Star Trek: The Next Generation // S05E05: The Gambit, Part II
(Me, autistic, and working in security.)
Also known as Muse, I am a GenX adult who writes tales on AO3 and FFnet. I have a DA page. — New follows with zero content will be assumed spambots and blocked.
Star Trek: The Next Generation // S05E05: The Gambit, Part II
(Me, autistic, and working in security.)
[video by alex_falcone. caption: I have a serious problem]
it’s DIRT
unmute for comically aggrieved farmer
reblogging for the second time because I still laugh uncontrollably. in my mind the cows are trying to be gracious about their strange gift. ‘yes we love it thank u’
One of the worst feelings is when you feel a hyperfixiation slipping.. Like no.. Youre so sexy pls keep giving me happy chemical
Girl help I'm losing my fixation
I am quite certain have a finite number of fixations, and I just rotate through them to keep the dopamine a’flowin.
Brain: “Oh, no new lego sets that ignite my passion?” *packs up legos into the closet*. “Guess it’s back to Burns/Senior shipping!”