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Chan's Heros

Chapter 4: Innie's Intro


Why did this keep happening to him?


I posted this from my phone so forgive any mistakes until I can fix them later, lol

Another story that's not as short as Jisung's but may actually be longer than Felix's. It also doesn't read very much like the other two.

I have no reason for that, other than - blame the muses. 🤣📝💗

Chan is four dongsaengs in at this point.

Innie's special skill isn't actually a special *power* and there wasn't really any way (that I could think) to subtley point it out. So you get this one free of charge, hahaha!

Felix's super power, as mosaic_vine guessed, is shape shifting!! 😅📝🐈

Chapter Text



Chan never had a problem being backup. Never had a problem helping to restore order in any way he was needed. That was his whole purpose as a superhero. 

So when he arrived at the house of the beom-in, Hyun Yuja, he was prepared to work with the Bam-Ihada Clan to bring the man to justice.

He'd been standing in the semi dark, just inside the window, ready for Lee Hana, leader of the clan to make his move. 

He was not, however, ready for someone to tumble down from the rafters.

The small figure shrieked as it fell, landing on Yuja’s bed, just inches from the man himself. 

Hyun Yuja rolled to the side, shouting out orders, and the bedroom door was flung open. Chan recognized at least two of the four men that came rushing in as members of Yuja's personal security.

Lee Hana’s members materialized then, descending from the shadows and dark corners of the room, immediately engaging Yuja's thugs, and Chan moved silently, ready to assist where needed.

The small form on the bed - a teenager, Chan was guessing, struggled to stand in the pile of thick blankets, as the beom-in pulled a rather large knife from under his pillow and pointed it at him.

The kid tried to move away from Yuja as the man advanced on him, but he stumbled over a pillow. Chan shot across the floor, jumping up and over the footboard, his custom bo staff in hand. He drew Yuja's attention away from the younger with an off handed comment about the inability of his thugs to protect him, and tried to ignore the thud from behind him. 

Ninja, indeed.” Yuja scoffed, advancing towards Chan. 


“Wow, Innie-ah, you really were a horrible ninja!” Seungmin said incredulously, grinning a bit evilly.

“Shut up, Seungmin, hyung said we were all still learning when he found us!” Innie snapped, crawling across the couch and into Chan's lap.

“You fell off the bed, Innie, after falling from the rafters. It's a good thing Channie-hyung was there to save you,” Jisung stated from where he was curled up next to Minho on the opposite couch.

“Be nice to our maknae,” Minho ordered, poking the teenager’s arm, “you weren't exactly peaches and cream when you first got here.”

Jisung pouted up at him. “You weren't even here when I first got here,” their resident Energizer bunny muttered against his hyung's shoulder.

“I've heard the stories, Sung-ah,” Minho said, ruffling the boy’s hair.

“I don't understand how you just walked out of there with Innie, without the Bam-Ihada Clan having an issue,” Hyunjin said from where he lay on the floor, his head in Changbin's lap. He looked over at Chan, then up at Changbin. “Do you, hyung?”

Changbin shrugged, leaning back on his hands and studying their leader. “I think Chan-hyung is persuasive…and if that didn't work, I'd guess he just told them he was taking him.”

Felix snorted softly from the other side of Chan. “So you're a kidnapper, hyung?”  

Chan gently cuffed Felix across the head. “I didn't kidnap any of you, you little brat. Aish.”

“Then how?” Hyunjin asked again, “Lee Hana is so not someone I'd mess with.”

Chan sighed, looking fondly at the maknae in his arms. “I just suggested that they didn't deserve our Innie-ah and said he could come home with me. No one argued.”

Seungmin moved from the recliner, to join Minho and Jisung on the couch. “No one argues with you, hyung. Except Sungie.”

“Hey! You argue too! A lot! And I'm not that bad…not anymore!” Jisung cried, shifting to sit upright, “and this isn't about me! It's about Innie and his klutziness!!”

Hyuuunnngs! I could've taken that guy, really I could've. But then my foot got stuck in the blanket, and I fell off the bed…and, well it's not my fault I hit my head on the dresser…”