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Showing posts with label Travelling. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Travelling. Show all posts

Saturday, 5 March 2016

Catching up

-->Now that the new year has passed and we approach Autumn and cooler months I had best catch you all up.

Well we left Coffs Harbour December 22nd. We move on down to Wauchope to Jan (Michael's mum) for Christmas. Our sit in Coffs Harbour had finished early due to the owners coming home early due to illness. We have secured another house sit in Hervey Bay from late January to late October next year. This is another area we both really want to explore. We also had a short one near Bundaberg for a week, which also gave us the chance to check out the area.  Yes I know we're suppose to be going south, but when opportunity knocks we took it.

So what has happened since the last update, well we have a new home on wheels. We traded the caravan in on a Travelhome Macquarie Fifth Wheeler. She’s 29 feet long and luxurious.
She unfortunately doesn’t have the internal storage as the caravan had, but she makes up for what can be stored outside.

I finally got my electric bike back after the controller packed it in again. We’ve also now discovered the battery is on the way out, Michael thinks it’s sat too long at the shop and has deteriorated over time.  We had both gotten involved with the Coffs Cycle bug group and regularly rode more than 50km’s a week. Certainly makes it easier to keep up with them with the electric bike.  I’d found a couple of craft groups and enjoy regular catch-ups.I have also managed to get a couple of classes organised.

We spent new years with my brother Peter’s place near Warwick to de-clutter some more and re-sort the container again. As when we put Chris’s stuff in there we just placed his stuff on top of ours, so not secured. Speaking of Chris, he and Rachel have enjoyed 4 months touring through Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia and Myanmar (Burma).  They will arrived in the states mid December, spent Christmas with Rachel's family and went up to Stow in Vermont for some snow skiing after Christmas and new year.  

Getting use to have Rosey around again, I think she is enjoying the caravanning side of it all.  The house sitting side gets her out and about without the lead, which can be a pain at times.
We bought her a new bed, which doubles as her travel caddy. She travels exceptionally well, I put her harness on and she goes into the caddy and goes to sleep. 
She's going blind now so keeping a close eye on her as she is starting to bump into things.

We are now settled in our house sit at Hervey Bay and as usual haven't taken long to get into the swing of things. Michael is enjoying here immensely as the wind has been kind to him and stuck around for weeks. As well as kiting he's been 'yogaering'(is that such a word) and has again started to Ref the Touch Footy. He's also gone for a couple of rides with the local groups, I hope to start once my new battery arrives (which it finally has).  I have gotten involved with a craft group and will be doing three workshops whilst we're here. I am also helping with a local Community support group two days a week. No rest for the wicked.
We ducked up to Rockhampton a couple of weeks ago and visited my sister and my nieces for a couple of birthdays in the family, was nice catching up with family.
I have been stitching and have almost finished four of my blocks for my 'outback quilt', can't rush these things.  I'm also working on getting more of my tutorials I did on Joggles into my Esty shop so everyone can access them now. I am almost finished my 'Twines of Nature' and ' Cheerful Flutters', they should be up soon. And if you missed it my Beetle is still up at the moment.

Well that's about it for now, happy stitching.

Thursday, 5 November 2015

What to do with CQ Blocks?????

I've been doing the  courses that Kathy Shaw has provided FREE of charge over the last year.

Well I emailed Kathy to say she hadn't sent me the next lesson of the last course, not realizing there wasn't another one to come.  So she suggested I go back to the start and redo it.  Well not quiet, but what does one do with all those blocks we've just embellished.

Well we have purchased our next 'mobile home' to continue our travels around Australia.
Old one:

New one:
My 'Craft room' consists of four plastic drawers and a sewing machine. In the previous van hubby had pulled out the lounge and my 4 drawers sat nicely there with a curtain that come over the top and latched into the wall at the bottom. This stopped movement whilst we were traveling.

But as this has a different floor plan we've had to re-think where to put my 'Craft room' - four drawers. So two will be situated at the front of the van in the bedroom area one either side. The other two will fit under the kitchen table. Now that they are separated we can't use the same curtain set up. This photo show's the back of the van where the table and lounge is. Can't pull the lounge out on this one, too difficult.

So I thought about it for a while and came up with the idea of individual slip covers for them. This way if they fall over during travel the drawers will stay in and the contents won't spill over the floor.
So using the blocks from this course I am making four covers. Here is the first one, three more to go.
Front view:
 The top, I will eventually embellish this, as it's also lined.
 Sides have the same fabric, the back is just calico (muslin).
 Close up of the block. Didn't end up putting a beetle on, would have gotten caught on a lot of things.

There is always different uses for our blocks, not just quilts or covers for books etc. Think outside the box everyone.

Thank you Kathy for another excellent class.


Sunday, 18 October 2015

Continuing our Journey -Newcastle-Coffs Harbour

We did our quick trip back to Brisbane to collect Rosey and my car, our white goods and pack up Chris and Rachel and send them on their way. After a day out at my brothers to re sort the container and put some more stuff away, we made our way down to Michael's mum to unpack and continue down back to Newcastle for another 3 weeks with Zacky. (The house owners had to do a dash to South Africa.
Whilst there we both got new bikes in Newcastle, mine is electric, pedal assist, meaning I still have to pedal to move, the electric part allows me to pedal up hills and hence keeping up with Michael. Michael bought himself one that has shocks, so the of-road riding is a bit more comfortable.
Newcastle has several good bikeways, one was the Fernleigh Track Bikeway, which the council has converted from the old railway line to a fully tarred bike path, spanning 16 klm, so when doing a round trip was 32 klm, which I did a few times. Another path we did frequently was the one that went around Lake Macquarie at the northern end, which is a 16 klm round trip, very scenic ride. 

