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What to do about Magik?


Just what do you do when you have an unstable demon lord on staff? This takes place right after Kitty almost kills Scott when Illyana brings Kitty to the new Xavier school and leaves Scott and Kitty alone as shown in Uncanny X-Men 18.

Can't help but think Scott would have been very pissed about that.

Kept enhancing the story with many a (What to do about Magik plots)

Chapter Text

Part 1: Well now what?


Scott, Emma, and Erik (Magneto) were gathered round a table in a small conference room. Kitty and Illyana had just departed; Illyana was returning Kitty to the Jean Grey School so she could gather her students and explain what was about to happen. The negotiations were done and agreements reached. Professor Kitty would be bringing herself and her students to Scott's new school.


Scott was still rattled at his near death at the hands of Kitty. Emma was trying to play it cool but she was also unsettled. Erik was reserved, as always.


"It will be good to expand the student roster" was Erik's rather plain statement. "Allows for expanded interactions amongst the new students. Plus, having a cadre of higher trained student will facilitate the learning experience for the less skilled in many ways; rather like having upper classmen I suspect".


Time for a very important and long overdue discussion thought Scott. He initiated that discussion.


"I almost died out there Erik. Just an unphased hangnail away from death. I have... concerns about Magik's decision making process".


"She's not crazy Scott" Emma stated. "Well, at least a lot less crazy now. As bizarre as this sounds this is a good thing".


Scott was somewhat incredulous. "Good?! I seem to recall that you were the one that said she scared the hell out of you".


Emma continued. "She still does. But this is likely, in part, my fault".


"How Emma?" asked Erik. It was not often that the white queen admitted a failing of any sort.


"As you both know, Illyana and I continue to have therapy sessions". No need to talk about all the sessions, some had been quite unprofessional, but fun, and Scott would get all moody if he knew. "Illyana has always been.... hesitant in many things despite experiences to the contrary".  


"Hesitant? Emma! Kitty had her God Damned hand in my head". Scott's response was not helpful.


"Yes darling, I'm sure it was very uncomfortable. So rare to see our Kitty actually unsheathe her claws, but back to the topic at hand. Personnel interactions are... kept away by our Illyana, as you well know Scott. You were in her head, hell we were both in her head back when we were Phoenix. You know the mess that's in there".


Emma continued. "She absolutely believed herself to be unredeemable. She rather deliberately keep all of her former friends at arms length and went to great lengths to motivate them to abandon her. Well... things are different now. Whatever that beast Dormmanu did to her has resulted in some complications. Good complications all in all".


"Like Kitty's hand in my head"?


Erik had his concerns about Illyana, but seeing Scott all worked up was... somewhat entertaining and rather therapeutic for him. Nice to see the shoe on the other foot as it were.


Emma was sympathetic. "It's ok to be upset Scott dear. Feel free to keep shouting about Kitty's hand until you get it out of your system". Ok, maybe not as sympathetic as Scott would have liked.


Emma returned to her main point. "She... wants now. Wanting is a good thing. Complex human feelings have returned. She's trying to interact with people she's driven away. Interact in a way that does not involve slaying them, torturing them, harming them, you get the gist".


Erik got to the point. "What did you do Emma"?


"I had her make a list. Of ten things she wants. The list was for her and not for others, even me, to read. She was quite grumbly about it, considered it a waste of time. Then I told her to then make a list of actions for each item on her list. Actions on what she could do to attempt to make things on her list come true. She protested for awhile but then got that contemplative look in her eye that so concerns those of us who know her best. She really is a good planner when she sets her mind to something. In some ways even better then you Scott".


Emma concluded. "She's.... more complete now. She's actually acting on wants. She wants to fix her friendship with Kitty and this was a way to prove to Kitty just how much she's willing to do for her. I was able to scan Kitty, Kitty did not share her plans with Illyana, she thought that she had tricked Illyana into leaving the two of you alone so she could have a heart to heart talk with you".


"Great. Rather sure Illyana was not tricked. So not feeling very secure right now. She almost got me killed and none of you showed up to help".


"Well" Emma opined. "She did restrain us and was rather blunt about it. Said she was helping a friend and I got the mental impression that she believed she was helping you both. One has to admit that it did allow our Kitty to work out some issues, and you as well. I can't say I approve of the therapy technique, but the results do look promising for all involved".


At this point there was a knock at the door.


Scott massaged his brow. "Come in Magik, we were just talking about you".


The door opened and Illyana entered the room. She did not have her sword about her. She stood rather then sit.


"I hope this don't mean you're planning on locking me up again".


"Like we even could" stated Erik. "I always suspected that you were never truly confined in Utopia".


Illyana looked Scott and then Emma in the eye. "I was. I gave my word, the physical security was just extra. As you both knew after we became... well became".


"So were do we go from here"? Scott asked. Heck, make Illyana come up with a solution.


"I acted only somewhat impulsively. Kitty wanted the opportunity to kill you, but really wanted to be talked out of it. In truth she wanted to talk to you about how much you had hurt her. I left... certain safeguards in the event she actually tried to kill you; I didn't want Kitty doing something she'd later regret. I have... too many of these already, don't need to add more to the pile.  You both needed to talk. Well, you talked".


Both Emma and Erik exhaled and relaxed. Erik couldn't help but wonder how Scott felt getting a dose of his own decision making.


"I apologize for the abruptness of it but I think you all agree that the outcome is to the school's satisfaction".


Ends don't justify the means. An argument that nether Emma or Erik could really make. And Scott, well Scott had been making decisions that rather excluded him from making such an argument as well.


And Illyana? Two words, Hell Lord. Hell Lords always tend to look at the end results and not the means.


"How do you feel about this Illyana" Emma asked. A much better question it turned out.


"Somewhat guilty. Guilt at several levels which I find... surprising. But it would be nice to have Kitty around again, I've... missed her. Missed a lot of things".


Progress thought Emma. Progress.

Chapter 2


Decided to continue this story line. Figured that there would be more then a few folks wondering what to do about Magik. This kind of fills in some gaps on the eight month gap between before all the new relauched Marvel titles post Secret Wars.

This takes place during and right after All New X-Men 041 where SHIELD Director Hill asks that they (Illyana and the young X-Men) help with an Utopia issue. Noticed that Illyana was continuing her own leadership style that we saw when she ported the X-kidlets back to earth from the Black Vortex series.

Plus, we see in the new X-men comic that Illyana become nicer and appears way more social, and talkative to boot. This is my current take on a path that might have led there (we are talking an eight month time gap after all).

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Part 2: Just who is getting SHIELDEed anyway?


Part A: Ruminations upon the request


One of Director Hill's lieutenants asked her a candid question. Miss Hill had returned to the SHIELD helo carrier once Illyana had teleported herself and the young X-men, plus Laura, to the ruined island of Utopia off of the San Francisco bay. Hill and her subordinate (Frank was his name) were in her office, she was sitting behind her desk and Frank was sitting on a couch.


"Was that... prudent Director Hill"?


"Looking for solutions that doesn't involve fighting Frank" was her reply. "Last time I checked I don't recall SHIELD coming out on top on these little encounters and the paperwork for the budget impact of all the damage and ordinance expended keeps giving me writer's cramp. My God, the number of forms is astonishing. If Hydra wanted to paralyze SHIELD that's where I'd start. Just hack our administrative processes and procedures. Drown us in paper work... Hmm, Frank I want a Tiger team to review SHIELD procedures to make sure that hasn't happening".


Director Hill was giving vent to one of her pet peeves. Gave her something to complain about while she sat around wondering what, if anything, was going to go wrong. There were just so many ways things always went wrong when dealing with Mutants.


"Yes Ma'am, I'll get right on it. I mean trusting her, this Miss Rasputin. Her file is very incomplete and has quotes from many of her past associates indicating that she is... unpredictable and prone to violence and... leaving details out. Not to mention the noticeable lack of trust that many of her former associates have also expressed about her".


"Yea, but deal with the cards we got. She was part of Utopia, a former Phoenix 5 member, and I hope somebody who will be able to figure something out".


"And the Jean Grey School..."?


"Mostly home to folks who left Utopia when they had that little schism thing with Summers. Likely would discuss it to death first. The Avengers probably would go in swinging which is the last thing I want. Considering the alternatives, I think I ended up drawing a good card".


"In what way Ma'am"?


"She barely spoke, let the kids do the chatter, and appeared to really think about what I said. Body language implied that she recognized something, or thought that she did. Then she announced the decision, warned us to not follow, and teleported everybody away".


Director Hill got up from her chair and pored herself a cup of coffee (decaf for those who want to know, she drinks a lot of coffee).


"She's in change. That's obvious, even if some of the folks she's with don't quite understand that. You've read all of her file, right Frank"?


"What parts of it I'm allowed access to. Kind of noticed that there were locked sections that lower classified folks wouldn't even know existed. She's an odd one from what I could read. Supposedly died, yet showed up years after her death all grown up. Summers ended up locking her up for some reason, yet put her on that Extinction team of his before the whole Avengers/Mutants blowup over the Phoenix".


Director Hill took a sip and then replied. "She did die Frank, and no she's not back from the dead as it were. Something's back, but we were never able to get a clear answer as to exactly who. For some reason none of her former associates really ever speak of it. But notice that Scott blasted Summers always kept her close, even after he locked her up. Teleportation is the least of her abilities, although really flashy and useful. No, she's a big hitter, major sorceress, and we think something more...".


"More what Ma'am"?


"More lethal to say the least. Let's just say somebody you really don't make oaths with when you're not planning on keeping your side of the bargain".



Part B: Waiting for the other shoe to fall


Illyana had returned with the X-Kidletts and had ported them to the SHIELD helo carrier. The kids had delivered the bad news (all the mutants were gone, bummer). Yea right, like that was believed. Then they had asked Director Hill why the Utopians were not allowed to live there any more, after all it had been their home, before they also departed.


Director Hill kept waiting for the other shoe to fall as it were. That little private chat where threats are made. The kind of grandstanding that Summer's always liked to do, he so liked being the top dog and letting you know it.


She waited all the day. Nothing.


Damn, so it happens when I go to sleep. Either I'm kidnapped in my sleep or it's a dream sequence. She went to sleep annoyed, waiting for the interruption. But again nothing. Just a dream where she... well it was a private dream but let's just say Summers got a good spanking and she woke up feeling rather guilty about having such a dream; not about the spanking but about the other parts of the dream were she... well lets just say it's private and move on.


Nothing at breakfast, or all throughout the day.


It was 2:30pm and she was working in her office alone when she noticed the scrap of paper on her desk. She would have sworn it was not there the last time she looked (it wasn't). Just a phone number and the initials IR.


After some brief thoughts Director Hill dialed the number, while having it traced. The trace log said that the phone call went to a cell phone in New York Central Park. After three rings Illyana answered with a pleasant tone.


"Hello Director Hill. Thanks for the call. I'd like to briefly talk with you. Is now a good time for you"?


Ok, not expected. Her file did not indicate... such good social skills. Director Hill had been expecting to be whisked away via a teleportation portal, as had happened before, but Illyana appeared to be playing this politely. Directory Hill decided to play along.


"Now's a good time. I assume you'd like to meet in person. My office or somewhere more private".


"I believe you like coffee Miss Hill and I know a little place that serves very good coffee; not that I'm partial to coffee, but an acquaintance of mine preferred her whole bean coffee from there. I can port you there but please let your security know that you're not being kidnapped or something".


"Porting is fine. I'll let my detail know that I'm taking a quick jaunt".


Director Hill hung up and let her security know that she was about to be ported away. They were not happy but such was their lot in life.


A minute later she suddenly appeared in doorway of rustic coffee shack. The walls were make of old wood. There were only a few tables, all empty, and a simple coffee bar with a gleaming antique copper espresso maker of daunting complexity. Plus, an assortment of pastries under glass. There was a young Polynesian looking woman behind the bar with the name tag Mamma.


The air was warm and humid. There was no air-conditioning, just an old ceiling fan slowly revolving. There was a variety of glass coffee jars behind the counter and the prices were marked on a big slab of slate that was hung from the ceiling. The prices were... high.   Very high. And all the beans were Hawaiian. The smell of fresh roasting coffee filled the air and was mouth watering wonderful. Director Hill hypothesized that she was on the West cost of the big island of Hawaii.


Illyana was sitting at a two person table, facing the doorway, munching away on a chocolate croissant and having a coffee based drink (peppermint latté). She waved at Director Hill. She was dressed in civilian clothes instead of her field costume, it was a light blue shirt with pair of cut-off jeans.


Director Hill noticed that her own clothing had changed into a red Hawaiian flower pattern shirt, a pair of dark blue shorts, and flip flops. Impressive little display, which was likely the point.


Director Hill walked in and sat down in the empty chair. Illyana finished chewing, swallowed, and then spoke.


"Order what you want. My treat, but don't get too used to it".


Director Hill mostly drank decaf, but this looked like a good time and place to make an exception. She got back up and went over to the coffee bar and ordered a triple espresso with no sugar or cream. After walking back to the table, where she stood as she waited while the coffee was being made, she made a statement about where they where.


"Kona coast I presume".


"Yep, Emma adores the coffee from this place. You so don't want to get between her and her morning coffee".


"Why the invite"?


"Well... I wanted to thank you for letting... us handle that little problem. Rounded up some wayward kittens".


Hmm, not even pretending that what the X-kids had said was true thought Director Hill. Wonder way? She replied while glancing around.


"Can you get to the threatening phase first? I always like to get that out of the way when I'm conversing with a semi wanted individual".


Illyana took a sip of her drink, than replied with a slightly amused expression.


"I wasn't planning on making any threats, but I can if it will set you at ease. I'll have to warn you that I'm inadequate at laughing manically, just can't get the proper motivation.  


This is so not going how I thought it would thought Director Hill. Illyana's file indicated that she was good at manipulating people. Director Hill was finding that the file was very correct.


Said file was thin. Not much detail as Illyana had mostly kept to the background. But... one section stuck in Hill's mind, the physiological profile section, and a photo of Illyana in her Darkchilde incarnation (the photo was in the locked section that only the highest cleared folks could access).


The physiological profile spent a great deal of time discussing the differences between a Psychopath vs. Sociopath; which can be summarize by nature vs. nurture. Psychopaths are born that way, sociopaths are formed by long term abuse. The SHIELD psychoanalyst jury was out on Illyana, but the general consensus was that she had strong aspects of both. Like due to the years of abuse as a child (nurture) and... and that photo implied more then a little nature as well.


Let's try a conversational reply while I wait for coffee was Director Hill's thought.


"I'd have thought you'd have that down pat. After all, you've been hanging out with Magneto and he was a grand master of the evil gloat. Summers tended to have a more snide in your face kind of delivery".


Illyana replied after a sip. "Well, never really saw that side of Erik, but when he was my Headmaster, back in school, he so did love to shout. I never was on the receiving end of snide from Scott; frustration and anger but never snide. I suppose Emma was my main mentor, she did teach me about... quite a few things, but I also learned things from Scott as well".  


The coffee order was up. Director Hill got her cup and took a sip. It was good. Real good. She didn't think it was a good as the prices indicted, but it was good coffee. She walked back to the table and sat down. Illyana then asked a question.


"So do you still want some threats? I'm sure I can come up with something".


"No, I guess we're good. So what do you want to talk Miss Rasputin, and why did you let the kids do all the talking"?


Illyana nibbled on her croissant before replying. She answered with a question.


"How hard is it for you to recover from your mistakes Miss Hill"?


"Depends on the mistake. Some of them have been real doozies. I've always found that it's way harder to fix something you've broken then to avoid breaking it in the first place. That's why I approached your group in an attempt to deal with Utopia in a non confrontational way".


Illyana thought briefly before answering.


"I haven't always... made the right choices despite how utterly sure I was at the time. I'm better now, or so I think. But... my prior mistakes leave me with uncertainty. Am I still unknowingly blind to things? The power to make choices is not the same as wisdom or insight. I let... select folks led in certain areas until I decide I need to overrule them. I don't like... being wrong about things I care about. Changing the outcomes and directions of other's lives for the negative is not... pleasant when that was not the actual intent".


"But you could just go back in time and fix it" quipped Hill. Yea, she knew it was not that easy, but Director Hill was also very good at manipulating people. Make Illyana talk more, get a better feel for how she thinks and acts.


Illyana answered while shaking her head no. "Then it becomes fake. Reality slowly loses definition. Everything and everybody becomes... meaningless. It's... not a good way to live. I know, I've been there".


"Ok, I can accept that. But why did you want to talk to me"?


Illyana leaned back and took a slurp of her drink and gave Director Hill and assessing look.


"I was unaware that you knew where we were. I suppose it was inevitable with all the others knowing. X-Men, Hulk, various drop bys. I had thought that SHIELD did not know though. Hmmm, do I, and those who reside with me, have anything to be concerned about? Is SHIELD going to get stupid and try to barge in and arrest or detain some or all of us"?  


Director Hill took a sip of her drink before answering. "Not at this time. I'd prefer SHIELD try to avoid more... entanglements with mutants. My budgets keep getting blown and you just vanish anyway. No... you're safe for now, unless you and yours engage in activity that really brings down the hammer".


"I see". Was Illyana's reply. "Well, you have my phone number if you need to get in contact with me or the group. I suppose contact will allow us the opportunity to avoid... issues. I'd prefer not to see any uninvited flying battleships in my backyard again".


"Noted" was Director Hill's reply. "Um... were you in central park or was that just a spoof"?


"Spoof. Next time the trace will show a White House bathroom or something".


Director Hill asked an odd question. But those who were cleared to read all of Illyana's file would understand why she asked it and that it was not odd.


"So... I take it SHIELD and I are not on your enemies list"?


Illyana coolly examined Director Hill as Illyana finished off her drink. "No Director Hill, you are not on my enemies list. That list is empty, it wasn't at one time. You'd know if you were on it. Hmm, actually you wouldn't know now that I think about it. You just wouldn't... be. Is that threatening enough for you"?


"Yea, that kind of is".


With a flash Director Hill was back in her office. She had a lot to think about.




Chapter 3


: I find this story an interesting writing exercise. Many of my stories are more about how others interact with Illyana then Illyana interacting with others. Oh, this story is in someways a sequel to Um, sorry about your brother.

For those who read the comics one definitely gets the feeling that Illyana intimidates almost everybody who encounters her, even when she's not trying to.

Chapter Text

Part 3: Welcome to the new Xavier school for very gifted mutants who have nowhere else to go


Illyana gathered everybody together two days after the Utopia refugees were brought to the New Xavier school, the repurposed former Weapon-X facility.


It was the morning of the second day, the Utopians had arrived in the evening two days ago. Sleeping arrangements had been sorted out and everybody had crashed for the night (it had been a rather stressful day). The following day had mostly been sleeping in late, bit of poking around, chit chat, and general malaise. Illyana was off doing something and was not present for most of the day, everybody else mostly just de-stressed.


Boom Boom (Tabitha Smith) had slept in late, then went on an ice cream eating binge, followed by the consumption of alcohol and a three hour soak in Emma's no longer secret jacuzzi bathtub (she'd jimmied open Emma's bedroom door). Followed by more naps and other binging activities (yea, she was in a bit of a mood).


Madison Jeffries had spent the day poking around in the technical innards of the new facility and conversing with the young Henry (the Beast). This allowed him to get up to speed on what had been happening.


Masque mostly sulked, something he was quite good at.


Marshall Evan Stone III (Random) hung out, did a workup in the new danger room. Conversed with the kids (the All New X-Men), and generally spent the day scoping out the place.


Joshua "Josh" Foley (Elixir) slept in, then hung out with Marshall as well. He found the new X-kids to be rather interesting.


Xi'an Coy Manh (Karma) was also mostly not present. She had gotten up early, did a workout, then had vanished (She'd asked Illyana to port her to New York so she could take care of some business, she returned that night)


The morning of the second day Illyana welcomed everybody and briefly went over the rules of behavior while everybody had a continental breakfast in the large living room.


No planning world dominion.

No fights with Shield.

No robbing banks or engaging in terrorist activities.

No stalking or attacking your fellows.

No fighting with the Storm and the Jean Grey School.


Not everybody was ready to listen.


Boom-boom had her arms crossed as she popped a chewing gum bubble. Her body language was one of rejection. She asked Illyana a question while slightly sneering.


"Who died and put you in charge"?


In hindsight the question could have been better phrased; but the answer rather explained the facts of life very quickly.


"Me and me" was Illyana's answer. Then she provided more detail.


"Scott, Emma, Erik, and I refurbished this facility. We ran it together, but they're now gone. I'll let my second in command explain the rules to all of you newcomers in private".


"Yea, and who's that" Boom Boom replied with her usually candor and sarcasm. "Like I'd be any more included to listen then I am now. I mean, last time I checked you were a net case so just which one of these kids did you decide was qualified to be in change of all the adults? I'll bet it's Summers junior, he always did get off on telling everybody what to do".


Boom Boom looked over to where the others were sitting, the X-Kidletts (Scott, Henry, Jean, Bobby, Warren, and Laura) and then continued.


"You know she's nuts, right? I mean really crazy. Did she bother to tell you about how she almost destroyed reality? How she let her teammates be abused and tortured? Or how the real Scott Summers locked her crazy ass up? Or that time she tortured kids in Limbo? Bet those little details got left out".


Laura was sitting on a couch with Warren, she was leaning against him and rather enjoying the experience (not that she'd ever admit it). Laura's eyes narrowed in irritation as she listened to the denouncements of Illyana and she snik'd out the two blades on her left hand.


Jean made a hand placating jester to Laura, from where she was sitting, as she spoke.


"No, actually those details were not left out. Professor Kitty was quite... explicit in detailing Professor Magik's prior behaviors and activities. In addition Professor Magik has been very forthright on her past. Plus we've spent quite a bit of time with her both here and... well across the galaxy".




Kitty had gathered the X-kidlets in the JGS (Jean Grey School). commemorative garden, actually beneath the statue of the no longer departed Colossus (the current one, not the one from the future who died).


Kitty briefly went over the situation and her conclusion that they, and therefore her, could no longer stay in the JGS. She laid out what she believed the alternatives were and what her recommendation was (which was going to the New Xavier School run by Scott Summers).


Suffice it to say that there was discussion, a lot of discussion. But in the end they all agreed that it sounded like the best choice out of a set of universally bad choices. Bobby had briefly urged Doctor Doom but had been out voted (he didn't really mean it, he was just being a bit of a jerk). But now the issue at had was how to leave.


"And after all of this their just going to let us leave"? Asked Jean with a tone of mild disbelief. "Scott and I left before and we were pursued. What would make this any different"?


"Illyana" Was Kitty's reply. "Most of folks here are rather scared of her and... well getting between Illyana and a stated goal of hers tends to be a very bad ida".


"Most?" interrupted Bobby. "Um... all would be a better answer. From the school gossip she's demented or evil or crazy or all of the above, and way scary at times. I also distinctly recall you not trusting her and telling everybody that ".


Kitty sighed. "Yea, Illyana's had... issues and problems. She died, was brought back after five years and... well it apparently wasn't nice which is kind of like saying a super nova can give your sunburn. Moreover, she was missing her soul which kind of drove her even more nuts then the... abuse left her. She was left crazy, but in that kind of crazy that is also very rational when it come to planning and execution of said plans. I... I don't think she got the help she needed".


Kitty finished. "She's strong, dangerous, prone to violence and has been unstable until recently".


Scott injected "And these are good reasons to go off with her"?


Kitty responded. "Yea they actually are. As I said before I think she's one of the few people that the JCS will... well will not go against to retrieve you guys if Illyana actively stated that she would fight for you to make your own choices".


"But why would she do this?" asked Hank.


"Because I asked her to and she agreed". Answered Kitty.


"Umm, why would we matter to her?" asked Jean.


Kitty was blunt. "You don't, I do. Illyana is... sorry for some issues that happened between the two of us. This is a way of trying to say sorry to me. She's trying to reach out and that's... that's a good thing".


Illyana had so let Kitty down. But... but Illyana's PG-13 version of what had happened to Illyana (and she was very certain it was in reality XXX or worse) left Kitty... left her feeling that while Illyana had failed, that there was likely more then a little bit of anti Illyana bias in people's behaviors. Something Illyana had always had issues with even back when she was in High School.


Scott wasn't sure. "Can she be trusted? Nobody at the JCS trusts her, and Bobby's right, since when did you start trusting her Professor Kitty"?


Kitty was brief but honest. "Illyana and I had a talk after her brother from the future died. Later she showed me that she was willing to... well to prove herself to me. She was willing to... let me decide what to do about a problem I had. It sufficed, I trust her in this. I think it's the best option we have".


There wasn't much to say. They took a final vote, it was unanimous.


Kitty spoke to the air. "Ok Illyana, would you please appear".


There was a flash of light as a small teleportation disk appeared off to the side of the group. Accompanying the disk was the flaming flickering of bones, and monsters that now sometimes appeared frequently whenever Illyana teleported. The disk, and the flaming flickering was gone leaving just Illyana in her rather revealing black costume.


"Yikes" shuddered Bobby. Those flames always gives me the creeps.


Illyana spoke "Inadvertent side affect, still haven't managed to always suppresses them".


"Side affect of what?" asked Bobby who was always nosy.


"Consuming the power of Limbo. There was a problem and everybody was going to die. I found a... rather unique solution. I'm stilling in the process of dealing with the consequences of that solution".


Jean looked over Illyana, both visually and telepathically. Yep those mind shields that all the telepaths spoke about were back. Not a chance to see under the covers as it were.


But before, when Illyana's dead brother had been sent back to the future there had been, cracks as it were and the intensity of the grief and self condemnation that has poured out of those cracks had been intense. Like a bandage that had healed inside a wound with the ends sticking out of the scar tissue. Then it had been as if all had been ripped off in a massive bleeding wound even worse then the one the original. It was the self condemnation that made Jean want to trust her.


But Jean wanted a few questions answered first by Illyana. "Why are you willing to help us now"?


Illyana glanced at Kitty. "Because Kitty asked me to".


"And that's all it took"? asked a rather doubtful Jean.






"That's... between Kitty and I. It's personal. Suffice it to say that I am attempting to make amends".


"For what?" asked Bobby.


Kitty injected "It's personal Bobby, leave it be".


"Ok" Jean shifted topics. "You're willing to help us. But why didn't you ever try to force us to return to our own time? You said more then a few times that we should but you never acted upon it and you are one of the few people who could; assuming that it would have worked better then the time cube".


Illyana answered. "Because you didn't all want to return. And I have grown somewhat hesitant in forcing my own decisions upon others. My track record in that regard has left me... questioning my judgment when dealing with certain... matters. I had blind spots, now... now I wonder if I still do".


"The kids at this school say a whole much of things about you, none of it good. Are they correct"?


"Yes in many ways. I... was not as I am now".


"What are you now"?


"Integrated with my soul".


It... sufficed. Best of a bad set of choices.




"So just who is this new lieutenant?" asked Boom-Boom.


Illyana looked over to Karma who had the good graces to look embarrassed for Boom-Boom.  Karma answered.


"That would be me now Boom-Boom so can the attitude before you make yourself look even worse. Jesus, just how many triple espressos did you have this morning? I know the coffee is good but try decaf next time".

Chapter 4


Never have really liked how Danielle Moonstar has been treated. Yea, her original power set was a bit lame, but she was always well written, and she was a really good fighter. Liked it when she went Valkyrie but Marvel just never really followed up on that and after they killed off Illyana I stopped collecting for several decades.

Chapter Text

Rather disliked how Marvel depowered her and de-Valkyrie her. Rather a waste of a good character but I can only suppose she's not much of a fan favorite as she keeps getting tossed (ahh how fickle is fame). I believe that Danielle was really the only true friend that Illyana had on the New Mutants team, most were just teammates and most felt very guilty after Illyana erased (let's be honest here killed) herself.


As such I really think that Illyana would eventually try to deal with Danielle and the trauma that Illyana left in her wake. Oh, this chapter is a tie in on Cats cradle chapter 15. All of my writing is interconnected so I don't really make minor comments that don't have a back-story (which does not necessarily mean I ever get around to writing that back-story) but I did this time.  


Likely everything I write in this chapter will get recon'd out of existence by Marvel as we learn about the missing eight months, but what the heck, Dani deserves it.



Part 4: Mirages


Dani surveyed at the crowd in the coffee house from behind the coffee counter where she was currently a barista (she was working part time at the Coffee Bean and Tee Leaf in San Francisco at Embarcadero Center). The pay was marginal but the shared tips were good and the management wasn't a bunch of jerks so it was an adequate temporary gig while Dani pondered what the hell to do. There was a lull in the bustle, nobody was in line and there were no current orders to work off.


The New Mutants had broken up awhile ago, everybody had gone their separate ways so now it was just Dani. Again. Not an unusual state of affairs for her but... rather annoying and mildly depressing.


"Crap" Dani grumbled to herself. "Shield and the Avengers hire non super powered folks all the time. They ever have multiple archery based members and I can handle a bow just as good as they can. I should apply, can't believe they haven't already tried to head hunt me. Rouge would put in a good word for me if I asked. I should...".


But that would mean actually working for Shield or the Avengers and those organizations were not high on her list of places she wanted to be; and truth be told they would likely not have her. But it's easier on the ego to do the rejecting then to be rejected.


The store had the radio on as back ground noise and tuned to the classic rock station that the manager liked. Currently Secure Yourself by the Indigo Girls was playing which was rather odd as it was certainly not a classic rock song.


In the ink of an eye I saw you bleed;

Through the thunder I could hear you scream,

Solid to the air I breath,

Open-eyed and fast asleep.

Falling softly as the rain;

No footsteps ringing in your ears.

Ragged down worn to the skin,

Warrior raging, have no fear.


Secure yourself to heaven.

Hold on tight, the night has come.

Fasten up your earthly burdens,

You have just begun.




Right at the lyric (the night has come) was when she saw it. The blond who'd come in with the chop sticks in her hair, who had ordered the Russian black tee, she... morphed. No longer was there a rather non descript blond female sitting in the booth, instead it was her, Magik; and she was wearing a black field costume; the one that Dani had seen her wearing in the news. A very tight and revealing black field costume.


"Crap" Dani again grumbled. "I so hope this isn't some prelude to a battle. I need this job".


Illyana caught Dani's eye and gestured to the chair opposite her while having an inquiring expression. Dani was about to shake her head no when her supervisor came over and told her that it was time for her lunch break.


Dani was about to protest that she had just gotten back from her lunch break an hour ago when she paused. Ok, go with it. Some minor trick of Illyana's. Get this over with as quick as possible.


Dani exited the employee only area behind the counter and walked over to where Illyana was sipping her tea.


"Illyana..." said Dani with a cold tone and and expression.


"D" replied Illyana with a neutral tone. "If you don't mind, would you please sit with me for a few moments"?


Dani hesitated, then sat down opposite Illyana. She again looked around the room. Nobody appeared to notice Illyana.


"Concealment spell, lifted it for you" Illyana stated upon seeing Dani's fugitive looks at the room.


"Why are you here Illyana? Did you finally escape that cell Scott must be keeping you in when you're not on the news"?


Illyana blew a bit on the tea (it was hot). "No, haven't been in that cell or any cell since the whole Phoenix five mess. Rather... nice".


"Are you on the run? If so the answers no". Illyana looked slightly annoyed at the comment.


"No Dani I'm not on the run. I just... wanted to talk to you".


"Fine. Talk. Since when did you start dressing Emma style"?


Illyana fidgeted and looked around the coffee house suddenly not meeting Dani's eyes. Illyana never fidgets was a thought that crossed Dani's mind.


"I... decided a change was due. Time to move on from the old costume. Into something more... me I guess".


Some biting and snarky comments came to mind, but Dani shoved them away. That would involve talking and Dani so did not want to talk to Illyana. Those bridges were burned and Illyana had done the burning; and then had called in the air strikes just to maximize collateral damage. Dani had tried long and hard to connect with Illyana, long after every body else had given up, but in the end she'd given up as well.


"Just say what you came her to say Illyana so we can both move on". Was Dani's brief and angry comment.


Illyana stopped fidgeting, looked into Dani's eyes and said two words.


"I'm sorry".


Great, so too late for that thought Dani.


"Bit late for sorry don't you think"?


"Yea.... I know. But needed to be said".


"So why now? You left us to die Illyana, it's partially just luck we didn't! You made it quite clear that you'd do it all over again if given the choice".


"Yea... not happy about that either".


"So why now"? Dani said. Damn it, this is turning into talking.


Sigh. "Emma had me make a list of things I want... well want. Then she made me make a list of actions for each item. You're on the list".


Dani rubbed her eyes in irritation. "Oh God, this is a twelve step thing isn't it? What? You try to make amends now? Set things right? Illyana, you'd have to move hell itself to set things right between us. Gee, you've been out and about for some time so I guess I must be the last thing on the list. One more chore and then Hell Girl is free to feel good about herself again".


Illyana signed again. "The list is in no particular order and I'm... rather slow at dealing with it because... because of a lot of reasons".


"Why? Too much of a bother"?


"No Dani, because... I don't really know what to do most of the time when the list is involved. It's... hard. I don't... trust my judgment anymore when dealing with certain things. I... I... I fucked up a whole bunch".


"Ain't that the truth. Care to share this supposed list"?


Illyana looked at Dani for a moment, then her right hand went beneath the table to her shorts and returned with a list on a piece of five inch by seven inch note paper. The thought "where on earth does she keep stuff as there is no way that getup has any pockets" flicked in Dani's mind, then she remembered what Illyana was capable of. Illyana offered the list to Dani.


Dani took it and quickly scanned the list. The bottom six lines were blurry and could not be read. Four lines could be read, the top two of the lines were crossed out. The next two were not.













"Why am I on this list twice?" was Dani's question. Damn it, still talking, got to stop talking and just let her say her piece and get out.


"The list is... complicated. Partially a list of sins and wrongs, partially a list of... wants. You happened to be the only one who fell into both categories".


"Oh God, this isn't about..." Dani changed what she was about to say "um...".


"No Dani, your name is on the list because of the harm I did to you. As I said, I'm sorry. I... miss our friendship. I don't... make friends easily and I always thought of you as one of the few I had" Illyana replied.


Dani was silent for a few seconds in thought. Then she resumed her former anger.


"Way way too late sister".  


Illyana sounded sad and earnest as she replied. "Dani I won't try to justify what I did. It... I couldn't see anymore, I couldn't feel anymore. I... I took the wrong path to get what I... craved. I was blind to other possible solution".


Dani metaphorically chewed on that for a second.


"Why now? It's been a long time. You had plenty of opportunities and did nothing".


"I... I was still as you had known me. Damaged and rather crazy. Unable to see the world correctly or feel... correctly. Then the Dormmanu, ruler of the dark dimensions, another hell lord as it were, made a play for Limbo. Captured all of us, Scott, Emma, Erik, and our students. He bound me and made me watch while he tried to killed them... I... had just regained the ability to feel again because... Well he had tried to kill me a few hours before and... shards kind of succeeded in an odd way. He used all of his power, crushed me as it were, imploded everything that made me... me. Backfired on him. He ended up igniting me and in the conflagration all of me was merge together. I was finally whole. I ended up killing him in the end to save the others. But found myself, afraid and... ashamed".


Illyana continued.


"Think of it as forceful renovation of an old house as it were. Hell, I was a gutted wreck of a ruin. Now everything is... working... I think. Even the plumbing, which Dr. Strange thinks is a good thing but he's not the one who's buying tampons".


"Huh?" Said Dani with some confusion. Some conversations with Illyana always had one or more (huh) statements by the other side. Girl could be confusing.


"Menstruation. I'm... well that happens again".


"And it wasn't"? Dani forgot for a second that she was so not having a conversation with Illyana. The conversation had definitely swerved into an odd direction.


"No. I hadn't since I... died. We... Dr. Strange and I, think it was just another aspect of my self... rejection".


"Dr. Strange?" asked Dani with an inquiring tone. Ok, so maybe a little talking.


"I finally got help as it were. Asked for it. I'm... currently a part time appetence with a Dr. Strange from another timeline. Which really helps, but it's bad enough having Emma as your therapist, add Dr. Strange tot the mix and it's really hard to deny things about myself. He's... well we've been exploring just what I am".


Dani had been examining Illyana as she spoke. There was something different in her eyes. There... was a person looking back now. That ten thousand yard stare that Illyana had tended to have was gone. Now there was more then cool appraisal and examination, more then just a predator's eyes looking at the world. Dani thought and then decided to rejected Illyana's rather pathetic attempt at sorry.


"Well saying sorry just ain't going to cut it. Are we done"?


Illyana shook her head no. "Sorry is just a word Dani. It means nothing to me without actions. Which brings us to the second reason you're on the list, Mirage".


A gold coin rolled across the table and rattled in front of Dani. Dani picked it up. One side showed a winged horse, the other showed the Seal of Hela of Hel.


"What's is this Illyana?" Dani asked with a sudden lump in her throat.




"What you were".


"I can't restore your mutant abilities. But Hela and I had a... discussion about how she did not owe me anything when I assisted the rest of the New Mutants in going to Hel in your, and therefore her, aid. Via Hell as it turns out because Dougie can't pronunciate; language expert my ass. Hela owed me nothing at all, no Hell Lord to Hell Lord obligations. And I'd most certainly testify to that to any powers that be that actually enforce such rules between entities such as Hela and I. Such an obligation would mean that she was in my debt and Hell Lords hate that. Hela agreed that she owned me nothing and in our mutual congratulations over the nonexistent debt we decided to exchange gifts. I gave her a demon I'd captured, the one that had tried to posses Logan. Shit, you'd think that demons would know better then to come into my house and piss on the floor but no... most of them are dumb as bricks.; what do I got to do? Put up a sign? Anyway, Hela decided to give me that trinket while she stuffed the demon into a hole somewhere".


Ok, that was an odd description about a conversation and a debt that had not been owed.


"Why"? Dani asked. No longer rebuking herself for talking.


"Words mean nothing Dani. I'm... really sorry. It cost you... so sorry should cost me back. Plus... I miss the you that you were".


"How... what does it do"?


"If you want it to, it will restore you, not to your Valkyrie of Hel incarnation, but instead to your original Valkyrie level of powers. It's... open ended, no time limit. You'll still Hela's Valkyrie to call. But now... well now you... get to be a full time freelance Valkyrie again if you want".


Illyana eyed Illyana. There was no way Hela had just agreed to this, implied threat or no implied threat despite Illyana casual way of trying to avoid talking about what she'd done to get this token.


Well Dani was kind of right. Hell Lords will return each other's phone calls, but when a Hell Lord who has recently eaten all the power of her dimension comes knocking, one who has also recently slain the Dormmanu, well agreements can be reached. Especially when... well Illyana can be rather... persuasive. Proof that Hela is one of the smart ones. Plus Illyana brought girl scout cookies, the coconut ones; a very secret vice of Hela's.  




Dani stared at the coin in her hand and thought about many things. How she'd become a Valkyrie, the adventures she and the New Mutants had had. A question popped to the top of Dani's mind, a question she'd been mulling over for a long time. She decided to ask Illyana about it.


"Did you ever wonder why the Enchantress, Amora I believe, never tried to get even with us"? Mused Dani.


"No". Illyana replied with a flat tone and the warmth in her eyes vanished as a sour expression suddenly bloomed on her face.




"No. No reason to wonder. I knew".


"What... do you know Illyana"? Dani had a bad feeling.


"After you guys freed me from her. Well, I was... in a real bad way but didn't look it. My dark side had been running rampant all over Asgard and after I was merged back together I wasn't really... able to... make good choices for awhile. Too much anger, hate, rage... blood lust. That part of me, I'm very ashamed to say, had been having a blast of a time; and Amora didn't know that the bindings she had laid upon that aspect of me had already failed. Amora was actually next on her list when Karma possessed my dark self".


"I'd... just set all of you back to Asgard and she started... to threaten me, that she was going to get free and do it all over again. Hurt me again. I... lost it. Completely. Did unto her what she'd done unto to me, but with a rather large extra helping of payback the size of Montana. You... you don't really want to know what I did to her Dani. Suffice it to say that Amora will... hell can never ever try... anything. I... I really lost it".


"Um... enchantment"? Was Dani's hopeful question. Funny, Dani wasn't angry anymore.


Illyana just looked at Dani. After a few seconds to give Dani the chance to not know, Illyana continued.


"I bound her on her version of wall and cut the flesh from her body. It took a long time as I decided to take my time and enjoy it. There... wasn't much left of her by the time I was done. She'd gone insane before I was even half way through. It... was bad. As I said I lost it. Gave in the darkness that gnaws at me. By the end she was mostly just bones, my magic was the only thing keeping her alive. I was... horrified at what I'd done. She was a god so I was able to invoke healing for her, it's mortals that I still can't help. But I bound the horror of what I'd done to her. Bound it so deep that even Odin can't get it out. That door opens within her if she even thinks about it so... no, she's never ever going to do something about it. I... I was distant for a long time after that. In shock at was I was capable of. Not... not proud of that".


Dani just looked at Illyana. She remembered what Illyana had looked like, had caught a brief glimpse just as she was merged back with her dark self which resulted in her being healed. She'd been emaciated, filthy, and was bleeding from countless festering sores; and she's stunk of the open sewer. She should have been dead but the enchantments had kept her alive. All the wounds affected upon her darker self had actually been reflected upon her, including the arrows from Dani.


Asgard had not been a fun time for Illyana.


"Shit Illyana that's...".


"Evil" finished Illyana. "I know. Not proud. There was a reason I kept my secrets back then".


"So why tell me now"?


"Because... maybe if I'd trusted me friends to help me I wouldn't have killed myself. You I should have trusted to help me. You... would have understood, the other New Mutants wouldn't have, but you would have comprehended what... I have to deal with. You weren't really mortal any more at that point, although on a much lesser scale. I... kept too many secrets that in the end all came out anyway".


Dani was really uncomfortable now and decided to change the subject back to the coin.


"What's the catch"?


"None, I... debugged it of the prior problem you had so no issues there. You also get the option to renounce it if you want but then it's over as Hela won't do this again".


Dani briefly closed her eyes. "Don't want that problem again."


"Was I really that disgusting to you?" Illyana asked out of the blue.


Dani opened her eyes again. Illyana had a look of... of something.


"I..." Dani didn't know what to say.


"I figured it out. Took years, as I said I'm slow on some things, mostly emotional things. But I figured out why you asked me to go hunting that day and that you'd... planned it".


Dani grimaced. "No you weren't... disgusting. You were the best choice. I... I could trust you to keep it secret and... and you'd know... what to do. I didn't know... what to do to make it go away without...".


"Wrecking everything, Yea, I good at wrecking, trying to change that" Illyana finished. They were both silent.


Illyana polished off her tea while Dani pondered.


"Dani you pick better then me, always have. Don't worry about losing the coin, you can't. And it can't be used by another. And if somebody tries to take it... well..." Illyana grinned that rather scary grin of hers. "That will be fun to watch, so don't like thieves. To activate it just... want it. That's all".


Illyana got up to go. "Oh, Karma told me to say hi. I guess I really need to work harder on my mind shields, she saw that I was going to try to see you today; apparently leaked though yesterday when I got back from Hel. And... she wants to hire you as her team leader and head of security if you're interested".


"What's Karma up to?" asked Dani as she continued to stare the coin in her hand.


"Working for me".


Dani's eyes widened in surprise.


"As I said Chief, I'm... sorry. I'm trying real hard to do the right things from now on but... Having been insane for so long I'm no longer confident that I'm... ok now. Blind spots. I need... I need friends Dani, and you never been too afraid to punch me or call me out on being a bitch. That's good for me to have. I'll let Karma explain and show you what we're doing if you're interested. You phone will have the number".


Illyana started walking to the front door, stopped and then said in parting without turning around.


"I really do miss those hunts. I... liked it a lot". Then she was gone.


Dani kept staring at the coin. Would she or wouldn't she? She mused upon her earlier words (you've have move hell itself, well in this case Hel). and then gave a sligly crazy giggle. Well... Ahhh who the hell was she kidding?


She suddenly gripped the coin. Fuck it. Enough of this dead end job.


She felt the coin fade away and a blaze of power fill her.


Maybe I'll give Karma a call tomorrow Dani thought. And I... kind of... miss those hunts as well.

Chapter 5


Ahh, this is a very male chapter. Rather piggie I suppose. But hey, guys are guys and every guy keeps an internal list of what he thinks of the females around him. Same for female comic book characters. Bit of a comedy chapter, also a bit of a sequel to Magik Mischief. And a brief reference to my Top Gear X story.

Timeline for this chapter is likely right before that rather bad Death of the Watcher limited series (weak, so weak, and the only reason they had Kitty and Magik in the first issue was... well no reason other then sales I suppose). I'd going to have this take place after Tony (Iron Man) started drinking again so I may not be quite correct on the time line but hey it's fanfic.

And this is also an obscure Avengers vs. X sequel to the Thor/Illyana issue.

Oh I'm a bad person (snicker).

Chapter Text

Part 5: Bony


It was a mid afternoon male drinking and bounding time at Avenger's tower. Steve (Captain America) Tony (Iron Man) Sam (Cannonball), Berto (Sunspot), Stephen (Dr. Strange), Clint (Hawkeye) and Spider Man (Peter but he still had his costume on, secret identity and all that), and Thor (Male Thor, not the female one). It was Nicks vs. Lakers and the beer was cold.


Thor was in his cups, heck most of them were. Spider man had already decided he'd be crashing in an empty bedroom, so not swinging home tonight. Hell, he'd end up on a windshield or go splat against some wall. Steve was feeling a good buzz and was the most sober of the bunch. Tony was quite tweaked.


The topic of boneability had been raised.


Just who is desirable and worthy of been shagged, and who wasn't. Female Avengers were off limits, but everybody else was fair game. It was kind of a round robin thing. Each guy, when it was their turn, would either propose a potential paramour, and the reasons why, or state a negative preference and again the reasons why.


Spider man had just gotten done stating a preference for Black Cat and that yea he had scored big time. Sam had commented that he thought that Spider man would have gone for Doc Oct instead (Sam and Spider man didn't really like each other).


Steve broke up the impending fight. "Hey hey hey, none of that now solders. Keep it between the lines. No insults. Your turn Thor".


Thor belched mightily and then wiped his mouth with the back of his right hand, his left was holding a very large goblet.


"The wench Magik would be my none choice. She is of foul disposition, skinny, and bony in the extreme".


Due to the quantity of alcohol consumed the group thought that Thor meant that he would bone her if given the chance, and that he had a thing for grumpy women as well.


They all sagely nodded their heads and as one proclaimed her quite bony. A definite good choice. Thor was somewhat perplexed, he was really into his cups, but with everybody agreeing with him he at first he didn't get that they felt she was on the bone list.


"Did you guys ever hit that?" asked Spider man, he directed his question at Sam and Berto. "I mean you went to school with her and then hooked back up for a while as adults. Any other hooking up"?  


Both Sam and Berto replied in the negative. Berto had been too freaked out by her back when they were in school together and as adults... well. Don't play with crazy is a good rule. But yea, both felt she was very... nice on the eyes. Sam was rather sure she was a screamer as well (yea they were that drunk, both of them ordinary would never talk about Magik that way. With Magik you never knew what might... happen).


"Her ass is a bit small, but she has nice chest and great legs, and that new getup of her's really shows the goodies". Opined Clint.


"I'd hit that" smirked Tony. Which was not much of a surprise. We're talking Tony Stark here. There's not much he wouldn't hit.


"She looks very athletic, likely good endurance for a marathon". Said Steve who always liked to try to keep even his dirty comments clean. But the meaning in the context of the conversation was quite obvious.


Thor finally got it into his besotted head that they thought she was bonable.


"No my battlefield companions. She is not desirous to Thor! Plus there is still the stain upon our honor. The wench did prank us most foul and vengeance should be ours. Now the white queen, that's a woman of opportunity. A chest to fill the hands with and bury you in bosomy goodness. Hips to grab onto and more then ample cushion for the pushin. Thor would hit that in an instant, hit it mightily, and spank that ass as well for her nefarious crimes, then hit it again". Thor belched forth another impressive emission.


"Hit it already" Leered Tony. "Hooked up a few times years ago way before she became an X-Men. And yea it was worth it. She's a three hole golf course and loves to travel around the world if you know what I mean. Let tell you about the time...".


"No Tony, the topic is still the wench Magik"! Shouted Thor while waving his goblet about, thereby spilling all of it on both himself and the group.


"Hey, say it, don't spray it" complained Clint.


"Sorry my friends. Umm, why is my cup empty? Well, time for a refill. As I was saying, she is bony as in bones, too thin and insufficient in the derriere department. Thor would likely poke a hole right through her if he were to deign to touch that, which he wouldn't. Plus that one strikes me as a lover of woman". Stated Thor with a careful wave of his goblet this time.


There, the L word had been mentioned. The ultimate put down, plus the ultimate challenge (after all every guy knows that it just takes the right guy).


"Maybe, but I do know for a fact that she's kind of into older men" said Berto with a smug expression.


"Really"? Said Tony, Clint, Stephen, Steve, and Thor all at the same time. The look of interest in Thor's eyes was completely at odds with his verbal statements.


"Yea, when she was with us she went on a road trip though various magical realms with some British TV automotive dude. Hell, I think you were briefly in it Thor, right at the end of the episode. Well, she and this Clarkson guy definitely hooked up. He had to easily be in his forties or fifties".


"Good to know" said Stephen as he whipped out a little black book and made some notes.


"Bobby, chill" whispered Sam who was finally coming to his senses. "Remember we're talking abut Illyana. She'll kill us if she ever finds out we blabbed. We've already said too much".


"I fear not this wench called Magik"! Thundered Thor, followed by yet another mighty belch. Spicy chicken wings and mead, a gassy combination.


"Thor desires not her tinny tight bony ass. She pranked us and we shall be avenged"!


"Count me out" Said both Sam and Berto at the same time.


"Why? Chicken? Scared of a girl? Brark, buk, buk, buk" Quipped Spider man while making chicken sounds. That Doc Oct statement has really pissed him off.


"No. Not stupid. Learned that in school. Never ever prank Illyana, it's never worth it. Girl gets downright vindictive". Stated Sam while shaking his head no.


"I'm with them on this one". Stated Stephen. "In limbo she handed me my ass and pranked me a bit. She's good, really good. Don't want to see what vindictive looks like".


"It's not like we know where she is anyway" said Clint with deep drunken sadness.


Berto held up his phone. "Just got a text from Kitty. Kitty and Magik are in town for a sale at Bloomindales. She wanted to know if Sam and I want to hook up for supper".


"Cowards! The lot of you! Who's with me! Avengers assemble! The wench deserves a spanking and a good pranking"! Shouted Thor. For someone who was not interested in her ass he sure kept talking about it a lot.


In the end it was Thor, Steve, Clint, Tony, and Spider man who sallied forth to avenge Avenger's honor.


After they departed Sam asked Berto why the hell he shared that piece of information.


"Don't like Spider douche, figured it was time for him to eat some words and we're talking Illyana here. Hell, even his spidey sense will only let him know just how screwed he is when it's too late".


Illyana's ass did not get spanked and yea, pranking her is really a bad idea, but... well that's another story.

Chapter 6


Ok, I went too far on the last chapter (but I really had a fun time). Just had to write a follow up chapter where I take it even further. Rather a long chapter. Not sure if Pepper is in the Iron Man comics or what the current state of Peter Parker is with the Daily Bugle or Hulk's current state as I have no real interest in those comics.

This is the sequel to chapter 5 (so you really need to read chapter 5 first, plus the story Magik Mischief). Most of the chapters are stand alone for this story, and not are not in a linear time sequence, but chapters 5 and 6 are.

And I continued to be naughty. Yea, I'm still a bad person (double snicker).

Chapter Text

Part 6a: Boned


Sam and Roberto (known as Bobby to Sam) were at Gallaghers Steakhouse on 52nd Street New York. A good traditional steakhouse. Bobby had texted that he and Sam would love to meat up (ha ha) for supper and Kitty texted back for the guys to pick a place, Kitty and Illyana's treat. Sam had suggested Gallaghers and it had been agreed up, again all by text. The girls would meat them (again a ha ha) at 7:30pm.


One little bonus with Illyana was that you always got seated when you wanted. Sam wasn't sure if it was the Hell Lord thing or if Illyana just went back in time to make reservations. Either way Illyana always had a good table.


The Nicks vs. Lakers game had been great in the second half, double over time and had been a squeaker in the end for the Nicks. The boys has stopped drinking because they wanted to be presentable for supper. However, they had rather forgotten that several of their drunken male Avenger's had gone out to prank and/or spank Illyana, they really didn't think it was going to happen. I mean... Illyana... just so not going to be... healthy.


They'd watched the game, freshened up, shoot some pool, and then Sam had rocked them to the restaurant right on time, 7:20pm. They went in and were promptly seated at a table for four. Berto texted Kitty at 7:40 that they were there and at a table. Kitty texted back that there had been some difficulties and that they were running a bit late.




The drunken bonability discussion resurfaced in their minds.


"Bobby do you think that..." Sam left the sentence hanging. Both of them had rather thought that common sense would have prevented their drunken teammates from actually doing anything.


"I don't know?" replied Roberto. "I'll check the news on my phone".


Roberto brought up the local news feed on his phone. He went a bit pale. He showed he phone to Sam.


Lead story. Big brew ha at Bloomindales. The special one day only Saturday sale at Bloomindales was interrupted today by the Avengers. They were attempting to apprehend a super villainous but things apparently went awry. Nobody is quite sure what actually want on and the authorities aren't talking. But we do have an anonymous YouTube video that was posted from within the store during the event.


The video showed various women standing around. Capt America was waving his arms about and Thor was shouting and pointing with his hammer. Pointing at Illyana...


"Oh crap Bobby" groaned Sam upon seeing the video.  


Roberto shared Sam's concerns but tried to down play it. "Chill, we need to play it cool dude. They'll never know it was us. We weren't there, we were watching the Nicks. We had no idea that...".


“Bobby, her ass is on the evening news. Her naked ass!”


“We’re cool, we’re cool. We had nothing to do with it. We’re in the clear on this. It's not our fault”!


“Boobs Bobby! Boobage! Naked boobs! Bobby... I think she’s actually killed people for less”.


Roberto was trying to be calm but Sam had a really good point. Roberto's tone was stressed and there was panic was in his eyes.


“Naaa she hasn’t”.


“Remember that dude, what was his name? Damn, I can’t recall. Remember what he did and what she did to him”.


Bobby thought upon that for a moment. “Shit, maybe… your right. Let’s go. Maybe if we claim that we got paged or...”.


“Too late. Kitty and Illyana just walked in the room and they see us”. Whispered Sam.


“How… how does she look?” Roberto hesitantly inquired. His back was to the entrance and he so did not want to turn around.


“Death’s come for us Bobby, and it’s gona hurt” was all Sam said. His expression and tone said it all.



Part 6b: Some time earlier


It was a good sale. One of those everything is 10% off, but if you buy three of a kind then take an extra 12% off. Plus if you buy one or more items from three or more departments you get an extra 7% off and a free gift. And store brand makeup was also buy two and get a third for free. Plus if you sign up for the email alerts you can take an extra 20% off the item of your choice. And if you open a store charge account you get… Well you had to be a math whiz to keep it all straight.


Kitty was a math whiz and she was in a shopping equation based frenzy (she'd set up a spreadsheet on her cell phone so she could examine various the shopping alternatives at the same time to asses the benefits). Illyana could barely keep up with teleporting all the bags back to the secret X-Lair (the current nick name from ice boy Bobby).


Kitty and Illyana were in the undergarments section, the special undergarments section. The one the female super heroes and villains frequented. Bloomindales had an exclusive contract with Frost industries, the only licensed maker of unstable molecules based panties and bras (Emma is a ruthless business woman and knows a high margin market when she sees one).


At times Emma liked to boast "Every super hero is wearing my underwear" which in some cases was actually true at several levels, but Scott would never admit to it. Now there was still the nasty rumor that Emma tried on all the panties before they were shipped just to make sure that she could claim that everybody wore her used panties, but that is so was not true. Emma would never do such a thing. Right?


These suckers were expense. Think silk and then add on a zero or two or three to the price tag. Flame proof, water resistant, acid repelling, ultra stretch, and guaranteed to resist dragon blood. No need to use the delicate cycle when washing these suckers. Hell, some were actually bullet proof and cleaning instructions mentioned that flame throwers or oven baking were ok for these really difficult stains (no, you so don't want to know, icky!). The market was small, but oh if you needed it you would pay and there was only one source.


Well… they were on SALE! They were NEVER on sale! The department looked like a bomb had gone off and heroines were actually fighting over panties and bras (Umm, not like actually fighting, more of a determined tug of war kind of thing which left the She-Hulk the winner most of the time).


There were all kinds of under garments. Plain, fancy, naughty, funny, oddly shapped (i.e. leaving room for a tail, hell even squirrel girl wore those panties). And in all colors. They even had a brand name. Frosties. And a slogan. Never go anywhere without your Frosties! More then a few female super heroes wanted to be paid endorsers, but these babies sold themselves so no deal (sharing had never been high on Emma's list of things to do).


Heck, you even got a free pair in the mail when you first manifested an alternative superhero identity (Emma knew the power of a free sample). Rather a coming of age ritual for many young super heroines. Their first pair of Frosties! Some wore them, some kept them as memento, a few actually framed them. All became customers.


The department was packed and there were long lines for the changing room.


The Back Widow and the Scarlet Witch had gotten into a cat fight over some lacy and very risqué red panties (Mine! No Mine! Mine! Hands off! I saw them first! They match my outfit. No they don't, you wear black! I so don't care, mine! Hands off skank! Slut! Am not! You so are!).


Kitty picked up an assortment of panties, plus a naughty joke panties to give Illyana on her next birthday (Abandon hope all who enter here), and some nightgowns to wow Peter Quill with.


The She Hulk was besides her self with glee, she so went though cloths. And she was a big girl (when she transformed), plus the stretch feature was very important to her as gamma transformation wedgies were so not fun.


Megan (Pixie) picked up six more Hello Kitty panties. They were in the remainder bin, three for the price of one! Hello Kitty had been very populate with the Avengers Academy and Jean Grey school for a while, but fashion trends had changed (Not that that mattered to Megon, Megan loved Hello Kitty).


Laura (X-23) had picked up a few lacy panties (for the first time, she'd always been a plain panty girl before). And a few nightgowns and teddies in the lingerie department (Angel had given her a gift card with a REALY large amount, but let's be honest folks, Angel was gong to be the happier one here). Laura wasn't sure about it but Kitty and Illyana had talked her into it.


Sue Richards was rather peeved in that why on earth didn't she get free samples? (Because Reed is a rotten negotiator and Emma is ruthless). Sue had gotten some lacy white panties, plus two pair of crotchless ones, something to spice things up. Hey Richard might be a nerd but his nickname Mr. Fantastic was no joke. Man was hung when he wanted to be and he read all kinds of books. Sue may have a boring reputation but she could get really freaky sometimes in the bedroom and Mr. Fantastic could always deliver.


Elizabeth Braddock (Psylocke) was there with an arm full of panties and bras. Now I know what you're thinking. No way does Psylocke wear any panties, G-string or otherwise, on that purple Ninja costume of her's. Well... you're right, the most important think Betty needs to do is shave her privates for that costume. The White Queen of all people had called her out on it once (your showing dear) while giving her a razor. No, many woman wore Frosties in civilian life as well. You just never knew when there would be some explosion and your clothing is shredded but for some reason your panties and bra survived (Hey it's the only reason that makes sense if you examine many a comic).


Cuckoos were there buying matching panties and bras. Sometime that whole triplets thing gets creepy (Illyana had brought them to the store).


Jean Paul Beaudier (Northstar) had been there briefly. He was picking up some for his sister or so he said. That was his story and he was sticking to it.


Ororo (Storm) was filling a bag with her selection. Not all of her costumes allowed for under garments, but more then a few did and Ororo was a big believer in always having her Frosties despite the amount of grief she got from Emma.


Tigra (Greer Grant Nelson, she was a tiger girl) was there. Now ordinarily she was only wore her itty bitty tiny tinny not pokadoted black bikini, but it was a sale and sometimes she dressed formal.


Jubilation Lee was there, but mostly just being annoying. She came with Angelica Jones (Firestar) as Angelica needed to stock up on fire proof undergarments.


Female villains were then as well, but this was Bloomindales. Treaty zone. Off limits. No fighting! The Woman of power treaty of 2007 had firmly laid out the rules. And like a UN treaty it was enforced on all once a sufficient number of woman had signed (it had only taken three hours to get a sufficient number of signatories, an all time record).


Hela of Hel still pretended that the treaty didn't exits or apply to her, but she still knew better then to mess with Bloomingdales. Some things were just off limits.


The Enchantress (Amora) was there, turns out she's mostly a white panty gal. The dragon blood guaranties really mattered to her.


Lorelei (Enchantress' sister) Was there as well, she was quite the... well skank and some the creatures she slept with really pushed the panties stain resistance abilities to the max.


Mystique (Raven Darkhölme) was there, but in disguise (Hey we're talking a sale on Frosties here).


So on and so forth. It was your basic who's who.


It was even a cross over event as DC female characters were there shopping up a storm (they so rarely got access to the Marvel universe and Marvel just had better underwear).


Illyana and Black Widow had exchanged glares but the treaty held, the treaty had always held. The sanctions were... extreme and the worst sanction of all was banishment. And banishment included online purchases. Nobody wanted to get their bras and panties on the underground market, no telling where those suckers had been.


Illyana was waiting for Kitty to get done, she was just past the cashiers, when the a window burst in and the Avengers stormed the store.



Part 6c: Steak house


Kitty and Illyana walked up to the table, they were both dressed in civilian cloths. Kitty was wearing simple flowery dress,Illyana was in jeans and a sweater. Kitty look grim and concerned. Illyana had red eyes. Red in that she'd been crying, not red as in glowing. Which if you think about it, in that you the reader thought her eyes were glowing red, really explains why Sam and Roberto were so not going to ever prank Illyana.


The guys looked aghast. Which turned out to be the correct expression. Kitty spoke while Illyana threw herself into a chair, put her arms down on the table, and hid her head.


"I take it then you've seen the news".


"Umm... yea we did. Just saw it actually. We're so sorry Illyana" said Sam, and he really meant it.


Illyana mumbled a half heard thanks from beneath her arms.


The waiter wandered over and began the usual restaurant greetings, dropped off a loaf of really good sour bread rolls with a large pat butter while asking if they wished something from the bar. Illyana's head came up.


"Vodka... Bottle... Unopened". Then she put her head back down.


The waiter was about to explain that the restaurant only sold by the drink, but... he got a vib that that would be bad. Very bad. He went with his gut, which was a very health choice for him and resulted in a really good tip at the end of the night. Kitty ordered a diet Coke, Roberto got a regular Coke and Sam went for a Budweiser.


Sam and Roberto raised their eyebrows in a silent question. Kitty shook her head. It was bad. Really bad.


Sam and Roberto frantically tried to think of something to say. They were still silent when the waiter returned with the drinks. He had also brought a glass for the Vodka.


After he left Illyana sat up again, opened the bottle, poured three fingers of vodka into the glass, then paused. She looked at the bottle, then gave kind of half hearted shrug, and proceeded to raise the bottle to her lips and chug half the contents in one long go. Then she put her head back down on the table.


Sam and Roberto were horrified. Kitty looked resigned.


"That can't be healthy or safe" whispered Roberto to Kitty.


Kitty gave a helpless shrug. "It's her third bottle. She can... well she is Russian and a hell lord so... well I'm not sure if she's even drunk yet". Illyana was, it just didn't show (Hell Lord here)


Illyana sat back up, grabbed some bread, smeared a massive amount of butter on it and then quickly ate it. She took another big swig from the bottle, and again hid her head.


There wasn't much anybody could do at this moment so the three of them examined the menu.


Ten minutes later the waiter came back to take their orders.


Kitty ordered the petite Filet with the roasted vegetable medley.


Sam went for a cowboy rib-eye with the jumbo baked potato. He also ordered blackened shrimp with cheese grits appetizer and buttermilk breaded onion rings as well (for the group. Illyana loved onion rings).


Roberto went with the New York strip steak with four cheese macaroni side.


Illyanas head came back up. She briefly glanced at the menu.


"Bones. I want something with bones in it. Lot's of bones and meat so I can dismember it and tear the flesh".


After some helpful hints from the waiter she settled on the rack of lamb (rare) with Yukon gold potato purée and an order of Alaska king crab legs (she wanted some legs to break). And another bottle as she finished off the first bottle while she looked over the menu.


With that she put her head back down on the table.


"Can't... can't we erase the footage or something?" Asked Sam.


Kitty replied. "It's too late. By the time we realized that the footage had been shot and posted to the internet it was everywhere. Illyana still wanted to try, but I talked her out of it".


"Why" asked Roberto.


"Because automotive repair does not involve a wrecking machine. I don't think the Internet would work anymore after Illyana got done with purging all traces of the video".


"I still think it's worth giving it try" mumbled Illyana. "Who needs the stupid Internet anyway. I mean... just how many cute cat videos do you need to see? I'm sure you, and the other nerds could rebuild it in oh... a few weeks... months.... years? I don't know. Just a stupid place to post photo and videos of peoples asses". Illyana took a sip from the glass (She hadn't opened the new bottle yet).


"What... what happened to the guys?" Sam asked, hoping that they had not been disintegrated.


At that moment the appetizers arrived. Illyana eyed the onion rings with one open eye, then sat back up and grabbed a bunch to put on her plate. She munched one while replying to Sam's question.


"I stuck them in... a holding place. Where Limbo used to be. I wasn't sure what to do but now... Now I'm trying to figure out how they should die. Slow dismembered sounds nice".  


Kitty injected "She's been like this ever since we saw the news reports. We were at Starbucks in Time's square when... the news was shown on those really big TVs that they have there. Illyana then walked right into a bar and got... well lubricated".


"Drunk" Illyana helpfully suggested. "Drunk off my skinny bony ass". She sobbed once, ate some more onion rings, one shrimp, and put her head back down on the table.


"What on earth motivated your idiot buddies to do such a thing?" Kitty fumed.


Sam and Roberto exchanged glances.



Part 6d: Bloomingdales


Several Avengers burst through a window, they were Thor, Spider Man, and Iron Man. Thor landed and a flash of lightning flickered about the place. Spider man swung in on one of his webs and Iron man followed behind Thor. Hawkeye and Capt America came charging up the escalader and arrived at the same time as the others came though the windows. Hawkeye had his cell phone in his hand videoing the whole thing.


"Freeze Magik! You're being detained!" Shouted Captain America.


Magik froze in shock. Ordinarily she'd have reacted in some way, either teleport, or summon her soul sword, or casting a spell. But... this was Bloomingdales, a treaty zone as Kitty had strongly emphasized to her (Illyana was not a signatory on the treaty). Such things were forbidden. While she struggled with what to do she was knocked off of her feet by Captain America's thrown shield.


Just as she struggled to her feet Spider-Man swung by and nailed Magik with his webbing. He landed, braced, and whipped the webbing to fling Magik into the pillow department while quipping "Time for a soft landing"!


Well… that’s what he tried to do.


This happened just as Iron Man fired a repulsor ray blast the would have flung Magik in the opposite direction. But there were complications.


Magic had magically anchored her feet to the ground and the webbing was attached only to her costume. Between the pull of the webs and the blast of the repulser ray some stitching gave way. Something got flung into the pillow department, but Magik stayed right were she was.


Almost everybody froze.


Illyana had a look of utter mortification. One of the darkest secrets of the universe was revealed. She was...



Illyana was commando!

Top and bottom!


And she had a little purple dragon tattoo on her left butt cheek.


Thor, being the considerate gentleman that he was, pointed at Magik with Mjolnir and proclaimed loudly for one and all to hear.


“See! See! For sooth! That is one scrawny and bony mutant ass. Tight and bony. It would be a cold day in Hel before Thor would hit that! Perchance if He consumed a swimming pool of Ale Thor might, just might, be willing to consent to spank it most soundly”!


Not everybody quite heard the same thing. Some woman distinctly heard Thor shouting that Illyana's ass was bony (but in a sex way) and that Thor wanted to... well spank it, or self pleasure himself while looking at it, or both. Other's were horrified to have such an insult spoken out loud. Everybody, apart from the male Avengers were terrified at what had just happened. Ultimate public mortification.


Hawkeye hit the post video button on his phone and then thought about what he'd just done (Did I Err)?


Capt America got a bad feeling as his shield vanished in a teleportation disk.


Suddenly Spider-Man’s spidey sense went off the scale.


Iron Man's sensors detected a power surge and a complete COMMs dropout.


Thor belched. Yea, he was still gassy.


And all the women fled in their own way.


Girls talk and Illyana was known by all on the gossip circuit. This was a code red situation. It even had a specific code phrase that all heroic women used to describe the severity of the anticipated female reaction (Phoenix on the rag!). A phrase that annoyed Rachael and Jean to no end but really summed it up well. They both felt it was sexist but were rather stymied in that complaint as only women ever used the phrase.


In short, a Phoenix on the rag moment was where a woman was going to go massively berserk for complete female reasons and you did not want to be there.


Sue Richards went invisible and raised an invisible shield in anticipation of something really BAD happening.


Kitty phased and dropped down to the next floor.


Scarlet Witch hex’d herself gone. No no, this is not going to be good.


She Hulk leap out the broken window that Thor had created when he came in. Better a three story fall then whatever Illyana was going to do.


Black Widow hid in a dressing room. She was really embarrassed about that afterwards.


Wasp shrank and flew away.


Laura used her claws to cut her way out the back of a changing room so she could flee. Ordinarily she would stand or fall with a teammate, but not this time. Best to not see or be a part of this as then she and Illyana could pretend nothing had ever happened.


Elizabeth (Psylocke) manifested her psychic knife, the focused totality of her psychic powers (As she always just had to tell everybody every single freaking time she did it), wished that she could still teleport using shadows, and in the end just ran; but in a sneaky ninja kind of running away method.


Storm summoned a wind, which filled the air with panties and bras, and flew to the other side of the building.


Pixie hid behind the over size bra bin, which was a rather large component of the inventory; we are talking female comic book characters after all. But she peeked over the bin's rim to watch. There was no way she was going to miss this.


Illyana was still frozen in mortification, then she finally comprehended Thor's thundering proclamation that she had a bony ass that he wanted to spank (she didn't quite catch everything Thor had said).


Her hands clenched in fists of rage. Power erupted from the very fabric of existence and her expression shifted from mortification to utter outrage. Horns grew upon her head, a devils tail flashed into being, her eyes glowed red. A chainmail bikini came into existence and covered up her hereto exposited... lady bits.


Teleportation disks sprung into existence. Gone were Hawkeye, Captain America, Iron Man, and Thor. Only Spider-Man at first avoided the disks. He swung through the air being pursued by teleportation disks only to meet a disk coming the other way.


The Hulk at that moment choose to arrive on the scene (he had heard of the planned pranking) by leaping through the window proclaimed loudly "Hulk here for spanking"! But upon seeing Magik's expression he tried a hasty retreat only to get zapped as well by a teleportation disk.


The battle was over. Kitty's head poked back through the floor as the remaining air born panties and bras settled to the ground.



Part 6e: Supper


The meal had finally arrived. Conversation had been rather stilted with Illyana mostly just hiding her head with her arms until the food arrived. She had yet to crack open the new bottle.


Illyana tore, and I do mean tore, into her meal. She'd stab and cut out a lamb rib and then tear the flesh off with her teeth. She also rather vindictively would break the crab legs in half and rip out the flesh.


Everybody eat in silence. Bobby and Sam felt really bad. Bad for Illyana, bad for themselves (we are so dead if she ever finds out), bad for the missing Avengers, and a bit less bad for Spider douche.


At the end of the meal Kitty again asked the question that had not been answered.


"You never answered. What on earth motivated them to do such a thing"?


Roberto gulped to himself and then went for it. It would either be a three point shot from the other end of the court, or a fail of epic, and possibly lethal, proportions.


"We were all watching the Nicks vs. Lakers. We'd all been drinking and were rather... drunk. The group got to talking about you Illyana. How you ranked on the... desirability index. Drunken guy chatter".


"Thor was of the opinion that you were not of interest, found you moody and I think he's rather into... well big butts. But everybody else, and I mean everybody which included Sam and I, thought you were totally... well you ranked high on the list of... um desirable. And no, nobody thought your ass was bony or scrawny other then Thor. Everybody... liked it... a whole lot, and your new costume as well. Then Thor got all cranky about how you'd pranked them and that they should prank you back. Sam, Dr. Strange, and I said no way. There were easier, and more fun, ways to commit suicide".


Illyana just looked at Roberto with a blank look. Sam's eyes had risen as Roberto had talked, and confessed, and now he looked like a little boy waiting to be told his punishment. Kitty looked... half way horrified and half way happy that they had confessed, a very odd expression.  


The moment lingered, then Illyana smiled and kissed Roberto on the cheek. "That's the nicest thing you've ever said to me".


Sam was relived, and a bit envious. Damn, sometimes Bobby just deserved his reputation as a panty whisperer. If Sam had tried to tell Illyana that story the restaurant would likely be in flames at this point.


Kitty's cell phone rang. She checked the caller ID and then decided to take the call. It was Ororo. Kitty said hi but then Ororo apparently did all the talking. After several minutes Kitty replied.


“Fine, I'll tell her. Illyana... Ororo thinks you should refrain from killing them”.


Illyana got a bit teary eyed. The alcohol was making her very melancholy and emotional.


“Why… why is she taking their side? What… what if it was her naked ass on the news?   Her… so called skinny bony mutant ass” Illyana plaintively asked.


Kitty relayed the question. Ororo’s answer was apparently quite short (course if it has been Ororo's ass on the news nobody would have called it skinny).


She’s not. She thinks they should suffer more. And if you just kill them then it’s over. Why not… humiliate them far worse and make them deal with it. She thinks death is too easy”.


Yea, it was a bit of bait the hook and hope Illyana could be distracted with a less lethal forms of revenge. Ororo didn't really think they should die, but leadership is about leading. And understanding how people think (in this case Illyana) and how to... motivate them.


Illyana opened her mouth to say something. Then shut it and cocked her head a bit at Kitty. She then looked thoughtful for a few moments. She ended up grabbed a piece of bread and sat back to listen.


“I think you have her attention Ororo” Kitty said with more then a little relief. “Any suggestions”? Kitty listened, then relayed Ororo's question.


“What would make you happy right now. Other then their death, dismemberment, and torture no matter how well deserved”?


Fate intervened while Illyana nibbled the piece of bread and pondered this deep concept (she was rather drunk). The dessert cart came by, the one restaurants show you to tempt you to indulge even more. There was bread pudding, cheese cake, berry pie, apple pie, and chocolate cake. Mmmm... chocolate.


“Chocolate... I want chocolate! Lots and lots of chocolate. And… their utter humiliation”.


Kitty replied. “So… why not do that instead? What would humiliate a bunch over testosterone'd douche bags”?


“Something that… that… threatened their sexual identity?” prompted Sam. Yea, he sold them out. Roberto nodded as well at the idea. Hey, they were currently in the clear with Illyana and they wanted to keep it that way.


Illyana was uncertain (and drunk). "But... everybody is looking at my ass, and my boobs. I mean... everybody". She put her head back down on the table.


Kitty quipped. "So give them something else to think about. Make your... exposure a flash in the pan, give the public a new obsession".


Illyana sat back up and got a gleam her eye, a drunken gleam, but she didn’t look maudlin anymore.


“Yea…I like that, make them feel it”


“Let’s make a list of demands and make them sign it” suggested Kitty. “Do it or you die screaming kind of thing”.


A slice of foot tall chocolate cake was ordered and much plotting commenced. A list of fiendish demands were crafted.


Sam and Roberto were so glad not to be on the list, and yet could claim to have helped save their vanished teammates. Win win for them, but rather a bummer for the vanished Avengers.  And... they could add a little extra for Spider douche.



Part 6f: Someplace very very dark and empty


"Well now where the hell am I?" grumbled Tony Stark to himself.


He was standing on a featureless mostly black and blank surface. The sky, if there was a sky, was black. Everything was black. It was only the faint light being emitted from his armor that provided any illumination at all. Tony could see roughly twenty five feet before the light just faded away (regardless of how much light he emitted). It was like the nature of wherever the heck he was consumed light.


Total COMMS blackout as well. Not data interfaces beyond his armor and the navigational system was clueless (kept thinking he was in New Jersey).


Tony had tried shouting but nothing was heard, not even an echo. The radar and sonar pings also faded away after twenty five feet so he had no idea of the actual physical dimensions of where he was. He picked a direction at random and started walking as flying was risky with no visibility.


After hours, or see it seemed, he had noticed that his armor's clock was frozen (yet another bad sign), he saw a flicker of light. Moments later Capt America stepped into his circle of light (Capt was holding a flashlight).


"Where the hell are we Tony?" asked Capt.


"I think hell might just describe it Steve" groused Tony. "I don't think we thought that one through on the potential outcomes".


"No shit Tony". Capt was in a mood, sober now, and very pissed. "When did it become the plan to strip Magik naked? Of all the women to do that to I think only the original Phoenix would make a worse choice. Hell, I'd strip Storm naked before Magik".


"Well duu Steve, we'd all strip Storm first. And this is NOT my fault" whined Tony. "If Spider Man hadn't..."


Spider-man walked into the circle "If I hadn't what?" he asked.


"Pulled her cloths off! That was not the plan"!


"I didn't pull her cloths off. You blasted her cloths off"!


Hawkeye walked into the circle before it degenerated into who pulled her cloths off argument and voiced his complaints.


"Am I glad to see you guys. Shit, count me out the next time you idiots get the bright idea to strip a F'ing demon of her cloths! And I though the Scarlet Witch was bitchy! Fuck! I only just get started on living again! We all know who going to die if somebody ends up biting it on this little fiasco! I'm always second fiddle. It's like I'm a Star Trek guest star wearing a red shirt or something. What the hell was I thinking"?


"Chill Hawkeye, this was not the plan" complained Capt again.


The hulk wandered into the circle of light, much to the surprise of the others. Tony asked a question. "Hulk, how did you get here"?


The Hulk answered while sheepishly scratching the back of his head. "Hulk heard of spanking but met angry bikini demon girl. Then Hulk end up here".


Spider-man quipped. "That sucks, at least the rest of us got to see..."


"That's enough solder, we don't need to quip about it" rebuked Capt America. Then he gently whispered "Don't talk about it, she... somebody might be listening. We're already in enough trouble".


"Anybody have any idea were we are"? Asked Spider-man.


Thor now wandered into the circle. "For sooth that could have gone better my boon companions. The wrench has caste us into the now empty space of her demised realm".


"Demised realm? You mean this is Limbo?" asked Spider-man.


"Yes oh web crawler. I had heard that she had sucked the power of her realm into her person leaving naught but a void in its place".


Spider-man felt a panic attack coming on. "And you just forgot to mention that little fact!? That's.... that's Galactus binge style. Oh man I should of listened to Dr. Strange on this one but I... crap I was still pissed about the beating her brother gave me and didn't think it through".


"She is but a sorceress wench and we should fear her not" proclaimed Thor, but his volume was less loud then when he'd been pointing out her ass to one and all. He was sober now, sober and concerned. He was thinking of just what Sif would do (Sif is Thor's on/off girl friend), his mother, or several other woman of power that he knew. Then he multiplied what they would do by an integer number and keep getting an answer that concerned him.


At that point a small table appeared in the center of the circle holding a single sheet of parchment.


Capt America picked up the paper and read it. It was a list of demands. A rather horrifying list.


Capt passed the list to the others to each silently read. Each had a look of horror or outrage.


Thor was the first to complain "This... this is excessive. She's mad! Yes we... over did it but her shame is not public. This is an affront on my honor and I'll have no part of it"!


Spider-man also voiced his displeasure. "Totally unfair! Thor yells to one and all about her ass and all he has to do that's unique is star in a video remake? While I... well I don't really get what she's implying about my fate".


Capt America had the list again and was studying it.


"Thor will not stand for such insults from a bony assed..."


"Damn it Thor! Pipe down on the ass comments!" Capt America suddenly shouted. "A new line just got added to the list the moment you said... what you said about her".


Capt showed the updated list. Everybody's eyebrows rose.


"That's... going to be hard to accomplish" said Hawkeye. "I mean I have a bow for crying out loud".


"For sooth I will refrain from... such pronouncements" Thor stated with an apologetic tone. "But such travails for but a monuments indiscretion is excessive".


Iron Man's communication systems suddenly reestablished a communications link (he got a dial tone).


"Hey, my phones live again. Hold on a second while I call Pepper".


The others could hear a faint phone ringing sound and then an (indiscernible statement).


"Pepper it's me". (indiscernible reply)


"I'm... not sure where I am. We kind of had a mix up and pissed off that Magik girl". (indiscernible reply)


"You know? Umm... not sure I want to know how you know". (indiscernible reply)


"We're all stuck here and there's a list that we apparently must all agree to or we die slowly and painfully". (indiscernible reply)


"There is some... disagreement as to the severity of the list's demands vs. the actual level of embarrassment and humiliation we caused her". (indiscernible reply)


"The first thing on the list is chocolate". (short indiscernible reply)


"The list just says and I quote (A sufficient quantity of chocolate to demonstrate proper male apologetic behavior. The really really good stuff, and by good we mean much better (and expensive) then Godiva. Failure on this means death and you only get one chance to decide how much chocolate). Yea, that's what's written on the note". (indiscernible reply)


"So assuming we agree to this rather excessive list of demands, how much chocolate should we get"? (indiscernible reply)


"What do you mean you don't know? A guess would help". (indiscernible reply)


"It's cold and dark and scary here Pepper and I'd really like to leave". (indiscernible reply)


"No I haven't seen the news, we've been rather out of touch" (long indiscernible reply)


"What video?" (very long indiscernible reply)


Hawkeye got a surprised guilty look and Capt started to get angry at Hawkeye.


Toney's tone went flat and emotionless. "Download it to me". (short indiscernible reply)


Tony apparently received a file, he used some kind of projection capability that was part of his armor to show the video to the others. It was not quite the news video that Sam and Roberto had seen. This was the TMZ (a rather infamous gossip show) version.


The cast of the show were all in their bullpen room. Will Lee (the host), started off.


Will Lee. "Magik. The mysterious X-Men or in this case X boobalicous Babe. Nobody knows anything about this gal and Paparazzis universally refuse to take her photo".


Max Hodges. "They call it the Clarkson rule for some reason. Ever since she first burst onto the scene in that Top Gear episode, their highest rated episode by the way, she's been a thorn in the side of many a Paparazzi. I've heard tell that she gets invited to some events just because it makes it a zero Paparazzi scene, and some say that she only eats snails for breakfast". Max was a Top Gear fan and this was his attempt at a Stig joke that nobody got.


Harvey Levin. "She's a blank. Sometimes hero, sometimes suspected villainous. Nobody knows her real name and every attempt to do an image match always turns up nothing".


Ben Mankiewicz. "Well, we do know a bit more about her now, at least her private parts". The clip gets played in first at regular speed and then again in super slow motion with frequent repeats.


Terese Stasser. "Wow are her areola's pale ". The screen rewinds to the rather good boob shot and zooms in. "Look at that resolution. Whoever shot this was using HD mode on their cell phone. Good for you! She really needs to use some blush though on those puppies if she wants them to stand out. And I see she has inverted nipples. You know, the kind that only pop when a woman gets aroused".


Anna Kachikyan. "She wears black so no need of that blush".


Will Lee. "This has got to have the Kardashians and Hilton worried. Web hits are off the scale and servers are crashing around the planet under the load. Yea, her booty isn't Kardashian scale, hell the Himalayas aren't that big, but Hilton is completely outclassed by that Magik ass".


Ben Mankiewicz. "Rather surprising that she's missing the tramp stamp of approval for a girl with a bad girl image. But check out the small purple dragon tattoo on the left butt cheek". The clip gets played in slow motion, freezes and then zooms in on the tattoo.


Anna Kachikyan "Nice, rather artsy. At least it's not hello kitty".


Ben Mankiewicz. "Also she's apparently is not on the shave it smooth bandwagon when it comes to the parts down under. Not that our TV viewers can see that part but go to the TMZ for more... detail that is unlocked with your TMZ login". (Side note, TMZ tripled their number of user logins that day).


Terese Stasser. "Girl's got class. Nicely trimmed. And... the carpet matches the drapes. Always nice to see a real blond".


Ben Mankiewicz. "Don't know why Thor has such a problem with her ass. Yea, it's not the usual over endowed booty he likes to hang with, but there's nothing wrong with it".


Will Lee. "Over the years many super persons have been asked about her. This is what they had to say". Series of short video clips play.


Storm "No comment".


Scot Summers "A valuable asset to the team and no she's not available for interviews".


Sue Richards "We've never met".


Wolverine "Get out of my face before I make you eat that camera, Flam'n Jackals".


Emma Frost "No comment".


She-Hulk "No comment".


Scarlet Witch "No comment".


Dead Pool "She's the love child of Phoenix and Galactus, but she takes after daddy".


The short set of videos end.


Will Lee. "Soooo. not a lot of detail about her. Almost as if nobody wants' to take about her".


Anna Kachikyan. "A little bird just told me that this week's Saturday Night Live is going to feature a skit about the whole thing".


Harvey Levin. "And Cosplay Dot Com, a valued advertiser on this program, reports that Magik costumes are completely sold out on their web site. Even the girthy ones. As we speak sweat shops across the world are laboring to replenish the supply. I guess we now know what the hot costume will be for this Halloween".


Anna Kachikyan. "But the really big news of the last half hour is Vivid Video, a soft porn productions company, and... not so soft, has announced a new film called Magik Panty Raid. Pre orders have already exceeded fifty thousand units in just the first hour. TMZ has an exclusive excerpt right here on TMZ in the time honored tradition of mixing news with paid product placement". Cut to the video.


We see a male Thor look alike in the foreground (obviously wearing a blond wig and cheesy armor) with a Capt America, Iron Man, and Hawkeye look alikes in the background. The arrows in Hawkeye's quiver are... not appropriate at all; they are... well adultish and we'll leave it at that. Iron Man's helmet was very phallic, and that's not a star on Capt's shield. A Magik look alike is teasing Thor, she's barely dressed (i.e. thong and a push up bra) and is bent over in the spanking position.


The supposed Magik (not quite a good likeness but the body's nice) breathily says.


"Oh Thor! Spank me! Spank me with your mighty hammer of love"!


"Verily I shall spank that! Spank it thusly"! Proclaims Thor who starts whacking at the fake Magik's ass with an obvious fake Mjolnir while she squeals in pleasure.


Now a bunch of female porn actors dance into the scene dressed as X-Women. There is a Storm, a Psylocke, and a White Queen. They loudly chant "A spanking a spanking! There's going to be a spanking"! Yea the dialog was stolen from Monty Python and the Holy Grail. "We want a spanking too"!,


"Don't worry girls"! Shouts the fake Capt America. "Avengers Assemble"!


They crowd into the front of the shot blocking fake Thor and fake Magik and start to... spank the heroines. But you can still hear some dialog.


"Oh...Thor! What a big... Hammer you have".


The video ends and we return to the TMZ cast.


Will Lee. "We'll be right back with a discussion on where Magik is on the bone ranking of female heroines and villainesses"!


With that the TMZ video ends and the image flickers way, almost as if Iron Man's armor is horrified at what it just projected.


Thor's hammer hit the ground as it falls from his numb fingers.


"Why aren't we dead yet" Asks Spider man with panic in his voice.


Tony panics. He shouts into his armor's phone.  


"All of it! Buy all the high end chocolate in New York"! (indiscernible reply)


"I don't care how much it costs! The original video makes her want to kill us. If she ever sees the TMZ episode before she accepts our apology we are beyond dead"! (indiscernible reply)


"The note says to deliver it to Jean Grey school that Storm runs. Get jets and helicopters and air lift it"! (short indiscernible reply)


"Hawkeye, you utter imbecile! I said record it, not POST IT" Screams Capt America as he begans to choke Hawkeye. "That's why you always are the one to die"!


Spider-man just sat down and began mumbling "Game over man, game over".


Thor started paying attention again. The close ups on her ass and nipples had been very interesting. Perhaps he had been, hastily in disregarding her ass...sets. After this whole regrettable travails were over he needed to try a more... personable apology (Thor is always looking for another notch on the bed post).


Hulk had very wide eyes at seeing the goodies he'd missed.


Tony summed up the consensus "So... Umm Capt could you stop choking Hawkeye for a moment, we are agreed on signing"?


They all nodded their heads.


Five black fountain pens appeared on the table. Each engraved, in red, with a name of one of the offenders of Magik.


Clint picked up the pen with his name. "Hey, it's empty of ink. How are we supposed to sign"? Tony passed on this bit of info.


