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15th SBSI 2019: Aracaju, Brazil
- Fábio Gomes Rocha, Igor Vasconcelos, Rodrigo Pereira dos Santos, Davi Viana, Scheila de Avila e Silva:
Proceedings of the XV Brazilian Symposium on Information Systems, SBSI 2019, Aracaju, Brazil, May 20-24, 2019. ACM 2019, ISBN 978-1-4503-7237-4
Project Management Aspects
- Felipe Chaves Rodrigues, Alexsandro Souza Filippetto, Jorge Luis Victória Barbosa
Kairós: Predictive Model Based on Context Histories for Time Management in Projects. 1:1-1:8 - Vanessa Milon, Ricardo Araújo, Osenias Oliveira, Andréia Vieira, Adriano Mendes, Luís Braga, Bruna Ferreira:
Level UP: Mapping Hard Skills of IT Practitioners to support the Project Management. 2:1-2:7 - Thiciane Suely Couto Silva, Fabio Gomes Rocha, Rodrigo Pereira dos Santos
Resource Demand Management in Java Ecosystem. 3:1-3:8
Decision Support Systems (1)
- Amarildo J. F. de Lucena
, Silvana Bocanegra, Flavius L. Gorgônio
Location-Allocation of Police Vehicles under a Multi-period Perspective. 4:1-4:8 - Mayrton D. de Queiroz, Ruan A. P. Palmeira, Felipe T. de Melo, Rodrigo G. Daniel, Ícaro T. de A. Rique, Augusto C. P. Guimarães, Marcelle Batista Martins, Natasha Correia Queiroz Lino:
A Framework to Support Experts in the Study of Energy Efficiency in Urban Trains. 5:1-5:8 - Flávio E. A. Horita, Donna H. Rhodes, Thiago J. Inocêncio, Gustavo R. Gonzales:
Building a conceptual architecture and stakeholder map of a system-of-systems for disaster monitoring and early-warning: A case study in Brazil. 6:1-6:8
Requirements and Models
- Bruno Prece, Edson Pacheco, Rodolfo Miranda de Barros
, Sylvio Barbon Jr.
Improvements on diagnostic assessment questionnaires of Maturity Level Management with feature selection. 7:1-7:8 - Leonardo dos Santos Paula, Jorge Luis Victória Barbosa
LifeReview: A model for monitoring people with anxiety disorder. 8:1-8:7 - Tássio José Gonçalves Gomes, Wilk Oliveira dos Santos, Leonardo Brandão Marques, Patrick Henrique da Silva Brito, Ig Ibert Bittencourt:
Software Requirements for the Design of Gamified Applications for Time Management and Tasks for Children and Adolescents with ADHD. 9:1-9:8
Sentiment Analysis
- Afonso Matheus Sousa Lima, Marília Soares Mendes, Lívia Almada Cruz:
Enrichment of dictionaries to improve the automatic classification of feelings in postings related to the use of systems. 10:1-10:8 - Thiago P. Pimentel, Ronaldo R. Goldschmidt
Sequential Sentiment Pattern Mining to Predict Churn in CRM Systems: A Case Study with Telecom Data. 11:1-11:8 - Leonardo Augusto Sápiras, Rodrigo Antônio Weber:
Opinion Mining in Facebook Regional Discussion Groups: A Case Study to Identify Health, Education and Security Posts in Discussion Groups. 12:1-12:8
Decision Support Systems (2)
- Leonardo Gauer Schulte, Naylor Bastiani Perez, Leonardo Bidese de Pinho, Gustavo Trentin
Decision Support System for Precision Livestock: Machine Learning-Based Prediction Module for Stocking Rate Adjustment. 13:1-13:8 - João Luiz Cavalcante Ferreira, André Filipe Aloise, Vítor Kehl Matter, Jorge Luis Victória Barbosa
, Sandro José Rigo, Kleinner Silva Farias de Oliveira
A Model for Predicting Disapproval of Apprentices in Distance Education Using Decision Tree. 14:1-14:8 - Nadja Piedade de Antônio, Juliana Fernandes, Sandro Luís Freire de Castro Silva, Marcelo Fornazin, Rodrigo Pereira dos Santos
Investigating Social Information Systems: A Systematic Mapping Study. 15:1-15:8
Software Engineering for Information Systems
- Hallan Medeiros, Patricia Vilain, Vilmar César Pereira Júnior:
Reducing the execution time of unit tests of smart contracts in blockchain platforms. 16:1-16:8 - Lucian José Gonçales, Kleinner Farias
, Vinicius Bischoff:
Towards a Hybrid Approach to Measure Similarity Between UML Models. 17:1-17:8 - Mário André de Freitas Farias
, Railan Xisto, Marcos S. Santos, Raphael Silva Fontes, Methanias Colaço Júnior
, Rodrigo O. Spínola, Manoel G. Mendonça
Identifying Technical Debt through a Code Comment Mining Tool. 18:1-18:8
Knowledge and Information Discovery (1)
- Danielly Sorato, Renato Fileto:
Linguistic Pattern Mining for Data Analysis in Microblog Texts using Word Embeddings. 19:1-19:8 - Dhiego Ramos Pinto, Julio Cesar Duarte, Ricardo Sant'Ana:
A Deep Learning Approach to the Malware Classification Problem using Autoencoders. 20:1-20:8 - Charles Mendes de Macedo, André Siqueira Ruela
, Karina Valdivia Delgado:
Application of Clustering Algorithms for Discovering Bug Patterns in JavaScript Software. 21:1-21:8
Social Media and Society
- Janaína Ignácio de Morais, Hugo Queiroz Abonizio, Gabriel Marques Tavares
, André Azevedo da Fonseca, Sylvio Barbon Jr.
