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what cannot be said will be wept



The war has returned, and so has our suffering… 💔

We are once again facing fear, destruction, and unbearable hardship. In the midst of this, my mother is gravely ill and urgently needs heart surgery to survive. The procedure costs $25,000, an amount we cannot afford under these devastating conditions in Gaza.

⏳ Our next goal is to raise $7,500 this week—please don’t let her face this battle alone.

Even a small donation as $1 via PayPal or $5 via GoFundMe.
can make a difference. If you can’t donate, sharing this message helps more than you know. 🙏💙

Thank you to everyone who has supported us—please don’t turn away in this difficult time. 💖

and follow me on my new account @maimohssen @maimabuhamda

vetted here

will you help us ?



I will share and donate

Keep reading

@irangp @tamamita @mushroomjar @murderbot @boobieteriat @ot3 @apas-95 @noble-kale @afro-elf @akajustmerry @autisticmudkip @magic-can @imlizy @sawasawako @boobieteriat @ot3 @a-shade-of-blue @klapollo @paper-mario-wiki @prisonhannibal @omegaversereloaded @postanagramgenerator @gaza-giving-tree @fray @buttercuparry @butchfeygela

Last donation 2 days ago

Please share my campaign

My family needs your help





It breaks my heart to see that the world is such that there is no one to hold the Zionist state and the US empire accountable. The Zionists keep on crying about October 7th and the hostages, and every Western institution keeps on coddling them. There has been no genuine acknowledgement of the fact that the British government implanted an illegal settler colony in Palestine and that settler colony forced the native people out of their homes in 1948. There has been no genuine acknowledgent of the horrors of the Nakba, no acknowledgement of ethnic cleansing, no acknowledgement of the destruction of the land in trying to hide the genocide of 1948 through greenwashing, there has been no acknowledgement of the fact that Gaza has been an open air prison, and that Hamas has every right to push back against the oppression of the Zionist state. Right now another genocide is being carried out in front of our eyes, with enthusiastic encouragement from the Western world, the most complicit being the USA. It was always about re-occupation of Gaza and today the Zionist state violated the ceasefire. I am scared for my friends. I am terrified and I do not know how to help except to keep the fundraisers circulating.

So please donate to my friend Siraj Abudayeh.

And please keep requesting a refund from both of his gofundme campaigns, that were shut down unfairly by the fundraising site. I do not care how long you have to go back and forth with gofundme on this, but Siraj lost 32k because of the site’s callousness and even recovering half of that money would mean a lot. So if you have donated in November, December of 2024 and in January of this year, please request a refund because Gofundme allows requests upto a year. They should by their own policy still have the money with them. Please help by clicking on the links above…

I just heard back from Siraj. The bombing was just 500 meters away from his family. Death to Israel. Death to America.

Only €10 for the last 2 days😥

For the ninth day in a row, I’ve been trying to reach just €4,500 to buy wood to run the kiln. Today, the war of extermination has resumed, and we are in danger of dying from bombing and starvation.

I appeal to you to protect us from death.

Please Reblog

Keep reading


Help Ghada and her family escape to safety! Vetted #6


“We need your help to raise the money needed to cross the Rafah border between Gaza and Egypt, where the coordination cost for one person ranges between $5,000 and $7,000.”








I keep fish and sometimes breed them (free fish hack). At the moment I have some beautiful fellows that are getting up there in age, so it’s time to create more.

I separate all of my fish by their gendies as soon as you can possibly tell them apart to keep the population of my tanks where I want it, and to prevent inbreeding (and all of the complications that stem from that). These lads have effectively never seen a girl.

When I added the female to continue their legacy, they didn’t know what to do. So they did what any respectable man might do in that confusing situation: ignored her and continued having sex with each other.

So preoccupied with one another are they that I’m honestly not sure if they will ever include her in any way that matters. Their bloodline ends with gay sex, and tbh, I kinda love that for them.

The g in lgbtq stands for guppy. 🌈

As if to mock me directly, they are now going out of their way to have sex in front of her while she just floats there like


I’ve turned off the light so that maybe they’ll include her by accident. 🤫


Free fish!

(Created by accident in the dark.)

I need you all to know, I sat on this news for 72 hours, closely monitoring, waiting for more to be born and this is it. There are 4 of them. 😂









Urgent 🚨 New link on Chuffed

Urgent help save my father’s life


Hi everyone I hope you are doing well,

As The Israeli army is fighting us. GOFUNDME is also fighting us and has seized all the money I collected for treatment.and evacuation 🥺😭

From Gaza Strip Transfers from my account have been paused .