"The pens are empty". (indiscernible reply)


"Shit. I'll tell the guys. Umm, each of us gets to fill their own pen with the ink that's flowing in our veins. Yea... blood. She... She's apparently very drunk right now and that's the only reason she hasn't gotten around to killing us. She thought blood was funny". (Kitty was on another phone line with Pepper).


They signed. What else could they do?



Part 6g: One of the travails


The Avengers waved at the crowd from the New York parade float (just Thor, Hulk, Capt America, Hawkeye, Iron Man, and Spider-man. It was a special float in the annual gay parade, it was shaped like a giant... thingie. All of them were dressed in G-Strings (and nothing else apart from some face masks for those who still had a secret identity).


Thor whispered out the of the side of his mouth while waving and strutting for the cheering and screaming crowd. "There, once this is done my friends there is but one travail left".


"Good" whispered back Capt America. "I preferred that remake of Sir Mix-a-lot's Baby Got Back video you had to do Thor to having to appear on the TMZ all gay special to rate the ass's of the best male villains". (Author: Google the video Baby Got Back, play it, and imagine that it is Thor doing the song and dance).


Thor sighed. "It was a trial but I endured". In fact he'd loved it. Thor loved big bootie and Sir Mix-a-lot had been fun to hang out with as they reshot the video and the party afterwards. Thor felt that Sir Mix-a-lot was a man of deep understanding when it came to bootie.


"But how the hell are we going to defeat Galactus?" whispered Hawkeye as he gyrated for the crowd.


Iron Man sighed while striking dramatic poises. "It's not Galactus. It's Gaylactus".


"I thought that was a typo". Said Hawkeye with a sinking feeling in his guts.


"It's not". Groaned Thor. I fear we are in for a mightily battle, filled with manly... vigor.


Hulk whispered a complaint "Hulk feel like piece of meat. Hulk feels so... dirty".


Hawkeye looked at this bow with a resigned air, his bow was so not going to help.


Spider-man kept wondering just what his special item in the list meant (Your ass will be as well known as mine).



Part 6h: A special place in hell


Some time later...


"I'm in hell, there's no other explanation for this" groaned Peter Parker to himself.


He'd gotten done with the travails, just like all the other guys. He was sorry. He'd apologized. But for some reason he got just a little extra then the rest.


"Not fair! It was an accident. Thor deliberately made all those comments and he gets off with just being in a video involving big butts? And I have to put up with this? Every single day"?


  1. Jonah Jameson was holding a big staff meeting with all the freelance and staff photographers, editors, and advertising leads for the Daily Bugle.


He was thrilled, gloriously thrilled. Daily sales were up twelve percent and subscriptions had also bumped up. And there was one thing driving the boost in circulation and J.J would not shut up about it.


"ASS"! Bellowed J.J.


"It's all about the ASS"!


"This town's gone ASS crazy"!


J.J was in fine form, shouting about what he wanted while he waved his cigar about.


"Specifically one ass in particular. I never thought I'd say these words, but I can't get enough of Spider Man's ass"!


Everybody laughed and Peter had to join in just so he wouldn't stand out.


Magik was such a bitc.... NO! Don't even think it! Don't give her an excuse to make it even worse. Oh GOD! Did he just make it worse?


Parker found that whenever he was in his Spider Man costume the ass of his costume vanished, and his under pants as well, leaving all exposed to the world. His groin was still concealed but his ass was exposed to the gaze of all. And it was like there was always a camera ready to take the picture.


He'd already found that the more homophobic criminals actually refused to fight him because they didn't want their photo in the paper with him waving his ass about. Heck, he even won two fights because his opponents just wouldn't stop laughing.


The other Avengers were no help, and even Dr. Strange had told him that this was private matter between him and Magik.


Bad enough that his ass was on display but the city's obsession with seeing it made no sense.


J.J was still giving his pep speech. "Get me more Ass! I need that Ass! I love Spider Man's Ass"!


"Randy"! Randy was one of the advertising folks who were out trying to sell subscriptions.


"Yes Mr. Jameson".


"One word, just one word and I think we can boost subscriptions by another ten percent"!


"What's the word sir"?




It just got worse.


"I want Spider Man's ass on billboards all over this city. When people look up I want then to ask themselves this question. Have I seen Spider Man's Ass today? The public wants Spider ass, then by golly we'll give them Spider ass"!


"Yes sir! I'll get right on it"!




"Yes Mr. Jameson"?


"I want a Sunday supplement. A special on Spider-man's Ass! A kind of best of ass shots of the week, month, year. Dig into the archives as well. Get experts talking about that ass. Is it too big? Is it too small? And just what do those dimples mean? Explore the rumor that his ass can shoot webbing as well. Find out what the man and woman in the street thinks about Spider Man's ass"?


"Yes sir"!


It was a long two weeks before Spider Man broke down and begged Sam and Roberto to please do something. Please!!!!!!!


Aunt May was the final straw, she wanted to know if Peter thought Spider Man's ass was cute. That and the popularity of Spider Man ass coffee mugs at Starbucks, and that hour long TMZ special about his ass. Or the new parade balloon that Macy's had just announced, or... hell...


It was the new Weird Al Yackavich video that did it. The remake of Baby Got Back. But only now it was an all male group dressed as Spider-man.



Spider Got Back.


I like big butts and I can not lie

You other Avengers can't deny

That when Spidy walks in with an itty bitty waste

And that big round Spidy thing in your face

You get sprung, want to pull up tough

'Cause you notice that Spider butt was stuffed

Deep in the costume Spidy's wearing

I'm hooked and I can't stop staring

Oh Spidy, I want to get wit'cha

And take your picture



So, fellas (Yeah) Fellas (Yeah)

Has Spidy got the butt? (Hell yeah)

Tell 'em to shake it (Shake it) Shake it (Shake)




Oh God, the utter humiliation of that video.


Chapter 7


Ok, enough with being silly for now. Yea, as a guest noted, the prior chapter was not really in character for Illyana but... was fun to write. Hey, if Illyana had been in character then the body count would be massive and the next Avengers vs. X war would have begun.

Which being a war over asses has its own appeal but... I'll leave that story concept alone for now; but we all know that Emma or Psylocke would be the eventual winner (snicker). Although I suppose the Black Widow would make a good showing as well. Hmmm the She-Hulk also has potential if you're into big girls. But... no best to leave that story idea alone for now, but just imagine the comic covers.

This chapter assumes that Dani joins Illyana's team at the X-Base (as discussed in Chap 4). Again more of the missing eight months plot possibilities.

This chapter takes a stab at the end of Schism and just what is Emma up to?

As always reviews are greatly desired (and if you have any ideas drop me a line).

Chapter Text

Part 7a: Fireside chat (part 1)


Illyana, Laura, and Dani were sitting around the evening camp fire. It was the third night of a three day camping and hunting expedition in the vicinity of the X-Base. It was rather odd in that the all the hunters were female as none of the guys were into hunting.


Dani summed up her thoughts about the other occupants of the X-Base as she drank a beer (she's into micro brews by the way). "Wussies, the lot of them".


"They dislike the act of taking life". Observed Laura. She was sticking with hot chocolate for now.


"But have no qualms about eating meat if another does the killing" Opined Illyana as she sipped her tea (black and strong).


Dana poked at the fire. A joint of venison was roasting over it; the rest of the buck was back in a freezer at the X-Base.


"Meat is meat. More ethical I say if you kill it yourself. At least Xi'an (Karma) is mostly ethically consistent in that she's mostly a vegetarian who likes fish and eggs. But young Bobby is so extra irritating. Actually moralizing about hunting while eating a cheeseburger and adding veal to the menu requests".


Laura mildly disagreed. "They are innocents, in many ways, of unpleasant facts of life. I find it rather... nice but naive. Best leave the killing to the killers".


Dani decided to change the topic and asked a question that had been bugging her. "Illyana, why the change in hair style? You're growing your bangs out and... I find that oddly... disturbing".


"Decided it was time for a change. Back when I was in the X-Brig I lost my bangs and rather hated it. But I recently got to thinking I'd try it again".


"Bit weird seeing you without bangs".


"A girl can have more then one hair style in her life".


Laura decided to try her own attempt at changing conversational topics. She asked a question of Illyana. "How is Miss Frost"?


Dani looked at Illyana with slight surprise while Illyana gave Laure a sideways glance. No need to ask why Laura thought that Illyana had contact with Emma. Apparently she had smelled Emma's scent on Illyana.


"Emma is... ok. She is pursuing her goals in her own way".


Dani inquired. "I didn't know that you had any contact with her. I thought nobody knew where she was".


"She contacts me from time to time and we arrange to meet. She is still my... therapist as it were".


Dani continued. "Odd. Never would have thought you and Emma as being overly friendly. So... what's Emma up to"?



Part 7b: Hellfire


The scene is an opulent sitting room. Emma is rather sprawled in a white leather chair while drinking a glass of red wine. She is wearing her usual white garb. Before her are some small projected holograms of others who Emma is speaking to. Emma also has on a single ear plug.


"I shall continue to cultivate her. She is a long term project at this point. Unlike more... idealistic persons she understands that omelets require the breaking of eggs. And she is oh so very good at breaking... things".


One of the figures apparently says something but only Emma can hear (that ear plug). She responds.  


"No, the whole hell lord thing works to our advantage. She's used to the exercises of power and yet has no real interest in day to day ruling. Perfect candidate as some of us... are more into the hands on aspects of control".


Another figure rather animatedly waves its hands and arms about. Emma responds.


"Yes, she is very lethal and powerful. In fact most people have no idea of just what she can really do if sufficiently motivated. She is much more stable now but still... willful. I will reemphasize that if any of you try you're own recruitment attempts you will likely fail and create an enemy of her. She's... not somebody you want as an enemy. And I will be very very annoyed".


Emma responds to so some other unheard statement.


"Wealth, power, sex, none of those really matter to her. It's not that she's above such things, it's that... her focus is elsewhere. We're talking about somebody who is not really mortal in many ways. Her teleportation abilities but scratch the surface of her potential. Potential that would allow us to rather definitively achieve our long term goals. That same potential turned against us is an extreme risk. Better to have her be a neutral party then to take sides against us".


Emma continued. "She is trying to do what is right... but her interpretation of what is right does not quite fit in with other's understanding of the word. She's... flexible on many ethical issues and tends to focus more on the end results then the means to achieve those result. This works to our advantage".


Emma pauses to hear some other statement. Then she gets a look of anger.


"If you were to try that you would not only die she would go on a rampage and slaughter... well everybody I guess. Don't ever contemplate that. If I even think you are going to try that I'll kill you myself to avoid the utter mess you'd create".


Another pause as she listens.


"Yes she knows what I'm up to. Hell, I told all of them when I left so it shouldn't be a big surprise".


A momentary pause.


"No you can't go kill her. I'm not even sure that's actually... possible. We're talking a hell lord here. I think she mostly plays pretend on that. Putting other's at ease. She knows and rather doesn't care so long as we leave her and her's alone. Don't... don't make her care, it won't end well".


Emma takes a sip of wine.


"No, I don't think you fooled her. Again I don't think she cares about that. One... influences her with truths not lies. I've always suspected that... that she can tell if you're lying. Remember how well she and Laura hit it off, quite the surprise to all I might add. No lies there, just truths. Plus she likes to throw fights. Don't pat yourself on the back too hard just because you outwit her or she seems unable to do defeat you. That's again part of her act".


"No I can't read her mind. How many times do I have to say it? Nobody can read her mind. That in part is what makes her so... difficult to assess. You never can tell if she believes what you're saying. And yet that same ability would make her a perfect inside agent".


"Yes she's a good poker player and don't ever get into a drinking game with her and yes she'd make a great queen".


"So we're agreed? Good".


Emma terminated the call. Somebody behind her refilled her glass. Somebody with male hands.


"Ahhh, thank you darling. Now where were we"?


Emma began to disrobe. "So where were we? So glad we finally overcame those little misunderstandings between us".



Part 7c: Fireside chat (part 2)


"Emma and I... have an understanding and I don't pry into her activities".


Laura decided to attempt a conversational tactical retreat. She had not thought anything of asking about Emma Frost but Illyana was giving off vibes that she really did not want to talk about Emma. Little body posture clues and scents that Laura could read (and Illyana knew that Laura could read) but Dani could not (at least not the scents). Onto another topic, one that was more... known to all.


"How did the meeting with Storm go"?


"It went well. There were... issues but I think we worked through them. Ororo's letting the initial decision sit for a few days to see how the others at the school react before making it official".



Part 7d: The end of Schism


"Do you really think this is wise Storm"? Bobby asked.


The two of them were sitting in Storm's office at the JGS (Jean Grey School). The meeting with Illyana had just ended and Illyana had ported away. Illyana had also arrived via her teleportation disks direct into Ororo's office for a private chat that had been prearranged (although likely the telepaths had known something was up. Always hard dealing with telepaths).


Bobby (Iceman) was slouched on a couch and Ororo (Storm) was sitting behind her desk leaning back and playing with a pen. Ororo responded.


"She... behaved herself on that little inter galactic trip that I was on, hell better then Henry did, and has not caused any trouble any of times she's visited here. Kitty trusts her again and that means a lot, and... continuing to be trusted by Kitty means a great deal to her".


The discussions between Illyana and Ororo had been cordial and somewhat quick. There had not actually been a lot to talk over or negotiate as both sides had quickly agreed to the other's terms.


Bobby reiterated the terms. "So she gets...". He paused and Ororo finished.


"The ability for her and her... companions to visit the school. And the end to us trying to send the younger version of yourself and his friends back to the past. Plus coordination between her and I on... issues that come to our attention; with her letting me take the lead".


"And we get..."


"An end to Schism. Her and her's will be... considered an... associated school as it were. She will not harbor active criminals. She will also not associate herself with Scott, wherever the blazes he's gone and hidden himself. Plus, we both agreed on a mutual defense pact as it were. An attack on one is an attack on both".


Bobby sighed. "I don't have to tell you that almost everybody here is scared of her. Her former students speak highly of her but even they tended to be... apprehensive around her".


"Even you"?


"Yea... Remember she figured out how to set ice on fire. Ice is not know for its flammability. So not fun, left me with a nasty little burn and it hurt. Rather apprehensive as to why she figured out how to do that".


"In that she knows how to hurt you"?


"Yea. Bet she has some anti weather magic in her back pocket; not that her costume has pockets".


"Possible. Contingency planning I suspect. We were not...".


"Not what".


"We locked her up. It was the right thing to do. She acquiesced, accepted her punishment, but... I've been reading her file, the formally blocked parts, Henry gave me the password. Henry was against how she was locked up. Felt... that we were missing a treatment opportunity. That we blew it. I find it interesting how... quiet she mostly was during the trial of Henry. In many way Henry is guilty of the same behaviors as her but she was the one we locked up".


"Frankly Ororo she's scarier, and I think more dangerous. You were on that Extinction team with her. Any meaningful interactions"?


"No. She was again quiet... well mostly quiet. Not beaten down but trying to not make waves. She did what was asked of her. And to my shame I did not make any real attempts to involve myself with her".


"We already got people complaining every time she shows up. This is going to make it worse".


"I suppose it will. I guess we need to call a student assembly, after having an all hands faculty meeting, to discuss this and handle the complaints".


"I recommend it be a no outsiders meeting, meaning it's just us. Magik stays away, otherwise some folks with issues may not speak up. Hell they may not speak up even then".


"Because they're scared of her? Because they hate her"?


"Nailed it in one".


"Agree. No outsiders".


"Ya know Ororo, you're still likely going to lose some folks over this. She really did harm people who have not forgotten or forgiven".


"Yes I fear that is a probable outcome. But... She's reaching out. Trying. She was... rational and focused on that extended intergalactic trip I took. Kitty spoke with me afterwards and told me that we needed... to try harder. Make us Illyana's first choice rather then providing an opening for Scott or...".


Bobby finished. "Magneto or... others. Yea I get it. She's powerful and... well she's gathering up outcasts. Others will be interested in that cluster of powers. Hmm, how she spoke was rather odd. She wants what once was. Odd way of putting it".


"Best to have them on our side if not fully on our team".


"Gunna be fun seeing Monet and Rachel interact with her. I should sell tickets and popcorn. Just who can be the snarkiest? My moneys on Monet".


"Bobby, play nice now".


"Naa, no fun in that. You know Shield and the Avengers are so not going to like this".


Ororo stood up and started to walk to the office's door "Frankly Bobby, I don't really care".


Bobby stood as well and started to walk with Ororo "Understood. On another topic, any more info on this supposed mutant disease"?


"No. It appears to be rather random. Nobody has any details yet as to the cause or any cure. It supposedly only affects mutants and... the effects vary. I'm actually hoping that some of Illyana's folks will be able to help us do more investigations".



Part 7e: Fireside chat (part 3)


Illyana finished. "We'll see how it works out. Rather tired of being persona non grata".


Dana summed up her concerns. "You know we may lose some folks over this. There are reasons folks are here and or left the Jean Grey School".


"Yea... but we'll work it out".


Onto another topic. Dani decided to talk about the Fab Five (or the original X-Men). The Fab Five was how young Bobby was currently describing them. She made a statement with a smirk. "Angel of the time displaced X-Men appears to be the most happy. Laura, are you and he still playing naughty cat and birdie or have you moved onto some other kind of role playing"?


Laura slightly blushed. Damn, she so regretted that little game (well not really, but getting caught she regretted). She had a rather lame retort. "That is private. I shall not answer".


"Yea, kind of guessed that. You go girl! Anyway, Bobby appears rather happy. Scott is moody and withdrawn, gee what a surprise. Jean is trying to make a go with Henry but that's... having issues, again no real surprise. And Henry gets moody because Jean is moody".


Illyana put in her two cents. "Scott and Jean have both applied to collages. Different collages. I think it is likely best for both of them to be apart if that is the path they choose".


Dana raised a question that had been on her mind. "Why is Jean so moody at you all of a sudden"?


Illyana responded after a moment. "She got some answers to some private questions and... didn't like what she learned. Can't say I blame her".

Chapter 8


I figure Jean had to have had questions for Illyana. After all Illyana is a Hell Lord, demon, and was even a Phoenix. Lots of potential good and bad advice. This chapter was originally going to be part of the prior chapter, but it grew rather large so I broke it out.

The current X Books don't show any real Illyana and Jean interaction and I wonder if there is any issues between them now?

As always reviews are like crack to writers.

Chapter Text


Part 8a: Picnic (Part 1)


A few days ago.


Jean and Henry (or Hank if you will) were on picnic. The complete clique; picnic basket, blanket and umbrella. They had left the X-Base around 11am and Jean had flown them to a nice meadow, by a pond, that was a few miles away. It was a warm day and the pond was delightfully cold.


Jean had been dressed in a pair of ragged cutoff jean shorts (amazing how much a pair of ragged jeans cost), a rather tight green bikini top (she was wearing the bottoms as underwear), and a pair of sun glasses. Hank had on a bathing shorts and a tee-shirt.


The pair had lunch (sandwiches and chips and potato salad), frolicked in the pond, and were now laying down and drowsing in the sun having applied some suntan lotion. (Hank had rather loved that, here Jean let me oil your back). Jean was now just in the bikini and Hank had just his shorts on.


Hank was hoping that they'd neck and fool around a bit (i.e. getting to second base again). So far that was as far as he had gotten. Kissing, cuddling, and some groping and fondling.   He has fantasies about third base or even a home run, but Jean was in the driver's seat and she kept taking the off ramp. He wondered what she was thinking about. He'd be disappointed to learn that it was mostly not him.


Jean was mostly thinking about a rather common concern of hers. She was almost always concerned about a certain topic. The knowledge that a her had gone mad with power. That a her had killed... billions. One word summed up that concern.




She was slightly thinking about Hank. She was... frustrated. Hank and her were not really working out. She worked for him but he... he really didn't work for her. It had been nice a first. Different. Felt almost naughty like the universe was being told off. But now it felt... hell he felt more like a brother then a boy friend. She sighed to herself.


Hank broke the long stillness as he turned over to tan his back.


"How did that meeting go with Professor Magik"? Yesterday Jean had mentioned to him that she was having an off site meeting with Professor Magik for privacy when he had asked what she was doing after breakfast and she had been gone until supper time. This was the first chance he had to ask about it (all casual like).


Jean roused from her thoughts.


"As well as it could go I guess. Don't really like the answers I got".


"What were the questions or answers if I may inquire"?


Now it was Jeans turn to move about. She rolled over onto her side and looked at Hank. A rather sexy pose that he was missing.  


"I wanted to know about her time as Phoenix. How it was for her and how she... dealt with it. More specifically I wanted to know if she know of any ways to prevent Phoenix from... altering ethical behaviors and actions. I actually asked a week ago and she said she'd think about it. She finally agreed to answer my questions at that off site meeting yesterday".


"Where was the meeting"?


"That's... private. Can't say".


Jean mused upon the meeting and her promise to never share the actual details, only the conclusions.



Part 8b: Siberia


Illyana had explained where she was taking the two of them, and what that location was, but not why.


The offsite meeting had taking place in Siberia. Where Illyana had brought a piece of Limbo, of hell as it were, to earth when she was a Phoenix host. A piece that had returned to Limbo and yet...


"Why here?" asked Jean upon the reaching Siberia.


She looked around. It wasn't like you could tell you were in Siberia. They were underground in some large and dark cavern. The only light being from a light spell that Illyana had cast.


"This was where I ceased to be a Phoenix fragment. This is also where I imprisoned many of the super heroes we captured; the one's who fought us. A piece of hell brought to earth. One that... kept the prisoners suitably distracted so there could be no thoughts of escape. We did not wish to kill them but we did not wish them to escape and continue to hinder us. I was trying to be... kind".


Jean hugged herself with both arms and gave a bit of a shiver, the place was very creepy.


"That... doesn't sound kind. I hope none of your prison guards are still around".


"The guards are gone and no it was not... kind. Made sense at the time but... well... Consider it an example of how Phoenix logic works... or doesn't I suppose. Ended up banishing Rogue when she found out and tried to help the prisoners escape. Rather happy I didn't hurt Rogue and I gave her a chance to do good where I banished her to".


Illyana continued. "So Jean, you asked about what it was like to be a Phoenix from my perspective. How it changed me, affected my actions, and... is it possible to prevent it from changing your... actions. Or minimize its influence".


Jean had an apprehensive look. This place was horror movie creepy and she was getting telepathic residue of great pain and suffering.


Jean grimaced. "Yea, if you don't mind Professor Magik".


Illyana looked like she was eating a very sour lemon.

"I actually do mind, quite a bit. But... I promised Kitty that I'd help guide you. I would not... shards, have not done this for anybody. But you... well Phoenix appears to like you Jeanie(s) as it were so... words will not suffice. I'll have to show you and I really don't want to".


"Show me what"?


"I'll have to show you before Phoenix... during... and after. You will then be able to comprehend my... conclusions and advice".


"That means that I'll have to..."


"Go into my mind. Yes, curse it all. I'll have to drop my shields for you just as I did for Emma. You'll only be able to see what I show you but I'll have to show you... so very much. Oh, don't... don't try to poke around. I have safeguards".


"I already don't like it Professor M. Both Emma and the Cuckoos say that your mind is... not a good place to go".  


"Yep, and call me Illyana from now on when we're not with your friends. We... well you're going to get a rather... deep understanding of me so I think a first name basis will be in order after this Jean".


"Um... ok... Illyana".


Illyana had Jean sit down on the floor in a meditative pose. Illyana then sat down as well. They were facing each other.






"It's ok not to... like me after this. I'll understand".


"Why would that happen"?


"Because... well you'll understand afterwards".


"You're... not going to hurt me or something"?


"No. You will just understand me better and... well... I haven't been... a very nice person".


"Umm... ok I guess... well I hope not actually. Even more apprehensive now".


"I'm going to drop my shields just for you. Then I need you to flow into my mind. You won't... be able to control what happens. Just go with the flow. It will likely not be memories so much as... understanding and that understanding will be visualized for you in a context you can relate to and comprehend. Don't ask for more detail as I frankly don't know; I'm not the telepath here, you are".


"Can I still say no"?


"Yep, right up to the time you enter my mind. Then... then it's likely a one way trip to understanding".


"Would you do this for Professor Kitty"?


"Only to save her life. Other then that hell no. I... really like having Kitty as a friend again. Such understanding of another tends to cause problems when that individual has done so many not nice things. When that person is... me".


"Should I"?


"Only way to really understand my answers is to comprehend my answers".


"Ok. Let's do this before I change my mind".


Jean felt Illyana's mind shied... relax as it were. Jean went in before she chickened out.



Part 8c: BEFORE


Jean found her self sitting on an unseen luxurious chair. The most conformable chair she had ever rested upon. Perfectly conformed to her body regardless of how she sifted.


Jean was at the top of a mountain as it were. The sky was a burn orange and all of Limbo was arraigned before her.


Dark, twisted, bent. Limbo was an echo, a dark reflection of its Master.


That Master being herself.


She hated it.


Hated it so very much.


All that was wrong with her was thrown back in her face. All that had been done to her was forever echoed. Chained to the very thing that had so harmed her.


Chained to the very thing that had created her.


Sometimes... sometimes she couldn't see where Limbo ended and she began.


Yet... loving it in a way.


Her's! It was her's!


In some ways it was her!


Her's to rule. Her's to alter. Her's to do with as she willed.


And pity the fool who tried to take this unwanted possession from her!


She was a Hell Lord. The only restraint upon her was herself; and so many of her ethical restraints were in tatters or had ceased to exist. Lost, discarded, or raped away.


She had regained her soul, but so little had changed. Yet... some things had changed.


She wished to do right things, but the definition of right was... distorted by the harm done to her. By what she was. By her perceptions of what was right and wrong.


Jean shifted upon the chair and felt it shift was well.


She stood up and turned around and recoiled in revulsion.


The chair was made of thousands of tiny trapped humanoid bodies. Forever shifting to find the ideal shape for the one seated. Their reality forever enslaved to provide nothing but... support. The bodies were everybody she has ever know.


Support for the random whims of a Hell Lord.


Wrong! This was so wrong!


People... should not be debased like this.


I... I should not have been debased like that!




Jean regained her perception of self.


She was Jean! Not Illyana. Jean!


This... this was how Illyana had perceived the world before Phoenix.


People were not quite... people. Illyana had become so detached.


And Illyana had not really... doubted before regaining her soul. But now she was starting to doubt herself.


Doubt her actions. Doubt her decisions. Question paths taken. Choices made.


She really had thought she knew better. But... now she was not quite so much any more.


The chair shifted into a doorway. A doorway built from the tiny bodies. The doorway opened onto fire.


Onto Phoenix.


With a sigh Jean steps though the doorway and all sense of self was lost until the end of the journey.


Now she is Illyana in all things.


In all things done.





Part 8d: DURING


Fire and ecstasy and belief.


For now and forever I am Phoenix!




I am one of five, yet WE are one!


Phoenix !


WE are Phoenix!


And WE know what must be done. Emma and Scott are our focus, our core. They have the passion, the vision of what to make of the world, the belief in what should be.


Together, the WE, strive to make it so.


But WE are blocked. Hindered by petty and trite minds. Beings who fear that which is possible if it is not by their hands.


Foes who desire something other then what the WE wants.


WE are Phoenix, but WE are spread amongst five.


Dissipated WE are not as strong as when WE are united in one. And our vessels are not the one WE had chosen.


What WE came to do is in part shaped by our vessels. Our purpose is... altered... forgotten in the flush of new revamped purpose.


WE strive to be kind, but anger grows. Obstacles must be dealt with.




Destroyed if that must be, but for now WE restrain ourselves, or so WE try...


One of our vessels crumbles, all restraints lost, his flaws were so many.


He was never fit to house us.


I am one of four, yet WE are one!


Phoenix !


WE are Phoenix!








Oh to be trusted again and loved! Oh how the I in the WE glorifies in it. Drinks it in!


The membrane between Limbo and I weakens, stretches, and ruptures like a virgin's hymen upon the taking her first lover.   A brief pain, nothing compared to the pleasures that await.


Our belief is pure. WE know what is right.


But what is right keeps shifting. And the other vessels are cracking, mortal passions and wants polluting our purpose.  


Our belief.


Anger grows stronger.


Anger from the hindrances of others. Anger from the within as well.


Darkness grows like a fungus in the flaws vessels that houses the WE.


Only one resists the darkness for she was already one with the dark. She drinks me in the most. She follows the lead of the others the most.


She never lets mortal passions rule her, for she lacks almost all such passions. But... but she wishes she possessed them.


Darkness does not blossom within her so much as the desire to do right. To be not as she was. She is a loving vessel and does my biding.


She is one with the belief!


She has no doubt!


Yet in the end she and her brother fall.


No longer Phoenix!


No longer one!


Poor vessels they were for infinity.


Her eyes are dry, but she weeps for what she has lost.




WE are... gone.


Now just Illyana.






Oh how we hate her.



Part 8e: AFTER


Brother lost.




It took him so long. So long to understand me.


He loves Snowflake. And I am not her.


I am not her!


Though I long to be... Would if I but could.


But I cannot.


I cannot be loved. To understand me is to reject me. For do I not reject myself?


I allowed him to learn how I think.

How I am.

How... how the damned are.


I let him become and stay the Juggernaut so as to understand just what I am.  


He saw me clearly for the first time. And as I knew he must, he caste me aside.


He is finally free of loving a me that does not exist.




Yet my belief in my actions weakens.




I... doubt.


Did I do the right thing?


Do I know what is the right thing?


What if I was wrong?


If I am wrong then...




If I am wrong then... what else have I been wrong about?


It gnaws at me like a wolf gnawing at a trapped leg.


To be free is to be maimed. To be whole is to be trapped.


In the end I am unified with my soul.


I am Illyana at last!


No longer just Darkchilde wearing her shell.












And I finally awaken from the endless nightmare that so defined me to find myself maimed as I gaze upon my works.


Gazed and despaired.


I was wrong!







Part 8f: Understanding


Jean awoke to herself to find that she'd screamed herself raw.


Illyana was holding her, hugging her, as Jean struggled and flailed about.


Jean froze and Illyana gently pushed her away, broke the hug.


Looked Jean in the eye.


And Jean understood Illyana's answers.


Darkness and doubt.


And Jean really didn't like Illyana anymore.



Part 8g: Picnic (Part 2)


Jean looked lost in thought. "Earth to Jean... Hello? Um... learn anything useful"?


Jean shook herself out of her musings.


"Yea. Never go into her mind, even if she let's you".


"Oh. Any Phoenix insights"?


"Some. Just like the rest of the Phoenix Five, being a Phoenix altered her judgments and behaviors over time. She did have one tool that slowed down the changes. And she reached a conclusion afterwards that provided another tool".


Now it was Hanks turn to role over and lean on his side facing Jean. Wow Jean looked sexy. Hank didn't look too bad himself was an internal conclusion from Jean. He asked a question.


"Mind shields"?




Jean scrunched up her face in a bit in a grimace.


"It was darkness and doubt. She was already so fallen, as it were, that Phoenix rage and passion could not really unleash hidden darkness, that darkness was already unleashed and understood like an old friend. Shards she was that darkness. Professor Magik knew her desires and lusts as it were. She knew herself. And her hidden desires were actually... mostly about good things she wished could somehow be".


"And doubt"?


"A Phoenix does not doubt the correctness of its actions. Doubt let's you remain... you. If you hold onto doubt, if you question your actions, then the utter certainty of Phoenix, and being a Hell Lord and a demon I suppose, can't grab hold. Professor Magik is... carful about a lot of her actions now. She's made a lot of mistakes and does not wish to repeat them yet again. Doubt is a measuring rod for her".


"So you learned some good things".


"No. That's the problem. Her darkness came from doing harm. Doubt came from the realization of the harms. Good lessons for her and I'm glad she shared but...".


"Not quite contextually correct for you".


"Not yet thankfully... but... well knowing... is good". Now Jean had a better understanding of the harms that power could do and what it felt like to not care due to the purity of belief. She knew... and part of her wished she didn't.


Belief combined with actions unguarded by doubt was very dangerous.


Hmm... Jean thought. Hank was rather close and looked... nice. He did not feel so... brotherly at the moment. Jean decided that some smooching was now in order, dessert as it were.


She wiggled over to him and pushed him back onto this back, then she pressed her torso on his, her breasts tightly pressed against his oily torso and gave him a long kiss.


Much necking commenced.


Jean kept wondering about the urban myths of men with large hands and feet. During the smooching she shifted and accidently rubbed her leg against Hanks groin. She learned... well that's private but she learned the answer to that specific urban myth.


It was fun. But... Hank still only got to second base.  Well... he almost stole third but Jean stopped that.



Chapter 9


This chapter was originally just an intro to the next chapter, but it grew in size and story content so I made it its own chapter. I've started to wonder about why we have yet to seen Pixie or Rachel in the new revised Marvel universe. I figure they both would have issues with Illyana so I wrote this as an exploration of the characters in conjunction with Illyana.

But... I ended up with Rachel having major issues with Illyana over Kitty (as Rachel is quite gay for Kitty, not sure if that is a general thing with Rachel or just Kitty specific). I figure that the comics always have the heroes fighting each other so why not here in my writing as well (ahh soap opera, so many super heroes just need a time out).

Plus I've been wondering how that whole inversion thing affected Illyana (the Axis crossover was so very bad and the inversion of many characters just a rather badly implemented writing gimmick). I was rather please to not see Illyana involved in the those comics.

Oh, there is a tangential reference to my story Mourning Light at the end of this story.

Chapter Text

Part 9a: Lunch


Emma was nibbling at the remains of her Caesar salad while Illyana was busy dipping her remaining salt and pepper shoe string fries in some ketchup (she'd had a cheese burger and fries).


They were sitting at a table for four with the forth chair empty. The third chair was occupied by Lockheed who was busy gorging on multiple portions of several menu items (deviled eggs, calamari, steak tartare, and caviar). An illusion was cloaking Lockheed (everybody but Emma and Illyana thought he was just a quiet guy who was very hungry). For some reason Emma was slightly annoyed at Lockheed's presence, but Illyana did explain that she was currently dragon sitting for Kitty and that Lockheed was going everywhere with her so as to maximize dragon time.


Both Emma and Illyana was dressed in casual civilian garb. Illyana had been somewhat surprised at the public setting, but she figured Emma had her reasons.


Illyana had met up with Emma at the Four Season's hotel in New York City, for a therapy session. The sessions had become infrequent since Emma had left, but Emma still made time to work with Illyana despite the other... activities Emma was involved with. Activities Emma was rather sure that Illyana was at least somewhat in the know about (We are talking Hell Lord here, just because Illyana knows something does not mean she shares that she knows).


They chatted about various trivial things while avoiding any major topics that did not involve Illyana directly.


Emma didn't want Illyana to think that she was trying to pump Illyana for intelligence. Emma had worked hard to build a kind of friendship with Illyana and she didn't want to mess it up. Emma had a... fondness for Illyana that continued to surprise her. She found that she quite liked Illyana's ruthlessness and directness and the fact that she has not at all intimidated by Emma. It was...refreshing. Plus the fact that Illyana did not have the traditional X-Women issues with Emma was pleasant as well.


Illyana didn't want to ask questions of Emma about topics that she may later have to deal with; in short don't ask questions that you don't want answers to. One can always plead ignorance if one does not truly know. Illyana did have to chuckle to herself that she considered Emma, of all people, a kind of friend.


This odd kind of friendship had in part been a result of them both being part of the Phoenix five and then later being trapped together in the X-Bunker. There had been that shared Phoenix mental connection and neither considered the other a competitor so... well it worked. Plus Emma was still Illyana's therapist.


So... two women who has some fondness for each other's company were having lunch, Emma's treat.


Emma started a new topic of conversation. "How goes your interactions Jean Grey School? Still having issues with some folks"?


"Yep" Illyana replied with a grimace and then continued.


"Pixie continues to be in a snit about the whole thing. I understand her annoyance, but it's less directed at me per say and more anger that once again the leadership would pick me over her if she were to force the issue. I understand her... frustrations. Been there, felt that way myself. I was always careful, back in my New Mutant days, to make sure none of the team was ever in a who do I save situation with me as I knew just where I was on the pecking order. The fact that I really try to not interact with her so as to avoid causing her angst apparently causes her even more angst. Sometimes a demon lord just can't win for trying".


"And Rachel is still being..."?


"Snide and bitchy. She was Kitty's best friend for years, a well know fact as she finds so many ways of continually mentioning it when she's around me. Almost soul mates according to her. Very tiring. She is beset by the urge to argue about everything with almost everybody. And apparently my being part of Phoenix at one point is also so very vexing to her; like I swiped her car and got into a wreck or something. I endure her slings and arrows, which frankly is not particularly hard, which also vexes her in that she's unable to get me to lose my cool".


Illyana continued "Apparently she is very upset that Kitty left the JGS and went to the New Xavier school. Then Kitty left the New Xavier school for Peter Quill. But I suspect her anger is mostly that that she left with me. It apparently all came to a head yesterday when I was in the Jean Grey School cafeteria with Lockheed".


Illyana began to describe the altercation.



Part 9b: Sticks and stones may break my bones but...


Illyana was eating by herself in the Jean Grey School (JGS) cafeteria. Well... not completely by herself, Lockheed was with her. He was lying upon on her shoulders with his tail wrapped around Illyana's upper left arm so as to brace himself. Illyana was having lunch and also feeding Lockheed (whom everybody knows is a shameless mooch).


Illyana had selected a table away from everybody so as not to cause undo consternation, and out of courtesy as she did have a hungry dragon on her shoulders. Ororo had asked that Illyana stop by as she had something important and private to discuses. Illyana had decided to show up a bit early and grab a bite to eat, as the JGS cafeteria was quite good (It was Chinese Thursday) and she loved the wontons they made.


Illyana had a large plate of sweet and sour fried pork with sauce on the side (most of the pork was for Lockheed), some shrimp fried rice, crab and cream cheese wontons, and a large glass of Coke. Illyana would eat some of the fried pork (she mostly ate the fried rice), the rest she kept tossing into the air, using her chopsticks, for Lockheed to snatch and noisily consume with a dragon purr "Yum...".


The students had gotten slightly less loud and rowdy when Illyana had walked in, but had quickly resumed the usual boisterous student behaviors. Illyana had been showing up enough at the school to no longer shock the students. She was not exactly welcomed, but she was tolerated per Storm's orders.


Illyana behaved herself and... well it's not like there were many people who wanted to get snippety with Illyana.


But one of those few people had just walked in; Rachel Summers, one of the senior faculty members. Rachel immediately saw where Illyana was sitting. Rachel had heard the telepathic chatter that Illyana was visiting and that Lockheed was with her this time as well.


Rachel stomped over to where Illyana was sitting and sat down opposite to Illyana. Illyana gave Rachel a cool look while she proceeded to eat a wonton. Lockheed "Coooo'd" a welcome to Rachel.


Rachel glared at Illyana and hissed a statement of irritation. "I see that you're flaunting yet another thing you've taken from Kitty".


Illyana's chopsticks froze in the act of reaching for some pork. Illyana cocked her head sideways and gave Rachel a puzzled look while Lockheed's welcoming expression faded away.


Illyana swallowed her wonton and then spoke. "I can truthfully say I do not remotely comprehend what you just said".


"You heard me. First you convince Kitty to leave us and joint you. Then you take her students, and now you've even taken her dragon".


Illyana slightly glared at Rachel in annoyance. "I have not taken Lockheed. He's visiting and he's not a pet that one can just take as it were. And I did not take her students, she left them with me when she and Peter Quinn became an item. That was by mutual agreement with the students and her; only then did they actually get around to asking me. And I did not convince Kitty to leave. All of you did that by your lonesome's by... upsetting her and disregarding everything she said".


Lately Rachel was always snipping at Illyana whenever they met, except when Kitty was present. This had begun since Illyana had returned to earth with Kitty's students. It had gotten worse since Storm and Illyana had come to an arrangement which resulted in Illyana being a frequent visitor to the JGS and even participating on some missions where Rachel was also present.


Illyana had simply decided to ignore Rachel's bitchyness, which apparently was just motivating Rachel to turn up the volume.


Rachel continued. "Nobody likes you here. You do know that don't you"?


Great... going to be one of those kind of conversations thought Illyana. Well... enough is enough. What is it with X-Men that they always have to have public tiffs and meltdowns? What the hell ever happened to private one on one conversations if someone was upset about something? When I get upset I go off and try to rescue somebody, everybody else is so... ineffectual. (Internal sigh) If Rachel wants a public fight who am I to deny her?


"Yes" was Illyana's simple reply.


"And yet you keep showing up".


"That is also correct".


"Why? After all that you've done, why do you continue to show up here"?


"Apart from being invited"?


"Storm invited you, nobody else did".


Illyana grasped some pork with her chopsticks and ate it. She spoke as she chewed.


"Again you are correct. Any more insights"? Illyana flicked a shrimp from the fried rice into the air for Lockheed which he promptly gulped down.


Illyana's bland responses were pissing Rachel off even more. The cafeteria was growing quiet as the students listened to the exchange.


"Why are you here"?


"The reason of the moment is lunch. Storm asked that I stop by and I decided to grab a bite before the meeting".


"I don't know of any meeting".


Illyana replied with a sarcastic tone. "I guess Storm forgot to ask you for permission".


Illyana tossed one of the wontons into the air and Lockheed snatched it and nosily chewed (Kitty never let him have any of her wontons, she kept thinking they were bad for him as they made him somewhat gassy).


Illyana's statements really peeved Rachel. "You should go. You're upsetting the students".


"The students were just fine until you started this public tiff. What's really bugging you Rachel? I would have preferred a more private setting for such discussions, but if you wish a public airing of your grievances then I will accommodate you".


Rachel glared at Illyana. "Your presence. You've harmed many people here, especially Megan. Whom you've done nothing in way of apology for all that you've put her through".


Illyana ate some rice while she replied (no sense letting the food get cold just because Rachel was in a mood). "I have returned the bloodstones that were taken from Megan. The first one by me when I soul raped her. The second stone by Witchfire. I provided her with the enchantment that allowed her to merge the stolen parts of her soul back into herself".


"And that's sufficient"?


Illyana frowned as she replied. "No Rachel. Nothing is sufficient for the harm I caused Megan".


"And yet you do nothing".


Illyana sighed and gave Rachel a condescending look. Then Illyana shouted over her shoulder to Megan who was eating with Victor (Anole) at a table on the other side of the cafeteria. Illyana had deliberately selected a table far from Megan and had eaten with her back to Megan so Megan could glare all she wanted without having to look Illyana in a the face.


"Yo Megan, so do you want to hang out? How' bout we do a Starbucks run and get some Frappuccinos or something. Have a good girl to girl talk. Maybe I could grant you a wish or two? Hell, I'll even show you my tattoo if you're interested in that kind of thing".


"Um.... no". Megan shouted back from the other side of the cafeteria. "You're like literally the last person on earth I want to hang out with or have anything to do with. I think I'd rather eat glass".


Illyana shouted back in conclusion of the conversation. "Don't. It hurts really bad".


Illyana gave Rachel a sarcastic look and a Game of Thrones quote (she liked the show, so did Lockheed but only scenes involving dragons).


"You know nothing Rachel Summers. Megan and I have an understanding. I leave her alone. That's the understanding. If she wants something from me she'll tell me. Not you, not Storm, not anybody else, just me. And it will be private between Megan and I unless she wishes to share".


Rachel found herself fuming. "I bet the inversion was real fun for you. How strongly did you express your demon side? Hurt any more kids? Betray anybody at that lame so called New Xavier school of yours? Or was it more of just being the bitch that you are"?


Illyana took a sip of Coke and then replied. "Coffee. I ended up liking black coffee with no sugar instead of tea. Very annoying. Sorry for the big letdown but the whole inversion thing was rather a non event for me. I was elsewhere taking care of some business and missed the whole party; in fact I didn't even know about it. Rather sucked in that afterwards Kitty was so very upset at her actions and deeds. The only good thing that came out of that was she now had better understanding of...".


Rachel interrupted Illyana "Of you I take it. Oh so convenient. You mean to tell me your inversion was nothing but liking black coffee"?


"Think of the game Dungeons and Dragons. I'm neutral with good and evil behaviors. Inverted that becomes neutral with evil and good behaviors. Not much of a change it turns out. Rather lame I suppose".


Illyana tossed more pork into the air for Lockheed. "But these are false complaints. Megan is not your issue. Nor is anybody else here, not even Victor who still blames me for losing his right arm even though I had nothing to actually do with that loss. I do find it rather annoying to be disliked for something I did not actually do. No, I believe Kitty is the root of your complaints with me".


"You took her from us, from me! How... interesting in that she goes from hating you to running off with you in just one day? Like somebody changed her mind or cast a spell on her? But gee you'd never do that? Oh... yea I think you would".


"No Rachel, I cast no spell on Kitty. Kitty just... left because she felt you all had betrayed her and disregarded her. She left this school and even in the end left earth".


Rachel replied with a hiss of scorn. "And left you as well".


Illyana shook her head with a slight gesture of no as she replied. "A friend living her life is not leaving. That's called living. She wanted a refuge for a while and I was able to offer her one. During that time we became friends again. Then she met someone, fell in love, and left. Good for her. We all should be so lucky".


Illyana magically materialized an empty glass mason jar and put it on the table in front of Rachel.


"Here, I suppose you'll be needed this".


"Why?" Rachel answered back with a disdainful but puzzled expression.


"You appear to be quite obsessed with marking Kitty as your territory so we might as well get a generous sample of your urine as I suppose that it is to be her new perfume. I do wonder what Peter Quill will think of the new fragrance, my guess is that he won't be a big fan. Then again maybe if you changed your name to Peter she might pay more attention to you".


Rachel was stunned for a moment; and everybody in the cafeteria gasped. The shear audacity of Illyana to say such a thing to her. Dem's is fighting words!


Rachel hissed a "How Dare YOU?!" at Illyana and her eyes narrowed in a massive glare. She focused all of her telepathy on Illyana who quailed and quaked under Rachel's power.


Well, Rachel wanted Illyana to quail and quake. What Illyana did was nosily suck on the straw slurping up the last of her Coke while giving Rachel a smirk while looking her right in the eyes.


"Chill Red. I blocked Xavier and Emma. And as a Phoenix member I was even able to block Phoenix Emma from looking in parts of my mind that I did not wish to share. You... just don't have the wattage and... that's rather rude of you to try. And here I thought you were one of the telepathic ethics instructors".


Illyana's smirk then vanished. "Now if you want to have a fight, power or unpowered, I'm always game on".


Rachel stood up in a rage. "Fine! I'm not afraid of you you backstabbing demonic soul stealing child abusing bitch! Meet me in the...". Illyana held up her hand and shushed Rachel (magically) which got Rachel even more pissed off.


"Lying to a hell lord tends to be futile. Lies are like... neon lights to once such as I. Very easily discerned. Of course you're afraid of me. Hell, I'm afraid of me. And I would be a fool to dismiss one such as you". Illyana tossed the last of the pork into the air for Lockheed.


A brief look of irritation. "I will not use your past to trade insults. You... were grievously used and abused in the future you fled from. But bide but for a moment Rachel. You caused your little public scene so time to deal with some answers before you decide try punching out your frustrations on me. You've had a really bad time and it lasted for years and years. Been there, done that so I can really really relate at all the levels of what you've endured and survived and... did. Both to persevere and as a result of... of what was done to you. I'm glad you were friends with Kitty. It's good to have friends. They... help. Kitty is my friend and I'm very happy that she again thinks of me as a friend as well. I have no issue with you and Kitty having been best friends. Why would I? I was dead. So very very dead. Then I was brought back and I was insane from... from... from things that you should comprehend all too well".


Illyana continued. "I am not competing with you over Kitty as it's not fair to try and make a friend pick amongst her friends. Kitty came to me, not you, when she decided to leave this school and break up with her boyfriend. Deal with it".


"Kitty loves Peter Quill and wishes to marry him, not you; deal with it".


"Likely you and Kitty are currently a bit estranged because you have desires and expectations that Kitty does not wish to fulfill; deal with it instead of blaming others".


"Kitty is my friend, but that is no reason why she can't be yours as well; because she is your friend. We grow up, things change, whether we want them to or not. It just is. Deal with that as well and if you need additional help then I might have some additional insights as I have a great deal of unwanted experience with losing everything; just like you".


"Deep friendship are, in part, wanting what will make your friend happy. It's caring about the friend more then about yourself. I want nothing more then Kitty to be happy. I don't pretend that I know what's best for her".


"Oh, and the reason why I currently have Lockheed and why I brought him here to flaunt"?


"Well... Kitty and Peter are currently on a long romantic weekend. Kitty felt guilty that she was not paying enough attention to Lockheed with all the huggy kissy going on between her and Peter; and the fact that Kitty feels... weird if Lockheed is in the room when she and Peter frack each other's brains out. So Kitty asked if I could dragon sit Lockheed for a few days while they... really got at it I suppose. Lockheed is a very dear friend of mine and I always love having him around. But why did I bring him here to flaunt as you so accuse? Well Lockheed is friends with some people here so I asked him if he wanted to come with me today. He did and so here we are. A chance for Lockheed to visit some friends while I speak with Storm after lunch".


Now Illyana stood up. "Friends like you I suspect as you did live with the little stinker for quite a while back when you and Kitty lived in that lighthouse as part of Excalibur. I thought you might want to see him and hang out. A token that I do not wish to diminish or impinge upon your friendship with Kitty as you appear to be very sensitive and needy about it".


"Oh, I was trying to say, before you interrupted me, that Kitty now had a better understanding of some of my actions... and yours. She better understood how the both of us could have made some of the decisions we've made. How... it looked so logical if you think a certain way".


"Now excuse me as I have a meeting with Storm. I'll leave Lockheed with you as you obviously are so much more deserving of his presence then a lowly soul stealing demonic bitch such as I".


Lockheed jumped off of Illyana's shoulders and landed on the table to glare at Rachel.


"If you wish to have a good physical fight then I'll oblige you upon the conclusion of my meeting with Ororo".


There was a flash of light and now Illyana was gone, departed to Storm's office.


The cafeteria was utterly quiet. Lockheed issued a disdainful smoky "Humph" and then laid down on the table, curled up into a ball, and went to sleep; or pretended to. His intent was quite clear in that he did not wish to interact with Rachel.


Rachel closed her mouth. Clenched her hands, and then stiffly walked out of the cafeteria.



Part 9c: Aftermath


Emma had ended up choking while taking a big sip of her red wine. She'd partaken just as Illyana had described the bottle and urine comment.


Emma commented after Illyana was done.


"Rachel has always been problematic. Always finding ways to push people away while complaining that folks don't want to interact with her. And it is inevitable she would consider you... a threat and a competitor".


Illyana sighed. "You know things are not going well when I'm the one able to offer relationship advice. I did not had much interaction with her before I died and again almost no interaction with her after I returned. I had no idea that she was so upset that Kitty had left and that she blamed me".


"By the way how is our absent Kitty?" Emma inquired, sure that she was still on safe inquiry ground. "Enjoying cavorting about the Galaxy with her King of a fiancée I presume".


Illyana stiffed up. Emma, being a telepath, could feel Illyana mentally lock down.


"Oh dear... I appear to have asked a question that you find... uncomfortable. Please disregard the inquiry".


"No... It's a fair question. Kitty is... she's OK, but... things are... there are issues between her and Peter. That was in part why Kitty wanted some major alone time with Peter".


"Please don't tell me any details, such knowledge will just annoy Kitty".


Illyana gave a grin. "Agreed, she really just can't stand you most of the time". Then the grin vanished. "But now she's... really not happy about some things".


"I'm sorry to hear that. But... not completely surprised".


Illyana's eyes narrowed slightly "Why"?


"Kitty has a track record of... selecting males whom... she ends up in conflict with. Kitty is very smart, quite opinionated, and quick to express her feelings and thoughts on almost all topics. The very things she finds appealing in a man tends to also annoy her over time. When she goes for the bad boy she always finds that the bad boy has lots of bad boy baggage. Good boys remain too nice or passive. Bad boys don't sufficiently change. And Kitty tends to not know how to lose gracefully in a fight or when to leave well enough alone. In short Kitty is not skilled in man management as it were".


Emma's answer left Illyana rather annoyed. Annoyed that Emma had such opinions about Kitty, and annoyed that they were more then a little spot on. Emma continued.


"And that leaves you unhappy in that you can't do anything about it. Which is oh so convenient for you".


Illyana's face took on a guarded expression. "How is that convenient for me"?


Illyana was being very very careful to not make any decisions for Kitty.


"Let's you secretly fret about Kitty instead of dealing with your own issues. Speaking of which, how are you progressing on that list I had you write up"?


"I've... made a bunch of good progress. Brother, Kitty, and Dani. Four down, six items to go".


Emma decided that it was time to give Illyana a bit more motivation, a push as it were.


"Good. But rather weak".




"Illyana dear, who's the therapist here? Weak. You need to branch out. You need others who are outside of your current circles. You need to avoid the mistakes of the past by not repeating the behaviors of the past. Didn't you mention that Stephen has invited you to that bar he goes to? The one that supposedly the various magical practitioners frequent"?


"Yes". Illyana gave a sigh. "Still undecided about that".


"What would Kitty say"?


"She'd say go".


"So why not take her and my advice? Who knows, maybe you'll even have fun. Meet some people who might actually like you. That has to be better then listening to Rachel being spiteful and jealous".


Illyana grumbled to herself while even Lockheed chimed in with a smoky but tired sounding "Yea..." as he curled up on his chair and went to sleep.


Emma made an additional inquiry as Illyana sat there thinking. "How did the fight with Rachel go"?


Illyana put on a blank look. "Why do you think there was a fight"?


Emma just looked at Illyana. Finally Illyana gave a small grin.


"It was fun".


"Who won"?


Illyana now had a sarcastic expression with a half grin. "Who do you think won"?


Now Emma also had a sarcastic expression with a frown. "Did you throw yet another fight"?


Illyana's facial expression went all innocent like, as if butter wouldn't have melt in her mouth. "Now Emma would I deliberately lose a fight"?


"Yes, I have noticed that you tend to do that. Repeatedly. Very... manipulative and astute of you I might add".


A wicked grin from Illyana. "Always good to be underestimated".


Emma was feeling... pleased with the session. She asked a question. “Desert”?


“Hmm, no I…” Illyana caught the gleam in Emma’s eyes and the sinful smile. “Ummm...".


Ahhh, Emma thought to herself. She's still surprisingly naive about so many things. Who would have thought that a simple inquiry would fluster a Hell Lord.


Illyana thought upon the question and then answered. "Hmm, I suppose I could be… tempted. Any… suggestions”?


Just an even more wicked grin from Emma as she slowwwwwllllyyyy licked her lips, which actually brought a slight blush to Illyana's face.


Emma went for the kill. "Well... Lockheed does need a nap after his gluttonous feast and... I'm certain that we can find something to occupy themselves with...".


Illyana grinned back. They departed the restaurant and...


Yea, they did find something to occupy themselves with...

Chapter 10


We see that in the Doctor Strange Comic that Illyana is now a member of the magical community. All prior Illyana publishing showed her as always being quite the magical loner and never really interacting with other magical entities (except to slay them or otherwise be in conflict with them).

In Doctor Strange #4 we see her in the magical bar with no doors standing next to the Wanda the Scarlet Witch of all people (Miss no more mutants herself). Plus in the X-Men comics we find out that she enlisted the aid of Doctor Strange, Wanda, and others to move the school to Limbo.

So... yet more examples that Illyana is now more social and more talkative. I wonder how that first meeting with her magical peers went and just what goes on at a magicians bar?

Chapter Text


Part 10: The Bar With No Doors


It was nighttime and Illyana stood next to a brick wall in New York City. Two shopping bags each continuing two boxes were at her feet. She was dressed in her black field costume of short shorts, gloves, boots, and that very revealing top.


She had on her usual stoic facial expression, but in reality she was very nervous. This was a big step for her. Almost everybody would be a complete stranger, and some of the non strangers were people she'd kind of tried to kill or imprison when she was a Phoenix Five member (well... a bit more then kind of, like... really tried).


Illyana was about to do something she hadn't done since she had died. She was going out to a social event where everybody would be almost complete strangers apart from Doctor Strange. She was basically on her own.


Illyana pulled scrap of paper out of nowhere. It had ten entries. Four had lines through them. Entry seven simply said: Meet new people and make new friends.


Emmy had been very clear that the word "try" was to never be on the list. Try was a weasel word and Emma's impersonation of Yoda was really rather lame (There is no try, there is do and not do).


Illyana suddenly got a mental image of Luke Skywalker training with a Yoda dressed like Emma (white panties, corset, long blonde hair and a riding crop). After a prolonged fit of giggles (wow that version of Star Wars would be rather... interesting) she got hold of herself.


Illyana shoved the scrap of paper back into nowhere and groused to herself. Damn it. Illyana so hated it when Emma was right.


Let's do it.


Illyana hummed the enchantment to herself that would transport her to the bar by allowing herself to fade into a wall and pass into the bar that was deep within the ground of New York City. She had an internal giggle as she wondered just who the hell had decided to embedded the theme song lyrics from the TV show Cheers into the incantation.


All those nights when your've got no lights, the check is in the mail.

And your little angel hung the cat up by it's tail.


And your third fiancй didn't show!


Sometimes you wanna go..


Where everybody knows your name

and they're always glad you came.

You wanna be where you can see,

the troubles are all the same.

you wanna be where everybody knows your name.


She emerged from the wall into the Bar With No Doors holding a bag in each hand. A magicians only lounge, hidden deep within the bowels of New York City.


What did it look like? Well.. The décor was part seedy Tiki bar, part wicker, and part dive. It was dimly lit and there were lots of odd... things on the walls; plus old antique posters from magical Broadway acts. There were no electrical lights, just torches, candles, and Chinese lanterns of all colors.


Watch out for the black cats, they were part pest control and part security (you so don't want to see the pussies get riled up).


There were tables and booths and there was always the bar if one wanted a solitary drink. The bartender was a floating head in a jar by the name of Chondu (nice guy but not really interested in your problems, after all his head is in a jar so he was not very... sympathetic. He does make a Bloody Mary to die for though).


The ceiling was lost in shadows and the bar was filled with dark corners, leading to... Well let's just say that you should keep to the lit areas. There was a uni-sex bathroom that looked like it had been lifted from some 1960's bathroom (it had been cleaned since the 1960s but... was a bit unkempt as bar bathrooms tend to get).


Oh, and there was a small stage as well. Houdini had played there a few times and there was a rumor that Victor von Doom had once tried a stand up comic routine. Just once and... well it turns out heckling Doom is a really bad idea. Suffice it to say that he killed it (the heckler that is, not his act. Doom is a horrible comedian).


Illyana made her way to the bar, pushing past a few people (the bar was rather crowded, the rumor was that Magik was making an appearance). The noise of the bar did not change despite Illyana's presence. Something that she noticed in the back of her mind and something that... she liked. Nice to not have her presence be conversational poison for once.


There was only two people sitting at the bar. An old magician by the name of Monako, and some bug eyed creature (what ever it was, it was drinking shots).


She got to the bar and was confronted by the hovering head of Chondu. He greeted her and asked her the first of the ritual questions.


"Magik. As one who approaches us for the first time, did you bring the sacrifice"?


"I have". Illyana retrieved the boxes from the bags and placed them on the bar. She could feel the eyes of those present watching her.


She pulled some paper plates and plastic forks out of the bags and opened the boxes. Each box continued... a Red Velvet Cake (from Costco).


Chondu spoke a question to the crowd. "She has brought a sacrifice. Is it worthy of us"?


"It is" chanted back the crowd.


A knife floated from behind the bar and began to cut slices. The cut slices then floated onto a plate, with a fork, and floated out into the crowd.


Chondu asked the next ritual question "Are you prepared to pay the price"?


"I am" replied Illyana. She presented her Diner's club card (yea Diner's club card kind of sucks, but they have a lock on the inter-dimensional traffic).


"Drinks on Magik!" announced Chondu to the cheering of the crowd. The standing rule was a two thousand dollar max tab for first time attendees.


Chondu spoke again "Are you prepared to demonstrate singular and in concert with another"?


Illyana nibbled her lower lip, in apprehension, and then replied "I am". She produced a sheet of paper and it floated out of her hand over to Chondu who examined it.


The noise of the bar faded away into silence. She stepped away from the bar and walked over to the stage and stepped onto to it, turned and faced the crowd. The room went mostly dark and a white spotlight now illuminated Illyana.


She braced herself, held out her right hand and a microphone floated into her hand.


"Fire up the infernal machine!" bellowed Chondu.


Music began to play. It was an old big band song (minus the lyrics). Illyana began sing her version of Frank Sinatra's song My Way.


And now, the end is near;

I face the final curtain.

My friend, I'll say it clear,

I'll state my case, of which I'm certain.


I've lived a life that's full.

I've traveled each and every highway;

And more, much more than this,

I did it my way.



It was Karaoke Thursday at the bar with no doors. The traditional day that newcomers came to the bar and presented themselves with their oaths and offerings. Karaoke was actually available most nights if the mood was right.



Regrets, I've had a few;

But then again, too few to mention.

I did what I had to do

And saw it through without exemption.


I planned each charted course;

Each careful step along the byway,

And more, much more than this,

I did it my way.



Daimon Hellstrom whispered to a female companion. "Damn that's a good song choice. Better then mine when I first came here. Rather embarrassed that I sang Sympathy For The Devil".



Yes, there were times, I'm sure you knew

When I bit off more than I could chew.

But through it all, when there was doubt,

I ate it up and spit it out.

I faced it all and I stood tall;

And did it my way.



Illyana sang with passion (and not completely on key). She was giving it all she had.



I've loved, I've laughed and cried.

I've had my fill; my share of losing.

And now, as tears subside,

I find it all so amusing.


To think I did all that;

And may I say - not in a shy way,

"Oh no, oh no not me,

I did it my way".



Illyana closed her eyes and sang the rest from memory.


For what is a man, what has he got?

If not himself, then he has naught.

To say the things he truly feels;

And not the words of one who kneels.

The record shows I took the blows -

And did it my way!


Yes, it was my way!


The crowd went wild! Major cheering and catcalls.


Illyana opened her eyes and smiled, then she giggled. That had been really fun; and so totally out of character. Maybe Emma was right, time to lighten up a little.


Chondu floated over to somebody in the crowd and whispered something to them. The person had a shocked expression and stared at Illyana who waved for them to come up to the stage.




"Mmmm good cake. Damn Costco makes a great red velvet cake". Mumbled Doctor Voodoo (his mouth was full and he was already on his third slice).


"Wouldn't know, can't eat it any more" complained Doctor Strange while eyeing the cake with longing.


"Still able to drink I see and I notice you're going for the good stuff since she's paying".


"Thank the gods above. Do you have any idea how much this stuff costs?" replied Doctor Strange.


Voodoo finally swallowed and then spoke again. "Good sized crowd, guess having Magik finally show up really peaked everybody's interest".


Shaman wandered over. "Ok, I lost the bet. She actually showed up and sang. Rounds are on me the next time we meet up".


"And none of that cheap Canadian swill you like. We want the good stuff" huffed Professor Xu as she floated over.


"You don't even drink" complained Shaman while mentally adding a zero or two to his anticipated bar tab.


"But others do and paying a gambling debt must be done with honor" Professor Xu replied will sipping her virgin Pina Colada (she loved pineapple based drinks).


"Do my eyes deceive me or has the end of world begun"? Shaman said with awe in his voice as he pointed to the stage.


"What?! What?!" Doctor Strange said with a bit of hasty panic as he turned around. He hoped Illyana wasn't one of those girls gone wild types. Things would get dicey once she sobered up and had time to get angry over any... actions she might regret.


No, Illyana had not taken off her top (thank the gods above, although.... NO! Banish that thought)!


Something even more improbable was taking place. Now both Illyana and... and Wanda Maximoff (The Scarlet Witch) were on the stage. Miss No more mutants and a former Phoenix Five band member were reuniting to sing a duet together, formally burying the hatchet (and not in each other's head so a major plus).


They looked at each other, each with a microphone in hand, and then Illyana began to sing I'd Do Anything For Love (But I Won't Do That) by Meatloaf. Illyana sang with passion and intensity.



And I would do anything for love

I'd run right into hell and back

I would do anything for love

I'd never lie to you and that's a fact

But I'll never forget the way you feel right now,

Oh no, no way

I would do anything for love, but I won't do that


No, I won't do that


Anything for love

Oh, I would do anything for love

I would do anything for love, but I won't do that

No, I won't do that


Some days it don't come easy

Some days it don't come hard

Some days it don't come at all, and these are the days that never end

Some nights you're breathing fire

Some nights you're carved in ice

Some nights you're like nothing I've ever seen before or will again



"Wow. Who would have thunk it. Never in a million years would I believe that was possible". Shaman said while looking at his drink (he was wondering if somebody had slipped him something).


"No. It's real. I see it as well". Said Doctor Strange.




Some days I pray for silence

Some days I pray for soul

Some days I just pray to the god of sex and drums and rock 'n' roll

Some nights I lose the feeling

Some nights I lose control

Some nights I just lose it all when I watch you dance and the thunder rolls


Maybe I'm lonely, that's all I'm qualified to be

That's just one and only, the one and only promise I can keep


As long as the wheels are turning

As long as the fires are burning

As long as your prayers are coming true

You'd better believe it, that I would do



Professor Xu stated with a tone of aloof enlightenment. "Peace and harmony under the mandate of heaven. I am content this day".


Count Kaoz (a Russian sorcerer and rather... grimy) was enthralled. Before he had always had to go to rather seedy bars to see something like this. Now if only it would turn into a girl gone wild situation (he had all the DVDs).


Now it was Wanda's turn to sing and she also gave it her all. Both of them were shamelessly over acting and being dramatic in how they sang.




Will you raise me up? will you help me down?

Will you get me right out of this godforsaken town?

Will you make it all a little less cold?



I can do that

I can do that



Will you hold me sacred? Will you hold me tight?

Can you colorize my life, I'm so sick of black and white?

Can you make it all a little less old?



I can do that

Oh no, I can do that



"Is... is Illyana trying to come on to Wanda"? Whispered Doctor Voodoo to Doctor Strange.


"Well... Wanda is a brunette...". Strange left unsaid the remainder of his thoughts.




Will you make me some magic with your own two hands?

Will you build and emerald city with these grains of sand?

Can you give me something I can take home?



I can do that

I can do that



Will you cater to every fantasy I got?

Will you hose me down with holy water, if I get too hot?

Will you take me places I've never known?



I can do that

Oh no, I can do that



El Madico Misticao (the magical bigwig of Mexico) whispered " La mejor noche de Karaoke vez (Best Karaoke night ever)"!


Mahatma Doom whispered back. "Much would I give to see them sing I got you babe".




After a while you'll forget everything

It was a brief interlude and a midsummer night's fling

And you'll see that it's time to move on



I won't do that

I won't do that



I know the territory, I've been around

It'll all turn to dust and we'll all fall down

Sooner or later you'll be screwing around



I won't do that

No, I won't do that


Anything for love

Oh, I would do anything for love

I would do anything for love, but I won't do that

No, I won't do that


Again the crowd went nuts as the song finished and they both took a bow.


The bar closed late that night and Illyana became a regular attendee when time permitted.

Chapter 11


This takes place a bit forward in time. Before the whole death of X (which of course I don't know any details as yes as it is 7/9/16, i.e. not yet published). I figure that as the impact of the Terigon mists become understood that there would have been meetings and discussions before things went to pot with the Inhumans.

A short but nice chapter.

Chapter Text

Part 11: Early warning signs


Vittles. Never forget the vittles.


Not the most insightful bit of wisdom, but one that stuck in Victor's mind.


It was early evening and Victor Creed (A.K.A Sabretooth) was outside sitting on a bench at the Jean Grey School memorial park holding a slightly soggy paper plate, the kind that aren't plastic coated so they tend to soak up liquids. A plate holding some potato salad, some barbequed sausages soaked in spicy hot sauce, half a pickle, an oatmeal cookie, and a little white plastic fork and knife. He also had a six pack of Coke.


He was eating alone (which was no big surprise). The other attendees were either by the pool, inside at the dining hall, or cloistered in meetings. Only one meeting was of any importance, the one that the Boss was attending. The Boss being Erik Lehnsherr, or more commonly known by his stage name Magneto (the stage in this case being the world).


The meeting about the Terrigen Mists and what was happening to mutants.


Blazes, he even found himself eating differently and enjoying different kinds of foods. He had always liked spicy, but now... Mmmm... now he loved hot sauce on his meat instead of... well... it being rather raw.


Figures the Runt would go and die grumbled Victor to himself. Probably did it just to spite me. Man he'd have been eating a crow the size of Elvis just for letting Victor be here. Not that being a good guy was all sweets and roses. No... rather sucked due to Victor's history and past actions.


Victor downed one of the cans of Coke in one long gulp (And since when did I start liking soda)?


Victor heard, and smelled, somebody coming up the gravel path. Shit... It's her. She always gave him the willies, although he hid it well. Something about her scent...


Illyana came around a path corner, he was also holding a paper plate (containing a cheeseburger) and holding a coke.


"You my minder girl"? Victor grumbled.


"Yep" Illyana answered as she approached and then sat down on the same bench as Victor (which was very deliberate, intrude on his space as it were).


"Why you"?


"Take a whiff and guess" was Illyana's answer.


Victor scowled. Not even a hint of fear or hated from her. Hell, she smelled bored, not a scent most folks had around him.


"Did you volunteer or were you asked"? Victor inquired as he grinned evilly while munching a sausage.


"Asked. You rather wig out most of the folks here and Storm felt that the ones who wanted to be your babysitter were just a bit too eager".


"You think you can take me"?


"Yep" Illyana replied as she started munching on her burger.


"Any big plans or are you just going to gut me with that sword of yours"?


"Acid. I'll teleport you into Limbo and plunge you into a a pool of demonic acid that is inhabited by demonic fly maggots that will strip all the flesh from your dissolving bones. It will be quick, but I suppose it would rather hurt".


Creed didn't bother to ask if she had the stones for it. She did, he could sense it.


"Weird isn't it"? Illyana asked.


"What"? Grumbled Victor. Everybody wanted to play psychiatrist with him.


"Being good. I find it so weird at times. I look back upon prior decisions I've made and I'm rather distressed by what I was and how I thought".


Victor eyed her out of the corner of his eyes. "Yea... it's weird".


"I can relate" was her reply as she took another bite of her burger.


"I suppose you can now that I think about it".


They ate in silence for a few minutes. Then Victor asked a question.


"Why aren't you in the big meeting"?


"No need, I've sided with Ororo on this. Plus... all that talk is rather boring".


"Yea... I feel the same way".


More silence.


"Wana fight"? Illyana asked.


"I guess so, but we first need to make sure that folks know that I'm not trying to kill you".


"Makes sense".


They got up to go inform that power's that be that they were going to engage in some combat to relieve the boredom.


Funny, Victor thought to himself, just don't feel like calling her a frail. She might look like a woman, but damn... so not...



Chapter 12


Chapter 11 was about Victor's use of the word frail for most women and my wondering what he would think of Illyana. It was a deliberately short chapter as it was a basic less is more kind of story. I figure Victor takes all kinds of crap from everybody (deservedly), not to mention being able to sense so much about a person's current state (and their fear of him). I kind of guess that Illyana would be one of the few who would give him an honest chance with no grudges. Moreover, she fooled Wolverine back at Utopia so we know that she can choose to conceal things from such senses so Victor would likely find her rather confusing as he would be somewhat sense blind.

This chapter addresses why Limbo exists again (after all, Illyana drained it dry). Not sure if Marvel is ever going to address that (meaning in the recon they may have just decided that never happened). Well... I like things consistent so this is my take (obviously it will be OBE if Marvel ever addresses it). This also involves more Ororo and Bobby interaction with Illyana (as she is on the team after all and I figure that there had to be lots of prior interactions).

Chapter Text

This story has a tangential reference to my One Night Stand Story and has references to the story Cosmic Girl Talk and some thoughts about Secret Wars III and Battleworld and Illyana/Kitty discussions about it.


 I write these chapters as ideas come to me, likely there will be more chapters as we learn about the death of X.


Part 12: Exfoliation


Illyana floated in the nothing that Limbo currently was.


It was time to decide. She had a decision to make, one that had been on her mind for quite some time. The recent game night with Kitty and the Guardian's of the Galaxy had finally motivated her.




“You’ve faded” Was Illyana’s comment as Kitty and Illyana walked down a corridor in the Guardian's spaceship.


Illyana and Kitty were hanging out together on the Guardian’s of the Galaxy space ship. Also present was Lockheed who was around Kitty’s neck. It had been game night and Kitty had invited Illyana to play (much to the annoyance of Rocket Raccoon who ended up aghast at Illyana's character burning down the temple of the divine Shick-No).




“Frack Illyana!” Raccoon had raged. “How come you always have such strange solutions? I swear you revel in chaos! You’re even worse then Gamora”!


“She’s definitely worse” had been Gamora’s comment which had earned her a dark oh just you wait glance from Illyana.


Illyana briefly explained. “Outcomes. Reality vs. fiction. Scripted narrative vs. freeform. Take count Dracula for example, resting in his crypt by day. What do the villages do”?


Drak bellowed his response (shouting was sometimes a thing with Drak) “They cower”!


Illyana winced at the volume. “Yes. When the solution was rather simple. Bright day, large quantifies of wood and oil. Whoosh, big ol’ fire and roasted brides of Dracula. The count was very unhappy and fled in search of a more… hospitable locality”.


“What game was this?” asked Kitty. She’d really gotten back into gaming since joining the Guardians.


Illyana suddenly looked embarrassed (Kitty was really the only one who could trigger that emotion in Illyana). “Ummm... I… Well... it kind of... happened for real while I was on my journey... back when I was… well... you know”.


“You killed Dracula?” asked a disbelieving Kitty.


“Ahhh… yea... a different dimension's Dracula. First we made him homeless and then killed him a few days later after running him to ground like a fox being chased by hounds. The count was very upset, felt it was beneath his station to be so treated”.




“It’s a long story. Involved a… well kind of a friend. I’ll… maybe I’ll tell you someday. It’s… complicated”.


Kitty resolved to make someday happen a bit sooner, but not today.




“I know. Not so easy come… but easy go I guess. Rather glad to be honest. I find it nice not having so much… insight into others”. Was Kitty’s reply.


Kitty and Illyana were walking away from the game room where Rocket could still be heard ranting “Menace I tell you! Menace to gamers everywhere! She should be…”.


“I am Groot”! Was Groot’s inevitable response.


“Oh… taking her side I see! Flaming fracknard traitor”!


“I am Groot” was the snide but expected reply (bet you saw that one coming).


What?!!! She bribed you? Oh the indignity! You always did have a weakness for...”


The voices faded away as Kitty and Illyana walked around a corner.


“You did that just to rile him up didn’t you?” smirked Kitty.


“Yep” Illyana replied with a slight grin. At least Kitty understood Illyana's sense of humor (at least some of the time).


“And the others who got boosted”? Asked Kitty returning to the topic of the Black Vortex.


“Faded just like you and Gamora”. Was Illyana’s reply. “Although Angel still has his new wings”.


“What are you and Gamora doing later? She said she’d meet up with you”?


“Oh… she found me to be a marginally acceptable... sparing partner. I think she wants a rematch on a little… competition we had”. Illyana said with a slight grin.


“Humph… Gamora likes to fight way too much. Well... have fun with that”.


“I plan to” was Illyana’s dead pan reply.


Illyana broached an unpleasant topic. “Umm you and Peter still… Um… having… ummm...”.


“Problems? Yea. I’m… I don’t know. We keep… we keep. I’m not sure. We’ll figure it out”.


“Ok”. Illyana said as she retreated from the topic.


“So… we all faded but you…”.


“Was what I was before the Black Vortex and did not eat of its fruit so... yea still walking around with the power of Limbo”.


"Why didn't you eat of the fruit as it were"? Asked Kitty.


"You saw my reflection in that thing, right"? Illyana had an exasperated tone as she replied, like that was the answer.


"Yea..."? Kitty replied in a questioning tone.


"I looked like Lady Gaga for crying out loud. Now you might not have issues dressing that badly...".


"Hey, sensitive topic! Lay off my inability to come up with a proper look"! Retorted Kitty.


"But I have standards. Plus I like wearing black". Finished Illyana.


Kitty stated the obvious. "Black does look good on you, but frankly not much material in that costume of yours. Why on earth do you like showing so much skin"?


Illyana had a musing look as she replied. "Not quite sure... Likely influenced by Emma. Maybe some mental residue from when we were Phoenix? I like the look so it's not an issue with me".


"Still... It's rather... out there even for you".


"Just being me Kitty".


"How goes working with the X-Men and the Jean Grey School"?


"Getting better, some of them are actually trusting me more. Bobby for one which is a bit of a surprise. In fact Ororo, Bobby and I were in a training session before I came here for game night".




“Shards”! Cried Illyana as she plummeted from the sky! Her lower body was encased in ice and a hurricane force downdraft had overcome her own levitation/flying spell (due to the massively increase surface area that the ice was providing the wind).


Illyana franticly struggled to free herself from the ice. She cast a spell to radiated heat from her body, but it was to no avail as the ice kept renewing itself as fast as she could melt it. Her attempts to hack at the ice with her sword were useless as she had no leverage to get a really good swing going.


She impacted the ground before she could switch to a different stratagem. Impacted with sufficient force to drive her body deep underground in an explosion of earth and rock and ice (the two plus tons of ice was responsible for that).


“Oh shit Storm”! Uttered Bobby in dismay, both giving voice to his concerns and accidently describing the situation to a tee. “Did we just kill Magik”?


Bobby was flying about the sky on his ice ramp while Storm was flying about on the winds. Just prior to Bobby trying to freezing the hell out of Magik, but only able to encase her lower half, Storm had unleashed a massive lightning storm against the levitating Magik (who used her sword to defect and absorb the lethal lightning).


Ororo had a look of aghast horror. “Bright Goddess I pray we have not Bobby”!


Ororo and Bobby were involved in a remote training session with Illyana. The danger room was simply insufficient for full power exercises for the likes of Bobby and Ororo. Not to mention that there really were very few people they could fully cut loose against. Illyana had ported the three of them to a remote locale and was engage in a two on one combat with them so as to the two of them the chance to fully engage their offensive abilities (It had been Bobby's idea).


Illyana had first cast some major safety wards and spells to ensure that quote “Don’t want to end up accidently killing each other” end quote.


Bobby's ice ramp suddenly disintegrated. Behind them Illyana had ported into existence and had used her sword to destroy his ramp.


Bobby tried to generate a new slide, only to find that he was enclosed in a zero percent humidly magical shell. He had time only for a single screamed “SHITTTTTT”! before it was his turn to impact the ground in an ice shattering impact.


Illyana spit out a mouthful of dirt. “Back at you Storm” was her comment as she unleashed lightning from her sword.


Ororo shrieked in pain as she received the blast (partially absorbed and partially deflected). Her concentration disrupted and now it was her turn to fall from the sky.


A reformed Bobby (breaking Bobby into bits is far from fatal for Bobby as he is made of ice after all, just needed to put the pieces back together again) quickly created a ice slide to change her fall. He turned to confront Illyana but she was gone. Bobby then screamed in surprised pain as Illyana’s sword cut off his left ice arm.


Another hurricane gust of wind swept Illyana off of her feet and sent her sliding on now frozen ground. Then a truly massive lightning strike from the sky fried Illyana where she lay.


And with that the battle was over, apart from the popping and hissing sounds of the now cooling ground and... Bobby cussing up a storm.


After a minute or so Ororo gingerly got to her feet (remember frozen ground). “Bobby are you well”?


“Yea... Shit! I hate it when I get broken up. Hurts like a bitch when I switch back to human form. You”?


“I fear I shall be very ache in the morning”.


What? No words of concern for me”? A rather singed and smoking Illyana stated as she climbed to her feet out of the small crater. Her hair was completely standing on end and she looked rather like a singed blonde cotton ball.


“NO”! Bobby and Ororo both said at the same time. Then they started to giggle and then laugh at Illyana's appearance.


"What? Do I have something on my face"? Illyana asked with some confusion as she looked down upon her body (making sure that she didn't have a boob showing or something. That had happened once in the New Mutants and Sam had turned such a bright shade of red).


Bobby collapsed in laugher and a giggling Ororo pulled out her phone and took a picture.


Illyana materialized a mirror and gazed upon her blond singed afro. Then she too started to giggle and then laugh.


The laughter finally simmered down and Bobby got to his feet. "That was too funny. Reminds me of the time that Magneto got the ass part of his costume blown off but didn't notice that his cheeks were flapping in the wind. Man was his upset at the press photo".


A minor enchantment from Illyana fixed her hair, and then she said with a smirk. “Well, time for round two I suppose. Hope it's as fun as round one”.


Both Ororo and Bobby groaned.




Bobby and Ororo were in Ororo’s office. Bobby was lying down on a couch (in human form) with an ice pack on his head, a heating pad on his shoulder and a large, and very stiff, drink in his hand (drinking it with a straw).


Ororo was leaning back in the leather chair that was behind her desk and contemplating taking a nap in it (well... more the contemplating).


“I hurt” complained Bobby. “I hurt in places that shouldn’t be capable of hurting. Heck my hurt's hurt. Even my earlobes hurt, never even knew that possible”.


“I shall indulge in take a long hot bath” was Ororo’s comment. “Just as soon as I find the energy to get out of this chair. Soon now… so very soon”.


Bobby continued. "I can see now why her former students said she was such a hard ass. Like she out Scott'd Scott on training. But... makes sense. I mean think about it... Her formative mentors since she came back from the dead, and that mysterious journey of hers, were Scott, Emma and Magneto for crying out loud".


"Ruthless, violent, no hesitation, goes for the throat, and a distinct tendency not to gloat until after the dagger is in the back and twisted". Observed Ororo as she commented upon Illyana's combat behavior.


"Sarcastic... don't forget sarcastic". Complained Bobby.


"How forgetful of me... yes very sarcastic at times".


Bobby groaned his response after a long sip. “That was a good training session. Very… invigorating. Need to do that again in a year or two or like… never”.


“It was your idea Bobby”.


“Shoot me next time, I'm rather sure that it would be much less painful. Where is she anyway”?


“Said that she had a game night to go attend. Kitty apparently invited her”.


“After all that and she’s mobile”?


“Omega class Bobby. Omega class”.


“So are we”.


“I know”. Groan. “I know. Remember how many folks Scott had in his office when we locked her up”?


“Yea… but that was because we thought… shit I don’t… Guess Omega for more than her teleportation time thingy she can do”.


“Yes according to Scott’s and Emma’s notes”.


“You have their notes”?


“Scott... provide me a copy quite some time ago”.




“He felt that Illyana’s capabilities and state of mind needed to be… comprehended by other X leaders”.


“What I understand is the need for a hot tub. What say you Ororo? Ororo”?


Ororo quietly started to snore.


“Yea, I second that idea”. Bobby turned on his side with a hiss of pain and likewise took a nap as well. Next time he was so not going to take it easy on her. Yea next time…






"Learned that an afro hair style is so not a good look for me".




Illyana pulled an iPhone out of nowhere and showed Kitty the picture that Ororo had taken. Kitty promptly got the giggles and they exchanged laughter for a bit. Then Illyana broached a question that had been on her mind lately.


"Um Kitty... mind if I ask you a rather weird question"?


"No, shoot".


"Have you been having any... strange dreams? By strange I mean... being on another world and being another... person. Somebody like you but... different... but still... well you".


"Ok, that's weird. Ummm... no. Weird dreams yea. There was this one with Peter and I and we were... ummmn... never mind. But nothing weird like that. Care to provide any details?   Come-on... spill the beans to momma Pryde".


"It's... foggy. I'm... on this strange planet and I'm forced to fight for a god I despise. And that god is Victor von Doom of all people. Yea... like I said, weird. I'm sentenced to fight on this wall that blocks evil robots and zombies, but... I meet somebody and... I really... like... them. Like them... a lot".


Kitty gave Illyana a sly look. "Really like in like... you know...".


"Yea... like like that".


"Was he cute"?


"Yea... she was".






"Umm... is that a thing with you now"?


"Not sure... I find attraction to be less gender based and more person specific. Certain... traits appeal to me I guess".


"Ok, not an issue with me. Heck I swear Rachel chased me for like ages. Was this a one time dream or does it reoccur"?


"The dream comes and goes. Rather... well it's like it's more of a memory then a dream... and... well... it's really odd. Sorry to both you about it but I wanted... guess I wanted to talk to somebody about it".


Kitty repeated her prior opinion. "I think you should do what I keep telling you should start seeing people... dating".


"Kind of hard to date somebody like me".


"So do something about that. We both know you can".




Illyana floated in the void that was Limbo and thought.


What am I is at least a better question then who am I? Rather glad to be past who am I stage. I… I’ve been so much, been through so much, been so reduced and lost. Yet after all that has happened I’m… Illyana. And I’m really happy about that.


Am I a continuation of the prior me? Am I just the continuation of me? Don’t know and don’t care any more. I’m me and… I’m ok with that. Shards... I’m even beginning to like me.


Better question is what am I? Dr. Strange and I have theories, but not definitive proof. I may be...


An extension of Limbo itself given form and consciousness.

I may just be Illyana merged with Limbo.

I may be a bit of both.

Or just potentially the strongest sorceress in recent history. Time will tell I suppose.


Not sure what I truly am, not sure what I truly want to be. But… the power that I’ve consumed will make choices for me due to the implications.


Limbo stands empty and that is one path. Or… I can take another. One more… mortal.

What do I want? I’m…


I want me.

I want to be me.

I want to see what I might become.

I want... I want the chance to...


So the choice is easy.


There was no burst of light. No big bang. Just… one moment Limbo was empty and the next moment it was not. Still not a good place, still a reflection of its ruler so still… nasty.


Illyana stood upon a mountain top and survived Limbo.


Yea… that’s better.


Was rather tired of feeling too big for my skin.

Chapter 13


I got done reading the graphic novel Schism. I tend to not read much X-Men that does not involved Illyana (gee who would have guessed). I found it to be a bit lame as the Hellfire club is taken over by twelve year old kids and having said kids take on the X-Men (and basically kick there asses as well. But... in all the crisis and running out of teleporters they (Scott and Logan) leave Illyana in her cell. So why was that?

We all know because the writers were told to not use Illyana; but I like to say, I like my storylines to make sense so this is my take. In hindsight I've noticed that Logan and Illyana had zero relationship interactions post the X-Brig (in the comics).

Chapter Text

Part 13a: Schism that was


Quite some time ago, before the Extinction team and the formation of the Jean Grey School (JGS)...


Scott and Emma were observing Logan via the cameras in the X-Brig; and Scott was fuming about it.


"This was not part of the agreement". Scott complained to Emma.


"Logan appears to be taking a more... flexible interpretation of the phrase voluntary residence". Was her reply.


"She's locked up for a reason. Good reasons damn it".


"Reasons that he was never fully onboard with".


"We can't just let her walk out and leave".


"No... and yet can we say no if she accepts"?


"We could try... but...". Scott grimaced. Things had already turned to crap, now he was contemplating it burning as well.


"Schism is better then outright civil war". Emma concluded.



Part 13b: X-Brig, 500 feet beneath the waves


Illyana was standing in her X-Brig cell. As always she is wearing bomb jacket. She had regained her bangs as her jailors had finally allowed her hair to be cut.


Logan is visiting in civilian clothing (cowboy hat, jeans, boots, and a red flannel shirt with the sleeves rolled up). He looks tired and grumpy and fed up (which he is). Schism was upon the tribe of Mutants. Everybody who was voluntarily at Utopia was being asked by Wolverine if they want to leave for the JGS.


A splitting. Sides are being picked. Boxes are being packed. Words are being exchanged, some kind and some not so kind. Even some fisticuffs.


Logan had come to ask Illyana (A.K.A Magik) if she would like to leave. He had explained to her what had happened, the big fight with both the Hellfire club sentinel and Scott.


"Are you asking all the other prisoners"? Was her initial response.


"No kid, just you".


"Why me"?


"Because I think you deserve the opportunity. A do-over".


"At what"?


"Life. Something beyond all that has happened to you".


Illyana appeared to be thinking it over. Then looked around with her eyes and raised one hand in some kind of gesture indicating the whole cell as she asked a kind of silent question. Logan gruffly answered her.


"No, I don't have permission to take you assuming you choose to leave".


"Then that might be a problem" Illyana relied.


"I'm ok with that if it comes to that".


Illyana sat down on her shelf of a cot and turned her head sideways in thought.


"Will the people who are leaving with you be ok with it"?


Logan was silent.


"Yea, I kind of thought that". Illyana replied with an ironic half grin. "Have... Kitty and my brother decided"?


"Petties staying, Kitty's going".