Deciding among Fake, Satirical, Objective and Legitimate news: A multi-label classification system. 22:1-22:8 - Nélson R. S. Passos, Ariel F. Rodrigues, Hendrik T. Macedo, Bruno O. P. Prado
, Gilton J. F. da Silva, Leonardo N. Matos:
Open Data Extraction, Transformation, and Loading as a Tool for Supporting 2018 Elections' Voters. 23:1-23:8 - José S. Barroso Júnior, Mariano Gomes Pimentel, Vanessa Tavares Nunes, Claudia Cappelli:
Design Science Research to design a conceptual model about prosopographic information related to politicians. 24:1-24:8
Social Networks
- Felipe Neves, Victor Ströele
, Fernanda Campos:
Information Diffusion in Social Networks: a recommendation model in the educational context. 25:1-25:8 - Tiago Moraes Ferreira, Fernando Luiz Costella, Alisson Borges Zanetti, Silvano Elias da Silva, Alexandre Lazaretti Zanatta, Ana Carolina Bertoletti De Marchi
CrowdRec: A prototype recomendation system for crowdsourcing platforms using Google Venture Design: Google Venture Design Sprint. 26:1-26:8 - Érick S. Florentino
, Argus A. B. Cavalcante
, Ronaldo R. Goldschmidt
A Topological Data Evolution Based Method to Predict Links in Social Networks. 27:1-27:8
Human and Social Aspects
- Anderson S. Barroso, Kleber H. de J. Prado
, Michel S. Soares, Rogério P. C. do Nascimento:
How personality traits influences quality of software developed by students. 28:1-28:8 - Lucian José Gonçales, Kleinner Farias
, Vinicius Bischoff:
On the Effects of Developers' Intuition on Measuring Similarity Between UML Models. 29:1-29:8 - McLyndon S. de L. Xavier, Kleinner Farias
, Jorge L. V. Barbosa
, Lucian Gonçales, Vinicius Bischoff:
UMLCollab: A Hybrid Approach for Collaborative Modeling of UML Models. 30:1-30:8
Process Modeling and Analysis
- Nicolas Jashchenko Omori, Gabriel Marques Tavares
, Paolo Ceravolo, Sylvio Barbon Jr.