Our routine would be Michael would ride from Holmesville over the hill to the park at the start of the ride (already an 11km trip for him). I would wait for him at Marmong Point near Teralba, after going to craft. (pictured above – one of my favorite spots on the lake, and below Michael at the lake end of the Fernleigh Track).
Unfortunately my bike has been back to the shop twice now, something to do with the relay, but we hope to be back on it soon, in the meantime I'm still walking and riding my other bike, just not in hilly areas.
As we had Rosey with us on our second trip back to Newcastle, she had to adjust to the cold, so I made her a new jacket and got a couple of extra baby blankets for her to snuggle up under.
 Find the Rose?????....
This is Rosey in her jacket, laying on Michael's dirty jeans and jumper, she does look comfy.
We did have some nice days to take her walking, here she is down by Lake Macquirie whilst Michael was trying to find some wind to Kite surf.

She's now staying at Michael's mum place and now that Aleesha (our niece) has arrived to live with Jan, Rosey is getting longer walks and a bit more company.
Before we moved onto Coffs Harbour for our next house sit we spent a week relaxing at South West Rocks, which is about an hours drive south of Coffs. We had a wonderful relaxing time, walking the beach, riding the bikes, reading and sewing. Michael even got a dive in and some kite surfing. The caravan park is right on the beach at Horseshoe bay.
 This was our view from our chairs outside the van, it got even better a few days later when more vans in front of us left.
 Walking the beach back towards the caravan park
 Out bike riding
The days were clear, bright and the ocean was just so blue. We even got to see a whale from the Goal just above these rocks later in the afternoon.

We have been very lucky so far with the weather, the last day we were there was raining and windy, so it was easy to pack up and move on.
We arrived in Coffs Harbour on September 18th.  We are here until Mid to late January. We have already started touring around the place and went whale watching a couple of weeks ago before they disappeared south.
 Michael and I on the boat.
We saw 3 or 4 pods of whales, this one was breaching, not far away from us, just amazing to see.

Well that catches you all up to now, I haven't added any craft stuff here, I'll do that in the next post, otherwise it will be too photo heavy.


Tuesday, 29 September 2015

Bobbin lace - Did I score big.

Finally some posts, my computer died, the motherboard in fact, thankfully the hard drive is ok, but I back up all the time so I lost nothing, just had to reinstall programs.  So now all back to normal.

So over the next couple of weeks I'll be doing my catch up, but this post is one of the most important ones I needed to start with.

During our stay in Newcastle I had the pleasure of meeting a wonderful group of ladies creating amazing pieces from Bobbin Lace.  Our hostess Janis lives in an amazing big house with her husband and opens her home to these ladies weekly for their regular get together. Janis also has an amazing collection of Bobbin lace dating back to the 15th century. All the ladies were so lovely and happy to share their knowledge and skills.  One lady in particular Joan Cruise who has been bobbin lacing for 35-40 years or more, is moving house. Downsizing from her large home to a over 55's retirement village.  Doing the same craft for so long you accumulate a lot of stuff (I know and certainly not doing the same craft for so long).

Joan was selling off most of her stuff.  I said I would love to buy some of her bobbins. (Light weight for traveling).  So my friend Lorraine and I went to her place and she gave me (Yes - gave me, would not take an offer of money), all of these following items. Her only request was to put up this write up on my blog (which I would have done anyway).  I am so humble to be the receiver of all these wonderful craft items.  Thank you Joan from the bottom of my heart.

A bag to carry my round cushion, beautifully made.
 Joan made this some time ago, a bigger roll than mine, and more room for accessories.
 And closed.
 A bobbin holder, this I am already using regularly.

A bobbin winder, which Michael has oiled up and we have put this into storage, as it's really heavy.

 And several books, this one I have kept out as it had the best information i though for my travels. Even though it's a hard cover and a little heavy I think it is worth me having we me.
 These next books I have put into storage.

So who's the lucky ducky.......ME of course.


Now we are in Coffs Harbour and I have found a small group here to do bobbin lace and Dot is very happy to pass on her knowledge. 

Thursday, 11 June 2015

Enjoying the Central Coast, NSW

Well, our house sit at Bateau Bay came to a quick end, with the son of the owner wishing to move back home due to issues with this wife's family. So we quickly found a new house sit and are presently at Holmesville, just west of Newcastle.  We are house sitting the house of course and Zacky, a lovely black and white cat. We have become good friends and we share the sun room when it's sunny.

I've been busy working on a couple of courses with Kathy Shaw, Dying and Embellishing with Threads. If you get the chance to do these courses (they are FREE), even as a refresher, they are well worth it. Here is some of my work.
First the Dying course, this is good fun, and as you can see I had wonderful weather for drying.

 Embellishing with threads, seam treatments.
 Trees, veins and spiders

 Enhancing motif's

 Monogrames, which we all don't do enough of.

I have found a few craft groups here, one embroidery, one quilting and one bobbin lace, pity we are only here for 7 weeks.

We have also done some more sight seeing around Newcastle.

 Michael steading himself on the sign to see if there are any humpback whales passing. The radio said there were a few sighted that morning.

 Michael on the Memorial Walkway, opened for ANZAC centenary.

And now to some other news. Son has decided to make a trip to the USA, for how long we're not sure as he's taking Ally (his Labrador) and Tatum (Rachel's cat) with them. So we have to go back up to Brisbane, pick up and pack up our gear he was using and store in our container.  We also have to pick up Rosey.  Thankfully Michael's mum will look after her whilst we are in Coffs Harbour (our next housesit) as the house has no fence. After that we're possibly going to have her travel with us.  Chris has had the dogs on strict diets and exercise, Rosey is now almost down to 11kg and Ally is about to tip below 30kg.  Here's the latest picture of them both.

Well that's about it for the moment, catch you next time.