"What... would be my status if I said yes? Student? Instructor? Staff? Outcast? Jailor? Or... still a prisoner"?


"Don't know... that would be for the group to decide".


Illyana hesitated and then asked a question while not looking Logan in the eye.


"So... Utopia almost falls. All is lost and... both Scott and you leave me in this cell. Why was that"?


Now Logan was the one to look away as he answered. "Mistrust. It... it fit the scenario of an Illyana prison break. That you might have... arranged it or known of it. That it was all a setup to make you look good, to be the hero at the last second".


Illyana had an ironic and bitter smile. "Thank you for the honesty. Don't get much of that from folks. Nice to have it said out loud what folks think of me".


Illyana sighed. "Logan I do not think this is a good idea, you and those who have decided to leave. There are too few of us left".


"Been said by others, been rejected by others. Some are leaving, some are staying".


Illyana twirled a piece of hair. "I do wish to be free but... I suspect if I leave, and was actually permitted to leave, that your... group makeup would change. Don't... think I'd be welcome. And... I don't wish to trouble Kitty".


Illyana continued. "I'm a prisoner. But even if I wasn't, I suspect I would find it just as difficult to leave. You... can go now Logan. Your... courtesy offer has been made and... rejected".


Another smile from her that conveyed no joy. "Your plans are safe, no need to figure out how to accommodate the demon".


Logan grumbled. "Dislike it that you're still calling yourself that".


"And what would you have me call myself in its place"?


Again silence from Logan.


"Yea... me too Logan. I wish I was not as I am. But tell me... did you really think I'd know of or arrange that"?


Logan's silence was all the answer that Illyana got.


"Yea... thought so. I'll stay. You really don't need the bother of my presence. After all, how do you trust somebody the telepaths can't read and who can lie to your face and even you can't tell"?


Logan asked a question. "How is that anyway? Nothing shifts with you. Your scent, your heartbeat, everything is the same regardless of truth or lie. Is it self control or something else"?


Illyana kind of answered. "I... I don't think... I don't think I'm... Kind of back to that whole demon thing. I would not be good for your new school, nor would I be... welcome".


Logan turned to go. "Goodbye kid".


"Goodbye Logan. And thank you for the offer".



Part 13c: Plans change (some time later)


Emma had an exasperated tone. "Let met get this straight. You didn't let her out because you're concerned that is was all a setup. So now you're contemplating letting her out for this new team of yours"?


"Things change Emma. I'm trying to play the hand I have, not the hand I wish I had".


"And there are fewer cards in the deck now I suppose". Emma finished.


"Yea... Everybody keeps taking potshots at us. We need a heavy hitter team".


"And that's not a potential setup? Reduce your options until you think you have no choice"?


Scott replied. "If so then she's outmaneuvering us on a scale that I simply can't conceive of. But the truth be told I don't think so anymore. I really don't think she does know the future because she doesn't want to. and we need to make use of the resources left to us".


"Concur darling... concur".

Chapter 14


I got to thinking about how Kitty arrived at the new X facility with Scott, Emma, Erik, and Illyana. Now that only lasted for a bit before the All New X-Men went off into space for the very lame trial of Jean Grey (I didn't both reading it). But there had to be Kitty and Emma interactions about Illyana before that. I also decided to explore Kitty's and Emma's feelings and beliefs about Yana.

Kitty really changes how she reacts and responds around Illyana. Likely due to the realization that this really is Illyana and that really really bad things have happened to her (as I've explored in several of my stories).

I've always liked the Kitty/Illyana schism as I believe it was very critical to Illyana's character development. But so very little of that schism happened on panel in the comics which I think was a great story telling mistake. That alienation was likely so critical to how Illyana viewed herself.

This chapter takes place just a few days after Kitty and her students arrive.

Chapter Text

Part 14: Kitty


Kitty was sitting at a kitchen table (there were in fact several tables in kitchen) having some morning coffee. The others were out on an endurance hike and general training march with Illyana (Scott was sleeping in late). It had been a long couple of days and Kitty was just enjoying the coffee and the down time when Emma wandered in.


Emma was wearing a robe and had her hair done up on a towel (shed' just had a shower). Emma look surprised to see Kitty.


"Oh Kitty... I thought you would be out with the other exercise fanatics".


"Naaaa" Kitty said as she sipped her coffee (wow this place has really great coffee was her thought). "I figured that I'd get extra whining but leaving Illyana to do it would shut most of them up; except Bobby that is, but even he shut up quickly after a glare from Illyana". Bobby had been complaining about the death march, as he put it.


"Yes..." Emma slowly stated as she pored herself a cup as well. "Our little Magik has ways of making people... compliant".


"Yea she does tend to have the affect on people", Kitty replied with a thoughtful look.


Emma sat down at the table. "So Kitty, how do you like this concrete mutant warehouse and general purpose end of the world bunker"?


Kitty was not delighted to be talking to Emma, but that was one of the prices she knew she'd have to pay for being here. "It suffices".


Emma gave Kitty a questing look. Like what Kitty had said was slightly surprising.


"What"? Was Kitty's response to the look.


"Your not the first person to use that statement although not in this context. Hmmm, tell me just what the heck happened between you and Illyana? One moment your spitting distain and hate at her, the next you're all chummy again"?


"That's private, Illyana and I just... talked. She convinced me without actually trying to convince me that she was... real. That she was... she was her".


"Anything else"?


"Since when did you care"?


"Kitty, I am her part time therapist and one time partner in the Phoenix Five. While her mind shields were just as effective, I did learn much more about the general state of her mind once we were conjoined by the Phoenix".


"Anything that you'd care to share"?


"She greatly concerned me before Phoenix, she scared the hell out of me after we were no longer Phoenix. Once I knew just how... once I actually understood her mental landscape. A landscape that I suspect is undergoing changes now".


"Yea... she doesn't feel... she feels different. Like a person is looking out of her eyes instead of a...". Kitty sought a different word then the one she was going to use.


"Predator". Emma finished.


Kitty glared at Emma. "That's not nice".


"Correct, and neither is she. And nothing that you yourself haven't been saying for months. But she appears to be... trying now. Something happened between the two of you after you came here. Things were happening with her before but they are happening faster now that you are present. I would like to know what it was assuming it is not unpleasant or some sex thing between the two of you".


Ahhh, Emma just so knew how to push Kitty's buttons and learn what she wanted without using telepathy.


"Nothing happened! She... she was moody and talking about her brother, then she just tried to hug me and I phased and she passed though me and fell down the icy sloop. I ran after her and apologized for that as I didn't expect her to try to hug me as she's so not a hugger. Then I gave her a hug and we talked for a bit as I held her".


"You hugged her? You held her"?


"Yea... no big deal".




"Yes. Why is that a big deal"?


Emma looked at Kitty with a very thoughtful expression. "Because she hates herself. And you are one of the defining measuring rods of that hate. Possibly the biggest".


"What the heck are you talking about"?


"As I said before. I learned the mental landscape but not the memories. She was very... disturbed, less so now since whatever that beast Dormmanu did to her apparently rectified some internal separation between her and her soul. You and her brother are... key to much of her... self identity, good and bad".


Kitty just gave Emma a confused and somewhat angry look. Emma continued.


"She died, was brought back years later, and some massively bad things happened to her that she shields that like the dickens so I have no actual idea as to the details but it doesn' take a genius to guess what likely happened once I saw the mental landscape. She did bad things to our former students before she awoke to the understanding of what she'd once been and the first thing she does is kick everybody out and hide? For that was what she was really doing... hiding. Hiding from her brother... hiding from you".


"But she finally came back".


"To find you gone... we didn't tell her that you were trapped and lost in that bullet. We later concluded she must have found out and... well we think she had a nervous breakdown over it for unknown reasons. Went off in search of her blood stones and only returned to our time after years had passed for her. Years and yet never rescued you. Again it doesn't take a genius to figure out that for some reason she likely couldn't".


"She has her soul now".


"Yea she does. Didn't make any difference until Dormmanu and her future brother died in her arms".


"Yea... we... we spoke about that".


The conversation stalled for a minute before Kitty continued. Asked a question that was so bugging her.


"Was I wrong Emma? Was she... was she Yana all along"?


Emma replied as honestly as she could. "Truthfully I'd say no, especially after whatever happened to her. Your Yana killed herself".


Kitty opened her mouth to protest and Emma shushed her. "Hear me out for once. You asked and I'm trying to answer. Your Yana killed herself. Yes it was a noble sacrifice, but it was suicide. And everybody ended up with the bonus prize of a young unstained Illyana in her place whom almost everybody liked so much better".


"Who wasn't Yana". Muttered Kitty.


"No she wasn't. She was a sweet, nice child. You and Peter did well with her, but she died of that blasted legacy virus. But the young Illyana who died was never your Yana and never would be. Tell me Kitty, how did that make you feel"?


"Why should I tell you"?


"Because this conversation is as much about you as it is about Illyana. I'm not trying to be a bitch about this, I'm actually trying to facilitate understanding as that understanding is critical for both of you. Plus I have some measure of... affection for Illyana and I really want you and her to... be reconciled".


"Angry. I felt... Angry".


"How so"?


"Yana never... came back. So many people come back and Yana... never did. Never returned. She died and she stayed dead, and then young Illyana died as well. I... I kept expecting... but it never happened. Then..."


Emma finished. "Then she did comeback, but as Darkchilde, not Yana. And did so many nasty things".


"Yea... Why did she? Was she just... evil? Or..."?


Emma stirred her coffee. "Yes she was rather evil and... well she let me look at her memories in my office once, when she explained why she traveled back in time to supposedly save the X-Men; when in reality it was her plan to regain her soul. I only saw the memories she allowed me to see but I was very disturbed by the mental undercurrents. She scared me".


"How so"?


"I realized I had a predator in my office. What looked out of her eyes was not really human".


"So getting her soul back really changed her"?


"Apparently yes, but it took time and additional events. Plus Hank was right that we... didn't take the right therapy approach. That ability to block mind reading apparently makes telepaths rotten therapists. We... misinterpret the little mental leakage that we did get. The fact that she got on so well with Laura was really an obvious sign in hindsight, one that I only realized after we became Phoenix and I had access to her mental landscape".


Emma continued. "She was evil, demonic, that is what Darkchilde was after all. But what she also was was feral. One doesn't just turn feral Kitty. It takes a great deal of abuse or trauma over a prolonged amount of time. It was so clear in the mindscape, and her ability to block mind reading was a blessing as I really didn't want to find out just what that level and duration of abuse was required to reduce one such as her to that state".


"So she was crazy"?




"Didn't act crazy".


"Not quite true. Yes she was very function but she was completely detached and incapable of properly judging her actions. Something she knew by the way. Darkchilde evil behaviors apparently look very similar to Darkchilde crazy behaviors. That insight to her decision making process left me very scared of her as her decision making process was not comprehensible to rational logic. It made perfect sense to her but her ability to see things was damaged".


"So what changed"? Kitty was rather sure she knew but she wanted Emma's opinion.


"Dormmanu. She came back in a panic from the first encounter. The fact that she was in a panic was the first clue that something profound had changed. She was mentally leaking all over the place and the Cuckoos were able to take a look as her shields were down. What they saw was panic and feelings. She was feeling and was in a panic about the feelings and about her survival and her prior actions. She couldn't understand any more why she had done what she had done. It didn't make sense to her. In short her perceptions had changed. The girls and I think her soul was finally merged into her and what resulted was...".


Kitty finished. "My Yana".


"Or something very close. I suspect that the work she's been doing with a different dimension's Doctor Strange has done her a great deal of good. She wasn't your Yana before, not after... whatever happened to her. But I think she is now".


"So what do I do now? Pretend she's ok? That she didn't do the things that she did"?


"No... likely just find out who she really is. I don't' think she even knows anymore and that tends to scare a person".


Emma's eyes narrowed as she looked at Kitty. "Be carful Kitty. You are in a position of great... influence".


"Yea right".


"You hold the ability to hurt her. I think only her brother and you can actually do that and her brother is a dense as that steel body he wears".


Another hostile glare from Kitty. "What do you mean"?


"Scott and I tried numerous times to make Peter understand that she was damaged, different, harmed. That pretending that she was the same as she was before was not correct therapy. That she was rejecting it and telling him to his face but he kept refusing to listen. That he was actually hurting her by being blind to what she'd become".


"And a hug from me makes such a big difference"?


"Yea Kitty, I think it does".


"So be nice or... else"?


"No Kitty. I think there are two people she'd do anything for. Anything... How you view her is how she in part judges herself".


Kitty nibbled her lower lip. She really didn't like what she was hearing or what it might imply as to Illyana's mental condition and... how... how it might have been made worse by...


"So you're saying it's all my fault".


"No Kitty, I'm saying she... she's been... crazy and is likely still... unstable. And... acceptance may be her greatest desire and fear. To believe is a great step forward, but what we believe sets the direction of that journey. That's what I mean by holding influence. Consider what you say with at least some care. Words hurt the most when they come from those we love".


Kitty was silent for a minute, then. "Something to think about".


Emma came up with some analogies. "Think of rain in a dessert, or better yet a diamond. Dense and unbreakable. But diamonds have cleavage plains. Hit them in just the right spot and they cut in two or even shatter. Try, for once, to think about your words before you go off in one of your hot headed denouncements that you periodically indulge in".


Kitty responded with a chuckle. "Well... you should know about cleavage. And I can't help but notice that she's taking after a certain somebody on showing it".


Kitty suddenly got a wide eyed look. "Oh God, she was in your head as well. And afterwards she starts dressing like you. Please tell me that she doesn't now have a thing for Scott ".


Emma chuckled back. "Imitating one's betters is always a sign of good taste and intelligence; and no, she doesn't have a think for Scott". Emma left unsaid who, if anybody, Illyana might have a thing for.


"Good... that would be horror". Was Kitty's relieved declaration.


"Yes... yes it would". Was Emma's likewise conclusion.


Kitty stood up. "Well, things to get done before the gaggle of students return".


Kitty walked off after first putting the cup in the dishwasher, leaving Emma alone in the kitchen. Alone with her thoughts.


Emma grumbled to herself as she got another cup of coffee. "Worse idea ever sending you down to the X-Brig to have a shouting match with her".


The thought had been to shock Illyana with Kitty. Yea Illyana had been shocked all right. Likely shocked right into a complete emotional shutdown just as she was starting to recover. Emma continued to think about certain decisions, how schism might have gone or even been avoided if a certain teleporter had not been locked up.


Damn it, why did demonic crazy look just like demonic evil. Yea, Illyana had failed so many people, but at least she had the excuse of being crazy; an excuse she refused to actually use.


What was everybody else's excuse?

Chapter 15


Author's note: I suppose this series of short stories will soon be coming to an end now that the Death of X (First issue came out last week) and the missing months are starting to be reveled. Once such facts are known then I will likely be writing some stories about them. I do wonder what Illyana and the New Xavier school were really doing.

But... I have a few more ideas to write first. Plus I've been wracking my brains trying to come up with a story that included Deadpool and I've finally came up with one (part of this story). While future Deadpools have met Illyana I don't think the current Deadpool has.

Chapter Text

Part 15a: Gentlemen's agreement


Erik (Magneto) and Sebastian Shaw were seated in a very plush and private small lounge hidden away on one of the upper floors of the Hellfire club. It was a rainy New York evening and rivulets of water were streaking down the room’s windows.


The two were sitting in those old style English gentlemen's club high back riveted leather chairs facing each other over a small table that held a decanter of Scotch. Shaw always felt that Scotch was the drink to seal deals with; the more important the deal, the better the Scotch. This was Dalmore Constellation 1964, very old. Very very good.


Erik was dressed as the white king. He had on a three piece suit with a white shirt and white gloves; his socks were grey and his shoes were black. Shaw was dressed in his usual formal black attire while wearing grey gloves.


“Wasn’t really sure you’d actually accept my dear fellow” mused Shaw as he took another sip of his drink.


“One does what one must in such difficult times” stated Erik as he too took another sip.


Shaw savored his drink, took a deep sniff from the glass, and then continued. “I like that you have resumed your old look. Hairlessness... does not suit you”.


Erik scowled in remembrance of... things. “I am forced to agree. And the taunts were very… infantile”.


“Yes… Baldneto was the term I believe”. Chuckled Shaw as he poured himself another two fingers worth of liquid gold. Then he switched topics.


“A competent selection for our black bishop” prompted Shaw on Erik's pick.


“Ms. Releigh is a lady of many talents. One does not need powers to exceed” agreed Erik.


“But they do… help” murmured Shaw.


Erik agreed. “Yes… I suppose they do”.


“But Monet is not really… sufficient for the role of White Queen” murmured Shaw. “She has an appropriate power set but lacks... experiences at such levels of command. Yes she’s vain, arrogant, intelligent, powerful, beautiful, decadent, self obsessed, rich but not by her own works, and so loves dressing the part but she is lacking in…”.


Erik finished. “Leadership. She’s tends to be problematic on leading or directing others other then by shouting or demeaning them”.


“And bitchy… don’t forget bitchy”. Was Shaw's less then helpful comment.


“And yet you agreed to her being the new White Queen”?


“Well… we needed somebody. She… suffices for now”. Finished Sawn. “Any additional thoughts on my suggestion as to a possible Black Queen. Or might Red be a better color for her”?


Erik eyed Shaw. This new and yet so similar Sebastian Shaw took some getting used to. The old Shaw was filled with double dealings while this Shaw... appeared... to be more... trustworthy. Not that Erik was going to trust him very much but... the man was... improved. He replied.


“She is not… appropriate. I somehow don’t think the Hellfire club's recreational… proclivities would appeal to her”.


“It is not required that she… indulge herself”. Was Shaw's observation.


“No… but you have not seen her at her worst. I have. Also she is wont to disregard orders and direction, and tends to get… annoyed if one attempts to keep secrets from her; and there are so many secrets here that are being kept from some of those we know”.


“And yet Storm has no problems managing her”.


“Because mostly she doesn’t manage her. Storm does not lie or misled her. And she is not a subordinate”.


“Shame, her assets and abilities would be a great boost to our efforts”. Was Shaw’s mild response. He took another sip.


Erik tossed in an extra tidbit of information. “And Monet does not get along with her at all. Oil and water thing; although gasoline and fire might be the better analogy”.


“It's… not completely surprising to hear that Monet has such issues as I’ve noticed the phrase (Has problems working well with others) describes Monet so well, but the choice of people is”.


“The whole she’s a demon thing I believe. Which is somewhat surprising considering Monet's… history”.


“Yes… I suppose that does cause… issues with some. Shame though, can you imagine Frances hitting on her in the main ballroom and the possible responses”?


Frances was a non inner circle club member who was known for his sexual escapades, and being total dick towards most women in general.


Erik choked as he had been sipping when the Frances comment was made and the Scotch had gone down the wrong pipe. Erik gasped and sputtered for a few moments while Shaw looked on with mild concern. "Careful old boy. Sip it, don't inhale it".


Erik finally regained his composer. “I can imagine as I have seen it once and would pay to see it again with Frances”.


He then briefly regaled Shaw with an episode he had observed in a total dive of a bar that he had once visited with Illyana while in pursuit of some information.


"This happened after I left the group as I still have occasional contact with her. We were teammates after all and we both tend to view certain problems the same way. I've done a few favors for her and she recuperates with no one the wiser. I was in pursuit of the identify of a certain gentlemen who had hired people to harm certain... mutants. This was one of those favors she did for me as her transportation abilities are very useful when you have a short time table to get something done".


"We ended up in this wretched bar with the name Sister Margret's school for wayward girls. Not sure if it was an actual converted old school or just a very sarcastic name. Complete seedy dive with the usual scum. But this establishment was a hangout for thugs and mercenaries and a bit of a job center as the establishment acted as a broker for folks to hire certain individuals. I was incognito but Illyana was in her field costume which... I suppose was... unfortunate".




Part 15b: Sister Margret's (Part 1)


It was raining outside and the bar was dark. There were scattered pool tables and the New York no smoking in restaurants and bars law as being vigorously ignored as the room was filled with a pungent smoky fog. A two scantily clad waitresses were moving about serving drinks while two beefy biker dudes were discussing, with their fists, just who had cheated at who at pool.


The smell of stale beer, urine (the toilet was backed up again), and cheep perfume assaulted Erik and Illyana's nostrils as they entered. Music was blaring loudly, which of course had the useful side affect of make sure that no listening devices would work correctly.


It was AC/CD's Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap.


If you're havin' trouble with the high school head

He's givin' you the blues

You wanna graduate but not in his bed

Here's what you gotta do

Pick up the phone, I'm always home

Call me any time

Just ring 36 24 36 hey

I lead a life of crime


Dirty deeds, done dirt cheap

Dirty deeds, done dirt cheap

Dirty deeds, done dirt cheap

(Dirty deeds and they're done dirt cheap)

(Dirty deeds and they're done dirt cheap)




Erik was wearing a brown trench coat and hat but Illyana was dressed in that black bit of nothing she liked wearing, plus her black boots and the armor on her left arm. However her soul Sword was not present.


Erik walked up to the bar, Illyana just stayed behind him and observed the room while Erik attempted to talk the bartender into giving up the location of a Mr. Zeederman. Erik had no real interest in Mr. Zeederman, his interest was in who had hired him. He wished to... talk to Mr. Zeederman about that... something that he did not share with the bartender.


Like all such bars, the bartender had never heard of him. Erik sighed to himself, looked like it was going to have to be the hard way. But, before he did anything, a red costumed individual (known as Deadpool, Erik knew him well) walked up behind Illyana and grabbed her ass with both hands gave it a full squeeze.


"Ohhh, daddy like! Bit lean for an waitress ass, but honey you need to lose the spiky armor, wouldn't want to poke a customer's eye out now". Was Deadpool's comment as he then walked past Illyana and went to the bar.


Illyana just stood there. A look of outraged shock on her face.


Deadpool continued to dig the hole deeper as he ordered a beer "Or are you a cosplay chickie who got lost from the convention center? I heard Adult Com was back in town".


Then Deadpool noticed Erik (Hey that's Mags!) and started to reconsider what he had just done. Black scanty costume, black spikes in her hair, armor on left arm... that would make her... Rutro (for those Scooby do fans).


The bartender commented as well before Deadpool got done putting two and two together. "You look the part so pay is $8 bucks an hour plus tips. Oh... and if you hook then the house takes a fifteen percent finder's fee".


The song finished like a fuse burning down.




Concrete shoes, cyanide, TNT

(Done dirt cheap)

Neck ties, contracts, high voltage

(Done dirt cheap)


Dirty deeds, done dirt cheap

Dirty deeds, done dirt cheap

Dirty deeds, do anything you want me to

Done dirt cheap

Dirty deeds, dirty deeds, dirty deeds,

Done dirt cheap, ahhhhh


Things... kind of went to hell after that (I think it was the hook comment that did it).





Part 15c: Sister Margret's (Part 2)


A few minutes later.


Erik was still at the bar but now sipping from a bottle of cheap Bourbon and gazing upon the spectacle.


Half of the bar was now in ruin and most of the bottles behind the bar were broken (which was why he was sipping the cheap stuff). Two of the pool tables looked like somebody had hacked them up with a giant sword. Assorted bodies were strewn about the place (still living) and there were more then a few spent shell casing littering the floor.


The rest of the customers were cowering against the far wall (as far from Illyana as they could get) as she was near the main entrance.


Deadpool was pinned to the floor, face down, with Illyana's sword thrust through his abdomen and Illyana standing over him with horns on her head and red glowing eyes kicking him as she shouted at him. She was leaning on her sword as she kicked, which let her really put her back into it for that full bodied kick.


"DO"! kick

"NOT"! kick

"EVER"! kick

"TOUCH"! kick

"ME!" kick

"LIKE"! kick

"THAT"! kick

"AGAIN"! kick


Deadpool was busy exclaiming back after each kick





"Not the twins! Not the twins!   Noooooooo"!


"Oh the humanity of it all"! Yea, sarcastic even while getting a beating.


The Sound system was now stuck and was just endlessly repeating Dirty Deeds.... scratch... Dirty Deeds.... scratch.... Dirty Deeds... like a broken parrot.


Illyana finally stopped kicking Deadpool and snarled at the crowd.


"Any body else here want to fondle my ass"!


Which... was an unfortunate word choice as half of the group didn't know what the right answer was. Several hands hesitantly went up, along with one brunette waitresses' hand.


You could feel Illyana's growl of irritation at the response.


Erik commented before she could... express that irritation. "Magik I think it would be more appropriate to ask if anybody wants to... do that without your permission".


All of the hands went down.


Erik promptly got the information he had come for and the two of them left. It goes without saying that Illyana was remembered at Sister Margret's.


"Hey, remember the time when that Darth Vader like chick with tits showed up and...".



Part 15d: Back to the hellfire club


Now it was Shaw choking has he laughed with Erik grinning at the end of the story.


Finally Shaw recovered while wiping a way a tear of mirth.


Hmmmm Shaw chucled to himself. That would be a good way to remove… certain people without any blame or suspicion falling upon him. He needed to keep that in mind. He decided to ask some follow up questions.


“She was on that team of yours back in Utopia. How did you find her to be back then”?


Erik replied. “She was locked up at the time and we did not converse much. After… things fell apart, post Phoenix, she sought me out as she felt that I could provide some overall leadership. That was when I first learned that... that she was... well I had thought to recruit her brother but he was very damaged from the whole experience. Angry, bitter, even homicidal towards his sister as they were now estranged, which I might add was completely one sided in that all the rage and hate was on his side as she.... she was... concerned for him. From that I learned that she made... interesting choices about... things. And now that she was free from her cell and bomb jacket she was more... willing to express herself".


Erik continued. "I then used her to help free Scott, and later Emma, from confinement. The four of us decided to form a new school and choose to renovate the old Weapon-X facility. She was… mostly quiet but in that I will choose to disregard you if I want to while I make some snarky comments. Oddly somewhat like Monet, but with without the… spite and more… inability I think to understand certain things. Things that I think she started to comprehend shortly before I left, after… Dormmanu. She was different after Dormmanu".


“Emma and Scott were horrified by what happened with Dormmanu, but I gathered that they were not surprised in some ways. I suppose they already knew exactly what lay at her core due to that whole Phoenix 5 union that they had. Knew and were rather… concerned about it. That was one of many issues that prompted my departure from that group”.


“Any other reasons to not... pursue her”? inquired Shaw.


Erik frowned in thought, then replied. “I have had the great misfortune of seeing her having a bad day”.


“That bad”?


“Hellacious would literally be an understatement”.


“Just what happened with this Dormmanu”?


"He... tried to take over that hell dimension she rules. In so doing her... guise was changed. All that we could see of her in that hellish fight was a thing of darkness and flame. Sometimes I wonder just how much of what we see of her is actually real. Just how… mortal or human she really is; and just how much is… makeup as it were”.


“Sounds like the description of Tolkien’s Balrog when the Fellowship was in Moria”.


Turns out Sebastian is a closeted fantasy fan. Which makes sense, I mean, just look how he dresses, total Victorian cosplay all the way.


A thoughtful look from Erik. “Rather appropriate now that you mention it. Though Lord of the Rings did not mention anyone in the Fellowship losing control of their bladders”.


“That happened”?


“Yes… a fellow, with the unfortunate code name of Gold Balls, was very distressed. To be fair this was his first real combat experience. And I must confess that I too would have possibly shared that distress but I had… unburdened myself shortly before the unfortunate event”.


“The others must have greatly razed him over that”.


“No… no they didn’t”.


“Why? Oh… do you mean to tell me that…”.


“I’ll just say that more than a few people were… distressed by finding themselves literally in hell and leave it at that”.


Shaw had a contemplative look as the conversation briefly fell silent. Now it was Erik's turn to refill his glass.


Shaw then returned to the topic of Monet.


“I do ask that you to speak to Monet about this whole I’m great and you suck attitude that she loves projecting. Apprehension is… not a bad thing from subordinates that you wish to keep in their place but behaving so… well… forgive me but she tends to be quite the bitch and does it repeatedly with people she shouldn’t”.


Erik sighed. “That is Monet, subtle is not her strong point. But I continue to remind her that maturity is... multi facetted”.


Shaw continued to make his point. “People do not tend to have any loyalty to those who only sneer at them. Important point for both subordinates and peers. Something that the born rich tend to not learn. I am rather surprised that so many of her former teammates actually have positive feelings towards her based upon her displayed attitudes and behaviors”.


“She is not always… difficult”.


“Bitch with a heart of gold”?


“No… but she does tend to fight harder for her teammates then her words would imply. Deeds do tend to help on forming team spirit”.


“And breaking it as well”.


"Well said" was Erik's comment.


"I just wish we had some... leverage to influence Magik" was Shaw's comment as her returned to the topic of Magik (he really did think that she would make a great Queen).


Need to nip that in the bud thought Erik. “Tell me Sebastian, how do you manipulate or influence people”?


“I find out what they value. What motivates them. What they hold dear. Learn who they are and you learn what can influence them. What form of coin they value and what their price is”.


“And if there is nothing”?


“There is always something”.


“True… but what if that something is beyond precious”?


“Then you have your leverage if you need it”.


“Do you”?


“What are you getting at Erik”?


“That which she holds truly dear is likely death to anybody who tries to use it against her”.


“Hmmm, I… think I get your point. So absent that leverage point…”?


“I… we… have nothing she wants. Unless those whom she cares for were to join us. Then… then there would be leverage but applied not by us but by…”.


“Her brother or Ms. Pryde”.


“Exactly… who are not very welcoming of what you, and this club, stand for and if Illyana felt that undue influence had been done to them then she would likely behave…”.


Again Shaw finished. “Exactly as the worse case scenario you just described. I… agree. It must be her own idea, or those whom she cares for must decide upon the path with no... influence from us. To do otherwise would be… unwise. Hmm... her former companions from her school days might be… candidates. After all da Costa was once even the Lord Cardinal of the club. But... I think he's lapsed on his dues... I'll have a reminder sent”.


“Yes… some of them, but I think she was closest to Dana”.


Shaw fished the topic. “I can understand her attachment to her brother, but when a friend is that important then my experience has been that the person wishes to be more than a friend. Well, something to think about. If her brother and her friend are so important to her, imagine if she had a child or one whom she thought of as her child”.


Erik had a musing expression. “Extreme momma bear syndrome. Very good idea to never explore that topic if it were to happen. I think... I think it would be even worse the Dormmanu".


“Yes… momma bears due tend to be… very unreasonable about certain things”.

Chapter 16


Author's note: Well according to the latest Death of X issue 3 Illyana is AWOL according to young Angel, since the whole death of X started. Which implies that she and the young X-Men are still at her school. (Spoiler alert) Loved how Illyana just shows up and takes Downer off to Limbo, showing once again how dangerous she really is with just teleportation; one can just imagine her in a full on rage... oh wait we've already seen that. Goes without saying that she deployed Magneto and friends to the location as well so they could contain the Inhumans while Scott and team tries to deal with the mutant killing toxic cloud of Inhuman gas (dang I like how that sounds, so... gassy).

Chapter Text

Yet... why doesn't she just take all of the Inhuman off to Limbo? I have to admit I dislike the Inhumans due to boring storylines, unlikable characters, and general dislike of Editorial writing that tries to force something to be popular (i.e. the character Hope in the X-Men series had massive editorial pushing on multiple storylines and yet was never really popular with the fans).


Plus I tend to agree with one poster (MarvelMaster616) who refuses to use the term Inhumans and instead uses Racist Xenophobic Slave-Owners every single time in his/hers posts about Inhumans. Inhuman history is not very nice and has been reformated several times as a result (Plus I think the royal family sucks, viva la revolution!).


The reason Illyana doesn't just "solve" the problem is then there is no story, the bane of any truly powerful individual. As I've said before, Bambi vs. Godzilla is a very short film.


But as always I like things to be complete and actually believable. This is a chapter I've been playing with for some time as this is a reoccurring issue and needs to be addressed, or so I think. Not sure where this story will fit in the official timelines once things are all done, depends on when young Jean Grey leaves to go to college, but I think it will still stay relevant.


Part 16a: Why


Jean Grey was off to college. She'd had enough.


Enough of being an X-Men.

Enough of Hank being her boyfriend (like kissing he brother, yuck).

Enough of being around Scott (oh mister moody).

Enough of not having a normal life.

Enough of not taking control of her life.


To have different outcomes one must take different paths, which was a bit of advice from Illyana.


She was all packed and ready to leave, but she had one final question for Illyana. A very private question.




"Why do you let things happen"?


"It's like... like Laura using her fingernails instead of her claws. You can change things... stop things... Do things... But you don't. You only sometimes act and almost always in conjunction with others and those others then almost always take the lead".


"And why... why doesn't anybody ask you to ever fix it"?


"Why? Can you please just tell me why"?



Part 16b: Questions


"You won't like the answers". Had been Illyana's reply. She was busy eating her bagel with cream cheese while sipping some green gunpowder tea.


The two of them were sitting outside at the Hawaiian coffee shack that Emma so loved the coffee from. Jean was leaving and had wanted some answer to quandaries that had been bothering her about Illyana.


Quandaries that nobody else appeared to have and in fact Jean had never asked anybody else about. Every time she resolved to ask others about it she just seemed to... get sidetracked. Like... like it was... something that she wasn't supposed to notice.


"Why"? Had been Jean's response as she slipped her Pumpkin spice latte.


"Because... it might apply to you someday"? Has been Illyana reply.


"Because of Phoenix"?




"Have you been... interfering with my resolve to ask others why they don't... ask these same questions"?


"No. That would be the editorial board I suppose".




"Sorry, inside joke. I'll answer but... you'll likely just forget and then... likely never think about it again".


"Why"? Jean was beginning to feel like a five year old with the endless whys.


"You're not the first".


"Oh... ummm... who else has asked"?


"Kitty several times. Heck even knew once but she's forgotten it again as the cosmic power... faded. Scott also, older Scott that is, but he promptly forgot. Magneto I think knows about asking but figured part of the answers out so he doesn't bother to ask. Dr. Strange knows when he bothers to really think about it which is almost... never".


"Do I have to go into your mind again"?


"Do you want to"?


"No... really no".


"That makes two of us".


Jean waited and Illyana took another bite of bagel and just chewed. Finally Jean broke the silence.




"Just checking to see if you still remembered the question. Sometimes folks don't. It's... It's like this...".



Part 16c: Answers


One. As you know I've made... mistakes. Some really bad ones. Life altering mistakes, and by life altering I mean the effects upon people I really care about. That make me far more... hesitant about certain things, about certain decisions.


Two. I like being...real. Human. A person. I do not wish to be the magic genie. To be as such I must be... less then I am. For to be as I am... well... That brings us to...


Three. Hell lords don't get to alter things very much outside of their realm. That includes bringing people into their realm. Otherwise just look at what Hela of Hel, Mephisto or a dozen or so other hell lords I could name, could and would do. Rules... rules bound us on our interactions with... reality. I am more mortal then most in that regards so I get more... flexibility on some things. I can participate but not fully... initiate. That's what I mean by the editorial board. The rules... rule.


Four. Part demon remember. I'm not human turned demon I'm demon turned human. Very very rare, possibly a first. This leaves me again bound by certain rules.


Five. I... stopped doing that. I wish to live. For that to be I need to live with the uncertainties of life. If I were ever able to escape what I was created... made into then I might be able to... be different. Until then... well...


Six. Phoenix. I... was. Then I was not. If you ever are again then... then you will like do as I do and attempt to cling to the parts of you that are still mortal. To... be... to pretend... to... to try not to rule but to instead... live.


Seven. Sometimes... I... I... I really miss my brother from the future. I... If I start doing that again then where do I draw the line? How can I possibly be anything other then... the ruler? No... I doesn't get to... I can't because...


Eight... Do you even know what I'm talking about anymore Jean?



Part 16d: Jean


"Huu? Sorry I spaced out there for a second. What were we talking about"?


"Injustices and limitations". Illyana replied with a trace of sadness.

Chapter 17


(Spoiler alert) Well in latest Death of X issue 4 We learn that Scott is dead, he actually died in issue 1, and Emma has been projecting Scott all the while. It looks like Illyana also figures it out (heck may even have known almost the entire time but you never know with Illyana so she may have just played along).

And in All New X-Men Annual 1 we see Illyana and Dani working together where Dani again has her Valkyrie powers. And they appear to close… very very close. (Hmm, almost completely confirms what I wrote in chapter four of this series, and Dani is a dark haired dangerous magical woman…).

Side plug, I wrote a chapter about Illyana and Dani back in their New Mutant days where then were briefly more then just friends, that sub story was in Cat’s Cradle chapter 15, parts b through e. Rather pleased with that chapter and it stands on its own so you don’t have to read all of Cat’s Cradle if you don’t want to. It deals with “issues” that Dani had on becoming a Valkyrie while still being human.

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Looking forward to the Inhuman vs. Mutant war (Death to Inhuman scum! Oh, I mean death to the Racist Xenophobic Slave-Owners and the Royal family as well). Yea I’ve picked my side (grin).


Figure this chapter is a bit of foreshadowing before the issues come out. Let’s see how well I do.



Part 17a: Plots and discussions


Rule number one for plotters, make sure you can’t be overheard.


So… having such discussions in another dimension makes a great deal of sense. Assuming of course you have access to another dimension. Here’s a hint… it helps if one of your plotters just happens to be a hell lord who rules one such dimension, and who can take additional precautions against those who might want to eavesdrop.




An old throne room, where once the ruler of Limbo had ruled from. In some aspects the center of Limbo and its power. Three people sit and converse around a table, with a forth chair standing empty.


“And yet you still do nothing”! Was Emma angry declaration.


“Consensus Emma, she desires consensus before she will act. Before I suspect she can act in this” states Erik, the master of magnetism.


“Erik is partially correct”. Replied Illyana. “I told you both of my requirements in this”.


“Yes yes, the fourth seat must be filled…”. Replied Emma with some heat and angry body posturing. “And I point out that she continues to avoid seeing reason in this”.


Illyana replied back. “That is your take Emma. Ororo would state it differently, she still hopes for a peaceful solution. I gave my word to her in this that I will follow her lead, unless the InHumans attack”.


“And yet you aid us in preparing, positioning, setting things in place”. Observed Erik.


“Selectively and with full deniability. You may have tricked most people Emma about Scott… I did not remain tricked”. Answered Illyana.


Emma replied in a bitter tone of voice. “Not sure if you were ever tricked Illyana dear. Sometimes I wonder just who misleads who. How… fortunate that you have not yet lost anything you hold truly dear either to the mists or to actions caused by the mists. One does wonder just what that would do… might you lose that iron self control of yours? Or would the rules that you say govern you have some… loopholes? How is Dani by the way? Still waking you up when she has one of her panic attacks? Or is it the other way around when you have one of your bad dreams? I find it so sweet that the two of you have gotten over your prior differences”.


“Don’t poke at her Emma”. Erik injected. “I’m sure Magik will do the right thing”.


“I dislike the Inhuman almost as much as either of you. I… I know what they cost you Emma and what they have cost our kind. A cost they do not hold themselves accountable for. A price that they make excuses about”.


“No you don’t! If something you love and treasure is taken then you will know the cost Magik, not before”. Emma replied as she stood to leave. “I hope you never know that cost”.


Emma nodded and then she was gone in a flicker of a teleportation disk.


Erik stood to leave as well. “Please forgive Emma, she is still… distraught and I suspect not… rational in this matter. I understand your… hesitancy”.


Illyana waved off Emma’s behavior. “Nothing to forgive. She is angry and wants both revenge and justice. I… understand that all to well. I do have concerns over the price she is willing to pay, the cost to herself”.


Erik asked a question that had been on his mind for some time. “When did you realize that Scott was already dead”?


“I realized it as that damn cloud was being transformed, destroyed, that it was all Emma. That Scott was already… gone. And I never even had a chance to say goodbye. We… we had our differences but… him I respected and… when we were Phoenix… well to be Phoenix is to close”.


Erik made his farewells. “I somehow doubt you will be hesitant if the moment comes”.


And with a flicker of a disk he was gone.


“No…I don’t think I will”. Was her statement to the empty throne room.


And then she was gone as well.



Part 17b: New Attilan throne room


Medusa sat upon the throne and held council with some of her advisors. In some ways it was a war council, but mostly it was a planning council. A brief discussion and listing of whom were the most dangerous of the mutants was in discussion.


Her red hair was flickering about and the massive bulldog like creature, Lockjaw, was lying down next to her throne. Lockjaw was the InHuman’s teleporting canine. Over five feet tall at the shoulder and almost four hundred pounds.


“Magneto must be the top of the list. His ability to manipulate metals and magnetic fields is complex and strong. This also provides him an instinctual grasp of many technologies coupled with a strong engineering centric intellect. His… hatred of us is of course well known”. Spoke one of the advisors.


“Storm is equally a threat due to her vast weather controlling powers”. Spoke another advisor. “But she has remained the voice of reason in the mutant community. And yet… she gathers ever more mutants to her at this unknown X-Haven of hers. Supposedly to help them with their medical…. issues, but an alternative interpretation is she is gathering an army”.


“As we do as well with those newly transformed”. Replied Medusa. “Never forget to view our own actions from their viewpoint”.


“Many of the new InHumans have been… unwilling to join our ranks my Queen. They are… contaminated with foreign ideas of self determination and… democracy. Some have even gone so far as to agitate for elections as to who should govern us. Many such prefer to call themselves NuHumans instead of InHumans. And many that do join us have issues with how our society functions and their assigned place in it”.


“And other mutants of note”? Asked the queen. More for general discussion rather then any new information.


“The one named Alexander Summers, called Havok, is of great concern as he continues to be missing. Brother to the one who destroyed one of the sacred clouds. Powerful but of limited intellect and planning abilities”.


“Iceman, continued to be associated with Ororo. Dangerous but some InHumans have similar power sets and should be able to neutralize him”.


“Forge is of great concern due to his ability to replicate and likely circumvent our technology”.


“There are others and some are of much concern; telepaths and fighters. And some non mutants who have allied themselves with the mutants over us”.


“Beast continues to be assisted and watched. So far he has not shown any knowledge as to either location of the various mutant bases or their plans. And he has not tried to evade his watchers or go where he is forbidden; but it must be assumed that he is a spy so we continue to feed him selective disinformation about Attilan and InHumans in general; and of course monitor all communications”.


“And the countermeasures for the witch”? Asked Medusa.


‘In work. She is… problematic my Queen. Very problematic”.


“Any success as to the actual location of X-Haven”? Inquired the Queen.


“It must be in an alternate dimension is the general consensus based upon readings of their appearances and departures that we have observed. Although some still maintain that it may be located in Antarctica either above or below ground”. Spoke one of the commanders.


“They are likely be going to that place called Limbo, but it may just be a waypoint instead of the final location”. Mentioned another advisor.


“Lockjaw has still not been able to discern the actual location my queen”? Spoke yet another.


“No… his ability to scent and trace across dimensional space has lead him to Limbo but… he can proceed no further”.


Medusa looks down at the relaxed Lockjaw who looks up at her with a doggy pant, then gave himself a lick. ”The witch bars his way”.




The location of X-Haven was of great interest to the InHumans. Always a good idea to know where your enemy is located. To be polite, call them possible enemies, but… the truce was very fragile.


The superior Attilan science had of course detected the dimensional energies of the teleportations both from the witch Illyana and the teleportation bands that some of mutants had. But another dimension is a rather big place so a more precise location was needed.


Lockjaw had been sent by Medusa once to try to locate where the teleportations were originating from. Now Lockjaw is a dog. A very intelligent dog, but still ultimately a dog, so simple instructions only. This was mostly a variation of seek. For this brief mission he had some recording gear attached to his collar.


Lockjaw had sniffed around one of the known sites and then had opened a dimensional doorway to Limbo where he found himself on a barren rocky landscape under an orange sky confronted by a mass of demons led by her, Illyana, in her human guise wearing her black costume and holding her soul sword.


“Bad doggie” had been her slightly humorous statement. “This is not your yard so go make doggie messes somewhere else. And here, take this back to your owner”.


Illyana handed an envelope to Lockjaw who gripped it in his mouth. He looked at the assembled horde of demons and then he departed back to New Attilan.




The note has been short and specific.


Queen Medusa, I have left your home and realm alone but you have chosen not to extended me the same courtesy. I do not know if this was a first time or a continuing intrusion but remember this little indiscretion in case one or more mutants improperly intrudes upon your space. One hopes if such events occur that you will find ways to accommodate such incidents without restoring to violence, as I have.


I will not share this unfortunate misunderstanding with Ororo, assuming of course that they cease.


If there is a next time then I shall keep the dog and yes… I am capable of doing that, one way or another.


No signature, just the initials I. R.


“Have you been able to get any additional information off the recording gear Lockjaw had on”?


“No my Queen, just that annoying sound of…”. The councilor fell silent.


“The humans call it a raspberry. An approximation of the sound of passing gastric gas in a noisy manner”. Clarified Medusa while hiding a grin. Councilor Cliffnor was always so straight laced.


“It is improper and… rude”.


“So are many forms of human humor. I believe there are entire genres of humor based upon bodily functions”.


“Degenerates”. Was the general consensus.


Oh if you think bulldog farts are bad you so don’t want to be around Lockjaw when he cuts loose (you could almost call it a super power).



Part 17c: Dani Interlude


A tall mesa butte overlooking a desert landscape under a blue Utah sky. Slow moving scattered clouds placed parts of the view in shadow. A large picnic blanket and basket are close by the edge of the butte. Also on the blanket was Illyana’s iPod connected to a pair of battery speakers.


A teleportation disk flickers into existence and then departs, leaving Illyana and Dani. Illyana is dressed in her usual black scanty getup and Dani is in her Valerie gear.


Dani looks around and comments. “Illyana, this does not look like the usual Limbo Mesa we train at, or the entrance to the danger room”.


Illyana gestures with her hands a few times and only some minor sparks emerged from her finger tips. “Curses… my abilities have been blocked! I fear we are trapped here”.


“Yea… nice try Yana. And no I’m not in the market to buy a bridge today”. Was Dani’s humorous and rather sarcastic comment.


“You needed a break”. Illyana stated as she started walking over to the picnic blanket. “We can do weapons practice after lunch”.


“Where you fall before my martial prowess yet again”. Was Dani’s smug reply.


Illyana reached the blanket and sat down. “Oh… over confidence is going to your head so my plans are working, soon you will kneel before me. Remember that time where Logan had us fight, you with a spear and me with the knife? I do recall a certain chief falling hard on her ass multiple times”.


Dani resigned herself to lunch as she joined Illyana on the blanket. The picnic basket was between them and Illyana opened it while Dani commented upon that old training event.


“That was then, this is now. I’m better then you at knife and spear, and the bow”.


“Yea yea” Illyana waved off Dani’s claims. “Lots more practice them me, and you were always better with the bow. I can still beat you almost half the time with the sword”.


“When you have a real sword and not the silly surfboard thing you call a sword. How on earth do you mange to swing it about? You sister, have played way too many Final Fantasy video games”.


Illyana again dismissed Dani’s statement with a humorous sniff as she examined the picnic basket’s contents.


“Had to do something while I was locked in that cell. Let’s see what’s for lunch. Some salami sandwiches from that place you like at the San Francisco terminal building, goat cheese from Cow Girl Creamery, some fresh bread and chocolate croissants from that bakery next to the Cow Girl Creamery, some IPAs that you like, Stone Brewery Rumination (double IPA) and Arrogant Bastard Ale. Rather yuck on IPAs myself, can’t believe you like that stuff, so I also brought some Blue Moon beers for me. Oh, and triple vanilla bean gelato for dessert”.


Dani gave Illyana a vexed look. “You are an evil woman Illyana”.


Illyana grinned. “So glad you finally noticed”.


“You will pay for this”. Was Dani’s mock dark statement.


“Promises promises”.


Dani continued with the mock word play. “I shall have my vengeance. You will tremble before me witch”.


Illyana smiled. “I certainly hope so, but first lunch, then you can bend me to your will”.


They eat and drank and Illyana hit play on the iPod which softly played We Are Young by the band Fun.


Give me a second I,

I need to get my story straight

My friends are in the bathroom getting higher than the Empire State

My lover she’s waiting for me just across the bar

My seat’s been taken by some sunglasses asking 'bout a scar, and

I know I gave it to you months ago

I know you’re trying to forget

But between the drinks and subtle things

The holes in my apologies, you know

I’m trying hard to take it back

So if by the time the bar closes

And you feel like falling down

I’ll carry you home



We are young

So let’s set the world on fire

We can burn brighter than the sun


The moon is on my side (Nananananana)

I have no reason to run (Nananananana)

So will someone come and carry me home tonight (Nananananana)

The angels never arrived (Nananananana)

But I can hear the choir (Nananananana)

So will someone come and carry me home (Nananananana)



We are young

So let’s set the world on fire

We can burn brighter than the sun


So if by the time the bar closes

And you feel like falling down

I’ll carry you home tonight




Later, after the meal and some idle talk and relaxation, they engaged in some “strenuous” physical activity.


What kind you ask? Well, I’ll let Marvel decide that over the coming months.

Chapter 18


Yikes Sapna dead at Illyana’s hands (Extraordinary X-Men 16). You just know that that is so going to end badly for a whole bunch of people.

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Part 18a: Darkness…


Two days after the death of Sapna at the hands and sword of Illyana…


A remote part of Limbo, one that everything has now fled from as Illyana was having a fit. A kind of breakdown one supposes. An acting out of inner rage and grief. Vast in its scale and lethal in its implications.


She was destroying everything in the locality and she was in her Darkchilde guise.


A song had triggered it. But that’s kind of like saying a moth landing on a container of nitroglycerin sets it off. The detonation was waiting, all it needed was a little tiny jolt. That’s why she was out here. She knew she was going to lose it and just needed to be away from… everybody.


She’d hit special play on her iPod and the song Hurt by Nine Inch Nails and sung by Johnny Cash has played. The vicinity was burning before the song was done with the first Chorus (utube it if you want, easy to see why Illyana would go nuts).


I hurt myself today

To see if I still feel

I focus on the pain

The only thing that's real

The needle tears a hole

The old familiar sting

Try to kill it all away

But I remember everything



What have I become

My sweetest friend

Everyone I know goes away

In the end

And you could have it all

My empire of dirt

I will let you down

I will make you hurt


I wear this crown of thorns

Upon my liar's chair

Full of broken thoughts

I cannot repair

Beneath the stains of time

The feelings disappear

You are someone else

I am still right here



What have I become

My sweetest friend

Everyone I know goes away

In the end

And you could have it all

My empire of dirt

I will let you down

I will make you hurt


If I could start again

A million miles away

I would keep myself

I would find a way


No trans dimensional beings intruded as a queen of Hell, a Hell Lord in a mindless rage, is a very dangerous thing. And rage is so easily transferable to other… targets.


After a long eternity spent destroying everything, Illyana paused in her rage, her fury, her weeping.


Paused and remember a good moment that had taken place a few weeks ago, before the whole journey to the future by the others and her later departure that had allowed…




Resulted in Sapna leaving and then… dying upon Illyana’s blade as Illyana had to decide yet again that a loved one had to die by her hand.



Part 18b: Friendships forged


“He’s kind of scary looking”. Had been Sapna’s honest statement to Illyana upon seeing Kurt at the outdoor German cafe. She was out of earshot of Kurt (or so she thought) as Illyana had ported them to a German town, first for a bit of shopping and then to meet up with Kurt (Illyana had placed a disguise spell upon Sapna and upon Kurt at his request, but all three of them could see each other as they were).


Kurt was sitting at an outdoor table having some very excellent strudel and German coffee (it’s always better in Germany was Kurt’s basic belief).


Illyana gently chided. “So are you to some, and so am I at times. Looks are often deceiving Sapna. Kurt can be fierce, but he is a kind and gentle soul, much like you”.


“And you Illyana”?


“No Sapna, I am rarely described as kind”.


“Then their wrong”.


Illyana changed the subject. “Come along… have you ever had strudel”?


Sapna hadn’t and she had found that she loved it, accented with a nice scoop of vanilla bean ice cream and hot chocolate to drink.


The conversation with Kurt had been nice and he had gone out of his way to put Sapna at ease.


“He’s funny”. Was her conclusion as they left Kurt to enjoy a few Pilsners. “I like him”.


Behind them Kurt smiled. Always nice to be seen as he was rather then as strangers feared him to be. Out of the mouth of children and all that he thought.



Part 18c: Consequences…


The trip had been nice… pleasant…


The thing about Hell Lords is that they are so often constrained by the rules, and Illyana had additional self constraints as she distrusted her own judgment about some things.


The thing about self restrain… well that whole self thing...


Illyana didn’t have much of that left… as some folks were to soon learn.


Some InHuman folks.

Chapter 19


Spoiler, read this after Inhumans vs. X-Men 2. Rather like the fight but have to point out that Medusa is apparently piss poor at planning. X-Men took them down gently, if they’d really been out for blood… well… don’t think any of the Inhumans would have survived. Oh, did I say Inhumans, I meant Xenophobic Slave-Owners and hypocrites (yea I’ve picked my side).

Chapter Text

Rather interesting reading the various fan arguments about this comic. The analogy I like is that you have a beloved dog that is mauling and killing kids in the neighborhood. What do you do when you discover this? Do you put down the dog?


Well… If you’re the Inhumans you try to prevent people from encountering your dog while you continue to let it roam about, and you pay for some of the medical care for some the people that are injured by it. Why… you even contribute to the funeral expenses for some of those it kills. Oh, and you kill anybody who tries to stop your dog from doing what ever the hell it pleases. Rather informs everybody as to their value and just what you value.


Oh... by the way, if you’re Illyana… you kill Sapna because the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. And the needs here was not Sapna, it was Illyana. Illyana likely has done something that is driving her insane with self loathing. She gave up what she valued the most for others. Can the Inhumans say the same?


Regardless of how Marvel tries to salvage the Inhumans, most readers can see right though to that fundamental concept. Inhumans did nothing to actually stop or destroy the cloud. Which is bad bad writing by Marvel as the Inhumans just so don’t have a moral leg to stand upon regardless of the Editorial efforts to salvage them.


Indifference and neglect often do much more damage than outright dislike -Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix



Part 19: Limbo…


The last of the Inhuman Royal family was now imprisoned in Magik’s little demon guarded rock outcropping. She helpfully shouted out the remainder of her instructions.


“… Cross the line and the demons will attack to kill… and this is Limbo so the supply of demons is rather… unlimited. Sit tight and just wait it out”.


Medusa was besides herself with both fury and rage. “We were trying to help mutants”!


Illyana was not buying what Medusa was sniffing, she coldly replied. “Really? So who created the two clouds of toxic gas that sicken and/or kill just mutants”?


“We didn’t know! That was not the intent! Without the clouds Inhumans cannot unlock their powers via Teregenisis”!


“Gosh, I wonder what fiend destroyed your sacred crystals… Oh wait that was your guy, Blackbolt I think is his name… you know… your King at the time. But of course I’m sure once you learned that you little gas clouds were killing Mutants you worked to destroy the clouds… Oh wait that’s a no again. But of course you didn’t interfere with anybody trying to simply remove the clouds before they killed yet more mutants… oh that’s yet another no”.


“They are sacred to us”!


“To you. Tell me Medusa, what did you do when the first cloud was destroyed”?


“We brokered a peace with Storm! So no more people need die”!


“Funny, I don’t recall any Inhumans dying, just… Mutants, just… Scott. Just… those people who were in the way by happenstance. Just… us. Not you. And… mutants kept dying”.


Medusa calmed herself down a bit. “Summers had to die. He had to pay for his crimes against the Inhumans. Once we learned of the harm we attempted to evacuate mutants in harms way”.


Which prompted a shout of rage from Illyana. “HE DID NO CRIMES YOU UNFEELING SELF CENTERED INHUMAN BITCH”!


Medusa shouted back. “HE DESTROYE A CLOUD”!


Illyana scowled and fought to control her sudden hot rage, she was slipping again. She could feel herself getting more and more enraged about even the slightest provocations.


Illyana went from hot rage to cold again. She gave a brief slow clap as she replied. “And you did such a good job that only thousands upon thousands sickened and died while you helped… some… avoid it. While you helped… some… recover. While you protected that evil cloud from anybody who might destroy it because it was sacred”.


“We did not set out to harm you”.


“And once the harm was shown… did you join forces with us to destroy this out of control mutant killing cloud”?


Just silence from Medusa.


Illyana continued, her left hand now clenched so hard that her nails were drawing blood. “So what you’re saying is that however regrettable the price that others must pay, it is worth it so that Inhumans can have optional access to Teregenisis. And without it you… are till just you”.


“I would not put it that way. We sought a peacefully solution”.


“All the mutant deaths, diseases, the life altering paths that this cloud of death has caused, you won’t stop it if it means destroying the cloud. And you will prevent us from destroying it”.


“We take no delight in the harm. You… could leave this planet”.


“Thanks for at least meeting us half way… But wait? That isn’t half way, that isn’t any effort at all”.


“I must protect our future, the future for our children! I will not let you steal it”!


Illyana’s eyes blazed and she partially shifted to her Darkchilde aspect. “Thanks to you, Sapna has none! And neither do so many. Her fate was set the moment that blasted cloud sickened her. A fate the resulted in…”. Illyana paused as she didn’t want to… talk about that.


Crystal injected a comment with her usual skillful completely one sided understanding of the situation. “You’ll pay for this”!


Illyana suddenly look… broken. “Already did… already am. Please… try to escape. I’d enjoy the results”. Illyana turned to leave.


“We will find I way”. Was Medusa’s resolute statement to Illyana’s back.


Illyana turned her head and replied. “I’m sure you will… this… plan is obviously flawed”.


In what way”? Asked Johnny Storm, ex Fantastic Four member and current lover of Medusa.


Illyana stated the obvious. “You’re all still alive”.

Chapter 20


Spoiler, read this after Inhumans vs. X-Men 3. Rather lame issue as suddenly we have C list Inhumans taking down A list X-Men and basic planning not being done. Ahh the machinations of crossover events where editorial tries to plug various new characters. Remember Hope and how she was shoved down the fans throats for years and… mostly rejected and now mostly forgotten. Breakout stars are actually quite rare and almost never created by editorial direction.

Which of course led to some thinking by me… just what would happen if the writing was… true to character s we so know that Illyana could likely take out all the Inhumans if she was allowed to be at her full hell lord ability level (For crying out loud she took down Dormammu).

Illyana having to kill Sapna to save all of the mutants in Limbo has likely put her in a very unforgiving state of mind.

And as I’ve said before, I really don’t like the Inhumans.

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Part 20a: The great escape


The Inhuman prisoners in Limbo were now free. Blackbolt had led a strike into Limbo with the aid of Lockjaw (the Inhuman’s teleporting giant bulldog). Along with him were several Nuhumans.


Black Bolt – Inhuman, Male. Black Bolt's signature power is his voice, as his electron-harnessing ability is linked to the speech center of his brain. Speaking triggers a massive disturbance in the form of a highly destructive shockwave capable of leveling a city. Superhuman physical attributes include flight, destructive hypersonic voice, particle manipulation, and limited telepathy. Black Bolt is also capable of channeling all available energy into one devastating punch called his Master Blow, which subsequently renders him extremely vulnerable. Black Bolt can create a nearly impenetrable force field by focusing his energy around himself, and can use his electron abilities as extrasensory probes, highly sensitive to electromagnetic phenomena, and he can also jam certain electromagnetic mechanisms. He can also use this limited telepathy to communicate his destination wishes to the royal family's teleporting dog, Lockjaw and with his currently ex wife Medusa.


Inferno - Male, named Dante Purtuz. His main powers are fire manipulation, fiery form, and a regenerative healing factor.


Ms. Marvel – Female, named Kamala Khan. Her power set was shape shifting and a healing factor. She was also a part time Avenger. One must wonder about any conversations that she and Rogue had involving Inhumans and toxic clouds of mutant killing gas; bet there’s lots of tension over that in the lunch room.


Moon Girl (Lunella Layfayette) and Devil Dinosaur (also known as Devil D or just Devil for short) – Both female. Lunella is smartest person on Earth (supposedly). Her Nuhuman power is the ability to switch minds with Devil Dinosaur. She was quite opposed to the whole Inhuman toxic cloud thing as she was scared as to how it might affect her once she determined she had Inhuman DNA. Supposedly good friends with the mutant Forge. She had been trying to come up with a method to destroy the cloud before she underwent involuntary Terringenesis (she was relived to find her physical form unaltered).


Iso – Female named Xiaoyi. Pressure manipulation powers.


Quake – Female, goes by Daisy Johnson. Former Shield director. Power set included earthquake generation, immunity to the harmful effects of the vibrations, psychic shielding. She also possesses superb hand-to-hand combatant, skilled all-around athlete, and an excellent marksman.


Grid – Male, named Dinesh Deol. Able the electromagnetic spectrum as well as using magnetokinesis (think weak Magneto I suppose).


Formally imprisoned by both magical and technical means were:


Medusa – Queen of the Inhumans. Power set involves hair. She has prehensile hair that is variable in length, very strong, and can move like limbs. Superhuman strength, speed, stamina, durability, agility, and reflexes (common among the Inhumans). Her hair gives her a very dangerous short-range offense ability. She is also an accomplished thief.


Gorgon – Male. He has increased strength while his feet are hooves, capable of generating highly destructive seismic waves.


Crystal – Sister to Medusa. Her’s is the power of air and wind manipulation, earth and metal manipulation, fire and heat manipulation, water and moisture manipulation, electricity manipulation, ice and cold manipulation, weather manipulation, and flight. For one who could manipulate so many things, she tended to be a novice at politics. One must wonder at her thoughts about her sister banging Johnny Storm, her ex boyfriend, sounds so… daytime TV’ish. Next on the John Williams show, Inhumans who bang their siblings ex boyfriends and how they justify it.


Flint – Male, power of Geokinesis; can use the earth underneath him to fly, assume a rocky form, rupture the ground, and form constructs out of dirt and soil.


Frank Mcgee – Male who can create blinding light. His eyes are completely yellow. Before Terringenesis, he was a New York police officer, but his wife became afraid of him after the change, so he moved to New Attilan, where he became the head of city security.


Naja – Female. Has green leopard skin, a long tail, and wings on her arms that give her the ability to fly. Naja also possesses invisibility and telescopic vision.


Johnny Storm – Human Torch and former member of the Fantastic Four. Current lover of Medusa; which continues to show that Johnny thinks with his little head and not the head containing his brain. Of all the husbands to cuckold, Blackbolt is almost at the top of the list of bad ideas.


How had they escaped their confinement? Said containment being a force field sphere attached to a slender stone projection that reached into the sky while surrounded by flying demons while magic was used to prevent any attempts at contact or dimensional transfers?


Kamala had gathered together a team of Nuhumans and they’d freed the imprisoned Blackbolt and rescued the missing Lockjaw after first determining where Medusa was being held. Afterwards Blackbolt had destroyed the facility that had imprisoned him and he’d directed Lockjaw to take them to Limbo.


Blackbolt had destroyed the defending demons and then worked with Grid to assault the technical containments from the outside and Crystal had assaulted from the inside, along with Flint who helped lower the stone platform. Once Johnny was freed he’d flown around zapping demons as well. The others with Blackbolt had assumed a defense parameter to fend off the few remaining demons.


“Ok, so… if this is hell then where is the devil”? Asked Iso after the fight was over and everybody was busy congratulating themselves. She wasn’t expecting an answer, but she got one.


Suddenly a blond woman appeared off to one side of the group and spoke to them. “That would be me. Like I didn’t have alarms for such events. Ok, everybody back in the cell before…”.


Illyana never got to finish. Blackbolt gestured and focused his powers upon Illyana as he spoke but one word, spoke rather loudly.




It was just like what happened to Scott Summers. A howling tsunami of force stripped the flesh from Illyana’s bones as she was turned into a red mist and scattered over the landscape. It was like… Illyana had been a red spay paint can and was now spread out all over the ground as if by some giant vandalizing teenager.


Most of the Nuhumans were shocked at both the suddenness and the lethality of Blackbolt’s actions. Johnny was once again reminded of just who’s wife he was banging and that said wife’s husband didn’t look fondly upon him.


“No one who imprisons the Royal family is permitted to live”. Spoke Medusa with a tone of finality and hatred. “Judgment has been rendered. In this and for all Mutants who dare threaten Inhuman culture and our sacred rituals”.


A statement was not quite in agreement with the Nuhumans, or to be honest even Johnny.


“You just killed her”! Shouted a stunned Iso. “You didn’t even give her a chance to surrender”!


Meanwhile, Moon Girl was suddenly wondering why the heck she had taken the side of the Inhumans. Yea, Kamala (Ms. Marvel) had called her for help but… she so didn’t identify with the Inhumans, their attitudes, or the so called royal family.


Medusa dismissed Iso’s protest with a flick of her hair. “She was too powerful. Blackbolt had to strike without hesitation before the ruler of this hell called Limbo could act. Those are the consequences for acting thusly against Inhumans and she has paid the price, just as Summers paid. As will all who mean us such harm”.


Johnny rather surprised himself as he raised a protest. “Ummm… I know the X-Men are in the wrong about this… but they didn’t kill any of us when they destroyed that Inhuman battleship you had protecting the cloud, or when they took down New Attilan. Actually… they kind of went out of their way to take prisoners. That… What you just did isn’t… kosher”.


Blackbolt just gave Johnny a look of complete dismissal as Medusa replied. “Mutants or Inhumans, I choose Inhumans. We can discuss this after the war is over and the Mutants lay defeated. The sum of all mutants are not worth the future of even one Inhuman child denied the chance for Terrigenesis”.


Moon girl butted in and rebuked both Medusa and Blackbolt. “Funny, I don’t recall any Nuhumans being given that choice, just… Inhumans get to decide if they wish to undergo the risks of Terrigenesis. You decided for the rest of us when you created that those damn clouds”.


“Watch your mouth child”!   Shouted Gorgon. “She is your queen and you owe her your loyalty and your service”!


Moon Girl was not in the mood to be bullied. “I most certainly do not. This… my helping you was a mistake. An emotional response to the request from a friend. I don’t do group identification or group think. Just because I have Inhuman DNA does not mean I have any obligation to support your policies or politics. That equates to declaring that I’m black so I must support all policies of Black Lives Matter or I’m female so I must support a female politician solely because of her gender”.


“Be quiet child if you wish to leave this place with us”. Coldly spoke Medusa to the shock of all the Nuhumans.


“And now come the threats…”. Answered Moon girl as she made a decision. “Me and Devil D are out”. She climbed on the back of Devil Dinosaur who turned and began to pick up speed as she trotted away.


“Don’t be stupid Lunella”! Shouted Kamala. “You can’t possible survive here”!


Medusa was done, and so much for gratitude. “As you will, Lockjaw, take all but the girl and the lizard from this place. Return us to Earth so we may finish dealing with these mutants”. Hmm…. Storm and Magneto needed to die as well… plus Emma Frost. Definitely Emma Frost.


Fido (I mean Lockjaw) focused and little lightning bolts sparked from his forehead and… nothing happened. Medusa and Blackbolt exchanged looks of sudden concern. They had gone nowhere. Limbo was in lockdown.


Moon Girl yelled a rhetorical question over her shoulder as Devil D quickly strode away… well… for some it was rhetorical, others were likely were still in the dark as to the implications of being unable to leave. An issue that Moon Girl had already concluded was going to be the mostly likely outcome. And Moon Girl was still quite convinced that the concept of royalty was a quite outdated as both a form of social organization and decision reaching authority. In fact it was an irrational method of governance. “So… if the ruler of Limbo is dead, why does Lockjaw remain unable to generate a gateway?! Surrender while you still can, I for one repent of joining your side”!


With that statement the sky shifted from burnt orange to blackish orange with a dark red glow on the horizon, which silhouetted distant mountains. And reveled a multitude of distant specks that had hereto be lost in the glare of the orange sky.


“Are those….”? Iso started to ask while yet knowing what the answer had to be.


“Demons, a great many of them. And they are heading our way”. Finished Naja, her vision abilities clearly showing her what was approaching.


“How many”? Inquired Inferno with a sinking feeling.


“Ummm… all of them I think”. The horizon was growing dark with the rapidly approaching specks. They were surrounded and demons were flying in from all sides like a rising tsunami like wall.


The Inhumans looked resolute. The Nuhumans uncertain. Johnny just… naive.


“We took them down before, we can do it again…”. Spoke Johnny Storm, as he started to give a little pep talk.


Then a voice spoke out of the sudden gloom. Not a human voice, but instead something that sounded like a small blast furnace igniting and given voice. A voice that was filled with anger, pain, and… rage.




A figure walked out of the gloom as if the very darkness took form. It was female… well… kind of female. It was goat hoofed feet (but human knees), garbed neck to hairy knees in a spiky ink black body suit that had some armor on it. The hands were still human hands but now had reddish skin. And her head... Her head was surrounded by a mass of red flames and her hair was as if spun from fire itself. Her head was now just a skull like mask with horns that had no eyes, just burning pits, like opening into a blast furnace. And her mouth was a pit of flame with burning teeth.


She was holding an incandescent sword aloft with both hands, a sword that looked like flame given form. She shouted as she charged at Blackbolt.


“Okay… your rules”!



Part 20b: Hell hath no fury…


Blackbolt and Illyana met, she swinging her sword downwards with both hands, he punching with his right hand as he unleashed his Master Blow. The blow was focused upon Illyana and the release of energy shattered the landscape behind her for dozens of miles.


Everybody was temporarily blinded and when their visions recovered they beheld Blackbolt kneeling on the ground with his right hand gripping his left shoulder so as to stanch the flow of blood from the severed left arm that lay at his feet. Several hundred yards away Illyana was getting to her hooves amidst shattered and half molten rock. Her black body suit had small little cracks all over that bleed flame and light, like she as a fractured porcelain figure or something. She was holding her sword in one hand.


“BLACKBOLT”! Screamed Medusa as she ran to her fallen husband.


Illyana was distant, but all could hear her words as spoke.


“Hell Lord you stupid idiots! A Hell Lord in her domain”!


She thrust the sword into the air above her head and a mile behind her an immense teleportation disk flared into existence about half a mile above the ground, and the base of a stone tower slid forth from and began to plummet towards the ground.


“Karnak is on the top of the tower of Wisdom”! Screamed Naja.


Karnak - An Ihuman who was never exposed to the Terrigen Mists, so never developed additional powers like other Inhumans, but he is a martial artist who can find the weakness in anything and then use his training and strength to exploit it. His parents had refused to allow him to become an Inhuman due to what had happened to his brother, so instead he studied at the Tower Of Wisdom until his natural powers of perception became so phenomenally strong that he could annihilate anything by touching it by finding its flaw. He is one of the Inhuman’s greatest warriors.


“Let’s see if he can find a flaw in terminal velocity”! Was Illyana’s sarcastic question.


In short he didn’t. The tower crashed into the ground with a shattering sound of disintegrating rock that ground him into paste.


“Nope”! Was Illyana’s satisfied conclusion.


“You will pay in blood for this”! Screamed Medusa as she commanded all to attack Illyana while she cradled the injured Blackbolt.


Illyana made no rely as all but Medusa and the fleeing Moon Girl with Devil D surged forward to attack, each with their powers, while the Human Torch took to the air and fired a massive fire blast upon Illyana who paid it no mind. Johnny’s attack had the unfortunate side affect of actually blocking the rest from getting close to Illyana.


Meanwhile… Moon Girl clung to the neck of Devil D as the wall of demons approached. God she hoped her analysis was right… The flood of demons parted just as it came to her and Devil D, went to either side just out of reach of Devil D’s jaws, and closed again behind her. She’d been right, which meant…


Lockjaw teleported behind Illyana and attempted to bite Illyana only to have Illyana thrust her burning sword of flame behind her which impaled Lockjaw through the roof of his mouth and out the top of his head.


“Lockjaw”! Screamed Kamala as she saw the Inhuman’s dog die.


That’s when the approaching wall of demons broke upon them and all turned black.


Most quickly perished in the demonic hailstorm.


In the end it was Johnny, Crystal, and Medusa huddled in a defensive parameter around the unconscious Blackbolt keeping the demons at bay with their powers and Medusa’s flailing hair. Then the demons pulled back and the gloom eased as the burning Illyana strode forth from the demon ranks.


“It doesn’t have to be this way”! Shouted Johnny in desperation.


Illyana said nothing as she gestured with her sword as she cast some kind of spell. Everybody braced, but the assault was not one they expected.


Medusa’s hair suddenly grasped Crystal and broke her neck. A fate shared by Blackbolt was well. Then Medusa’s hair enveloped her and bound her.


The sudden abruptness of the act stunned both Medusa and Johnny.


“You can leave Mr. Storm, or die. The choice is yours in this”.


“I won’t leave her”! Shouted Johnny. Damn he wanted to go nova but… Medusa would die if he did that as there was no way to shield her. Maybe if he…


Illyana gestured with her sword and an invisible bubble cut off Johnny from air. His flames gutted out and Johnny found he couldn’t breath. He gasped, fought to breath, and passed out.


The shield stayed in place and Johnny slowly asphyxiated to death. An ignoble way to die.


Illyana gestured again, after Johnny expired, and four stone pillars erupted forth from the ground. Medusa’s hair wrapped around the pillars and then reached back to grasp each of her limbs as she was pulled into the air spread eagled. Bound and gagged and held aloft by her own hair.


Illyana’s hell form flickered and now Illyana’s human form and non flaming sword were present. She looked… tired. She limped over to where Medusa hovered bound and spoke.




The hair gagging Medusa relaxed and Medusa screamed in grief and rage. Screamed and then ranted.


“You will pay for this”!


Sudden grief filled Illyana’s expression as tears began to flow. “Already did, already am”.


“I shall kill you”!


A long silent look, then Illyana replied with distain as she turned to leave.   “Good luck with that”.


Illyana addressed the mass circle of demons, or more specifically one demon.


“She’s yours Booger”. (Booger had been Sapna’s pet demon. She’d named him booger because he was snotty).


The demons surged forth and Medusa… died.



Part 20c: Planning for the attack on New Attilan


“Illyana are you paying attention”? Storm spoke with irritation.


“Yes Ororo, I am”. Replied Illyana as a far away look in here eyes faded away.


Storm continued. “No time for daydreaming, we need to be focused”.


Illyana attempted to end the correction. “Sorry… I was thinking about… contingencies if things don’t go according to plan”.

Chapter 21


Well Inhumans vs. X-men is done (thank God). I thought the first two issues started out well, X-Men take down the Inhumans fast and hard. Then… keystone cops routine commences so as to allow the Inhumans to recover. Very sad (to quote our President). And of course Editorial directs that the Inhumans must not be made to look bad so in the end Medusa is a hero because she presses the big red button to destroy the giant cloud of toxic Inhuman gas (gads I just love saying that, like it’s the mother of all farts or something).

Bad writing, bad execution, good art. Illyana participates but is mostly background, which was good as this mean that I don’t have to gag on Illyana being out of character.

But… just how the heck was it so easy for the Inhuman Royal family to escape Illyana limbo prison cell? And just why the hell did the X-Men fight so badly on the final fight against the very same people they so brutally took down in the first time? And why was Storm just hovering the whole time showing off her rather nice skin tight costume and tush instead of doing something?

Chapter Text

Come on! Eight months of dead and diseased mutants everywhere! Eight months! It’s like Hitler coming out of the bunker at the end of WW2 and declaring that nobody ever told him about the Jews being killed and if only he’s known everything would have been ok as he would have put a stop to it.


And Medusa saying “What? Why didn’t they just tell us? We would have found a solution that didn’t come to… this”. Gee… I guess killing everybody who wanted to destroy or harm the cloud kind of puts a damper on folks suggesting any such ideas to you. And don’t forget having Blackbolt blasting Summers to vapor because he did just such a thing. (yes I know it was illusion, but the Inhumans thought they did it).


I like my stories to make sense damn it! The real reason was of course Editorial direction as Disney (which I am a share holder by the way) is still striving to make the Inhumans TV show and film (not sure what the current state of that is).


So I thought upon my dismay and came up with a mechanism to… express myself. So, here is my take. Hope you like. If so then give a shoutout. Oh, and I try to also account for why Illyana is not currently scheduled for any upcoming comic books.


This takes place right at the end of Inhumans vs. X-Men Issue 6 and no… I’m so not a fan of the Inhumans. Apologies for the crudity but… well… you’ll see why.


Part 21a: Elsewhere…


Someplace red, smoky, and filled with a great deal screams and gnashing of teeth. A voice like a broken chainsaw spoke in irritation… “What now Yana? I’m a tad busy”.


A female voice making a statement is made that you can’t quite make out.


The broken chainsaw sighs like a cracking cylinder head. “Cashing in one of these trivial favors that I owe you? Well… favors are not agreements so actually performing what you… request is optional per the little bets we Hell Lords sometimes make. Tell Uncle what is it and I’ll let you know if I wish to do the deed as it were”.


Again a female statement that you can’t make out, followed by a long pause.


“Really…? That’s the favor? Dang Yana, I’d pay you for the opportunity. So… deliciously fun. Why in hell wouldn’t you not want to do that yourself”?


A very brief indiscernible female statement.


The broken chainsaw voice purred a reply. “I… see, can’t say I understand but… I see. Ok. I’m all in. Point the way babe. Let Big Daddy show you how it’s done”.



Part 21b: Ororo’s office (the school in Limbo)


Ororo, Logan, and Erik were cloistered in Ororo’s office.


Logan got to the point. “Ro’, you know something’s not quite right”.


Erik added his input. “I am unable to conceive of how Forge could have been mentally manipulated into creating Inhuman hunting Sentinels without Magik having any clue at all”.


“Nor the ease in which the Inhumans escaped their confinement”. Mused Ororo. “Magik has been… distracted since the death of Sapna…”.


“Not that distracted”. Was Logan’s gruff reply.



Part 21c: Emma…


Emma was sitting by the fire. This was in one of her safe houses that she was very certain almost nobody knew about. Emma took another long swallow from her glass of red wine, an empty bottle lay upon the floor, she then looked into the fire and spoke.


“Are you watching Magik? Are you there”?


It looked like there were two eyes in the fire. Then the fire spoke back with the sound of Illyana’s voice.


“Yes Emma… I’m watching… You look…”.


A flash of light and Illyana was standing in the room. “Terrible”.


Emma had been crying and her mascara had run with long streaks down her face.


Illyana poised a question, one that had been on her mind for quite some time. “He died while you were in his mind, didn’t he? Scott that is”.


Emma slightly slurred a reply. “Yes…”. Then stood and picked up a black helmet and placed it upon her head. “Look, I made a new costume, one in remembrance of him”.


Illyana was not impressed. “Looks like Judge Dread with a bit Rachel’s hound costume studs mixed with dominatrix and an oversized magneto helmet. Honestly Emma, Kitty couldn’t do worse”.


“Don’t need you… don’t need anybody”. Was Emma’s slurred response.


Illyana sighed. “That was poorly done Emma. Killing the Inhumans who had just destroyed the cloud. And forgetting you had the Inhuman Sentinels. You’re… your mental emanations disrupted almost everybody’s ability to fight. Even had Storm just hovering there so as to observe you in your revenge   All that effort for your vengeance and you screw it up. Well, I’m out. Done with that. In that topic you are decidedly on your own”.


“Like you care… And they get off Scott free… Scott…”. That’s when Emma started crying again.


Illyana gently took the helmet off of Emma. “Not… completely. Now let’s get you to bed before you hurt yourself”.



Part 21d: Celebrations


Blackbolt and Medusa were in the middle of some serious flirting in one of the private bars at this nightclub, he was behind the bar and she was in front of it. On the bar was the diamond sliver from Emma Frost.


Medusa was dressed in a flowing purple gown that showed most of one leg and the majority of her cleavage, he was in a tuxedo version of his mutual costume. They looked utterly pleased with themselves, then…


The door to the private bar opened and Illyana Rasputin (Magik) walked in, shutting the door behind her. She was dressed in her usual black field costume, but was lacking her sword.


Both Medusa and Blackbolt glared and Medusa spoke for both of them. “Get out”.


“In a bit”. Was Illyana’s reply as she sat on a bar stool. “Some… things need to be said first”.


Medusa’s hair waved dangerously. “Get out or we throw you out Mutant”.


Illyana grinned at the threat. “I think you’re going to find that… that’s going to be a bit of a problem. I’ll have a blue moon beer in a frostily glass”.


Medusa’s red hair started to reach for Illyana, and then just fell flat on the floor as if it was just now just long hair.


Medusa glanced at Blackbolt as they exchanged mental thoughts… well they tried to, all they got was silence. Both of their eyes rose in surprise.


“And no silent talkie”. Stated Illyana as she also reminded them that she was... “Still waiting for my beer”.


Blackbolt frowned and took a step in the direction of Illyana.


“Wouldn’t do that if I were you”? Teased Illyana in a rather not nice tone of voice.


“We broke out of your limbo; I think we can handle you”. Replied Medusa with a dismissive sniff.


Which apparently prompted laughter from behind them. A rather frightening laugh in that it sounded like broken glass in a garbage disposal, yet completely understandable.


“Ha ha ha ha… you… you think you actually broke out all by your lonesomes? Yana, Yana, Yana… you are wasted on fools such as these”. Laughed the voice in mirth. “Now Yana, if only you’d see reason and come join with me we could have such… fun times”.


They knew that voice. They slowly turned and confronted…




In appearances he was a tall man red of flesh (and I don’t mean American Indian). He had wild and crazy longish blackish red hair. He was dressed tattered red cloak with a high collar and a tattered red loin cloth and his feet were concealed by elegant red leather boots. In short he looked like a devil minus a tail.


Mephisto helpfully pointed out. “Lady’s still waiting for her beer. My my, such slow service, and prone to raciest comments I might add. Suddenly an iPhone8 was in Mephisto right hand (pre-release, the devil always gets the best that Apple has, part of a little deal Steve Jobs made oh so long ago). “SIRI bring up Yelp for Blackbolt’s nightclub, I need to post a negative review. No no, Blackbolt’s Nightclub not Black Volt’s electronics supply emporium. Ahhh, that’s it”.


Thumbs a blazing Mephisto also spoke the review as he typed it in. “Staff is composed of only slightly reformed Racist Xenophobic Slave Owners who not only overcharge, but are slow on delivering orders. And the pork dumplings are under cooked as well resulting in frequent bouts of sudden explosive diarrhea for those unlucky enough to partake. Don’t, and I quote, don’t be dancing next to somebody on the club floor who was partaken of that house specialty”.


Mephisto put away the phone (somewhere) and smiled at the glaring Inhumans. “Don’t even think you can toss me out with all your powers now inoperable. Now the Lady is still waiting on her beer. I’ll have a whisky sour… hmmm make that two whisky sours, extra large, and make them extra extra sour if you get my drift (set pucker factor to max), and while you’re making them give me a shot glass and that bottle of Four Roses Bourbon on the shelf behind you”.


“Make it yourself”. Replied Medusa with bitter scorn. “We are leaving”.


Blackbolt pocketed the piece of diamond as Blackbolt and Medusa walked to the door, opened it, and…. looked upon nothing. Just a black void. They hurriedly backed up and shut the door. They turned to find Mephisto drinking a shot and the bottle of Bourbon was now in front of him.


Illyana also had her glass of icy cold beer. She got up, with the beer in hand, and walked to the door. “Excuse me”. She politely said as she edged past the two Inhumans, opened the door and departed into nothing.


Mephisto waved at them from his end of the bar. “You’re trapped here until we have a little talk. And the longer it takes… well… Hurry up with those whisky sours. And I just adore Karaoke and John Denver”. With that a disco ball materialized. Mephisto got off of his bar stool and began to sing Rocky Mountain High as music burst forth. Badly singing I might add, combined with groin thrusts like some demented combination of Elvis and Michelle Jackson while using the bottle as if it was a mike.


And the Colorado Rocky Mountain high, I've seen it raining fire in the sky.

I know he'd be a poor man if he never saw an eagle fly,

Rocky Mountain high, the Colorado Rocky Mountain high, I've seen it raining fire in the sky.

Friends around the campfire and everybody's high

Rocky Mountain high, Colorado. Rocky Mountain high.

Rocky Mountain high, Colorado. Rocky Mountain high!


Medusa and Blackbolt exchanged glances and then walked back over to where Mephisto was singing. Blackbolt accidentally stepped on Medusa’s hair causing her to briefly curse up a blue streak at him. Medusa sat down and Blackbolt returned to behind the bar and silently grumbled to himself while he started making the whisky drinks.


Mephisto smiled an evil grin and stopped singing. “Knew you’d see it my way. They always do in the end. Golly gosh darn, didn’t even get to my boy band tribute. Now let’s see…”.



Part 21e: Truths


Mephisto sat back down on the bar stool, picked up the shot glass and tossed it over his shoulder and then proceeded to take a swig right from the bottle. “Ahh, good stuff. Well… Yana asked that I give you two this little chat being that she’d probably end up killing you if she did it herself. I owned her a favor as I lost a bet a little while ago, little thing hell lords do from time to time, so here we are”.


“We do not fear the witch”. Replied a disdainful Medusa which only made Mephisto laugh again and slap his knee.


“Ha ha ha ha… Witch? Tsk, tsk, tsk. Yana so underplays it… well she’s young, she’ll learn. Yana’s a witch like I’m a choir boy. Hell Lord you two ninnies. Hell Lord”. He took another swig from the bottle.


“Didn’t stop us from escaping her prison cell”. Replied Medusa.


Mephisto smirked. “Because she set you up to escape dumb ass, and left you close enough to find where Blackbolt was being kept, how… convenient that was. And no alarms? Please… Now I admit she’s not the tactical and strategic genius like you Medusa, I mean just look at the brilliant strategies you had incase the Mutants attacked, which was so obviously going to happen… oh wait… sorry wrong universe. Just so many of the little buggers… let’s see… in this universe… the Mutants handed you your ass with both of your thumbs up it as well. Took all of you down like Andy Kaufman going up against a real wrestler. I mean… high school football team vs. the Oakland Raiders”.


Scowls from the Inhumans as Medusa replied. “They… surprised us the first time, the second encounter went much differently”.


“Rrrrriiiiggghhhhttttt”. Scoffed Mephisto. “Find somewhere else to peddle those damaged goods. One word as to why you did so much better, just one word… can you guess it”?


Silence from the Inhumans. Blackbolt finished making the drinks and slide them to Mephisto.


“No? Well… the word of the day is… Emma! She’s nuts! Bonkers! Two plus two equals cheesy grits kind of crazy. Plus she was rather drunk. The X-Men fought so badly because Emma’s mental vibs just interfered with everything, girl just wanted to grandstand on her death by cop attempt and because of all that self medication she kept getting distracted”. Mephisto giggled, then continued.


“You taking down Psylocke while she prattles on about having a sword? Only wolverine left to protect Forge and the cloud destroying machine? Emma forgetting she had Inhuman sentinels for crying out loud? Don’t kid yourself Medusa, you should have gone down faster then Paris Hilton at Adult Con. Your big battle was with a drunk suicidal crazy woman so of course you looked better the second time”.


Mephisto handed a whiskey sour each to Medusa and Blackbolt. “That’s for you dearies, like my booze straight, and don’t you even think about not drinking it as you can’t leave this room until I leave and you drink up”.


Medusa glared but… took a sip. And yes it was very very sour. Blackbolt’s fist clenched, but the glass remained unbroken. He then took a sip of the sour concoction.


Mephisto prompted Blackbolt. “Speak up Blackbolt. Your voice has no power here and we so rarely get to hear you prattle out loud in that whinny high pitched voice of yours. No? Well… didn’t know you were into fisting, man Emma got you good. Now I’m more of a giver then a receiver but you took that fisting like a man! She was up to her elbow in you! Now that’s gotta hurt”!


Blackbolt spoke and… no displays of power, and yea he does have a high pitched voice.


“Get to the point”.


Another smirk from Mephisto. “You may have fooled most of them but… not me. And not Yana”.


“Fooled them as to what”? Scornfully replied Medusa.


“Gunna play dumb I see… well, not exactly hard for you toots”. Mephisto took yet another long swig. “The whole setup. So many months in the making. Almost feel sad for poor o’ll Johnny Storm. I mean such a handy boy toy for you, kept the bed extra warm and scratched the itch whenever you wanted a good scratching seeing that o’ll Blackboltie was gone. And what a good well hung scratcher he was… And then you just kicked him to the curb like an unwanted puppy without even a second thought. But one must ask the question, as o’ll Johnny boy has now banged both of the sisters, just who is better in the sack? My votes on Crystal, yea less experienced but… bet she’s tighter”.


If looks could kill then the glares from the two Inhumans would have destroyed Manhattan by now.


Mephisto continued. “I’d say don’t worry about Johnny, but you aren’t. Johnny will find somebody new, he always does. Bet within the week there will be somebody new for Johnny to wrap little Johnny around. Somebody younger… although… I suppose you were one of his MILFy moments… Opps… wait one…”.