So I made a new link so I can pay for my father’s surgery which costs $5000. The cost of treatment and medicines

I ask everyone to donate to me to save my father’s life

@wayneradiotv @worm-suggestion @weirdmarioenemies @wolfertinger666 @wis-art @wingwaver @emil @rickybabyboy @redbuddi @rednines @tamamita @itwashotwestayedinthewater @prisonhannibal @punkitt-is-here @papasmoke @amygdalae @pitbolshevik @annabelle–cane @anarchblr @sporesgalaxy @drukhari @dailymonkiekid @danijaci @hotvampireadjacent @justsomeantifas @kurtwagnermorelikekurtwagnerd @kibumkim @klapollo @longseasons @lesbianchemicalplant @zvaigzdelasas @beetledrink @neechees @marxism-transgenderism @charlott2n @valtsv @nabulsi @gaza-evacuation-funds

@marquisdelafayetteforreal @degocraft-952 @zingtimestwo-blog @sporesgalaxy @friendly-neighborhood-sociopath @angrymorganite930 @draw-your-ocs-as @ninjakitten1699 @spudmen @blackcurrantsweettea @wildcardsag @uayv @zeojak @skill @qatheauthoress74 @just-to-comment-in-fanpages @sayruq @lul @terry-bradstreet @bunnymilki @gaymantaraysblog @cutiesncantrips @albisluvzkaty @themrock @dullahaunts @boopdeshmoop @aurasoulhikari @gnollbardcreates @sar-soor @sappho114 @starthistletea @dunkstein @hashashafashasha @xliyluna @dumbhero @numberonepartyboy @anastasiatasou @bunnymi1k @aerdeth @gaza-evacuation-funds @ghost-roads @gallade-x-treme @xielianss @xsuicunex2 @memehumor @memeuplift @loish @lastoneout @litsy-kalyptica @expressionmemeschallenge

@omegaversereloaded @punkitt-is-here @tamamita @skunkes @ot3 @valtsv @wolfertinger666 @paper-mario-wiki @chokulit @noble-kale @pitbolshevik @neechees @memingursa @afro-elf @beserkerjewel @feluka @i-am-a-fish @nyancrimew @spongebobssquarepants @sabertoothwalrus @90-ghost @komsomolka @sawasawako @hotvampireadjacent @certifiedsexed @isuggestforcefem @3000s @pissvortex @prisonhannibal @apas-95 @vampiricvenus @turtletoria @marxism-transgenderism @beetledrink @bevsi @spacebeyonce @bonkcreat @11thsense @boobieteriat @sporesgalaxy @spitblaze @space-is-the-place2 @sar-soor @sayruq @sadhoc @sappho114 @sailor-plut @gallade-x-treme @palhelp @paleolatrans

Donate donate please 🥺🙏

@oediex @silverclasps @ittybittycowboys @extremelycursedimages @yukiranine @casketears @theloverstomb @beachbondfire @gothhabiba @scrybeofstars @hi-raethia @novampiresremain @dustoftheancients @7yrannic @coollasticdabetach @razzberrydazz @ilikecrocssuckit @vincentpchriswolf @fairuzfan @bootywitch @extremelycursedimages @prettyboyhole @shivapvoid @pillowfriendly @stubbierodin @extremelycursedimages @subspaceskater @ghoulchurch @extremelycursedimages @pillowfriendly @extremelycursedimages @yukiranine @miamitu @whoisnotmyname @perditionsflames @magpiefeather @musicrunsthroughmysoul @yourartmatters-itswhatgotmehere @akajustmerry @probablynotcanadian @anarchistmemecollective @skys-trash-bin @fangzmurderscene @northgazaupdates @bloodanddarknesss @miamitu @ashlakh @dykecadence @stubbierodin @aryadelvich