Comparing Concept Drift Detection with Process Mining Tools. 31:1-31:8 - Thais Mester Barboza, Flávia Maria Santoro, Kate Cerqueira Revoredo
, Rosa M. M. Costa
A Case Study of Process Mining in Auditing. 32:1-32:8 - Raquel M. Pillat
, Renata M. S. Santos, Toacy C. Oliveira
Systematic Literature Review on BPMN-based Process Adaptation Approaches. 33:1-33:8
Optimization and Applications
- Marques Moreira de Sousa, Luiz Satoru Ochi, Simone de Lima Martins:
Traveling Salesperson Problem with Hotel Selection: A systematic review of the literature. 34:1-34:8 - Marco Aurélio da Silva Cruz, Ronaldo Ribeiro Goldschmidt
Deep Neural Networks Applied to User Recognition Based on Keystroke Dynamics: Learning from Raw Data. 35:1-35:8
Interoperability, Data and Ecosystems
- Elivaldo Lozer Fracalossi Ribeiro, Erasmo Leite Monteiro, Daniela Barreiro Claro, Rita Suzana Pitangueira Maciel
A Conceptual Framework for Pragmatic Interoperability. 36:1-36:8 - Mariana Santos, Juliana Fernandes, Maria Lúcia Bento Villela, Rodrigo Pereira dos Santos
Human-Computer Interaction Factors in Software Ecosystems: A Systematic Mapping Study. 37:1-37:8 - Marcelo Iury S. Oliveira, Bernadette Farias Lóscio:
Louvre: A Framework for Metadata Curation in Data Ecosystem. 38:1-38:8
Systems and Software Product Lines
- Vinicius Bischoff, Kleinner Farias
, Lucian José Gonçales, Jorge L. V. Barbosa
Towards a Semiautomatic Tool to Support the Integration of Feature Models. 39:1-39:8 - Denise Alves da Costa, Pedro de Alcântara dos Santos Neto:
Visualizing Commonalities and Variabilities in a Software Product Family: Visualizando Comunalidades e Variabilidades em uma Família de Produtos de Software. 40:1-40:8 - Doglas W. Sorgatto, Débora Maria Barroso Paiva
, Maria Istela Cagnin:
Requirement Reuse in Business Processes Lines: Reutilização de requisitos em linhas de processos de negócio. 41:1-41:8
Systems and Software Models
- Allan Mori
, Gustavo Vale, Elder Cirilo, Eduardo Figueiredo:
A Domain-Sensitive Threshold Derivation Method. 42:1-42:8 - Michael William Chagas, Kleinner Farias
, Lucian Gonçales
, Lucas S. Kupssinskü, João Carlos Gluz:
Hermes: A Natural Language Interface Model for Software Transformation. 43:1-43:8 - Júlio Serafim Martins
, Carla Ilane Moreira Bezerra, Anderson G. Uchôa
Analyzing the Impact of Inter-smell Relations on Software Maintainability: An Empirical Study with Software Product Lines. 44:1-44:8
Agile Methodologies
- Gibeon Soares de Aquino Júnior, André Medeiros Dantas:
An Agile Approach Applied to Intense Maintenance Projects. 45:1-45:8 - Geraldo Torres G. Neto, Wylliams Barbosa Santos
, Roberta A. de A. Fagundes, Tiziana Margaria:
Towards an Understanding of Value Creation in Agile Software Development. 46:1-46:8 - Lígia Cássia M. C. Santos, Edmir Parada Vasques Prado, Marcos Lordello Chaim
Vulnerability detection techniques and tools and their relationship to agile methods and software quality and service models. 47:1-47:8
SOA and Databases
- Bruno C. N. Oliveira, Alexis Huf
, Ivan Luiz Salvadori, Frank Siqueira:
Semantic Enrichment of Services for Linked Data Provision in SOA. 48:1-48:8 - Yan Mendes, Regina Braga
, Victor Ströele
, Daniel de Oliveira:
Polyflow: A SOA for Analyzing Workflow Heterogeneous Provenance Data in Distributed Environments. 49:1-49:8 - Robinson Vespucio Vaz, Jones Dhyemison Quito de Oliveira, Leonardo Andrade Ribeiro:
Duplicate Management Using Graph Database Systems: A Case Study. 50:1-50:8
Startups and Ecosystems
- Vinicius Serva Pereira, Renata Mendes de Araujo
, Rodrigo Pereira dos Santos
A Study on the Brazilian Public Software Portal Ecosystem Life Cycle and Collaboration. 51:1-51:8 - Pedro Augusto Duarte de Almeida, Sandro Jerônimo de Almeida:
The Belo Horizonte Software Startups Ecosystem and its maturity. 52:1-52:8 - Tatiany Xavier de Godoi, André Luís Andrade Menolli, Gustavo Marcelino Dionisio:
Software Startups Success Factors Study under the Entrepreneurial Perspective. 53:1-53:8
Information Systems and Applications
- Marcondes Coelho Feitoza, Wanderson Bezerra da Silva, Rodrigo Tripodi Calumby:
Exploring Deep Features and Transfer Learning for Plant Species Recognition. 54:1-54:8 - Gustavo Giroletti Mottin, Josiane Brietzke Porto
Impact analysis of model-based development in avionics software production. 55:1-55:8 - Douglas Felipe Pereira, Pedro Henrique Bugatti
, Fabrício Martins Lopes, André Luis Siqueira Marques de Souza, Priscila T. M. Saito
An Intelligent System to Enhance the Productivity and Sustainability in Soybean Crop Enterprises. 56:1-56:8
Information Systems and Society (1)
- Jorão Gomes Jr.