Mephisto wet a finger it raised it into the air like he was trying to find out the direction of the wind. “Why Johnny’s on a rebound one night stand as we speak! And barely legal at that! Ahhh Johnny my lad, I’m proud of you. Go Johnny go go go! Reminds me of the time in this alternate universe where Johnny and Aunty May hooked up, see in that universe Johnny was kind of fixated on older women, really older woman”.


Mephisto eyed Medusa up and down. “Then again… you are old enough to be his mother, stretch marks and all”.


Medusa sneered. “Get to the point you disgusting little man”.


Mephisto smiled. “Eight months… eight whole Fing months you do nothing but defend the cloud. Prevent its destruction. Complain that ISO is off working with Beast when she should be dong more import Inhuman work. Real lack of Bo-Ho over the little dying mutant problem. And what does Blackbolt do during this sad episode? The big nothing! I just can’t see how ‘I'm defending my way of life’ vs. ‘I'm defending my right to live’ is even a debate. But things were going to pot, the Nuhumans just aren’t integrating, and Blackbolt of course saw the setup that was presented to you”.


The two Inhumans went still. Medusa replied. “What setup”?


Mephisto cackled. “Even had a big red button for crying out loud. Push it and save the mutants, don’t push it and they all get to die, and… your true callous nature is utterly reveled and the Nuhumans overthrow you, after all the Inhumans are rather a pushover when it comes to fighting. Push it and you lose, don’t push and you lose. Best you can do is try to come out looking like the selfless hero. Can’t help but notice that if you push it then suddenly it’s ixnay on killing the poor sap who destroys your so-called sacred cloud as that would now put your head on the chopping block. Funny how the rules were different when you thought Summers had destroyed a cloud. Back then it was off with his head”!


“No such thoughts occurred”. Replied Medusa while firmly not looking at Blackbolt.


Which just prompted howls of derisive laughter from Mephisto. “I’m the Devil dearie, such… knowledge comes with the job! Let’s see… what was that little mental exchange you and Blackbolt had”?


Mephisto gestures and a recording of Medusa’s and Blackbolt’s thoughts are played out loud.


Blackbolt “It’s over my love, we need to regroup”.

Medusa. “But the sacred cloud…”?


Blackbolt “Has serviced its purpose, and these Nuhumans are… resistant to our ways”.

Medusa. “We can still find a way to force them to bend to Inhuman rules of society”.


Blackbolt “No… too much Inhuman harm will result. We must… seduce them instead, we must want them to want us to rule them”.

Medusa. “Meaning…”?


Blackbolt “Be the martyr, save these mutants, be the hero, or the choice will be taken away and you will be discarded”.

Medusa. “So the choice is a trap”?


Blackbolt “Yes, regardless of what you pick that button is going off. The cloud will be destroyed. So let us take the credit”.

Medusa. “So then, no choice at all”.


Blackbolt “Other then appearing to be the hero”.

Medusa. “Then we must find an opportunity to trigger the emotional telepathic mime of our reunion that we constructed so long ago as to inspire the mentally weak”.


Blackbolt “Are you done with Johnny”?

Medusa. “Phsss. Fumbling boy compared to you my love. Why did you ever suggest him as my cohort”?


Blackbolt “It made our separation look so very authentic”.

Medusa. “That it did my love, that it did”.


The two Inhumans exchanged glances while Mephisto cackled in amusement and laughed himself to tears, as he laughed he made drink up gestures to them. They did, but almost couldn’t choke down the sour sips.


Finally Mephisto calmed down wiped away a tear of mirth. “Blackbolt carrying you into the air is… beautiful? Just what poor sap of an Inhuman mind wiped telepath wrote that drivel? Then you give up the throne rather then have it taken from you? How utterly pathetic and contrived and oh so false”!


“And now…”? Asked Blackbolt.


Mephisto took a long swig that drained the bottle before answering. “I Love it! My hat would be off to you if I was wearing one. I! Absolutely! Love! It! That’s the kind of thinking we value at team Mephisto”!


Blackbolt raised a question. “So you are…”?


Mephisto stretched as he replied. “Going to do absolutely nothing, so is Yana, much to her annoyance. Rules after all, Hell Lords just aren’t allowed to do some things. That’s why she decided to have me tell you as the girl just didn’t trust herself not to loss her temper and then…”. Mephisto drew his finger across his throat.


“She has not the power”. Spoke Blackbolt, which just again get Mephisto laughing.


“She arranged for the death of the Elder gods you dork. You… you’re just… lucky that the powers that be, call them Editorial, is currently on your side. My advice is don’t go looking for dear old Emma. Guess you’ll just have to take whenever Emma throws at you first before you get to respond. Hmm you might want to go off world for a bit, you know… get away. Well… time for me to skedaddle, places to go, people to kill, you know how it is, always work work work work work”.


Mephisto got up from his stool and walked over to the door but paused before opening it, turned and… “Oh and Blackbolt, bad news, Johnny is better at it then you, he’s had more… variety then you after all, plus he’s younger and more… skilled and I’m not sorry to say better equipped as well… That boy is hung! And you know that little thing you’ve always begged Medusa to allow you to do… the thing she never allows you to do? Well… she let Johnny do it. In fact it was kind of their thing, and she loved it! I mean scream like a banshee and tear up the sheets and breaking the bed loved it! And just to be a dick of a spoiler, she’s never ever going to let you do it. Plus… well you should really write Johnny a thank you note for all the little tricks he taught her, boy oh boy is she going to rock your world. And bonus, she’s multi orgasmic now thanks to Johnny, although… it might just be with Johnny… you’ll find out I guess”.


Then a chuckle. “Then again… that’s assuming you two… let’s just say Johnny left a little gift was it were for you. The big H. Yep… Herpes! Surprise”!


Medusa looked horrified and Blackbolt looked… queasy.


Then a statement that prompted an alarmed look on Blackbolt. “Oh and Medusa honey… Blackbolt’s learned a thing or two as well in the months that you two have been apart. Boy’s been positively nailing it! Poontang galore! My my, must be almost half of New York by now. Just kidding, only a few hundred or so. Men are such dogs and you did let him off the leash… But then again… I mean… hell even Johnny cheated on you”.


A scowl of offended disbelief from Medusa.


“You really didn’t know? Crystal banged him so hard on that spaceship of hers he almost had a stroke. Guess the girl was feeling a bit… envious of her big sister. He gave her the big H as well if that’s any comfort. So… Blackbolt my man, how do you rate the two of them? I mean just like Johnny you nailed Crystal a few times behind your wife’s back so who’s better in the sack… Opps! Let the cat out of the bag, my bad… Um… gee is it me or is it suddenly uncomfortable in here”?


It wasn’t Mephisto.


Mephisto waved goodbye. Well… I’ll keep a warm place ready for you both… tootles”.


And with that Mephisto was gone.

Their powers returned.

And the flirting mood had gone cold like liquid nitrogen is cold.


There was then a nock at the door, they exchanged looks and Medusa answered. “Come in”.


It was the maitre d’. “Sir, the city health inspectors just closed down the kitchen. Something about undercooked pork dumplings and… um… the dance floor is… um… a mess”.


Blackbolt wanted to sigh… but refrained.

Chapter 22


So a new era begins with X-Men Gold. An era that appears to have Illyana on the sideline and heck, not even present for issue one. So what’s up with that?

I suspect that Illyana is in a bit of a timeout as there is many a rumor about a relaunch of the New Mutants. Plus Illyana’s presence does rather diminish Kurt’s contribution as a teleporter. And it can be hard to write Illyana as her power levels should mean that many problems are quickly solved; she’s kind of been reduced to whacking things with her sword and being a teleportation Uber service, something that I’ve addressed in my story (Cosmic Girl Talk) as I think she’s doing it very deliberately.

But I always like the stories to make sense so this is my take (at least for now). This takes place after the X-Men Gold fight Terrax but before they go off to the UN building to encounter the new Brotherhood of Evil Mutants (Magneto should have gotten a copy right on that an royalties, but then again… maybe he does).

Chapter Text

But I always like the stories to make sense so this is my take (at least for now). This takes place after the X-Men Gold fight Terrax but before they go off to the UN building to encounter the new Brotherhood of Evil Mutants (Magneto should have gotten a copy right on that an royalties, but then again… maybe he does).


As a side note, I liked the issue, art was very good. And then the hidden messages from the penciler Ardian Syaf came to light. Quite anti Kitty, anti Jewish, and anti Chinese if you’re an Indonesian and have the audacity to not be a Muslim. The irony of such a person doing the art for the X-Men is rather amusing in a sad kind of way. Like Hitler being hired to paint Bar Mitzvahs or something. And for those who say don’t rush to judgment, well… Ardian Syaf’s own words, his Facebook page, and his tweets confirm that it was all quite deliberate on his part. Double irony as the writer of the issue is Jewish and the founders of Marvel, Stan Lee and Jack Kirby, are also Jewish.


So… I added my opinion as well to the story. Oh… and I occasionally frequent the location of this story so all the food and beer is quite real (food is ok, beer is great). I also make some references to Cosmic Girl Talk Chapter five and the ongoing Magicians and Magik series.



Part 22: Stone Brewery and beer bistro Gardens in San Diego California (Escondido in actuality). A great place to be if you’re a beer geek.


Logan and Kurt were partaking of brewskies, cold ones, libations, oat soda, barley pop, boredom-be-gone, loudmouth soup, real man's Zima, varsity Shirley Temple, suds, liquid bread, silly seltzer, liquid courage, social lubricant, secret ingredient X, daddy's milk, redneck wine, elixir of the gods…


In summation… beer.


Why Stone Brewery of all places? I mean… Kurt and Logan are living in New York and the San Diego region is far away, plus the place is much more high brow then Logan’s normal drinking establishments.


Logan had even grumbled as he looked at the menu. “You can order a cheese plate appetizer for crying out loud. Appetizers are supposed to be fried, that’s what God intended”.


The reason the pair were at Stone was the fact it was Kurt’s turn to pick a location and he’d gone for the place that Dani kept talking about. Plus it was mutant friendly and Kurt is rather… obvious in appearance (even though he was dressed in civilian duds).


They’d shown up (Illyana had ported them) and were quickly seated in the outside beer garden by a blazing gas fire. They were partaking of some appetizers, drinking beer, and waiting for their main courses to arrive.


Currently there were two plates of Stone-Style Hemp Seed Soft Pretzels (three soft pretzels served warm with roasted jalapeño pepper cheese sauce and stone-ground mustard) and two plates of Pork Belly “Char Siu” (Slow braised all-natural pork belly with a sweet-spicy glaze tucked into a steamed bun with cilantro, cabbage and carrots with a tangy dressing).


Kurt was drinking a glass of Stone Tangerine Express IPA (Brewed w/Tangerine & Pineapple). Logan was partaking of Who You Callin' WUSSIE (Northern German Pilsner).


Kurt took a long slow drink and then sighed in contentment, and then ate half a pretzel. “I see while Dani likes this place”.


“Dani’s an IPA fanatic”. Grumbled back Logan as he likewise drank a long gulp, and likewise snagged a pretzel. “Who worships at the alter of Stone IPAs, of course she’d like this place”.


“Explains why she got so upset when that girl’s night out that she arranged got interrupted by those terrorists who wanted to kill both the owners, the patrons, and destroy the brewery as a political statement against ”.


Logan growled. “Can’t stand flam’in fanatics. Blasted sons of Syaf. Surprised she left any of them survive”.


“Well, to hear Jubilee describe it, Dani did want Illyana to change their gender to female, or have the telepaths reassign their sexual preferences... but she did calm down after a while”.


“You mean she sobered up Elf”. Replied Logan while pointing at Kurt with a half eaten pretzel.


“That too”. Snickered Kurt as he then snagged some pork belly. “Ever since that little episode the owners and staff are quite mutant, and X-Men in particular, friendly”.


They both drained their glasses and ordered the next round. Kurt went for a Maine/Stone Dayslayer India Pale Lager while Logan went dark with a Stone Mint Coffee Milk Stout which earned him a sniff of disdain from Kurt as to his beer choice.


“Might you be wanting that cheese plate now”?


“Nothing wrong with variety Elf. So little time, so many…”


Kurt finished the sentence with a laugh. “…Beers”.


The beers arrived and they drank long toast to Kitty on her success as the X-Men team leader against Terrax. After the toast Logan looked upon his beer with appreciation.


“Think I’ve just found a replacement for morning coffee”.


Kurt grinned as he took another sip of his brew. “That statement coming from anybody else would alarm me”.


“One of the many side benefits of having a healing factor Elf. That and keeping the ladies satisfied”.


Kurt returned to a prior topic of conversation. “I’ve made up my mind, I’m gunna do it”. He joked.


“Don’t”. Warned Logan. “For the love of god and your man card, don’t”.


Kurt ignored Logan’s warning, gestured to their waitress and… ordered the cheese plate.


“That’s gunna will cost you ten man points Elf”. Conclude Logan as he drained the last of his glass.


“There’s more to beer food then salted peanuts and Cheetos my friend”. Rebutted Kurt as he ate the last of his pretzel and finished off his beer as well.


“I like Cheetos”. Was Logan’s gruff reply.


Time for more beer. Kurt got a glass of Stone Ripper San Diego Pale Ale while Logan went for Stone Give Me IPA or Give Me Death. The beers and the cheese plate arrived at the same time.


“Wossie”. Lightly mocked Logan as he partook of the cheese.


“Then why are you eating it”? Rebutted Kurt.


“Fixings are good, I’m just man enough not to order it”.


“Logan my friend, the logic of that statement completely escapes me”.


“It’s a man thing Elf, you wouldn’t understand”.


The pair went silent as they enjoyed the food and beer. The Logan made a comment.


“What do you think of Rachel’s new costume and code name”?


Kurt made a face as if he’d just found a bug in his beer. “You know what I think of it, the same as you… it’s… appalling. The name is… weak and the costume is horrendous. mein Gott it’s bad”.


Logan agreed. “And she has a cape bub. A fracking cape, in the style of a Thor cosplay to boot. Storm or Magneto are the only ones who can usually pull off wearing a cape and not look like a duffus. The only reason she’s wearing that getup is…”.


Kurt finished. “Because Kitty designed it. Girl’s got it bad. At least she’s not bitching all the time. From what I’ve heard, back when Rachel was on Storm’s team, she was always complaining about everything”.


“Was she that Kitty obsessed when the three of you were in Excalibur”? Inquired Logan as yet another pretzel vanished.


“Yep…”. Replied Kurt after a long pull on his beer. “Captain Britton and I had a running bet as to when they would start sleeping in the same room. But… nobody won that bet. Hmmm, give it a week or two and maybe we might make a wager of our own as I’m quite sure Rachel is… willing”.


“At least the costume’s not black”. Chuckled Logan which caused an answering chuckle from Kurt as they remembered the little incident from a few days ago.




Kurt, Logan, Ororo, Peter and Rachel were in the danger room for a practice session. Kitty was in the control room and Illyana was also present with Kitty (they were chatting). Kitty forgot to turn off the mike at one point and the Danger Room participants could now hear the conversation as they fought the combat scenario.


“I hate my costume”. Complained Kitty to Illyana who was not having any of her complaints.


“We’ve been over this Kitty. You know my opinion”.


“I respect your opinion Yana, but…”.


“But you’re not going to following it”.


“No, not in this case”.


“I’ll say it one last time Pryde, once you go black, you never go back”.


This… rather poorly worded statement caused Kitty to just stare at Illyana, where as Kurt froze in the midst of a combat move causing a robot to punch him in the stomach.   Logan and Rachel started to snicker and Ororo looked… pained whereas Peter just looked embarrassed.


Kitty finally replied as she started to giggle. “Are you implying… something Yana”?


Illyana at first just looked at Kitty was some confusion, and then her eyebrows rose and she started to blush. “That’s… that’s not what I meant… I meant clothing, not… not that”. She said as Kitty continued to laugh.


Then it got worse. Logan shouted, as he dismembered a robot. “Storm, any thoughts on the topic”?


Storm replied, while flying about the room, with a completely non humorous tone (she was trying not to laugh). “I find… variety to be pleasant. I have frequently shifted from one to another so… no. Going black is… exaggerated”.


Logan continued the harassment as it were. “Yo Petie, any thoughts on the topic”?


“No”. Was Peter’s brief comment as he destroyed a robot, then… “I have always found that the subject is… overstated and quite… incorrect”.


Illyana continued to blush harder while Kitty was now laughing hysterically.


Kurt BAMF’d to another part of the Danger Room. “Logan, you were a member of the Avengers, any... observations that you care to share”?


Logan grinned. “Thor has a very big… hammer. Cap is a big… patriot. Hulk… smash. Hawkeye always did know how to handle his… bow. Although I sometimes think the whole giant man thing with Hank Pym was because he felt… inadequate when checking out the competition when using the urinal”.


Illyana had enough. “I must be going… um… papers to grade”. With that she teleported away.




“Never knew Hell Lord’s blushed”. Grinned Kurt.


“She did then… but… I swear, Ororo’s got at least two entire closets of costumes”. Commented Logan.


“At least she has costumes. Are you ever going to wear one or is dressing like a red neck rancher your field persona now”?


“Too flam’in old for a costume”. Grumbled Logan.


“What’s next? Yelling at kids to get off your lawn”?


Logan tried to give Kurt a steely eyed glare, but his laugh rather ruined the attempt.


They continued to chuckle as more beer arrived.   Logan went black again as he partook of Modern Times Blackhouse (Coffee Stout) while Kurt went off the reservation a bit with 21st Amendment High or High Watermelon (Fruit Beer).


“Since when is she grading papers”? Observed Logan as he sipped.


“No idea”. Replied Kurt as he also sipped. “I do recall her mentioning that she part timed in some other dimension’s magic school, some kind of hobby of hers”.


Ahh, dinner arrived. Kurt was having the Duck Tinga Tacos, Slow-braised duck in tomato, garlic and onion topped with cilantro, picked onions, cabbage and crema served with a quinoa, black been, rice salad tossed in avocado cilantro dressing. Logan, being quite the meat and potato kind of guy, had gone for the Braised Short Rib with Yukon Gold horseradish mash and red wine reduction.


And with supper arrived more beer. A Bitter Brothers Golden Child Hefeweizen for Kurt and a Double Bastard Ale for Logan.


“Any thoughts as to why Illyana isn’t on the team”? Inquired Logan as he ate.


“Rachel”. Replied Kurt. “Suffice it to say Rachel is not… a fan. Illyana appears to not really have any beef with Rachel but Rachel does. I heard there was a big blowup in the school cafeteria months ago. Shortly after that Rachel left. I think Kitty is trying to appease Rachel a bit and Illyana appears to understand”.


“Plus I think Magik is a bit tired of being the Uber service”. Observed Logan.


“And there is the whole Emma issue”. Replied Kurt.


“Yea… Emma. Still unlocatable”. Mused Logan.


“Which in itself is… suspicious”. Stated Kurt as he munched a soft duck taco. “ Now Emma blocking telepaths is one thing but…”.


“Blocking magic, or in this case Magik is another”. Finished Logan. “I’m rather sure Ororo has… concerns over that as well. Concerns that she’s shared with Kitty”.


“And of course there is Illyana’s statement that she’s… very busy in Limbo all of a sudden so she wishes to be more of a school defense asset with Dani and not on a team”.


“You buying that”? Asked Logan while cutting up some more meat.


“Not for an instant. Doesn’t help that no telepath can verify her statements. And you can’t…”?


Logan replied to Kurt’s hanging question. “Tell? Nope. Petie’s little sister can lie all she wants and my senses can’t tell the difference. Not sure if it’s a Hell Lord thing or… her nature”.


Supper was now done so… time for more beer. Kurt had Avery The Beast Grand Due (2014) a Belgian Dark Ale while Logan went The Lost Abby Angel’s share Bourbon Barrel Aged Ale (a sipping beer).


“This place is nice Elf. Bit… millennial, but… nice)”.


“Not every bar has to be a dive Logan. Dani says that California is a major hot bed of beer innovation. It pains me to admit that she may be right… but she is overly fixated upon IPAs”.


The two friends continued to enjoy the relaxed night. Once their beers were done Kurt with a Stone Pataskala Red X IPA while Logan went with a Stone 2012 Old Guardian Barley Wine and then a Liberty Station Rumvergnugen (Imperial Dunkelweizen brewed with hazelnuts and molasses).


Then there was Stone Doublicous, Stone Pilot Amber Waves Oatmeal IPA, Stone Jindia Pale Ale, Stone Go To IPA, Maui Mana Wheat, Victory Sour Monkey Belgian Tripel, and likely very other beer on the menu.


Ahh… they spent the night drinking until closing time were then a portal from Illyana took them home.


Kurt was... in a bad way the next day.

Chapter 23


Been awhile since I’ve written anything on this storyline (there has not been much published Illyana behavior in the comics) and I’ve been focused on Top Gear X, Mother of Darkness, and Pride Prejudice, Illyana and Zombies storylines.

(Spoiler alert) In X-Men Gold issues 10 and 11 we discover that the Rasputin’s have a long lost uncle by the name of Anatoly Rasputin Nikolayevich; who turns out to be in the Russian mafia and had been disowned long ago by the Father of Illyana and Peter (they were never told of his existence). Turns out the mafia leader (by the name of Komolov) is also a wizard and used magics to bring the dead Omega Red back to life.

Chapter Text

Additional commentary:


Omega Red (Arkady Rossovich) is a Russian serial killer that was turned into a commie super solder version of Captain America by the KGB (without all the goodness of course as we are talking commies). In the end he was killed by Wolverine using some kind of sword.


Well, he’s back, but the magics that resurrected him are fading so a plot is created to capture Illyana and force her to use her magics to stabilize him. This of course works and the X-Men end up hunting for the kidnapped Illyana only to confront Omega Red who rapidly takes down both Ororo and Rachel, which is rather hard to believe, only to be overcome, in the end be, by Wolverine. Plus Komolov defeats Illyana (twice), who is then saved by Peter who regains his ability to turn into steel (for once he gets to save his Snowflake, how… convenient).


Even harder to believe that Komolov was able to take down Illyana twice! We are talking hell lord here.


My take is Illyana was faking and threw the fight each time. In part to see just/demonstrate just what kind of person this lost uncle was, and to help get Kitty and Peter back together (she was the cause of them breaking up back in Utopia and I’ve always felt/written that she feels bad about that). And she keeps wanting to underplay her powers.


In the end the foes are defeated and turned over to SICKLE (Russian version of SHIELD, one can only hope they less frequently try taking over the world like SHIELD tends to do).


But what happens afterwards?


Oh, and apologies for any crudity, we are talking Russian mafia and they tend to be rather crude.



Part 23a: Beery Arm Chair Ruminations (part 1)


“Elf, that’s what a man’s appetizer is supposed to be like.” Declared Logan with great satisfaction.


Kurt was less… enthused then Logan. Yea the bar was well equipped with a variety of beer and liquor. But the plate of nachos looked almost as oily as if it had been deep fried, and those looked like fried jalapeño peppers and hot sauce upon it as well.


Kurt dubiously poked at the plate. “Why my friend? So as to encourage mass consumption of suds to drown out the heartburn?”


Logan grabbed a handful and munched away while declaring. “Never get heartburn.”


Kurt nibbled one, which caused him to promptly down half of his beer. “Ow! … Ow… Ow! Mein Gott!   My tounge is desolving!”




“Logan, some of us don’t have a healing factor, and we still posses taste buds. And the desire to not burn our insides from the insides.”


Logan took a long slow sip of beer. “Like I said… wimp. That’s man food.”


“That is not food my friend, it is a flesh dissolving solvent from hell. I shall inform Hank of this substance, not so he can weaponize it, for it already is weaponized, but to concoct an antidote.”


“Hank already knows and he loves it.”


“Did his hair fall out?”


Logan paused in his chewing. “Um… some, that’s just because he got some on his fur.”


“Enjoy my friend, I for one will stick with the peanuts.”


“Wimp, you’re as bad as Spidey.”


They continued to snip at each other in the banter that friends engage in for a few minutes. In the end Kurt ordered the mild hot wings.


After a few more beers, and some wings, Kurt broached a topic that had been bothering him.


“What did your senses show you when Illyana explained what happened to her?”


“That she was telling the truth.” Was Logan’s gruff reply.


“I thought you couldn’t tell if she lies?”


“I can’t.”


“So you find it… suspicious as well.”


“Bingo in one Elf, flame’n bingo in one.”


Kurt leaned back and took a long swallow as he thought. “Rather nice in how it all worked out though. Kitty and Peter apparently back together.”




“Do you think SICKLE will be able to hold them?”


“Omega Red… for now. Likely the Ruskies will just start using him as an agent again at some point.”


“I meant the wizard and their Uncle.”


Logan gave an answer that meant one thing, but really meant another. “I don’t think that’s going to be a problem.”



Part 23b: SICKLE Holding Faculty Twelve (Siberia)


“Ahh, thank you Anatoly, these handcuffs were becoming most bothersome.” Spoke Komolov.


The before mentioned Komolov and Uncle Anatoly Rasputin Nikolayevich were standing in the corridor of their empty cell block. Komolov’s magics had disable security, put the guards to sleep, and turned off the alarms; but had been unable to unlock the handcuffs.


He continued. “Come my friend, the Bratva (Russian Brotherhood, i.e. Mafia) will be waiting for us.”


“Da Komolov, I dislike cells.” Replied Anatoly as he spit on the floor.


“You’ve certainly spent enough time in them.”


A chuckle from Anatoly. “Yes… both of us old comrade. What now?”


A glare of rage from Komolov as they started to walk. “We find your bitch cunt of a niece and teach her that she only lives to serve.”


An evil smile from Anatoly “I shall enjoy watching you break her Komolov, in mind and spirit. Western ways are weak, they let women do as they please rather then knowing their place.”


“Their place is beneath a man Anatoly, and we shall teach her exactly what her role in life is to be. She is nothing before me with the ritual I have.”


Unnoticed, dark and smoky shadows were filling the corridor behind them.


Komolov was beginning to fantasize about what he was going to do. “I shall make the bitch scream and beg, and in the end make her beg to satisfy my every urge. I will…”


The end of the corridor was a T junction and as they reached it they noticed that the right hand of the T junction was cloaked in smoky darkness, and that there was now darkness behind them as well. And Magic, with her soul sword, was standing about ten feet down the left side of the T junction, with darkness also behind her.


“Greeting Uncle, Komolov, what took you so long?”


Magical powers burst from the hands of Komolov and he struck at Magik, only to have her bat away his attack like it was some annoying insect.


“I defeated you twice cunt!” Shouted Komolov as he attacked again, putting everything he had into it. Only to again have Illyana bat it away.


Illyana sneered. “That was pretend time… this is real.”


Komolov sarcastily replied while weaving some magical defenses. “So… twice you were on your knees before me and you pretend you let that happen!” Meanwhile Anatoly took refuge behind Komolov.


A smile that was not a nice smile from Illyana. “Wanted the players to show their cards, and needed Peter to make his own decisions as to the worth of our ‘Uncle’.”


“You will bow before me cunt!”


Illyana looked rather bored. “No… not now, not ever. One should never kill family…” A statement that caused Anatoly to slightly relax for a moment. “But ‘Uncle’ I’ve known demons who show more family values then you. You should never have tried to kill Peter.”


Two large four legged red wolf like demons slowly walked from the shadows behind Illyana. They hungrily eyed the pair.


“Meet Gzzkllk and Booger.”


“Booger?” Was Komolov exasperated reply.


“My… apprentice name him. Rather like the name, she thought he was snotty.”


“I am more then a match for two such demons!”


Illyana had that look that said you had brought a knife to a tank battle. “Who said there were two?”


Anatoly felt hot breath on the back of his neck as he heard a growl. He never even had time to turn his head before he died.


Komolov lasted but a few seconds longer. In the end there was a great deal of blood on the walls and floor, but no bodies. Illyana had let Gzzkllk and Booger join in the fun as well as she felt they all desired to piece of the action as it were.


Illyana whimsically stated as to demons fought over a severed leg. “I wonder who gave you the rituals that you thought would actually bind me, and what you paid for them?”


The leg was finally turn in two and consumed. “But you were but lied to so…just don’t really care.”


There, message sent for anybody in the infernal realms who actually thought here weak.



Part 23c:   Beery Arm Chair Ruminations (part 2)


Logan polished off the last of the nachos. “Nope, think SICKLE has things well in hand with those two.”


Chapter 24


In X-Men Blue we have Hank (the young Beast, Henry McCoy, from the time displaced original X-Men) performing magic. I find it rather annoying as he is shown with a skill level that is completely inappropriate because he’s received no real training, yet is wielding spells that are very powerful (rather like somebody reading out of a cook book thinking that they are now a chief). Rather weak plot ploy is my basic belief. And of course young Hank shows the same discernment that the older Hank shows, meaning none at all.

For those who do not read X-Men Blue, and the reasons for reading it are sadly few, Hank uses magic and rituals provided to him by another dimension’s Goblin Queen (Madelyne Pryor) only to be imprisoned into a white haired beast form that is enslaved to the Goblin Queen; who also summons various alternative X-Men and some demons of course. Much fighting ensues, and in the end Hank betrays and banishes the Goblin Queen which frees him from the white beast form. Why is Hank dabbling in such? Apparently he thinks he can figure out how to get himself and his friends home (fat chance).

Chapter Text

Needless to say the rest of the X-Men Blue team are not happy with him. I can’t help but wonder would Magik would have thought about the total SNAFU.


Part 24a: The prices we pay


Illyana coldly examined young Henry McCoy, who was currently residing within a glowing pentagon that he was imprisoned within.


“Mr. McCoy, for some reason I thought that the example of your older self would serve as some kind of check upon poor decision making. I now see that I was wrong. Didn’t your parent’s teach you about taking candy from strangers?”


Not good, she only uses Mr. or Ms. with me, or us, when she’s really pissed off, thought Hank. He scratched his head while giving an ahh shucks kind of look.


“I know… I know… I really screwed up Professor Magik.”


“No Mr. McCoy, I don’t think you do know. Let’s see, a demon sorceress from a different dimension just volunteers to teach you magic and you actually accept? Your lack of discernment is stunning, such creatures do not go around granting favors; and I most certainly do know. They look for ignorant tools, and you, Mr. McCoy, are quite the tool.”


Hank felt the stirrings of anger. “I said I was sorry. I know I was foolish but…”


Illyana waved a hand and Hanks moth snapped shut, cutting off any additional words.


“Years… years of training those such as I have done, and you think that you can just bypass it and go straight to major mage? That’s cheating Mr. McCoy. And such mages are mostly worthless as they don’t actually understand the forces they’re dealing with. They tend to be easily defeated, and easily seduced.” A snort of disapproval from Illyana. “Well, your little magical mess has gotten you noticed.”


A questioning look from Hank as he was unable to speak. He had thought about trying to break the silencing spell, but decided that Magik likely wanted him to try so best to avoid that.


“By some rather significant entities. Let’s see… Dr. Strange, Victor von Doom, Brother Voodoo, me, and Wanda to name but a few. Hells, even Loki filled a complaint, something about not leaving loaded guns in the hands of ignorant children with a propensity for faulty decision making.”


A scowl from Hank.


“Yes Mr. McCoy, that was an insult. And I might add everybody agreed with the description, although Dr. Strange did have a few more choice words to describe your discernment and insight. And Victor did use the word buffoon more then once.”


And now a bit of a growl from Hank, his palms itched to use magic to show her, and those who dared impugn.


“But educated imbecile of learning was my personal favorite. We met at the bar with no doors and took a vote, I lost by the way so that’s why I’m here, and I had to pay the bar tab as well.”




“…educated imbecile of learning. The boy is as much a buffoon as his senior and as heedless” Was Victor von Doom’s harsh and cold assessment. “One would think that the multitude of prior failings would provide some retrospective in the decision tree.”


“We have all taken… reckless paths. And some of us made it a habit of unleashing such creatures in the past” Was Dr. Strange’s observation, pointing out both the failings of all present, and of one von Doom in particular.


“And making similar choices as well.” Pointed out Brother Voodoo.


Wanda proposed that… “One of us needs to go and attempt to talk some sense into him.”


Strange pointed out that… “He was your student Magik.”


Illyana attempted to deflect. “Not in the ways of magic. I believe you introduced him Stephen, one could say that makes him a type of apprentice. Yours in particular.”


“The boy plays with the demonic.” Was Shaman’s comment. “It might be best that the most familiar with both the demonic, and his person, should be the one to have this conversation with him. He may take heed from you whereas most of us are strangers.”


A last attempt by Illyana. “Victor is much better at playing the heavy.”


Which was negated by Victor von Doom. “He will simply treat it as a villainous threat and ignore it. A common failing for McCoys I believe. I regret to say that my dealing with the elder McCoy were… he was always one to do as he was told not to.””


General agreement all round, much to Illyana’s annoyance.


“Harmony under haven must be restored.” Was Professor Xu pronunciation. “Who better then one who once risked all under heaven.”


“That’s right, pick on the demon sorceress.” Groused Illyana. “Once, I only risked all of creation once, and it worked I’d point out.”


“Uno is too many.” El Madico Misticao rebutted, forgetting for the moment to reply in Spanish. “And I think the answer is dos, not uno.”


Wanda flashed three fingers while Illyana was not looking at her.


“Fine, and I suppose you want me to pay the bar tab as well.” Was Illyana’s reply to the group.


A grin from Wanda, “Since you’re offering…”


Dr. Strange asked for a refill (the good stuff of course), as did everybody else. At least Victor had the courtesy to thank her for her kind offer.




Another inquiring look from Hank.


“I felt that Victor should be the one to… discipline you but he weaseled out. Something about not being the villain anymore and that you were one of my part time students. I protested of course, you had started to dabble in magic after you left my care, and Dr. Strange was to blame, but everybody piled on and so here I am.”


A sigh from Hank.


“Yes Mr. McCoy, you are showing exactly the same behavior that so endeared the older you to his peers. And we know how well that’s worked out.”


A look of accusation from Hank.


“No Mr. McCoy, this is about you, not me. I’m demon sorceress, we do bad things from time to time, I think it’s in the rule book on page 17 or so. You, on the other hand, fall under page 37, which is all about fools and magic.”


A look of annoyance and endurance.


“Yes Mr. McCoy. Fools. You just might try thinking next time, or even… ask for advice from your friends or those you know who actually know more then you. Keep to this path and I’m sure there are many more magical entities that can also dangle little temptations before you. And like a worm on a hook, you’ll end up dangling on their line. You lucked out this time, don’t think that such luck will continue.”


Illyana waved her right hand and the burning pentagram vanished. “You can speak now.”


“Are you done yet?” Was all that Hank said.


“Yes Mr. McCoy, we are done, for now. If you wish to become a major practitioner, it is recommended that you apprentice to somebody. If you insist on dabbling in magic without any understanding then please don’t bewail the consequences that fall upon you. Look to your blue and hairy namesake as a possible outcome. And if you create a situation that others have to clean up after… well. That which you have can be taken away.”


Hank promised that… “I won’t forget.”


Illyana just gave him a look of annoyance and teleported him away.


She shook her head. “We always forget, Mr. McCoy. Because we always think we know better.”

Chapter 25


: Finally we get some published Illyana action! Illyana guest stars in Secret Warriors issue 8 and I do mean stars (she will supposedly be there for issues 8-12). Rather nice as there has been a massive drought of Illyana storylines (I have read rumors that she is slotted for some New Mutants relaunch activity next year in conjunction with the movie but… just rumors at this point). So… Illyana in an Inhumans comic? That should be rather interesting as Illyana has been shown to a rather deep dislike and even hatred for Inhumans, ops I mean Genocidal Racist Xenophobic Slave-Owners (grin) in both the comics and my fanfic writing.

Rather liked the comic, Magik was quite snarky.

Now Scott Summers died from exposure to the one of the two Terrigen clouds which Emma came up with a plot to destroy while projecting a simulated Scott (which convinced the Inhumans that Scott had destroyed their precious sacred cloud and Medusa directed Backbolt to kill Scott, which he did, or so they all thought). I believe that Illyana knows that Scott died before (if you read the comic her look of horror while the cloud is being destroyed shows that she now sees that Scott was already dead) at least that’s my take).

Chapter Text

Part A is meant to be current time, part B and C are in the past.


I figure part B takes place during the whole evil Captain America hail Hydra series of comics, and part C post Hydra. Part C just kind of came to me as I wrote this story so I included it in here, and I remembered a minor X-Men story detail that appears to have been forgotten by Marvel (it was written over thirty years ago).


I suspect that I’ll be writing more about Illyana and the Inhumans as the Secret Warriors story develops. I hope Illyana continues to be snarky.



Part 25a Inhumans (or… Magik is such a bitch)


Several Inhumans, or Nuhumans depending on who you talked to, were sitting around a kitchen table kibitzing about what had just occurred. They were:


Quake, female, named Daisy Johnson, former shield agent, able to generate vibrations (i.e. earthquakes or such). She’s quite the hard ass and rather nasty. Dislikes the X-Men.


Ms. Marvel, female teen, named Kaala Khan, shape shifting abilities. Nice girl. Bit of an X-Man fan girl as she’s a fan of Wolverine.


Moon Girl, young black female by the name Lunella Lafayette, has a mental link with a red dinosaur (devil dinosaur), supposedly the smartest person in the world (which is questionable as she hangs out with Inhumans). Supposedly friends with the X-Man Forge, but oddly had no issues in aiding his kidnappers which likely put a damper on the friendship.


Inferno, male, named Dante Pertuz, fire generation and regeneration (somewhat a cheap rip-off of the Human Torch but lacks the ability fly). Hates the X-Men.


“Gads I hate the X-Men!” Opined Inferno like a broken record. He had a kitchen garbage can next to him while he expounded upon his dislike. The reason for the garbage can was about to be shown.


Kaala asked… “Are you still nauseous about…”


Inferno leaned sideways and puked yet again into the garbage can.


“Don’t even mention it Kalla!” Corrected Quake in irritation. “Even mentioning Magik’s teleportation ability causes him to…”


And he puked again, while Kaala shot Quake a sarcastic look.


“I can’t believe this is coincidental.” Stated Moon girl while making a face at Inferno. “I don’t think Magik likes you.”


Inferno wiped his mouth with a paper towel. “The feeling is mutual. So don’t like the X-Men! She didn’t even use our names or say us, just kept calling us Inhumans. All of them are just a bunch of…”


Moon Girl pointed out that… “She said my name.”


Inferno was in a mood. “Well goodie for you.”


Which just annoyed Moon Girl. “Teleportation disk” she said, causing Inferno to retch yet again.



Part 25b: Prelude to Inhumans (Location New Tian, mutant homeland created out of the west coast of America after Hydra takeover of America)


Illyana was engaged in one of her therapy sessions with Hank (Emma was busy running New Tian), the older Beast that is (the one with the blue fur). Hank had found that Illyana tended to be more expressive with him in dynamic rather then static sessions so they were engaged in ritualized combat as it were. Not with swords (that would have been to Illyana’s advantage) nor hand to hand combat (advantage Hank and a bit two… well, rather hands on in copping a feel kind of way if you get my drift) nor chess (massive advantage to Hank). No, it was something hot, sweaty, and very physical (and no, not that you perv).


They were playing racquetball.


Which you’d think was advantage to Hank. I mean… four hundred plus pounds of muscle, lightning fast reflexes, and incredible dexterity, but Illyana not only played a combative version (rather ouchie as the ball bounces were sometimes were aimed right at you) and she was wickedly good as well. So Hank was finding it quite the challenge to put a positive spin on the game. Speaking of spin, Illyana could put a spin on a ball that was appalling at times, and made for very complex shots. So to be more truthful, Hank was losing.


“So…” Grunted Hank, who was drenched in sweat by this time and you can just imagine what a blue haired beast smelled like (wet dog comes to mind), as he returned a serve. “You appeared less then thrilled with the Inhumans who ventured into New Tian.”


Illyana did a two handed return that bounced all over creation, due to the extreme ball spin, that somehow Hank managed to hit. She replied with more then a little force.


“Hank, they violated the borders, refused to listen to direction, then they shot down a Blackbird, with us in it I might add as I am currently unable to teleport, all because we refused to help. Only by shear luck were fatalities or injuries avoided by those on the Blackbird. Just another example of typical Inhuman disregard for others and general assholeness as well.”


Hank somehow managed to return the ball, but that did result in him having to leap against a wall while using his left foot (holding the paddle) to hit the ball. “We did refuse to assist them in their quest.”


A return that apparently just set him up as Illyana did another power return of daunting ricocheting complexity that actually left Hank cross-eyed and swiping at empty air with his paddle. “Hydra was right behind them, it was a treaty violation, and a bunch of Inhumans I don’t like anyhow. Point for me!”


Hank got ready for Illyana’s next serve. “They did say they were sorry about that.”


Illyana served and… it was soft ball instead of a power strike, the ball, just barely bounced off the wall and had Hank scrambling. “Sorry is just a word Hank. Did they pay for the jet? That would be a no. Deeds speak louder then words, and their deeds are always missing if it costs them something. Sorry comes with a price, or it’s just lip flapping.”


Hank returned the serve (he had to dive for it), but barely, Illyana wound up and… POW! A return that hit the ball, which bounced off the wall and then off of Hank’s back as well (ouch!).


Hank got warily to his feet, just in case there was another incoming ball, then backed up in preparation for her next serve. “I’m rather surprised you still go to therapy.”


Illyana got ready to serve. “Been crazy Hank. Don’t want to go that route again. Need to stay between the lines as it were and therapy is a good way to get external input as to my actions and behaviors.”


She served and another frantic round of volleys commenced, but this time Hank won and it was now his turn to serve. Hank decided to call for a five minute timeout, both to hydrate and to catch his breath. He sat down and braced his back against one wall as he stated. “How on earth are you so good at this game? You play like Scott used to play, all angles and…” He stopped speaking in slight embarrassment. One it was about Scott, and two, Illyana tended to get rather angry when the topic of Scott came up.


Illyana replied while retrieving the ball, and yea, she was drenched in sweat as well but as most ladies will point out, men sweat, ladies perspire. And unlike Hank, she did not smell like a wet armpit combined with shaggy dog. Now she might not have smelled like lilacs, but even Hank was socially smart enough to refrain from pointing that out.


“Phoenix leftover I think. When we, Emma, Scott, Peter, Namor, and I were Phoenix, there was a great deal of swapped thoughts. I guess racquetball stuck for some reason. Just racquetball as I still get my ass handed to me at pool, and I’m no any more skilled at tennis then I used to be.”


Illyana then likewise sat down against the opposite wall.


Hank liked the casual statement about tennis. The ‘I’ statement and no reference to ‘her’ as Illyana had been want to do some time ago. No distinction as to her memories. He held out his right hand as he asked a question. “I can understand disliking some Inhumans, but you appear to dislike all Inhumans Illyana. That sounds rather racist.”


Part of being a therapist was to challenge the recipient, and Illyana tended to be a good patient in that she expected such questions as to her behavior. Illyana replied as she tossed him the ball. “I don’t hate or dislike all Inhumans, just the ones that deserve it.”


Hank caught and tossed back the ball. “And who deserves it? How do you… decide?”


Illyana likewise caught and tossed back the ball. They both continued to do this with each question and answer from each other.


“A few simple rules Hank. Who ordered Blackbolt to kill Scott? Blackbolt for…” the slightest of hesitations, “killing Scott. Those who attacked us while we destroyed the first cloud. Those who defended that remaining cloud of mutant killing Inhuman gas. Those who prevented the X-Men from destroying the remaining cloud when Forge came up with the machine that collected the Terrigen gas and turned it back into a solid. And of course the one who shot down the Blackbird with me in it just because she was huffy. Our people were dieing Hank, and the Inhumans simply didn’t give a shit.”


Hank summed it up. “So… Medusa, Blackbolt, all the Inhuman Royals, and any Inhuman that sided with them on defending the cloud or in preventing the X-Men from destroying the cloud. That’s… pretty much all the Inhumans.”


“That was their choice Hank. The only reason that second cloud was not dealt with was the Inhuman threat to kill anybody who interfered. There is no moral defense for their argument that they were defending their way of life. We were defending our right to live. That the Inhumans could not, or would not, understand earns my dislike and disdain.”


“I worked with them Illyana, they helped many a mutant.”


“While blocking the solution to what was harming those very mutants. They also continually fed you Intel about how any attempt to harm the cloud would be met with overwhelming force, from that giant spaceship they guarded the cloud with, and Blackbolt himself. How we didn’t stand a chance against them.”


Hank grumbled at bit about that. “I disagreed with going to war, but… some of my understanding was incomplete. I did not understand that Blackbolt could be taken down so easily, nor that you would be able to neutralize so many of the Inhuman heavy hitters so quickly.”


“Art of war Hank. Appears weak where you are strong, appear strong were you a weak. Medusa frankly was and is a poor planner. Everything was based upon Blackbolt and of course Ulysses’ ability to make future predictions. So… deal with the two and Medusa’s plans crumble. And their lack of any understanding about magic caused issues as well. And Medusa being such a good diplomat meant there was nobody to help Inhumans when we attacked.”


Left unsaid was the death of Sapna. How Illyana had had to kill her apprentice to save all the X-Men and the mutants in Limbo. How if the Terrigen clouds had been destroyed then Illyana would not have had to kill Sapna. And of course, some of the rage at what Illyana had been forced to do was spilled over to the Inhumans.


Hank pointed out that… “Rather noticed that no magical person came to their aid, I suppose that was your doing. They did escape from your prison in Limbo… or did they?”


A comment that prompted a slight malicious grin from Illyana. “They thought so… and just in time for the big battle, that Emma screwed up because she was drunk. Oh well, Hank, the Inhumans are pure hypocrites, simple as that. That’s why I don’t like them.”


“That’s… very judgmental of you Illyana. Especially considering some of your past deeds.”


“Yep…” Illyana caught the ball but did not throw it back. “Deeds that I have striven to try to make amends for, not just saying sorry. Tell me Hank, let’s suppose the shoe was on the other foot. Now the clouds of Terrigen mutant killing gas provided Inhumans with the option of undergoing Teregenisis, i.e. activating Inhuman genes and gaining powers. A purely voluntary act as many Inhumans avoided contact with the gas due to fears as to what it would do to them. Contact that was not avoidable for most humans on the planet as they were involuntarily exposed therefore increasing the number of Inhumans, an obvious ploy of Blackbolt’s. Contact that killed many humans. Contact that was not avoidable by most mutants as well. Lack of optional Teregenisis just leaves unexposed Inhumans alive and unpowered. The loss of the clouds does not destroy them. The presence of the clouds was destroying us.”


Illyana continued. “Now let’s imagine there was some mutant cloud that helped mutants, but was not essential for mutants, and it was killing those with the Inhuman genes. Do you suppose the Inhumans would have been ok with that? Or would they have destroyed the cloud, and any one who defended the cloud? Not to mention any who created the damned cloud in the first place.”


Hank admitted that… “Likely war would have resulted.”


“Would it? Would mutants… would the X-Men be defending something that was killing off the Inhumans?”


Hank had a thoughtful look. “I’d like to think no. I’m sure some would have argued in its favor.”


“Would you Hank?”




“Did any Inhumans argue against it?”


“At the very end some did.”


“Only at the end Hank. And were they the Royals?”




“Okay Hank, now lets say that the cloud of Inhuman killing gas was a cure for the Legacy virus, you know… the virus that was killing off mutants a few years back. Now would you defend the cloud?”


A sigh of regret from Hank. “No… actual ethics dictate the same outcome regardless of which side a person is on. That’s how morals work. I must admit that there was and is an ethical… deficiency in most Inhuman reasoning. Would you have defended the cloud Illyana?”


“No Hank. And that is why I don’t like Inhumans. Situational ethics sums them up very well. Some… just some… of the Inhumans didn’t think things through. But most did. Most didn’t care. And the Royals really didn’t care.”


“So you’d never work with Inhumans?”


“Didn’t say that, but…”




“I don’t think I’d ask nicely for help, or be nice about working with them. I forbore killing all of them before, next time I suspect I’ll let them know that I can. Fear works as doing the right thing does not appear to be a general Inhuman behavior.”


And a private thought by Illyana. (And no way would I let on as to my true abilities, likely just let them think I’m a bruiser or something. Hmmm, likely need to make some kind of dramatic entrance as well, and… why not just keep calling them Inhumans instead of names… let them know what it’s like. Ohhh, if I have to teleport them around I’ll have at least one of them get car sick… If that happens then I hope it’s that Inhuman called Inferno, what an asshole… giggle… damn it, I hate it when I giggle.)


Hank so did not like the sound of the giggle that escaped Illyana.


Illyana stood back up. “Times up.”


Hank groaned, but stood up as well. The game resumed and Hank continued to lose.


Next time I’m going to pick basketball, was his internal thought.



Part 25c: Differing definitions about fun (after Hydra, Illyana can teleport again)


“This is NOT fun!” Proclaimed Hank loudly from the top of a tree. A Hank that was now only wearing a torn pair of shorts.


A flicker of light and Illyana was floating in the air next to him. “Don’t be a baby Hank. You said you wanted to go hunting with us.” Us being Illyana, Laura, and Dani (see the story Tag I’m It for details).


“To observe! Mostly to observe!”


“Looks like you have a good view from where you’re at so what’s the problem?”


“Getting chased up a tree by a pack of Velociraptors! And why the hell is there always something that destroys clothing? Every time I come to the Savage Land… Poof off goes most of the clothing! Like it’s some kind of rule! Go to the Savage Land, get naked as something always destroys your cloths!”


“Pfffffff.” Relied Illyana with less then a sympathetic tone.


“How do you even know the Fall People!?” Hank began to throw pinecones at the three Velociraptors that were trying to climb the tree. One when right down the throat of a Velociraptor, causing it to choke as the spines of the cone got it wedged.


Illyana looked troubled for a second, then replied with a casual air. “I… met the Fall People a while ago when… um… long story...”


“And how the hell do you still have your clothing?! Everybody else is in rags! And why does that kid keep calling you Auntie?!”


Illyana did not answer about the clothing. “Kids come up with all kinds of nicknames… opps, looks like they’ve cornered the main pack. Gotta go!”


Illyana teleported away, apparently rejoining the hunt with the Laura, Dani, and the Fall People’s hunting party who were dealing with a band of Velociraptors that had been menacing the village.


Hank broke off a branch and used it to poke at the two remaining velociraptors, the third had fallen and was choking to death. He grumbled to himself at the unfairness of it all, how, to his knowledge, Illyana had never even been to the Savage Land. Why, supposedly her brother had been here years before with the X-Men and…




And how the kid kind of had Peter’s face.


Crap… No wonder he calls her Auntie thought Hank, and… he decided that that was a sleeping dog left best undisturbed for now.

Chapter 26


I had fun with the last chapter, mostly an exploration of how and why Illyana dislikes/hates the Inhumans. I did like how, in the comic, Dante kept barfing after every teleport and Illyana’s comment about how her teleportation disks always affects a certain type of person. The certain type of person likely being Dante as I think Illyana is deliberately causing him to puke (likely a curse or something) due to his attitude.

This short chapter is about (SPOILER ALERT) Loki and the Dr. Strange comics. Apparently Loki is now Sorcerer Supreme and Wanda (the Scarlet Witch) is not happy about that, nor are most magical folks. No idea as of yet how that happened in the comics. Oh, and Strange is now a veterinarian, which is odd, to say the least.

I wonder what Illyana thinks about it?

Chapter Text

Part 26a: What to do about Loki


“I can’t believe you just sit there drinking a beer Illyana.” Proclaimed Wanda with ire and irritation.


Illyana’s reply was shot and to the point. “This is a bar. I ordered a beer. I’m drinking said beer. That is what one does in a bar Wanda.”


The local… the Bar with no doors. A magical hangout for those who know how to enter (that whole no door thing), and who could tolerate the appalling lack of good decorating taste of a really seedy Tiki bar.


Wand used a straw to sip on her Pina Colada, which was in a hollowed out pineapple (Wanda loved such pho-pho drinks, it even had a little umbrella). “Loki should not be Sorcerer Supreme!”


“Should and is are not the same thing Wanda. He won that competition that they infrequently have for the title.” Answered Illyana. Damn it, she just wanted beer and some light conversation while she waited for her guest, not a political discussion.


“A competition that you did not enter.”


“Already Sorcerer Supreme of Limbo. No way do I want the job of Earth’s Sorcerer Supreme.” Was Illyana’s response. That and… having to wake up early. Illyana liked sleeping in as she was a night owl kind of person. Pfff on waking up early.


“But you could have won! And then Loki wouldn’t be the Sorcerer Supreme! That would have prevented a creature of evil from having the title. I mean the things he’s done. How many times has he tried to enslave or destroy people! I can’t count how many times that happened when I was an Avenger. He’s evil! Does bad things! Whereas you… um…” Yeah, Wanda finally remembered she was talking to a demon hell lord. “Your better then that.” She lamely finished.


Illyana took another drink of her beer (Blue Moon for those who care), then replied. “He’s doing a good job so far. And the job does not require that one be ‘good’ per say, just that they win the competition and are willing to do what the job requires. Hells, Dr. Doom has almost won a few times.”


“Another person you’re strangely chummy with. First Doom and now Loki.” Accused Wanda, she was on her third rum based drink and the Bar with no doors did make them strong.


Illyana grinned. “Doom has a presence that is very attractive, he’s a great dancer and I’ll point out that you’re the one who almost married him Wanda.”


“I was not myself at that time! I didn’t remember who I was.”


Illyana went on the attack. “Face it Wanda, you wanted to bone Dr. Doom. And Doom being the gentleman, felt that honor required that he marry you first… can’t believe you wore white by the way. And yes you were not in your right mind, but who’s fault was that? Doom did nothing but help you, heck even you admitted that.”


Wanda realized that… “You’re trying to change the subject!”


Damn… thought Illyana, found me out. “Look Wanda, I believe in second chances.”


“Loki has had many chances, and thrown them all away! You could have won the competition!”


“Why do you think that?”


“You were Strange’s apprentice! You rule Limbo! You not only know Book of the Vishanti and other white magics, you’ve read the Darkhold, the Necronomicon, and a host of others. The secrets of dark and light magic are yours!”


“Don’t want the job.” Groused Illyana. “And as I said I like second chances. For Doom, for Loki, for you… heck and even more me. Plus…”






“No what? You were about to say something.”


“I find that house creepy.”


“You? You find his house creepy?”


“Yeah… what’s the big deal?”


“You’re a hell lord, and partially a demon.”


“It… creaks… don’t like creaking houses… creeps me out at night.”




“No buts Wanda… don’t want the job. Opps, gotta go, my guest just arrived.”


Dani had just appeared from a wall behind Wanda, Illyana waved to attract Dani’s attention as she walked over. Best not to get Wanda and Dani close, Dani was still upset at the whole “No more mutants thingie from long ago”.


Chapter 27


Part two of my Illyana/Inhuman (Opps I mean the Illyana/Genocidal Racist Xenophobic Slave-Owners) crossover. I was never an Inhumans fan in the first place, and of course Marvel/Disney pushing them as replacements for the X-Men due to fighting with Fox Studies was rather a failure in the that the TV series was bad, the comics were equally bad (not that I bought them) and the characters are just not very appealing. Once Disney is done regaining the X-Men franchise, as they are now buying parts of Fox Studios, I suspect we will see the Inhumans mostly fade back to the place they belong (occasional story elements for other series) rather then a plethora of comics few people actually buy.

Illyana of course continues to be snarky in issue 10 of Secret Warriors. Rather interesting that the current X-Mean school is in central park, so close to the Inhuman New Attilan city (which is somewhere in New York City, on some small island by the Statue of Liberty I think). Man that has just got to be uncomfortable for some, not to mention lines at Starbucks (interestingly the X-Men are shown paying New York taxes, wonder if the Inhumans do?).

Chapter Text

Illyana does fight in the Secret Warriors, but… appears to be watching most of the time, as if she’s more enabling and waiting for something rather then being a true participant in most of the activities. So… just why is Illyana really with the Secret Warriors? This is my take.


Part 26a: Inhumans Part II


Location: New Attilan throne room, a spacious high ceiling room with pillars, with both murals and paintings on the walls, statues in various niches, with the throne at one end of the room. Built to impress any visitor with the grander and might of the Inhumans.


The Secret Warriors (Quake, Ms. Marvel ,Moon Girl, and Inferno) have just left the throne room whereas Illyana has been asked to stay by Iso for a few private words. The Secret Warriors had gone to New Attilan after the explosion in Iowa; after a bit of a group discussion as to what to do (Illyana has just waited for them to decide). Once at New Attilan they had explained the issues and the Inhumans had then gathered all the other kids with Inhuman genes that had somehow altered by Mister Sinister to explode when getting media attention (just to make Inhumans look bad).


FYI: Iso is the appointed ruler of New Attilan by Medusa, the former Inhuman queen. Iso’s real name is Xiaoyi Chen, from China, and her Inhuman DNA was revealed by her involuntary exposure to the Terrigen Clouds caused by Blackbolt’s Terrigen bomb; which gave Iso the ability to project concussive pressure wave blasts. At the end of X vs. Inhumans series Medusa abdicated the throne and gave all leadership duties to Iso, supposedly because Medusa felt that her people won't understand why she destroyed the remaining Terrigen Clouds (a more likely reason was to avoid having to explain the whole mess). Why the Inhuman citizens of New Attilan would then allow Medusa to appoint her replacement says a great deal about Inhuman problem solving abilities and their tendency towards lemming like political behaviours.


Iso had dismissed her advisors and guards in order to have a private conversation with Magik. A dismissal that generated more then a little angst amongst those advisers and guards. Illyana had just wandered about the throne room while they briefly complained with many variations of…


“Mutant. Everybody knows you can’t trust mutants. Even her own distrust her.”


“Her rudeness is disgraceful; she refused to kneel before the throne.”


“We should take this opportunity to punish her, throw her into prison for her crimes against Inhumans and the Royals. Or even…”


“She is not just a mutant, but a witch as well, she could enchant you or spirit you away. You can’t take such a risk!”


The last complaint was personally that were dismissed by Iso. “That is something she can do at anytime if she so wishes. For now she is free to stay with the Secret Warriors after I have words with her, but she is not to be allowed to wander on her own. That is all.”


Grudgingly they had departed. Finally, the two were alone, Iso on the Inhuman throne, and Illyana examining an ancient mural on one wall (salvaged from the ruins of the prior throne room when Black Bolt had blown up the old city of Attilan). Illyana was the first to speak as she gestured at the mural.


“Fixed I see.”


Iso replied with a tone of slight rebuke. “Yes, it was quite broken during the X-Men attack upon this city. Something that the citizens were most displeased with, that and the other damages to the throne room. The throne room is considered a sacred place and represents the center of Inhuman society.”


Illyana was dismissive to Iso’s statement. “Here’s a suggestion, don’t fight in it next time.”


Iso started to correct Illyana. “They… we were defending our own. We have a right to self defence…” She stopped, as she realized that such justification also completely legitimized the actions the X-Men had taken in attacking and defeating the Inhumans so as to enable their attempt to destroy the second sacred cloud; a cloud that was killing all the mutants on the planet.


Illyana said nothing in reply but her impassive expression conveyed her utter disinterest in such complaints.


Iso started again. “Regardless of past… occurrences, I hope that we can put our differences aside going forward. In this and other things.”


Illyana went off topic, at least as to the bland politically correct conversation that Iso was attempting. “How’s the throne?”


“It… is comfortable…?”


“Limbo’s throne is just a stone chair. Means nothing, center of nothing, only the occupant matters. I find it odd how so many things are supposedly sacred to Inhumans. Sacred crystals, gas, rituals, throne… but everything not Inhuman is inferior, dirt, dismissed with not a thought as to the consequences if it interferes with Inhuman stated goals or desires.”


“That is not fair.”


“Life is not fair. Ask the dead, ask Scott.”


“Your Scott Summers did not die by our hand. Black Bolt did not kill him, all he slew was a mental projection by Emma Frost. A trick that helped to formulate the strife between our kinds. It was all her doing for simple vengeance.”


“Vengeance? Vengeance for what? Hmm? She would never have had a need for vengeance if not for the deeds of your and yours. Trick… yeah, in a way, but he still died because of Inhuman gas. But all Emma? Naaa, not at first. She’s good, real good, but that takedown of the first cloud… that had a whole lot of Scott in it.”


“Impossible, he was dead.”


“Yep, died while linked to one of the strongest and most skilled telepaths on the planet. I think… part of him lingered.”


A valid observation in retrospect.


“Regardless of how Summers died, he was a wanted criminal and was…”


Illyana interrupted. “If you start with the Hitler comments then I will get upset. Currently politics are so very juvenile. Everybody calls their opponent a Hitler. Hitler this, Hitler that. Which so glosses over what a Hitler, Stalin, or Mao actually did. All Scott did, or to be more specific, a virtual Scott residue via Emma, was to destroy one of two clouds. A terrorist act according to the Inhumans, but… the moron who detonated the actual mutant killing bomb or the fools who defended the resulting mutant killing clouds, they get off scot-free? Last time I checked, nobody died other then mutants when the first cloud was destroyed. But which sounds more like a Hitler? The one who destroyed the cloud that was killing thousands, or the ones who created and defended the cloud despite the harm it did to others solely because they said it was sacred?”


Illyana nudged a floor tile with her left boot, it came loose and slid away “Opps… place is still fragile, poke at it and it just falls apart… so much for the superior Inhuman technology I guess. Does that make the place less sacred now? And… all those dead and sick mutants, all because Black Bolt’s bomb, but no charges against him… but might makes right… right?”


Iso was beginning to realize just how irritating Illyana could be, she reflected upon Magik’s dossier (assembled by the Inhuman intelligence council, which based upon the published stories, should all be fired).


Dossier Excerpt – Illyana Rasputin (A.K.A Magik)



Little has been learned from her companions, associates, or even the human news media as there is a profound tendency to not discuss her. As a result, factual knowledge about Miss Rasputin is thin. Her mutant ability apparently allows her to navigate time, space, and dimensions. That is the more understood component of her powers. She supposedly is the ruler of a demonic dimension called Limbo, and again supposed wields vast magical powers; yet we see little proof of such abilities other then her sword. Although her ability to avoid being struck by various powers is likely tied to her magical abilities.


Known close associate of the deceased Scott Summers and the still living Emma Frost. She has consistently expressed distain and even outright hatred for Inhumans ever since the Sacred clouds unfortunate side affects manifested for mutants.


It must be emphasised that much remains unknown about her. What is known is that she is prone of violence, tends towards rudeness, and should be considered highly dangerous.


End Dossier Excerpt


Iso asked, with a hint of menace. “Is that meant to be some kind of implied threat?”


Illyana just shrugged in disinterest. “Take it as you wish.”


Iso scowled while internally sighing to herself.   “Your… presence in New Attilan is problematic.”


Illyana did not make it any easier. “Yes, another reminder to you Inhumans on how easy it was to take down your defences. They… or you now… I mean, you're not just a figurehead meant to draw fire while Medusa and Black Bolt regroup to inevitably return and rein once again…, right? You really need to come up with some defence plans that don’t involve the threat of Blackbolt. And you might want to consider the impacts upon others next time you decide to poison the planet.”


Iso scowled. “And that is not being helpful.”


Illyana did not look impressed. “It's meant to be, since you've never done this before, ruling that is. It was easy to take the Inhumans down. Blackbolt. That mutt of yours. Trapping Karnak. And of course decapitating your leadership by placing them in Limbo. I mean, it’s obvious that planning is not one of Medusa’s stronger attributes.”


“An incarceration which they escaped from.”


“Yeah, I told Storm, and Emma, that their plans were too complicated. It would be easier to kill then capture. But…past occurrences, right?" Illyana waited for the grudging, frustrated nod of assent before continuing. "So... You think they actually escaped from Limbo?”




“Pfffff.” Was Illyana’s reply. “Really… Minor demons to guard them, no alarms, and oh so conveniently placed next the now evacuated school where Black Bolt was concealed in the basement?”


Ok, described that way it sounded… suspiciously like it a setup. Iso tried to get back on topic. “I don’t wish to rehash old fights.”


Illyana just had to twist the knife a bit more. “I can see why… I mean do you guys actually win any fights, or do you just play pretend, rewrite history? Hell, Hydra had no problems taking you all down as well. I hope no super powered aggressive panhandlers take you guys on next.”


Iso ignored Illyana’s statement. “Was it necessary to insult Naja and Grid?”


All of the Inhumans has been hostile towards Illyana, but Naja and Grid has been quite vocal as the Secret Warriors had been escorted to the throne room.


“They got in my face, I returned it with interest. Not my fault that the Terrigen gas turned Naja into some kind of lizard girl creature or cost Grid his hands… that’s once again the fault of that Terrigen bomb, the one Black Bolt detonated. You know… the one that killed all those mutants and the Inhumans defended all those months… you remember… that cloud.”


“The cloud has been destroyed. By Inhumans I point out.”


“And… gee… that’s what we were doing before you personally blew up Forge’s machine. Hell, if you put it to a vote, these Inhumans would have kept the clouds and left all mutants to die. And I think they still would. Now who sounds like Hitler?”


“Your occupation of New Attilan earned you no friends here.”


“And yet… we took prisoners, minimized damages. You’d all be dead we’d followed Blackbolt’s and Medusa’s methods.” Like I wished to was left unsaid by Illyana, but the vibe was there.


An observation that was annoying correct. Iso attempted to change the subject.


“And yet here you are helping an Inhuman and attempting to rescue an Inhuman child. And associating with the Secret Warriors.” The Secret Warriors were a group of Inhumans that were not liked by the rest of Inhumans due to their tendency to not follow orders from the Inhuman hierarchy.


“Yes, they are rather annoying, but most of them are less self righteous then your average Inhuman, apart from Dante that is, you’d think he’d fit in here but apparently he’s too much of an asshole for even Inhumans to like. I do give them credit for actually trying to do things.”


“And that’s all? I find that hard to believe.”


A question that prompted slightly more directed answer from Illyana.


“Don’t like it when kids are involved.” Was Illyana’s response.


“Why are you really here Magik?”


“Exactly what I said before, helping to locate Dante’s niece, and to recapture Dark Beast.”


“That cannot possible be the whole truth.”


No reply from Illyana, just a bored expression as she then turned around looking at some decorations on the ceiling at the far side of the throne room.


Iso tried a jab of her own. “We could throw you out.”


Illyana turned back and for just an instant, just the most timelessly small flicker of time, Illyana’s profile was…



Had hooves.

A tail flicked.


Yellow eyes.

Vast darkness, like wings, behind her.


Isos blinked and it was just Illyana again, giving a nonchalant answer.


“Sure… Your choice.”


Iso then dismissed Magik and she left to rejoin her traveling companions in a lounge where they were watching TV news coverage of Iowa.


Iso’s advisers came back into the room and make inquires as to what had been discussed. Iso answered.


“She’s here to help… but I suspect that is not the full reason.”


Iso continued. “My belief is that she’s really here to make sure that whatever Karnak is up to does not create any new threats to Mutants.”

Chapter 28


A bit of a long intro for this chapter.

On the website comic book resources dot com, under the X-Books page on Magik Appreciation page 295 (gee who would have guessed that I read that page, and very infrequently contribute) Gorm said the following in response to Illyana’s participation X-Men gold 24 (one speaking panel, on poise, then she got knocked out). My comments for Gorm’s writing have my initials (DH)

Chapter Text

Gorm: One word balloon that could have been said by anyone, two panels conscious, one panel unconscious flying through the air, one panel unconscious being carried.


Ink (DH-code name for a minor X-Men character that is currently getting a bunch of air time as it were, his power is based upon being tattooed) got ten times the respect of the Hell Lord.


When she was locked up in the bomb jacket not speaking she had a larger role. (DH-Agree, that is why I wrote the story Snowflake on ice).


That's the problem of being on the "B Team": they give the Blackbird more agency, and it is less useful and far, far slower than stepping disks. Frankly, instead of flying inside the Blackbird, she should just teleport it to the destination, like she did once dropping off a spaceship near a target planet, back during the Gosymyr fiasco under Simonson just before Inferno.


In her own way, Illyana is more powerful than the Silver Surfer or Thor, so putting her on a team with non-Cosmics requires finesse.


Why knock her out?


How about, "OK, I've dropped you off, now I've got to join my four other teams, plus have some long overdue face time with the Living Tribunal. Call me when you need to be picked up."


Gorm then commented:


Have you read dhalpin3's fanfic about Magik in Gotham? (DH-series of stories , in written with LordGrise as my co author, three DC based stories at this time Arkham, Girls night out II, and What to do about Magik Gotham style. Three out of the fifty plus Illyana stories, all of my stories are Illyana based, and yes more Gotham stories are on the way).


As far as I'm concerned, dhalpin3's works have been the True Magik Canon since Bendis stepped away (and they supplement & rationalize the Backstory of everything Illyana, earning many No-Prizes worth of marvel zombiedom streetcred.)


[While fighting Mr. Sinister with the X-tinction Team, I always pictured Illyana as sighing & rolling her eyes while playing dead when Hope tried to use her borrowed Stepping Disks to teleport through Limbo, finally doing the 'port for Hope since they must pass through Illyana's Realm of Absolute Power (as if merely Celestial-boosted telepathy could actually overcome her Hell-Lord AT-Field grade Xavier-proof mental shields... it's lonely inside there, inside her mind with no soul to comfort her, in her agony of Reigning in Hell with all the responsibilities of God)]


Gorm is quire correct in that writing Illyana one must always address why she does what she does (I bind her with rules that prevent a Hell Lord from excessively interfering, a propensity to throw fights, and the desire to not be the magic genie.) Gorm’s comments prompted a chuckle from me, and a short story.


So… this chapter is dedicated to Gorm (thanks for the comments and the recommendation).



Part 28a: Bar with no doors


Illyana Nikolievna Rasputina, A.K.A Illyana Rasputin, A.K.A Magik, A.K.A Darkchilde, A.K.A Ruler of Limbo, A.K.A Yana was sitting at a table watching the ongoing battle in Las Vegas on one of the magical big screens that are mounted over the bar. Mostly the TV’s were used to pirate sporting events, and HBO, but today they were tuned into the on going damnation of Las Vegas and the various Avengers, who had been transformed into Ghost Riders, as they fought the heroes that Wong had assembled to free Doctor Strange from Mephisto (See the ongoing Doctor Strange Damnation limit series).


Instead of being dressed in the tight black leather getup that had been her current costume of choice, she was dressed in a variation of her old skin tight spandex New Mutant’s uniform.


“Why the change Yana?” Asked Loki, her drinking companion. He was currently indulging his taste for Bourbons. “Rather preferred your prior style, more… individualistic, less we’re all mutants and must dress alike in mutant solidarity.”


Yana slurped up the last of her Pina Colada from the hollowed out pineapple, via the drink’s straw.


“Bobby wanted a more… uniform team look, of course he was running around with a giant red X on his uniform, just like the new Pyro flame guy; you just know he’s going to be hitting on him. That whole fire and ice thing. Sooo… who would have guessed that Bobby could be inconsistent? Not to mention the whole B team thing he kept talking about, rather annoying considering our history.”


Loki took another sip of his bourbon (you sip the good stuff folk, don’t slurp it down) and gestured at the TV screen that was currently showing a battle between the Avengers and Wong’s team.


“Rather surprised that Wong did not approach you for his Stephan rescue mission”.


Illyana waved at the bartender for a refill. “Can’t… Act against Mephisto in this and becomes a territorial battle between Hell Lords; and we really don’t need that; you should have seen the mess Thor left in Limbo that one time he was there… And Wong should have approached you.”


Another sip of golden liquid, then Loki responded. “But that would have required rational thought, and admitting that perhaps I was deserving and that I am no longer the god I used to be. Hard to shake one’s repudiation after so much… history.”


“Been there, doing that.” Was Illyana’s reply as she took a sip of her refilled drink. “Just because I dress in black so many folks keep calling me Goth… Heck… Maybe I’ll actually go Goth for a bit just to show them.”


Loki inquired as to… “Why did you all show up on the X-Jet to fight that Inhuman chump Guerrero?   Inhumans… bah... nitwits and fools the lot of them. But taking a plane to travel a mile or two?”


Illyana answered while looking annoyed as she remembered. “Bobby wanted to make a dramatic entrance… I think we could have gotten there faster by taking the subway or even a cab; not to mention that Rogue flies for crying out loud. I mean… it’s a mile away Bobby, why take the effort to arrive in a jet? Just wanted to look flashy I suppose.”


“And not teleporting?”


“Bobby again.”


Loki picked up the takeout menu and started looking at the appetizers… hmm fried shrimp looked tasty. “Rather envy you on your family relations.”


Illyana knew that feeling well and had a tidbit of advice. “I know a good family councilor if you need one, really helped me and my brother work things out… but somehow I don’t think Odin is one for taking advice from anybody, much less a mortal.”


Loki did have to agree on that point. “Father can be most… difficult… and Mother… and my Brother… and… everybody I guess.”


“You did good as Sorcerer Supreme… very impassive.”


“Thanks… appreciate it. Any plans for tonight?”


“Putting together a girls night out with Dani, Jubilee, Laura and Mazikeen, hang out in central park and beat up crooks, then likely go clubbing afterwards. Oh… and Xi’am (Karma) wants to meet with me about some idea she has.”


“Sounds entertaining.”


“I hope so.”


Loki inquired. “Can I join in?”


“Only if you want to change your gender again.  As I said, girl's night out.”


Loki decided to take a rain check. “Not tonight…

Chapter 29


The latest issue of X-Men Gold is out (Issue 25) which I found enjoyable from an Illyana perspective even if she is deliberately underplaying her abilities (she’s in print and not too badly written so counting my blessings). Aftger reading it I thought upon the idea that a major writing component of Chris Claremont’s work was endless internal dialog thought bubbles. One thing I’ve really liked on the returned Illyana is that we almost never ever see any thought bubbles for her. All we see are her words, which are few, and her actions (which I find to be very good writing as you’re always wondering just what is her real motives). Sooooo, I got to thinking, what might have been her internal monolog for #25 as we all know she’s underselling what she can actually do.

Oh, and for those who don’t know, Kitty and Peter are getting married.

Chapter Text

Part 29a: Summary


Spooler alert as here is a summary of #25 from an Illyana perspective. Illyana and Armor are fighting the Rhino (Spiderman villain) in Times Squire when the giant TV’s show that the god Scythian Algurus (who is five hundred feet tall because the bigger the god the more dangerous they are I suppose) has come to Paris France to destroy the world (massive negative points for Scythian Algurus as he’s picking on the French; I mean we are talking cheese eating surrender monkeys after all so rather weak on super villain credentials). Illyana dumps the Rhino into Limbo, then Armor joins the rest of the X-Men on a Blackbird as they jet off to France (which even a Blackbird would take an hour so I guess Scythian just first ate all the croissants and then got upset about the bad coffee, hence the rampage) while Illyana goes to the prison to get the incarnated X-Men freed (Storm, Kitty, Kurt, Rachael, and Peter).


While many X-Men gather for the fight, along with the British heroes Captain Brittan and his wife Meggan cause I guess all the French heroes had something better to do, Illyana goes to the prison and tries to reason with the Warden who of course refuses. Storm then storms in, having freed herself and is talked out of kicking the Warden’s ass (she was locked in a small cell and had a claustrophobia attack) by Illyana. The imprisoned X-Men are freed and Illyana teleports them to Paris.


Much fighting ensures while Illyana concentrates on creating a massive teleportation portal while Rachael stands guard and looks pissed off about standing guard while the rest of the X-Men attack. Not sure if she’s annoyed at missing the fight or annoyed about having to guard Illyana.


In the end, after much physical combat, Kitty crashes the Blackbird into the back of Scythian Algurus causing most of him to fall into the teleportation portal to Limbo with the some residual god gunk being vaporized. Paris of course has like, several billion Euros worth of damage and of course a pissed of god in Limbo (a story line I really hope they do not pursue).


So… dear readers, the following words would all have been Illyana thought bubbles in the above situations.



Part 29b: Times square (New York)


Gods, now I’m pretending to fight a man dressed in a rhinoceros suit? Where the hells is a spider dude when you need one? Hmmm… I wonder just who’s IQ is the lowest amongst the ritual spider man foes; I suspect the Rhino is towards the bottom… nah… the bottom. The absolute bottom. What a douche. Even Armor is unimpressed as she hasn’t bothered to armor up yet.


This is so boring, I’ll just… No.


Focus Illyana! Focus. Let everybody else take the lead. Let the rest of the team solve the problem with my contributions. Don’t solve the problem by yourself. Let Armor and Rhino dude punch it out for a bit while I suppose I get knocked aside. Groan…


But damnation, this is dull, all he does is charge about like… like a freaking rhino. Has that ever worked for him?


The things I put up with. Letting Bobby declare that I’m part of the B team…


Pretending to lose in the Danger room to a simulated Magneto, like Erik and I would resort to fighting…


Then letting myself get knocked out on the fight with the Shredded man…


And now fighting a moron in a rhino suit… A freaking Rhino Suit! Bet he aspires to be a D level villain. If the Green Goblin shows up I swear I’m going to shove one of those exploding pumpkins right up his goblin hole.


What’s next? Gumby? Bum wars over dumpster territory? Or Bobby getting all flustered if Hercules shows up all oiled like he tends to do.


And I’m still wearing this retro New Mutant uniform just because Bobby wants a common look, which of course he doesn’t follow.


Need to get with Rachael about Kitty’s bachelorette party, shards I hope she’s not going to be a bitch about that. At least she’s less bitchy now that she and Kurt are an item, guess she’s finally getting some action, of course she’s in prison now so that action may be of a different variety.


Hmmm, if I left an illusion of myself I could go find Dani and have breakfast at the place she likes, the one with the savory quiche and really spicy cheese hash browns and those great muffins…


No… that’s not fair to Armor, she’d be pissed if she learned that I did that… sigh… What riveting dialog he utters as Armor exclaims Oh No’ over something, it’s not like I’m paying attention, heck I’m amazed I don’t fall asleep.


“Oh No is right. A world of hurt’s is coming At’cha!” Is his oh so not intimidating threat. Gods I’m fighting a man dressed as a Rhino, new low. I guess it’s Paste Pot Pete next.


I see, Armor explains that a god named Scythian is attacking Paris. Okay a reason to cut this fiasco of a fight off. Hmm, let’s give this Rhino loser a little curse. Bet that Rhino suit is going really suck after a round of explosive diarrhea. Giggle.


I drop the idiot into Limbo, he looks like he’ll survive; at least for a while. Need to leave myself a Post-It note or something to remained me to retrieve him before something eats him.



Part 29c: New York Prison Warden’s office


Don’t turn him into a pig. Don’t turn him into a pig. Don’t turn him into a pig. Don’t turn him into a…


Obeying Kitty on not forcing the issue really sucks. All I have to do is drop this bureaucratic idiot through Limbo for a few seconds and I’d get instant compliance, but no… Obstinate Fool.   Gah… I sound like Doom now.


Man… what a dumpy office for a Warden.


Ut-oh, Ororo jus showed and she’s looking really pissed, and I see she’s removed her power inhibitor collar. About time Storm! Fing Goddesses do not wear prison orange for crying out loud, and orange is so not your color, yuck.


Looks like she’s about to zap the idiot, I talk her out of it by pointing out the god trashing Paris on the TV.   Gee, no Avengers, what a shock.



Part 29d: Roof of the New York Prison


Really hope Kitty doesn’t ask why I just happen to have a duffle bag of their costumes handy, not like I was planning a prison break... today. And of course Rachael bitches about having to be transported to Paris via Limbo. Is there something she doesn’t complain about? Kurt, you really can do better, bet they break up within a month or two… although she is dating Kurt she she’d likely into kinky stuff with tails…


At least she’s still avoiding the mullet hairstyle, but what a non shock in that she’s copied Kitty’s hairstyle. Ray.. just trying too hard there.


And of course Miss I’ve been locked in a jail cell and haven’t bathed is complaining about how Limbo smells…



Part 29e: A Paris Plaza


Here I am concentrating on conjuring a massive teleportation portal, and Rachael is giving me the evil stink eye because Kitty assigned her to guard me as I’m busy with the portal. Damn I just can’t win with her.


Shards, what a bitch… Bet she tries to cut me out of the bachelorette party with some lame excuse like she thought I was busy that night. At least she’s gotten rid of the cap, shards that was a bad look; only Ororo does the cape well. Let’s see red hair, red face tattoos, red costume, with some black thought. I do like the spikes that she put on it.


Okay… cast the disk… while the others attach and drive this idiot of a godling into it… Let’s see, the putrefied fields of rotting flesh is a good place to dump him for now, or the bottomless sea of rotten bile… yeah… let’s see how well he swims in that stuff.


And there goes a billion dollars as Kitty smashes the Backbird into his back driving him into the portal. Ouch… Man just how many of these things do we go though? I swear we must have a hanger of the things or some magic replicater that just coughs out one at the push of a button.


Done. Idiot godling trapped in Limbo, well… most of him. Some of him got fried and that gunk is on me… Yuck. That’s going take a long shower to wash off.


Going to have to sneak off and have some words with him. Make him lie low only to inevitably escape at some point. And still Rachel is giving me the stink eye.


Hmmm I’m forgetting about something… oh well… I’ll eventually remember.



Part 29f: Meanwhile, somewhere and somewhen in Limbo


The Rhino was running for his life. “Wat’s is dis place!”  Was his panicky cry.


It turns out Demons had a saying about Rhino, tastes like pork; and demons love a pork barbeque.


Chapter 30


Looks like Marvel is preparing Rachel Summers for some kind of meltdown (I’ve read some Dark Rachel story rumors online, and X-Men Gold keeps hinting at it). They’re having her have Hound flashbacks, dreams, and mental issues, not to mention weaker telepaths kicking her mental ass, and she’s refusing to talk about it. My guess is Editorial doesn’t know what to do with her so the old tried and true plot ploy (let’s make her a villain) is being pulled out. Not sure if it’s a one issue thing, or a long term story line. The meltdown appears to be scheduled for the Kitty and Peter wedding issue because weddings are dull without major drama (let’s spice up the reception with a super villain attack) which in reality only a fool would do because bridezilla would have their heads.

Chapter Text

I suppose it rather sucks that Rachel now has two versions of her mother (Jean Grey senior and junior) wandering about, with neither of them appearing to want to have anything to do with her. Rather sad story line for Rachel, but I guess there’s a bit of a surplus of redheaded telepath/telekinetics at the moment. But better then Hope’s fate (into the classroom with you and I suppose we’ll see if we can come up with a story in a few years, until then it’s Algebra time!) as going villain should give her some major publishing content.


The comic about comics (Waiting for the trade) likes to portray Rachel as a bit of a recreational toker (which I stole for this story). FYI for those who don’t know, Kurt is currently Rachel’s boyfriend. Hmm, for some reason I’m suddenly writing a bunch about X-Men being in therapy (you’ll get what I’m talking about next chapter).


Dedicated to KittyViolet and Magik3 (I stole the idea Rachel and Illyana fighting in the danger room from their writing as I’ve been trying to come up with an Illyana/Rachel chapter, although my version it is a bit less… naughty).



Part 30a: Late night danger room workout


“Have you ever questioned the nature of your reality?” Asked Rachel of Illyana, as she inflicted a physical and a telekinetic smack that flung Illyana ten feet back and onto her ass, causing her to slide an additional seven feet on the training mats.


The two were in the Danger room having a late night training session. Why Illyana you ask? After all, Rachel is not exactly a friend of Illyana, more of a frienemy really, nor has she shown any interest in Illyana interaction. The answer is simple, Rachel wanted to fight somebody and Illyana was always on for a fight, plus Rachel didn’t want to feel guilty if the fight got a bit nastily. An additional bonus was Illyana was always a good sparing partner for telepaths as their inability to read her mind forced them to focus on their five senses instead of over relying upon telepathy.


Illyana was dressed in her usual skimpy and tight black field costume while Rachel was wearing her full body red and black spandex field costume (minus the cape thank God). This time they were fighting to music as Illyana had pressed her iPod to the wall (where it stuck, magic is so helpful at times, and sync it with the Danger room’s sound system), she’d convinced Rachel to hit the special play button resulting in the songs being played.

Currently they were fighting to Walking on Broken Glass by Annie Lennox.


Now everyone of us was made to suffer

Everyone of us was made to weep

But we've been hurting one another

And now the pain has cut too deep…

So take me from the wreckage

Save me from the blast

Lift me up and take me back

Don't let me keep on walking…

I can't keep on walking

I can't keep on walking on broken glass


Illyana flipped and came back into an on guard position, but now with her blazing soul sword. “First cheat to you.” Was her comment.


Rule 1: Hand to hand only, not powers. Until somebody cheats, then you get answer back, and get to bank a cheat for later use (a kind of get out of jail free card).


There was a flash of light above Rachel and the posterior of a very large, and fat, demon emerged from a light circle and fell towards Rachel. Who of course used her telekinesis to stop the demon’s ass from squishing her flat (with the usual dramatic poise).


Well… would have stopped it if Illyana had not thrown her soul sword into Rachel, disrupting and stunning her, resulting in the big booty squish (the sword did not cut because Illyana did not desire that). And now there was a surprised looking demon sitting upon the floor for a few seconds before Illyana summoned another teleportation disk to return it to Limbo. Leaving a wide eye Rachel (wide eyed at the audacity of the attack, the side affects of the sword, and let’s just say the demon had been a tad gassy).


Rule 2: Once you cheat, you can’t cheat again until the other person cheats, and a banked cheat did not count as a cheat so you can’t retaliate with your powers; otherwise you trigger rule three. So far rule three had never been triggered (too potentially humiliating as it involved… well… no need to go into details).


“That was excessive.” Complained Rachel waving a hand in front of her face and creating some telepathic wind as well (as if she was getting rid of a noxious smell).


“Brought it on yourself Red.” Was Illyana’s comment as she stared down upon Rachel while leaning upon her sword.


“You planned that…” Was Rachel accusation as she got back to her feet. There was a depression in the mats with Rachel in the center, just how much had that sucker weighed, looked Blob grade.


“Yep…” Was all that Illyana said as the sword vanished and Illyana resumed a combat stance.


Turns out that Illyana and Rachel were well matched for physical combat, with the edge to Illyana on sharp and pointy weapons whereas Rachel was more motivated for pure physical smack downs.


Rachel likewise resumed a combat stance and gave a little come at me wave with one hand. Which only elicited a slight sneer from Illyana as she shook her head no.


“You never answered my question.” Stated Rachel as the two began to circle one another.


Illyana replied as she edged a bit closer. “I like the show as well, but I’m always questioning my reality, a side affect of what I am.” They were both referring to HBO’s WestWorld season two premier that has aired the night before; there has been a mass showing at the school auditorium (for the adults, a bit too much nudity for the kids). “And I’m on the robot’s side, violent delights and violent ends is kind of my thing. Why do you ask?”


Illyana then did a feint that had Rachel dance back a step. “I found the question… interesting.” And Rachel likewise was on the robot’s side. Fuck the humans was her internal thought, a thought that was getting… louder.


“You need to talk to somebody Red, you’re getting twitchy.” Was Illyana’s reply as she launched a series of attacks that Rachel blocked, then retaliated forcing Illyana back. Not to mention sloppy as Rachel’s cheat has been poorly thought out. Why have cheat rules you ask? Both found it fun and the added unpredictability was good training as well.


“I don’t’ need to talk about anything, I’m fine.” Was Rachel’s reply as she landed a punch past Illyana’s guard. Illyana rolled with it and again the two faced each other.


Bull…” Was Illyana’s reply to Rachel. “That is not the kind of question most people even think to ask.”


“I said I’m FINE!” Rachel launched another attack but Illyana did a fighting retreat, blocking or avoiding the blows. Rachel’s comment was rare in that once she rejected something folks rarely pressed her on the issue. But Illyana was not most folks.


The next song began to play, it was Ozzy Osbourne’s Crazy Train.


All aboard! Hahaha


I, I, I, I... [fade]


Crazy, but that's how it goes

Millions of people living as foes

Maybe. it's not too late

To learn how to love, and forget how to hate


Mental wounds not healing

Life's a bitter shame

I'm goin' off the rails on a crazy train

I'm goin' off the rails on a crazy train


“Not buying it Red.” Was Illyana’s reply as she blocked Rachel’s blows. “I think you’re projecting some kind of don’t notice my problems telepathic vib, but that doesn’t work on me. That’s why I’m asking cuz nobody else appears to, or you make them back off without addressing anything.”


“Like you care!”


“I rather don’t, but you are a teammate so you deserve to be told the truth.”


“And when you almost destroyed reality!? I don’t recall you sharing what you were thinking.”


