A video that has since gone viral shows people sleeping on the floor, and a man explains there is little to no food at Krome.
By Sophia Hernandez • Published March 21, 2025 • Updated on March 22, 2025 at 11:34 am
Family members of detainees being held at Krome Detention Center are speaking out about the alleged harsh conditions of the facility. NBC6’s Sophia Hernandez reports
Family members of detainees being held at Krome Detention Center are speaking out about the alleged harsh conditions of the facility.
A lot of the same people posting the fell for it again award memes the most are about to do the same thing for whatever stupid sheepdogging slop AOC and Bernie are currently running their early advertising for
“good enough to watch at 1x speed” is a thing i see people occasionally mention on social media and it’s always like. oh okay your perspective here is completely alien to mine. okay
the. ‘china will use electric vehicles to map american roads’ thing chud conspiracy theorists are trying to spin is especially funny considering that theyre literally. already mapped. theres already maps of them youve. car satnavs have existed for like 30 years
australia’s trade minister trying to communicate with the american public: imagine a burger… Now imagine… Burger expensive? 🥺 trump big mac tarrif unaffordable. Beef market share australia. Jealousy trump.
Mexico’s goth scene! ☆
unfortunately, art won’t save the world. This doesn’t make it meaningless nor useless.
Dear friends - In these fateful moments that we live together, we need you to stand by us so that we can rebuild our lives again and return home. Your support will be a real support in the journey of recovery and reviving what the days have destroyed, in addition to completing our digital journey here. Every contribution, no matter how simple, makes a big difference and gives us hope to continue on the path. We trust you and thank you for all the support and giving you provide.
Note: Time is of the essence Special for supporters of the Ashour family blog
@fricklefracklefloof ❤️ @autisticmudkip ❤️ @effen-draws ❤️ @feluka ❤️ @tamarrud ❤️
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@dirhwangdaseul @b0nkcreat @tamamita @chokulit @3000s @apas-95 @pitbolshevik @ot3 @punkitt-is-here @vampiricvenus @turtletoria @paper-mario-wiki @valtsv @omegaversereloaded @i-am-a-fish-stinks @catsgifsarefun @spongebobssquarepants @postanagramgenerator @feluka @nyancrimew @90-ghost @beserkerjewel @neechees @memingursa @certifiedsexed @afro-elf @11thsense @sawasawako @spacebeyonce @skipppppy @beetledrink @fools-and-perverts @dailyquests @evillesbianvillain @wolfertinger666 @taffybuns @ankle-beez @sabertoothwalrus @meshugenist @isuggestforcefem @hotvampireadjacent @marxism-transgenderism
Unfortunately, there have been no donations for 16 hours. Please, guys, sponsor us.
@dirhwangdaseul @b0nkcreat @tamamita @chokulit @3000s @apas-95 @pitbolshevik @ot3 @punkitt-is-here @vampiricvenus @turtletoria @paper-mario-wiki @valtsv @omegaversereloaded @i-am-a-fish-stinks @catsgifsarefun @spongebobssquarepants @postanagramgenerator @feluka @nyancrimew @90-ghost @beserkerjewel @neechees @memingursa @certifiedsexed @afro-elf @11thsense @sawasawako @spacebeyonce @skipppppy @beetledrink @fools-and-perverts @dailyquests @evillesbianvillain @wolfertinger666 @taffybuns @ankle-beez @sabertoothwalrus @meshugenist @isuggestforcefem @hotvampireadjacent @marxism-transgenderism
The worst feeling is when you are insulted, assaulted, beaten and wronged and everyone is looking at you and you do not find anyone to defend you or support you, even though you listen to everyone and they look at you with pity but they cannot do anything for fear of the one who assaulted you. This is our situation today in Palestine and Gaza, where we are being assaulted, wronged, killed, displaced and starved by the cursed Nazi Zionists and the whole world is harming us and does not help us for fear of this occupation, as we have been going through a famine for a very long time and no one has been able to bring in a bottle of drinkable water for us until after taking permission from these Zionists. The whole world is watching our situation and does nothing.
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@dirhwangdaseul @b0nkcreat @tamamita @chokulit @3000s @apas-95 @pitbolshevik @ot3 @punkitt-is-here @vampiricvenus @turtletoria @paper-mario-wiki @valtsv @omegaversereloaded @i-am-a-fish-stinks @catsgifsarefun @spongebobssquarepants @postanagramgenerator @feluka @nyancrimew @90-ghost @beserkerjewel @neechees @memingursa @certifiedsexed @afro-elf @11thsense @sawasawako @spacebeyonce @skipppppy @beetledrink @fools-and-perverts @dailyquests @evillesbianvillain @wolfertinger666 @taffybuns @ankle-beez @sabertoothwalrus @meshugenist @isuggestforcefem @hotvampireadjacent @marxism-transgenderism
if you are american, this is what your taxes were spent on. if you’re german, this is what your taxes were spent on. if you’re british, this is what your taxes were spent on.
look at me. listen. you need to take that six foot something transfem and you need to lay her on your chest and stroke her hair gently and rub her back and hold her tight like a beloved stuffed animal. do you understand me. you need to hold the tall girls in your life like you would anyone else. LISTEN to me
Tall, broad and big fat girls deserve to be scooped up into your arms. You can scoop anyone into your arms if you’re both sat down, size or strength is irrelevant. Scoop her into your arms and tuck her under your chin. Kiss her forehead. Hook her legs under your arm and your other arm around her back and kiss the top of her head as you gently rock her and look down and her softly.
