-Difference Schemes. 1379-1407 - Raymond H. Chan, Tony F. Chan
, Lixin Shen, Zuowei Shen
Wavelet Algorithms for High-Resolution Image Reconstruction. 1408-1432 - Anita T. Layton:
A Semi-Lagrangian Collocation Method for the Shallow Water Equations on the Sphere. 1433-1449 - Gregory J. Rodin, Olaf Steinbach
Boundary Element Preconditioners for Problems Defined on Slender Domains. 1450-1464
Volume 24, Number 5, 2003
- Richard Baltensperger, Manfred R. Trummer
Spectral Differencing with a Twist. 1465-1487 - Qiang Du
, Max D. Gunzburger, Lili Ju
Constrained Centroidal Voronoi Tessellations for Surfaces. 1488-1506 - Michael K. Ng
, Hai-Wei Sun, Xiao-Qing Jin:
Recursive-Based PCG Methods for Toeplitz Systems with Nonnegative Generating Functions. 1507-1529 - Julio Enrique Castrillón-Candás, Kevin Amaratunga:
Spatially Adapted Multiwavelets and Sparse Representation of Integral Equations on General Geometries. 1530-1566 - Erkki Heikkola, Tuomo Rossi, Jari Toivanen:
A Parallel Fictitious Domain Method for the Three-Dimensional Helmholtz Equation. 1567-1588 - Ingo Matheis, Wolfgang Wagner:
Convergence of the Stochastic Weighted Particle Method for the Boltzmann Equation. 1589-1609 - Johannes Tausch, Jacob K. White:
Multiscale Bases for the Sparse Representation of Boundary Integral Operators on Complex Geometry. 1610-1629 - Senka Vukovic, Luka Sopta:
Upwind Schemes with Exact Conservation Property for One-Dimensional Open Channel Flow Equations. 1630-1649 - James Baglama
, Daniela Calvetti
, Lothar Reichel:
IRBL: An Implicitly Restarted Block-Lanczos Method for Large-Scale Hermitian Eigenproblems. 1650-1677 - C. Robert Pinnegar, Lalu Mansinha
The Bi-Gaussian S-Transform. 1678-1692 - James Lu
, David L. Darmofal:
A Quasi-Minimal Residual Method for Simultaneous Primal-Dual Solutions and Superconvergent Functional Estimates. 1693-1709 - Xiao-Wen Chang, Christopher C. Paige:
An Orthogonal Transformation Algorithm for GPS Positioning. 1710-1732 - Bernard Bialecki, Graeme Fairweather, Andreas Karageorghis
Matrix Decomposition Algorithms for Modified Spline Collocation for Helmholtz Problems. 1733-1753 - Sylvain Durand, Jacques Froment
Reconstruction of Wavelet Coefficients Using Total Variation Minimization. 1754-1767 - Christiane Lemieux, Pierre L'Ecuyer
Randomized Polynomial Lattice Rules for Multivariate Integration and Simulation. 1768-1789 - Nejib Smaoui
, Salem M. Al-Yakoob:
Analyzing the Dynamics of Cellular Flames Using Karhunen-Loève Decomposition and Autoassociative Neural Networks. 1790-1808 - Kalvis M. Jansons, Grant D. Lythe
Exponential Timestepping with Boundary Test for Stochastic Differential Equations. 1809-1822 - Cédric Chauvière, Alexei Lozinski:
An Efficient Technique for Simulations of Viscoelastic Flows, Derived from the Brownian Configuration Field Method. 1823-1837
Volume 24, Number 6, 2003
- Gary Froyland
, Michael Dellnitz:
Detecting and Locating Near-Optimal Almost-Invariant Sets and Cycles. 1839-1863 - Prabhu Ramachandran
, S. C. Rajan, M. Ramakrishna:
A Fast, Two-Dimensional Panel Method. 1864-1878 - Anders Logg
Multi-Adaptive Galerkin Methods for ODEs I. 1879-1902 - Yonghong Zeng
, Zhiping Lin, Guoan Bi
, Lizhi Cheng:
Fast Computation of MD-DCT-IV/MD-DST-IV by MD-DWT or MD-DCT-II. 1903-1918 - Faisal A. Fairag
Numerical Computations of Viscous, Incompressible Flow Problems Using a Two-Level Finite Element Method. 1919-1929 - Takashi Sasakawa, Takashi Tsuchiya:
Optimal Magnetic Shield Design with Second-Order Cone Programming. 1930-1950 - Qun Ma, Jesús A. Izaguirre, Robert D. Skeel:
Verlet-I/R-RESPA/Impulse is Limited by Nonlinear Instabilities. 1951-1973 - Xiuling Ma, Dong Mao, Aihui Zhou:
Extrapolation for Finite Volume Approximations. 1974-1993 - Kokou B. Dossou, Roger Pierre:
A Newton-GMRES Approach for the Analysis of the Postbuckling Behavior of the Solutions of the von Kármán Equations. 1994-2012 - Daniel Potts
, Gabriele Steidl:
Fast Summation at Nonequispaced Knots by NFFT. 2013-2037 - Jens Georg Schmidt:
An A Posteriori Error Estimator for the FEM in Nonlinear Elastostatics. 2038-2057 - Stefan Holst, Ansgar Jüngel, Paola Pietra
A Mixed Finite-Element Discretization of the Energy-Transport Model for Semiconductors. 2058-2075 - Gene H. Golub, Chen Greif:
On Solving Block-Structured Indefinite Linear Systems. 2076-2092 - James S. Warsa, Todd A. Wareing, Jim E. Morel:
Solution ofthe Discontinuous P1 Equations in Two-Dimensional Cartesian Geometry with Two-Level Preconditioning. 2093-2124 - Dionissios T. Hristopulos
Spartan Gibbs Random Field Models for Geostatistical Applications. 2125-2162 - Christian Wieners, Barbara I. Wohlmuth:
Duality Estimates and Multigrid Analysis for Saddle Point Problems Arising from Mortar Discretizations. 2163-2184 - Jianxian Qiu, Chi-Wang Shu
Finite Difference WENO Schemes with Lax-Wendroff-Type Time Discretizations. 2185-2198
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