“I knew exactly what I was trying to accomplish Red. I questioned the nature of my reality and changed it. Violently. Regained my soul and game over for the Elder Gods. So… what about your reality are you having issues with?”


“I don’t want to talk about it… I’m fine. And what is with the songs you’ve picked? Subtle they are not.” And rather pissing her off.


“Not my selections Red, their yours, that’s what the special button does. Picks based upon your mental state.”


The flurry of combat moves stopped as the two backed away.


“Are you self medicating?” Was Illyana’s next question.


“I do not self medicate, I recreationally indulge from time to time with some weed.” Was Rachel’s dismissive reply. White Queen to be specific; a named marijuana strain that Rachel found cruelly ironic but it was her preferred Mary Jane indulgence (she is a water bong smoker).


Illyana could be like this. Rarely conversationally interacting with most people, yet not intimidated at all by even the heaviest hitter.  “You should talk about it with Kurt or Kitty, or Ororo. Perhaps one of the other female telepaths like Betty or even Emma?”


Rachel attacked again but over extended, allowing Illyana to do a back throw that flung Rachel to the mats. Rachel did a few summersault tumbles that resulted in her back being briefly turned to Illyana, which… ended in a head lock from Illyana.


“Your life, your choices Red but… try listening.”


“Noted…” Was Rachel’s reply as she head butted Illyana with the back of her head, broke the grip, and flung Illyana over her head and onto the mats. “Now stay out of my business.”


Illyana was pinned to the mats, with Rachel a straddle over her, her knees pinning Illyana’s thighs while Illyana’s hands were pinned as well. Rachel braced herself to avoid the expected head butt, only to feel a tail wrap around her throat from behind and pull her backwards… (Crap, Illyana was using her demonic form’s tail as her get out of jail free cheat card).


And now it was Illyana pinning Rachel the same way as she had been pinned but moments before, an Illyana with small horns on her forehead, yellow glowing eyes and a tail. A brief struggle then Rachel called it.


“Time… Damn it.


“Never forget the tail.” Chuckled Illyana as she rose and stepped back, her demon attributes fading away.


Rachel spoke without thinking. “Like I could, you can’t imagine the things Kurt can do, it’s like he has three hands or two… Um…” Rachel blushed as Illyana simply grinned wickedly at her.


Rachel realized that Illyana could most certainly imagine what Kurt’s tail might also be used for, after all… she had one herself at times.


Which brings up the topic of sex and telepaths. A common fear of everybody upon meeting a telepath is (oh my god, they’ll know what I’m thinking), followed by fears that the secret pervert that you are will be discovered. The reality is a strong telepaths spends much of their time blocking thoughts rather then reading them and yes… you’ve a perv. But… that is the likely view of humanity that all telepaths end up having, regardless of any exterior personal they show in public. The constant mental flow that a telepath encounters might go like this:


() denotes active thoughts

## denotes feeling

** denotes subconscious none internally vocalized thoughts



#Casual lust#


(Damn, my feet hurt, hate these shoes)


(I’d do her)



(Now that’s cleavage.)

#Resist urge to scratch balls#

(Not more homework!)

#Grumbled hate#

*Nice ass*

(Something stuck in my teeth?)

(If I move my elbow just right I’ll can get a booby feel!)

#Want beer#

(Damn, I need to piss)

*Hate this job*

*What a bitch*

(She’s a telepath, don’t look at her boobs, don’t look at her boob, don’t’ look… too late. Not bad… could be bigger, like Jean’s, now that’s a gall that has a massive rack… opps)

#Damn, I’m good looking#

(Mullets suck, thank god she’s dropped the mullet look with a rat tail)


(Who the hell invented heels? Male conspiracy to slow down the female race I say…)

#That’s a big crouch bulge#

(And then told him that he could go to…)

*Hate… just hate her!*

*Hate him!*

(I’d like to fluff her pillows.)


*Hey Baby…*


So on and so forth so… yeah, they know you’ve a perv. And don’t care. Frankly there’re one as well even if they give off the good girl/boy motif (telepaths know just about every kink in existence, after all… you’re the one thinking about it).


But with Illyana it was just…




Which you’d think would make her an ideal telepath social companion.




The inability to be detected by one of the two main senses (sight and telepathy) was a bit unnerving to most telepaths. And with Illyana you tended to get a kind a telepath impression that what your eyes showed you was not correct. Think of it like an attractive woman casting a shadow of a monster out of the corner of your eye, but what you turn to look all you see is a woman. Telepathically creepy, plus the evil demon vib that Illyana usually had.


Rachel took a few steps back. “So now you’re playing at being a therapist?”


Illyana advanced aggressively, forcing Rachel back. “Nope, not my forte.”


Yet another song began to play, each of the songs had irritated Rachel, but this really pushed her buttons as it were. It was Dream Police by Cheap Trick.


The dream police, they live inside of my head

The dream police, they come to me in my bed

The dream police, they're coming to arrest me, oh, no


You know that talk is cheap

And those rumors ain't nice

And when I fall asleep

I don't think I'll survive the night, the night


'Cause they're waiting for me

They're looking for me




They're driving me insane!

Those men inside my brain


And now it was Rachel on the defensive while Illyana pressed her advantage. Rachel tried to call time only to miss a block, the resulting blow rattled her, and Illyana was relentless in her continuing assault.


Rachel has a sudden burst of panic as she felt… something breaking lose. “Leave me alone!”




Rachel snarled. “I said leave me alone!”


Illyana’s eyes were cold and calculating. “Make me.” As a blow from her snapped Rachel’s head back.


Rachel clenched both firsts, screamed in sudden rage, and blasted Illyana with both her telepathy and telekinetic ability




That’s when things got… weird.



Part 30b: Reality?


A kaleidoscope of images and thoughts. Some Rachel’s, some belonging to… her?


A flood of sentinels and their human servants confront me. But I wade through their bodies and blood as my telekinesis shreds them, while my telepathy fries the weak minded! Savage Joy and finally being unleashed… I kill and I kill… but I want more! MORE!


RAGE! They have dared to harm my familiars, and in turn me! Moscow burns beneath my rage as I have my vengeance! With a flap of my wings I turn from the airport and with a flicker I descend upon the FSS Headquarters and…


Hunt… the hunt. The hood taken from my head, the order given and I scan… minds… somewhere…. there! Several on a boat… fleeing. I spring to the bow of our gunship and point out the distant inflated craft. The guns shred the boat and its human contents… I hear/feel them die. And something dies in me as well. I run back to my master… for praise… like a dog, a thing… a…



Pain… it will not stop! Consumes me, controls me… guides me! I will have my soul back! Right and wrong just… concepts I no longer understand. I will not be this thing I am reduced to! I WILL NOT BE AS I AM!

I kill all the Birdies that stand in my way. God I hate the Shi’ar. Murdering bastards the lot of them. Always plaguing me, hunting me killing all my relatives… The galaxy would better off if all them were dead…



Snowflake, little snowflake… how does it feel to fall?


Kitty! How I miss the version of Kitty that helped me in the camps




I’m losing it… it’s slipping away… I can feel parts of my mind crumbling.


There are no snowflakes in hell!



My sword thought Sapna’s chest, and so she dies… my apprentice, my… almost… daughter? She was possessed, destroying Limbo and all the Mutants we had here. It was either her or them… I chose the greater good, it was not Sapna.



Itch… itch right behind my eyes, I just want to scratch and at scratch at it. It’s like there’s… something inside me trying to get out.


A bed exposed to the night sky. A sky that was ablaze with stars and seven moons as Cat and I…



Phoenix !





Part 30c: WTF


Rachel came to find herself lying upon the mats with Illyana standing over her, with her soul sword at Rachel’s throat. Rachel blinked a few times, still very woozy and what she saw kept changing.


Illyana with her sword.

A blazing demon with eyes that wept fire

A dragon with the tip of its chin right in front of Rachel with eyes of power glaring at her.

A small blond girl with a sharp knife under Rachel’s chin.

A creature of flame.


Rachel blinked again and it was just Illyana, and that sword of her’s.


“Not a bright idea Red…”


Rachel shook her head, tried to remember… what the hell what the hell had just happened. It was Illyana who explained it as she backed up a few steps and the sword vanished.


“Phoenix residual residence I think, when you hit me with everything you had… What do you remember?”


Rachel struggled to recall but… nothing. Just a sense of screaming rage against… injustices of the world, against the unfairness of it all. Of loss and heartbreak.


The final song of the night began to play, It was Tonight it’s you by Cheap trick.


Time's not sleeping and time won't lose

You can't win 'cause time can't lose

So stop (so stop) what you're doin'

Start on something new

Don't (no don't) don't be hypnotized

Don't start thinkin' with your eyes


Rachel sat up and stared at the standing Illyana. “That was… weird.”


“Yep, don’t try to do that again, I suspect I would get very upset.”


Rachel flopped back onto the mats and just stared at the ceiling. “I think we’re done for tonight. I promise… to really think about talking about it with somebody.”


The song cut out and the iPod pulled itself from the wall and flew into Illyana’s hand. “Good, that’s all one can really do in the end Red.” A flash of light and Illyana was gone.


But Rachel could swear she head a departing thought, it sounded sad.


“Try not to fall Red.”


Rachel spent the next hour just staring at the Danger room’s ceiling. Thinking and… sometimes shivering about something.

Chapter 31


I’ve written much about Illyana’s trauma and her long journey from madness to sanity. Some in this ongoing series of shorts, but mostly in other dedicated words (such as Mosh Pit). The works are from Illyana’s perspective, others, and a bit from Kitty’s, but I’ve never really explored Peter’s perspective very much. Well… time to crack open the hood as it were on Peter. This story takes place post Phoenix 5 and after Peter has rejoined Ororo’s X-Man team, but before he and his sister reconciled in X-Men 600 (which was a very weak issue in that regards as I felt more should have been discussed). I accidentally have Hank talking about his Scott issues, so I suppose a bit of therapy for Hank as well. Part of this story is lifted directly from the comics at the end of the Avengers vs. X-Men.

Chapter Text

Some of my verbology is deliberately brokenish at times as the Russian language is phrased differently then English and I figure that Peter sometimes falls back on Russian verbal patterns.


I figure this story takes place after the death of Logan (something I didn’t bother to pay any attention to as we all know he’ll be back).



Part 31a: Danger of a different sort


We find Doctor Henry Philip "Hank" McCoy (A.K.A the Beast) lounging in the danger room’s control room (in a reinforced chair due to his size). While Hank’s degrees are in Biophysics and Genetics, he also functions as a part time therapist for various X-Folk (trust me I’m a doctor) as well a both a field medic and in-house physician for the X-Men, despite the technicality of not having a Doctorate in Medicine. The telepaths tended to take on the therapist function but there were some, like Illyana, that the telepaths were blind to, plus those who preferred not to have somebody rummaging around in their mind if they could avoid it. And then there were the minds that had experiences in them that any rational telepaths avoided like the plague (Illyana again). His minor therapist duties were mostly for the men... but woman were welcome as well.


Charles Xavier had usually done such duties in the past... until folks finally realized that Charles tended to erase and/or alter things if he felt it best. The patient was rarely consulted in these matters as Charles felt their opinions were generally biased and he, of course, knew better. Then there was the slightly sticky matter of his tendency to adjust things to present himself in a better light...


But Peter Rasputin was continuing to have anger issues, and both Ororo and Logan had finally insisted that Peter get at least some quasi professional help, in this case Hank. Hank thought it best to conduct the sessions in the danger room: having a patient who could transform into living steel did pose issues if he descended into a rage, as Peter sometimes did, and Hank preferred that his office remain intact. Thus, Peter was in a simulation of Hank’s office while Hank monitored from the control room. A hologram of Hank was projected into the simulation, dressed in a suit and looking very well groomed, rather like a furry Doctor Freud.


Peter, in human form, was lying on a couch staring at the ceiling while hologram Hank, wearing his spectacles, twiddled a pencil as he sat behind his desk.


“Tell me about your mother.” Stated Hank in a joking tone.


Peter furled his brows “What…? Does my mother have anything to do with this?”


Hank scribbled something on his yellow pad (the patients should always see you write something but never see what you write). “Sorry, therapist joke. We both know why you’re here, Peter.”


“My anger and… isolation.”


“Exactly. Talking it out helps put things in a different perspective, and allows us to examine our actions by explaining them to another. This triggers different aspects of our brain, allowing us the opportunity to realize new insights into our behaviors. Strictly speaking, it's not dissimilar to Logan’s 'Let’s get drunk and talk it out' technique, but doing so here is more… controlled, less drunk, and hopefully less prone to violence. Certainly less likely to generate serious collateral damage.” Once again, Hank reflected ruefully on the X-Men's oft-noted tendency towards devastation of their battlefields, local establishments, and of course the mansion.


Peter was not fully onboard with the plan. “Such things really work?”


Hank offered a toothy smile as he adjusted his spectacles. “Trust me, have I ever steered anybody wrong? - and don’t answer that, by the way. Peter, think of it as lancing a boil, the more often you express your outrage over what occurred, the more often you have the opportunity to examine aspects of the situation in a less personal way. As I said, in many situations such as yours, the act of explaining the problem or problems to another enables insight in the person doing the explaining, because they have obtained a bit of distance from the problem. An important component of trauma recovery is moving on. The brain dulls events over time; this allows for such recovery. Talking helps move events into the past, aiding in that process. Plus… associating positive things in conjunction with a trauma lessens the impact of the trauma…”


Peter interrupted with a sudden burst of anger. “There are no pleasant things to associate with my sister!”


Hank adjusted his glasses again. “An obvious self falsehood, Peter. I was not present during her first... incarnation, I suppose one might say. Before she died and a younger version of her escaped Limbo to live here with us until her unfortunate…”



Again Peter interrupted. “Death… Da, death from the legacy virus. The… good memories of her… are of those times and before. But the current she is not her. Those recollections are of… somebody she is not.”


Hank decided to share a bit of one of his earliest encounters with the new Illyana. “When I examined her after her return from her journey (As shown in the relaunched New Mutants #1), she commented that she liked my new look as my body had become rather more catlike. Few comment upon my condition, positively or negatively, so I thanked her and made a mild self deprecating joke as I rather like the new look as well. I stated: ‘I suppose even us monsters get used to ourselves eventually.’ She replied: ‘We do, don’t we.’”


Peter was not sure what Hank was trying to say. “And your point, Hank?”


“Her comment greatly disturbed me, and Emma and… Scott. It bespoke of a self view that was of great concern to us. We decided she needed socialization with her former teammates to help normalize her interactions and self perception.”


“The ones she almost got killed, Hank.”


“Yes… not the outcome we had in mind. I’m reminded of the surgeon joke: The operation was a success but the patient died. Now this conversation is about you, Peter, not your sister, regardless of how intertwined she may be with your issues. Start with trying to describe why you are angry, Peter.”


Peter stared at the ceiling. “Where to start, my friend… I am angry. Angry about a great many things. As are you Hank, although your anger is focused upon a different topic. Upon Scott.”


Hank frowned as he adjusted his glasses again. “These sessions are about you, Peter, not I.”


Peter did not agree, and he stayed focused upon Hank’s anger issues. “It is noticeable to all. Do you not express great loathing and anger towards Scott at almost any opportunity?”


Hank paused and first thought about his reply, then answered. “Yes, I have some unresolved anger issue with Scott. The circumstances are different.”


“So why not discuss both of our angers? Perhaps insight into your anger about Scott may shed light upon my own.”


Hank decided that this was a possible path to getting Peter to open up. “Very well. A non-standard technique, but worth a try.”


“So what are you angry about, Hank? What causes you to rage?”


“I don’t… rage Peter.”


“Hank… you play pretend, just as I…?” A pause from Peter as he thought upon what he had just said, why had he said pretend? Then he continued. “You rage differently, forever verbally lashing out about the topic of Scott, and the actions of Scott. A Scott who visited this school many times, or so I’m told, as I was not present.”


“He left me to die.” Was Hank’s quiet but intense reply. “In a cell, back in San Francisco. When the Dark Avengers captured us. I… was dying. Poisoned… tortured… And he KNEW! All those years of friendship, sacrifice, and… and he left me in those conditions, because to do otherwise would have interfered with his plans! His interpretation of the Greater Good meant that I was… was an acceptable loss, if it came to that.”


Hank continued. “Then… I found out about that death squad he was operating! To take care of certain anti mutant individuals and organizations that were funding violence against mutants.”


Peter inquired. “Was not Logan the leader of that squad? And Laura a member as well?”


A grudgingly growled “Yes.” from Hank.


“And yet you worked with Logan, both at the school as he was the headmaster of this establishment and he with the Avenges and X-Men teams. How does that differ from Scott?”


“The situation is… different. Logan was just following…” A sigh from Hank due to how the almost stated phrase he was just following orders would have sounded. “And Logan didn’t…”


Peter finished Hank’s sentence. “Screw you over my friend. It… hurts more, coming from a friend, does it not?”


“Yes… or a family member.” Was Hank’s reply.


“Da… like a sister that once was cherished.”


Hank listed his next Scott grievance. “And… he killed the Professor.”


Peter asked a question that he had been wondering about. “And yet each time Scott came here, you, and the rest of the X-Men, did nothing.”


A slow reply from Hank. “The Avenges tried once, and it was embarrassing for them. Plus… Scott always had his pet…” Hank stopped before he said it, an insulting description that has been discussed frequently behind closed doors. A statement that Peter finished.


“Demon. Yes… my sister has that impact on people.”



Part 31b: Professional help (part 1)


A long pause while Hank scribbles a bit on his notepad. Then… “Your turn, Peter.”


Another stretch of silence before Peter answered. “Many things… anger me. My… sister… Katya and how I behaved towards her when I was part of the Phoenix… and myself.”


“Any particular point in time or a particular incident?”


“Many… but… there is one, that I have thought often upon it. Ever since… since she… returned.”


“Was it the first time you… we encountered her? When we were in Limbo?”


“Da… the first time. I asked if she was Snowflake… if that… could be her? She just stared at me… with a look of such… misery… shame and finally anger when she kicked us out of Limbo and sealed it tight.”


“How did that make you feel?”


Peter clenched his hands into fists. “Enraged… Distraught… Guilty.”




“My sister had returned… or something that I thought of as my sister. And… she was as when she first… died. As had been described to me back then. Back in Inferno. This… was not what I… wanted. She was not…“ Peter did not finish the sentence, but Hank did.


“Not the sister you wished for.”


“Da… not as I wished her to be. At the end of Inferno I once again had my sister as I desired. Returned to age six and free from the evil that had so shaped her. Free from what being with the X-Men had caused to be done to her… as she never would have fallen into Limbo but for her presence with us.”


Hank asked his question again (a common therapy technique). “Again… why guilty? It is hardly your fault that Illyana had been trapped in Limbo at the age of six.”


“Because I wished that she was not… as she was. This was not… what I wanted. She was harmed… hurt… I raged against Scott for doing nothing, but there was in fact no way into Limbo. I… foolishly told myself that she was at risk in there. More fool I, what was in Limbo was far more at risk from her then she from them. I… wanted to save her. In the end we gained access to Limbo, and… she did far more to save us then we did to save her, but we did rescue her. Only to find that she was… Damaged. Or so I thought at the time… now I don’t know what to believe. She was not the sister I wished for. She was not… the Illyana I longed for. She was having… difficulties and… I think we should have explained why Katya was not… present, that she was lost to us, trapped in that Bullet. Then she departed for but a few days our time but years in her timeline, she return even more different.”





“And very… disturbing.”


Hank once again asked the question “But… why guilty?”


Peter repeatedly clenched and unclenched his fists. “Because… this was my fault. My choices… our choices… led to this… horror. I wanted to rescue her from the outcome of my choices, our choices. We, the X-Men, never should have hid the fact that we were not dead. The belief in my death had… not been… she did not cope well with my supposed death, from what the other told me.”


Peter stood up from the couch. “I was free from the guilt when she was returned to her unsullied state. But… to see her as she was… what she had become… what paths she had walked because of my choices. I… I had to atone.”


Hank continued to probe. “To accomplish…?”


“To… help her? No… in hindsight there was no helping her… I wished to… to… to…”


“Not feel guilty?” Was Hank’s prompt.


“To not feel as I felt.” Was Peter’s anguished reply.


“Did it help?”


“No… I had hoped by… showing her such loyalty, by… ignoring what she… did. By always taking her side. By sacrificing myself for her. By reminding her of what she once was… that I could get…. my Snowflake back.”


“And how did that work out?”


"I… did not get what I wished for!"


“And what was that?”


“Absolution! Peace! My sister! Instead all I got was… her. How everything I did was for naught. I so wanted to understand her… and God help me, my prayers were answered. She… taught me exactly what she was.”


Peter reflected upon the insights his sister had bestowed upon him and explained it to Hank in halting words. What had… happened.



Part 31c: To become a falling snowflake


Peter coldly examined the latest carving of his sister’s face on the wall of the cave. Carved using his steel hands as he scraped and poked the rock into form. With his strength the stone was but a type of stiff and crumbly clay.


“I hate my sister” was his thought as he the destroyed it with one punch. He wondered if Ororo had taken his advice to slay Magik the next time Ororo encountered her. Words he had given to Magneto as well.


“She is not fit to live.” Was his mumbled outrage as he began to carve her face yet again in the cave’s stone walls so he could destroy it again. She had confessed to him. Told him exactly what she had allowed to happen, allowed to continue.


Had done to him. Him of all people.




He thought back to when he and his sister had just been freed of the Phoenix…


He had been on his knees, but moments ago he and his sister had been freed from the Phoenix force (they had mutually attacked each other causing the loss of the Phoenix force). They had then escaped the Avengers to arrive in Siberia via one of Illyana’s teleportation disks. He had knelt upon the Siberian ground and proclaimed his utter despair as to what he had done as Phoenix and as the Juggernaut.


He had knelt there in defeat. In remorse. In failure. He spoke what he was feeling to her, but it was really a confession.


“We brought a heaven to earth. And then we brought HELL along too.”


Head in his hands. “We dripped souls into the mouths of demons. I tried to create… but only made abominations. Thank God the Avengers turned us against each other.”


Illyana put her hand on his shoulder to comfort him as she replied. “The Phoenix is infinite, we are not. Our flaws were magnified. Our flaws blotted out the sun. We are flawed. We are poor vessels for infinity.”


Peter raised his head, his hands before him. “I thought with the Phoenix I could transcend… be more than Cyttorak’s whispers… But it just gave me a wider palette.”


Illyana withdrew her hand and just stood next to the kneeling Colossus as he continued his lament.


“All the while when I was fighting. I was begging them to run. But all I was thinking was how beautiful their spilled brains would be. Thinking if I could kill enough I could paint the whole moon with their blood… I’ve hurt so many people. I’ve hurt everybody I loved. I’ve hurt everybody. Everything I touch becomes ashes.”


Fists clenched, head bowed. “Sister I don’t deserve to live. I am a monster. I am doomed.”


His statement were answered by a cold, disdainfully reply from her and a look of frozen distain as well as she said. “Finally.”


He has stared at her in shock. “… What?”


A look in her eyes, a look like she was trying to explain something important to one she cared about but that person was rather dense about things. “You were not like me. You loved me. You wanted to understand. You would never understand… Could never understand. Until you’d been a falling snowflake…”


His stupid puzzlement. His inability to comprehend. The words… “What are you talking about?” Was all he could say as he rose to his feet.


She answered, rage flaring in those blue eyes he had so loved, or so he had told himself. Rage, but not at him so much as just rage.


“I knew if I offered to take the Juggernaut energies, you would become the Cyttorak’s avatar in my place. That you would permit yourself to be possessed.”


He had just stared at her in incomprehension as she continued.


“And then you’d know what damnation feels like. How it curls in your guts.”


“How it changes you.”


“How it leaves you.”


Who it leaves you.”


“I had to show you. I had to make you finally see.


A snarl of rage. “There are no snowflakes in hell.”


Dawning comprehension from him. A soft “You’re insane.”


The memory of her face, filled with delight and relief as she thanked him as she grabbed his hands. Joy and relief that he finally understood.


“Oh, thank you! THANK YOU! I knew you’d eventually understand. I knew eventually you’d understand.”


Rage filled his mind and heart as he shouted “GET AWAY FROM ME!” He summoned the power of the Juggernaut. He shouted as he towered over her, ready to rend, to hurt, to kill.






She summoned her soul sword as she stepped back from him. “Yes. Yes we are.”


He strikes but she teleports away, her words drifting in the air. “Snowflake, little snowflake… how does it feel to fall?” Not mockery, but more of an honest question, as if she no longer knew the answer, as she had fallen so long ago.


Only to appear behind him. “Think about it brother. Of what I’ve given you. Regret. My final gift.”


And again she vanishes before his blows can strike, can kill her.


Hours later...


Peter, still in his steel form, is now sitting the rubble of the now destroyed Phoenix-Farms (in Siberia) when she appeared once more.


“Stay away.” Was his warning.


A warning that appeared to mean nothing to her as she walked towards him, her soul sword in her left hand. “But brother! Our business has not yet concluded.”


Rage once again takes him, again he is transformed into his demonic steel Juggernaut form as he curses at her in a demonic language, then runs at her to strike her down.


“Not here.” She states as she summons mystical energies. “Come with me.”


A flash of light and they are in fiery Limbo, flames, burning ground, red sky, if not the hell then definitely a hell.


She sounds almost joyful, relaxed, as if at home. “Much better.”


His rage is transcendent. Pure, in a strange way. “Finally somebody I can murder without regret. Finally a greasy smear of an offering.”


He strikes.


So does she.


He misses.


Her sword, her power, her will, does not.


He awakens to find himself lying upon the ground, his sister standing over him. The energies of the Juggernaut, the howling scream for destruction within his soul… was gone.


He starts to sit up. “It’s gone. The power, It’s…”


She stands coolly before him. “Do you remember Cyttorak’s words? A Hell Lord is master in their domain. My soul sword shatters enchantments. When in My Realm, it’s enough to slice the Destruction Lord’s bonds.”


He partially stands, still filled with rage, but in control now. A snarled reply as the realization hits him that... “You could have freed me whenever you wished.”


A cold stare from her. “Yes, I could. But then you would have learned nothing.”


Another burst of light and they are once again in Siberia, the ground is covered in fading fire. She speaks.


“I did all this out of love. You were not like me, so you could never understand. Now you do. Now you know exactly who I am.”


She looks concerned, but he knows it must be false as she continues. “Do not give yourself away so easily for someone who simply does not deserve it. Do not give yourself away for a snowflake who melted long ago.”


He stands… His love and his rage are cold wet ashes in his heart. “If we ever meet again, I will kill you.”


A look of… understanding from her. “There you go. Lesson learned.”



Part 31d: Professional help (part 2)


The simulated office is now a broken ruin, the furniture smashed, holes are in the walls, and the various abstract painting have been thrown across the room and torn. Peter is still in human form, panting, dripping with sweat, and unnoticed tears.


Hank’s voice sounds in the office (the hologram is currently gone). “And how did that make you feel?”


A fling of an arm and the remaining lamp flies across the room to smash upon the opposite wall. Then the room resets and is as it was originally was; for but a moment as Peter seizes the couch and hurled it across the room into Hank’s desk.




“I so hated her. I lay at night dreaming of killing her, and such was my waking hours as well.”


“In Limbo she showed me just how… insignificant I was, even with all the power of the Juggernaut; it was nothing. She took it from me and I was free, free to understand just how much of a puppet I had been. To Cyttorak, to her, to the Phoenix.”


The destruction of the office continued…


“Yet another thing to hate her for.”


“For what she did to me.”


“For what she let me do.”


“For what she allowed to happen.”


“She deserves to die.”


“I dreamed of so many ways to kill her. Twisting her head off of her neck. Pummeling her into a red smear. Ripping her in half. Drowning. Choking. Crushing her spine. Snapping each bone one by one. So many ways… and all with my hands.”


“The lust to do harm, to do wrong. It was so deeply embedded in me when I was the Juggernaut. I stayed in steel form the entire time before Phoenix as I was so concerned about losing control. I felt that only by staying in my steel form that I would have the strength to restrain myself. But that failed me so often… as the lust to hurt was always there… So easy to give in, to lose control. To just act as I was. To do as I was created to do. To give into my nature.”


“Poison in my veins, twisting all my thoughts, desires, goals. To kill, to break, to destroy, such had been the never ending siren call.”


“And it felt so good to give in to that call.”


“It felt so good to do wrong.”


“And I felt so bad that it felt so good.”


Panting in rage, in anguish, tears streaming down his face.


“I hated her so much.”


“Hated her for not being whom I wanted her to be.”


“Hated her for coming back as she had, corrupted, foul, evil. A Monster.”


“Hated her for existing as she was, how it reminded me just how I had failed her.”


“Hated her for not letting me save her!”


“Hated her for making me hate myself so much.”


“Hated her for forcing my eyes to see her as she was, not as I wanted her to be.”


“Hated her for showing me that my professed love was false, that it was guilt, and obsession with the past.”


“Hated her for not being as I wished!”


“Hated her for making me understand!”


“I had felt so befouled, helpless to prevent the evil that was within me from seeking expression. The inability to not do what was wrong, and delight in it, while all the while screaming at what I was doing.”


Once again the office is trashed, and now Peter is just punching a wall over and over with bloody fists.


Finally he stops, and the office resets again. Peter wearily sat down on the couch and rested his forehead in his bloody palms.


“Such was my hate.”


Silence as Hank let Peter think upon his words. A flicker and then the hologram of Hank is once again behind his desk. Then Peter whispered.


“And then one day doubt crept into the Eden of my fury. I stupidly asked myself a question as I sat there brooding.”


“How had she ever controlled herself, feeling as she must have?”


“And I reflected once again upon when she first returned. When we were in Limbo, you were there, Hank. What did I say?”


Hank answered. “You called her Snowflake, but with a questioning tone. Then asked if it was her.”


“No Hank, I said ‘Snowflake, can that be you?’”


“Her look of confused horror, incomprehension as she stared at me.”


“Her anguish.”


“She then threw everybody out of Limbo, turned from the path she was on. And I then thought upon my last words to her ‘You’re insane’.”


“You had all told me how traumatized she was, how… different she was. And I refused to listen… to understand… to comprehend what she was… what she understood herself to be.”


“My hate did not diminish, but now I hated myself even more.”


“I rejoined the X-Men, I learned that Katya had departed to join Scott’s new school, departed with her… my sister… whom she had likewise hated.”


“How could Katya do that…?”


“Why would she…?”


“Could she not see what my sister was…?”


“Or… was it I who… had failed yet again?”


Peter then laid back upon the couch, his voice tight with emotion. “Then I received a note, it had been misplaced but finally given to me by Ororo. A note from my future self who came here with my sister, and died here.”



Part 31e: Note from the future to the past


Hello Младший брат (Russian for little brother). I have but brief moment to write some words. My heart busts with happiness to see my sister alive. All I have left of her is her soul sword. A sword that I swear sometimes asks me in a little voice, late at night, and… mostly after much vodka.


“Is it time to go home?” it asks.


I have no words other then tears for what happened, perhaps if I had been able to… but such is the future we paint.


The sword, it is all that is left of her. And it is lost… just as she was.


I have no answer but no, it’s not time yet. And I swear I hear a child sigh a reply.


“Okay… I like it here… Love you. Love you, love you, love you, always love you.”


There is no fury in the sword for me, just… sadness.


She was damaged, harmed as only few can understand. Perhaps as only you and I can comprehend. Младший брат, the me that once was… please read First Corinthians 13:4-8. Perhaps you can find the way that I did not.


It is time to go, but know that I am happy this day. And her joy at my presense was as I once remembered… Little Snowflake, how I missed you.


Strive to understand Младший брат, for both of us.



Part 31f: Professional help (part 3)


Hank looked up the Bible quote and spoke it aloud, while Peter silently mouthed the words as well.


“Love is patient.”


“Love is kind.”


“It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.”


“It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.”


“Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.”


“It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.”


“Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away.”


Then Hank asked a question. “And…?”


Peter replied, with a tired voice. “If one was insane, but loved somebody more then anything else… what would they be willing to do to save that person? Perhaps… one would… do things that look like madness and evil, but strove to prevent a worse harm. Katya said to me, when I first became the Juggernaut, ‘I don’t want somebody to die for me, I want somebody to live for me!’ I… better see what she meant… and… perhaps what my sister tried to tell me in the only way she knew how to communicate.”


“What happened to you Peter, what Illyana did, that’s not rational.” Was Hank’s response.


“Da… One would have to be insane… Unable to understand… It does not excuse her, but... I think if I have listened better, been… the brother that she needed rather then the brother I wanted to be…”


Peter stood. “I… must think upon these things… Now I am tired. Let us be done for the moment, Hank.”


Peter looked upon his bloody hands. “I have much to contemplate.”


Hank agreed. “A very productive session Peter. Let’s take this up again tomorrow…”



Part 31g: Later… (Uncanny X-Men 600)


She stands before me… contrite and head bowed, not looking me in the eye. She is dressed in that black field costume that had been described to me and I find the quantity of skin shown to be… annoying. The annoyance of a brother that his sister is dressed… in a way he does not like.


She… holds herself responsible for her actions, how she should have trained as a sorcerer when she was in the X-Mansion, back when she was in the New Mutants. How she has begun to control the energies that are what she is. How she is trying to imagine a world that she wants, and trying to make that happen.


How I am her biggest regret.


How she is trying… finally… to talk to me.


She is like an unsheathed twin edged dagger. A danger to all but those who incorrectly grasp it. Grasp her.


I think aback upon my sessions with Hank, upon my anger… which has faded into just the long emptiness of mourning and loss. Of want for... better then what I have.


Much have I thought upon my future words to myself. Much have I… regretted.


I wish that my sister was not as she is… a wish that she shares; I see that now so clearly.


I decide. And in so doing I shift the future, as the future is not but the result of our choices.


We hug.


Not all is forgiven.

Not all is forgotten.

Not yet… but…


I have come to understand that this is my sister. And that finally… I have my sister again.


It is a start…

Chapter 32


: In the ongoing New Mutants limited series (Dead Things) we see Rahne and Illyana on the same team again, a team being led by Illyana. I rather wonder how the two of them might have reconciled as their shared childhood was quite conflicted. This story takes place while Illyana is locked up in the X-Brig (See my Snowflake on Ice story) and post Rahne’s presence on X-Force (not quite sure as to all that she did on X-Factor and then X-Force as I only have Wikipedia for info). For this story please imagine Rahne with a Scottish ascent as I have no idea how to correctly write one (I’ll try, but I’m sure it’s a sad sad thing).

This will be a two part story (possible even three parts) as the New Mutants limited series only comes out once a month and I wrote this story only after the third issue had been published. Keep in mind that this chapter takes place well before Illyana was fully re-integrated with her soul, as shown in Uncanny X-Men 5 when Dormammu tried to end her; so she is still very damaged in ways that are not properly understood by the X-Men.

Chapter Text

The story takes place before Illyana joins the Extinction team, but after the schism with Kitty. And as usual, a few references to other stories, the most significant being Mother of Darkness. And a shout out to LordGrise who was adamant that I needed to treat Rahne as an adult (not really sure of her age at this point, call it 20ish).


There are a few references to my other Rahne/Illyana works (New Mutants Lazy Saturday, Conflicts, and Nightmares and cocoa).



Part 32a: Nock Nock…


Rahne took a deep breath as she braced herself. Emma and Scott had briefed her.   Danger had instructed her on the do’s and don’ts. But now, five hundred feet beneath Utopia, Rahne just stared at the door that led to the cell block that held… her.




Rahne had avoided any interactions with the returned Illyana, or any of the reunited New Mutants as well, especially Dani. But now it was time to talk to Illyana. Likely had been time for quite awhile, but it is human nature to try to avoid discomfort and pain.




“Just what is it that you expect to find Rahne?” Asked Scott.


Scott, Emma, and Rahne were in Scott’s office for a closed door meeting. A meeting requested by Rahne, who was briefly visiting Utopia for just this purpose.


“If absolution then I’d advise a church.” Suggested Emma. “Or do you wish to perhaps inquire as to your deceased child from our resident, and imprisoned, hell lord?”


“Emma, that was unnecessary.” Stated Scott as he defended Rahne, although the idea has occurred to the both of them, hence a bit of good cop / bad cop with Emma being the bad cop.


Rahne answered, but looked at Scott rather then Emma. “The thought occurred to me, but no. Some things we are not meant to know, and asking in such a way is not… very…”


“Faithful?” Observed Emma.


Rahne was always specific in her faith. “…Healthy. The good book is specific about asking, look what happened to Saul when he had a witch raise the dead prophet Samuel. It did not end well for him and I am not so foolish.” (1 Samuel 28 for those who want to know). “No, I just… want to talk. Ah… avoided her when she first returned and now…” She trailed off.


Scott explained. “Illyana gets a few visitors Rahne, it’s just that you’re not one we would have expected. Hence the understandable suspicion.”


Emma pointed out that. “Confronting one’s demons is commendable, but potentially foolhardy when they are actual demons. There is a great deal of history between the two of you, unpleasant history.”


“I got along fine with the wee Illyana.” Protested Rahne, not with any heat, more of an observational tone.


And now it was Scott’s turn to point out that… “Who is not who, or what, we locked up.”


“Are you sure?”


“Very…” Stated Emma. “In her own words, she was never the Illyana who survived Inferno and died of the legacy virus. She is, at best, the Illyana who died in Inferno, minus the nicer bits. The Darkchilde who was brought back and who put the very universe in jeopardy in pursuit of her soul. The person whom almost everybody demanded be locked up after what she did.”


“Then I doubly need to talk to her.” Stated Rahne. “And before you ask, I’m doing what the Good Book commands.”


“Which is?” Inquired Emma. “I do hope it is not some conversion attempt.”


Rahne did not like Emma, never had. She tolerated her, but the two were so very different. “It’s not and… it’s private. Something I have to do.”


“There are very specific protocols for access… “ Began Scott. “You will have to agree conform to all of them, one of which is continuous monitoring and recording so we will learn what it is you desire of Magik. Also, a violation of any of the protocols will immediately terminate the visit. A great deal of effort and planning has gone into her continued confinement.”


Planning that Rahne thought was likely a waste. She remembered the old Illyana, Limbo’s throne room, and just was Illyana was capable of. Remembered that time in Limbo when the powers of Light and Darkness has been banished by Illyana from Rahne and Berto. Remembered a great many things… hence the need for this meeting.


Emma added an extra tidbit of knowledge. “An important aspect to remember is Illyana’s tendency to speak in the third person when reflecting upon memories before her death. The technical term for it is Memory Associative Disorder.”


A slight glare from Rahne at Emma. “Not funny Ms. Frost.”


A glare that Emma, of course, ignored. “Wasn’t trying to be Darling. That is the actual term for the condition my dear, but it does have a most regrettable acronym. Which means do not feed that behavior. If she says her, you are to answer with you. Do not treat past tense as another person.”


Rahne nibbled her lower lip for a few seconds, then resigned herself to having to tell them, although she suspected that Emma already knew because of that absolution statement she’d made.


“I want to apologize to her.”




Rahne was in her human form, but even then she had enhanced senses even if they were not the full capabilities of her wolf form. She gave a sniff, and yes… she could detect traces of that old scent of Illyana’s that always spooked her. Traces of wolf, gunpowder, spicyness, demon, and… other things, one of which was the insufficient hygiene (you try keeping spic and span locked in a bomb jacket and only moist towelettes). The scents of:


Scary things.

Things of childhood nightmares.

Scents of the past.

Reminders of past actions, past… wrongs.

Of sins commented.


Rahne choose to go forward, the door opened and there Illyana was. Across the room in a glass walled cell wearing a grey full bodied jump suit and the bomb jacket. Just sitting on the bench/bed that took up almost half off the cell space, sitting with a blank expression. That’s what Rahne’s eyes told her.


But her wolf senses painted a different picture, one more vague… indistinct, a blackness or a blankness was in that cell… one that had no form. A predator. A thing of nightmares.


Her nightmares.


Rahne stepped into the room while feeling herself stoop in a slightly submissive posture. “Hello Illyana, may I come in?”



Part 32b: Who’s there?


Illyana raised her hands palms up, showing the bomb jacket to a greater degree. “I am not the one to ask.”


Rahne replied as she took a few more steps into the outer area of the cell block. “Just trying to be polite.”


Illyana’s reply was cool. “A first time for everything I suppose.” And Rahne felt herself cringe a bit at the statement.


Not a good start was Rahne’s thought. Illyana and Rahne had not been on the best of terms when Illyana had died. The usual conversational gambits were either wildly inappropriate, insulting, or outright bizarre. Imagine yourself sitting a jail cell the size of a closet, under five hundred feet of water, wearing bomb jacket. Phrases such as: How are you? How’s it going? How’s your day? What’s up? Or, how does it feel to be alive? Such statements are trite at best.


So… Rahne’s statement was at least polite and not trite. “I’m sorry it came to this for you.”


Illyana just stared back. Not an alpha dominance stare, nor was it a I’m trying to make you uncomfortable stare (even if that was the outcome for Rahne). It was a stare of boredom, of disinterest, and the lack of any inclination to fill the conversational space.


Rahne held her ground and stared back. Which she supposed was a repeat of her stare from long ago as she had briefly stood against Illyana over a sleeping Dani (of course Illyana had been armed with only a sandwich, a pickle, and some chocolate milk, which Rahne has later admitted to Dani was not the most alarming of weapons). But again a stare down, and this Illyana reacted just the same. Silent, neutral, but an ever growing sense of tension that Illyana appeared to not even notice. Rahne then partially shifted, which was like watching a sped up time lapse photography as red fur bristled across her face and her nose elongated slightly.


No visible reaction from Illyana, but her scent altered. There was still the traces wolf, gunpowder, spicyness, demon, magic, and the sense of wrongness, but now there was the scent of a multitude of wolves as if she was a member of some large pack; traces of the same scent vampire scent that came from Jubilee, and… the smell of panthers? Scents that made no sense. Scents that abruptly vanished as if Illyana was somehow aware of what Rahne was smelling.


Scents that had spoken of a story, of experiences, and… others? Rahne chose to not comment upon what has just happened, instead Rahne decided to break the silence and the staring contest be asking a question. A very important question to Rahne.


“Do remember being a child again Illyana after… you were no longer a…” Rahne stopped as Illyana slightly scowled.


“Demon.” Illyana finished Rahne’s statement. “And no… that was not me Rahne.”


It was as Scott and Emma had told Rahne, but she has to ask this of Illyana herself.


“So you don’t remember… that I was… your friend. That I was kind to you. That I was… better towards you then… I had been… before. That we… were friends. I liked you.”


A return to the bored look from Illyana. “No.”


The tone of the answer served to now annoy Rahne in turn. “There’s no need to be like that Illyana, I’m trying to… to…”


“Do what?” Prompted Illyana with… not interest, but not quite boredom. She almost sounded puzzled.


A bit of a whine from Rahne and downward gaze as she silently rebuked herself for immediately getting angry. “… Apologize.”


A few blinks from Illyana was all the expression that Illyana showed, then a question.




“I feel… bad about what happened to you.”


Illyana sifted upon the bench. “I would have thought that you’ve have been relieved, even… happy that she was gone, and in her place an innocent child.”


“Who was not you.” Replied Rahne with eyes still downcast.


“Who was not I.” Agreed Illyana.


The conversation stalled, then Rahne commented. “This is very strange.”


“In what way?”


“I… want to… apologize. Say that I am so very sorry for my past words and actions. And…” Rahne paused as she tried to articulate her thoughts.


Just a mild look of inquiry from Illyana which prompted Rahne to finish. “And it’s too late isn’t it?”


And now an actual look of puzzlement from Illyana at Rahne, who went on.


“I want to ask for forgiveness for how I treated you, but… I have no right to ask. It won’t mean anything. I’m asking for me… not because I’m trying to… fix things between us or… to do the right thing but… Because I don’t like feeling like this… Guilty… and… that’s wrong somehow.”


Rahne continued. “I was young and stupid and knew nothing of what my faith really taught. And now I… don’t know what to say to you.”


More of the puzzled gaze of Illyana as Illyana replied. “You are very strange Rahne, not at all what I would have expected. Not at all like what she remembers of you.”


“Some of us grew up I suppose.” Replied Rahne. “Even with our thick heads.”


“Some of us…” Replied Illyana. “And some of us died.” Then a question after some musing. “What was your Illyana like?”


Rahne lifted her eyes. “She was nice, sweet, mischievous, a wonderful child whom we all loved so very much.”


“So she was everything I am not.” Replied Illyana, with an abstract and detached tone, then she hummed a tune for a few seconds before stating. “What you want is not here Rahne, but don’t worry, as you can see.”   Illyana gestured at her cell. “The bad things gone away.”


Rahne sat on the floor and hugged her knees. “I… think I comprehend some of what happened to you when you were abducted to Limbo. I finally understood what you meant about eating glass.”


A toneless reply from Illyana. “I do not with to speak about such things. She survived her time with Belasco. I envy her that.”


A soft whisper from Rahne. “Do you hate me?”


A penetrating look from Illyana, then a more retrospective expression. “No… you… infuriated her, caused her much pain. She always wondered why you of all people could not understand… sometimes she wished to hurt you but… she never really acted upon it. She wished to be better then she believed herself to be.”


“You don’t have to be bad Illyana.” Quietly stated Rahne.


No answer from Illyana a tired smile that was not a smile from Illyana.


And with that Rahne had no more words to say, just a great deal of thinking to do.


Illyana watched Rahne depart, once more she was alone. Alone and silently puzzled about why this has mattered so much to Rahne, and... why… she felt…


She didn’t understand what she felt.



Part 32c: Epilogue


Danger did a quick net search based upon the brief humming Illyana had done, cross referenced with the words she had spoken. Danger got one hit from the Eurythmic’s song I Saved The World Today, a reference she added to the log for review.


Monday finds you like a bomb

That's been left ticking there too long

You're bleeding

Some days there's nothing left to learn

From the point of no return

You're leaving


Hey hey I saved the world today

Everybody's happy now

The bad things gone away

And everybody's happy now

The good thing's here to stay

Please let it stay


There's a million mouths to feed

And I've got everything I need

I'm breathing

And there's a hurting thing inside

But I've got everything to hide

I'm grieving

Chapter 33


Part 2 of my Illyana/Rahne explanation of the apparent reconciliation that we see in the ongoing New Mutants limited series Dead Souls. This takes place just after Scott Summer’s funeral on Muir Island, which took place at the end of Issue 4 on the Death of X limited series that set the stage for the X-Men vs. Inhumans saga. For those who are not clear about timelines, this is well past the time that Illyana became fully integrated with her soul.

Rahne had a minor role in Death of X comic, yet there was zero interaction between her and Illyana in the comic. Zero. As such, I decided that this makes it the perfect temporal location for their next interaction. As a side note, there was no way Emma was able to do what she did in the X-Men vs. Inhumans limited series without Illyana’s cooperation and knowledge (at least that’s my theory). At Scott’s funeral we see Illyana state to herself, as she glances at the cliff top where Emma is observing the funeral, “What games are you playing now Emma Frost?”

I wrote this after issue 4 of Dead Souls, not sure if I’ll be making a Part 3; depends on what happens in Dead Souls.

Chapter Text

Part 33a: Paths in Destiny’s garden…


Illyana sat by the edge of a cliff on Muir Island, which is off the west coast of Scotland, watching the waves roll in from the north Atlantic and the various sea birds squawking upon the wind. She was sitting up the lush grass with her arms around her legs and was wearing her iPod ear buds as a song played.


A romantic would say the falling rain was a sign that the heavens themselves wept at the death of Scott. A realist would point out that it was always raining in Scotland. A cynic would comment that Storm could have ensured some sunshine. The observant would notice that Illyana was dry. The magically inclined would sense a darkness was brooding upon that cliff and the wise would walk away less the darkness shift its focus to them.


Scott had been killed, murdered really, by Blackbolt after Scott had destroyed one of two Terrigen clouds that were killing mutants. That’s what everybody understood to be the truth... Well most everybody, Scott had actually died from the Terrigen gas, not Blackbolt. A death that had been concealed by Emma as she had projected a telepathic Scott into everybody’s mind as she had formulated a plan to destroy the first cloud. The true secret of Scott’s death was known only by Emma, Magneto, Alex Summers, the Cuckoos (Irma, Celeste, and Phoebe)… and finally Illyana who had only figured it out after the destruction of the cloud.


Most of the other attendees had left after the funeral, returned to the world, most to attempt to figure out how to deal with the threat to Mutant kind without angering the Inhumans. Medusa had been most emphatic with Storm as to the response from the Inhumans regarding any attempt to harm the remaining Terrigen cloud, a threat backed up by the power of Black Bolt.


Emma was one of the few who remained on the island, along with the Cuckoos. And Emma gave the impression that she was planning an extended stay. Rahne was likewise still on Muir Island, and had sought out Illyana.


It wasn’t hard for Rahne to locate Illyana, just follow the sense of wrongness, the scent of wolf, gunpowder, spicyness, and other things. The trail was easy to follow, just go in direction her inner wolf did not wish to go. The place where she was. Rahne ignored her fears and setout upon the path.


As Rahne grew near her sharp hearing detected faint music (she was in her half human form which meant her senses were almost wolf sharp). It was the song Zombie by Bad Wolves being played by Illyana’s iPod.


Another head hangs lowly

Child is slowly taken

And the violence causes silence

Who are we mistaken?


But you see, it's not me

It's not my family

In your head, in your head, they are fighting

With their tanks, and their bombs

And their bombs, and their drones

In your head, in your head, they are crying


What's in your head, in your head?

Zombie, zombie, zombie-ie-ie

What's in your head, in your head?

Zombie, zombie, zombie-ie-ie, oh


Another mother's breakin'

Heart is takin' over

When the violence causes silence

We must be mistaken


It's the same old theme

In two thousand eighteen

In your head, in your head, they're still fightin'

With their tanks, and their bombs

And their guns, and their drones

In your head, in your head, they are dyin'


Rahne wondered if she should announce her presence to Illyana, offer some form of greeting. Then, after a sniff, simply continued. It was Rahne’s belief that Illyana was not easy to surprise, regardless of how she might pretend. Rahne could feel eyes upon her and the scent of darkness in the wind as she walked around a bolder and spied Illyana sitting by the cliff edge. She walked up and sat likewise beside her. Upon dry warm ground Rahne idle noticed.


But does the heat of hell follow the dammed? Was Rahne’s brief though before she rebuked herself.


The song ended but no new track began, it was just the wind, the cold drizzling rain which dripped off Rahne’s fur as whatever magic was keeping Illyana dry apparently did not extend to visitors. Again there was the scent of a wolf pack from Illyana, and Panthers as well. Scents that again vanished. Scents that Rahne had finally figured out.


Instinctual scents of pack affiliation and greeting, from one wolf to another.


Rahne did ponder just whom… and how… that was possible. Just what… Illyana had encountered and done that would leave her so in tune with wolves.


But Rahne did not ask, spoke no words. Just sat there and listened to the sound of waves, the cries of the gulls, and the soft whisper of light rain upon the ground. And slowly Rahne’s wolf senses began to tell paint a different picture then what her eyes were telling her. Her eyes showed the blonde Illyana sitting on the ground in her usual tight black reveling leather costume, where as the wolf senses said that she was sitting next to a creature with an ever shifting indistinct shape, as if darkness itself was trying to make up its mind as to what form to wear.


Reality is what our senses tell us, but… Rahne had to wonder if it was possible that more then one reality was present?


She sat until Illyana… the darkness… spoke first.


“We were never friends Rahne. Teammates, yes. Friends, no.”



Part 33b: Honesty


Rahne answered back. “I… almost was… towards the end… Before you… died. I was… beginning to understand that… you meant me no harm. That you weren’t trying to steal my friends away… That… you… did not have some secret plan. Just… secrets about what had happened to you.”


No answer back from Illyana, just the smell of tired resignation mixed with anger.


Rahne added. “I’m sorry about Scott. But he did a great thing in destroying the cloud.”


Which prompted a reply from Illyana. “Hero or Villain?”


A question that slightly perplexed Rahne. “Who? Scott?”


“No… yes… him, us, them, everybody, you… me. Hero of Villain?”


Rahne replied after some musing. “Hero. Scott was a hero. I know many of the others didn’t get along with him anymore but… I believe he always tried to do what he thought was the right thing.”


“And the others?”


“You mean the Inhumans?”


“No, I mean everybody else, Emma, you, Storm, me, the X-Men, the Inhumans, Medusa, Blackbolt, even that stupid teleporting mutt that they have. Heroes or Villains?”


Rahne continued to be perplexed. “I don’t understand the question.”


“Who are the good guys? Conversely, who are the bad guys? Is it just… what side you come from? Many wars all invoke God, but he can’t be for both sides.”


“We’re not a war Illyana. Storm arranged to prevent that.”




Madrid, just after the destruction of the cloud. Medusa, with Black Bolt, are in negotiations with Ororo in an attempt to stop the impending Inhuman/Mutant war. A convenient rooftop had been borrowed for the meeting. Present with Ororo is Illyana, who is standing slightly behind Ororo.


Medusa had been most emphatic, any attempt to harm the remaining cloud would be met with overwhelming and lethal violence, meaning Black Bolt. The cloud was sacred to her people and no additional discussion would take place on that topic.


Medusa and Ororo had just agreed to pursue non violent solutions to the pending Terrigen mutant crisis, caused by the remaining cloud. A cloud that sickened or killed mutants. The X-Men would co-locate Hank McCoy with the Inhumans in an attempt to find a medical cure.


Medusa had one final demand.


“…In addition, those directly responsible for the first clouds destruction will be handed over to us. They must be judged for what they have done.”


Before Ororo could answer, Illyana spoke, for the first time since the negotiations had begun. Not loud. Not angry. Just a simple.




A statement that did not sit well with the Inhumans.


“You have destroyed what is sacred to us.” Declared Medusa to Illyana. “We demand justice. You will surrender Ms. Frost, those called the Cuckoos, Sunfire, and yourself to face Inhuman justice.”


“Didn’t murdering Scott sufficient?” Observed Ororo.


Medusa dismissed Ororo’s assertion. “He was not murdered, he dared to threaten Inhuman Royalty. Dared to destroy what was not his to harm. He left us no choice. It was imperative that all be shown the price of our wrath.”


Ororo has once thought of Medusa as a distant friend. She was realizing that Inhuman ethics differed greatly from her own. “There is always a choice Medusa. To take a life or not. The only dead here are Mutants, no Inhuman died.”


“Which is the only reason that peace is possible.” Was Medusa’s reply.


Ororo pointed out that… “What you ask for cannot, will not, be given to you. You have already made Scott a martyr. If I were to do as you demand, there would be no chance to find any type of middle ground. You have already made any pretense of supposed Inhuman justice a farce.”


“Mutants are the villains in this Ororo. You have destroyed what we value most of all.”


Friendships can die in an instant. This was one such time thought Ororo. “Odd, I value life over… things. Funny what some consider to be sacred. And who here has behaved as the villain is very open to interpretation.”


“Impossible, we are the harmed.”


“Yet the dead, the sick… are ours. A funny kind of harm that you have endured.”


“We could just take them, but it would be best that you surrendered them.” Threatened Medusa.


Ororo glanced at Illyana. “No Medusa, I don’t think you can. It would be war… and…”


Illyana finished. “There would then be casualties on both sides.”


A glare from Medusa. “Is that a threat? You have not the power to defeat us.”


Ororo answered, after a glance at Illyana. “Take the deal Medusa. We have give up much. All the blood is ours this day. Let us stop it while we still can.”


Medusa was about to refuse, to force Ororo to surrender those who had so transgressed against Inhuman sacred concepts, but a thought from Black Bolt intruded upon her mind.


(Take the deal my love.)




(We are reduced… and the threat is clear, at least from one of them.)


(The teleporting witch is nothing.)


(The threat from her is clear, it is to our people, not us.)


(They would not dare! Were you not the one who advocated even more forceful action?)


(I did. I do. But…)




(We have erred. The narrative that Summers wished for has become reality. We must think upon this and find a way to change the what is perceived as the truth. Plus… why did Ororo pick this one to stand by her and not Magneto? Did you not pick the strongest to stand by you?)


(A… bluff?)


(Perhaps… we have lost control, but a pretense of caring… of standing down, will help to shape the narrative to our advantage.)


And so peace was decided… For now.




No reply from Illyana, just the bitter scent of scorn, which elicited a soft growl from Rahne.


A mirthless chuckle from Illyana. “Now that’s the Rahne I remember.”


Another growl from Rahne, but this time it one of frustration. “Sorry… I… you always… You scare me… back then… and now I suppose. You were… are everything I was ever taught to fear. Fool that I be, I listen too often to my fears rather then… actions. Listened to what my animal side tells me.”


“Which is?”


“Don’t pretend you don’t know… I can smell wolf, and other things on you. They, whomever they are, must have told you. Flee. Hide. Submit. The big bad is here. I’ve never asked… is it… deliberate?”


And now it was the darkness’s turn to growl in irritation. “Sometimes… and sometimes not. I…don’t always pay attention.”


The darkness receded, or so Rahne’s wolf senses told her. It faded, or was absorbed, leaving just Illyana.


Rahne asked. “I didn’t know you were so close to Scott.”


Illyana picked up a small rock and threw it off the cliff. “It’s… complicated. I had my issues with Scott but… We were once one with the Phoenix and… he… trusted me. I am very… upset about a great many things. His death… The cloud… Inhumans… Heroes… Villains… Justice… Survival… I wonder… just what he would have done?”


“Do… you mean do.” Corrected Rahne. “What would Scott do.”


“Yes, you are correct.” Replied Illyana. “Do. What would Scott do now if he… was still alive.”


Rahne mused upon the question, then gave her opinion. “I think he would find a way to destroy the remaining cloud.”


“I think so as well.” Answered Illyana after a delay.


The conversation paused as the two of them just watched the waves and the gulls crying upon the wind. Then a question from Illyana.


“Are you staying?”


“No… Muir was once a home to me… Mummie was here. But… she’s gone. Being here, this place, it just keeps reminding me of what has been lost. What I’ve lost. I read a line in a book once. ‘And the world became a lesser place.’ That’s… what I feel here.”


Then… “Illyana…Can… I… we’re not friends... but can we… I’d like to try to be… I’d like to… Try.”


The scent of puzzlement from Illyana as she stated. “Why? You… hated me.”


“And I was as stupid Scott’s woman who didn’t understand what the good book told me even when I read the words out loud. I’m quick to anger, quick to fail, quick to give into my fears. I want to NOT do that again.”




“Because I want to be better then I was. I want to… try… to be friends with the Illyana that scares me. It was easy with the wee Illyana, she was but a child. You’re… hard. I would like to try. Please give me the chance.”


A long pause… then a tentative wolf scent of pack greeting from Illyana. A scent Rahne reciprocated.


It was a start.



Part 33c: Path chosen


Rahne eventually departed, in full wolf form. As she walked away she heard Illyana start playing a new song on her iPod. It was Broken by Lovelytheband.


I like that you're broken

Broken like me

Maybe that makes me a fool

I like that you're lonely

Lonely like me

I could be lonely with you


I met you late night, at a party

Some trust fund baby's Brooklyn loft

By the bathroom, you said let's talk

But my confidence is wearing off


These aren't my people

These aren't my friends

She grabbed my face and that's when she said


I like that you're broken

Broken like me

Maybe that makes me a fool

I like that you're lonely

Lonely like me

I could be lonely with you


There's something tragic, but almost pure

Think I could love you, but I'm not sure

There's something wholesome, there's something sweet

Tucked in your eyes that I'd love to meet


Later… much later, after night had fallen, Illyana finally stirred from her sitting position, stood. A flicker of a teleportation disk and she was standing next to Scott’s grave.


“Goodbye Scott. I don’t’ know what you would have done. I wish you and Emma had listened to me when I told you we needed to leave this island. I think… you would have found a better way then Emma did. A better path.”


Illyana hesitated, then hit play on her selection. We’re Not Gonna Take It by Twisted Sister thundered forth as if attached to giant speakers. A salute of sorts from Illyana to Scott. A declaration as to her intent.


Oh we're not gonna take it

No, we ain't gonna take it

Oh we're not gonna take it anymore


We've got the right to choose it

There ain't no way we'll lost it

This is our life, this is our song


We'll fight the powers that be just

Don't pick our destiny 'cause

You don't know us, you don't belong


Oh we're not gonna take it

No, we ain't gonna take it

Oh we're not gonna take it anymore


Oh you're so condescending

Your gall is never ending

We don't want nothin', not a thing from you


Your life is trite and jaded

Boring and confiscated

If that's your best, your best won't do


Oh Oh

We're right (yeah)

We're free (yeah)

We'll fight (yeah)


You'll see (yeah)


Another flicker of teleportation and she was on the roof of the Muir Island Mutant Research Center, where Emma was quietly drinking. Emma plotted the destruction of the second cloud and… vengeance upon the Inhumans for what they had done, and were allowing to continue.


An inquiring glance from Emma. And an answer from Illyana.


“I’m in.”

Chapter 34


The whole X-Men vs. Inhuman arc, starting with Extraordinary X-Men 1, and not ending until the X-Men vs. Inhuman limited series, revolved, in part, around the horrible thing that Scott Summers supposedly did. What he did was left unsaid but everybody in the comics knew and commented how bad it was. Yet… in the Death Of X limited series, we find the horrible action that Scott did was to… destroy one of the two clouds of Inhuman Terrigen gas that was poisoning and killing mutants, with NO Inhuman causalities at all (just lots of dead mutants). And it must be stated Scott was already dead and it was Emma who led the effort to destroy the first cloud.

Such horrors he did… such horrors.

We even see Illyana screaming at Sunfire (Shiro Yoshida) in Extraordinary X-Men 7… “If you and Cyclops hadn’t acted like you did, there wouldn’t have been any anti-mutant riots!”

Which is a very strange statement to make since Illyana herself was there and likewise took part in the destruction of the first cloud (as shown in the Death of X). Not to mention half of the people who stopped her from harming Sunfire while she was trying to clobber him with her big sword.

Chapter Text

Now what really happened was that Marvel found, as the story (how great the Inhumans were and how bad the X-Men were) was unfolding, that Inhuman sales sucked, not to mention the failed television Inhuman series and the abandoned Inhuman film plans, plus Fox and Disney reached an agreement in X-Men merchandising, and later Disney beginning the effort to buy most of Fox. So… the attempt to marginalize the X-Men failed and the horrible thing that Scott was supposed to have done, which I suppose was to have killed many Inhumans, fizzled into nothing but a storyline that left the Inhumans portrayed as utterly indifferent and cruel (which I think sums them up quite well, even accidently Marvel got the Inhumans right).


But I like things to make sense, and that means all of those references to the mysterious bad thing that Scott supposedly did are still out there. So… I created this story to clean that up and restore harmony to the canon storyline. Note that each section takes place at a different place in time (the story rather skips about).


And gee, nobody, I mean nobody, helped the Inhumans at all during the X-Men vs. the Inhumans events. Nobody at all... That does need some explaining as well.


Oh, and John Constantine makes a guest appearance (he has been in a few other stories, see the short stories: Mistakes were Made, Paybacks a bitch, Inquiring minds want to know, and Handy man).



Part 34a: London, base of the Shard (part 1)


The Shard, at 95 stories, is the tallest building in the United Kingdom. Hotel, office space, restaurants, condos, and observation floors. And the location of a very special event. It was early evening, the city lights were flicking on as the cool moist air gave hints at a later fog.


“Looking good John.” Commented the demon Nazzy upon John Constantine’s tuxedoed black form. “Of course I had to help you dress, but… looking good.”


“Five thousand Bloody Quid.” Groused Constantine as he lit up another silk cut cigarette (known as a fag in Brit speak) with a match. “And another fiver for you as well but still you wear a Nascar baseball hat and dark glasses…”


“What can I say John, just being me.” Replied the demon Nazzy (who looked very human) with a brilliant flash of gleaming white teeth as he showed off his brilliant all white leather Tuxedo.


“Well stick close and don’t thee be getting behind me until we’re done.” Stated John as he glanced up at the looming presence of the tower. “Need that demon stink you lot give off to cloak my frail and mortal self.”


Nazzy insulted John right back. “That’s so racist of you John, we’re not all alike.”


“Cry me a river demon boy.”


“Back at you meat monkey.”


Constantine took a long drag on his fag, and then exhaled as he spoke. “Right, time for that lion den thing.”


“Wouldn’t have it any other way John.” Replied Nazzy as he tossed the keys to the custom Dodge Charger Hellcat to the valet. The car was blood red with a massive metallic blue line down the middle and chromed everything. Then Nazzy shouted a comment to the valet while briefly taking his shades off to show the valet his glowing eyes. “Get a scratch on it kid and I’ll rip your guts out and tie you up with them.”


“Blazes…” Groused Constantine continuing to look at the building. “J.C. himself only went to the top of the temple, those blokes just has to take it further. Tell me you didn’t forget the tickets.”


Nazzy pulled two tickets from his left pocket. “Right here John. Admit two, Hutong Restaurant, private affair.


The car grumbled into life, as the thousand horse power engine attempted to consume all the oxygen in the vicinity, and that was just at the idle setting.


“That car is a complete abomination Nazzy.”


Nazzy apparently didn’t quite understand John’s complaint. “Yeah, she’s a brute isn’t she. Remember those Green Peacers protesting her?”


John got more direct. “You got out and punched half of them, then did a burnout on that giant mural of a whale they had painted on the ground, after setting it on fire with lighter fluid. But you’re right, it suits you, right wanker mobile, just like the driver.”


Nazzy was unimpressed by John’s complaints. “Complaints from the man who bums rides in a London Taxi from his friend? Somehow I’ll live with the shame. And for the record John, I never have to wank it, plenty of demand for what I’m packing, unlike present company.”


Constantine was absent mindedly playing with a Zippo lighter, repeatedly flicking it open and shut, but not lighting it. “If this goes pear-shaped, we’re in for a right kicking. Nazzy, your boss is one bleeding pain in the arse.”


“She is the patron demon of stabby, but I’ll be sure to pass that comment on…”


A statement that briefly stopped John. “You know I’m kidding right?”


Which prompted a laugh from Nazzy. “Gotcha!”


Constantine took another long drag on his fag. “Got me worried there for a second you prat.”


Nazzy just laughed as they walked inside, but then… “But I’m still going to tell her John.”


Constantine tossed the spent fag onto the marble floor and ground it out with his shoe. “That’s it Nazzy, you’re off this year’s Christmas card list.”


“That hurts John, and here I go to all the trouble to find you a new ratty trench coat, smelling of smoke, beer, and piss just like the original after your old one burned in that castle you just had to check out.”


“My coat does not smell of piss.”


“If you say so John, if you say so John.”



Part 34b: Lunch in New Tian (takes place after the cloud is destroyed)


Some time earlier…


It is the time of the Secret Empire. The United States has broken into several political entities. One ruled by Hydra from Washington D.C. Another, consisting of just the west coast, has become a mutant friendly nation called New Tian, governed by Emma in conjunction with the various mutants and X-Men who were not trapped in the dark dome that covered Manhattan (Author note: That was so not my story folks, I like to think I write better stuff, just setting the stage).


The location, a San Francisco café (The Slanted Door at Pier 1 to be specific). Several X-Men were partaking of lunch when Tabatha Smith (Boom-Boom) paused in eating her cellophane noodle with crab and asked a question of the group.


“What did Scott do to the Inhumans that was so bad?”


“Inhumans… Blahhh.” Replied Rictor making a disgusted face, as if he’d just found a bug in his gulf shrimp & pork wonton soup. “First they shoot us out of the air and destroy an X-Jet and now you want to ruin lunch Tabby? Come on… I’m eating here, no need to mention Inhumans.”


“Scott did that… horrible thing.” Replies Buido Carosella (Strong guy) as he slurped the meat off another rib (Appetizer, he had five orders worth). “You know… that horrible thing.”


Tabatha took a sip of her drink, then replied. “That’s the point, I don’t know. I can’t remember. And the only horrible thing I can think of is Rictor’s porno mustache, which thankfully he’s shaved off.”


“I liked the stach…” Complained Rictor.


“Then like… why did you shave it off dude?” Asked Buido.


“Nobody else did, plus I kept getting food in it. And of course you don’t remember Tabby, time to cut back on the booze. Jeeze it’s only lunchtime and that’s your second cocktail.”


Tabatha tried to switch the topic back to the Inhumans. “I like Singapore Slings, plus booze was the only thing that got me through being stuck in Limbo when we were all there because of that Inhuman toxic gas cloud. Man… I think I was plastered half the time, so hated Limbo… hate hate hate. Place gave my hair split ends and I always smelled of sulfur and not a club in sight.”


Gaveedra-Seven (codename Shatterstar and Rictor’s boyfriend) chimed in. “That’s why you don’t remember Tabatha, you really do need to cut down on the drinking.”


Tabatha drained her cocktail in defiance, and then asked again. “I’ll swear off alcohol for a week of any of you can tell me what Scott did that was so bad.”


Buido observed that… “He did destroy the first cloud.”


“Which was not a bad thing.” Observed Tabatha.


Everybody did have to agree that destroying the first cloud of mutant killing gas was far from being a bad thing and a toast to Scott was given. But then… the others all had to admit that they also did not remember what the very very bad thing that Scott had done.


Buido remembered that… “There was that cover of Time… with Black Bolt having just a tear in his eye. Where the cover screamed about the Inhuman’s forbearance. Like that littering Ad that they had where the American Indian has a tear in his eye because of the littering.”


Rictor recalled… “Or those interviews where Medusa said that despite all the harm, the Inhumans had chosen the path of peace.”


Gaveedra-Seven (Shatter star) recollected. “Plus all those Inhuman go fund me pages for… something… And… wasn’t there a call for reparations from all Mutants to the Inhumans?”


“Yeah…” Mused Tabatha. “Then… it just… stopped. And… and…”


“Apparently nobody can remember just what it is that Scott did.” Finished Buido.


“Maybe your new buddy, Magik, would know.” Added Rictor.


Tabatha ordered her third drink from a passing waitress, and then commented. “She’s not a buddy, but it was fun insulting Inhumans with her. I swear she knows every weird club in this town. And she has clubbing super powers; never has to stand in line, always has a table, and service is fantastic. Turns out that theirs this really fantastic club on Pier 7, but you need…”



Part 34c: Muir Island, before the X-Men vs. Inhumans mini series,


Ever earlier…


Muir Island, residence of Emma Frost, long before New Tian.


“You’re obsessing over Scott.” Was Illyana’s comment to Emma as Illyana practiced her swordsmanship and combat moves by engaging in the classic two handed style of called Kombatan (A Filipino martial arts style), she was using two short bamboo sticks instead of swords. Over and over the flowing style of right hand strike to the temple, left hand strike to the temple, right hand strike to the left knee, left hand strike to the right knee. She was doing this upon a grassy bit of flat space by Scott’s grave. Think of it as a type of sword dance.


“Like you’re one to talk.” Replied Emma. She was standing by Stott’s grave dressed in her new black garb, cloak and all.


“Commenting Emma, not critiquing. Just reminding you that if you are trimming branches off of your decision tree, that you should be actively aware of it.”


Emma was her usual social self. “I know what I, and we, are doing. But to what do I owe the pleasure of your company? I dearly hope you aren’t looking for sparing partner.”


Illyana’s Kombatan cycled faster and faster until the harmony of motion collapsed, causing her to throw the sticks to the grass in disgust. “I almost harmed Sunfire today. I accused him of horrible deeds that he and Scott had done. Yet… that makes no sense, I was there, there were no horrors other then the destruction of the cloud, which you orchestrated by the way Emma, not Scott as he had already dead. And yet Sunfire did not defend himself, and all the others likewise agreed with the statement about the horrible crimes. Crimes that I am appalled at, yet… crimes I am neither able to describe or recollect, hence something has been done do me, to us, and I think the world.”


“It is a meme, an idea that has been embedded into the collective unconsciousness.” Replied Emma. “Even I feel it, like Scott… we did something horrible beyond the pale to the Inhumans and only their graciousness has prevented their just and fair retribution.”


“Total Bullshit…” Stated Illyana with disgust. “Yet… I am constrained, as are the others.”


Emma agreed. “We accomplish almost nothing by trying to save the sick while not confronting the source of the disease. It would appear that something has happened to affect everybody on the planet. Even Erik says we have no chance against the Inhumans, just keeps going on about the retched things that Scott did.”


“Can you break it?” Asked Illyana.


“I cannot undo what I cannot understand.” Was Emma’s reply. “Can you?”


Illyana shook her head no. “No, the rules that govern such as I do not permit me to act in such matters unless…” Then after some thought while Illyana retrieved her sticks. “Perhaps if the source of the delusion were to be located and found to be…” A long pause, then. “Since it is affecting you I assume it must be both telepathic and magical in nature.”


The sticks vanished with magical flick of Illyana’s wrist as she thought upon Emma’s words. “Hmmm, I know a marginal wizard who may be of use, he is quite skilled in inserting himself into affairs that do not concern him, and he still owes me two services.”




“He would be better if he applied himself, but his nature tends to one of sloth. He’s British, but you won’t like him.”


A questioning look from Emma that invoked clarification from Illyana.


“Total sleaze.”


“Worse then Tony Stark?”


“Um… Toney’s in a class by himself, but…”


Emma finished. “I think I get what you’re getting at.”



Part 34d: John…


“Another bleeding night of torture to look forward to…” Grumbled John to himself as he stubbed out another spent fag in an over full ashtray.


Tuesday night and time for Nazzy to make his habitual rounds of torment. Thanks the spirits that at least the new seasons of Top Gear did not apply as the original hosts were gone, which would have been a double torment as the new series was so bad. No, John had finally watching all of the Top Gear episodes with Nazzy, but now it was to be a night of four episodes of Season Two of the Grand Tour.


Which, of course, he had to do stone cold sober…


He even had to subscribe to Amazon Prime to get the access to the episodes, and he had to pay for it as well. Girl just knew how to grind him down, and, in his heart of hearts, John was beginning to really like the Automotive trio, which of course meant that he had to be afflicted with some odd form of Helsinki syndrome, at least that was his hope.


There was the expected knock on the apartment door, John made his way to the door and opened it while holding a ten pound note to pay the Curry delivery man.


“Here’s a Ten’r mate, keep the…”


It was not the expected delivery man, well more of a boy, holding a take out box of Indian Curry with a side of Naan bread and extra yogurt sauce (John loved yogurt sauce).


No… it was a bountiful expanse of pale cleavage held aloft by a black leather body hugging costume that was open in the middle all the way down to the exposed navel. Large, firm mounds of goodness, promising a first class fun ride. John, being British, did not know the concept of a Disney E ticket ride, but his sudden lustful interest definitely did. John blinked several times, and then belatedly looked up from the bosomy goodness to stare into blue eyes framed by pale blond hair and an ironic expression. John glanced back down and observed black thigh length boots, black leather short shorts with a big buckle, and what looked like a black cape behind her. Plus an X marks the spot buckle just above her… um… okay… staring a bit too much.


John just had to go with what he was thinking, both with his brain and his little head as he raised his head and looked her in the eye. “I don’t know what you’re selling Luv’, but I’m buying.”


An expression of bemused contempt was his answer as the tall leggy blonde stepped back from the doorway, revealing Her. She whom he still owned two services to and the source of his ongoing Top Gear based torments.


Interestingly, she whom he had yet to fully name was dressed in a similar fashion, but her right arm was covered with covered with black armor and her top had a boob window instead of an open middle.


He did know one new form of address for her as he sighed, it was going to be one of these nights, and not the fun kind of ménage à trois fantasies he usually had about two hot blondes.




John was once again in a storage locker bargaining with a demon for knowledge. Smokey blackness was contained by a pentagram spoke.


“She has many names John, and these bargaining goods of yours are quite marginal.”


John did not agree. “Bullocks, even the zipper still works on the Rolling Stones album.”


“The album is quite used, scratched, and the zipper means nothing. I care about the Twinkie, not the cellophane that it is wrapped in.”


“Got to be worth something.”


“Such goods as these are the worse kind of junk food. I suppose I could take them so as to trade them for something of worth. One name then.”




“You are dealing with Magik.


“Well rather obvious mate.”


“Goodbye John.”


“We have a deal!”


“And I have fulfilled my part in it.”


“Not without a name you haven’t you tosser.”


“Magik John, she’s Magik.”


“I know mate, but it’s a name I’m looking for.”


“John, do I need to spell it out for you?”


“Spell… oh… she’s called Magik.”


“How you repeatedly defeat the forces of Hell I’ll never understand.”


“Side of the righteousness mate.”


“You John? That is hard to believe.”




“Magik...” He started to say, then stopped as a truly horrifying thought popped into his head as he then asked the first blonde. “Um… you’re not her mum by chance are you?” Coming on to a Hell Lords mother was likely even worse then his prior misdeeds.


And apparently a big no on the mom question if the expression of outrage on the first blonde was any indication of reality. The first blonde commented as he stepped back to allow them to walk in, after all what else could he do.


“You were correct Illyana, sleazy, only minimal apparent intelligence…” A sniff from her. “Poor hygiene, and... definite Pavlovian responses when viewing the female form.”


No statement from Magik, just an eye roll and a shake of the head from her that just so conveyed a failing grade for John.


But John did learn another name for her, so… not a complete loss.



Part 34e: John’s third service


The older blond had that elite expression of distain as she looked over John’s cluttered and messy living room. A look that communicated ‘so this is how lower class scum live’. A look that of course annoyed John.


“Sorry the décor is not up to your standards luv, but you came to my door.”


And now the expression was turned upon John, as if to announce that ‘here was the lower class scum in question’. Magik just looked bored and paid the messy apartment no mind as she explained what John’s third service was to be. As she explained John lit up another fag, in part because this service looked extra nasty, and in part because he could just tell it annoyed the older blond.


After Illyana was done, Emma expressed her doubts. “You really think he’s capable of this?”


Illyana looked a tad doubtful, which did nothing for John’s opinion of himself, but he liked her reply. “Yes, despite appearances he’s… rather notorious for finding and solving such things.”


“Best there is luv” Was John’s reply to Emma (He had learned her name during Illyana’s explanation). “So… somebody’s messed with the thoughts of the whole world to make the Inhumans look like saints and you lot like dog dirt. And you want me to find out who’s done it.”


“That sums it up quite well Mr. Constantine.” Replied Illyana.


“My resources are a bit sparse at the moment, I don’t suppose you could help a bloke out?” Hinted John.


The two women exchanged a glance, then Emma briefly stared at John before replying. “He’s actually telling the truth, and no Mr. Constantine I don’t find you secretly appealing.”


Emma reached down and pulled a Black no limit Visa card from her boot and tossed it to John. “That should provide sufficient funds.”


He tried to put on some airs, who knows, maybe the taller bird might go for it. I'm the one who steps from the shadows, all trench coat and cigarette and arrogance, ready to deal with the madness. Oh, I've get it all sewn up. I can save you. If it takes the last drop of your credit, I'll drive your demons away. I'll kick them in the bollocks and spit on them when they're down and then I'll be gone back into darkness, leaving only a nod and a wink and a wisecrack. I walk my path alone... who would walk with me? Plus I knew a mate at the pub, grew a tentacle out of his tongue after getting exposed. Got fired and his Miss’s left him. Hung himself, poor bastard, so… not quite a fan of the Inhumans.”


Illyana looked thoughtful as she spoke. “I think a minder is needed, shouldn’t there be a second to enable the classic good cop bad cop routine?” A smile from her that was not nice as there was a flash of light in the hallway, and Nazzy, John’s personal Top Gear demon from Illyana walked in.


Nazzy was wearing a Top Gear Live Australia crew shirt (the back had the words TOP GEAR, Feel the Thunder down Under!). He had on dark glasses and was also wearing a Top Gear baseball hat, leather jeans, and boots.


“John!” Was Nazzy’s enthusiastic greeting. Road Trip! Even brought my wheels, none of that effeminate taxi cab bull shit!   Boss says we’re a teamup! I’m Starsky to your Hutch… or is it Bo Duke and your Luke Duke?” Then a glance at Emma. “And it looks we even got us a Daisy Duke stand-in as well.”


A comment that just annoyed Emma. John’s enthusiasm promptly fell, even clutching the Black no limit Visa card.



Part 34f: Inhuman Ethics


Some time ago…


“I think we have just the answer to your PR problem, your Majesties.” Spoke a well dressed Englishman by the name of Adrian Wapcaplet, who was sitting behind a very splendid looking desk.


Medusa and BlackBolt were sitting in a large London office that had a magnificent view of St. Paul’s in the distance. Behind them, Lockjaw was gnawing upon an immense beef bone that has been provided by the staff. It was a very nice office, rich brown and burgundy leather chairs, well lit, the walls only had framed significant advertising posters from successful campaigns:


One showed a diamond ring on a woman’s hand with the phrase ‘A Diamond is forever’.


Another showing a bold Bill Clinton with the phrase ‘The Man from Hope’.


One showing a smiling Santa Clause drinking a Coke while adoring polar bears look on.


A black poster with just the Nike symbol and the works ‘JUST DO IT.’


The Apple iPod rocking silhouette.


A Wendi’s where’s the beef poster.


The original Jordache Jeans campaign staring Brook Shields and the slogan ‘Nothing comes between me and my Jeans’.


And finally the rugged Marlboro Man smoking a cigarette.


Adrian Wapcaplet continued. “We’ve handled a diverse set of clients over the centur… years and believe we have just what you need.”


“Which would be?” Inquired Medusa as she took a sip of her tea, using her hair to hold the cup. She was speaking for BlackBolt as any verbal utterance would destroy the office.


“Sympathy… the world needs to love you, after all… should they not? Do you not deserve it?”


Blackbolt and Medusa exchange a glance, then a reply from her. “Yes… yes we do.”


“And we can deliver that. The unfortunate meme of the dying and sickened mutants and humans is problematic, therefore the solution is how unfair it was that the nasty mutants destroyed a cultural heritage artifact of yours. Such travesty…”


“One of the two Terrigen clouds.” Injected Medusa.


“Yes… through no fault of your own, when you nobly sacrificed your remaining crystals in the defense of this very world. Was it your fault that the Terrigen bomb was detonated? Was it your fault that the clouds are harming mutants, as well as those who have Inhuman genes that badly manifest? Is it your fault that the clouds even existed? And was it your fault that the remaining cloud continues to exist?”


“Um… yes?” Answered Medusa. An answer that prompted Mr. Wapcaplet to stand up from his chair and emphatically proclaim.


NO! Cultural heritage! The bad bad mutants have desecrated a cultural landmark! Think! It’s like the Mona Lisa being used as a condom. Cute and defenseless baby seals being used for shotgun practice. Why… It’s mutant jack boots upon the poor Inhumans, who are just trying to survive. And after all that the Inhumans have done for this world…”


Blackbolt and Medusa looked confused, likely it was the idea of Inhumans helping others. “Such as…?”


“Irrelevant! To ask is to show the inherent racism by the very question!”


“And the price?” Asked Medusa.


A winsome smile from Mr. Wapcaplet. “Ordinary we request a… spiritual… deposit as it were for such services, as well as monetary recompense. But such spiritual capital of course requires the client to be in possession of such assets.”


A complete lack of comprehension from the Inhumans. Which prompted a chuckle from Mr. Wapcaplet as he explained. “Sorry, bit of an industry inside joke… no… for your situation we simply require the brief assistance from Blackbolt to help clean up some off world slums. Think urban renewal, giving back to the community as it were. And others are willing to help offset the cost of your campaign because they believe in your cause, anonymous as they wish to not take anything away from your greatness.”


A look of contented pleasure from Medusa. “I knew that there had to be others who understood.” Then a long stare between the two Inhuman Royalty, followed by… “Agreed.


The Inhumans teleport away after signing documents and a satisfied Adrian Wapcaplet leaned back in his chair as an underling came in.


“No souls sir?”


“None Wesley. Pity, but Inhuman royalty are rather deficient in such things. No matter, we have other recompense. Many would be reluctant, or even unwilling, to destroy the cities of those who have done nothing against them, but Inhumans… Ha… Their name says it all.”


“How Inhuman of them sir…” Then a chuckle from the underling. “Yes Mr. Wapcaplet, the name does say it all.”



Part 34g: Hutong Restaurant Northern China cuisines, 33 floor


John and Nazzy were riding up the Shard in one of the mirror walled elevators. They were politely conversing, meaning they continued to insult each other.


John went right to the point. “You're a prick Nazzy, a total prick.”


Nazzy was equally dismissive. “And a big one at that John, but you… fucking magic. What does it get you, eh ? Apart from getting laid that is. Why… you rack almost a C- on that scale John."


“Hey… that’s one of the primary benefits. Getting the Gentleman’s sausage snuggled in a warm bun is why half of the male practitioners start.”


With a ding the elevator door opened upon the lobby of the Hutong Restaurant. And several large, but well dressed thugs taking the invitations. John kept close to Nazzy and just smiled at the suspicious stares from the thugs. Then onto the main room and off to the open bar, and of course John went right for some top shelf liquid courage, Nazzy however was drinking from the bottom shelf, stuff could almost double as jet fuel.


The pair just watched more guests arrive until… Some music began to play as the main lights dimmed while some lighting effects went off… The song was Won’t Get Fooled Again by the Who.


We'll be fighting in the streets

With our children at our feet

And the morals that they worship will be gone

And the men who spurred us on

Sit in judgment of all wrong

They decide and the shotgun sings the song


I'll tip my hat to the new constitution

Take a bow for the new revolution

Smile and grin at the change all around

Pick up my guitar and play

Just like yesterday

Then I'll get on my knees and pray

We don't get fooled again


As the song went on, more and more the crowd began to sing along until finally the whole room sang the ending (even John and Nazzy, John loved the band Who).




I'll tip my hat to the new constitution

Take a bow for the new revolution

Smile and grin at the change all around

Pick up my guitar and play

Just like yesterday

Then I'll get on my knees and pray

We don't get fooled again

Don't get fooled again

No, no!


Meet the new boss




At the end of the song Adrian Wapcaplet suddenly stepped onto a small stage with a mike.


“Is this on? Oh good. Well my good friends! Another fine year for WapcapletSmith. Why… the best since 1933 and that created 12 years of glory, followed by that wonderful cold war! This year we have successfully launched the Inhuman campaign causing untold misery for not only Mutants, but many a poor mortal who happens to have the poor luck in the gene pool. Ahhh… non compassion is the gift that just keeps in giving. How I love the consequences of the sins of the father unto so many generations! Some think a Diamond is forever, but only cruelty and suffering are truly eternal.”


All in attendance cheered, apart from John, Nazzy did kind of cheer as well.


“Such are the fertile fields we labor in… Harvesting misery grown by others. And speaking of misery, I’m happy to announce that we have just landed another, even large contract that will…”


That’s when John, of course, just had to interrupt as he loudly declared. “What a bunch of pats, should have known that only advertisers could be behind this, you giant lot of tossers. Name John Constantine. My talent's for lying. For sticking the knife in when people least expect it. Then walking away with a smile and a wave before the right bastards realize that their bleeding.”


Silence… utter and complete as the room turned and stared.


Then a snarl from Mr. Wapcaplet. “I see, the two bit wizard has finally penetrated our ranks… after all these years of operating under his very nose.” Horns began to grow upon the head of Wapcaplet, likewise the other attendees. “John Constantine… bet that you’re a right Tory hating bastard. Well... aren’t we all? New Labor all the way here! I hope that sorry fact doesn’t make you a cynic Mr. Constantine.”


Now that did upset John, being a Labor voter all of his life. He snarled a reply back after finishing off his drink and putting an unlit fag in his mouth. “A clever little bleeder, was Oscar Wilde. He once defined a cynic as a man who knows the price of everything and the value of nothing. But I don’t think this is a playwright criticism circle. So I take it you lot are responsible for all this Inhuman solidarity madness that has overtaken the world?"


“That would be a yes Mr. Constantine. A yes… and a goodbye.”


“You got that right.” Was Constantine’s reply as his flicked open his Zippo lighter and lit his fag.




“So how would I contact you, assuming I find the culprits?”


Illyana thought up the question, then held her hands apart and cast a small glowing magic sphere that then shrank down into her clenching right fist. Then she tossed something to John.


It was a Zippo lighter. One with an etched burning sword on it. Illyana provided instructions.


“Light that. No binding or ward will block me.”




John took a puff and then blew a smoke ring as he stated. “I don’t suppose you lot know who Magik is?”


Momentary puzzlement… right up to the point when the walls started to bleed after first transforming into teeth.


Have your ever seen demons panic? John had, and he loved watching it every time. He whispered to Nazzy as the crowd went mad in their attempts to escape. They were behind the bar watching. “Nothing compares to that emptiness in your gut when the smoke settles, and you're the last man standing, eh?"


Nazzy whispered back. “Love watching you work John. But it looks better with full automatic fire.”