This Ramadān has been a specially rough one for Palestinians, as the Zionist state have been sieging towns and refugee camps all across the West Bank as well as baring aid and supply trucks from entering the Gaza Strip out of made-up claims regarding the safety of hostages held by the Gazauī resistance that outright contradict the very tangible healthiness of those already returned, despite having also been bombed by the IOF and knowingly so.
Gazauīs are held captives both by the Strip-wide lockdown, and by being abused, tortured, and neglected across Zionist carceral sites. And with Zionists having resumed bombardments on absolutely helpless people, I wonder whether only a miracle can help them. But Palestinians still try to get whatever they can, such is @aburakhiaibrahim’s case.
He’s reached out hoping there can be something done to help him and his loved ones from this end, or through this site’s interface. I truly fear for their fate given how things are developing right now in Gaza. I’ve prayed Allāh ﷻ extends His mercy upon them ever since he first messaged me looking for help, but I know solidarity and tangible actions are the means to that help instead of just “thoughts and prayers.”
Whose donation plead has been vetted here.
Could you please, friends, help me spread Ibrahim’s petition around, so that he and his loved ones —Allāh willing, وْشَاءَ ٱللَّٰه—can get somewhere safe and away from Zionists’ reach? Their campaign hasn’t developed much over these months, so this is a fairly urgent plead.
أَمِانِ ٱللَّٰه عَلَيْكُمْ وَالتَّوْڢِيْكْ
Unfortunately, the bombing has been renewed violently, and there is no food due to the closure of the crossings. I sincerely need your support to face the difficulties. I thank everyone who stood with me and my family.🙏💔
$9,865 / $30,000 CAD. only 3 donations in the past 2 days
reminder that
$10 USD = $14 CAD
€10 = $14.50 CAD
£10 = $18 CAD
One of the earliest socialist thinkers and a contemporary of Marx and Engels was Moses Hess. While Moses Hess would be referred to as the Communist Rabbi, he would later fall out with Marx and Engels due to ideological differences. Like many earlier Socialist thinkers at that time, the duo would criticize Hess in the German ideology, arguing for historical materialism over Hess’s Hegelian approach to materialism. Interestingly enough, by the time the Communist Manifesto was published, Hess would detach himself from the broader Socialist movement and later publish his first magnus opus Rom and Jerusalem, being one of the earliest thinkers to popularize “Zionism” as a proto-socialist movement. L.
Like imagine having a good time with Marx and Engels, contributing to the development of Socialism, and you decide to split because of your outdated Hegelian views on dialectics, and you decide, nahhh, I’m gonna write some metaphysical shit about some settler colonial wetdream I had or some shit like that. Nationalism is all the same
Hess’s later position was not incidental to the broader socialist movement, he was collaborating with Ferdinand Lassalle in the General German Workers’ Association which influenced most of European mass socialist politics and later he endorsed Social-Democracy. Like Lassalle he saw the national state as the only form that socialism could take form within (both of them borrowed the idea of socialism in one country from Johann Gottlieb Fichte’s Jacobin German ethnonationalism).
His main disagreement with Lassalle is he didn’t believe Jews could be included in German nationalism and that they had to leave their diaspora condition and carry out a racial-national revitalization through colonizing labor in Palestine. His Zionism otherwise used the exact same concepts as the mainstream of the socialist movement that Marx stood out for critiquing, including treating labor as a godlike power of human subjectivity and nature as a lifeless mass to be colonized. Social-Democracy, Zionism, and national socialism were all bound together at their very genesis as nationalist solutions for the proletariat, and ended up prevailing over the position Marx advocated by the early 20th century
🚨Urgent appeal 🚨🚨
Day by day, our suffering is increasing in Gaza, where there is no cooking gas, so we light firewood to cook food, where Youssef spends a lot of time collecting firewood from the streets under bombardment.
My compigen has been verified by @90-ghost @gazavetters list (48)
Butterfly effect project line (944)
Plz donate and share my link 🙏
We want safe life 🙏
@1eos @beserkerjewel @rhythmlessgay
@afro-elf @irangp @comintoyoulive
@starboyfinn @vague-humanoid
@bilal-salah0 @hehemechief @bahrmp3
@wutheringheightsfilm @autisticmudkip
@dykedatasoong @wearywoes
@ankhisms @danlous @biconicfinn
@letshearitfortheuniverse @moonisneveralone
@gloriousbodies @hoenngarbage @khanger
@neechees @repressionrepresentation
@shesnake @akajustmerry @diasdelasombra
@lospajaritos @lilblckraincloud
@batboybisexualism @lautakwah @yekkes
@evilbisexualonline @socalgal @idontwikeit
@ankhisms @onedollopofsourcream
@guldaastan @lesbianmaxevans
@mettaworldpiece @jaimeendured
@womenintheirwebs @deepspaceboytoy
@sawasawako @7bitter @capricornpropaganda
@kibumkim @geminipdf @cephalophor
Within one week, between Tuesday March 18 and today March 24, Israel had:
1. Killed over 750 Palestinians in Gaza (x)
2. Committed the largest child massacre in its history (x)
3. Approved a “voluntary departure” plan in its cabinet (x)
4. Displaced Palestinian families in the West Bank with no prior notice from their homes (x)
5. Forcibly displaced people in Gaza under direct threat (x)
6. Its forces stood guard as its nasty settlers took over a Palestinian family’s home as the family went out for iftar in Hebron (x)
7. Bombed and levelled Gaza’s only remaining cancer treatment facility (x)
8. Bombed Nasser hospital, killing and injuring patients and medical staff (x)
9. Assassinated two journalists in Gaza within hours from each other (x)
10. Continued to prevent food, water, medicine and other essentials from entering besieged Gaza for the 24th day (x)
Do with this list what you will.