, Nicolas Ferranti, Jairo Francisco de Souza
Semantic Enrichment of Web Data for the Provision of an Unified Data Repository of Brazilian Missing Persons. 57:1-57:8 - Claudio Junior Nascimento da Silva, Quelita A. D. S. Ribeiro, Michel S. Soares, Rogério P. C. do Nascimento:
ICT Governance: A View of Adoption of Best Practices in Enterprises of Sergipe State. 58:1-58:8 - Edna Dias Canedo
, Frederico Viana Almeida:
A Study on the Design Thinking Approach in Universities. 59:1-59:8
Ontology, Data and Applications
- Rafael Pereira de Oliveira, Fernanda Baião
, Ana Carolina Almeida, Daniel Schwabe, Sérgio Lifschitz
Outer-Tuning: an integration of rules, ontology and RDBMS. 60:1-60:8 - Felipe Alves de Oliveira, Raquel Lopes Costa, Ronaldo R. Goldschmidt
, Maria Cláudia Cavalcanti
Multirelation Association Rule Mining on Datasets of the Web of Data. 61:1-61:8 - André Henrique de Oliveira Monteiro, Adler Diniz de Souza, Bruno Guazzelli Batista, Mauricio Zaparoli:
Market Prediction in Criptocurrency: A Systematic Literature Mapping. 62:1-62:8
Machine Learning and Applications
- Mateus Coutinho Marim, Alessandreia Marta de Oliveira, Saulo Moraes Villela:
Ufjf-Mltk: a framework for machine learning algorithms. 63:1-63:8 - Tamires A. S. Sousa, Verilene D. Ferreira, Anna Beatriz dos Santos Marques:
How do software technologies impact the daily of people with autism in Brazil: A survey. 64:1-64:8 - Frederico Luiz Caram, Bruno Rafael de Oliveira Rodrigues, Fernando Silva Parreiras:
Machine learning techniques for code smells detection: an empirical experiment on a highly imbalanced setup. 65:1-65:8
Systems Architecture and Design
- Dildre Georgiana Vasques, Juan F. Galindo, Glaucia S. dos Santos, Franciene D. Gomes, Pedro I. Garcia-Nunes
, Paulo Sérgio Martins:
An Educational Process for Requirements Extraction and Use Case Modeling Based on Problem-Based Learning and Knowledge Acquisition. 66:1-66:8 - Mallú Eduarda Batista, Paulo Afonso Parreira Júnior, Heitor A. X. Costa:
An Exploratory Study on Detection of Cloned Code in Information Systems. 67:1-67:8 - Alex Felipe Ferreira Costa, Anna Beatriz dos Santos Marques:
An exploratory study on the architectural modeling of information systems considering functional usability features. 68:1-68:8
Knowledge and Information Discovery (2)
- Denisson Santana dos Santos, Hugo Dória Nunes, Hendrik Teixeira Macedo, Alberto Costa Neto:
Recommendation System for Cross-Platform Mobile Development Framework. 69:1-69:8 - Anderson Soares Costa, Rodolfo Sobreira Alves, Francisco José da Silva e Silva
, Markus Endler:
Dynamic Discovery of IoT Services Based on Semantic Processing of Event Flows. 70:1-70:8 - Adolfo P. Guimarães, Thiago Dias Bispo, Arthur Azevedo, Hendrik T. Macedo:
LaNa2: A tool for processing natural texts in Portuguese language. 71:1-71:8
Information Systems and Society (2)
- Gabriel R. Machado, Eugênio Silva, Ronaldo R. Goldschmidt
A Non-Deterministic Method to Construct Ensemble-Based Classifiers to Protect Decision Support Systems Against Adversarial Images: A Case Study. 72:1-72:8 - Luis Fernando Carvalho Dias, Fernando Silva Parreiras:
Comparing Data Mining Techniques for Anti-Money Laundering. 73:1-73:8 - Matheus Icaro Agra Lins, José da Silva Duda Junior, Mônica Ximenes Carneiro da Cunha:
Motivations, Risks and Benefits in Outsourcing Information Systems: Confronting the Visions of Providers and Contractors in Maceió. 74:1-74:8
- Eduardo Augusto Klosowski, Adriano Fiorese:
FAEController: A Relative Efficiency Evaluation Framework of SDN Controllers. 75:1-75:8 - Rafael M. D. Frinhani, Wallace F. Serafim, Bruno G. Batista:
Optimization of traffic in real manufacturing environment through WAN accelerators. 76:1-76:8
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