John frowned over some recollections of the road trip with Nazzy as they had investigated. “You like your way Nazy… I like mine.”


That’s when the Darkchilde showed up. And she was pissed… Think Dormammu ending grade pissed. Why… WapcapletSmith lost over half its staff before they even had a chance to attempt to surrender. The Darkchilde was not very conversational in her wrath as she only spoke once.


“You DARED!! Dared to touch me!”


John loved a good grovel, watching that is. Mr. Wapcaplet was most apologetic as he kneeled in the blood of the fallen, which just resulted in more dead demons, apparently apologies were not what was desired.


“I see she’s a terror when she’s upset.” Commented John as he poured himself another drink.


“Haven’t seen her this pissed since the time she destroyed the entire demonic tribe of ZkkKrk demons when they rebelled, plus she did think they were holding onto something of hers.” Replied Nazzy drinking straight from a bottle of Smirnoff Marshmallow flavored vodka (yes readers, it actually exists, as I said, bottom shelf).


Naz offered John a hit from the bottle but John was not having any of that. “Nazzy, I’d rather drink cat piss.”


“I can arrange that John…” Was Nazzy’s grinning reply as he located a bottle of Polish White Dog whiskey (aged three years in a metal barrel for the great taste of rust, considered the worst whiskey in the world).


John gaffed, then raised his glass. “Hated working with you Nazzy, hope to never do it again.”


Nazzy just grinned and finished off the bottle as the two watched the ongoing demonic slaughter.


But… a path was found before all were slaughtered, much to John’s disappointment. A type of reversal, an undoing of the enchantment combined with…




Call it do unto others as you would have done unto you. In this case the Inhumans were to reap what they had sown.



Part 34h: Things begin to go wrong…


US Congress, Senate floor


A debate was taking place involving the Inhuman Reparations act, the one that not only taxed all Mutants, but all U.S. Citizens so as to redistribute money to the Inhumans.


Senator Bernie Sanders was speaking in favor of the bill. “… The harm that the Inhumans have suffered due to the destructions of one of their sacred cultural treasures must be addressed. In this way, we can we absolve ourselves of our collective… collective….”


He pauses… then. “What the blazes am I talking about? Inhumans are members of the 1%. Why… half of the Inhuman city is taken up by just the Royal palace. Do they pay taxes? No! Just another example of the elite looking out for itself!”


The Senate chair then pointed out. “Senator, the chair reminds you that you are one of the authors of the bill in question...”


Bernie felt the burn… then… “I rescind my authorship and sponsorship. What the hell was I thinking? Bunch of Inhuman assholes gassing Americans… Just how many of our people died, mutant and human, because of their damn gas….”


Later, at the WapcapletSmith offices


“No Medusa… nobody’s here…” Spoke Gorgon. “Empty… looked like they moved in a hurry. No forwarding address.”


Social Media


A pause in the likes and friend requests for Inhuman social media pages, then…






Angry comments.


Postings about Nazis, Inhumans and the gassing of people.


Then the lawsuits began over people harmed by the gas…


Inhumans city of New Attilan, just as Storm and the X-Men attack


“Thank you for calling the Avengers hot line. All operators are currently busy. Your emergency is important to us. Please stay one the line… your wait time is… is… is…” Then just a dial tone as the answering service hung up.


“Try Dr. Strange.” Directs Medusa.


“I did my Queen.” Replies the servant. “All I get is his answering machine explaining that he is away at the moment.”


“And the local authorities?”


“They claim this is not New York City limits and out of their jurisdiction.”




“Shield states that they have a policy of avoiding confrontations with the X-Men…”


And Inhumans vs. X-men took place, and the Inhumans went down hard.



Part 34i: Epilogue…


And WapcapletSmith’s new client… well… let’s just say they did not like Inhumans, even though they had helped to fund the Inhumans campaign.


Who are they you ask? Well… How did that song go?


I tip my hat to the new constitution… Ahh, that it, let’s just say…


“Hail Hydra” should answer it.


That, and the Marvel Secret Empire crossover event where Hydra took over the U.S.A. And the Inhumans did not have a fun time under Hydra.


And that, dear readers, is my explanation for the whole Inhuman/X-Men mess.

Chapter 35


Author's note: This ongoing set of shorts is how I, in part, make sure that things make sense. In the recent set of X special (X-Men Black), we have Emma Frost being assisted by the X-Men (Rogue Storm, Night Crawler, Gambit, Laura (X-23)) in taking down the remaining leaders of the Hell Fire club, and of course Emma likewise taking down Sebastian Shaw the reigning Black King of the club (and rather removing in a permanent way some of the staff as well, but we all know Emma likes to play rough).

For those who don’t know, the Hell Fire club is an organization with the intent to rule the world. Sometimes mutants are in change of the club, sometimes not. Ruling members are given chess piece names and colors (Black King, White Bishop, and such; then the Red Queen got added which kind of messed with the whole chess thing they had going). Emma was once the white queen.

The summation of the comic is that Emma uses the X-Men to take down the Hell Fire ruling elite, she takes down Shaw herself, and Emma becomes the new Black King meaning she’s the head honcho (and of course the X-Men did not see that coming). All in all a good one shot story where Magik played no role. That we know of…

Chapter Text

But… there is one quote that Emma makes after defeating Sebastian ‘I’ve been planning this for months darling. And I’ve had lots of help along the way.’ Now that help was the families of the dead and hurt club members, but… perhaps not all the help was acknowledged.


This chapter is dedicated to GORM as GORM just so gets Illyana (GORM is a frequent poster on the Magik appreciation thread at community dot cbr dot com which I am a frequent reader, occasional poster).


I’ve addressed a few Marvel inconsistencies in this chapter. Oh, and I’ve cribbed a few lines from some Waiting for the trade jokes (a comic about comics) because I just love what he writes. And the pause in my writing was because I was on vacation.



Part 35: Hell Fire Conversations


The bar Sister Margret's school for wayward girls, total sleaze of a place. Two pool tables, some waitresses that hook on the side, a part time job hall for mercenaries, and a surprisingly large collection of expensive drinks mixed in with the cheap stuff.


Erik Lehnsherr (Magneto, and former Hell Fire club’s White King) was drinking alone at a small table, the thick pall of smoke was making his eye’s water just a bit (Marker’s Mark bourbon on the rocks for those who care). He was a bit early, and old fashioned as he was a firm believer that it was the woman’s prerogative to be the second to arrive. So he indulged himself with a small drink while taking note of all the recent repairs the bar.


And of course, ten minutes late, Emma Frost strode in; making use of her telepathy to not be noticed by anybody other the Erik. Not because she was hiding, it’s just that she wouldn’t be caught dead in a dive like Sister Margret's.


Emma had a look that just so communicated that no… she would not be powdering her nose here. “Erik, what a completely un-charming place. Why on earth did you decide to meet here? I’m sure there is a befouled empty dumpster somewhere we could converse in. Or might the sewers be more appropriate?”


Erik rose to great Emma. “Because it suits me. Indulge me Emma.”


“I’ll be sending you the dry cleaning bill.” Was her somewhat snippety response as she sat down. “Assuming I don’t burn the cloths.”


“Please do… I find that this place has color, and has some surprisingly skilled contractors for unpleasant third party work.”


Emma went straight to the point, that should hopefully mean spending less time in this dump. “The Hell Fire club is now mine. Will that be a problem?”


Erik was not direct in his reply. “That entirety depends upon what you plan on doing with it my dear Emma.”


Emma understood the implied threat. “My primary purpose was to end the endless stupidity the club’s leadership, and to stop the harming of mutants in the resulting crossfire. Plus there were many in the lower ranks that were close to Shaw who needed removing.”


Erik gave a small nod. “Goals I can agree with. I found your takedown most impressive, although a tad bloody.”


A statement that earned him a sarcastic look from Emma. A look that Erik just gave a shrug of a reply to. After all, bloody sometimes described Erik very well.


“Thank you for not interfering.” Emma glanced around the place and froze. “Erik, why is there a photo of Magik behind the bar, and why is she destroying a pool table with that ridiculously large sword of hers?”


A grin from Erik as he remembered that incident. “She was upset… She was assisting me in a small matter when Dead Pool walked past and groped her ass from behind. Plus a bartender made an unfortunate prostitution comment in regards to her outfit.”


Emma burst out laughing, she couldn’t help it. “That explains the ‘Do Not Touch’ sign underneath her picture. I’m surprised the place is still standing. And that answers why you chose this location.”


“Astute as always Emma. What role did she have in your takedown of the club? And is she now a secret member?”


Emma hated it when somebody was able to glace behind the curtain as it were. “She had no active role.”


“Meaning Intel.” Concluded Erik.


“Mean Intel.” Agreed Emma. “The elite never had a chance once her information was combined with mine. I knew where they were hiding, their security, everything. And no she’s not a member, Kitty would get most upset about that, otherwise the Black Queenship is hers for the asking.”


Erik sighed over Kitty. “Shame about Kitty’s wedding… I sent a gift.”


Emma was Emma. “Kitty can phase right thru any solid relationship. It’s part of her power set.”


Erik did have to agree. “Kitty does tend to complicate things over time.” The failed wedding had made Erik rather sad. “Which does me feel my years at times.   That and odd matchmaker thoughts in that sometimes I think of introducing some of Wanda’s male children to Kitty. When she has the children that is, they do tend to come and go due to that chaos magic talent of hers… at least she’s stopped sleeping with the robot… never approved of the robot. Always had concerns about Pietro and his wife, but Luna, their offspring, my grandchild, I at least have no problems with, other then her being raised by the Inhumans.”


“I thought Wanda and Pietro were not your children. And Vision is a Synthaziod, not a robot.”


Erik did not agree. “Machine equals robot Emma. There are over ten thousand varieties of cheeses, but in the end they are all still just ultimately cheese. Call me old fashioned, but I’d rather my daughter not to engage in emotional and sexual relationships with appliances. And in regards to my offspring, would you call them well adjusted?”


Emma gave a reluctant… “No.”


“All the proof you need that they are mine.”


What an odd turn of conversation thought Emma. “Next I suppose your going to start showing me baby photos.”


Erik gave Emma a neutral look for a moment, then pulled out a wallet and proceeded to do just that.


Emma was quite surprised as the photos were shown. “How on earth is that possible?”


“I know a time traveler and I have a camera.”


“Doesn’t this violate some rules?”


“Not according to Magik, she thought the request was cute.”


Emma did have to admit that the pair had been very cute babies.


Erik put away his wallet. “Once I went to a thanksgiving supper that Wanda put together. It was for the Avengers but she also invited me. I, of course, showed up in civilian clothing, but for some reason all the Avengers just had to be in their field uniforms; which I found to be most odd. And Namor was of course almost naked as usual. Well… the glares I got from most of them. I do give Wanda the credit for inviting me. But back to the topic at hand, did you approach her or was it her idea?”




“Magik’s very good at manipulation Emma… very good.”


“No… I’ve been thinking about this for quite a while.”


“Which I would hazard that you stated in her presence at least once?”




“And of course she is such a fan of the club…”


“Well… no.” This had been Emma’s idea but… Illyana had been surprisingly well informed as to the clubs activities and the locations of the current leadership.


Erik got a gleam in his eye. “For all you know, this could be a secret plot of Kitty’s, if so then I applaud the girl and would drink a toast as to her maturity in the ways of politics.”


An idea that horrified Emma. “I am not Kitty’s puppet.”


Ahhh, such is fun to tweak the former white queen thought Erik. He gestured at the bar and a previously ordered drink of Armagnac Brandy was delivered (it was for Emma).


She took a sniff and nodded her approval. “I’m surprised they stock this.”


“Apparently thuggery pays, or perhaps some of those who hire wish to indulge in the better stuff.”


Emma took a sip. “Mmmm… No concerns about the Avengers disrupting us?”


“I’m sure they’re too busy finding a reason to fight each other to trouble themselves with raiding random dive bars. Or perhaps Tony has decided to turn on them yet again, or might another of his inventions turned sapient; it is Tuesday after all. Which reminds me, is there a reason that Victor (Anole) now has a tail and three tongues? He is a mutant, green, with lizard like skin but previously lacked a tail and the plethora of tongues. Some secondary mutation perhaps?”


Emma was not kind. “Stupidity… I believe he played a prank on Illyana and is learning a lesson about poor decision choices. I’m sure it will be gone in a week or so.”


Erik just had to point out. “If she remembers.”


Emma sounded less then concerned. “I’ll remind her if it lasts too long.”


Erik took another sip, sighed, and then replied. “Be careful Emma, we have both seen her having a bad day, no need for the Hell Fire club to become quite so literal.”


“Why the concern?”


“She’s… well… of all the New Mutants who were once in my charge, my students, she most understood me… and I her. I once gave her advice as she fought her darker tendencies ‘We can accept what we were and are… and go on regardless. Leaning and growing as we do. Yes we might lose, but that does not mean we should not try. Friends can aid us, but in the end we must stand alone.’ Which reminds me, do you know of her present whereabouts?”


Emma took another sip before replying. “She is spending time with Xi’an (Karma). Xi’an has some… issues and frankly has been acting a bit odd. Illyana thought it would be a good break as Kitty’s failed wedding left her rather depressed. Apparently Xi’an has recruited Rahne and some others for a team and Rahne refused to participate unless Illyana was on the team and placed charge.”


Erik blinked a few times at the news of Rahne demanding such a thing. “That is… surprising coming from Rahne. But I suspect a good sign. Maturity, however late, is always welcomed.”


Emma then observed that… “Boom-Boom is also on the team.”


Which prompted another sigh from Erik. “But not all answer the door when maturity nocks, or I suppose are even awake.”


Emma added… “Xi’an has the odd notion that Illyana will be easy to manage.”


“Not surprising.” Observed Erik. “I suspect that Illyana casts a continual low power confusion spell around her. Thus making others underestimate her. The girl does appear to wish to be treated as mortal rather then how she truly is. Hmm, if Xi’an thinks that then… likely more is in play then Xi’am knows.”


Emma took another sip before observing that… “Odd to see you so concerned about her.”


“As I said Emma, she was my favorite. Plus… I am still upset at what Charles did with her. The path that he forced her upon that led to her horrific death and rebirth years later. He made choices for her without her consent. Choices that ended very badly for her.”


Emma had a slightly sour look on her face, as if she smelled something off. “Yes… Charles… forever the do as I say, not as I do example to end all examples.”


Erik offered some defense. “His vision, his hope for the world was a good one. One I came to understand if not fully agree as to its feasibility.”


Emma was not quite in agreement. “I suppose, but if the vision was so good, why did he kept altering everybody’s memories, and kept making himself look so selfless at the same time? Posing as the pinnacle of telepathic ethics while doing so many of the sordid things he judged others of does not play well. Not to mention his obsession with faking his death.”


“We all have our vanities Emma. And neither of us have clean hands. I do find it good that you appear to be avoiding having conflicts with our returned Jean.”


Emma felt like pointing out that Erik had killed one of Jean’s prior incarnations by causing her a stroke, but concluded that it would be petty. “The woman has more lives then a pride of cats. Plus I realized an interesting fact about Jean.”


“And what is that Emma?” Inquired Erik as he took a sip.


“Jean. minus the Phoenix. has about as much fashion sense as Kitty. All the good looks are from the Phoenix, I mean… just look at her current costume. Red and blue, full body suit, and dull as can be; she could be flat chested for all that you can tell. Only as Phoenix are the goodies on display to tempt one and all. Even Hope as the Phoenix looked good, as the stupid bib that she insists on wearing was gone. Buch even Phoenix never really made Rachel look good, I mean… how many years did she have that mullet with a rat tail? ”


Emma’s answer did make Erik choke a bit. After a few coughing laughs he replied. “Catty as always Emma.”


“Just telling it like it is.” Was her smug reply.


Erik did have to agree that Jean’s costume… could use improvements.

Chapter 36


Spoilers ahead. So the X-Men have been destroyed by the X-Man (Nathaniel ‘Nate’ Grey; an alternate version of the regular Marvel Universe hero Cable, hailing from the "Age of Apocalypse" (Earth-295) reality). Apparently the X-Men are getting another reset because… it’s been a year or so (resets appear to be an ongoing thing with the X-Men at this point). Thankfully Illyana was not part of the storyline where Nathaniel gets a big power boost and decides to ‘save the world’ by forcing everybody to think and act as he sees fit (because… that’s always worked out well in… not!). No need to go into details other then that the world has been reshaped and the X-Men are gone (apparently in an alternate universes where some weird storylines can be conveniently written without having to deal with the consequences, unless Marvel wants to keep using the storylines after the reset is done).

Chapter Text

This time-out, as it were, allows for the ongoing return of Scott Summer’s story line to proceed, without actually having to deal with most of the now departed people as everybody considers them to be dead. Apparently, Wolverine will be reunited with Scott, and Illyana will be on the team (yea!). This also leads into some Asgardian war of the realms storyline, including Dani and Illyana (double yea!) My guess is that, at the end of the story lines, the departed X-Men will return (thanks to Scott, and likely Illyana) and the redone X-Men can be relaunched yet again mostly looking like… how they looked back at their most successful sales incarnation.


But… why was Illyana not part of the X-Man annihilation story line (apart from the issue of her just being able to stop it as we all know she could if she really decided to). Two word answer: Mary Sue (Google it or Wikipedia it, or heck even youtube it). What is Mary Sue you ask, assuming you don’t know.


A Mary Sue is an idealized and seemingly perfect fictional character, predominately female. Often, this character is recognized as an author insert or wish fulfillment when present in Fan Fiction. A Mary Sue is able to perform better at tasks than should be possible given their amount of training or experience, and usually are able through some means to upstage the main protagonist(s) of an established fictional setting, such as by saving the hero(s). A male can also be referred to as a Marty Stu, Larry Stu, Gary Stu, or Jerry Stu, but the name Mary Sue is more commonly used. In recent years, various Social Justice Warriors (SJW) and/or Feminist extremism has also created many a Mary Sue like characters in Television/Movies where either a woman is used for a male character (see the latest Dr. Who, take that evil white men) usually combined with horrible writing, or use of female heroes with no flaws (see the latest Star Wars films, again with some really bad writing) or even Wesley in the Star Trek the next generation. Mary Sue characters are usually created by Editorial direction (i.e. the character Hope) or even the over idealization of a character (i.e. Jean Grey).


I’ve written about how Illyana has avoided the Mary Sue syndrome in my story Cosmic Girl Talk. And for those who might say I don’t like strong female characters… well most of my comic collection is built around… Girl Genius, Illyana, Rogue, Battle Angle Alita (so looking forward to the film), Empowered, and such so… wrong if you’re thinking that.


Now Illyana and Dani and Karma are all supposedly locked up and on ice after the end of Dead Souls so this story might just be a writing exercise, or a dream sequence, or it might… just have actually happened. Time will tell I suppose.



Part 36a: Grief


The bar with no doors…


Illyana was drinking alone, apart from the bartender (who is a severed head in a jar by the name of Chondu the Mystic, other wise known as Harvey Schlemerman, and man, for a floating head, he sure can make a mean cocktail). Alone in that she was the only customer at the bar, and in fact in the bar. She’s dressed in the New Mutant blue and yellow spandex costume she had recently reverted to wearing.


Tuesday night was a slow night, but not this slow; but when an upset Hell Lord is drinking away her angst (the X-Men had been disintegrated by X-Man) it made sense to not be in her vicinity.


Nothing fancy, just straight up Russian Vodka, and not the good stuff. Distilled but once. The kind where the bottle costs more the contents, heck the poorly glued on label might be worth more then the contents. Raw in that moonshine with hints of diesel kind of way, and smooth in that drinking a buzz saw is smooth (so no… not smooth).


A drink to get drunk with.


A drink you punish yourself with, and to kill those annoying brain cell that contain memories about things that you don’t want to remember or think about.


A drink that produces a hangover akin to a jackhammer powered by a nuclear reactor.


A drink of guilt.


A drink of pain.


Two bottles later (and yes it is almost impossible for a Hell Lord to actually get completely shit faced on mortal distilled spirits, but nothing says they can’t try…). Chondu regretfully had to interrupt Illyana’s attempt at alcohol poisoning as he gestured at one of the booths with his chin. “The lady would like a word.”


Illyana glanced at the indicated booth and noticed a burning bird of fire known as Phoenix; a glaring Phoenix. A blink of Illyana’s eyes and… the bird of fire was gone and now the seated form of the adult Jean Grey, dressed in the very sexy green and gold Phoenix costume that had flickering flames about her. An annoyed looking Jean Grey.


“Great… “ muttered Illyana. She gestured to Chondu for a second glass and a fresh bottle.


“You know I use that stuff to sanitize the floors.” Commented Chondu. “Stuffs cheaper then ammonia.”


Just a grunt from Illyana as she grabbed the fresh bottle, the two glasses, and walked over to the booth. As Illyana made her way over, her appearance likewise changed as she flickered into her prior costume, the black bit of leather, with the boob window and the boots.


Illyana sat down, slid the second glass across the table to Phoenix/Jean, opened the bottle, filled both glasses and just stared at Phoenix while raising her glass to her lips and waited. Phoenix/Jean looked slightly confused for a moment then raised her glass as well, took a sip…


And gagged at what she had just ingested as she hurriedly put down the glass. After a shake or two of her head Phoenix/Jean stated. “I can’t believe you drink this.”


A slight condescending look from Illyana, then she tipped back her glass and drained it. Then a look of challenge at Phoenix/Jean.


Phoenix/Jean looked at Illyana, looked at the glass, grimaced as she raised the glass to her lips and… did likewise.


After a prolonged fit of gasping and choking Phoenix/Jean gasped. “That is the worse… the worse drink I have ever had.”


Illyana just refilled both glasses as she commented. “Never thought of Phoenix as a lightweight.” Then she downed the second glass and just stared at Phoenix/Jean.


With trepidation Phoenix/Jean raised her glass and did likewise. Afterwards grimacing and doing a full body shiver while clenching her fists in agony, then pounding on the table a few times due to the shear agony of the experience.


Followed by an outraged. “How?! Can?! You?! Drink?! This?!”


Illyana was blasé in her response. “Because I am unhappy. Because I want to feel my grief.”


She again refilled both glasses, but only took a sip of hers this time.


Phoenix/Jean remembered why she was here and gave Illyana a glare. “You could have, should have helped.”


Illyana just gave a glare back. “No… I couldn’t. It’s call mortality, it’s a Mortal thing. Something you mostly get to ignore.”



Part 36b: Drinking partner


Phoenix/Jean rejected Illyana’s statement. “You should have changed things. Prevented Nathan from doing what he did.”


A growl from Illyana. “Hell Lord. You know what means. Rules… Hells, get drunk and open my stupid mouth and… bam... Kitty’s and Peter’s wedding goes down in flames; should have known better. Rules… govern such as I from actively changing thing when major events are underfoot.”


“Rules that you mostly ignored when you were Phoenix.”


“Rules I was able to ignored because I was Phoenix.” Then a complaint. “And you are not in a form I prefer to converse with.”


Phoenix/Jean did not understand. “This form was always my favorite.


“I know… not a member of the Jean Grey fan club. Pick another. And no… Not Rachel.”


A glare, then a shift. Now Phoenix/Namor was sitting across from Illyana, dressed as he had been whilst Phoenix.


Illyana shrugged. “Better, but an odd choice.”


Phoenix/Namor examined his hands. “Agreed. He would never have been a host by my choice. Nor you or your brother.”


“But Emma and Scott?”


“Emma has been a host before, and Scott…”


“You loved Scott.”


“Yes… though I do prefer a female form most of the time.”


Phoenix/Namor gestured at the full glass before him. “Might you indulge in something other then this swill?”


Illyana just smiled and drained her glass again, causing Phoenix/Namor to grimace. “Stop doing that, I always preferred Merlot.”


Illyana gestured with the glass at Phoenix/Namor. “You’re still Jean, just wearing Namor’s form. Cheating…”


Now Phoenix/Namor looked at the glass. “I really didn’t like him at all. And I don’t want to drink this.”


“Never thought of Phoenix as a wimp.”


A sigh from Phoenix/Namor, then he took the glass, slowly drained it while making the expressions of horror (which was so out of character for Namor, rather girly one might say). Then…


“No! No! No! Oh God that’s the worst! The very worst! Can’t you drink something else!?”


Illyana was less then sympathetic as she yet again refilled the glasses. “Namor would be horrified to see you act such in his shape. I so should have recorded it.”


A shift and now Phoenix/Emma confronts Illyana dressed in a white and gold version of the Phoenix costume that Jean liked to wear. “Perhaps something more feminine.”


“Better… Although the sight of Namor screaming like a little girl was pleasant to see.”


Phoenix/Emma asked a question. “Do you miss it?”


Illyana did not quite get the question. “Miss what?”


“Being me… us… Phoenix.”


Illyana took a sip as she thought, then answered. “Yes… No… it’s… complicated. I don’t miss the power because… well… Hell Lord… No… I miss… the belonging. Being Phoenix was… wonderfully terrible.”


Illyana refilled Phoenix/Emma’s glass and topped off hers as well. An act that annoyed Phoenix/Emma as she had had enough of this vileness. She gestured and a glow briefly surrounded the glasses and the bottle.


"I refuse to drink any more of this… solvent. It shall now be water. Those are my terms. You have suffered enough self punishment. I have suffered far more than enough since entering this place. Claim otherwise, and you shall drink nothing but cold clean water, no matter what the vessel is filled with, until I am satisfied you will no longer wallow in self pity."


A neutral stare from Illyana, then she raised her glass as a salute, Phoenix/Emma raised hers as well, clicked glasses, then they both drained them. Then gagging and shrieks from Phoenix/Emma as she waved her hands about while grimacing and declaring in outrage.


“Pure alcohol would be less vile! And why do I detect the aftertaste of fish!”


Illyana commented as she refilled both glasses. “Wake… I am not punishing myself, I am holding a wake for the dead. And…”


Illyana picked up the bottle and read the Russian label. “Fermented from agricultural processing byproducts, plus a dash of Vietnamese fish sauce in celebration of Russian/Vietnamese friendship.”


Illyana glanced at Chondu, who was cleaning glasses at the bar. “That one was a commemorative bottle, nobody bought them so I got a good deal, like I said, I use the stuff to sanitize the floor.” He put another unopened bottle on the bar. “I’m going on a break, holler if you run out.”


A wise move on Chondu’s part as that defiantly made sure that he could not overhear things that are unhealthy to overhear.


Illyana returned her attention to the still gagging Phoenix/Emma. “Good to know I guess. This is a wake Phoenix so no wimping out. And stop trying to Mary Sue the situation.”



Part 36c: Mary Sue


Phoenix/Emma finally controlled her choking. “I do not Mary Sue things.”


Illyana disagreed. “Of course you do. Phoenix embodies the idea of the Mary Sue.”


Phoenix/Emma glared. “I am not a Mary Sue.”


Illyana took a sip. “Please… what did you just try to just do? Attempting to change reality because you didn’t like what was happening?”


“That’s not Mary Sue, that’s trying to change things.”


“Almost everything Phoenix does is changing reality to fit the mood and desires of Phoenix. How is that not pulling a Mary Sue?”


A glare from Phoenix/Emma at Illyana. “And what would you call your reality threatening episode in pursuit of your soul?”


Illyana took another sip. “Me being a total bat shit crazy evil uncaring bitch. And yes… rather Mary Sue I suppose, but I did have to work at it rather then just waving my hands and having the universe give it to me. Bad behavior on my part, but I really had to work at it.”


“And I don’t?”


A sigh from Illyana. “No… One moment you’re sunbathing on a beach, next it’s going toe to toe with Galacticus or something. That’s Mary Sue grade behavior. That reduces everything and everybody around you just a toy. The contributions of others mean nothing because they are nothing. Everything just becomes what you want, and how you want it. Everybody is just a prop on the stage of your performance.”


Phoenix/Emma looked a bit flushed from all the rapid drinking as she returned to her original complaint with a snarled comment. “You could have saved them!”


A bit of a snarl back from Illyana. “No… I couldn’t! To do such would be to make everybody a toy. As I explained… I don’t do that any more. Not for me… not for you… not for anybody.”


Phoenix/Emma pounded down her drink and slammed the empty glass on the table with only a few telltale grimaces of just how bad the drink was.   Then a shift, and now it was Phoenix/Illyana who grabbed the bottle and refilled her glass before pushing away the bottle. “But you wanted to… We were one once. You may have kept secrets from the others… but not me.”


Illyana drained her own glass, then replied sounding sad rather the angry. “I… know. It would have been so easily to just shove my sword in Nathan, or just drop his stupid ass in Limbo. I… remember. The temptation was… is so strong to just… fix things. Like that idiot Nathan or Cable love to indulge in; and mostly just causing more problems then they actual solve. If you’re so upset then… why not fix it yourself?”


Phoenix/Illyana’s face fell in distress and answered with just one word. “Jean…”


“Yeah… the two of you did say goodbye. And you were a real bitch by the way… bringing back Scott just to emotionally blackmail her, and then letting him die again because she wouldn’t pick the way you want. That was a total bitch move. Somebody should write it up on the GoodGirls Reddit sub page, because that was truly the bitchiest thing I’ve ever seen.”


Massive flash of guilt on Phoenix/Emma’s face as to the failed attempt by Phoenix to bring Jean back from the dead and make her yet again a Phoenix host. Then anger. “I planned so hard… and you just had to screw it up.”


Illyana was having none of that. “It was Emma who figured out where you were hiding on the Butte in New Mexico, not me. And we both know just how many rules you were breaking.”


Phoenix/Illyana took a long swallow from her glass. “But you… you pointed out that something was trying to drive everybody away… Then you broke my concealment of the Phoenix sphere where I was…”


Illyana finished. “Brainwashing Jean. I really don’t like it when somebody tries to screw with me, not even you Phoenix. So yes, I broke the concealment, allowing others to interact with Jean; that’s all I did.”


“But I loved… love her so much…”


“Then let her live her life as she decides.”


“Even if she dies… Died… again.”


Illyana finished offer her glass. “Yes… news flash, they all die in the end. It’s called mortality. And those such as us do not get to change that. Just what the hell is it with Jean and you?”


Phoenix/Illyana likewise drained the rest of her glass then held it out for a refill. “I never would have chosen you as a host.”


“I know…” Answered Illyana as she refilled both glasses which polished off the bottle.


“Still… you were… enjoyable.”


“Yeah… You too… ”


Phoenix/Illyana was found a new complaint. “Asshole Stark. I was just coming to fix the whole no more mutants curse… that was it. I mean… just how many times have I been to Earth? If I was planning on destroying it, don’t you think I’d have done it by now?”


Illyana agreed. “Complete and utter asshole.”


They clicked glasses to their mutual disparagement of Tony Stark and each took a swallow. Illyana then prompted…


“So… why Jean?”


Phoenix/Illyana looked sad. “I… She… She made me feel so… alive. So vibrant. Everything… mattered. Big things. Little things. Life… life was so worth living. The ups… the downs… Just… shards… I loved being her. Loved it so much. Wanted it so much I was willing to…”


Illyana finished. “Do what you knew to be wrong.”


Another drink from Phoenix/Illyana. “Yeah… How come this crap doesn’t taste so bad any more?”


Illyana thought deeply upon the topic as she took another sip. “No more taste buds I think. And… I suspect some brain cells don’t work anymore.”


Phoenix/Illyana twirled her glass about on the table. “Stupid brain cells. Now what…?”


Illyana stood “Now… “ went over to the bar and retrieved the bottle that was left for them. “We get completely shitfaced and cry over those we love who are departed because that’s all that we can do.”


Phoenix/Illyana gave a sniff. “Do you think… somebody will do something?”


Illyana thought a moment. “I hope so… can’t initiate it myself but… I can participate per the rules…”


Phoenix/Illyana summed it up well. “Hate the rules.”


“Yeah… sometimes I… yeah.”


“What’s that?” Phoenix/Illyana pointed at the Karaoke stage.


“Karaoke.” Was Illyana’s reply.


A few minutes later, the two of them were on the stage, having turned on the Karaoke machine and started to sing the song they selected.


The sound of drums and base.


Bump… Bump… Bump… Bump


Then an electric guitar joins in.


Twang… Twang… Twang… Twang…




Da da da da da dant


It was The Chain by Fleetwood Mac. They sang with passion, with grief, with loss… Sometimes singularly, sometimes as a duet.


Phoenix and Illyana: Listen to the wind blow, watch the sun rise

Running in the shadows, damn your love, damn your lies


Phoenix : And if, you don't love me now

You will never love me again


Phoenix and Illyana: I can still hear you saying

You would never break the chain (Never break the chain)


Phoenix and Illyana: I And if you don't love me now

You will never love me again


Illyana: I can still hear you saying

You would never break the chain (Never break the chain)


Phoenix and Illyana Listen to the wind blow, down comes the night


Phoenix : Running in the shadows, damn your love, damn your lies


Phoenix and Illyana: Break the silence


Illyana: damn the dark


Phoenix : damn the light


Illyana: And if you don't love me now

You will never love me again


Phoenix : I can still hear you saying


Phoenix and Illyana: You would never break the chain (Never break the chain)


Illyana: And if you don't love me now

You will never love me again

I can still hear you saying



Phoenix : And if you don't love me now

You will never love me again

I can still hear you saying

You would never break the chain (Never break the chain)


Illyana: And if you don't love me now


Phoenix : You will never love me again


Phoenix and Illyana: I can still hear you saying You would never break the chain (Never break the chain)


Phoenix and Illyana: Chain keep us together (running in the shadow)

Chain keep us together (running in the shadow)

Chain keep us together (running in the shadow)

Chain keep us together (running in the shadow)

Chain keep us together (running in the shadow)

Chain keep us together (running in the shadow



Authors note: Here is hoping the relaunched X-Men goes well…

Chapter 37


The time of, yet another, revamped X-Men has begun. We have three ongoing paths of this rewrite. One - the Age X-Man (where Nathaniel ‘Nate’ Grey creates a perfect world that is perfect assuming you’re Nate and you brainwash everybody to conform to your rather odd ideas of perfection. Two - the return of Scott and Logan (Uncanny X-Men) with some imprisoned Mutants to rescue. And three - the upcoming war of the realms storyline where earth is invaded by the Dark Elves, Storm Giants, Angels, and various bad Asgardians.

The Age of X-Man is rather… simplistic (everybody is a mutant and nobody is allowed to love anybody). It has some fun character interactions, but lacks any deep writing. I suppose it will mostly serve to perform some character modifications and interaction changes (assuming folks remember the interactions, one of which is Jean having a sexual fling with Bishop, I rather wonder if that subplot will continue). Rather looking forward to seeing Apocalypse portrayed as a hippie love preacher, tie-dyed and all; but honestly… I think the Age of X-Man will be very forgettable.

Chapter Text

Uncanny X-Men is much better, rather like that the tension is still there between Scott and Logan. They start saving some imprisoned Mutants being used for government experiments. Illyana is one of the locked up Mutants and I love her comment when rescued (she has an inhibitor collar and supposedly some device that blocks her summoning her soul sword). “What took you so long.” Reading between the lines, I get the impression she knew Scott and Logan were back. And it looks like a return to moody Illyana and some teammates fearing her (as it should be, only an idiot does not comprehend how dangerous Illyana can be).


And finally the upcoming Mega crossover event, the War of the Realms, which will have side stories involving almost all of the Marvel universe. No idea where Marvel is going with this, other then I think Odin is going to be killed, and Dani has a major sub story (as she is a Valkyrie). No idea if Leah of Hel is going to show up, but this is the perfect opportunity to introduce new Illyana interactions.


This is meant to be a one shot funny chapter as it hypothesizes that the entire Marvel Multi-verse is just a series of virtual reality simulations. The writers and editors are altering the environment and seeing how the characters react. Not Beyonders as those are just part of the simulation, but something… beyond even that I guess. Omnipotent, all powerful, but far from all knowing.


And… well… just what does Marvel have planned for the X-Men, and our favorite hell lord? This is my “musings”. Time will tell.



Part 37a: Just why do things happened the way they do?


From: The most high, giver of life, provider of inspiration, director of purpose, he who walks with his eyes held high, receiver of great bonuses, the signer of paychecks, source of promotions, the man with the plan, the big cheese, that’s Mr. to you, in short Stan the man!


To: The lowly implementers of his will, the downtrodden, the recipients of the bountiful benevolence, wage slaves, those who wait in hope of bonuses and promotions, they who are fated to work for the man named Stan.


Subject: X-Men relaunch, and… what to do about Magik


Now that the whole Fox situation is behind us, we can turn our attention to how the revitalization of a neglected part of our empire is proceeding. You guessed it, the X-Men. And if you guessed Inhumans you’re fired. Just kidding, but seriously… if you guessed Inhumans then you are fired.


Love how the X-Men re-imaging is progressing, putting most folks in a simple time-out as it were in X-Man’s utopia while Scott and Logan get re-acquainted. Hopefully we can put the kibosh on any love triangles between the two of them and Jean for now (although I love the storyline idea where Logan finally gets Jean as Scott has moved on, not quite as keen on the Bishop ideas but this would give Bishop lot’s of exposure). I say it’s time for a new female companion for Scott, perhaps Psylocke? Logan and Storm should rekindle their casual sexual relationship if Jean is not on the menu. I suppose we could always use the big wheel of random shipping to come up with matches, but last time we used it we did end up with the whole Logan/Scott romance on earth 6996. Remember keep it PG, not triple XXX; this is family entertainment (most of the time).


Like the direction of Emma and the Hell Fire club. Looking forward to Emma realizing that Scott is back. Agree with the story plot of Scott wanting to move on from Emma resulting in the inevitable conflict with Emma; as we know how well Emma takes being told no, so pithy combat and conflict should result! Plus the inevitable female rage of learning that Scott did not tell her that he had returned (hell hath no fury and all that…)


Any use of the Avengers should mostly consist of showing how isolated the X-Men are. After all, the Avengers have better things to do then deal with Mutant problems. So what if they’ve known them for years. This will create lots of opportunities for later regret stories about how sorry they are that they did not help; plus the opportunity for the X-Men to demonstrate moral superiority; plus might there be another Avengers vs. X-Men some time in the future.


But remember the key X-Men story principles:


Conflict within the team.

Conflict external to the team.

Sexual tension within the team (and without if you so wish).

And no talking out issues! Disagreements should always result to fisticuffs!


Yes we need to keep having Scott apologize for a while.   I suppose that can die down after the X-Men trapped in X-Man’s delusional fantasy world are released (man does that boy have issues). But until then, Scott should keep castigating himself. I know… it will get old after a while, but then we can have it fade away. And no more Scott is Hitler comments! Rehabilitation has begun!


It may be time to bring out the random mutant wheel of death to trim down the number of junior mutants that have just not clicked with the audience, weeding out the weak to make room for the new. The upcoming War of the Realms storyline should cause all kinds of fun situations, speaking of which, this brings us to the question of Magik, whom I think should be on the team because… well… a host of reasons, but my favorite is having somebody more stabby then Logan.


But…just what to do with her?


The ongoing campaign to destabilize her and return her to a more moody and isolated representation appears to be succeeding. Kitty’s failed marriage attempt, the Dead Souls plotline that helped isolate her, not to mention Xi'an Coy Manh’s betrayal, should continue to put her at odds with many of her teammates. Recommend we continue to de-emphasis of her magical abilities and lordship of Limbo. Teleport and stab, with occasional Darkchilde transformations to remind everybody what a badass she really is (likely need to abuse somebody to drive that home).


Why this course of action you ask? Happy Illyana is boring Illyana, girl having problems means interesting.


Interesting means sales.


Sales means money.


Money means bonuses… and some for you as well my o’ so loyal minions.


So emphasize her disconnection from most of her teammates, shouldn’t be that hard considering how badly Xi'an screwed up (lots of conflict potential there over the betrayal, and Xi'an’s being robotized by the transmode virus due to her attempt the screw over Illyana; we really should have blowout fight between the two of them). But we need something more… she’s become quite friendly with the mutant Strong Guy, who is but a minor character. I suggest a noble death is so much more useful then his continued presence as we have so may strong-men characters; and something more for Illyana to get worked up about (girl does know how to act upon resentments!)


Time for us to either decide to make use of Leah or not. Throwing Leah into the mix will allow for some new Illyana storytelling. We keep hinting at it… time for more then hints because if nothing happens in War of the Realms then nothing is ever going to happen.


Oh, and for the record… NO MORE plotlines that involve Harvey Weinstein and Illyana! Earth 6996 has still not recovered!! Who the hell thought it was a good idea to have Weinstein attempt to sexually force a hell lord? Yes the resulting battle scene was dramatic, and seeing Harvey portrayed as a super powered mutant was rather… appropriate at many levels; but resulting wreckage was completely unnecessary.


A few brief comments on ideas I’ve received:


Agree, let’s throw in a few Skrulls, always good for the odd subplot or really great surprised expressions. Just imagine the look of shock of Johnny Storm’s face when he finds out his current girlfriend is actually a Skrull, and a male one at that.


Love the idea of continued Rahne and Illyana interactions at an adult level. Let’s have these girls work some things out. Since we always love having a red head, might we have Rahne grow her hair out a bit?


Let’s make them poor for a change. Bereft of resources. And continue to have Limbo not be a place that is made use of story wise. We overused it on the Inhumans toxic gas storyline (toxic in so many ways, why… the story side affect even killed off most of the Inhumans, not that anybody really noticed.)


Alex continuing to be a douche? You had me at douche. Run with it (not like it’s hard). And since Logan and Alex have such a great history together (as in not), let’s keep them close in hope for the inevitable interactions a we know how well Alex thinks things out. Plus, Alex has had only minor interactions with Illyana, likely he can get dismissive of her as well, especially if some dark things need doing (suggest torture of a prisoner for information). This would let Alex get his high horse on and, of course, creation team tension.


The lack of a telepath on the team will just so help cause character miscommunication.


Oh, and no girl friend for Alex.   Scott and Logan are to first get any babe action.


Nuff Said!


Now… go make me proud.

Chapter 38


In the latest issue of the Amazing X-Men, we find that the X-Men have fought and defeated Dark Beast; who is now locked up in the basement of Henry’s bar, the bar that they are all hiding out at (FYI Henry is an old friend of Logan’s). Illyana used her sword to defeat Dark Beast’s shields by throwing her sword though a teleportation disk to emerge on the other side of his shield (much to his surprise). He is currently working on some project assigned by Scott.

So… for those who do not follow the comic, just who is Dark Beast? From Wikipedia, which you should read if you don’t know about Dark Beast, Dark Beast is another dimension’s Henry McCoy from the age of Apocalypse timeline. In that timeline McCoy was a mad scientist who implemented cruel experiments under the tyrant Apocalypse. He was one of a handful of characters to escape the Age of Apocalypse reality to the regular Marvel Universe, where he has continued his unethical experiments.

Chapter Text

He worked with Mr. Sinister, both in the age of Apocalypse, and this dimension’s Mr. Sinister as well. While Sinister is methodical and rational in his experiments, McCoy (as ruthless as his mentor) sadistically delights in causing pain to his lab subjects and in the cruelty of his experiments, which is why he was nicknamed the Beast. He also experimented on himself in order to further his mutation and gained his ape-like bestial appearance and his blue fur. Since Earth-616 already has a Beast, he was named Dark Beast (because Marvel is obsessed with calling everything evil Dark).


With the end of the Age of Apocalypse, the Dark Beast was able to escape to Earth-616. He was believed to have died due to Quicksilver's interference in his trajectory. However, the only damage was that he landed twenty years in the past in the empty Morlock tunnels without any memory whatsoever, turns out he is responsible for creating the Morlocks (and the reason for Mr. Sinister’s later slaughter of the Morlocks). He later regained his memory.


Dark Beast has had many encounters with X-Men over the years, usually as a villain, sometimes masquerading as the real Beast, and sometimes as an ally (suffice it to say that his ethics are very questionable and nobody trusts him). At one point he was thought dead but was found to now be an android as Mr. Sinister had attached him to a robot body.


Oh, and again for those who are not reading the comics. Scott and Logan are alive again. They have Illyana, Dani, Rahne, Scott’s brother Alex, and Xi'an with them.   Xi'an and Dani are currently techno-organic (see the limit series Dead Souls for details as to why).


Anyway, I got to thinking about possible Illyana and Dark Beast interactions, which resulted in this story.



Part 38a: Dark musings


Darkness… Mused Henry, otherwise known as Dark Beast, as he worked in the basement of the bar. Is the lack of illumination. How in any way am I not illuminated? How is it that I am saddled with the name Dark Beast when my counterpart is the one who dwells in the darkness of ignorance. I am the one mentally free, regardless of my current circumstances.


Yes he was rather… expansive in his actions, but an artist should be bold in his creations.


Yes he tended to be cruel when cruelty was unnecessary, but it was so pleasant to demonstrate power over the meaningless dross that made up so much of existence. And why waste anesthesia on lab rat, anesthesia costs money that could be better spent on… oh… Netflix for one. And why bother, pain thresholds are so fun to explore in others. Life existed to serve those who would master it. That was its purpose. When you finally realized such then it was all so clear… Petty delusions of ethics just clouded the fact that we’re all just meat. A fact that so few realized, especially the other Henry (as Dark Beast liked to refer to Beast). Ethics are just so much meaningless self delusions.


He sneaked a glance at Illyana, his current guard as Illyana had relieved Dani for a time.


“Self does not need to sleep or relax.” Had stated Dani when Illyana had come down the stairs.


“Regardless, take a time out.” Had been Illyana’s reply.


Dani had departed leaving his least preferred guardian to watch over him. The others could be manipulated. Influenced. And leaving the techno-organics to watch over him was not as safe as Scott believed as was he not a master of technology?


Scott, Alex, Logan, even Rahne… all so emotional. Easily distracted by different things. Scott and Alex… so reminiscent of the ones he used to know, although this Alex was much less an asshole then his Alex had been; but still just as prone to… missteps. Logan and Rahne were not as well known, but still easily fooled if he just used his vastly superior intellect.


But her…


She made him uneasy, not that he showed it.


Never responding to any of his jokes or banter. No reactions to his comments on vivisection, culinary pursuits, his other hobbies, or even his approval of Fox news (why that always annoys a goodie too-shoe liberal, always would make Alex get all blustery).


Just that cold look of bland disregard.


She had been the one to take him down, with teleporting that blasted sword and these infernal powers of hers. He still wanted to play around with her guts but… well… those words has been hastily said. Best left unremarked upon for now, one can always dream.


Finally she had replied to one of his prompts. “I have no interest in bantering with you. Scott… Logan… Alex may wish to engage with you. I do not.”


“And why is that?” Dark Beast gestured to himself as he gave a wide grin “ I have such an outgoing personality. Why… I have even been called delightfully whimsical upon multiple occasions. Andy you have not had meatloaf until you’ve tasted mine, here’s a hint, you need to add pork. But I must say, I enjoyed that little altercation. So satisfying to render Scott and Alex powerless to stop me.”


Illyana pointed out that he had lost that little battle. “The one you lost.”


“I was winning until you took me down. Rather underhandedly I might add, a sword though the midsection that completely disrupted all of my systems, technological and organic. Yet it left no wound or aftereffects.”


A bland response, but a response. “Scott wished you alive.”


“And if he had not?”


A slightly less bland response. “Then I suppose I would have found out if chopping you to bits would result in your demise.”


Henry continued working at his lab bench. “Hmm… I suppose I was foolish to so lightly dismiss you. Magic is so annoying when it comes to those who focus on the physical rules of existence.” A hint to see if she explained more. Of all the X-Men she was the biggest unknown.


A conversation gambit she did not take. “Tough for you.”


Ah well, perhaps another avenue. “You claim a lack of interest in conversational interactions, yet here you are conversing with loveable o’ll me.”


Illyana shifted slightly. “I wondered just how close your behavior is to the two Henrys that I knew.”


A grin of pride. “Am I not blue? Am I not called the Beast? Was I not able to pretend to be this world’s Henry for so long? A charade that this world’s Henry could not have maintained in my world. So… what does your scrutiny show?”


“You are a Henry. I see why Scott, Alex, and Logan find that aggravating.”


“And why is that?”


“In your own way, you are what remains of a man they would call friend.”


A threatening growl a reply. “Remains?”


“What has been done to you. What you have done to yourself. You are not the Henry they know. But you are a Henry they understand as they likely believe they see in you what their Henry could have been.”


“I think not.” Was his curt rely. “I am not so easily understood.”


A ploy that resulted in an ehanced clarification from Illyana. “We are what we are Beast. And you are sooo much a Henry. Self observed, convinced of the correctness of your actions. And a definite lack of common sense. In that I can see how you were able to fool people into thinking you were Henry as you are a Beast as well.”


“Not Dark Beast?”


“No… just Beast. The Henry of this world is called Beast due to his athletics. You are Beast due to your actions.”


“O dearie me, I do think I’ve been insulted. Or would a stars and garters comment be more in character?”


Illyana made no reply. Just looked at him silently for an extended length of time. Beast attempted to restart the conversation. “Dialog is not monologue. I say something, you reply, then the reverse happens.


Still nothing. Just a return to the bland look. Dark Beast tried again. “Cat got your tongue? I could tell a funny story involved this very gregarious lab rat I had, just would not shut up until I removed his ability to speak.”


Still nothing. He tried yet again. It would be nice if he could get her do demonstrate some of her magical powers. The more he knew about, the more he could plan.


“I do like our interaction. Much more interesting then the threats from Logan, the ineffectual threats and insults from Alex, or the coldness of Scott.” H paused… but still nothing from her. “Nothing left to say? Quite the disappointment. Scott and Logan can go on for hours, although Alex does tend to end up just storming off in a funk after running out of things to say. Pretty please?”


A shake of her head in negation. “Naa... We’re done. Just need to make a mental note to remind me that the next time you’re killed, I need to make sure the body is incinerated. Sufficiently hot to make sure any metal bits are vaporized as well.”


A disquieting statement, one delivered with no heat or even a change in her tone. Like she was reminding herself to put the dirty dishes in the dishwasher before going to bed.


And with that it was as return to the bland stare until she was relieved.


Sigh… The others were predictable and really not worth much thought. But Magik…?


Hmmm….. that was a potential problem.


Just what was he supposed to do about Magik?

Chapter 39


More bar action musing by me, filling in the blanks as it were. The group continues to be based at Henry’s bar, which means there must be lots of dead time to fill in (heck Scott and Logan have both been dead so likely a good drink is in order). Dark Beast is still in the basement under guard. Currently Dark Beast is a torso with arms and a head attached to four spider like robotic legs (a condition he is apparently quite pleased with).

This is rather a comedy chapter. Oh… and guys… girls talk in private to, just about different things. After I selected a song for this chapter, I realized it was also very appropriate for the upcoming War Of The Realms storyline (which makes me wonder just how much Illyana really knows vs. how she acts; hell lords are trickily like that).

Chapter Text

This takes place before the latest issue where Hope shows that she’ become a complete bitch (spoiler, she shots Scott costing him an eye). Hope is a character who’s kind of reached her sell by date so might we soon be seeing the end of Hope? Well… I hope so (ha ha) as I dislike the character (editorial creation and shoved down folks throat).



Part 39a: Recreational amusements


You’d think hiding out in a bar would be like a mini vacation for Logan. Well... such things depend upon circumstances. Unlimited brewskis and liquor a plus. Lack of appropriate and appreciative female company for some horizontal delights a minus.


Hanging with Scott, a major minus right? Well… at first, but now… not quite so much. Call it a pass for now.


Having to hang out with Alex in a bar? A definite double minus.


We see the group (Alex, Scot, Logan, Illyana, Rahne, Dani) gathered around a table drinking and playing cards; apart from Karma who was down in the basement monitoring Dark Beast.  One would imagine that a wicked game of high stakes poker was in progress.


Or not as Rahne declares "Shoot the moon, eat that ya suckers!"


A cry of victory that was much to the disgust of Logan as he throws his cards down. "Of all the flaming luck." For the record, they were playing Hearts, not Poker.


A protest that prompts a response form techno-organic Dani. "Self friend Logan was the one who tired of poker."


Which elicits an amused snort from Alex. "Because Illyana kept winning."


Rahne chimed in. "She has no tell. I cannot figure out if she's bluffing, no can Mr. Logan." Illyana, of course, had a neutral expression at this declaration, like butter wouldn’t melt in her mouth.


Logan disagreed with Rahne. "Everybody has a tell kid. Henry, our Henry not Dark Beast, has a tendency to wiggle his ears slightly when he’s trying to hide a good hand. While Alex here likes to grin when he’s not paying attention, and Scott get’s extra still as he’s trying not give anything away, which, of course, gives it away.”


Alex was not quite buying it (apart from realizing that Logan knew he grinned). "So, then enlighten us oh mighty sage of the enhanced senses, what's her tell?"


A question Logan avoided answering by attempting to change the topic. "Can't believe you're still drinking Maker's Mark. Whiskey is supposed to hurt Alex, not that smooth stuff you’re sipping."


Alex was not having any of that. "Pfff. Maybe if you have no taste for the good stuff and a healing factor. I think I speak for the rest of us in that I'll stick the middle shelf or higher. And… no answer I see on her tell."


Dana slightly laughed. "He doesn't know. Nobody knows. Whenever you think you’ve found a tell, it's just another bluff or lie."


Just silence from Illyana. Hey… no reason to explain. Poker is poker after all, if children want to play with the big girls, well… experience was a great teacher.


Alex went on the verbal offensive as it were, razing Logan about the bar. “This is the best secret base ever… as in not. I don’t mind the bar but what’s on tap is deplorable… Old Milwaukee? At least the name is honest as they’re admitting the beer is old and stale. And who the hell has Schlitz malt liquor on tap? And don’t get me started on Pabst blue ribbon.”


Logan verbally jabbed back. “Place is not one of your yuppie bars Alex. Real men drink here, current males excluded of course.”


The girls all exchanged a glance. A glance that just proclaimed ‘men’. Few women engage in such disparaging behavior of beer selection. Now a good comment about the outfit a woman was wearing, makeup, shoes, hair, that those be fighting words, but beer?


“You’re both wrong. You need to try some of this.” Announces Scott, who gets up and goes behind the bar.


Alex sounded very smug. “If you’re looking for the Sierra Nevada, I drank it last night.”


Scott was not happy. “Damn it Alex… I was saving that!”


Alex was not apologetic. “It was just a six pack.”


“Bullshit, I had four six packs.”


A burp from Logan, and what might… just might… have been a smug look about something.


Scott was not pleased at this turn of events. “Drinking another man’s beer without giving him the chance to have some is against the guy code.”


Just more satisfied burps from Alex and Logan as the woman roll their eyes. A gesture that the guys noticed (called the female eye for the barbaric acting male guy, but never to a female’s face).


Rahne suggested a game of…. “Yahtzee?” But there are no takers, instead Scott asked a question.


“So… Logan, dissing Markers… what Bourbon might you be willing to partake of if given the chance, and don’t suggest some bottom shelf crap.”


Logan was quick with a reply. “Four roses.”


“What…” Answers an astonished Alex. “A hick like you drinking the good stuff? That’s mighty highfalutin of you.”


Alex was an avid reader of Whiskey Advocate magazine for two reasons, one because he liked whiskey and two, because he thought his endless knowledge about whiskey impressed the ladies; and no it didn’t. The key to impressing a new lady is simple, something both Scott and Logan understood; but Alex never seemed to get. Make her smile or laugh. It’s that simple, endless obsession over some topic a guy is into does not impress. Knowing more about a topic the female is into likewise does not impress. Just make her smile in enjoyment.


“Four Roses is a good pour Alex.” Logan casually replies as he lit one of his cigars.


Scott then brought forth a bottle from under the bar, a little something he had gotten his hands on. Well… more then a little something. “Then what about this?”


Both Alex and Logan did a double take, then look stunned. “Is that…really… it’s…” Stammers Alex.


“Pappy Van Winkle’s Family reserve, 23 years.” States Scott with the pride of a Father announcing the birth of his first child. And he should, Pappy is considered one of the best bourbons in existence and was very hard to find, and the particular bottle, 23 years of age, was quite the collectable.


“Scott…” States Logan as he put out his cigar. “I take back every bad thing I’ve ever said about you, and reward you with the coveted term bub.’”


Scott glances at the girls who all shake their heads in disinterest, he then grabs three shot glasses and walks to Scott and Logan. “Time for you boys to become men.”



Part 39b: X ‘men’ behaving badly




Illyana, Rahne, and Dani observed the antics of the men who were drinking at the other side of the bar. The bottle of Pappy was long gone, as well as a few other bottles (all consumed by the men as the girls were just sipping some Rosetta).


The X ‘Men’ would state that a good male bonding ritual was underway. To the girls it kind of sounded like this (although there was likely some exaggeration).




“Grunt grunt.”


“Grout, howl.” Followed by a good butt scratch.


Then a gassy fart.


“Oh God that smells bad… have you been eating that expired canned chili we found under the stairs?”




“Well… right back at you…”


A returned fart with more complaints as to the stench.


Then a round of crotch underwear rearrangement, which was followed by a rousing course of belches by all the males, some vigorous ear digging in search of golden nuggets; all punctuated with a few more toots from the ass.


Well… back to the girls.


“Two alpha studs and… Alex.” Summarizes Dani as to the antics they had been observing.


Rahne was appalled at what she had been observing. “What is the point of making the other guys smell something bad? You should go the rest room or outside if you be needed to… pass gas. What they be a doing… is barbaric.”


Yes… guys being guys as they have forgotten that the woman are present, the quantity of alcohol having something to do with the current male mental state.


“No idea.” Was Illyana’s response to Rahne’s question. “Male demons also engage in similar behavior. At least nobody is standing on a table and beating their chests.”


“Or any dick size comparing…” Giggles Rahne.


Dani replies. “Give it time.”


We interrupt this female conversation to return to the male interactions for a few moments.




“Big Boobies!”


“Death by Boobies!”


“Big! Grunt… Big!”


“Bigger! Grunt Grunt. Bigger!”


“Biggest! Belch. Me!”


And… back to the girls.


Dani looked amused. “That didn’t take long.”


Illyana looked a bit, well… not disgusted, but like expectations were low and you failed even that. “Not sure if their talking about their dicks or their conquests.”


“Conquests?” Was Rahne’s reply.


Illyana started counting. “Let’s see, Emma, Jean, Ororo, Wasp, Mystique, Polaris…”


But then Dani interrupted Illyana as the list would take a long time to recite, apart from Alex that is. “Self takes it you have not seen the men’s room.”


Rahne slightly blushed. “No… why would I?” A narrowing of her eyes. “And why would you be a doing that?”


“Self was curious to see if it was decorated like the woman’s room.”


A statement that made Rahne furiously blush. The woman’s room was wallpapered with cutouts from various adult publications. Lots of dick pics and beefcake on display.


“And…?” Inquired Illyana.


“A great deal of female anatomy can be observed. However, self observed that there are rulers attached to each urinal.”


Rahne’s eyes got big, at the same time Alex started waving a ruler about (yes he had swiped it from the men’s room) and declaring that it wasn’t long enough. An unfortunate choice of words that made all three girls giggle.


“True has been told.” Snorted Illyana.


Rahne tried to be stern, but her giggles made that hard to do. “Illyana, and how would you be a knowing that?”


“Same way you would know short stuff.” Replied Dani. “Back in the mansion, the showers were across the hall from the locker rooms. A most odd arrangement by the Professor.”


Not to mention Ororo’s tendency to shower in view of everybody, and that was a school?


Rahne then asked a question. “Which do you prefer, shorter or taller?” A question about a guy’s height.


“Taller.” Was Dani’s reply.


Rahne voiced her preference. “Taller.”


Illyana just shrugged. “Doesn’t matter, I think I somewhat like them shorter.”


Dani observed that… “The Top Gear guy you hung out with was taller.”


Illyana grinned. “Taller is so many ways.”


“Really?” Inquired Dani and Rahne.


“Yeah…” Details followed for a while. Then…


“Who do you think is better at it?” Asked Illyana, pointing her thumb at the inebriated X-Men who were vigorously hooting at each other like deranged apes (yes an exaggeration but…)


“Scott.” Stated Dani while Rahne answered “Wolverine.” The two then stared at Illyana until she gave her answer.


“My guess is Scott’s bigger, but Logan has that healing factor so I’d bet he can go all night long. But… given the choice between the two, Emma went for Scott.”


“Illyana!” Was Rahne’s pretend mock outrage.


Dani wasn’t sure, she was rather convinced that Emma and Logan had had hate sex at least once. I mean… we’re talking Logan here. And Emma.


“Just saying…” Was Illyana’s reply. “Both guys get woman lining up. Based upon the repeat business they must know what their doing.”


Alex would have been most offended by his absence in the conversational comparisons, but the guys had taken a time out to go to the urinals to drain the lizard, and… perhaps… do some measuring (Alex had taken the ruler with him).


“Size is less important then knowing what to do with it.” Observed Dani.


Rahne got naughty. “Plus some guys are growers… looking itty does not mean they don’t get big when in the mood.”


Illyana and Dani both exclaimed. “Rahne!” In mock outrage.


The guys were back and making hand motions that were suggestive of …


“Boob comparing I see.” Snorts Illyana.


Rahne gave a possible excuse, but she really didn’t believe it. “They could be explaining how they pick peaches… or figuring out if fruit is ripe.”


Dani was not buying any of that. “Self notes that based upon the size of the outstretched hands that the size of the fruit is melon sized, and melons do not grow on trees. Hmm, do you think that Dark Beast still had his dong?”


“Is he a guy?” Replies Illyana with a sarcastic tone, meaning of course he still has his dong.


Nods from all of the woman as to the likelihood of Dark Beast still having his dong even though he had the spider robotic legs (likely under some armor).


Dani then observed that… “Self is surprised to see how well the two of you are interacting.”


Illyana and Rahne exchanged glances, then Illyana commented. “Meaning we’re not fighting, verbally or physically.”


“Yes… self is curious as to why?”


Rahne answered rather then Illyana. “We’re… I’m… trying to act like an adult.”


“We’re both grownups… there are better ways to discuss our… differences then fighting.”


“Good.” Was Dani’s reply.



Part 39d: You can't live without the fire




Much later… as in the guys are on the floor sleeping it off later.


Illyana summed it up. “Bored…”


Rahne was likewise not enthralled. “Not as bored as I.”


Dani chipped in. “Self is likewise unoccupied and would enjoy something of interest.”


Illyana got up from her chair. “Screw it. Let’s have some tunes.” She walked over to the jukebox and made a gesture. The jukebox turned on, a 45 patter was selected, and the song Iron from Within Temptation began to play.


Left in the darkness

Here on your own

Woke up a memory

Feeling the pain


Illyana began to do a strident kind of walking dance, arms over her head, fists clenched, head being thrown from side to side; the kind of dance you do when in a mosh pit dancing with nobody while grooving to the band.


You cannot deny it

There's nothing to say

It's all that you need to find the way


Rahne protested. “You’ll wake the guys.”


To be answered by Dani. “Self does not believe that is possible. Self calculates that the level of alcohol imbibed will take several more hours to oxidize. And bladder pressure is not an issue for Alex.” Yeah… Alex had had a little accident.


Illyana turned to the side, showing her figure in profile. “Relax for once Rahne. What’s the point of having long hair if you don’t ever let it down?”


Oh Damn, the war is coming!

Oh Damn, you feel you want it!

Oh Damn, just bring it on today!


Dark Beast was still at work in the basement, diligently pursing the task that Scott assigned him (or so it appears). A muffled grunt at the music, then… he cocked his head to one side. Why… this was one of the songs he liked. One robotic spider leg starts tapping out the beat, then the four legs start to dance as Dark Beast lip-syncs.


You can't live without the fire

It's the heat that makes you strong

'Cause you're born to live and fight it all the way

an hide what lies inside you

It's the only thing you know

You're embracing that, never walk away

Don't walk away


Upstairs, Rahne and Dani exchanged glances, stood…


Don't walk away

Don't walk away

Don't walk away


And likewise began to dance as Illyana grabbed an empty beer bottle and sang the lyrics as well.


Raised in this madness, you're on your own

It made you fearless, nothing to lose

Dreams are a drug here, they get in your way

That's what you need to fight day by day


Oh Damn, the war is coming!

Oh Damn, you feel you want it!

Oh Damn, just bring it on today!


Xi'an watched Beast dance. Self was… confused. Self remembered such things but self… self was not the same as self had once been. Self... Self wished self was not as self had become. Perhaps self can be…


Xi'an hesitantly began to echo Beast in his dance as he continued to sing.


You can't live without the fire

It's the heat that makes you strong

'Cause you're born to live and fight it all the way

You can hide what lies inside you

It's the only thing you know

You're embracing that, never walk away

Don't walk away


Rahne herself finally cut lose as she did know the song.


You need not to fear us

unless you're a dark heart

a vile one, who preys on the innocent

I promise, you can't hide forever in the empty darkness

for we'll hunt you down

like the animals you are

and pull you in the very bowels of hell


The three women come together and all sing into Illyana’s bottle.


Oh Damn, the war is coming!

Oh Damn, you feel you want it!

Oh Damn, just bring it on today!


Which apparently finally awoke a very groggy Logan. “What the flamin’???” He eyed the singing and dancing girls as he groused. “Can’t a bub get some sleep?” Before he rolled over, fluffed up Alex’s butt like a pillow and went back to sleep using Alex’s cheeks as a cozy place to put his head (yes he was that drunk).


Illyana gestured and the jukebox went silent. Apart from their giggles.

Chapter 40


Wow, 40 chapters. Who’d have thunk I’d have written so much? Not this author. A bit of a burst of What to do about Magik writing on my part as her publishing events in the comics in part drives these chapters.

This chapter is a hypostatical conversation between Hope and Illyana. Hope is currently stuck in the bar’s basement (damn the basement must be huge) with the rest of her Mutant Liberation Front (MLF, which pronounces as MiLF, not the best of selections as I keep thinking the wrong acronym whenever I see it). It is critical when selecting your team name to look at the Acronym. I mean, imagine when the Super Lithuanian Total Squad attacks. “Oh no! The SLuTS are attacking!” Tsk tsk Hope. You get the team naming shame award.

Chapter Text


In the last issue (Uncanny X-Men 15) Hope shot Scott (he lost an eye and she was aiming to kill so there might be some brain damage). Scott was unconscious for six days (the patient of Dark Beast). Likewise Hope is Dark Beast’s patient as Logan rather dramatically gutted her, but only after she’d shredded him with eye beams from Scott) and only her replication of Logan’s healing power saved her. In that issue Hope has apparently shot the anti-mutant politician Ms. Prestel (we’re left a bit hanging as to the actual outcome, which in part created the idea for this story).


One wonders about the long term viability of Hope as there is a multitude of female red heads at this point (once the other X-Men return of X-Man’s Narcissistic delusion). My take is that Marvel has decided that it is time to spend her heroically, although she appears to be a villain at the moment, which is again acceptable as a cast of evil mutants is always needed for some good fights.



Part40a: At least we have… Hope?


That could have gone better, was Hope’s thought.


She was very uncomfortable; in part due to the healing injuries as Logan’s replicated healing powers had only partially repaired her injuries, and in part due to her being strapped to the bed because for very understandable reasons, nobody trusted her. She wondered if her team was locked up around here, here being outside the rather shabby room that she current occupied. A room that she was rather sure was underground due to the lack of noise and the deep muffled rumbling whenever a truck drove by.


She gave a few bleary blinks after this brief analysis of her situation.


At least I’m alive, was her conclusion, which was more then she thought was going to happen after Logan got done gutting her… Hmmmm, I’m alive so… just another example of how soft they’ve gotten. A single soft laugh that hurt. Hell, I’d killed my ass, just as I tried to kill their ass. Wonder if Scott is dead or did he survive? Knowing his luck he’s survived… damn it! Got to remember… shoot first, talk afterwards, just like Daddy always said even if he didn’t always do that. Gloat after the kill not…


The sudden sound of slow clapping caught Hope’s attention… She shifted her head… There, in the doorway, was Illyana looking very displeased, and giving the slow sarcastic clap.


“Awake I see…” Was Illyana’s comment. Her tone was neutral, but her look was hostile. “First Nate, then the government, and now you and yours…”


Need to lure her closer was Hope’s thought. Grab her teleportation ability and poof! Gone to a safe house to recover. Need to make her angry, angry blinds, makes people act before thinking.


Hope slurred a reply. “I see… Scott’s bitch brigade is here. Can’t believe you’re hanging with him… guess Hells gotten weak as well.”


Illyana took a step into the room. “False bravado is not very useful, but expected for one raised by Cable… gads… talk about a colossal idiot. I don’t know who’s dumber, old Cable or young Cable who killed old Cable, well, call it the weirdest suicide ever.”


“Leave my dad out of it you bitch!” Was Hope’s angry reply, which came out more as a loud whisper then a shout as tensing up to shout was a bad idea. Damn that hurt. Just a few more steps, just a few more and I’ll be able to…


Illyana took a second step, while continuing to verbally stab. “Leaving you with a most interesting set of Daddy issues as he’s his own killer. And if you were to kill the killing, meaning the young Cable, that would make sure that the old Cable never exists to raise you. And young Cable, of course, cares nothing about you so... “ A shake of Illyana’s head at the migraine inducing issues due to paradox issues. “Talk about a time continuum headache for the power’s that be, thank the abyss that I don’t have to clean up the mess.”


Hope braced herself and replied.I said leave Cable out of this! Ohhhh, is Scott’s pocket demon unhappy? So not sorry. Hmm… is he dead? I was aiming for the eye as a good head shot so finishes somebody off, just as I was taught. And cooking Logan was … fun, and a bonus. That asshole was always so condescending all those months I was stuck in the joke of a school he was running. Well… I doubt I’ll be getting just detention.”


Illyana took another step. “Both had just come back from the dead, and the they were finally starting to work together like adults. Actual adults. And then you, the back stabbing bitch, tries to kill them.”


Hope was not apologetic, but she did sound regretful. “So Scotts alive. Bummer… Oh well. At least I got to make him my bitch… damn it felt good to shoot him.” Regretful in not killing Scott, not for any action she had done. “Never liked you Illyana, so reserved, so manipulative, so… lame. And Cable never liked or trusted you was well. He always felt that you were playing a game.”


The room was not that big and Illyana took that final step! Hope reached out with her ability to replicate another’s mutant power and… nothing.


A glare from Illyana. “One, really… I’m not that stupid Hope, we put a power nullifier on you, and two… This is an illusion.”


The walls faded away, likewise did Illyana, revealing a burning desert landscape. It was Limbo, and Darkchilde, with her soul sword drawn, was striding in Hope’s direction. A burning Darkchilde who looked… rather wrathful.


Okay… thought Hope, that could have gone better.



Part40b: Schooled…


“Just what the hell is wrong with you?” Snarled Illyana. A flick of Illyana’s left fingers and Hope was gagged by that ratty brown blanket she likes to wear around her neck as it forced itself into Hope’s mouth (and reminding Hope that she really should wash it more often).


“No… don’t answer just yet. Just what the hells were you blathering about before you shot Scott?”


Another flick of Illyana’s left hand and we hear the words that Hope spoke.


“… Even though you failed him, he may have been your son. He was definitely my father and I failed him too. And now he’s gone. And you know that that makes us? Nothing.”


Illyana was less then kind. “News flash Hope. Cable is an asshole, young or old. He actually causes more problems then he solves with all this time shifting, this little fiasco being a prime example. And a minor question… how on earth did Scott fail him? Last time I checked Scott was dead. I know hanging out with Cable gives you a distorted view of reality, but… you do know how dead works?”


Another Hope statement plays. “No… you don’t get it. Everybody failed him. He tried to save us and we didn’t listen. Now he’s gone, the X-Men are gone, and a war is coming.”


Illyana’s tone is both incredulous and sarcastic. “That makes absolutely no sense. It’s rather hard to fail somebody who hides and tells you nothing. That’s mostly on him, not everybody.”


And another Hope statement plays. “You know how you know the universe doesn’t care about me? You’re the Summers who came from the dead.”


Illyana rolled her eyes. “And of course who was responsible from Scott’s return? Young Cable! Gods I can see why people complain about Millennials. Hope, you’re a walking Mary Sue with the universe handing out freebies left and right; and if you’re unhappy about Scott’s return then take it up with Cable. Gads… talk about delusional logic. You know… the guy we’re supposed to listen to… at least according to you… except when you want to ignore him… which I remind you that you rather liked doing as well as you frequently complained about this tactics, and interesting ethics; although we are talking about an time traveling asshole who kills his older self soo….”


Hope was only able to mumble around the rag shoved in her mouth. “Mmmgh… Ihtd uuu bch…”


Illyana got back on topic, topic being Hope. “And then… a self aggrandizing French quote? ‘The revolution, like Saturn, devours its own children’. Hope, you are fucking delusional…”


A pause from Illyana… then… “Crap… never a telepath around when you need one. Hells, it’s obvious in hindsight. Nothing you or you’re MiLFy failed junior varsity team did makes any sense. Nor the extreme hostility. I mean we show up and everybody shouts traitors and let’s kill them. You are delusional… which means… somebody set you up to do this… I mean… even your not that stupid. Apart from naming your team that is… MiLF?”


Just a hostile look from Hope and more incoherent muffled words.


Illyana slightly reconsidered. “Okay… I suppose you’re that stupid… I mean… daddy’s girl and all that… but still…”


A sigh from Illyana as she realized that the whole MiLFy group had to be a front, a false flag operation. And Hope, and her team had to have been brainwashed.


“Well… crap… and was so looking forward to killing you.”


A flicker and…



Part40c: Rewind…


That could have gone better, was Hope’s thought.


She was very uncomfortable; in part due to the healing injuries as Logan’s replicated healing powers had only partially repaired her injuries, and in part due to her being strapped to the bed because for very understandable reasons, nobody trusted her. She wondered if her team was locked up around here, here being outside the rather shabby room that she current occupied. A room that she was rather sure was underground due to the lack of noise and the deep muffled rumbling whenever a truck drove by.


She gave a few bleary blinks after this brief analysis of her situation.


At least I’m alive, was her conclusion, which was more then she thought was going to happen after Logan got done gutting her. Hmmmm.


Authors note: But no Illyana this time.

Chapter 41


In the War of the Realms (Uncanny X-Men 1) we see that Illyana apparently already knows what’s going on, to quote her as she fights (in New York) while explaining to the other X-Men whom she had gotten after having vanished with Dani some time before, “Malekith, the King of the Dark Elves, has conquered all of the known realms… Except ours. The Asgardian’s war has come to Earth. Doctor Strange has already cleared the people from the City. It is the first to fall.”

Scott of course has a question as they fight the invaders. “Why did you come here in the first place?”

Illyana answers. “Dani begged me to bring her here, but as soon as we arrived, they swarmed us and we got separated. I tried to fight my way to her, but I lost her.”

Scott then demands. “They’re going to overwhelm us Magik. Get us out of here now!”

Something Illyana does not do. “No! We need to find Dani!”

Chapter Text

I liked the issue, but it does raise some questions. We see that Illyana is very well informed, and I don’t think she got all of that from Dani in just a few seconds. Which makes me think that… she already knew (we are talking hell lord). And she appears somewhat… guilty in regards to Dani, like she hadn’t quite thought some things out, or… is constrained some way in how she can act.

A comment on dailydamnation dot tumbler dot com (A website of Illyana drawings and comments that I like) says it quite well. “Incidentally, this is exactly as I see Illyana, most of the time she’s a loyal and very useful squad member, but really she just follows her own priorities. Working with the people she respects towards the goals they share just happens to be a big one, but as ruler of a hell dimension guarding the world against invasions by demons and elder gods, she sometimes has bigger things to worry about. And her close friends being in trouble? Maybe not on the same world-ending level, but it still trumps most other things for her.”


Oh, and for those who don’t know, Dani had been summoned by Odin as Odin had summoned all the Valkyries to fight in New York against Malekith, where they all were killed apart from a few who were not there. Which I think kind of cheapens the whole Valkyrie thing. Plus… no involvement from any military organizations which I find rather disappointing (and annoying considering how much we spend on the military) but… it is a super hero comic so I guess heroes are supposed to fix it.


I also can’t help but observe that Marvel is currently using Illyana as a teleporter and a sword girl, not as a hell lord; heck we haven’t even seen Limbo since the end of the very bad Inhuman vs. X-Men event.


Anyway, this is my take, as I always like things to make sense.



Part41a: Late at Henry’s Bar


Very late, as in everybody’s asleep late, even Dark Beast. Everybody but one, that one being Illyana, and a guest. The nature of the guest was the reason nobody was waking up.


“What an uncharming locality.” Declared Loki, with more of a sigh then a sneer after taking a sip of his drink (Gentleman Jack for those who want to know). “Is this what you’re now calling home or is it just temporary shelter… then again… my brother is living on a tug boat with my old hel dog, so… I suppose a better choice.”


“Temporary shelter.” Grumbled Illyana, who was drinking some Stewart’s Orange soda, one might infer that she was slightly dismissing Loki by refusing to share a drink.


Loki glanced around the establishment. “Not as nice as the Bar with no doors, for some reason I find that the Tiki décor favored by that establishment has grown on me.”


Illyana replied with but one word, just as she had been doing for most of the conversation, when she bothered to reply that is. “Likewise.”


Loki of course tried to smooth things out. “Illyana, I somehow sense that my presence is not quite a joyous occasion.”


Just a sarcastic look back from Illyana as she drank more of her soda.


“We should hang out more.” Suggested Loki. “Why… dare I suggest a possible team-up? Me with my debonair wit and you with your… um… with your grumpiness and that sword of yours.”


Illyana was… let’s call it dismissive. “No… bad idea. Very bad.”


A small sip and a sigh from Loki, followed by a question. “Why?”


“It would not end well.”


“Again why?”


Another sarcastic look from Illyana, then an explanation. “Inevitably you’d betray me, with uncertain consequences upon me or mine. But… hell lord here so… doing such under such conditions means I’d have to hunt you down and kill you… likely in a very messy way. Which of course would mean that your family would get involved, resulting in it becoming extra messy.”


Another sigh from Loki. “Somehow I don’t think Laufey would find that to be of much concern. I suppose he might be slightly irate in that he did not get to do the deed himself.”


Illyana finished off her soda before replying. “No Loki, I said family, not… sperm donor.”


Loki was rather surprised. “Odin? Thor? Frigga? I think you need to rethink your statement as to their anger at my demise.”


Illyana just shook her head. “Family… adopted father, adopted Mother, adopted brother. Don’t confuse a dysfunctional family with lack of anger at your death.”


Loki now had a tone of irritation. “Illyana, I stabbed my mother… almost killed her.”


“And yet she lived, all per some plan of yours I’m sure. Pfffff… day in the life of godling drama… No… If I killed you, adopted son of Ass-gard, then I’d have all of your real family wanting my ass and I have no interest of providing yet another Ragnarok, I mean… you guys tend to have one ever few months or so, likely due to all the drinking is my theory; that and the fact that most Ass-guardians are assholes.”


Loki made a minor correction while trying to sound stern. “It’s pronounced Asgard.”


“Ass-guard” Was Illyana’s reply. A reply that one could infer that Illyana was no fan of Asgard.


A bit of a laugh from Loki. “I almost wish father was here to hear your pronunciation and your pronouncements. He so rarely hears what he does not wish to hear.”


“And which father are you talking about?” Observed Illyana.


Silence from Loki for a bit, then a sigh as he said. “Odin.”


Illyana got another soda as Loki was obviously intent of staying for awhile, this time it was a blueberry Jones soda. “Who is your real father, regardless of who spawned you. Daddy, Momma, brother, sister… such is family. For better or worse.”


Loki attempted to change the subject. “We’re not here to talk about my family.”


A shrug from Illyana. “No. But I can recommend a good family councilor, really helped with me and my brother.”


Loki pushed for an answer to a question he had asked some time ago. “What is your answer to the offer?”


“The offer to join with Malekith and his allies? The offer he’s unwilling to make to my face?”


Loki chuckled. “I suppose he’s concerned about that whole stabby vib you tend to have, I swear, sometimes you’re worse then Wolverine when it comes solving problems by killing things. Yes, that offer.”


Illyana returned to her terse statement. “No.”


A reply that did no surprise Loki. “That shall not go down well.”


Illyana shrugged again. “I do not really care what Malekith thinks. Don’t like Ass-guard, Don’t like Jotunheim, Svartalfeim, Hifheim, Arfheim, or any of the other heims.”


“Not even Midgard?”


A pause from Illyana, then… “I participate as my… friends wish to participate. Unlike your lot, I have rules to obey.”


“And if Malekith’s eyes turn to gaze upon Limbo once he is done with the nine realms?”


A smile from Illyana that was not friendly at all. “He… and all of you, are welcome to try. The rules are very different when a hell lord is attacked in her realm.”


Loki finished off his drink. “I shall take your answer to Malekith.”


A nod from Illyana. “Good, nothing in the War of the Realms involves me.”

Chapter 42


Multiple spoiler alert! Issue 20 of Uncanny X-Men ends with Illyana killing Dark Beast. Dark Beast had come up with a ‘cure’ for the mutant vaccine. That cure, being a virus, blocked the vaccine. But there was a deliberate surprise hidden in the cure, to quote Dark Best:

Chapter Text

“I did what you asked. I made it so parents will never again subject their children to that horrible solution. It stands in the way of evolution and we hate that. After they’ve been exposed to our concoction, which according to airstream models has now happened to 98% of the world, our little protein bonds, with their big bad medication and shuts it down. Harmless. Mostly…”


“But sometimes a child’s x-gene will actually activate while the serum takes effect. And then it works as a catalyst to help the protein replicate inside of them. Basically, we made it so some of the little mutants’ organs go into overdrive and they slip into comas.”


“We’ve given parents a choice. Inject your kids and, if they are mutants, they they’ll probably die. We will finally see how pure their hared of us really is.”


Suffice it to say, Illyana was upset.


Many chapters ago I wrote about an analysis of Illyana that was shared amongst the X-Men leaders. Advice that obviously Dark Beast was not privy. Advice that would likewise have been very helpful for Sabertooth in War of the Realms Uncanny X-Men limited series issue 3.



Part42a: Enough


That was Illyana’s reaction to Dark Beast’s gloating as two light disks appeared. One on the floor beneath his robotic spider legs, the other on the ceiling where his legs started to fall through.


Scott cried out “Illyana, don’t!” as he lunged for her.


Meanwhile a shocked Dark Beast wanted an answer from Illyana. “Where are you sending me witch?!”


Then he glanced up and saw his legs emerging from the ceiling disk. He continued to fall through until with a SHUNK sound the disks vanished leaving his legs and torso dangling from the now cracked ceiling, his head embedded within the structure as blood streamed down his torso.


Apparently Illyana had additional teleportation disk tricks that she has never shown anybody.


Scott’s statement spoke for everybody. “Good Lord, Illyana!”


Alex added a comment as well as he started to rebuke Illyana. “What the hell is wrong with you?”


Illyana glared at Alex. “He tricked us into killing children. What’s wrong with you?


In times of sudden shock a person sometimes laughs, cries, runs away, panics, lashes out…


In Scott’s case it was the random thought. ‘Triggers… I guess he didn’t get the memo.’



Part42b: Triggers


A summation of Magik by Emma Frost:


For select X-Men Leadership viewing only and…



To begin, people go through the ordinary phases of life.






Middle and then old age



These are the normal phases of humanity. For Mutants, or the powered, you also get the time or times when your abilities manifested, but the script remains the same for most.


Most, but not for Magik. While her phases of life started normal with birth and adolescence, they veered far from the mainstream in ways that even she may not fully know. Suffice it to say she lived, she fell into darkness, and died. And that’s where the story gets complicated because she came back.


Came back with supposedly nothing of her humanity left.


Names have meaning. Identifiers, descriptors, and like most people Illyana has several names.


Illyana Rasputin


and lastly Darkchilde


It is a common mistake to assume for Illyana that her names describe different things, different aspect of her ability or behavior. In her case that would be wrong as the names all describe the same thing. It’s just that we simply don’t know what that is. What we do know, in the wisdom of hindsight, is that Darkchilde made a choice when confronted by her brother when she first came back, she chose to not be as she was made into, to not be as she was.


Why? A simple question but the key to almost everything. She wanted to be as she was. She is this case is complicated is it could mean she wanted to be the Illyana that she remembered herself to be, or that she wanted to be like the person she was the dark shadow of. Either way, her brother was the fork in the road.


A road that has been very traumatic to many of the X-Men as she manipulated reality to regain her lost soul. Yet… call it the lesser of two evils as the other fork would likely have been immeasurably worse. A soul she did regain while putting everything at risk, even reality itself.


So of course we decided that we had to lock her up, what else could we do? What do you do with an obviously deranged and crazy evil demon? Slaying her was… suffice it to say was not on the table due to concerns that it was not actually possible; and the consequences of such actions would likely return us to the fork in the road. And yes Henry, our, and I say our as oh so many of the leaders of the X-Men were part of that decision, to incarcerate her in the manner in which we did turned out be bad therapy because… it turns out she really was crazy.


In hindsight, sticking her in a bomb jacket and placing her in solitary confinement glass cubicle under five hundred feet of water was not correct therapy for one of her mental condition. In our defense, her condition was not understood due to her telepathic shields and the unfortunate conclusion that demonic evil is apparently very difficult to distinguishable from demonic crazy; something not understood by some of us until post Phoenix Five.


Hints of the true extent of her trauma were only dimly glimpsed while she was in confinement. A good analogy for her is multiple ethical blind spots combined with defective mental cogitation. But what looked like profound disinterest and disregard from her, was more like, to use an analogy, a stroke victim being unable to comprehend how to play a musical instrument that they once were skilled at.


Post Phoenix five, it was obvious. Not that I was able to read her mind, but the mental landscape was now plain to me, and to Scott. She was feral. Both from the unknown abuse involved in her re-embodiment, and due to unknown trauma from her missing years. All of which left her in the condition she returned to us, a predictor. Very much Darkchilde, yet… not wanting to be Darkchilde; hence her whole quest for her soul.


As I once told Scott post Phoexix, she scared the hell out of me. But Scott was much more empathetic to her condition as he replied “She’s been through a lot”.


So, soul restored, no longer incarcerated with fingers hovering over a bomb jacket detonate button, and no real changes in her behavior; as many can testify to. A not quite correct determination as there were stirrings of behaviors that I was privy to observe. (Authors note, as indicated in the story 4am coffee and its naughty sequel Morning light; and pillow talk sometimes allows one to learn additional things, as Emma know so well).


It was the assault of Dormammu that did something to her. Perhaps fusing her soul with her mind, or… perhaps some internal brain damage was cured as his assault did try to destroy her with all of his power and yet… she survived. Survived and emerged very different when she returned to us. For one she was in a panic. Panic over what had just happened to her and panic over her former actions. A panic that the Cuckoos were able to sense as Illyana was mentally leaking all over the place. In a panic because her perceptions had changed and she no longer understood many of her prior decisions.


And in such confusion, she increasingly no longer trusted her ability to make decisions. A behavior that became ever more evident after death of her brother from the future. Increasingly Illyana lets others decide what the group is to do. She follows the lead of other others, while I admit, always having that vib that she might just do her own thing.


Which brings us to the question. What to do about Magik?


She is not as she was, and we again appear to have a third opportunity to shape what she may become; in that hope I have written this memo so that hopefully we can do better then our prior two chances. As such, an understanding of who she is, rather then who we wish she was is critical.


Violence is natural to her, regardless of any restraint she may show; possible even more then Logan; and yes she enjoys it most of the time. Sadly it is innately part of both who and what she is. This understanding is critical to understanding her possible reactions and behaviors to various situations. But now her recent ‘restraint’ serves to moderate that tendency for brutal solutions.


We all have triggers, things that set us off. Oddly, trying to kill her tends to not be a trigger unless that attempt comes close, then… well… suffice it to say she’s not the forgive and forget type; rather she’s the you don’t get a second chance type.  No, abuse is one of her triggers, more specifically, abuse against children is the big big No-No. Such behavior is almost certain to trigger violence with a high probability of lethal action depending on the level of abuse.


Friends. Frankly she wants them. And odd as this sounds, she can be quite shy and hesitant about connecting with people. And friendship is critical to shaping her behavior as friendships is likely her most treasured possession. I am reminded of the joke ‘A good friend will help you move, but a true friend will help you move a body’. Illyana can and will do so much more then help move a body for her true friends.


Is she still evil? Well, yes, demon after all. But… keep this in mind. Darkchilde did not wish to be Darkchilde, so… let’s help her continue on that journey.

Chapter 43


Spoiler alert! Issue 21 of Uncanny X-Men ends with Illyana having her humanity removed via the triggering of an embedded capsule of X-Gene vaccine. This results her transforming into a demon (and not a sexy one) that proceeds to slaughter the solders of ONE and remove the powers from the Juggernaut when he attacks her (it?).