Hello everyone I hope to share and donate to help my family 😞

@dirhwangdaseul @bonkcreat @tamamita @chokulit @3000s @killing-stalking-posts @apas-95 @pitbolshevik @ot3 @punkitt-is-here @vampiricvenus @turtletoria @postanagramgenerator @paper-mario-wiki @valtsv @omegaversereloaded @i-am-a-fish @catsgifsarefun @spongebobssquarepants @vamprein @postanagramgenerator @feluka @nyancrimew @90-ghost @beserkerjewel @neechees @memingursa @certifiedsexed @afro-elf @11thsense @sawasawako @spacebeyonce @skipppppy @beetledrink @schoolhouserockmycock @fools-and-perverts @dailyquests @evillesbianvillain @wolfertinger666 @taffybuns @sealsdaily @sabertoothwalrus @meshugenist @isuggestforcefem @yekkks @hotvampireadjacent @tododeku @marxism-transgenderism @sporesgalaxy @moringmark

Hello my friends I ask all of people of mercy to help us by sharing & Donation🙏 to help my family from this war

@batmananimated @jonahmagnus @pitbolshevik @cometcrystal @haootia @skinwretch @determinate-negation @talasem @girlintheglassboxx @jame7t @treesbian @pollocks @rocksnstars @mayonaisalspray @toiletpotato @pisshandkerchief @longseasons @wis-art @beserkerjewel @wolf-tail @strangeauthor @wolfertinger666 @a-shade-of-blue @yekkes @postanagramgenerator @feluka @punkeropercyjackson @strange-aelurus @nabulsi @ringosnoop @sporesgalaxy @palhelp @turtletoria @valtsv @annabelle–cane @anneemay @tamamita @taffybunnie @prinnay @prisonhannibal @pckseicns @komsomolka @neechees @victoriawhimsey @punkitt-is-here @vampiricvenus @noble-kale @autisticmudkip @catnapdreams @mushroomjar



friends, if I can give you one piece of advice for those of you who are new to work, or are about to enter the workforce, especially if you have any sort of office job:

Do not work on your days off.



Do not work on your breaks

Do not “answer a few emails” on your vacation

Do not work off the clock

Doing this doesn’t reward you with more money or whatever. It rewards you with more work.




I can’t donate myself but if anyone who can sees this, please help @maramgaza9. They’ve been verified twice

Vetted! #431 on @/gazavetters vetted list, #207 on the  Bees and Watermelons verified fundraiser list. Also vetted by association.

Only $5,693 USD raised of $80K goal!

Maram is 17 years old and from a family of 5. She wishes to specialize in human medicine in uni, but she lost her last year of education in high school due to the current genocide. Her sister Nour (19) was studying engineering in uni, while her brother Mahmoud (13) had to stop his education as well.

You can enter my freshwater pearl necklace raffle if you donate to this fundraiser! (Deadline 31 March 2025!)


Each ICE officer should be socially alienated in their personal lives too. No inviting them to Thanksgiving or anything like that




They should carry you on a throne.





If you wouldn’t want the absolute worst individual on the planet to have control over powerful and deadly systems and institutions, then maybe we should just not-build and constantly reinforce powerful and deadly systems and institutions.

If the government being controlled by Trump or Musk is a problem, then that government probably shouldn’t have ever existed in the first place. It shouldn’t have been armed to the teeth and given supreme power to shit all over us.

Me building a giant horrifying death ray and pointing it at your house: don’t worry, there’ll be checks and balances.


Awww they’re mad theyre getting the same treatment


There’s a whole Wikipedia page dedicated to an an Israeli PM saying this because one of the most notorious zionist propaganda myths is that palestine was uninhibited and that we were never a people


It feels like dejavu because I’ve been on here for years and I’ve received dozens of people over the years telling me my identity doesn’t exist and I will literally say but how can it not exist as millions of people identify under the name palestinian? And in vain talk about our villages and culture before 1948. And now it’s so funny that israelis r getting the same treatment, but it’s worse for us because they say this as Palestinians continue to be executed and our land taken.



“you’d fumble some girl asking for your star sign by going Um akshually it’s pseudoscience ☝️🤓” she’d fumble me by believing in astrology ngl





gender-affirming surgery is a months-long dark comedy. what the fuck do you mean you’re charging me double for everything. what do you mean they itemize the bill by left and right ball. what the fuck.

they billed me for three?? three balls???



On March 13, the European Court of Human Rights delivered a scathing ruling, holding Ukraine responsible for the massacre of scores of anti-Maidan activists in Odessa on May 2, 2014. 

This ruling has received limited coverage in Western media outlets, as it confirms the Ukrainian regime’s support of the neo-Nazis through its inaction and refusal to take any measures against the killers.

t h e m e