An issue that rather annoyed me in that I felt the utilization of Illyana was poorly done and yet… it does leave me wondering just what the relaunch of the X-Men will mean for Illyana. They have, in theory, significantly altered Illyana, one interpretation might be that by removing the ‘demon’ aspect of Illyana, and I assume the hell lord aspect as well. This might allow Marvel to have more Illyana stories as she would now be just a sorceress (oddly similar to a story mentioned a few years back where Illyana is the Sorcerer supreme of the galaxy but is no longer ability to move though time because quote “That ability was removed from me”).


Chapter Text

Depending on what happens with the new X-M relaunch, I might have to create a sequel to this work as the theme of this ongoing set of stories would then have come to a close. I do have at least one more chapter to write for this series to conclude the Illyana/Rahne interactions.


The idea for this chapter came to me as I pondered possible reactions to the attack by the X-Men on ONE. And… I found a converter for the demonic language that Illyana spoke in the comic (what a pain, Google ‘marvel demonic langue decode’ and go with the image of Wingdishglish and find the one with the matching characters) so I have some insight in to what she said.



Part43a: Avengers… assemble?


Location: Avengers Tower. Decision time.


Normally when a call came in on an attack the reaction was very quick, especially when the attack was on a United States Government Facility. However, situations with special circumstances sometimes required deliberations by the Avengers before acting. The X-Men were such a situation, especially since the Avengers vs. X-Men wars. Also Logan (Wolverine) was involved, a former/current Avenger greatly missed by some, likewise Alex (Havok) former Avenger, but not so missed. Thankfully Rogue was still absent or the meeting would completely break down into a fight.


The Avengers had gathered, call it a pre assemble, to decide what to do about the ongoing assault on ONE by the X-Men. And this was one of those situations due to the prior mentioned issues. Plus…


“Magik is activity involved.” Was Captain America’s (Steve Rogers) declaration to the group, everybody listening caught the emphases on the word actively.


Okay you say. What the heck does that mean? It’s… like this. People create phrases to communicated details without saying those details. ‘Magik is actively involved’ was code that meant that Illyana was not on a leash and was doing… well… doing whatever the hell she decided to do. Why the code phrase? Let’s just say the Avengers do not have a good track record on dealing with Magik when she was... actively involved.


The Avengers present had just gotten done reviewing a video replay.




The video first showed Logan (Wolverine) being attacked by a large golden robot before he vanished in a massive fireball, then we see the robot killing Sean Cassidy (Banshee) by stomping him into pulp before the rebot exploded in a large fireball.


A blonde woman (Illyana, code named Magik) armed with a sword, then shouts “Banshee! Get up!” as she runs towards the burning debris. She hews down a solder before pausing as a large video screen projects the head of General Callahan, the head of ONE (Office of National Emergency) as he speaks.


“Oh, Illyana. Welcome back to the office of national emergency. I’d put that sword down if I were you. If not for your friend’s sakes, then for your own. You might not recall, but the last time you were with us I had a little device put inside you and your friends. You ran away before I could use it then. But now that you’re back within range, I can make that mutant part of you cease to exist.”


Illyana was not impressed as a back sweep of her sword took off the head of another solder. “And you think that will make me less dangerous, old man?”


Suddenly Illyana collapses to the ground with a scream as Callahan states. “So be it. You silly girl.”


Then Illyana transforms into a large red skinned horned demon with just three fingers on each hand as the lighting in the room turns red as little red lightning bolts flicker about the room. The solders attack as General Callahan shouts “OPEN FIRE!”


The demon gestures, while speaking in an indiscernible language, and burning teleportation disks to send the remaining solders to Limbo while demonic energies pulsed though the fabric of reality, beginning to tear apart the building’s structure as alarms began to sound.


“CODE RED! CODE RED! Evacuate the facility!”


Scott asks the demon if “Illyana? Are you in there?”


The demon answers again in the incomprehendable language.


An answer that does not satisfy an enormous man, dressed in brown and red with a brown helmet over his head (the Juggernaut). He charged the demon with a shout. “Forget this! I’m not waiting for that thing to try to kill me!”


With another gesture, along with more demonic language gibberish, the demon suspends Juggernaut in the air (a classic method of immobilizing the Juggernaut). Magical energies crackle around Juggie as the demon casts some kind of enchantment, then reaches into Juggie’s chest and pulls for the a fist size ruby like gemstone while Juggernaut screams and shrinks to just a normal sized man.


The demon speaks just one word. “CYTTORAK” as the demon shatters the stone. The rest of the X-Men can be seen teleporting away (Scott, Hope, and some of the Multiple Men) as Hope has replicated Illyana’s mutant teleporting ability.


The demon howls, and begins a rampage against ONE.




“ONE is requesting, begging actually, for aid in dealing with the creature.” States Captain America (Steve Rogers).


The Scarlet Witch (Wanda Maximoff) was less the supporting. “So, the Nazi wantabes finally pissed off the wrong mutant. I know how Rogue would feel about ONE’s current behavior and I feel the same. Count me out on helping those mutant hating bastards.”


With a burst of Hex chaos magic Wanda was gone before anybody could respond to her angry denouncement. Next Capt. Marvel (Carol Danvers) gave her input, she was attending via video and her form can seen sitting behind a desk.


“I’ve been to hell once already, and Magik sent me, and so many people, there back when we fought the Phoenix Five. Back when she imprisoned all that they captured in a fragment of hell that she brought to earth. I…”


Carol paused and gave a small swallow before continuing. ”It was hell… literal hell. The place was setup to… have you continuously fighting for your life, or so you believed. You were too… busy to surviving to think of trying to escape.”


Steve offered some words of comfort to Carol. “I know it was bad… real bad but...”


Carol interrupted Steve. “It was way beyond bad Steve. And the only one who really did anything about it was Rogue, and she was the one who kicked my ass, resulting in said ass being thrown into hell when Magik showed up. And what did Rogue do when she saw this? She tried to break me out of that hell. You all know the history between me and Rogue, she had everything to lose and nothing to gain and she threw it all away to attempt to do the right thing.”


Carol continued. “And it failed. Later, when all of that was done, Rogue and I met up and she clued me in on what Magik had told her. That bitch, Magik, had been trying to be kind, to confine us in a way that was not… terminal. So many of us were there, Spider Woman, Quicksilver, Luke Cage, Hawkeye, and other. Rogue tried to do the right thing. Which leaves me with the question… Have we? Have we done the right thing with ONE? What Magik did was wrong, and once Rogue knew that she tried to do what was right. What ONE is doing is wrong, and… did any of us do anything about it other then trying to not rock the boat? Medical experimentation, wanton killing, torture, the list goes one. And… I find myself asking myself what would Rogue do… and I find myself asking what Rogue would think of our… inactions Our neglect.’


Carol stood up. I’m with Wanda on this.” And with that the video feed cut off.


Hawkeye gave a long sigh as he shook his head. “Been to hell and that was when she was feeling nice. What we saw on that video is not trying to be nice. That demon took Juggie down in seconds without breaking a sweet. For a good cause I’m there, but not this cause, not ONE. Sorry Capt, count me out on this one.”


Steve started a reply. “An unconstrained demon rampage…”


The magical projection of Stephen Strange (Dr. Strange) commented. “Illyana is still in there, discernable for those who speak demonic languages. Rampage yes, but against those who have done her and hers such harm. Illyana has always been there for me when I was in need, to my shame I was not for her. Thus I likewise decline to aid ONE.” With that his projection faded away.


Thor rose. “Who was yet here in the City of New York during the reign of the Frost Giants when most of the heroes had fled? Who strove to protect the innocent? Who slew and entire army of our foes? Twas these very mutants… whom we ignobly ignored time upon time in their hours of need. Nay will the god of thunder aid these villains of ONE.”


Black widow gave her input. “I kicked her ass on the moon only to learn she thought of the whole thing as a game. A game she has constrained herself. I have no love for the bitch but I do have to wonder why we’re so up set all the time at Scott.”


Steve gave the usual answer. “He killed Charles Xavier.”


“And?” Was Widow’s cold answer. “I distinctly recall us being upset at him time and time again way before Xavier died. And what’s so special about Xavier? Why do we always think of Xavier as the next thing to Christ or Marten Luther King Junior? Could it be because he’s a telepath? Might… our feelings have been… adjusted?”


Steve’s answer began strong, but ended weak. “Xavier would never… do… that?”


Hawkeye was not convinced. “Yeah… I think he would… Gods know he did it to the X-Men over and over again. And heck, our batting average sucks against her. Remember that time Cap when she took your shield?”


Steve most certainly remembered.




“I want my shield back Magneto.”


That has been the annoyed and somewhat angry statement by Caption America (in full costume) while standing in the Xavier’s, now Magneto’s, office at the Xavier school for gifted youngsters. Magneto was behind the desk and Steve was standing in front of the desk with his hands on the desk.


Magneto’s answer as not the answer Steve was looking for. “We all want many things Captain, but you are addressing the wrong person as I do not posses your missing property.”


Steve pointed out that… “Your female student, the blonde, took it with some kind of teleportation portal when I threw it at you.”


“That is correct.”


“So you have it.”


“Again a no, I do not have it. For that you will have to ask her.”


A snort of disbelief from Steve. “So the Master of Magnetism is unable to control his students?”


“Believe as you will Captain, the truth has never gotten in the way of your belief’s before, no need to start now. Illyana, and the other students, are … annoyed at you for your unprovoked assault upon their teach to paraphrase.”


Magneto then summoned Illyana over the intercom. A few moments later Illyana arrived with a flash of a teleportation disk, she was wearing the Frost Academy school uniforms, the one with the pleated skirt. She appeared at the side of Magneto’s chair.


Magneto make as request. “Magik… the good Captain would like his shield back.”


Illyana blew bubble with her chewing gum. “Ahhh… it’s fun. What ever happened to finder’s keeper’s?”


Steve went for the direct approach. “That shield is the property of the United States Government young lady.”


Just a popped bubble from Illyana in reply, and a look that said so what. A look that earned Illyana a glare from the Captain, but still no shield.


“Might I make a suggestion Captain?” Was Magneto’s mild reply.


And now it was Magneto’s turn to get a glare, and the sound of another popped bubble. Finally, Steve gave a small node to Magneto.


“I believe adults are forever telling children how to politely ask for things. Just because we become adults does not mean politeness goes out of fashion.”


A stronger glare, and a large bubble in reply from Illyana, one that instead of popping, just slowly deflated.


Finally Steve asked… politely. “Please.”


A requested that elicited a dramatic sigh from Illyana, the kind a teenager does when asked to do some monumental task of herculean effort (like the sigh you get when they are asked to put the phone away during supper). Illyana vanished in a teleportation disk flash, then reappeared few seconds later holding the shield with both hands; she then walked around the desk and offered the shield to Captain America, who then took it.


Steve noticed the shield was cold, and… there was crusted snow on the surface and on the inside of the shield. Plus there was a rope attached on the inside of the shield that would allow a person to use the shield to…


Steve was… shocked. “Have you been using this to… sled in the snow?”


Another pop of a bubble, and then a reply. “Like I said, it’s fun.”




“Regardless… unless anybody else has a comment, I call for a vote.”


The remaining Avengers had nothing to say, but a thumbs down from all who remained. And a comment from Hawkeye. “Give it a rest Steve, we’re in the wrong on this one. For once let’s do the right thing.”



Part43b: Author comments…


I do wonder where Marvel will take Illyana, I hope on to bigger and better things. Can’t help but think her demonic transformation and what appeared to be major destruction at ONE deserved a few more pages as Illyana destroys much of ONE. And of course a sound track as she does it, likely in slow motion, say…


Way Down We Go by Kaleo.


Oh, Father tell me, do we get what we deserve?

Whoa, we get what we deserve


And way down we go

Way down we go

Say way down we go

Way down we go


You let your feet run wild

Time has come as we all, oh, go down

Yeah but for the fall, ooh, my

Do you dare to look him right in the eyes? Yeah


Oh, 'cause they will run you down, down 'til the dark

Yes and they will run you down, down 'til you fall

And they will run you down, down 'til you go

Yeah, so you can't crawl no more


And way down we go



And way down we go

Way down we go

Say way down we go

Oh, 'cause they will run you down, down 'til you fall

Way down we go

Chapter 44


I decided to wait on finishing the Illyana/Rahne interactions until the War of the Realms X-Men crossover was done as there was significant Rahne details in that limited series. Spoilers ahead! Oh, and for those who don’t know, Rahne is currently dead; but don’t despair as the New Mutants is being relaunched in November and Rahne is in it (See the comics House of X and Powers of X for details). And apparently Illyana is back to her bit of tight black revealing costume (yeah… as that is my favorite costume).

The interactions of Illyana and Rahne in both the Dead Souls limited series and the Uncanny X-Men, were very different from the antagonistic interactions of the original New Mutants. Which was good as Marvel didn’t repeat themselves a to the character interations (which is their wont), but… why? What was different? My prior two chapters explored this, and so does this one. I do so hope the New Mutants relaunch does not fall back on old patterns as people to change over time.

Some of the words here are lifted directly from the comics.

Chapter Text

Part44a: Wake


It was a dark night on Muir Island. Stars, but no moon, and scattered high clouds that blocked out much of the brighter stars. There was scattered patches of fog that alternately hid and reveled pats of the landscape. It was also darker now then in the past as the Mutant Research Center was closed upon the end of the Inhuman vs. Mutants war and the vanishing of the X-Men.


“Place be cursed…” Was the common belief of the village locals who lived on the neighboring islands. A belief that prevented looting, and the history of things happening to uninvited folks who intruded.


But tonight there was a fire raging on the top of the one of the ridges that overlooked the Center, one that could been seen by one and all who bothered to look, but few did… to be specific, nobody but one.


There was a fire upon the mount, fueled by wood and magic and… Magik. It was a week after Rahne’s death and a private wake was being held.


“Fucking Assgardians…” Was something’s soft whisper as another pale stick was tossed onto the bonfire. The flames appeared to almost… taste the stick before it ignited. Upon closer examination the stick look more like a bone and less like wood. Something was sitting upon rock and staring into the fire. A black something, humanoid shaped but indistinct, and angry.


A wolf’s faint howl echoed over the landscape and the wandering mists, and then a ghostly white wolf, with golden eyes, emerged and came to sit beside the darkness as it fed the fire.


Begin Memory Reflection


“Excuse me?” Stated Loki upon Illyana’s greetings in the bar with no doors.


“Fucking Assgaridan gods…” Grumbled Illyana.


Loki chose to go the diplomatic approach, she was a demon after all and obviously was in a mood about something. “Should I take offense?”


A sideways glance at Loki, then “Nah… more of a general statement.”


Loki gestured for the bartender to refill Illyana’s drink and to bring him one as well. “Is your angst due to the now concluded war or some other irritant?”


Illyana turned from Loki and grumbled again. “Fucking Assgardian godlings. Always thinking of just themselves, even after their dead they just can’t stop doing stupid shit.”


“Ahhh… I see.” Stated Loki, he fell silent as the bartender arrived, then continued after the drinks were poured. “The deceased wolfling prince and cub.”


“Bingo in one.” Grumbled Illyana. “I mean… just what the hell was he thinking? Hi Rahne my love, I’m back from the dead with our dead son, but only if you abandon your friends and loved ones and ignore everything you profess to believe in. Asshole. Talk about giving her damned if you do, damned if you don’t choices. Follow that script and either way she was screwed by the choices she was restricted t. The only choice was break her heart now, or betray everything she said she believed in therefore breaking it yet again. That’s… not love.   You don’t do that to somebody you profess to love. Like I said… asshole… either way she would be destroyed.”


A sip and then a response from Loki. “I hate to sound defensive, but that behavior is not restricted to godlings. Might… he have been under a compulsion?”


“He was and he wasn’t…” Grumbled Illyana. “He was a shade, raised to serve the purposes of another, but… that truly was his honest belief. Which made it so easy to sell. Rahne only mattered in how she related to him and his son, not… her. Rahne didn’t matter. What she cared about didn’t matter. Nobody else mattered. And his parting words… sorrowful but… stating she chose wrong. Resulting in… call it slow poison of the soul. Shit… I really should have killed him but… not my call to make.”


Loki tried to look apologetic. “I’d apologize but…”


“Yeah… he’s not your dog.”


“Now that’s rude, and some would say racist.”


“Might those people be Asgardian wolves?”




“Then their welcome to say it to my face, else... they can hush.”


That… would be wise was Loki’s thought. Animals tend to have a sense about getting in the face of things that bite back. Less so people and… godlings for that matter.


Illyana changed the subject. “So… did that help with any of your daddy issues?”


“What… Oh… You mean my killing of Laufey?”


Illyana gave a nod of agreement. “Yikes, talk about family issues, I mean… he actually kills you by eating you and then later eats a sword that you use to cut your way out of his guts, killing him in the process. Now that has to be therapeutic.”


Loki slowly drained his shot glass, then gestured for a refill. “And if I say that’s private?”


Illyana likewise finished her drink. “I’ll point out that I’m the only one who’s willing to drink with you in this bar.”


Loki did have to concede that drinking with company was nicer then drinking alone. “There is that… Okay… I’ll admit… I had a certain sense of… closure. Gods, I hated him. And… it was… nice to see that Mother… was relieved that I lived. Likewise… Father and Thor. Eh… Family.”


“Family.” Was Illyana’s reply, but where Loki’s answer had been positive, Illyana’s statement was dark.


They both went silent as the bartender, a levitating head in a jar, glided by and refilled both drinks, then departed.


“I can relate on the slaying…” Grumbled Illyana, thinking about Belasco. “Really relate.”


Then it was Loki’s turn to change the subject. “So… oh defender of the masses, how does adoration feel for one who defended them against the ravaging hordes? Have you and yours received the keys to the city yet? Public acclamation? Free subway rides? Invitations to join the Avengers? At the very least I would hope a Starbuck’s gift card.”


A snort of a laugh from Illyana at Loki’s dark joke. “No… and I think the government, the same assholes who couldn’t defend those masses, are still trying to kill all of us, and said masses are mostly cheering them on. And of course the big nothing on the Avengers. I really should stop expecting them to do the right thing…”


“Yes… I can also relate.” Answered Loki. “How did she pass… If I may inquire.”


“Her dead boyfriend and son came back from Hel and asked if she was ready to join them. Sabretooth had managed to capture me but things were not going his way with that so… Rahne was likewise captured by Sabretooth for… motivation on my part. To quote the idiot ‘Enchantress left behind some magical crap to help him control me, but apparently I’m a tough nut to crack.’ So he figures the gutting my supposed li’l sister in front of me might make me more… receptive. That’s when the dead wolf god of an asshole showed up with their dead son Tier. Apparently he’d made a few bargains as well. The two of them could leave the realm of the dead to find Rahne, but only under the condition that none of them interfere with the ongoing war of the realms. And… I was part of that bargain. I was bound by a necklace that blocked my ability to caste spells. O’l wolf god then figured out that Rahne was not in agreement on that little detail of giving my ass to Sabretooth so… that was suddenly renegotiable for some reason; which it shouldn’t have been which makes more then a few of his words suspect. So, we escape after wolf god kicks Sabretooth’s definitely unwashed hinny. But… I’m still stuck with the curse of a necklace, reducing me to just another solder with a sword; not that he cared that much because, and I quote ‘But the deals I made were the only way I could be reunited with my true love.’ Ahh… ethics… so rare.”


Illyana took a sip of her drink while Loki had a sympathetic look as he stated. “Yes… such bargains with… gods tend to not work out well. Been there, done that… but mostly on the giving folks screwed deals, one must avoid neglecting to read the fine print.”


Illyana continued. “Anybody tried to give me such a deal the first thing I’d do is break the rules; that’s how you avoid such dammed choices… change the game. Anyway, we get back to the stadium where we’ve got a zillion people we’re defending when the Dark Elves, Frost giants, and the douche formally known as Sabretooth, along with a massive pack of hell hounds, attack. They break the defenses… civilian slaughter imminent, and what does Rahne’s beloved say? ‘Rahne, no. I swore to the Enchantress that if we were reunited you wouldn’t do this. Yes, People are dying, but your friends will have to save them. If you interfere, if you do this, then the Enchantress will tear us apart.’ Now I’m doing what I can, but then Roberto tears off my necklace and crushes it, which kills Roberto as he detonates in a massive explosion. But, I guess that was all good as Rahne is prevented from helping by her beloved and it’s not like Roberto mattered to the wolf asshole. In hindsight, having Rahne see Roberto die because of her choices didn’t help things. So… I raise this massive teleportation portal and trick all the Dark Elves and Giants into running into it as they think that everybody has fled through it.”


Loki choked on his drink, then after a few coughs. “They ran into Limbo?”


A very satisfied sounding Illyana. “Yep…”


Loki just had to ask. “Did any survive?”


“Nope. But Sabretooth ends up getting me by the throat. And who do you think is the one to interfere? To save me as it were? Rahne of all people as she strikes at Sabretooth while her beloved cries out ‘Rahne my love, No! I swore to Hela! This is not our fight!’ Like his swearing mattered because… after all… she’s only relevant in relation to him. And of course her son is all crying as well. Well, Rahne rips out part of Sabretooth’s throat with her teeth and then I cut his head off and kicked it into limbo, and of course wolf god and son go back to Hel. Leaving Rahne devastated. Like I said… Fucking Assgardian godlings. Making deals for others that they had no right to make without asking. And Rahne left with nothing but bad choices… been there, did that. Shards… the two New Mutants who hated me the most back when we were kids… both sacrificed for me… Roberto his life, and Rahne her heart. So… afterward she leaves the X-Men, and almost promptly gets beaten to death by four normal human males because she won’t resist as she’s so tired of being a mutant. So tired of living, and that whole broken heart thing.”


Loki’s eyes narrowed. “And the fate of those who did the deed?”


“I was planning on… doing something after the wake, but Logan was insistent that he wanted to do the deed. We all morn in different ways, I tend more to Logan’s side of such things… but I agreed that… he could have the enjoyment. No matter, suffice it to say that I have some other plans for them.”


A sigh from Illyana, then… “The day she left, I should have said something… anything… to make her stay. But I let her leave and watched this world swallow her up. And I’m so mad at her…” Then a longer sigh before she changed the subject. “So how is being the King of Jotunheim? Adoring subjects? All of the maidens vying for your notice? The learned and wise joining your court to give you guidance and gasp at your wisdom and insight?“


A growl of irritating from Loki. “Have you ever been to Jotunheim?”


A snort of dark humor from Illyana. “Yep… frozen inbred hillbilly country. I can see why you slum it on earth.”


“Trade you it for Limbo?” Was Loki’s casual suggestion.


A suggestion that only got an ironic look from Illyana and a shake of the head no as she replied. “As if…”


End Memory Reflection



Part44b: Echoes of loss


The darkness reached into a pile besides her, on the opposite side of where the wolf sat and tossed a handful of small pale bones into the fire. An act that elicited a small whine from the wolf.


“You want one?” Asked the darkness as she picked up a leg bone and offered it to the wolf. An act that prompted a partial growl.


“Moody bitch.” Growled back the darkness, which just made the wolf whine again and look down submissively.


Surprisingly the darkness apologized.   “Sorry… Bad word choice. I’m… not… happy.”


The leg bone was likewise tossed into the fire. The wolf watched the bone land in the fire and begin to burn. Then the golden eyes turned and looked upon the darkness with a half cocked turn of the head as if asking a question.


“No… no my doing. I’d… planned it but Logan… beat me to it..”


The wolf then lay down and watched the fire. A hand, indistinct, hesitantly moved to hover over the wolf’s head, then… gave it a scratch. Which elicited a grumble of contentment from the wolf, and more scratches.


“I… I’m so angry at her… for giving up. For… being… different then she… was. That makes it harder. Dismissal I understand. Used to that… rather the norm in fact. But not… trying to be… to try to… be a friend. Not… sacrificing for… me. Rahne… Roberto… I… ask why? Yet more dead, yet more…”


A sigh of weariness. “Li’l sister he called her. Was that what she was… trying to be? To become? Pack yes but…”


The wolf looked up at the darkness as the darkness spoke of her pain and fed the flames another bone.


“I miss her…”



Part44c: Dead Souls, a beginning


Xi'an Coy Manh (Karma), was surprised by Rahne’s statement.


“I’ll join the team, but only if Illyana is on it, and leads it as well.”


Xi’am was putting a team together, not as heroes, but as a corporate action team for her company Hatchi; there are advantages to being a billionaire and this was one. Karma played for time as she examined the unexpected demand. “I had not thought that you would wish… her presence.”


“I don’t… and that’s why I do.”


Xi’am hated irrational logic. “That makes no sense.”


Rahne was not in agreement. “It be doing to me.”


This … might be for the best was Karma’s thought upon further reflection. Magic is involved, and who better to involve then Magik? Plus… Strong Guy was hanging out with her so that would bring needed muscle for the team. Which raised its own issues as Rahne had problems with Strong Guy but… internal team conflict would help to keep them distracted because things needed to be hidden from the team; less from the team leader, but still, things would have to be concealed, and it wasn’t like any of them were computer experts so… no risk from that angle. And Illyana’s teleportation would facilitate quick team insertions. Hmmm, she need to speak to Prodigy to make sure that computer user access was properly controlled. “Okay… assuming Kitty is good with that.”


“That be fine then.”


Xi’am smiled. “However… you get to ask her, and I guess convince her if she’s unwilling.” Best to make sure Illyana knows her place as avoiding a personal recruitment would help to demonstrate the hierarchy.


Rahne was uncertain as to the turn of events. “Me?”


“You want it… you get to do it.”


A reluctant nod from Rahne, then Xi’am had a random thought (Damn, this is going to cost more) as she thought more about having Magik on the team.


Begin Memory Reflection


And so Rahne did just that. Asked Illyana to join the team Xi’am was putting together, and to lead the team.   A request that resulted in just a neutral look from Illyana. A look that of course made Rahne even more nervous.


She slightly stammered. “I think it be a good idea.”


Which elicited a slight questioning frown from Illyana in reply.


Rahne plowed forward. “Because it be paying well, really well, and chance to do some good I think.”


And now more of a disbelieving frown from Illyana.


“And… we… could have a chance to… maybe… work things out?”


A return to the neutral expression.


“I… be wanting to try. Meaning… to do. That means… doing. Yes… you scare me. But that’s not why I be wanting this. Not the scaring part. No… I was wrong before, I want to… do right. I want to find out… if we might have actually have been friends if I hadn’t been… wrong. If I hadn’t done wrong.”


Then a… “Please?”


A look of thought, followed by a slight hand gesture at Strong Guy, whom Illyana had been having lunch with. Rahne stared at Strong Guy for a few moments, then nodded her acceptance of Strong Guy’s presence.


Which meant that Illyana gave a nod of acceptance, much to Rahne’s relief.


Only later did Rahne reflect that Illyana had not spoken a single word, yet she felt they had fully conversed.


End Memory Reflection



Part44d: Dead Souls, interactions


The team was enjoying a night on the town. Call it a reward for a job well done, or a team building exercise. Which was how it was being billed to the Hatchi corporation, much to Xi’am annoyance; who was finding that Illyana tended to just ignore things that Xi’am would prefer she not ignore (one of those thing being proper respect to Xi’am, another was the apparently team belief that they worked for Illyana and not Xi’am). Irritatingly, collecting receipts was not one of the things Illyana ignored, which of course removed the expense report excuse of not paying; that and the fact Illyana somehow kept managing to get access to a Hatchi credit card with no credit limit (Damn it Prodigy, how many times to I have to tell you to cancel that card!)


The team was:


Julio Richter, code name Rictor (ability to make earthquakes and other vibrations).


Tabitha Smith, code name Boom-Boom (ability to create energy balls that go boom).


Guido Carosella, code name Strong Guy (ability to be really strong, big, and very resilient to damage).


Rahne Sinclair, code name Wolfsbane (she’s a werewolf).


And finally Illyana Rasputin, code name Magik (Demon sorceress and teleporter). Who, like a good team lead, had brought her team here and then vanished so as to allow the team to unwind without having the boss hanging around.


And where was this night out being enjoyed? They were at the Oak (The Celebrity Club), a very high end club. So, the team had their own table and…


“Okay, you be convincing me that Illyana has clubbing super powers.” Was Rahne’s comment to Tabitha.


Tabitha was on her third martini (mandarin orange with a splash of Grand Marnier Cuvee to kick the price tag up an extra 40 bucks because… why not order the best when somebody else is paying?). “Like I said, abilities that are useful. No idea how show does it but… talk about access. I mean… spur of the moment decision by us, meaning me, to come here and… poof. No line, a table waiting, and fast service.”


Julio swallowed the last of his duck taco appetizer. “I’m surprised that you wanted to go out. I thought you’d want to just decompress on the couch after that two hour shower.”


“I could shower for a week and it wouldn’t be enough.” Tabitha drained the rest of her drink and gestured at the staff for another “Damn Rahne, why is Illyana ways doing weird shit? I mean… teleporting me and herself into the stomach of a frost giant and then ordering me to blow this up? Talk about Grooossssss.” Her drink arrived and Tabby took a healthy swig.


“You might want to tone it down a bit Tabby.” Suggested Guido. “At this rate your gona pass out within the hour.” Of course Guido had a two liter beer stein but Guido is a big dude.


“Good… this… this is therapy. I need to purge the memory by going blackout drunk.”


“I don’t a think it works like that.” Commented Rahne. Meaning that you don’t remember what happens when you’re in a blackout.


‘Won’t know until I try.” Was Tabatha’s response, showing yet again that Tabatha thought in ways unlike all others.


Julio returned to a prior topic from that morning’s brunch. “So it’s always like this with her? Her being Magik and not Tabby because… well… Tabby’s always like this.”


“Damn straight.” Agreed Tabatha.


Rahne was rather tired of the topic of conversation. “It’s like I be saying before. She no be acting weird, she just is weird. She’s always been weird. And I think she’s been extra moody since Kitty’s wedding blew up.”


Julio got more direct. “I’m asking do you trust her?”


Rahne was silent for a while, just absorbing the sounds of the club.




Rahne growled an answer. “I want to… I be trying to.”


“Since when?” Was Tabby’s oh so not helpful contribution. “You two had quite a history from what everybody says, and trust was never a word used in describing you and her.”


“And I was… wrong to behave as I behaved. So… since when have I been a trusting her? Since now…”


Julio decided to change the subject. “Is it just me, or are Illyana and Xi’am being rather bitchy at each other?”


Tabby finished her fourth drink and stared at the empty glass like it was some kind of betrayal. “Xi’am’s in change and wants us all to understand that.”


Guido observed that. “Yet we call Illyana the Boss.”


Rahne agreed. “Cuz she is. And Xi’am is… feeling kind of weird now that I be a thinking about it. Funny… back then... that be what all the demon in Limbo be a calling her. Boss.”


With that their food, and Shatterstar, Rictor’s boyfriend, arrived. The conversation went still for a moment as they dug in, then Rictor gestured with a duck mini taco. “She still creeps me out. Did any of you see the grin she had after the Frost Giant blew to bits?”


Tabatha shook her head no. “Nope, too busy throwing up.”


Rictor continued. “Real… creepy. Like she had found a new way to…”


“Kill something?” Finished Rahne.


“Yeah…” Replied Rictor as he thought about a conversation he had with Illyana last night.




It was late night at the Hatchi common’s area that the team hung out at (they each had a room, plus a shared kitchen and two living rooms. Rictor had woken up and found that he couldn’t fall back asleep so he decided to go hang out in a living room to watch some late night TV in hopes of getting drowsy. There he discovered the team’s night owl (Illyana) sprawled on a couch reading a book.


“Watcha reading?” Was his inquiry as he flopped into an easy chair.


“Russian poetry.” Was her answer.


“In Russian?”








“So… are you mostly a non fiction reader or do you like fiction as well?”


Illyana shut the book and thought for a moment. “Non fiction… I found that reality truly is stranger.”


“I’m more of a fiction guy… hey… have you ever read H. P. Lovecraft? Now that guy wrote really weird and creepy stuff.”


“Da… I read his works… some time ago.”


“So you do read fiction.”




“No? But Lovecraft is fiction.”


“No. I find his works to be a rather overly dramatic in his choice of wording, but very correct as to the details.”


Rictor was about to snort in derision but recalled who he was talking to. “Um… you mean what he wrote about is real?”




Rictor thought about some of the stories he had read. “So the Mountains of Madness in Antarctica exist? If so how come nobody knows about them?”


Illyana looked slightly musing. “That was a very good narrative that he wrote about the expedition. Of course he substituted another name for himself. Shortly after that the current Sorcerer Supreme, along with other magical… entities, crafted a most powerful illusion to hide it. And the university had to change its name.”


“And… like… Shield hasn’t been there?”


“Based upon the number of frozen bodies and the abandoned gear I found I’d say they do know of the place. It was one of the last localities of the Old Ones on this world. It is not far from the Savage Land; or as I call it, the place where everybody loses their clothing.”


“You’ve been there? I mean… you’ve been to the Mountains of Madness?”


“Yeah, place is rather creepy.”


“Creepy? One of the preeminent horror books of all time and you find it creepy?”


“I think it’s the wind, creates a weird piping music sound, like you’re in a sound track of a horror film. So yeah, creepy.”


“And the Shoggoths?”


Illyana answer reminded Rictor of what Illyana was. “Flammable, plus… well… I… let’s just say I have resources Shield lacks.” Then. “I did find the giant penguins to be kind of cute.” With that Illyana returned to her book.


And Rictor never did get back to sleep that night, or ever read H.P. Lovecraft again.





Part44e: Questions are asked


Rahne just couldn’t think of a good social interaction activity with Illyana. Finally she decided to speak with Laura (X-23). Hence the ongoing combat exercise in the Danger room at the Jean Grey School (currently located in New York Central Park). Why Laura you might ask? Well, according to the mutant gossip underground, Illyana and Laura hung out from time to time, sometimes with Dani, sometimes not.


After a vigorous workout Rahne asked Laura about her interactions with Illyana.


“We mostly fight or hunt.” Was Laura’s reply.


Rahne was disappointed. “That be all?”


A neutral look from Laura, then a slight clarification. “Afterwards, sometimes we… converse.”


“About what if you don’t mind me asking.”


Laura did. “Private things.”


“Oh, sorry. I just didn’t think the two of you had much in common.”


“We don’t, other then what was done to us.” Was Laura’s reply.


Rahne could see how there was overlaps, Laura in how she was raised, and abused, by Weapon X program as they turned her into a killer and Illyana by her childhood in Limbo and… what happened after she died and came back.


“Sorry to pry… I be just… trying to come up with some activity that I might be a doing with her.”


A look and a shrug that communicated (What’s wrong with this?)


A question that Rahne answered. “I don’t really be liking to fight. Or hunting. Any… suggestions.”


“Back on Utopia we played a game of tag, other times we just stared at the stars in the sky while having tea.”


Rahne had not thought of that. “That’s… different.”


Laura had a thoughtful look as she stated. “She once said a strange thing back then… she thought I was sweet.”


A few blinks from Rahne. “That… not be a word I’ve ever heard used to be describing you.”


“Yes, She is… odd. She also told me, the one time that she said I was sweet, that I had just met the first person who’d trade lives with me.”


Rahne knew just how bad it had been for Laura. “That be crazy.”


“Yes… and yet… I think no.” Laura found it odd that she was being asked for social advice, a definite first. “Why not just ask her to do something?”


“What if she doesn’t want to do what I suggest?”


“I would suppose she’d tell you. And… perhaps she might suggest an alternative.”



Part44f: Children of the night


After the plane incident where Illyana saved the plane by teleporting it (and incidentally into the future by one week), and the night before Illyana led the team on an unsanctioned incursion to Dr. Strange’s house. Unsanctioned in that Xi'an did not know about it, Rahne finally developed the nerve to ask Illyana out for a social event.


And being very nervous, she did not state it well.


“Would you be liking to go howl with me?” Was how Rahne put it. And of course felt even more self conscious as to how badly that sounded as Illyana answered with only a neutral look that distinctly communicated that she really had no idea what Rahne was actually asking her to do.


“I be meaning to say, would you like to go listen to the wolves howl. The ones at the New York Zoo. I sometimes slip in there at night after they be closed to listen and sometimes join in…” Having now explained it better, Rahne felt even worse as it sounded so silly.


“Never you mind, sounds silly now that I be saying it out loud. It’s just… that you sometimes feel so… wolf like. Sorry… this sounds so strange, like asking you to go to church.”


A statement that earned Rahne a frown from Illyana. “I’ve been to church Rahne, quite a bit in fact. Never burst in to flames, nor did the Vicar when he came to have supper with the family I was staying with.” (See the story Pride, Prejudice, Illyana, and Zombies for details)


“Um… sorry. It was not my intent to be insulting you.” Although Rahne was rather surprised ad the church comment. Just another indication as to how little she really know about Illyana.


Illyana cut right to the heart of the matter. “Why do you want me to go… howl with you Rahne?”


“I… I said mean things to you on the plane. Things… I should not have been saying.”


You… and the rest of the team, were under mental influences.


“They still were my words, my… fears given voice. I be trying to move past that, to…” Rahne fell silent as Illyana just had that neutral expression, then Illyana said one word.




And that’s how Rahne and Illyana ended up at the Zoo at midnight listening to the wolves howl… and sometimes joining in.


That was the night that Rahne and Illyana finally began to talk about things. Hesitantly… slowly… but over the days and weeks to follow, during the time they were imprisoned, and afterwards as they lived at the bar, they began to learn just who the other actually was, rather then what they thought the other was.



Part44g: Dirge


Now more ghostly wolves emerged from the shadows. They sat or rested on all sides of the darkness as the darkness fed the remaining bones to the flames one by one. Then, as the last bone was burned they began to howl.


It was a lamenting song.


One of loss.

It sang of a pack member that was gone.

Yet it sang that the pack continued as life… went on.


The darkness howled along as well. Howled like a wolf. One… who had become a friend, was gone.


It hurt…


And in that hurt…


An acknowledgement of the Rahne that was.


The Rahne that has passed.


The Rahne that was, in the last, a friend of Illyana.

Chapter 45


Spoilers ahead. We see in the ongoing New Mutant’s series chapter one that the Starjammers have abandoned the New Mutants at the Benevolence space station at the fringes of Shi’ar space. In part because the New Mutants annoyed them, but mostly I think because the Starjammers are dicks. I can just imagine how a phone call between Scott and his father (named Corsair) might have gone.

For this story you only hear Scott’s side of the conversation (mostly).

This will likely be a multi part story as it will take several month of publishing before all of the story is known. Oh, and I suppose I make a comment or two about the sleeping arrangements in the Summer House

Chapter Text

Part45a: Heart to heart conversations (part 1)


Night time at the Summer’s house, located at the blue spot on the moon. Alex, Rachel, and Cable had taken a portal to New York to go clubbing so the house was rather empty.


Scott is dressed only in a pair of swim trunks, slightly damp, and a long red silk robe. He has an adult drink in one hand, bourbon on the rocks, a phone in another, and a bottle on a side table. Scott had learned what had happened with the New Mutants and the Starjammers. Suffice it to say he was not pleased.


Scott is busy talking. “Dad, she’s one of the great captains, you know, that whole Great Captain job gig I have now. And no, I don’t agree. Abandoning them after they tried to do the right thing when they thought they were saving some folks because you fed them a line of bull because you wanted them to stay put while you went off to steal something is not a good reason to ditch them.”


Scott listens to a response, then replies. “All I’m saying is that it looks like a bitch move from here. Especially after they got to the item that = you wanted to steal before you did.”


Scott winces as apparently Corsair rather loudly informs Scott of something.


“Dad, you bought fifty cases of Bourbon when you were here last week. Alex and I were with you when you bought them. So you lost a bet and a bottle of booze to Roberto, I don’t see why that’s big deal other then you sounding quite silly about being pissed that you lost.”


Scott took a sip of his drink and then continued. “And I hate to break it to you, I’d have bet on Magik as well on a sword fight with Raza. He’s damn good. She’s better. Hate to say it, but that was a sucker bet. Just how the hell did they end up fighting anyway?”


Scott listens to the answer as he pours another fingers worth of bourbon into his glass. “Dad, what part of the word Demon did he not get? Did any of you not get? Crap, your girlfriend was even here when Illyana destroyed the Elder Gods so what’s her excuse?”


Apparently there was one, Scott replied after Corsair was done giving it.


“Really Dad, Hepzibah suddenly doesn’t like kids?” Scott listens to the response before replying. “Right… you realize that she stayed here for months and months and months when everybody thought you were dead. Stayed at the school I might add, the one will all the kids so…”


Scott pauses as Corsair interrupts him, Scott waits for Corsair to finish before continuing. “Look, she never ever had problems with kids before when she was here, I’m just saying that it sounds like Hepzibah could more honest with why she wanted them gone. It’s not their fault that Hepzibah is suddenly uncomfortable with her behavior on hooking up with multiple partners with when everybody thought you were dead. It’s not Sunpot’s fault that she propositioned Namor right in front of him, and everybody else I might add.”


Again Scott is interrupted, Scott listens with an expression that communicates that he is trying to be polite. He resumes once Corsair finishes. “Okay, okay, I won’t talk about your skunk based girlfriend anymore.”


A comment that prompt a loud declaration from Corsair that you can actually hear. “CAT based! Not Skunk! Cat based!”


“Geeze Dad, I can hear you without shouting. Sorry, I forget the specific furry details. But back to why you ditched them with extreme prejudice, any actual valid reasons?”


Another answer is given which just causes Scott to shake his head no in exasperation. “I’m sorry that Ch'od’s pomum plants got ruined, but there was no ill intent. I mean… we gave them the flower of Krakoa to bring with them. I agree that he has cause to be upset, ten years before they ripen is a long time to wait, only have them die just before harvest, but threatening the New Mutants with death just because he can’t eat some fruit… or are they veggies… is…”


Scott pauses at something Corsair say, then asks. “Well, what does he do with them if he doesn’t eat them?”


The answer, which takes over a minute of one sided conversation from Corsair, appears to slowly horrify Scott if his expression is any indication. He finally interrupts Corsair.


“Got it. Thanks Dad, I believe that falls under way to much information. I’m horrified to have that concept in my brain. Thank God I live with a telepath who can fix that. Hold on for a moment…”


Scott puts his hand over the microphone portion of the phone and yells out. “Jean! Baby! Could you do me a favor?!”


“What is it Scott?” Answers Jean as she walks in from the kitchen. She’s dressed in just a bikini and an open blue silk robe and her hair is quite wet.


Scott explains the problem, meaning the memory in his head and how it got there. The reaction is not what he desired as Jean first had that brief absent minded expression on her face as she used her telepathy to take a look, then she expressed her dismay as some women do.


Meaning she shook her hands in front of her face while declaring “Eeeeeeeeee” and then ran back into the kitchen.


Scott gave a heavy sigh as he watched Jean flee, then took a long pull on his drink before speaking again to Corsair. “And now Jean’s grossed out as well. In the future please don’t ever have Ch'od bring a dish if we’re having a pot luck. Just booze will be fine, assuming that he doesn’t like to do that with the booze.”


Now it was Logan’s turn to wander in from the kitchen. He’s dressed in a tight Speedo and an open black silk robe and his hair is also wet. “Bad news Bub, Jeanie says you’re in the flaming dog house, but she won’t tell me why.”


“Hold on again Dad.” Scott again covered the phone and explained to Login just what had happened. Logan shakes his head in exasperation once Scott is done.


“Takes all kinds Bub, but that’s a first even for me. Guess if the cabbage be a rocking, don’t come a knocking.”


Scott was not pleased at Logan’s comment. “Yet another image in my brain I really didn’t need.”


Logan passed on a bit of information as he left, after first swiping Scott’s bottle. “We’ll be in Jean’s room when you’re done with your phone call.”


A phone call that Scott resumed. “Dad, if possible, please remember all the times that Mutants and the X-Men have helped the Starjammers, and how your actions might be viewed by others, and the New Mutants as well.”


A brief comment from Corsair and then Scott continues as he stands up. “Yes I’m sure their alive. And yes I’m sure Roberto passed on your comments to them, so yes yet again on the idea that maybe thinking up an apology is a good idea. We’ll talk later Dad I got… something to do.”


With that Scott hung up and walked off in the direction of Jean’s bedroom while muttering to himself about his dad's girlfriend being an alien cat-skunk-person-thing that thank God had not slept with Alex while she was chasing everything with two legs and a dick back in Utopia.

Chapter 46


(Spoilers ahead!) So… the X-Men, and Mutants, have been reimaged by Marvel. I’ve refrained from writing anything about that relaunch until the Powers of X and House of X were done, and the first issue of the New Mutants was published as I’m wondering just what might have become of Magik. I got a bit of a laugh at the first issue of X-Men and the sleeping arrangements at the Summer house on the moon, rather makes me think I’m owed some money from Marvel due to what I wrote about on chapter one of What to do about Magik Gotham style (tsk tsk); but I guess I do get to say I thought of it first. Gads, if Marvel actually has Emma and Jean become a part time item then I fear that they may break the internet and end Famdom as we know it.

Chapter Text

So… just how much of prior Illyana has been redone; not to mention the rest of the X-Men history (i.e. Utopia and Phoenix 5 comes to mind)? The whole hell lord thing has been played down for years as restrictions are needed to enable good stories (or hell lord rules as I have said my stories). Another interpretation is that Illyana has systematically reduced folk’s perceptions of her to being but a teleporter and a sorceress with the whole hell lord thing being forgotten (it is not lost on me that we’ve not seen Limbo since the end of the Inhuman/Mutant war). However, in the first issue of New Mutants we see the resurrection of Rahne who did die so… much, if not all, of what went on before may still be canon. I’m sure I’ll be writing more as details are known.


A recent annoying story telling aspect is Illyana’s mind shields now appear to be… permeable; with GORM musing that she is actually hiding her mind behind demonic familiars, making telepaths think they have her mind when in fact all they perceive is just another illusion.


Excerpt from one of GORM’s postings on Illyana-Resputin-Magik-Appreciation-2019/page61


My interpretation is that Illyana 'wears' dozens, if not thousands, of demonic Familiars within, layered as 'decoy' minds to fool the unwary, images of plausible but false thoughts and memories, growing denser, more painful, and harder to read as the telepath tries to dig deeper: a mirror maze, a labyrinth in which only fools dare to tread. (I assume her current shields are many, many times stronger now than when she was 14, but she notably doesn't use astral forms anymore.)


Gods and Hell Lords are notoriously difficult to telepathically read, the energies of their Divine/Demonic souls being beyond mortal reckoning.


It has been suggested here that Illyana dropped her shielding after recovering her bloodstones, being the ultimate false-front against Emma and all other mutant telepaths during the Elder War through Phoenix Five, but then becoming child's play for the Cuckoos, Xavier Jr. and Rachel to stun and read thereafter.


I find GORM’s hypothesis a viable theory (meaning it’s better then Marvel just forgetting or disregarding canon, which sadly is more plausible but I do like stories to make sense). I mused upon GROM’s idea and came up with a possible implementation as Illyana does so love to throw a fight and make people underestimate her (as once again shown in the relaunched New Mutants issue 1).


And… Illyana is now a coffee person according to the Issue #1 of the New Mutants (apparently it’s a mutated bean that Illyana really loves, as in “Don’t make me cut you” kind of love if you try to take any of her coffee). GORM commented, in a different post that I have Illyana being a tea drinker in my stories (which just makes sense) but I do have her drinking more and more coffee post Phoenix Five (I blame Emma’s influence and possible Anita Blake). I suspect Pumpkin spice from Starbucks may also have played a role in her fall as it were. Plus I think the folks back in the original X-Men/New Mutant days made really bad coffee (over brewed, excessively strong, little or no aroma, and likely dark roast pre ground beans, why… even French roast may have used to amplify the burnt taste… horror… the horror).


Oh, and I really didn’t like Rachel having a cape, as I’ve mentioned some other chapters. Glad that the latest publishing appears to have ditched the cape. This chapter offers a possible reason.


A question as left unanswered is what happened to Illyana after she went full on demon in the prior comics? Did she recover, or did she die and this is a resurrected Illyana? I’ll be rather annoyed if it is resurrected as I think that violates all kinds of Hell Lord rules so for now I’ll treat it like she got better until we get better clarification from Marvel. And getting ‘better’ could in part explain Illyana’s sudden tendency to violence and acting out.


But back to the main topic. I’m sure Professor X and Magneto had to wrestle with the question: Just what to do about Magik?



Part46a: Needs of the many, needs of the few


Xavier and Magneto were relaxing in the top floor of the House of X on Krakoa. Magneto was drinking a fine Scotch but Xavier’s (wearing his Cerebra helmet as always) indulgence was a glass of ice cold frosty Coke.


They looked upon what they had wrought and were pleased for it was good. But good was not sufficient for the trials that lay ahead.


“We have selected three of the four captains we hope for.” Murmured Erik after a sip. “Each according to the needs, but one topic is yet untouched, which aligns with the choice of the fourth.”


“The issue of magic…” Mused Xavier.


“Or more specificity… Magik.” Responded Erik. “Lack of… magic, or Magik if you will, leaves us venerable to those who possess that which we lack. Our enemies, and possible foes, have it, and history shows when one side lacks a defense then the opposing side inevitable makes use of it.”


Xavier agreed… “Understood, but she is less… amenable then most to our will. She’s always been one to act out and to lash out. She may also be problematic due to some of the decisions the two of us are making.”


Erik pointed out that… “She has always understood the need to break eggs to make an omelet. We are assembling a vast host, many of which do not share the same motivation or moral fortitude that we posses. It is obvious that some will inevitably betray what we strive to create, just not who. For such, if love or ideals does not suffice, or fear of our or the islands wrath, then another… concern may suffice to keep such in check. I would also point out that while many can be a team leader, few equal her skills at strategy, tactics, concealment, and lethality. Not to mention the magical talents that we are sorely lacking.”


Charles was hesitant. “I agree…”


“I hear a but in that answer Charles. Do you not know her mind?”


It is hard to read expressions with a helmet covering the top of ones head, but Charles’s lips gave the impression of musing. “Answer me this Erik, just what is she?”


Erik got the point Charles was trying to make. “Mutant… demon… sorceress… fighter… Definitions are difficult due to the plethora of descriptions.”


Charles replied after a sip of his Coke. “I never could read her mind before. Nobody could. Then… after her soul was restored as it were, after the Phoenix Five and then whatever the hell Dormammu did to her… her impenetrable mind shield become weak. Which I somehow find… suspicious.”


“She no longer has so much to hide Charles, perhaps it is no longer worth her effort?”


“Or perhaps Erik, she learned even more about telepathy from Emma when she was part of the Phoenix. Perhaps it is not really her mind I read. Logan has told me that even he can’t tell if she lies… I may likewise be deceived.”


“What does Emma say?”


“She just laughs and says it is a lady’s prerogative to keep her secrets.”


Now Erik likewise mused. “A non answer. One supposes if the resurrection protocols are ever used for her then the truth of just what you are recording will be made manifest.”


“Yes… as we supposedly have her DNA.”




“We supposedly have a copy of her mind Erik, if that is false then I somehow doubt that we have viable DNA.”


Erik was resolute. Then we need her even more. Who better to walk at our side in the dark times that lie ahead? And, might Limbo be a secure emergency archive of last recouse if all other copies of the minds are lost?”


Xavier understood the reference.Though we walk through the valley of the shadow of death, we shall fear no evil…”


Erik finished the quote, but paraphrased it. “For the most dangerous creature in the valley is with us. We dance with monsters Charles, others lay in wait plotting our downfall. It behooves us to have one at our side that that even monsters fear.”



Part46b: Noshing upon many things


Illyana and Kitty (dressed in civilian garb) were eating at Sarge’s Delicatessen, a New York City Jewish Deli that Kitty and Illyana liked. Not for them was the low-fat and anti-meat mania, this Deli served the old fashioned good stuff and the décor matched. Tiffany lamp shades, dimpled Naugahyde booths, and hanging salamis. Kitty was having matzo ball soup and half a pastrami sandwich with a glass of diet Sprite (and was secretly lusting for a slice of the German Chocolate Cake that was in the window). Illyana was having Corned Beef and Tongue on Russian Rye with a potato pancake on the side with sour cream, a glass of Coke and had every intention of having a slice of that German Chocolate Cake.


Kitty had a bandage on her nose as she had injured it a few days ago while attempting to enter a Krakoa gateway only to painfully discover that she could not pass.


Kitty voiced a complaint about Krakoa as she ate. “It would be so much easier if you where the one making the rules.”


Illyana did not agree. “You, or anybody else for that matter, so don’t want me making the rules.”


Kitty gave a “Pifff…” as she took a bite of her pickle. “I think you’d do fine.”


Illyana just shook her head no. “That makes one of us. Thanks for the vote of confidence but… really it would be a bad idea.”


Just a look of mild dismissal from Kitty, causing Illyana to slightly frown. “I mean it, really bad.”


Time to change the subject was Kitty’s thought. “So… What do you think about Kate instead of Kitty?”


Illyana noshed upon her sandwich before replying. “I think Kate is just fine Kate.”


Which somehow sounded wrong to Kitty. “Kate… makes me sound old when you say it Yana.”


“Pick the term you want, it’s your name. I’m fine with Yana, Illyana, Magik, heck even a hey you works for me if that’s what you want to use.”


You being Kitty, somehow others calling Illyana ‘Hey you’ might be a bad idea.


Which make Kitty give a snort of laughter. “I can just see the news cast. Today the mutant ‘Hey You’ destroyed a host of demons while simultaneously annoying the Avengers. Just doesn’t have a good ring to it.”


Shrug from Illyana. “Works for me Kate.”


“Stop it.”


“Okay Kate.”


“No! I mean it.”


“Anything you say Kate.”


“Call me Kitty when we’re in private.”


“No problem Kate.”




Illyana pointed to the surrounding restaurant. “We are not in private Kate.”


Time for threats was Kitty’s thought. “I’m a trained ninja, don’t make me resort to violence.”


“Fighting is fun Kate, I would welcome it.”


Kitty growled in irritation at Yana. “Did I ever mention how annoying you can be Hey You.”


“I recall it being mentioned from time to time Kate. Knife? Dagger? Sword? Staffs? Sticks? Or a good old fashioned beatdown?”




Illyana just continued to nosh upon her sandwich. “No need shout Kate, I can hear you just fine.”


Kitty suddenly got a sly look and attacked from an unexpected direction. “I’ll make you giggle.”


Illyana froze, then put down her sandwich. “You wouldn’t.”


“I so would.”


This… concerned Illyana. “I hate how I sound when I giggle.”


Victory was within Kitty’s grasp. “Say Kate one more time and it’s giggles for you. I have spoken.” Stealing a line from the Mandalorian (Yes Kitty had the new Disney+ on her phone, she is a massive Star Wars fan after all).


Know when to hold them, know when to fold them and Illyana hated giggling in public. “Okay… Okay… Kitty it is in private.”


“Assuming I go with Kate.”


Illyana just shrugged. “Your name, your choice.”


“How did your meeting go with the Professor and Magneto?”


Illyana finished her sandwich before replying. “They wished me to take on a new role. Call it a captain of sorts. They wish me to be one of the leaders when battle is to be waged.”


“Good choice. Did you accept?”




Illyana was listening to a song on her IPod while reading a book that had no title or author. She was relaxing under a tree outside of Xavier’s house of X on Krakoa.


She had been invited to a meeting at Xavier’s house and had teleported directly to the house where she was welcomed by Sophie (one of the resurrected Cuckoos) but some unexpected business has suddenly cropped up that required the personnel attention of both Charles and Erik. Did she mind waiting a few minutes? Illyana had agreed and gone off to relax and read a book (which she of course pulled out of nowhere, same place she pulled her IPod from) after first walking around a bit and observing various folks as well as exchanging words with a few people before setting down to read.


Hold On by Sara McLachlan was playing on her IPod.


Hold on

Hold on to yourself

for this is gonna hurt like hell

Hold on

Hold on to yourself

you know that only time will tell

What is it in me that refuses to believe

this isn't easier than the real thing


My love

you know that you're my best friend

you know I'd do anything for you

my love

let nothing come between us

my love for you is strong and true

Am I in heaven here or am I...

at the crossroads I am standing


That was when Xavier had wandered up, accompanied by Erik. Illyana closed her book and put it, and her IPod way again in that piece of nothing where she had pulled them from.


“What were you reading?” Had been the inquiry from Erik as the book had no title.


“Some poetry.” Was her reply as she stood. “I indulge from time to time.”


“Most commendable, such is a fading practice, so few now partake of such.” Concluded Erik. “I wish we had time to discuss verse but today we have pressing matters. Illyana, Charles and I would ask that you join Krakoa and take on the role of leading the defenses if war happens. We would have you be one of four great captains.”


Charles expanded upon Erik’s statement. “The captains will upon occasion, or need, be team leaders, but their primary purpose is to be the military generals for the nation-state of Krakoa. The Quiet Council is to be the civil and political government, the Great Captains make war when necessary in the name of Krakoa, defend the borders from threats, and marshal our resources in time of conflict.”


Erik finished. “Cyclops is the Great Captain commander, first among equals.”


Illyana asked a question. “And the other captains?”


Charles answered. “Gorgon and Bishop.”


“I see…” Was Illyana’s reply. “Appropriate choices for such a role.”


It was not lost on Erik or Charles as to why Illyana did not ask why her. Charles followed up upon Erik’s statement.


“In defense, in battle, the requirements are not just the ability to fight, but the ability to command. Tactical and strategic vision. We have many who can be team leaders, but few who can direct large masses.”


Erik finished. “And who can make the difficult choices that such conflicts inevitably have.”


Illyana looked around at Krakoa, then back at the two as she replied. “Such will require… authority when needed, successful battles are not fought by committees. War is not policing. Nor does it tend to include such concepts as minimal or appropriate force.”


Charles sounded both resigned, and yet pleased. “Understood, the others said the same. You will have it if…”


Erik injected. “When”


A sigh from Charles. “Or when… such happens. That is why we need ones such as you.”


More was discussed, the makeup of the Quiet Council. The structures of the defense and the monitoring. Intelligence. Assessment. Diplomacy. Hopes and fears. In the end Illyana agreed. They had their fourth Captain.


Illyana had one final comment for the two. “The resurrection protocols will not work for one such as I. I advise you to not try if I were to fall.”


Eric and Charles exchanged a glance. Then Charles asked… “Why?”


“I have died before. If… I do not return by my own power then what you bring back will not rule Limbo. It will not be… the me that is. There are rules that govern such as I.”


That sounded quite believable to Charles and Erik. After all, they were dealing with magic, and Magik.


The three then departed, Illyana to wander Krakoa for a bit, Charles and Erik retired back to the House of X where Erik was to ask a question of Charles.




Charles nodded. “I sensed no deceit. Even the book was as she described, poetry. Russian in fact, she had been reading the charge of the light brigade. I suppose it could be an ironic choice, yet I somehow doubt that. Well, we have our fourth.”


Erik looked thoughtful for a moment, then recited a fragment the poem.


Half a league, half a league,

Half a league onward,

All in the valley of Death

Rode the six hundred.

“Forward, the Light Brigade!

Charge for the guns!” he said.

Into the valley of Death

Rode the six hundred.


“Forward, the Light Brigade!”

Was there a man dismayed?

Not though the soldier knew

Someone had blundered.

Theirs not to make reply,

Theirs not to reason why,

Theirs but to do and die.

Into the valley of Death

Rode the six hundred.


Meanwhile, Illyana wandered Krakoa. She liked what she saw and yet. It reminded her of a place called Fillory (Authors note, see my story Magicians and Magik for details). She had concerns about that resemblance. Concerns about several things, one of which was the obvious god complex that Charles and Erik were developing. Hells, most gods failed at acting like gods, one just had to glance at Ass-guard to see that. The other was the rather blissed out behavior shown by more then a few people (which could be excused by happiness, or… that little god complex thing). She did have to congratulate Krakoa on coming up with a method that housed just so many mutants upon the land; the long term wisdom of housing mutants on a mutant energy eating island remained to be seen; she did rather hope it was not some nefarious plot by the island.


And of course the whole resurrection issue was of concern, but… who was she to cast stones due to her own… complexities. It would be nice for those who were gone to return… But she would need to speak privately to Xavier about the obvious flaw, meaning with no Xavier, there were not resurrection protocols.


Illyana found a comfortable spot and resumed reading. Xavier would have been concerned as to the actual contents as it was not what he had read in her mind. The actual work was Paradise Lost by John Milton. She read again the last line she had read before the discussion.


Never can true reconcilement grow where wounds of deadly hate have pierced so deep...


She closed the book while wondering…


Just who would fall from mutant paradise?

Who were destined to be snakes in mutant Eden?

Who would succumb to the intoxication of power and ambition?

Why were some not allowed to enter Mutant Heaven?

Just how many truths were lies?

How altered were the returned?



When would it all fall apart?


Maybe it was a hell lord thing to think such but... well… doesn’t it always fall apart?




“Yes Kitty. I accepted. It… it is a good dream. I would like it succeed.”


“I hope you made some demands. Set down some guidelines.”


“Such as?”


“Like… wearing what you want. Refusing to conform to the demands that you dress like the others.”


“That… may have come up.”


“Back to wearing black and showing skin?”




“No more Magik bus?”


“They have jets and spaceships, use them. Not to mention the portals and other teleporters. I am not providing an Uber service for those who wish take-out.”




“Off limits for now. The place is still… messy.”


Kitty then inquired as to… “Any… juicy gossip?”


“Some have started taking mutant names using the language of Krakoa. Phoebe was rather childish in suggesting that I take the name Kaadttkakda.”




“Kaadttkakda… oh, you don’t speak Krakoan yet?”


Kitty rubbed her nose while scowling. “No, never got there remember?”


Which prompted Illyana to raise a delicate issue. “I could always teleport you to the island.”


An offer that Kitty quickly rejected. “No way… I mean… I ran the school. I lead the X-Men. That would be like… like I was your backpack or something. I am so not a side kick.”


Okay… Kate… Kitty was in a mood was Illyana’s thought, best to change the subject. “Any leadership insights you care to pass along?”


Kitty rolled her eyes. “Never tell Emma this but… Man what a pain some people are. And do any of the kids follow instructions?”




NO! Little anarchists, that’s what they were. I swear that there was at least one wrecked class room every day! And don’t get me started on New York City rules and taxes, not to mention AOC’s constant ranting about mutant privilege and how mutant’s don’t pay enough taxes.”


“I hate to say it Pryde, but saying things like that makes you sound like Emma.”


Kitty tried to look shocked. “For that cruel insult you must now buy me cake.”


Which prompted Illyana to chuckle and then slyly ask. “German chocolate by chance?”


“Yep.” Was Kitty’s smug reply because it was a well known fact that chocolate cake has no calories if another buys it.


“You’re a harsh woman Pryde.”


Grins from the both of them, and then cake was ordered, as well as coffee for Kitty and a tea for Illyana. While they waited Kitty asked. “So what does Kaadttkakda mean?”


Now it was Illyana’s turn to scowl. “Snarky stabby lady.”


Causing Kitty to giggle at Illyana’s annoyance (incidental Kitty was one of the very few who would ever laugh at something that annoyed Illyana).


Illyana complained. “Stop it.”


Which just made Kitty giggle harder for a bit while Illyana tried to stoically wait her out. After the giggle died down Kitty asked.


“What did you do to her?”




“Yeah do. Or have you suddenly turned over a new leaf? Remember that time Dani gave you a wedgie and you cursed her hair to be an afro the next day? Girl looked like walking q-tip. Heck she had problems fitting thought doors as her hair was like a cotton ball so yeah Yana, what did you do?”


Illyana stared at Kitty… then giggled once. “Cursed her thongs to give random wedgies.”


Kitty’s eyes got big. “Ouch. Bad ones?”




“Double ouch. I hated wedgies back when I was a kid, and so extra bad with a thong, it’s like dental floss between two teeth trying to saw you in half, and even worse if the thing gets between your lips. Ow, ow ow!”


“What can I say, I have a reputation to maintain.”


“Evil demon with anger and impulse control issues?”


“Exactly. It’s like Rachel wearing uniforms with spikes, talk about telegraphing that you don’t want to give or get hugs.”


Which prompted Kitty to inquire “How is Rachel?”


“Thankfully no longer wearing that cape.”


“Why? I designed that look for her.”


Illyana shook her head in disbelief. “Only Doom, Storm or Magneto look good in a cape, and Thor I suppose. Everybody else mostly just looks lame, it’s really hard have the right attitude to pull off a cape, although Emma can now that I think of it.”


Kitty pointed out that “Doctor Strange looks good.”


Illyana did have to agree “Granted, and so does Batman, Superman, and Darth Vader, but most just can’t pull off the look.”


“Do you know why she stopped?”


Illyana suddenly looked guilty about something. “Um…”




Illyana rolled her eyes. “Okay… I choked her unconscious with it in a danger room session.”




Illyana defended herself. “You know Rachel and I really… get into it on good fight. Girl as some issues and few can really go toe to toe with her. I… indulge her desire for a good nock down fight due to her dislike of me.”


“Yeah right, don’t try to fool me Yana, you love a good fight. But choking her with it? I can’t see how defeating her with a cape would make her drop the look.”


Illyana sighed to herself. Rachel wearing a cape had been so bad a look that she’d been forced to do something. “It was more then once.”


Kitty was suddenly concerned. “Yana… how many?”


Illyana held up her right hand with three fingers extended.


Kitty was not buying it. “I don’t see how even three times would cause her to stop wearing it now that she knows that vulnerability. I’m sure she defends...”


Illyana held up a fourth finger.




Now a thumb as well.


“You mean to tell me that…”


And now Illyana raises a second hand with one finger extended.


Kitty sighs… “Okay, I get it… no capes.”


Illyana held out a verbal olive branch. “I think the final straw was Emma complementing her on the look.”


“Reverse physiology I see.”


And a final confession from Illyana. “And… I gave her a wedgie with it after partially choking her the seventh time.”






“That’s… evil.”


“Well… yeah. That was the point.” Illyana had really not liked the look, and… possibly Rachel’s comment about Illyana’s costume had played a factor (not that Illyana would ever fess up to that).


A few laughs from Kitty, then… “Is that why you go commando all the time?”


“I am not commando all the time.” Damn it Jubilee was Illyana’s internal thought. (Author’s note, see Girls Night out II for details).


“Yana, you know doing that to Rachel is not going to help things.”


“I know, but it at least gives her some actual complaints. And anyway I’m the hero here giving Rachel a chance to vent her angst upon my frail body.” Unmentioned was saving her from that cape.


Kitty gave another chuckle. “Okay, any other good gossip?”


Illyana stated that “Don’t sleep over at the Summer’s house, the one they built on the moon.”




“Jean is… loud.”


“Loud? What do you… mean… um… loud as in…?”


Illyana gave a groan that was… very erotic but thankfully did not do the full when Harry met Sally routine.


“Oh… loud as in… sex.”


“Yeah… like that. And God is invoked a great deal.”


“And you know this how?”


Scott was holding a meeting and afterwards I stayed the night in one of the spare bedrooms, not making that mistake again. I think they forgot I was sleeping over. Guess they got a bit randy as the others were spending the night on Krakoa so bedroom play was not in the bedroom, oh, and don’t sit at the kitchen counter as I think things other then food were served there.”


“Somehow I feed demeaned by hearing this.”


“Hells, you should have seen their looks at breakfast.”




“You know, Jean, Scott, Lo…”


“Stop! I don’t want to hear this!” Kitty put her hands over her ears while loudly saying “LA LA LA LA LA…” to drown out Illyana. That was so… gross, like thinking about your parents having sex. Complete yuck. Although one supposes thinking about Professor X would be extra yuck.


Illyana stopped speaking about things that once learned can not be unlearned. “Okay, okay, geeze, no need for hysterics.”


The conversation than paused as the cake was delivered. Later, after the cake was gone and Illyana had paid with her Diners Club card (accepted from hell lords everywhere) Kitty had a request.


“Oh… um… do you think you could teleport me to LA?”


“Sure, why?”


“Thinking about getting boat.” Was Kitty’s cryptic reply.


Authors note: Kitty was later steal a boat and sail it to Krakoa as told in Marauders issue 1, but first she stocked with the contents of Wolverine’s shopping list (which Illyana had refused to do as the Magik Bus was done for now).

Chapter 47


Slight spoilers ahead. I wrote this after New Mutants #2. I continue having Scott and his dad converse about the New Mutants.

Chapter Text

Part47a: Family discussions


Alex and Scott are relaxing in the living room of the Summer’s house on the moon. Beers in hand they discussed some of their family. More specifically, Alex was discussing and Scott was mostly listening.


“Player’s from spacccccceeeeee.” Was Alex’s latest comment. Players in this case being the Starjammers, specifically their father and his girl friend.


After a big swig of beer Alex continued. “Or to be more specific. Swingers from the staarrrrssssss. Which sounds better then wife swappers from beyooooonnnndddddd the galaxy…”


Scott attempted a half hearted defense. “Is this really necessary Alex?”


“Yep.” Was Alex’s satisfied reply. “We, brother of mine, have a horny space skunk as a step mom and a player for a dad. You know what they’re up to on those longggggg space voyages.”


Scott replied after a sip. “Cat, Alex, Cat. Dad say’s she wants to be called a cat.”


Just a shake of the head from Alex. “Her species name is Mephitisoid, derived from the word Mephitidae, the scientific classification for skunks. So… not playing that game, at least when she’s not here. Face it, Dad’s babe is a female humanoid skunk who’s thing is hairless pink skinned humans, which if you think about it, who’s kinkier? Dad or her? What’s the reverse of a furrie? A skinnie I guess.”


Logan wandered in from the kitchen holding a bottle and three glasses and answering the question about who was the most kinky. “That would be Ch'od. He’s the one with the thing for vegetables.”


“Fruits.” Corrected Scott.


“Is there a difference.”


“Fruits have more sugars then veggies.” Contributed Alex. “And more fiber. Good for regularity.” Yes, one could infer that Alex has imbibed a tad too much.


Just a snort of disapproval from Logan. “Not sure that makes a difference for what Ch'od using them for.” He gave Alex and Scott a glass and then poured two fingers worth of golden liquid for them before likewise pouring a drink for himself.


Alex gave a sniff and then a sip. “Rye?”


A nod from Logan. “Good guess, Whistlepig straight rye.”


Alex sighs in contentment. “Good stuff.”


Scott asked. “How goes the ribs?”


Logan gave a sniff. “Almost done, the two of you should count yourselves lucky that I’m willing to share some of the ribs Kitty got me.”


“Kate… she’s calling herself Kate now. And it was your turn to mancave the meal.” Commented Alex. “I got the pizza last time from Boston, you know that place right by where the Celtics play, the one with the…”


“… bottles of garlic oil to pour on the pizza.” Finished Scott.


“Bub, those were really good pies.” Commented Logan as he flopped down into a chair, a comment that secretly pleased Alex. Ahhh, the coveted Bub complement, so rare.


Alex returned to his prior topic as he asked Logan a question.   “But back to skunk babe, did you ever hit that back in California, and if so, before or after she broke up with Warpath?”


Logon took a long slow sip before answering. “Will I be in trouble if I answer that?”


Alex finished off his drink and held out his glass for a refill. “Naaa, just interested. Heck I think she even propositioned me at one point. I mean, she’s not really a step mom, but… still… rather wrong at more then a ew levels.”


Logan fessed up. “Yeah, hit that. And she likes having her hair pulled under certain situations, and her neck bitten. Plus she has a real thing for being underground, drives her wild.”


This… conversation was making Scott uncomfortable, but before he had a chance to change the subject his phone rang. He glanced at the number before announcing… “Speak of the devil and apparently he calls. Pipe down for a second guys.”


Scott answered. “Hello? That you Dad?”


Apparently it was. You can’t hear the other end of the conversation, but Corsair sounds angry about something. Scott listens before replying.


“Well maybe next time you should check that the box you steal actually contains the item you’re trying to steal Dad.”


Which prompts a short question from Corsair before Scott replies.


“No I don’t know where the King egg is, whatever the heck a King egg is. Possible the New Mutants might know, but I think their a little pissed at you right now due to that whole abandoning thing you did to them.”


Another short question from Corsair.


“Yes Dad, their alive. Roberto gave us a call a few hours ago. Their being taken to the throne world of the Shi’ar after being found guilty. And he thinks your pirating abilities are overrated.”


Which prompts a short angry outburst from Corsair, all of which you can hear is “WHAT? That lousy…”


Scott waits patiently for Corsair to finish ranting while Logan and Alex exchange a chuckle and a clink of glasses.


“Just repeating what he said Dad. Their rather upset that you left, and that you lied to them. And being stuck in jail sucked, but being locked up with a demon prevented the other hardened criminals from giving them a hard time cause of that whole demon thing.”


Scot then answers a short question from Corsair. “Yes Dad, that demon. Here’s a hint, she likes chocolate, the dark kind. Oh, and Roberto says that she says that the Guardians are way nicer then you, are better at everything, and apparently have their own films, comic books, and even TV episodes while the Starjammers have the big fat nadda.”


Scott listens to Corsair’s reply, then answers.


“Nope, I have no idea what the heck she means, likely some dimensional thing. If you want your missing egg I suggest you track down the New Mutants and ask about it.”


Then Scott remembers a question he had. “By the way, what the heck did Raza do that go her so pissed off?”


Scott nods his head a few times as Corsair answers. “Okay, does any of that sound appropriate? Would Raza do that to anybody, say Logon, during combat practice?”


Then a surprised expression from Scott as he hears the answer. “Really? He would?”


Logan tosses out a comment. “Raza gets way to grabby on hand to hand practice. Fella’s worse the Hercules on coping a feel, told him the next time he did that I’d cut his hand off.”


Scott replies to Corsair and Logan. “Well… I guess I understand better about her cutting his robotic arm off.”


With that the call terminates and Alex asks Scott a question. “Dad in trouble again?”


Scott takes a long drink of his rye before holding out his glass for a refill. “Is he ever not in trouble? I mean… what the point of getting pardons from the Shi’ar only to then keep doing the same thing over again?”


Logan then announces. “Ribs are ready, and if any of you two use a napkin I will personally stab you to death. Fingers are for licking when the ribs are this good.”

Chapter 48


I’m quite enjoying the New Mutants (issues 1-2, 5) as most of the original New Mutants are in those issues and I find the writing fantastic. Issues 3-4, and I think issue 6 (not yet published), are a different story line that I can sum up with one word. And that word is Gob. Gob is Robert Herman who is a character I find very uninteresting and rather annoying in how much page time he tends to get; but I would buy a death of Gob special issue. Please Marvel, please! Think of the sale as X-Men fans around the world rejoice. Death to GOB! Yes I’m being silly, but my dislike of Gob is real.

I love seeing what they are doing with Illyana, but I have to comment that her actions and dialog are definitely out of character; which raises the question… Why is she being portrayed that way? Is it bad writing or… something else?

Chapter Text

I’m beginning to think it’s something else. We still don’t know what happened to Illyana after she went full demon, yet we find in New Mutants Issue one she is back to human form. It is possible that Illyana was considered dead and this Illyana is a resurrected Illyana (sans anything demon) or is it a re-integrated Illyana having issues? The comic has stated that the resurrection protocols are not to be done for anybody they think is still alive, but that just means that it will inevitability happen. Which hints to me that full demon Illyana just might still be around and we will be having a storyline, or storylines about that.


For now this is a one shot chapter that assumes that Illyana has been resurrected.



Part48a: The Emma Files


Emma looked at the words she has written. She was in the House of Frost on the Island of Krakoa writing in her private files.


I am growing increasingly concerned about Magik.

Her propensity for violence, always present, is now very prominent.

There is now a lack of restraint on expressing herself. Whereas before she was enigmatic in many of her interactions, now the word blatant can be repeatable used to describe her actions.


Emma tsk’d to herself as she thought while nibbling at the end of her pen. She feared something was wrong, possible very wrong.


Magik has always been a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma…


Emma stopped and glared at what she has just written, dear God she’d just quoted Churchill. She added a bit of pure Frost to the quote.


dressed in tight black leather while waving a scary sword, all combined with a tendency to eviscerate.


A grin from Emma. Now that was a Frost worthy statement.


More then a few of the resurrected, or the returned as some call them, are not quite… the same as before they perished. Some are less crazy. Others are more… introspective, Rahne specifically comes to mind. I believe this is likely part of this is Xavier’s tendency to play god, with the excuse that he is aiding in their adjustment to re-embodiment. One would think that the multitude of failures on that front would convince him of his lack of divinity, but leaning from mistakes has never been one of Charles’s better attributes. Nor has the idea of getting prior consent. I have to give him credit, so far this has been amore successful that I would have thought possible.


But… the tales of Illyana’s antics are of concern.


Guzzling coffee from a water pitcher? Drinking so much that it’s splashing down her top? Quickly threatening violence over coffee? Yes the brew is good but… it’s not that good.


Sexually propositioning aliens of both genders? Not to mention the stories I’ve heard about what she’s being doing at the nightly Raves that some just insist upon holding (Which are growing quite annoying, thankfully my house has good sound proofing. Yes Ra Ra mutant homeland and all that but, really, I must be getting older as the statement get a job is actually in my head). The idea of Illyana acting so… forthright and so… dare I say, more Tabby then even Boom-Boom (take that Tabatha! One must remember that claws are meant to be used). Hmmm… I suppose I could point Illyana in the direction of Sebastian’s returned son, although if she is sexually active then I suppose there would exist the possibility that only be a small stain would be left of the boy (to be resurrected again I suppose, but I suspect with some interesting bragging rights as dying that way would be so… male. Mental note, find ways to keep Tabatha and Illyana appart).


Additional note to self, if Sebastian becomes too much of a dick then I can reminded Sebastian that Illyana is rather defensive about Kitty and does appear to be have a lack of restraint.


But back to my concerns. If Charles has… altered Illyana in some attempt to make her better adjusted then he has failed (yet again I might add) as her behaviors are not what I’d call well adjusted.


Or… is this just post resurrection instability?


Or… is this a sign that things are not well with her?


Is… she free of her prior demonic influences? If yes then one would think that would be a good thing but… what if that turns out to be false. What if her self control was part and parcel of dealing with her… baser nature, and lack of that nature actually leaves her lacking self control? I.e. she no longer thinks to restrain herself, but her prior mental patterns are still there, meaning a classic nurture vs. nature situation in that her nature is changed, but the prior mental baggage is still present.


Or… is something missing from her? Belasco resurrected her and that did not go well for him, or for her. Have we… repeated the same mistake? Last time she was missing her soul, a pure demon. This time… lacking that demon aspect… you would think that she would be nicer? But what she is, whatever that is, is not nice. She is a:



Swordswoman with a sword only a fool would fight…


Ruler of Limbo…


Emma paused in her writing. Thought, then wrote a question she underlined.




She died… the dead don’t… rule Limbo just because they come back.

We don’t know what is happening in Limbo. Is she still in charge?

If not then who?



Or… is pure demon Illyana still around? If so… what is she/it doing and want?

Last time Darkchilde wanted… to be as she once was. Would… assume she/it still exists… want the same thing?


Resurrection rule… there are not allowed to be two. We don’t know what will happen, and let’s be honest it will happen, when we screw up on that. It’s not like we haven’t’ had to deal with clones before, but the history is not good.


Are we dealing with a plotting Magik? If so then our history of figuring out her plots is also not good. On the plus side, plotting involves being subtle and she is not being subtle at this point… unless that is meant to hid some plot?


If not plotting, are we dealing with crazy or damaged Magik? That actually is of more concern as crazy/damaged Magik is very scary.


Or… is demon Illyana still lurking out there, which is even more scary as she took down the Juggernaut with almost no effort. And… if demon Illyana still exists, is she crazy, damaged, plotting, or all the above? A condition that describes Darkchilde and the last time that happened the universe was almost destroyed just so Darkchilde could get back her soul.


All these situations are unanswerable at this time until I… we get more information. So… for now I will assume Illyana is simply having… issues. I shall attempt some counseling as Charles and Jean are just not the type to properly understand her.


Which returns to my main concern.


Just… who is Magik now?

Just… what is she?


And if it goes bad… what are we going to do about Magik?



Part48b: Another Scott phone call (Author being silly)


Scott rubbed his brow, this whole New Mutant space jaunt just kept getting worse. He was currently talking with Isable ‘Izzy’ Krane, Sam Guthrie’s wife. “No Izzy, I don’t know why Roberto is being such a dick. No I don’t know why he’s acting so gay for Sam. I’m sure he’s not trying to break up your family. Yes I can understand your anger at his behaviors. No we didn’t send him out there to get rid of him.”


A brief pause and now Sam asks an inaudible question of Scott. “No Sam, I don’t think Xavier turned Roberto gay. It could just be post resurrection obsession or depression causing his desire to connect with his best friend. No Sam, I don’t mean connect in that way, I mean socially not… that way.”


He hangs up with a sigh. It’s like managing cats sometimes. Then a few minutes later he gets a text from Roberto. He reads it, scowls, and texts a reply.


No, I don’t know if Deathbird likes chocolate.

Yes all of their hair is feathers.

Yes the Shi’ar breasts are real breasts.

Why are you asking this?


No answer from Roberto, and Scott really doesn’t want an answer, especially as to why Roberto was asking about Shi’ar breasts, and… hair.


Later… a phone call awakens him. He reaches over Jean and gets his phone from the night stand next to Jean’s bed. It’s Illyana and she asks a question that appears to puzzle him. He gives an answer. “No Illyana, human does not mean people in general, it means humans. Okay, I’m glad that you’re happy I’ve cleared that up.”


The phone call ends and he tosses the phone back onto the end table.


Logan answers from the other side of the bed (Jean has a very large bed). “That might have been a mistake bub.”


“In what way?” Replies Scott as he blinked away a bit more of the fuzziness of sleep. “For some strange reason Illyana wanted to make sure that Aliens are not… humans… Crap.”


Logan pointed out what Scott has just realized. “Mutant are not to kill Humans.”


Scott retrieved his phone but… no answer when he tries to call Illyana, which elicits a “Did I err?” Complaint from Scott as he ponders the implications of what he had just told her.


“Trying to sleep here.” Grumbles Jean as she turns over.

Chapter 49


Doing the first cut of my taxes for 2020 and I got to wondering… Has Illyana ever done taxes? Short chapter, but I think rather funny.

Chapter Text

Part49a: Hell in all its forms


Form 14459-C. What the hell is a 14459-C groused Illyana to herself. Let’s see… here it is… She read the instructions.


Specify what localities other then the United States and its’ territories, that you own property in. Localities are states, planets, empires, universes, dimensions, alternate timelines and such. For each locality you will need to file a form 14459-C1 detailing each property, the appraised value, an any taxes paid.


WHAT?! Okay… defer this one for a bit. Now… form 16900-E. Employees… Um… does Limbo count?


A quick phone call to the IRS yielded showed that the answer was… yes. Crap. More questions followed.


Do said employees have a defined retirement plan? “Um… no.”


What is the average salary of said employees.   “Um... zero?”


Is this a charity, i.e. non profit. “Um… yes?”


Since this is a charity you will also need to file form 1887-C, as well as a full listing of all employees regardless of compensation. “Um… you mean everybody in Limbo?”


Yes. “Well… fuck.”


In addition you will need Forms 1955 to 2107 to fully detail the charity. “What?!”


Also… That was when she hung up, gave up and…


This is CNN, today the sewers backed up at the IRS headquarters, flooding the entire property with raw sewage…

Chapter 50


Wow, fifty chapters. Who’d have thunk it. I’m increasingly convinced this is a resurrected Illyana, with all kinds of story ramifications, most of which I approve of as reducing Illyana in power yields many more viable plot lines; and the explanation as to her now not so impenetrable mind shields. Not to mention her sudden inability to teleport galactic distances and a distinct lack of a physical Darkchilde aspect showing up to date.

Keep in mind that Illyana’s appearances in the current New Mutant comic have been mostly comedic to date. Yet… that underlying lethality that I oh so love is very present. Not to mention the nervous vibe that almost everybody has around her. So, baring any published details by Marvel, this is my take.

Chapter Text

Part50a: Something wicked this way comes


Location: The No-Space that that Moira Mac Taggert resided in, deep under the island of Krakoa; a place that Krakoa was unable to sense or even detect, nor could anybody else. She had two visitors, the only two that knew of the location and of her actual existence as everybody else thought her long dead. This was before the unveiling of Krakoa by Xavier.


Erik was sprawled, half naked on a couch, rather covered in ointment and bandages, whereas Charles, wearing his X-Helmet, was likewise sprawled upon another couch. Charles was uninjured, at least physically. Both had untouched full wine glasses next to them.


Erik gave a bit of a groan. “One supposes that it could have gone worse.”


Charles gave a half hearted agreement, his voice sounding both exhausted and in pain. “The former demon has psychological demons, who would have guessed.”


Moira was the third one present, unlike the two she was sitting at a table with an open bottle of red wine and a half full glass, but she was the only one drinking (at present). “It certainly confirms the theories you had Charles as to what happened to her the last time somebody brought her back. Erik, you need to get with Elixir for some healing.)


Just what has happened you ask?




A cave beneath a giant tree, dark, woody with lots of dirt. The smell of rich earth and moss with moisture occasionally dripping from the ceiling. In the center was a golden egg lying on a bed of moss. Charles and Erik, two of three present, having dismissed the sacred five Tempus (Eva Bell), Proteus (Kevin MacTaggert), Hope Summers, Elixir (Joshua Foley) and Egg (Fabio Medina formally known as golden balls) as the sacred five were done with their part of the resurrection; and both Charles and Erik had… concerns over the next stage. Hence the egg had been moved to a location far away from the usual resurrection location.


What is mutant resurrection you ask? It starts with Egg. Egg produces a number of nonviable biological "eggs," equal to the number of mutants The Five needs to resurrect. The eggs are then injected with mutant DNA from Mister Sinister’s genetic catalog, and then made viable thanks to Proteus’ reality-altering powers, transforming the unviable eggs into viable ones. Elixir biologically gives the eggs life starting a new cellular replication process and husk growth, and then Eva Bell uses her time manipulation powers to maturate the husks to the age the mutants were when they died. Hope Summers uses her mimic powers to empower everyone else’s abilities in the process. Hope's powers allowed The Five to operate at both their peak and in unison. With this process, The Five were effectively able to make new clones of deceased mutants, restoring their bodies, their powers, and their physical minds as they were at the time of their deaths. But no memories. That was why Xavier was here, to pass on the spark of life as it were.


But there had been a third present. One by the name Mr. Sinister who held a wine bottle in his left right hand and a half filled wine glass in his left as her proposed a toast. “Nature vs. Nurture. Let the great experiment commence once more.”


A sip, a sigh of contentment as the two irritate others endured Mr. Sinister’s propensity to grandstand.


“Much of the mutant genome is so… drab. Dull. Drudgery. Yes there are the shining stars. Summers, Grey, so few true superstars. For every gene that entices, there are just so many that yield… wings, beaks, the odd tentacle or two… good for nothing but contempt, or one supposed a staring role in some fetish Japanese animi.”


Then a look of bemused distain as he continued after another sip. “I still don’t get the whole tentacle fetish they have; but I digress. True genetic jewels are so rare, and this… doubly so. The Rasputin genetic line is so… intriguing. Mind you, not her brother, he’s just your basic black bread with a bit of tasty cabbage. No…his sister… now that is a most fascinating puzzle.”


A toast of a sip in the direction of the golden elongated egg. “So many gene stories are… predictably mundane. But a good mystery is always a pleasure. Quantum observations are so… enigmatic. Watch an electron and all we see is a particle going about its’ existence. Cease to observe and wave equations suddenly describe its behavior. And such are the genetics in play here. So… obvious in the lab. Predictable. Measureable. Yet when I glance away, suddenly I observe the byproducts of odd reactions. Why… where did this protein come from? DNA is all about the creation of RNA and then proteins and this oddity is not possible as there is no DNA template; yet when I watch… nothing. With her we see Quantum genetics… so deliciously strange. Not only is God playing dice, he appears to be cheating as well. Almost as if… part of her… makeup is invisible? Can genes be invisible? Balderdash I say! Balderdash! Unless… well… it does make you wonder about a certain code name and how her particular… nature might genetically manifest as so much was done to her that does not answer to science.”


Another sip as Erik dry comments. “Are you done monologing yet?”


A condescending sneer from Mr. Sinister. “Which is why so many find you dull Erik. One must revel in the moment. Why… if I had a mustache I’d be twirling it in villainous anticipation…” Then a look of contemplation. “Hmm… perhaps it is time to indulge in some facial hair. After all, roguish ruffians should look the part and I do believe facial hair is making a comeback. Why… I think I’d look stunning with a goatee.”


Charles was done with indulging Essex. “We have things to do Nathaniel, are you staying or going?”


Mr. Sinister drained his glass before answering. “Going. All has been observed most carefully, and nothing unwarranted here. I’ll leave the midwifery to the two of you. But be prepared Charles is my motto and before you make a boorish comment, twas I that gifted the Scouts with that most famous of sayings. And I think I shall be prepared elsewhere. Discretion is the better part of valor, he who fights and runs away lives to fight another day, and other such trite nonsense.”


Mr. Sinister raised the bottle. “Here, I shall gift you with what remains of this Chateau Margaux 1787, if you survive the experience. Such a fine vintage, and so few left; but worthy deeds should be appropriately celebrated. But… I shall give you the bottle afterwards. Be a shame if it accidently got knocked over due to some… trifle accident.”





Part50b: Recollections of events


Moira took another sip of her wine. “Good lord this is good… so what did Sinister say afterwards?”


Erik was the one who answered. “He said ‘No great surprise. Did I not say this one has… daddy issues.’”


“Sarcastic and yet observant.” Replied Moira. “But… we need one such as her as she posses what we lack.”


“Yes…” Mumbled Erik. “She brings magic and other things that of use and need.”


“Other things?” Inquired Moira.


A lazy wave from Erik. “Charles knows… It is useful to have a Babayka, a boogeyman, although Baba Yaga might be more contextually correct, at least in her gender. The nature of youth is to rebel and disciple is always problematic when dealing with powers.”


Charles adds. “In addition she brings…concern to friend and foe. Few have that affect. She does.”




The sacred five looked upon the distant hill where Erik and Xavier were holed up with the egg containing the shell of her. The moon was just rising over the hill.


Eva pointed out something that has been nagging at her. “Doing this at night feels like a bad idea.”


“Yeah…” Echoed Fabio. “Remember that annoying game she liked to play when she was training us.”


Eva gave a little shiver. “Yeah… hated it.”


“Game?” Asked Elixir.


Fabio and Eva both answered. “Scare the Ninja. She loved to sneak up on people and startle them.”


Hope gave her opinion. “That sounds really stupid and dangerous. What if she did that to a real Ninja?”


“She thought that was extra fun...“ Answered Fabio with a tone of voice that said he’d seen it, and regretted it.


“She… that kind of sounds… “ Kevin did not finish his statement as the hilltop erupted in fire.


Yeah… doing this at night was a bad idea. Everybody who’s ever seen a horror film would understand that. But… in the films, don’t they always raise the monster at night?


“And shit…” was a statement made by all five.


Moments before…


In the chamber the egg has hatched and an adult naked blonde female covered in golden liquid had spilled forth, Xavier reached forward and touched the empty mind of the clone and the breath of live blew forth into her mind. Where before was a blank slate, now a mind resided.


At first a confused mind.




I… am?


I… am.








Her? I am…












What happened…?




Was I…






That means… I’ve…This is…



















Part50c: Recollections of events


Erik took a sip of his wine (Moira had brought him the glass). “A most impressive fight or flight response. Reminded me again Charles why you did not suppress it.”


Charles grimaced. “I did, or I attempted to. There was an unforeseen feedback loop that incapacitated me for a few moments a I was focused more on the dealing with what is normally death trauma on the recovered even if they don’t have any memories of their death, not… older trauma dealing with prior… resurrections. And now I have a devil of a headache. Thankfully your abilities shielded us from the conflagration until such a time she came to her senses.”


“Was she… adjusted like the others.” Asked Moira.


“Yes.” Was Charles’s answer. In truth… he as not quite sure.




Fire everywhere. A wordless shriek combined with screaming thoughts.






















Don’t look like…



The Father…






A thought.

A recollection that Xavier gives all who return.

A recollection finally comprehended.


The fire fades, so showing a now dark clad blonde. Dressed in tight black leathers wielding her soul sword.


She says one word to the two, shielded, more or less, by Erik. “Apologies.”


And vanishes in a light disk.





Part50c: The game starts anew…


Erik grumbled. “I’m still not quire sure why one who can traverse time does not fall under your no precognitive rule Moira.”


Moira answered. “Travel is a path, not all paths. A precognitive senses so much more.”


Erik switched topics. “Speaking of sense, you can still read her mind Charles?”


“Yes… her mental shields, while strong, are not what they once were. Her now departed demonic component was apparently integral to her formally impregnable shields. She on the beach waiting.”


“For what?” Asked Moira.


“Dawn.” Was Charles’s answer.




Standing upon the white sand beach, her feet in the water, Illyana faced the rising sun. Illuminated by the light.


A thought. (I am not what I once was. Something is… missing.)


A smile as she reaches a conclusion. (And I’m okay with that).



Part50d: Epilogue


Mr. Sinister was listing to music as he contemplated what the future might be. Currently it was Hotel California by the Eagles. This time he was partaking of some brandy.


There she stood in the doorway;

I heard the mission bell

And I was thinking to myself

'This could be heaven or this could be Hell'

Then she lit up a candle and she showed me the way


From his grin you could infer that he felt interesting time awaited. Ah… sometimes the song just so got it right.


And she said, 'we are all just prisoners here, of our own device'

And in the master's chambers,

They gathered for the feast

They stab it with their steely knives,

But they just can't kill the beast

Chapter 51


Somehow I’m just sure the regular readers of this FanFic just know that I’d write something about the comic Cable Issue 1, a comic I found to be surprisingly entertaining as I am so not a Cable fan. Apparently he’s now a bit of a Casanova (meaning lots of girls are chasing after him and I suppose the reverse as well); which kind of makes sense as he is the son of Scott Summers. And by golly, Marvel is trying to give him a personality that differs from old Cable, who I always considered very much an ass and let’s face it, grump old Cable spent way to much time at the gym and not enough time chasing chicks, a failing that young Cable appears to rectifying.

Chapter Text

But back to the comic, in it we see that the combat prone Mutants, of various skill levels, have created a kind of challenge area called the quarry (which looks like it takes place in a small rock quarry so hence the name). So… those who have a hankering for a punching can engage with those of similar bent, and I suppose appropriate skill level as… well… meaning Wolverine vs. Pixie would be rather like cheering a baby seal beating (that cute helpless seal was begging for it!). Apparently there are really no rules so cheating is okay because no rules means you can’t cheat.




Apparently you can get disqualified as happened to Magik when she fought Gorgon (one great Captain against another). And everybody is rather in awe of what caused that disqualification. Yeah Gorgon won, but… I bet he’d rather have lost…


Or… would he?


Either way, this is my take until Marvel publishes details.



Part51a: Oy Vey (Yiddish for Oh the pain)


There is a place on Krakoa that some know of. Call it a kind of bar, but only for a few. Warriors, those who knew how to deal out controlled violence. Not a place for the like of Sabretooth as he was far more unrestrained in his actions. The place of dark wood, rich leather, and smoky as many liked to indulge in tobacco; rather like an English gentlemen’s club back in the day.


Gorgon (Tomi Shishido), former member of the Hand and Hydra, was relaxing in a most deep and soft leather chair, although convalescing would be better description of his physical condition. He was sipping Saki from a small dish, the kind they use in historical Japanese films, with a several small jars of very fine Saki before him on a table. Despite the gloom he was wearing his signature dark glasses. Opposite him, ensconced in a likewise luxurious chair, was Logan partaking of the Saki (who was somewhat surprised to find himself partaking of Saki with Gorgon considering their past history).




Who is Gorgon you ask (Info extracted from Wikipedia)? As a child, he possessed near superhuman levels of intelligence. He said his first words at two weeks of age, could walk at three months, and was able to read and write by his first birthday. He became an accomplished painter by age four, among the top artists in all of Japan and composed an opera at age six. This is also the age when he attempted his second suicide (yes he had issues). At age 13, Shishido formulated a mathematical formula that proves the existence of One-Above-All and manifested the mutant ability to turn people to stone just by looking at them. The media dubbed him as "The Gorgon", after the Gorgon of Greek mythology. Shortly after, he became the leader of a mutant death-cult called the Dawn of the White Light, which committed terrorist attacks throughout Japan. At the age of eighteen he sought out the Hand. Before leaving his home, he killed his entire family and his only friend to prove that he was ruthless enough to join the terrorist organization. After finding the Hand sanctuary and slaying all of its guards while blindfolded, Gorgon went inside and pledged his allegiance to the Hand's Jonin. When the master questioned his dedication, the Gorgon impaled himself with his own sword, fatally injuring himself, and told the master to resurrect him. The Jonin were impressed and brought him into the fold. So… major bastard would be the start of a good description.


Gorgon's primary mutant ability is the ability to transform an individual into stone by making eye contact with them. Gorgon's eyes have no visible features, glowing with a bright green energy. He often wears a mask or pair of dark sunglasses in order to see without affecting those around him. Whether said face wear possess any sort of special properties or are composed of some special material designed to block his power is not known. He was also born with, or soon achieved, psionic abilities. He possesses advanced knowledge in multiple academic and artistic fields. This intellect makes him extremely arrogant as, for some reason, he equates intelligence with being a mutant. For example, Gorgon dismisses Reed Richards as simply the equivalent of a parrot that can mimic a human voice, despite the fact that Gorgon is impressed by Richard’s ideas, simply because Richards is not a mutant.


After his resurrection by the Hand, Gorgon's strength, speed, reflexes/reactions, agility, dexterity, coordination, balance, and endurance were all heightened to superhuman levels, the exact limits of which are not revealed. He also possesses an accelerated healing factor that enables him to repair damaged or destroyed tissue with extraordinary speed and efficiency; this means he is capable of healing from massive trauma inflicted by… say… Wolverine's adamantium claws, bludgeoning, and falling from great heights while continuing to fight.


Aside from his physical advantages, Mr. Shishido possesses some level of telepathy/empathy allowing him to hear the thoughts and feel the emotions of others. His telepathy also enables him to perceive his surroundings if necessary, such as when he's blindfolded. Much like his physical capabilities, the exact limits of his psionic powers remain unknown.


And to round it out, he has extraordinary hand-to-hand combatant, even before his resurrection, trained in multiple forms of martial arts. He’s an expert swordsman and typically prefers to use a katana during combat. Also, he typically uses his psionic abilities to read the minds of his opponents during combat situations (even highly trained minds like Wolverine's and Elektra's), enabling him to predict and counter their every move.




But now… Now Gorgon was one of the great captains of Krakoa, protector of the quiet council and the island in general. After a long sip Logan make a comment.


“I told you it wasn’t worth it.”


Gorgon gave a small smile in return as he raised his dish in a small salute… or tried as instead he gave grimace of pain, then partook of his Saki.



Part51b: Challenge made


A small crowd has collected for the first ever gathering of the Quarry (created and officiated by the Silver Samurai). Call it Mutant Fight Club. All who came were at risk of being challenged, otherwise banishment from the Quarry was the punishment (i.e. no wimps allowed).


Much liquid courage was being passed about as Gorgon rose to issue the very first challenge. Everybody expected that it would be Wolverine… but instead.


“MAGIK, fellow captain, I challenge you!”


The crowd hushed with an inward draw of breath. Then a cheer as that was… FANTASTIC!


Illyana rose from her front row seat. While most were grinning and enthusing, she was her typical stoic visage as she stated. “Accepted.”


Logan, who had been sitting next to Gorgon as he had been expecting a challenge from him, gave a whisper. “Bad idea bub, looking for a world of hurt.”


Just a grin from Gorgon in reply to Logan’s comment.


Bets were quickly made by the crowd as the two contestants made their way to the floor of the quarry.



Part51c: Ruminations


“You were wrong Logan.” Was Gorgon’s statement, after first refilling his Saki dish, and then after a hesitation, Logan’s as well.


“Not about the world of hurt you took.”


“No… one must pay the admission price. I have never faced her, I wished to learn what she might be capable of.”


A long look from Logan at Gorgon. “Not sure I follow.”


A sip, and then a reply. “The Hand once considered… recruiting her. After her return, back when she dwelt at Utopia.”


Raised eyebrows from Logan as he likewise took a sip while commenting upon that idea. “I’ve pay to see that.”


“Yes… the leadership concluded that as tempting a potential recruit she might be, the likely outcomes would be… unsatisfactory.”


“Meaning slaughter?”


A satisfied expression from Gorgon. “Great slaughter, but from the Hand’s perspective, the wrong kind of slaughter.”


A nod of agreement from Logan. “Meaning dead Hand. Girl’s rather good at that. Did you learn anything?”


“Fighting with her is enjoyable as I am unable to read her potential moves. She is skilled with the blade, but I am better.”


Logan pointed out a little flaw with that argument. “Says the one who won only because she got disqualified.”



Part51d: Disqualified


The fight began, it was sword to sword. From somewhere Illyana had retrieved a Katana that was engraved with a dragon on the blade and a golden Chrysanthemum on the hilt, a blade that gave Gorgon some pause as they faced each other.


“Where did you acquire that blade from?”


“A gift.”


“Did you earn it?”


A satisfied look from Illyana. “Yes.”


“Prove it.”


With that combat begin.


Strike and block.


Counter strike and counter block.


Fast foot work as they danced around the rock floor, blades flashing.


But Gorgon was better, faster, and stronger…


And dismissive as he spat upon the ground. “And I was led to believe you were dangerous.”


A dodge, a block, a fighting retreat. “I am.”


A strong attack that almost knocked Illyana’s sword from her hands. “I don’t see it.”


A recovery, a teleportation that put her behind him as she struck. “You don’t want to.”


A block and a spinning turn to face her as he counter struck. “I do.”


A block and a sliding attack as she tried to out flank him. “No.”


A flanking move that was denied. “Pfff. How is it you American youths say… I double dog dare you.”


“You won’t like it.”


“Surprise me.”


She was dangerous.

She is dangerous.

She have Gorgon what he was asking for.


Teleportation disks flashed into existence as massive tentacles erupted from the disks, grasping at Gorgon.


Gorgon spun as he sliced the tentacles, but for ever one he cut, three more reached for him.







Immobilizing as…


Her sword at his throat…

a snarl on her lips…

As the Silver Samurai cried forth…





Part51e: Was it worth it?


“Insulting trash talk is not a good idea with her.” Stated Logan after more Saki. “She mostly ignores it, but there’s always the chance that she’ll decide to make the talker eat their words.”


“No… but it served its purpose.”


“Which was?”


“She can defeat me, even if is not per the rules of the Quarry. Plus…”


Logan finished. “It reminded everybody that she’s not to be trifled with. Really good job on that, flame’n likely folks are going to be talking about that for some time.”


A shake of the head no from Gorgon. “I suppose, but… it served a more important purpose.”


“Oh… pray tell bub.”


“She knows she can defeat me. I believe that is important to one like her, after all, we all have our demons do we not Logan?”


Logan rose from his chair with a snort of disbelief. “Bub, you are way beyond playing with fire.”


Gorgon watched Logan deport, then hummed a bit of a song as he shifted.


Oh, what was that he hummed you ask? It was Girl You Really Got Me by the Kinks.


Girl, you really got me goin'

You got me so I don't know what I'm doin' now

Yeah, you really got me now

You got me so I can't sleep at night


Gorgon raised his Saki dish in a silent toast. She would be a worthy Captain, and… perhaps… something more. Sadly he doubted that he was her type but…


But damn she looked good in tight black skimpy leather.


And a guy can dream can’t he?

Chapter 52


The Fantastic Four vs. X-Man has been rather predictable. The first chapter started alright, apart from the obvious hostility from all of the Fantastic Four, other then Red Richards, towards the team of mutants who came to talk to the Fantastic Four about Franklin (the son of Read and Sue) about Franklin’s diminishing powers and of course to remind him that he is welcome in Krakoa (which goes down like a ton of bricks).

Chapter Text

From there the story degrades into the usual hero vs. hero conflict as Franklin and his sister Valeria runaway as they stole away on Kitty’s Marauders boat which prompts ends up on Doom island on the other side of the planet. Apparently that’s where Doom puts the Mutants of Latveria who have problems living in Latveria; shockingly the island is about five or six hundred miles from Krakoa (what a coincidence). Of course the Fantastic Four blame the X-Men even though when they contact Scott he says he has no idea about the situation and gives nothing but honest answers. So… the Fantastic Four proceeded to sneak into Krakoa and infiltrate the quiet council (the governing committee of Krakoa) to find their missing kids because obviously t he bad bad mutants must have taken them; only to find… no kids and the bad bad mutants talking about their concerns about the missing kid and why would the Fantastic Four think that they would do such a horrible thing.


So of course the Fantastic Four are found and a fight breaks out because… why not start a fight with the people who’s home you’ve broken into, even though they are your supposed friends. Don’t apologize or anything, instead attack the leaders of Krakoa and then flee (fun fact, Marvel’s United States has recognized Krakoa so what the Fantastic Four did actually violates a treaty so… not bright). They flee, only to be shot down by the pursuing X-Men to crash on… Doom Island (like you don’t see that coming). I can just somehow see Doom with his head in his hands over the idiocy.


Resulting in som posturing between the Fantastic Four and the X-men before Dr. Doom shows up, who is apparently the only rational person in this story line (yea Doom!). He states he wishes to cure Franklin and of course nobody really buys this (other then Franklin and his sister as Doom did raise Franklin’s sister for awhile and she thinks of him as a kind of uncle). So… while Doom is off working with Reed and the Beast on the proposed therapy that Doom has developed for Franklin, the remaining three of the Fantastic Four (Sue, Ben Grimm, and Sue’s brother Johnny) team up with some X-Men to go free the mutants that Doom must be suppressing… right? I mean… why no?


So… suffice it to say that Doom gets rather upset once they manage to kill one of the mutant citizens of Latveria (opps…). And double opps on the lack of proper surveillance by Doom apparently; guess he was silly and trusted them.


Now all this takes place while Illyana is off planet (lucky for the Fantastic Four is my thought). But… what might she do once she comes back and finds out about this. I was going to wait to publish this once the forth issue came out, but that might be a while with the current suspension of comic sales. So, here you are.



Part52: What may come…


Sue turned over in bed, but…


Sue’s eyes snapped open. She was lying upon on a raised rock platform, roughly two feet off the ground, before her was a table with two chairs, there was a coffee pot on the table, one mug, a basket, and…


Illyana sitting in the opposite chair sipping from a coffee mug (Krakoa coffee, which she loves by the way, black with no sugar). Illyana is dressed in her usual black field costume, but no sword is in view. Illyana gave Sue a cold smile and a sort of greeting.


“Good. Your awake, would you like some…”


Sue swung her legs over the side of the platform and lashed out with her invisible field, as she did this she noticed she was dressed in her Fantastic Four costume.


With a snap the field smashed aside the table and chairs, leaving just a slightly annoyed looking Illyana who was still somehow seated upon air, giving Sue a sarcastic look while taking a sip of her coffee as Sue franticly looked around.


The sky was an odd color of light bluish green. There was nothing about. Just a rock plane that appeared to reach to the horizon. This… did not look like earth.


“Where am I!?” Was Sue’s angry demand.


Just a sarcastic look from the somehow sitting Illyana as she continued to sip.


“Answer me!”


Illyana set down her mug where the table would have been and the mug just sat there, suspended as if it was sitting on a surface. Suffice it to say her answer was not to Sue’s satisfaction. “That was rather rude.”


“Don’t push me!”


“Wouldn’t dream of it.” Illyana picked up her mug and took another sip.


And that’s were things remained for a bit as Sue stalked about while Illyana just continued to sip, apart from reached over and somehow getting a blue berry muffin from somewhere; she took a bite after putting down her mug again on the non existent table.


Sue finally stopped pacing and stared at Illyana. “My husband will be searching for me, as well as the rest of the Fantastic Four”


Illyana swallowed before answering. “Nope.”


“You’re wrong.”


“Did you search for him?”




“Did you search for him?”


Sue was confused. “Um…”


Illyana continued. “You didn’t search for him. He won’t be searching for you. And the others... Pffff. Didn’t even bother with the other two.”


“What did you do with my husband?!”


“Gave him a message, and he behaved much more like an adult then you, heck even said he anticipated something like this. Guess he really is a smart guy.” Illyana then closed her eyes, made a few gestures, and the table and chairs reassembled themselves. All was as it was before.


“There… Now you really should try the coffee.” Illyana picked up the basket. “Muffin? There’s blue berry, apple cinnamon and, carrot.”


A glare from Sue. “So… this is all fake.”


A shake of negation from Illyana. “No… this is all real.”


“You are a hologram.”


“No… a magical projection. I’m not an idiot as I figured you’d to something… stupid. After all, I’ve been told you have a track record of emotional outbursts and poor decision making.”


Another glare from Sue. “You don’t scare me.”


Illyana was not impressed. “Pfff…”


“No… really you don’t.”


A sigh from Illyana. Then she reached behind herself and pulled a piece of paper from somewhere and offered it to Sue, who gingerly took it but did not look at it.


“What’s this? Some kind of threat?”


Illyana rolled her eyes, geeze Reed Richards had been so much less of a problem. “Read it.”


Now it was Sue’s turn to roll her eyes, but she then sat down and read from the paper. Her demeanor … changes after a few seconds. Then… “How did you get this?”


Illyana extends her hand and Sue reluctantly gave back the sheaf of paper. “Professor X likes to keep records. He recorded your… concerns over his suggestion of my being a baby sitter for Franklin when Kitty was not available. Points for honesty I guess.”


“I was…exaggerating.”


“No… Mrs. Richards. You were not. Please refrain from lying. I may not be a telepath but… well… lying is also rude.”


“I was concerned about Franklin. It’s a mother thing, something you wouldn’t understand.”


Sometimes you just know you’ve said the wrong thing after you’ve said it, but don’t know why. Nobody outside of the X-Men and Doctor Strange had known about Sapna, Illyana’s now slain apprentice; slain by Illyana to save everybody else. Sue could see Illyana’s body language stiffen, and Illyana’s eyes gave off a yellow glow of power; a definite tell.


Sue decided that a quick retreat was in order. “Sorry, I see that something I’ve said upset you. Perhaps if you asked Kitty about…”


And… apparently stepped right on an emotional landmine as Illyana interrupted her. “She’s dead.”




“Kate is dead.”


“Kate? Oh you mean Kitt… um… I’m sorry.”


Illyana did not wish to continue this line of conversation. “Regardless. I’m here to deliver a warning.”


Okay, back on safer ground thought Sue. “And now the threats. I assume you’re the bad cop.”


A snort of a laugh from Illyana. “No… you guys already had the good cop bad cop routine. I’m… call me death cop I guess. A warning… Unlike the others I don’t have any… emotional baggage with any of you. And… well… let’s see, I thinks it’s 0 and ten for the Avengers so you might… want to think about it.”


Sue started with a “You don’t scare…” Before reconsidering and finishing with. “I don’t respond well to threats.”


Just a shrug from Illyana that somehow was more scary then the threat. “I don’t tend to threaten.”


Sue thought hard before declaring. “I won’t forget this.”


Illyana got up. “Yes you will. Likewise your husband. Just a sense of… unease will be all that is left. Unease about just what I’ll do.”


Illyana gave a chilling smile. “After all, there are things so much worse then death. I… know. Been there, did that.”


With that Sue woke up with a gasp to find Reed giving her a hug. She’d… had a bad dream, but… couldn’t really remember about what.

Chapter 53


The character of Rachel Summers, i.e. baby Phoenix, one time Marvel Girl during the time she took her Mom’s handle, and now Prestige (because Kitty is as good at coming up with names as she is with costumes) is interesting in some aspects. The original reasons for her creation as a character by Claremont became O.B.E once Jean Grey was brought back by Marvel because… well… just how many red headed telepathic/telekinetic characters do you need at one time (here’s a hint… usually one, just one). I don’t much care for the character, but the lack of canon interactions between Rachel and Illyana is more then a bit intriguing to me (as I have explored in a few chapters in this ongoing collection). The whole friendship dynamic of Kitty/Rachel and Kitty/Illyana is of course complicated by Rachel’s experiences with an older Kitty from her alternate universe and Cat/Illyana interactions from Illyana’s childhood (Gee, both were kind of foster daughters to an older, and now dead, Kitty).

Chapter Text

Incidentally, I find most fanfiction lesbian pairings of Illyana/Kitty to be in violation of what (I believe) is a critical component of Illyana’s character, do nothing thing to harm her friendship with Kitty (stand by for possible hate mail I suppose). Having said that, I believe Illyana to be sexually Bi with a strong female preference, as I have stated before in my writing. Likewise Rachel, although oddly she has a plethora of published canon boyfriends and no canon girlfriends to my knowledge; and strangely, her published female nemeses all appear to want to dominate her if you examine the dialog interactions. And Kitty been almost pure hetro is likely a source of frustration for Rachel (you can’t count any Claremont writing because every female he writes is bi, and yes I love Claremont’s writing).


Having said that, the fanfiction writers Magik3 and KittyViolet are both interesting and well written (when they don’t degrade into just pure smut, which the authors do warn you about). One of my favorite stories by Magik3 is I’ve Never (Illyana/Kitty/Rachel) and All Hands on Deck (Illyana/Spiral) plus I Didn’t Wash My Hands, and finally Seven Parties Illyana Should Not Have Attended, and The One She Didn’t. Again… adult warnings for all of those stories but they are very well crafted.


So… having said that, this is an Illyana/Rachel story dedicated to Magik3 and KittyViolet as it is inspired by their writings. This chapter takes place before the death of Kitty and the beginning of the new version of the New Mutants. It is a one off, meaning I will likely never have the characters interact this way again unless Marvel does something.


Plus… I add a possible explanation for Illyana behavior in the New Mutants for those who are reading the comic (grin). And maybe, just maybe, explain just why she said a certain phrase when fighting some aliens in the comics.



Part53a: Lunar cycles


The moon is an interesting place to live. For one the moon is quiet, very quiet. The normal noise of living is absent. City and town noise is absent. Likewise the sounds of nature is gone. Such silence can become deafening. But the view is fantastic as the main living room of the Summer’s house was situated to have a view of the earth and some distant lunar foothills. In addition, all of the bed rooms in the Summers house are well sound insulated; and that’s a good thing when you consider some of the noisy activities that takes place in those rooms, or outside of those rooms upon occasion. Noisy you ask? Well, Scott/Emma/Jean/Logan… interactions.


Physical interactions.


But no such activities were currently on the agenda, or on the kitchen counter. It was just Cable (Nathan Summers) and Rachel Grey Summers in the living room as the other residents were out. They were relaxing on different couches and enjoying the view while conversing like brother and sister as they both enjoyed some beer (the new young Cable was arguably not of drinking age but nobody was making an issue of it).


Well… It was really Rachel conversing as she was mostly complaining and Cable was mostly listening to those complaints. Complaining was a not uncommon behavior of Rachel as Rachel has a tendency to find fault with others and to push people away. A behavior that was usually only moderated by the presence of Kitty (now Kate) Pryde. But Kitty was off rescuing mutants on her ship with the new Marauder. A ship that noticeably lacked the presence of Rachel (at least that was Rachel’s opinion). But that was not the current topic of Rachel’s complaining.


Currently Rachel had found an audience, listener really, for one of her favorite topics of personnel distress. That topic being Illyana. Why was Cable being so passive? Part of the reason was the talk he had had from Jean and Scott (i.e. mom and dad). “Your sister is isolated from most people. So… try not to shut her down when she actually opens up about things that bother her.” And since Rachel, Jean, and Cable were telepathic, heart to heart conversations could be extra truthful.


There were so many things about Illyana that bothered Rachel, as she explained between sips of beer. And yes, Rachel had already had a few beers by this time.


Complaints about how Illyana acted.

How cold she was.

How she fought.

How she lead.

And currently, complaints about how she dressed.


“Always strutting about in that sexy black skintight getup she has. I mean… sometimes she has a boob window… sometimes she doesn’t. What’s up with that? Does she need cleavage ventilation from time to time because she’s so damn hot? And then there’s those weird black sticks in her hair. I took a close look at them once and their not actually attached to anything. Nothing is holding them in place, their… just there. Like some kind of weird magical radiators or something. Yet… they don’t move and they act like their attached to some concealed headdress, but no, their… just… there.”


Cable was of the opinion that the odd spikes represented some kind of crown or stylized helmet derived from her now absent silver armor, or possible some kind of horns stand-in. And Cable, being a hetro male, liked what Magik was wearing, not that he was going to admit to that. And he was rather certain that woman who liked other woman rather liked how Magik dressed as well.


Rachel took a swig of beer and then continued. “And I bet she’s the reason Kitty hasn’t asked me to join the Marauders. Always getting between me and Kitty.”


“Um…” Cable had to mention. “Illyana’s not part of the Marauders. Heck… I don’t think Kitty’s even asked her. And um… didn’t she sail a boat across the pacific rather then ask Illyana to teleport her?”


Rachel was not having any of that. “Just part of some bigger plot. Like her being a great captain. I mean… what makes her worthy of being a great captain? What makes her so special that Professor X and Magneto recruited her?”


Just a slightly questioning look from Cable that resulted in Rachel answering her own question.


“I admit… the whole magic thing is rather special. And… her sword is cool, wish I had a cool sword. And she’s… okay when leading people. And killing… I mean… shit… just how many people has she killed? Talk about a body count… Which is just so unfair! I mean… I tried to off Selena and Logan stabbed me through the heart while yelling ‘X-Men don’t kill’ which was complete hypocrisy coming from Logan, not to mention the whole stabbing me thought the heart, but we’re past that. Yet little miss Magik get’s a pass when there’s bodies stretching all the way to the horizon.”


Cable added his observation that… “She’s also really good at intimidating people.”


“I’m good at intimidating people.” Was Rachel’s counter.


“Yeah, but for different reasons sis.”




Cable carefully chose his words. “You’re intimidating sis. That puts a lot of people off. Magik is… intimidating and creepy. You’re capable of hurting and killing people, she gives off an air that there are no real limits to what she’s capable of doing to somebody. And that slightly crazy vibe she gives off from time to time just adds to it.” Left unsaid was the observation that one aspect of leadership is getting people to do what you want them to do without an argument, something Illyana was very good at.


Rachel almost said she could do crazy, but thought better of it. Instead she went with…


“Hate how she’s always so smug. Like… butter wouldn’t melt in her mouth. And she keeps showing up here! Hate that. I mean… this is my… our house. She’s not a Summers.”


Cable pointed out that… “Dad and Mom invited her. Meetings and such. All the great captains have been here. Just last week they were all here.”


In which Illyana apparently transgressed as Rachel stated. “Where she drank my beer.”


In truth it was one beer, and Scott had said that it was okay to take anything in the fridge. And Illyana had spent the night in one of the spare bedrooms after what turned out to be a long meeting, resulting in another accusation that Rachel has seen first hand.


“And she eats peanut butter out of the jar. Out of the jar! Skippy peanut butter, and the creamy kind, not the crunch kind like any right thinking person would eat. And Skippy? Yuck. Everybody knows Jiff is the best.”


Now one’s choice of culinary peanut confection is very personal. Hence the presence of several types of peanut butter in the Summer moon fridge (and Costco for that matter). Creamy Skippy, creamy Jiff, crunch Jiff, why… even the evil crunchy Laura Scudders. Suffice it to say that Rachel was a crunchy Jiff girl, likewise Jean, whereas Illyana preferred creamy Skippy, as any right thinking person should was Cable’s thought, not that he was crazy enough to share that with Rachel because she was a Jiffy and every Skippy person knows that you just can’t trust a brainwashed Jiffy with the truth about peanut butter. Hmmm, Cable thought, Rachel was a Pepsi girl and Illyana was known for her enjoyment of Coke, talk about opposites is so many ways.


Cable attempted to make a joke. “Next you’ll be saying she puts the toilet paper on the wrong side of the roller.”


Rachel’s reply indicated that the attempted joke was not taken as a joke. “Over the top.”




“Over the top. Toilet paper is supposed to go over the top. People who put it the other way are doing it wrong. Right…?”


“Um… yeah. Right.” Cable actual didn’t care which side the toilet paper came off of a roller, I mean… so what, but some people did. Jean was one, and apparently Rachel was one as well, thank god that Rachel and Jean were in agreement on the direction. Hmmm, Cable wondered if being a Jiffy was somehow involved… Thankfully Rachel did not go on a toilet paper interrogation inquisition, instead she resumed her Illyana rant.


“I can’t believe she kept choking me out with my own cape in the danger room.”


Opps… bad conversational topic. Everybody, except Kitty who had created Rachel’s current costume look, everybody had hated the cape that Kitty had added to the look. Bad enough that her full body costume had spikes all over it, talk about saying don’t get close. Thankfully Illyana had been willing to bell that cat as it were, rather brutally, but belled it was as the cape was finally gone.


Cable did offer… “The cape was a nice touch, but having a cape does comes with vulnerabilities. Thankfully nobody used it against you in combat.”


“Pffff…” Was Rachel’s dismissal. Like any villain would have the balls to use her cape against her.


Cable did inquire. “If you get so upset about it, why do you keep fighting her in the Danger room?”


Rachel’s suddenly get a bit defensive. “It’s… fun. She’s not afraid to face a nasty fight with me.” Rachel preened a bit. “Which I win a whole bunch of times. I’m better then her, most of the time, on hand to hand.”


Cable just had to add. “Except with a cape.”


Which earned him a dirty look from Rachel. Rachel did have to admit. “She’s better at stick fighting most of the time, and knives, and swords. Have you ever fought her in the dark?”


Cable had to admit. “Um… no.”


“Don’t… really creepy because of that whole can’t detect her mind.” Rachel remembered some sneaky kidney shots Illyana had gotten in. “And she loves to fight dirty.” After another sip of beer Rachel changed the topic. “And why the hell does everybody keep wanting her on their team?”


Everybody being the recent visit by Dr. Strange, who had been met by Cable as Dr. Strange had come to Krakoa without any invite in search of Magik (see the ongoing comic Savage Avengers). Cable had meet Dr. Strange and ordered him off of the island (no human can set foot on Krakoa without permission). Dr. Strange had then levitated, much to the annoyance of Cable. Cable was about to employ more harsh methods when Illyana had arrived and taken over. Oh, and Illyana was also teaching at the Strange Magic Academy.


“I don’t think everybody wants her on their team, her teleportation ability is very useful and that whole magic thing.”


Which earns Cable another “Pffff…” from Rachel as to how useful Illyana was. Cable refrained from pointing out that Illyana was also desired for her tactical and strategic sense, as well as general leadership ability.


Cable instead went for a topic change. “How’s Kurt doing?”


“Now you sound like Mom.”




“Mom… and Dad. I’ll bet you’ve gotten the talk from Mom and Dad.”




Rachel clarified. “The talk. Mine went like this ‘Your brother is isolated from most people. So… try not to shut him down when he actually opens up about things that bother him.’”


“Um…” Great. That sounded just like the talk they’d given him about her.


“Bingo.” Replied a smug Rachel. “Man… having a… sibling is weird.”


Sibling meaning a brother who was roughly her age and actually somebody she could talk to, old man Cable had been… less approachable.


“Yeah…” Was Cable’s reply, having a sister was weird.


Rachel confessed. “Kurt’s doing okay. But… I’m not looking for a boyfriend right now.”


“What about bird boy?” Inquired Cable.


“Korvus you mean.” Korvus was a Shi'ar warrior that Rachel had hooked up with back on the Rise and Fall of the Shi'ar Empire story line due to some Phoenix force complications.


Rachel mused. “Yeah… bird boy. I don’t think Mom or Dad liked that when they found out about him. Mostly that Shi'ar thing. We’re done. I did like his sword though.”


Now if Cable had been female it’s possible that Rachel might, just might, have discussed just what sword she was referring to, answers to the questions about Shi'ar pubic feathers, an analysis as to the quality of Korvus‘s swordsmanship, as well as a few giggles over just what Kurt was able to do with that tail of his. But Cable was male and her brother so… no.


Cable shook his head a bit. “Sis… you have had some odd relationships.”


“Tell me about it. You?”


“I think old Cable had some weird hookups, but I’m mostly good.”




“Turns out that lots of woman had a bit of a thing for old man Cable, silver fox fetish I guess. But young and virile Cable? Man… just think of me as a mutant Valentino.” Meaning that cable was getting lucky… very lucky.


Cable broached a delicate subject. “Um… don’t answer if you don’t want to but… um…”


“Why boyfriends and not any girl… friends.” Summed up Rachel, sometimes being a telepath just helped, especially when talking with another telepath.




Rachel was bi-curious but… A sigh from Rachel. “I’m… um… most girls don’t like… I… kind of push people away. That intimidation… thing. And… Kitty’s… not… interested in me that… way.”


Meaning Rachel’s tendency to be… a bitch as it were… pushed people away. Especially woman that perhaps Rachel was interested in.


An idea suddenly popped into Cable’s head. That perhaps not all of the hostility that Rachel had toward Illyana might… just might… not be hostility. And for him to overtly point that out would be a bad idea.


Instead Cable suggested that. “You should get out more sis, give yourself a chance to meet other people outside of your normal situations. Why not give the Green Lagoon beach bar a try. Mom and Dad go. Why… even Apocalypse shows up from time to time.”


“That’s not selling it well.” Was Rachel’s reply. Meaning… gee my parents do something, how… fun. Why not do something old people do?


Cable prodded again. “Give it a try sis. And to toss out a weird idea, have you ever bothered to talk to her?” Her being Illyana.


A look from Rachel that said are you crazy?


“Just saying sis. Who knows…”


“Pfff…” Was Rachel’s reply as she took another sip of beer. But she did decide to give the bar a try. But… for now... Rachel gave an announcement in a bad attempt at a Cuban ascent. “Time to introduce you to my little friend.” As she pulled out a small water bong.


“One should just say no sis.” Was Cable’s reply.


“Wuss. Hey, it’s legal in California.” Was Rachel’s rejoinder. “Rejoice little brother, I’m sharing my favorite weed with you.”


“White queen?” Replied Cable who did know what Rachel preferred.


“White queen.” Answered Rachel, and yes the name of her favorite recreational was cruelly ironic.


Cable did offer her a suggestion after a few puffs. “Remember sis, that hold being unable to read her mind thing makes it harder to correctly interpret body language.”


Which was something that Rachel had never really given much thought about, but she did nod at his words.



Part53b: Green Lagoon beach bar (the next night)




The Green lagoon, created by Black Tom to be the end all party Krakoa locality, and it was. Think Disco meets Tiki meets underground grotto, add a bit of Hard Rock Café, and generously mix with music combined with adult stimulants and recreationals (And if you want a nice image then Google X-Men Green Lagoon and view the revelry that is. Really, do it. Rather fantastic). For some reason, most people showed up at Green Lagoon in field costumes, Rachel being one as she was there in her full body red costume, thankfully no cloak, the consume with the spikes on the body outline.


The music was playing…

The crowd was grooving…

The booze was flowing…


And Rachel was drinking alone, having taken a few tokes before coming to the club. Currently Prince’s song Little Red Corvette was playing.


But it was Saturday night

I guess that makes it all right

And you say what have I got to lose?


Her parents were across the room at another table, along with Logan and Emma Frost; all of whom looked like they were having fun. Which somewhat irked Rachel as it is a bit of a downer when even your parents look more hip then you. Cable was off on another table with three… no four… no… five female companions and apparently the Green Lagoon was not much of a carding kind of place (drinking age on Krakoa is also the age of consent meaning eighteen).


Rachel was on her third strawberry Hurricane ice smoothie (mixed by Frederick “Fred” J. Dukes, also known as the Blob who was one of the bartenders) and he made them both big and strong. Great… everybody’s having fun but me. Was Rachel’s thought. And no Kitty... Kate as Rachel reminded herself that Kitty went by Kate now. Kitty was still off on a mission so…


Just… so.


And of course Magik, just had to be there as well, in her sexy tight black costume, a version with the open boob window Rachel noticed, guess it was a hot cleavage night. She was off in a corner of the cavern just… watching the crowed and sipping her drink from a straw. Rachel wasn’t sure what the drink was, but her cup was a hollowed out pineapple.


Rachel kept sneaking glances at Illyana. And… Magik appeared to not in anyway be sneaking glances at Rachel (observations are so easily to facilitate when you’re a telepath). And being a telepath meant you always got various mental clues about a person, a help, or a hindrance in more then a few cases, that were just absent when dealing with Illyana. Which reminded Rachel about Cable’s comment about body language.


Rachel was thinking of going home when she spied Jean and Emma dancing together. That… well… In hind sight she supposed that provide the motivation to do what she did. She made her move as the song Cringe by Matt Maeson was playing as she picked up her drink and walked over to where Magik was leaning against a cave wall and likewise leaned against the wall next to her.


She said my spirit doesn't move like it did before

She said that I don't look like me no more no more

I said I'm just tired

She said you're just high


I said I saw you in the water

I said I saw you in the water


Lover come hold me

Heads on the fritz

Body intoxicated

Feelings comfortably mixed


Illyana offered one of her usual terse greetings without looking at Rachel. “Red.”


“Illyana…” Was Rachel’s reply as she likewise did not look at Illyana. “By yourself?”


A nod from Illyana as her eyes continued watching the crowd. “Making sure no minors try go get in.”


Part of the duties of a great captain was to be in charge of a subset of Krakoa in that they were kind of like a block captain. Less important for the adults, but Illyana was the person whom all the minors and teens reported to as it were if things get messed up. Now the Green Lagoon had operating hours where every body could show up, but when it switched to adult mode, it was eighteen and older. No exceptions. Now tell people they can’t show up and a whole subset will try to sneak in, hence…


The Course.


What is The Course? Illyana was even more hard nosed then Scott when it came to training, just ask the folks who had been with her when Scott had run his outlaw group after the whole Phoenix Five mess. Nobody wanted Illyana running their ass ragged and that was what The Course was (incidentally, the more bad ass of the Mutants liked to run the course at least once a week).


Golden Balls has said it best when asked about training under Illyana “Dude, when she make you run a course, it gets way worse then losing your lunch, crud, I think I barfed up my lower intestine at one point.” And why would you keep doing the training if it was so stressful one might ask? Just a look from Illyana was Golden Ball’s response, like… yeah it can get worse dude, much worse.


The word was out, if you got caught, then you got the run The Course for a week solid. Twenty plus miles of dirt and mud trails going up and down the hills and ridges. And there were the random attacks. And all those who had endured when Illyana ran the training regime had vocally testified that Illyana was a massive hard ass when it came to training.


Meaning the kids stays far far away, just wasn’t worth the price. Which was the intent so nothing like a plan working out.


So… silence for awhile as the two of them watched the crowd. Then Rachel surprised herself by asking point blank.


“Why do I hate you so much?”


“You don’t.” Shrugged Illyana, then she clarified. “Dislike yes. Hate… naaa. You’re just jealous that somebody else can have a relationship with Kate that makes you think less of your own relationship with Kate.”


A glare from Rachel. “So now you’re a psychologist?”


“Nope.” Was the short answer, and then a long pause.


“Nope what?” Rachel finally asked.


“Just… Nope.”


Rachel stated with some heat. “How can you say what you just did? What possible justification or rational could you have?”


Illyana shrugged again. “Explain how I’m wrong.” Then took a sip of her drink.


“You just are…”


Another shrug. “Okay.”


Which just pissed off Rachel to no end. “And now you give an okay? What the hell?”


“You said I’m wrong. So I said okay.”


A frown and a glare from Rachel. Damn it. When trying to start a fight the person is supposed to fight back not… agree. “You’re… nothing like the Illyana I knew when I was growing up. She never demonstrated any mutant talents, she died early on.”


“So we had that in common.” Was Illyana’s reply. One of those Illyana kind of responses that tended to confuse, even if Illyana’s intent was not to be confusing.


So of course Rachel’s response was “Huuuu?”


Illyana clarified. “Death… dead.”


“Oh… um… crap.” Rachel thought about what she’d just said. “That was rude of me.”


Another Illyana shrug. “Na… Always slightly wondered what happened to alternate me in your reality. I take it no demon abduction or magic?”


“No… no magic, and no Magik.”


No more dialog from Illyana other then a slurp on her straw as she slurped up the last of her pineapple based drink, then Illyana waved the now empty pineapple cup at Fred who noticed and held out an open hand. Illyana dropped the pineapple into a light disk as another light disk dropped the pineapple into Fred’s hand who promptly started making up a new drink for her (Illyana was a good tipper so the bartenders were extra attentive).


Nightcrawler (Kurt) was Bamf’ing about the bar and filling drinks and both Rachel’s and Illyana’s eyes followed him in his bartender travels. Illyana made a comment.


“Can’t believe you broke up with sexy fuzzy elf.”


Now it was Rachel’s turn to shrug. “We… were just done.” Then a slight start of surprise. “Wait, you think he’s sexy?”


“Yeah… he is. Why?”


“I always thought you were a…” Rachel stopped and then gave Illyana a long glance. She looked sweaty, unsurprising as the club was a bit hot, but Illyana was steadfastly ignoring Rachel ash she just leaned against the wall looking… alluring.


After a long, and uncomfortable pause for Rachel, Illyana asks a question, a there just might have been a hint of sarcasm. “Demon?”


“No… um… not… into guys?”


A shrug of a reply from Illyana. “He’s sexy… and what interests me… is what interests me.”


Rachel asked a question while Illyana waited for her drink.


“Where’s Kitt… Kate?”


Illyana’s answer was not one that Rachel expected. “No idea.”


“You don’t know?”


“No… why should I? I assume she’s off on a mission on her boat.”


Rachel’s level of intoxication likely explained her statement. “Surprised you’re not there with her.”


Fred was done mixing the drink (pineapple based rum drink and finished with brandy whipped cream) and dropped it into a light disk that had suddenly appeared beneath his hand and back into Illyana’s hand via another light disk who took a sip before giving a small nod of acceptance at Fred as another light disk opened next to Fred and dropped a gold coin. Then Illyana answered Rachel.


“Wasn’t asked.”






“Aren’t you two best friends?”


Long silence from Illyana as she sipped her drink before Illyana finally answered. “I like to think so.”


“Thought so.” Replied Rachel with a tone of irritation.


“Thought what?”


“That you’d say that.”


A shrug from Illyana and a sip before a reply. “You’re best friends with her too.”


That was not a statement Rachel was expecting. “Surprised that you’d say that.”




Rachel opened her mouth but then shut it. Why actually was a good question.




Rachel pondered the question as she took a long pull on her drink. Why was… a good question. Damn… she just couldn’t get a read on Illyana.


Crazy by Gnarls Barkley was now playing.


Remember when

I remember, I remember when I lost my mind

There was something so pleasant about that place

Even your emotions have an echo in so much space

And when you're out there, without care

Yeah I was out of touch

But it wasn't because I didn't know enough

I just knew too much


Does that make me crazy?

Does that make me crazy?

Does that make me crazy?



And I hope that you are having the time of your life

But think twice

That's my only advice


Come on now, who do you

Who do you, who do you

Who do you think you are?

Ha ha ha, bless your soul

You really think you're in control?


I think you're crazy

I think you're crazy

I think you're crazy

Just like me



Illyana made a comment after some Rachel pondering. “Is this about your cape?”


“No…” Rachel was glad for the change of subject, she really did need to ponder the question of why and this was neither the place or time, nor was she in a good mental state to really think about it. But she really did need to think about this. It… implied that Illyana was not… chasing after Kitty… Kate. But the cape comment did reminded her that…


“Why do you hate my cape?”


“Red… everybody but Kate hates the cape.”


Rachel wondered why Illyana kept calling her Red, but was focused on the cape topic.


“No they don’t.”


“Yeah… they do.”


“Prove it.”




“Ha… Proof.”


“No… you’ll just get upset.”




A sigh from Illyana. “Red… you always get upset.”


“Like you care.”


A shrug from Illyana. “Not really, but I… don’t dislike you.”


“Your behavior in the danger room says otherwise.” Yes the fights were good. And Rachel won her fair share, apart from whole cape episodes.


“You like fighting, you like fighting me. I like fighting. Fighting you is… Oh hells and damnation…


Rachel looked around in sudden concern. “What?”


“Bobby just walked in with assless chaps.”


Rachel’s eyes flickered to where Illyana was staring. And yes, Bobby (Iceman) was wearing assless chaps, and not much else.


“Dear God…” Was Rachel’s comment upon seeing Bobby. “And people complain about my cape?”


Illyana looked slightly horrified, but her tone was dry and clinical. “Not anymore. But I’ll still keep chokin you out with it if you start wearing it again.”


Rachel had to agree. “God Bobby, dial it down. You can be gay without… that. Isn’t he an accountant?”


A nod from Illyana. “Yeah… I think he did the taxes for the X-Men for years. Apparently he’s decided that being gay meant having to act like that. And to think Kitty dated him.”


Yes, Illyana sometimes would forget and call Kitty Kate, although Bobby’s theatrics were the reason in this case. A sigh from both of them at Bobby, to think that Kitty had dated… him. The conversation petered out. Illyana was not responding the way Rachel had thought she would. Which left here wondering just what did she want?


Illyana finally spoke. “Red… when I was younger, a few lifetimes ago, Kitty was my center. Her… faith in me was the center of my identity. To think that somebody thought I could be… better then I was. That was… important. And when I lost that… and when I lost my brother… I lost… everything. And then… well… died. After I was brought back I had… nothing. I rebuilt myself, made mistakes, did… bad things, took wrong paths. Drove everybody away, and in the end, I achieved what I sought out, and yet failed. Kitty rejected what I’d become… yet… somehow… we… found a path back to our friendship. I treasure that, as I treasure that my brother loves the me that is rather then the me he wished I was. But… Red. I no longer find my identify in my relationships with Kitty or my brother. I’m me… They help me be me, but ultimately it’s on me Red. Just as your life is on you. I’m not trying to score points with Kate, and neither should you, just… live Red. I’m not saying move on, I’m saying… move forward.”


We are Young by Fun was now playing.


Give me a second I

I need to get my story straight

My friends are in the bathroom getting higher than the Empire State

My lover she's waiting for me just across the bar

My seat's been taken by some sunglasses asking about a scar, and

I know I gave it to you months ago

I know you're trying to forget

But between the drinks and subtle things

The holes in my apologies, you know

I'm trying hard to take it back

So if by the time the bar closes

And you feel like falling down, I'll carry you home


Tonight, we are young

So let's set the world on fire

We can burn brighter than the sun


Tonight, we are young

So let's set the world on fire

We can burn brighter than the sun


Now I know that I'm not

All that you got, I guess that I, I just thought

Maybe we could find new ways…


Now I know that I'm not

All that you got, I guess that I, I just thought

Maybe we could find new ways to fall apart


Illyana asked a question after a long sip from her drink. “So… do you want to fight or …”


Rachel was… frustrated. A bit lonely. Had over indulged in adult beverages. Plus being a telepath all the mental noise of the ongoing revelry was... influencing, That was why she blurted out an answer as she declared. “Make-out.” And then blushed. Massively blushed.   Oh My God… did she really say that?


Illyana… froze. Then slowly blinked before turning to stare at Rachel.


Rachel turned to leave. “Crap… Can’t believe I said that. Shit… I must be drunk. I’m going hom…”


That’s when Illyana’s teleportation disk took them away.


Did anybody notice? Well… Jean and Emma exchanged a knowing glance, and there was a hint, just a hint, of a smile on both of their lips.



Part53c: Back…


The two of them appeared in a bedroom, it was Rachel’s bedroom in the moon Summer house. Illyana pinned Rachel against a wall with her left forearm as they exchanged stares for a few seconds. Rachel did not offer any resistance so… Illyana’s right hand slowly rose and gently grasped Rachel’s left breast. Then…


Illyana’s left arm slowly went over Rachel’s head and around Rachel’s back and…


Their lips touched in a kiss.


Light at first, then more impassioned from the both of them.


Illyana’s right hand rose from Rachel’s breast to lightly touch the top of her shoulder. Then slowly traced down Rachel’s left side, and as it descended the structure of Rachel’s costume began to unravel starting where Illyana’s fingers had touched.


They continue to kiss while Rachel’s left arm went around Illyana’s back while her right hand grasps one of Illyana’s butt cheek then…


Rachel spun them around and now it’s Illyana who is pinned to the wall as they continue to neck. Rachel’s left hand grasps Illyana’s long hair and slowly pulled Illyana’s head back as Rachel nibbles at Illyana’s neck as her costume continues to unravel, a bra and panties are coming into view, then…


Telekinetically Rachel slowly rips off Illyana’s costume, and unlike Rachel, Illyana is shown to be commando. Rachel maintains her grip on Illyana’s hair as Rachel’s lower her head and takes first a lick of Illyana’s nipples, then some sucking and licking that illicit a gasp from Illyana.


Illyana suddenly spins the two of them around and they end up sprawling on Rachel’s bed with Rachel on top, but Illyana twists and now Illyana is on top as she…



Part53d: Forth…


Logan and Scott are drinking at a table in the Green Lagoon while Emma and Jean are off dancing.


“Fighting again?” Was Scott’s question. The question being about the departed Rachel and Illyana.


Logan just gave a grunt as he drained his bottle of Tactical Nuclear Penguin (yes this beer does exist, oh and Scott was having a glass of Polygamy Porter and yes that beer also exists). Logan’s grunt could be taken as a yes, but the advantage, and disadvantage, of enhanced senses is that someone like Logan can just tell so much about people. Jean being one as she had continually given Logan mixed signals back when he had first met her. So… yeah, fighting could describe what Illyana and Rachel was doing. But what Logan’s nose had told him was that…


The battle field was likely a bed this time.



Part53e: Back…


Rachel was pinned to the bed as Illyana rotated into the classic 69 as Rachel’s panties and bra unravel while Illyana lowered her…



Part53f: Forth…


Scott continues. “I hope they don’t damage each other too much.”


Just another grunt from Logan.



Part53g: Back…


Rachel’s grasped Illyana’s ass with both hands and rotates both of them so now she’s on top as she smothers Illyana’s face with her…



Part53h: Forth…


Emma makes an inquiry as she dances with Jean. “I can’t sense the two of them.”


Jean replies after thinking for a few seconds. “Rachel is good a shielding, and Magik is always… problematic.”


A smirk of a smile from Emma. “Not that good, and Magik can… be most disruptive. Their off planet.”


Jean’s eyebrows rose. “Oh dear… the moon.”


A nod from Emma as that was her guess as well.


Jean continued. “Well… foo.”


Emma agreed. “I suppose. My place?”


A shrug of agreement from Jean at the Emma’s suggestion.



Part53i: Back…


Grimaces and gaps of pleasure from the both of them as they…



Part53h: Forth…


“Changing of plans guys.” Jean announced as Emma and Jean returned to the table where Logan and Scott were boozing. “We’re spending the night at Emma’s house.”


A bit of puzzlement from Scott at the change of plans as Logan gave another grunt of agreement to the change of plans.



Part53i: Back…


Tonight, we are young

So let's set the world on fire

We can burn brighter than the sun



Part53j: Forth…


“I hope they don’t hurt each other to much.” Commented Scott as they all got up to egress to Emma’s house to… lets just say to socialize at a more personal and physical level.


Jean, Emma, and Logan exchanged glances. Sometimes Slim just did not grasp the obvious.



Part53k: Back…


Later…. much later, Illyana and Rachel were cuddling in a sweat stained and disarrayed bed. Rachel was in the inner spoon.


“This is so not going to work.” Murmurs a sleepy Rachel.


“Nope.” Murmurs back Illyana. “Was fun though.”


They sifted in bed and now it was Illyana on the inner spoon as they drifted off to sleep. But first… snort of a laugh from Illyana. “Fight or… make-out. I so have to remember to use that line at some point.”

Chapter 54


Well, one reader was less then happy at my Rachel writing. Now I like reviews, good or bad as I strive to write better and reviews are both nice and can be corrective in regards to flaws. But reviews that are just complaints without examples of the complaints are not very useful. Here is what they wrote (some minor editing on my part).

Chapter Text

I'm sorry, but please stop. Just stop. Don't write Rachel into any more of your stories. Let the people who write Kitty/Rachel, Rachel/Illyana and Kitty/Rachel/Illyana just do their own thing without molestation.


If this is you trying to be nice to the character as a gift to your friends then just don't write her at all. Your contempt shines through every word and I think you might actually hate her more than the Marvel editors. Which is a shame as the rest of your writing in this series is actually really good.


If you must keep her in then maybe have one of your more Rachel-positive friends co-author or something. This chapter was a train wreck and as I said, it's a shame as the rest of your writings tends to be really good.


The reader felt I was very anti Rachel so let me address their complaints.


Asking me to stop writing stories because you don’t like something is an attempt at editorial control and censorship. Remember folks, advocating diversity means that there will be things you don’t agree with. Now if a reader gives me feedback as to why they don’t like what I wrote then that would have some merit, but just declaring that I should stop because you don’t like it is very self centered. And the lack of details as to the complaints gives me nothing to go on. Somehow I think those who complain would be most offended if the authors of their favored interpretations of Rachel in Fanfic were told to stop because they are not writing the way some other reader wishes.


Most of my stories either try to explore parts of Illyana’s character, enhanced the details of various published comics, or create stories to back fill the missing years, as such there will interactions, good or bad, with other characters. Reference the title of this story, What to do about Magik means many of the chapters are others dealing with Magik. All of which I strive to keep in canon (mostly).


So what might be the supposed hate? The scene where Rachel has a public tiff with Illyana in the school cafeteria? Possible, but I would maintain that that tiff was rather in character for Rachel.


The fight scene with Illyana and Rachel in the danger room? Um… That was a prelude to what Marvel was doing with Rachel as they created another Hound storyline; I would maintain I gave her far more respect then Marvel did, not to mention good advice about falling from Illyana.


The chapter where Rachel complains about the smell of Limbo and gives Illyana the stink eye was all DIRECTLY from the published comic. Meaning it’s canon. And proves that that Rachel wants to act up around Illyana, and possible even extra if Kitty is around; which shows that my cafeteria chapter is viably in canon character. Especially as Kitty had left the school to go off with the hated Illyana (hated in this context from a jealous Rachel).


The last chapter where I had her hanging out with her brother? That was disrespectful? Um… no. And having her complain at Illyana is disrespectful of Rachel when it is shown that in canon she appears to deeply dislike Illyana? That would be a no again. And somehow having Illyana and Rachel sleep together is hate on Rachel? Um… strange argument, especially as the last chapter was a variation of Magik3 and KittyViolet’s character interactions.


Contempt? Rachel in canon has always been shown to be argumentative with just about everybody except Kitty. It’s not my fault that Marvel has written many a bad story about Rachel, but that is canon. Just as in canon Illyana and Rachel have had almost no interaction in the entire thirty plus year of publishing history.


Based on canon I can’t but feel that Rachel would be jealously and hostile with Illyana over Kitty. Why not the reverse? Well… Illyana died, was brought back, went crazy, and… was rejected by Kitty, all that is published canon. As such I believe it is a valid interpretation to have Rachel be somewhat irrational when dealing with Illyana based upon her published behaviors, whereas Illyana would not. It is not my intent to show Illyana being better then Rachel, just that a person can dislike another whereas the object of the dislike does not dislike the disliker back. Not to mention that in the published comics Rachel is so very gay for Kitty (meaning irrational jealousy at a perceived rival is very valid). Why would I do this? Because it’s called story telling. Each of my Rachel chapters is an interaction between the two of them, and I’ll point out that each chapter contains more Illyana/Rachel interaction then I think is in actual canon. Each occasional chapter explores those interactions and the evolution of the two.


The cape? It was a bad look and I groaned when I first saw it. As such I had some of the characters talking about it in prior chapters. A look created by Kitty who is notoriously bad at creating a good look, which again is canon. Once the cape was gone I decide to make a joke about why the cape was gone.


Hate her? Nope. Frankly I don’t really care about her. But I don’t like how Marvel keeps writing her in a loop, whereas Illyana has been lucky to have a linear story line. As such I address her as a character who I think has resentments against Illyana and those resentments are the points of story creation and character interactions. Which shows respect for the characters because it is valid that people have issues with other people. Heck, if I hated her I’d just turn her into a hound again. I mean, if you look at my writing it’s the Inhumans I hate.


Toking? Well, that comes from the comic about comics called Waiting For The Trade where Rachel shows up more then a few times (https: waitingforthet tumblr com). A site that I love and I admit to stealing the joke about White Queen and yes she’s shown as a toker in some of the comics at the web site.


Complaining? Well… it’s called having the character articulate about what is bothering them. The fact that Rachel is going over the top on her complaints to her brother is meant to imply that there is more involved then just disliking Illyana. And was meant to show that Rachel and Cable are able to converse. Also some of the dialog it was humor. You know… a joke?


Friends? Well, I have exchanged a few texts with Magik3 and KittyViolet, that is all. I found their works as I traversed all of the Illyana based fanfiction. I liked what they had come up with on Rachel/Illyana interactions, apart from the extremely graphic sex, and I’ve thought about creating such an interactions for a long time before I created chapter 53. I do wonder what they think about it, likely there is a good chance they won’t care for it as they and I have different interpretations of Illyana; interestingly I think we rather have the same interoperation of Rachel.


Train wreck? Hate to break it to you, but Rachel has been a train wreck in many of the published storylines in the comics. Just how many times do we have to have another regression to a hound storyline? Crap I think there has been at least three hound plotlines in the last several years. Not to mention having every third rate telepath being about to take her down (again bad writing) on Marvel’s part, but that’s is canon. I explicitly pointed out that Illyana never calls Rachel a bitch due to Rachel’s hound trauma (but I guess that’s hate now).


And then there is the whole gee they slept together. Not a lot of hate there. The inability of a telepath to read Illyana’s mind has been canon forever, a bit fuzzy at the moment, would mean that many a telepath would likely not be good at picking up on social cues from somebody who’s mind they can’t read; combined with Illyana’s notorious difficulties in interacting with most people. Gads I just love the Uncanny X-Men 33 where Kitty and Illyana have a heart to heart talk as Illyana strives to figure out how to communicate again. In the panel you see Kitty’s face but Illyana’s is always in shadow, and the rain just communicates grief. Just look at the dialog in that comic.


Kitty (sarcastic tone): And I thought you brought me out here to kill me.

Illyana (flat tone): I don’t need to bring you all the way out here to kill you.

Kitty (not quite sure how to take that tone): It’s funnier when I joke about how dark and crazy mysterious you are… It’s not so funny when you do it.

Illyana (flat tone that somehow conveys pain): It’s not so funny when you do it, either. It actually hurts me.

And then Kitty’s look as it suddenly occurs to her to view what she’s been doing from the perspective of Illyana and the beginning of self reflection.


So… if Illyana was attracted to Rachel it would likely be hard for Rachel to figure it out, and it might be hard for Illyana to communicated that (again fully in Illyana canon). And… if Rachel is attracted to woman (something that endlessly hinted at in the comics but not actual proof of physical consummation that I’m aware of) then… well… Illyana is very attractive would be my guess, and that would likely be causing some of Rachel’s anger as she might not want to admit that she finds Illyana attractive. And what is one of the major components of comic book writing? Misinterpretation of the actions of another (after all we always need reason for heroes to fight each other). Also I think Illyana has more then a few self image problems (that whole demon thing) as well as dislike from many people which makes her very hesitant on socially engaging folks, which most people interpret as being standoffish.


There are fanfic stories about Illyana I don’t like, I don’t tell the authors to stop writing. I do have to wonder if this is a Jiffy over Skippy thing (grin). Hint… that was a joke; but really us Skippy folks do have secret conversations about those who like Jiff (just yuck).


Next time articulate your complaints rather then just venting. Oh, and I gave your complaints the curtsy of an email reply that you did not respond to. I suppose some would say I should apologize that I apparently offended you but… no. The bias that far too many people now have that somehow they have a right to not be offended by something they hear is not my thing, nor to I apologize just because somebody is randomly offended, likely in this case by their Rachel obsession for a character interpretation that does not exist in current canon (gads I can only assume you don’t buy any of the comics in the last ten years or so because talk about endless triggering).


Plus, in the last chapter, I accidently came up with a reason why Illyana had the phrase “Fight or make out” in the comic.” which really pleased me.


So… I was not planning on writing a follow chapter but… well… I guess this ones for you. And am I writing her any differently? Na… it’s called character progression (you know… what I rather hinted at in the prior Rachel chapters…)



Part54a: Morning after pill?


The watery noise of a shower, and the sound of music playing awoke Rachel. The music was the song Broken by Lovelytheband that was playing in Rachel’s bathroom.


Like that you're broken

Broken like me

Maybe that makes me a fool

I like that you're lonely

Lonely like me

I could be lonely with you


I met you late night, at a party

Some trust fund baby's Brooklyn loft

By the bathroom, you said let's talk

But my confidence is wearing off


These aren't my people

These aren't my friends

She grabbed my face and that's when she said


I like that you're broken

Broken like me

Maybe that makes me a fool

I like that you're lonely

Lonely like me

I could be lonely with you


There's something tragic, but almost pure

Think I could love you, but I'm not sure

There's something wholesome, there's something sweet

Tucked in your eyes that I'd love to meet


Rachel rolled over on her back, finding herself tangled up in the sheets, to stare at the ceiling and reflected upon the night’s activities.




Guilt over her enjoyment…

The feeling that she has somehow cheated on Kitty…

Shock about just who she had had sex with…


Lots and lots of sex…


And yet… it had been nice to be held while she slept, and to likewise hold another as it had been a long time since Rachel has slept in a bed with another. And a woman at that.


Flashbacks of remembrance of the night …


These aren't my people

These aren't my friends

She grabbed my face and that's when she said


Rachel felt about the bed and found no warm spots, so Illyana had been in the bathroom for some time, which was somewhat surprising to Rachel as Rachel was a light sleeper, as most telepaths are. She chalked that up to that mind blindness that Illyana possessed as wakefulness in her other bed partners had always acted as a kind of alarm clock for Rachel.


I like that you're broken

Broken like me

Maybe that makes me a fool

I like that you're lonely

Lonely like me

I could be lonely with you



What had she done?

And who she had done it with…

With her!

She so disliked Illyana!

Disliked her so much that she…

She’d slept with her…



Life is not a love song that we like

We're all broken pieces floating by

Life is not a love song, we can try

To fix our broken pieces one at a time


Suddenly Rachel so wished she could teleport…

Just get away…

If she snuck out she could get to the Krakoa teleportation disk in the living room and…


I like that you're broken

Broken like me

Maybe that makes me a fool

I like that you're lonely

Lonely like me



Just sneaking away wouldn’t be… right…

She was Rachel Fing Grey Summers…

Not some gutless wimp who couldn’t face the consequences of her decisions…

Um right?




I could be lonely with you

I like that you're broken

Broken like me

Maybe that makes me a fool

I like that you're lonely

Lonely like me

I could be lonely with you


The sound of the shower ceased with the end of the song, and…

Suddenly Rachel so wished she could teleport…

Just get away…

If she snuck out she could get to the Krakoa teleportation disk in the living room…

She could always be brave later…


Something came up…

That’s it!

Called away…

Had to leave in a hurry…

No time to say goodbye…


Rachel started to get out of bed, which just reminded her that she was naked. And rather sex grubby, but female sex grubby so less grubby then if sex with a male had been involved; gads the sex with Korvus had been great, but talk about messy.



Her costume was just a mess of threads on the floor…

Bitch! Can’t believe she did that… I aught to…

Oh… bits of Illyana’s shredded costume all over the floor…

Yeah… I did…


Okay, grab something from the closet…

She had to go right now…

No time to say goodbye…

No time to deal with…

Deal with…





The sound of a hairdryer started up in the bathroom which gave Rachel pause and dampened down the sudden panic to flee.


Wait a second…

Think this out…

Stop panicking…

This is my room…

If anybody should be panicking it should be her…

Not me…


Now Flagpole Sitta by Harvey Danger started playing as the hairdryer continued.


I had visions, I was in them

I was looking into the mirror

To see a little bit clearer

The rottenness and evil in me


Fingertips have memories

Mine can't forget the curves of your body

And when I feel a bit naughty

I run it up the flagpole and see who salutes

(But no one ever does)


I am not going to run…

I’m an adult…

Yeah… adult…

So tired of people treating me like I’m unstable…

It’s not my fault…

I’ve got lots of shit to deal with…

Major shit…

Tons and tons of shit…

So much shit…

I’d like to see anybody else deal better…

I mean… who else has had so much crap happen to them…

Name me one person who’s had to deal with the kind of crap I’ve…




I'm not sick but I'm not well

And I'm so hot 'cause I'm in Hell


Been around the world and found

That only stupid people are breeding

The cretins cloning and feeding

And I don't even own a TV

Put me in the hospital for nerves

And then they had to commit me

You told them all I was crazy

They cut off my legs, now I'm an amputee, God damn you


I'm not sick but I'm not well

And I'm so hot 'cause I'm in Hell

I'm not sick but I'm not well

And it's a sin to live so well







She… Illyana… had major shit happened to her…

Massive shit…

Biblical level apocalyptic shit…

Heck… if anybody could relate to what Illyana’s had been though it would be...



I wanna publish 'zines

And rage against machines

I wanna pierce my tongue

It doesn't hurt, it feels fine

The trivial sublime

I'd like to turn off time

And kill my mind

You kill my mind, mind

Paranoia, paranoia

Everybody's coming to get me

Just say you never met me

I'm running underground with the moles, digging holes

Hear the voices in my head

I swear to God it sounds like they're snoring

But if you're bored, then you're boring

The agony and the irony, they're killing me (whoa)




I just so have to deal with this…

Handle what we did…

Even though I don’t like her…

Really don’t like her…

Really really don’t like her…

Can’t believe we did it…

The things she did to me…

The things I did to her…

Gods… I must have been so drunk…


The hairdryer shut off as the song ended.


I'm not sick but I'm not well

And I'm so hot 'cause I'm in Hell

I'm not sick but I'm not well

And it's a sin to live this well


Rachel braced herself but then the sound of the sink running, toilet flushing, and the beginning of another song apparently delay the moment of reckoning. Africa by Toto began to play


I hear the drums echoing tonight

But she hears only whispers of some quiet conversation

She's coming in, 12:30 flight

The moonlit wings reflect the stars that guide me towards salvation

I stopped an old man along the way

Hoping to find some old forgotten words or ancient melodies

He turned to me as if to say, "Hurry boy, it's waiting there for you"


What is with all the noise?

Talk about being rude…

It’s like she’s deliberately doing it…

I mean, it’s obvious she can be quite; she did sneak out of bed…

But no… have to make a bunch of noise as if she’s trying to…


Wake me up…


It's gonna take a lot to drag me away from you

There's nothing that a hundred men or more could ever do

I bless the rains down in Africa

Gonna take some time to do the things we never had (ooh, ooh)


Why her?

I mean… If I’m going to sleep with a woman why her of all people…

Why not…





Now that’s a shank…

And just look at her boobs and ass…

That would have been…

What am I thinking?????!

If anybody it should have been Kitty!


The wild dogs cry out in the night

As they grow restless, longing for some solitary company

I know that I must do what's right

As sure as Kilimanjaro rises like Olympus above the Serengeti

I seek to cure what's deep inside, frightened of this thing that I've become


Yeah… Kitty!

Should have been Kitty!



But no…. Kitty is always chasing after dick…

And just when we were so close fing Peter fing Rasputin came back into her life…

Took my place!

Took what should have been mine!

Fing Rasputin…


She’s… a Rasputin…



It's gonna take a lot to drag me away from you

There's nothing that a hundred men or more could ever do

I bless the rains down in Africa

Gonna take some time to do the things we never had (ooh, ooh)


Hurry boy, she's waiting there for you


Am…. I acting out?

Is this some weird way I’m trying to get back at Kitty?



CRAP!? Did she caste a spell on me?

That must be it…!

She made me do it!

Made me!

I am so not at fault!

I was drunk and she took advantage of me!

Drunk and…

Lonely… and


And she looked so good wearing that tight…


No… crap… I think… we…

Seduced each other…

Now what…?


It's gonna take a lot to drag me away from you

There's nothing that a hundred men or more could ever do

I bless the rains down in Africa

I bless the rains down in Africa

(I bless the rain)

I bless the rains down in Africa (I bless the rain)

I bless the rains down in Africa

I bless the rains down in Africa (ah, gonna take the time)

Gonna take some time to do the things we never had (ooh, ooh)


The music ended and the sound of the sink cut off. Then after a long silence, the bathroom door partially opened and a nervous looking Illyana glanced out as the two of them made eye contact as Rachel pulled up the sheets to hide any nudity.



Game time…

And now Rachel had to…

Attempt to deal with it…

Figure out…


What to do about Magik?

Chapter 55


Spoilers ahead. So Kitty is back, as shown in her resurrection in issue eleven of Marauders (I stayed away from any writing about Kitty’s death until Marvel got around to resolving the issue of the inability to resurrect her and if she was going to come back). In issue twelve of Marauders we see her resurrection celebration party and the shocking, shocking light kiss on the lips of a female tattoo artist (who oh so looks like Illyana) at the end of the issue (a kiss that so many of the fans sites are all agog over). Tsk tsk, I’d point out the “almost” kiss between Illyana and Kitty in Limbo was far hotter (I think it was issue in one of X-Men Gold, where Kitty asks Illyana to move the school from Limbo to New York Central Park). But this is a huge event to those fans who continually cheerlead for queer Kitty. Well, Kitty has been shown as resolutely hetro in all of her canon published history, apart from some Claremont Excalibur writing hints, keep in mind that one must always remember that Claremont basically writes every woman as being bi.

Chapter Text

Do I care that Marvel did this?  Not really, in fact I really liked the issue.  My strong focus, as a customer and as a writer, is that characters should be in character.  Just witness the writing fiasco of Iceman where fifty years of canon go by-by because a pushy female telepath informs young Bobby that he’s gay and… presto change-o, gay Bobby bursts forth (in so many ways… sigh).  That is an example of bad writing folks.  Major character alterations have reasons in real life, a tipping point, and pushy telepaths are a cheat.  So, why am I not I annoyed at issue twelve?


Trauma is my answer.

Kitty died.

Was murdered in fact.

And the murderer almost managed to kill Lockheed as well.


Such things tend to change a person (heck look at Yana).


Trauma can be very life altering, not to mention Kitty’s behavior prior to her death showed some rather excessive drinking (which is not surprising considering how she left Peter at the altar which means she was already dealing with lots of issues before her death).  Just look at Logan/Jean/Scott/Emma storylines that are being oh so strongly hinted/shown/blatant in the current comics.  Jean/Scott/Logan all died and sometimes such events will give people a new view on life or galvanize behavior that that they were mulling over or in denial about.  This happens in real life (apart from that dying that as most folks don’t really come back from that) and is a great writing trick used in countless books and films.


Hence this story which is focuses on what might have happened behind the scenes in issue twelve that better explains the why of that kiss, and what Marvel might have in store for Kitty.


Oh, and Yana’s words after she tackles Kitty at the resurrection party are the best written ever for those who really understand the characters, and their canon publishing history.


“Hi again.”



Part 55a:  Bounce and hang


Kitty was standing in her bedroom in front of the open twin door closet (one door was open) on the ship Marauder.  Kitty could see Illyana reflected in the mirror that was mounted on the closed door, as Illyana was behind Kitty.  Illyana was dressed in her usual tight black costume and was sitting on the edge of the bed staring at Kitty’s back.


Kitty was still dressed in the red gown she had been wearing at her resurrection party back on Krakoa, the one that Emma had dressed her in.  The open closet revealed over half a dozen of Kitty’s red full length captain pirate coats.  Illyana’s eyebrows had slightly risen at the number of coats when Kitty had opened the closet door.  A slight reaction, but Kitty understood Illyana body language better then anybody else.


“What… I got forty percent off if I bought five or more.  Some of us can’t just create clothing with a wave of their hand.”


“I guess you like the look.”  Answered Illyana with a slight grin.


Kitty did.  She’d always dreamed of being a pirate and being the captain of the Marauder had been both satisfying and fun in both what she’d accomplished and in a Cosplay kind of way.  Right up to the time she’d been…






God that resurrection party they’d thrown… she’d just had to get away and Illyana’s answer to Kitty’s request for a bounce, after doing the courtesy pass through the party to greet the guests who had come to celebrate the return of the Hellfire club’s Red Queen, had been so Illyana.  No protests, no attempts to talk Kitty out of it.  Just…


“Where to?”


“The Marauder.  Then food.”  Had been Kitty’s answer.


With that a teleportation circle whisked the two of them away as Illyana stated “One Irish exit coming up.”


As Kitty whispered a soft “Thanks.”  As the two of them vanished without Kitty saying goodbye.  Kitty knew that Illyana would likely get some shit for doing this, and that Illyana wouldn’t care.


Vanished to the bridge of the Marauder.  A sudden grin of satisfaction from Kitty as she examined bridge and found that all was ship shape.  Then she’d led the way to her quarters, which were right behind the bridge (she is the captain after all), Kitty was glad to see nobody else had yet moved in as all of her stuff was still there.




Kitty held out her hands, palms down before her.  The tats that been on her fingers, LOVE on one hand and HATE on the other were gone.  Gone as was her former body.  A reminder of a background thought that Kitty had.








And now… now Kitty realized she understood one part of Illyana’s prior behavior back when Illyana had first returned.  And had the same internal question that Illyana had admitted to Kitty.


Am I me?  Or am I a copy of her… the other me.  The one that was before.


“Miss your tats?”  Asked Illyana.


“Yeah… I liked em.”  Mused Kitty.


“Yuck.”  Was Illyana’s answer as she did not like tattoos on fingers.


A statement that Kitty felt was bull.  “Say’s the girl with a small purple dragon on her ass.”


A shrug and a grin from Illyana that Kitty could see in the reflection.


Kitty spoke softly while still looking at her hands.  “Thanks for not asking how I’m doing.”  God, just so many people had kept asking her that at the party.


“Hated that.”  Was Illyana’s answer as Illyana frowned .  Illyana had been asked that more then a few times when she had returned.  Asked, but almost never ever answered, and most folks learned to never ask her again after a cold stare from Illyana.


Yeah… Kitty got that.  Really got that.


How am I doing?


I… don’t really know.

And yet… I do.

I am angry.

I don’t think I’ve ever been this angry.

And I so don’t want to share.


Kitty went over to the cabin’s dresser and extracted a white shirt, pair of black pants, and fresh white bra and panties.  With that she started to change, first stripping off the red gown as she decided to mention the lack of a certain somebody at the resurrection party.


“How’s Peter doing?”


A sad expression from Illyana as Kitty could now see Illyana’s reflection in the dresser’s mirror.  “Troubled.  He’s… tired.  Worn thin.  He’s now farming at the Krakoa petals farms in the Savage lands.  I think… it’s good for him.”


A good answer, and no lies.  Illyana was good for that, at least with Kitty.  But she might not have shared all the details, so a slight verbal nudge from Kitty.  “And…?”


“He’s moved on, has a new girlfriend he farms with.”


“Good…”  The now naked Kitty replied.  She meant her answer as she deeply regretted what she’d done to him and Peter deserved to have somebody.  “I never should have agreed to marry him, despite how much I love him.”  She put on the panties and bra, then inspected her hair, which was now much more curtly then it had been before, she wasn’t quite sure if she liked it, and again stared at her reflected body.  It looked just like her… the old one, apart from no scars at all and she was sure that she’d lost a few pounds.  “And thank s for your honest answers before the wedding.  I know I was making a mistake but… just couldn’t face it.  Your comments helped me admit to myself that I was doing the wrong thing.”


She pulled on her shirt as Illyana asked a question.


“Do you know?”


Kitty correctly guessed what Illyana was referring to.  “How I died?”


“Yeah…  How and I suppose… who.”


“Yeah…”  Was Kitty’s reply.


“Want help with… it?”


Kitty wondered just how much Illyana might know, or even not knowing had now deduced based upon her reactions to Shaw at the resurrection party.  “No… I’ve got this.”




Word choice could really matter when dealing with Illyana.  She had said okay, not good.  Kitty understood that was a word of caution from Illyana.  Not about any actions Kitty might do, but on what the actions might mean for Kitty.



Would the prior… me do what I want to do?

What I’m going to do.

Will I still be me if I…


“Any advice to the newly returned?”  Asked Kitty as she put on her pants, then a belt with an X on it.


A tone of slight irritation from Illyana.  “Don’t listen to Logan.”


“Yeah, already got that.  Geeze, talking about popping my resurrection cherry.”


A slight explanation from Illyana as to Logan’s comment.  “Regenerators get… cavalier about such things.  But for most… people it’s… daunting.  I’d recommend Kurt or…”


“No Yana… do you have any advice.”


Silence from Illyana, then she turned her head away.  The silence stretched on as Kitty retrieved a pair socks, put them on, got some shoes from the closet which she likewise put on.  Then Kitty dawned one of the red coats before extracting a wad of cash from the concealed safe that was in the back of the closet and shoved it in a coat pocket.  There… all done.


All the while Kitty watched the reflection of Yana.  Yana almost never gave advice, it was like some kind of rule for her.  Kitty had the slightest of thoughts about the time when she had been cosmic and how her new eyes had shown her so much more about Yana then normal vision could show, but the thought flickered away leaving her just waiting.


Yana finally answered, as Kitty knew she would, as Yana stood up.


“Kate… similar choices tend to result in… similar outcomes.”


An answer that was typical Illyana, and likely had many levels.  A smile of thanks from Kate as she replied.  “And now food.”


A questioning look from Illyana as to what kind of food, which was answered by Kate.




“In-and-Out?”  Asked Illyana.


“Like my life depends on it.”  Was Kate’s reply.  And who knows… maybe it did.


One quick teleport later, and after a purchase Kate grasped one of her desires in her hand, a classic double double with raw onions; Illyana had a double double with grilled onions (Kate’s treat).


Illyana made a light hearted statement.  “Hey backpack.  You sure you don’t need me to come back for you?”


Kate held up her right hand in a V symbol as she walked away while noshing upon her burger, she’d seen a tattoo shop down the street and decided to give into a sudden thought.  Kate likewise kept it casual.  “I’m good from here.  Thank you.  I needed this hang.  You should get on the boat sometime.”


“Yeah, yeah.”  Was Illyana’s reply as she vanished, understanding that Kitty wanted to be alone… needed some alone time.  Which the folks at the party had just not gotten.



Part 55b:  Tats


The female tattooist was an attractive blonde, and had a hair style just like Yana, but green eyes instead of Yana’s blue.  As the tattooists worked on Kate’s fingers Kate wondered just what were the odds that Yana just happened to leave her right by a tattoo shop.  And the advice Illyana had given her.




Many people wished that they had a magic genie.  Kate knew a secret that she rarely admitted to herself, that she was one of the few people who had such a genie, a Magik genie.  One who would likely do almost anything Kate asked, but Kate was wise enough to know the dangers of giving into using such power.  Magic, and Magik had so many dangers, and Kate wished to be the one to control her life.  A wisdom that thankfully Illyana understood.


But Kate had asked and Illyana had answered.


Kate reflected upon the resurrection party, in part to try to distract from the pain of the tattoo needle.  An internal grin about how Illyana had teleported into the party, with a mariachi band while shouting behind Kitty “Kate @#$%&# Pryde!”


Then Illyana had done a running hug, but more like a tackle, of Kate from behind while shouting “Kiiiiitty!”


The two had ended up on the floor, with Kitty face up with Illyana on top having a completely grin of utter joy as she greeted Kate below her.  “Hi again.”  While Kate had yelled back in delight.  “Yana!”


Funny how well Yana… and Rachel understood her.  Rachel had greeted Kate at the party and then had vanished as she must how known just how much Kate just wanted a time out, which had given Kate the idea to likewise vanish with Yana.


And then he’d had the gall to welcome her back.  Shaw, the Black King.  Which reminded Kate of something that Emma had told her as they had ridden on the horse after Kite had complained about the just why Shaw had thought he could do that to her.




Emma had thought for a moment and then passed one something that Illyana had once said about the topic as so many of the X-Men had recurring events where some villain did some vile deed them, only to again do another vile deed at a later time.  Event’s that tended to not happen to Illyana.


“That’s because I kill them, or do even worse”  Had been Illyana’s answer to Emma after a sip on her Coke.  “I don’t do do-overs.  Try to kill me or do… something really bad, and that’s it.  Game over.  A threat has to mean something or it has no value.  Hells are ruled by the threat of what will happen if you fuck with the ruler.”


Emma so did not want to know what was worse then death.  But Emma’s statement gave Kate pause.




Kate… me… her… Kitty… whoever we are definitely has people who really cared about her was Kate’s thought as the artist continued to work.


Good friends… no besti friends.  Which reminded Kate of a joke.  A good friend will help you move, a best friend will help you move a body.  Like the time that the Hulk had requested that Kate use her phasing power to remove a tumor from the Hulks head.  At first they had thought that the Hulk as dead and Illyana had suggested teleporting the Hulks body to the sun.


Yeah… Illyana and Rachel were definitely best friends to Kate.  So… if a best friend will help you hide a body, what is the term for a friend who will help you kill somebody?


Then a thought about what Yana had said.  “Hi again?”




Um… that reminded her of a memory when...


Hi… again!  That’s what Yana meant.  She was greeting me… again.


Not somebody else, just … me.







That… sudden revelation lifted an invisible weight from Kate’s shoulders.


I’m… really me.

My choices are…



And then the artist was done and...






Kate gave the tattoo artist a soft and nice kiss.  Done slowly so there was time for the artist to say no.  To stop Kate.


She didn’t.


Neither did Kate.


Her lips were soft.


Different then a man’s lips.

With a touch of peppermint.


Kate left the shop with a silly grin on her face on what she’d done, and enjoyed.  Then outside she gave a big yawn.  Damn she was tired but…  She has so much to do.  Every breath that man sucks into his lungs was an insult Kate could not abide.




Kate so understood what Illyana was saying.  Choices in all things are what we are.  Fate… that we make.


Her new tats on her hands said it all as she asked for directions to the harbor where her ship the Marauder waited as she started upon the path that she and Emma had decided upon.


Oh… and what did her new tats spell out?



Chapter 56


The X of Swords is upon us. I’m enjoying the writing as I think it is the best multi series crossover I’ve read in a very long time. It helps that one author has crafted the entirety of the plot, although some Black Panther fans are apparently upset at Ororo’s behavior on getting her sword. I think the issue was well written and it helped to put paid and done to the remains of Black Panther and Ororo’s relationship as it was poorly conceived, laid out, and executed (gee, their both black, lets put them together to make them a power couple). Note, I started collecting again after the Phoenix Five event where Ororo and T’Challa had broken up. Sorry folks, very few married couples function well in comics, and when they cross genres they have never functioned well as the stories just don’t work long term. I’ve always felt it was a disservice to Storm and her character has still not yet recovered from that writing travesty.

Chapter Text

But that is not what this chapter is about.  No, this is about Scott, Illyana, and the short article in CBR dot com called X-Men: Cyclops FINALLY Has a True Second-in-Command; that person being Illyana.  Worth a read for those who are interested, see address below.  Note some story web sites don’t like web addresses, hence me use of SLASH and DOT.


www DOT cbr DOT com SLASH x-men-cyclops-magik-second-in-command



Part 56a:  Great Captain


“Why Magik Dad?”  Asked Cable (young teenager Cable) of Scott (his Dad).


The two were fighting on the moon, more specifically they were playing a two person fighter video game, some quality father and son time.


“Why what about Magik?”  Answered Scott as he blocked a punch, then did a kick that knocked Cable’s character across the game’s battlescape.


“Why is she a great captain?  And it’s kind of noticeable that she’s kind of your right hand.”  Asked Cable as he did a flurry of activity on his game controller and now it was Scott’s character that went flying from a vicious haymaker kick despite Scott’s best efforts, to then lay upon the ground.


“Why do you think?”  Was Scott’s answer.   One thing about raising kids is that you don’t necessarily answer their questions so much as make them come up with answers, i.e. make them think.


Cable had a quick answer as his game character began to beat upon Scott’s prone character.  “I get Bishop, I understand Gorgon.  Yeah, Magik’s badass, but great captain material?  Why not Elizabeth Braddock, Logan, or… Ororo?”


“Well… why Bishop?”   Asked Scott as he desperately tried to have his character survive.


Cable gave his summation while beating Scott’s character to death.  “Um… he’s a great fighter, good tactics.  I really approve of his tendency to strut about with a giant gun, and I can relate to his coming from a dystopian future that no longer exists.  But his behaviors about Hope, I mean, he tried to kill her for how long, makes me wonder why he was made a Captain.  Hell, I’m surprised that Hope hasn’t shot his ass after everything he did to her… and I guess the older me.”


A nod from Scott as he franticly hit every button and widget on his game controller, which ended up being successful as Cable’s character was knocked back.  “Bishop’s smart, both a good squad leader as well as managing larger groups.  Good mind and he doesn’t just rely upon his mutant abilities.  His… issues with Hope have been resolved between the two of them.  Xavier, and Jean, vouch for him and he’s shown he can and does follow orders.  Most of the time a candidate isn’t perfect for their position, but their good enough.  Remember, people grow into the job.  So… Gorgon?”


Cable stated his, and the general belief from everybody, about Gorgon as the fight resumed.  “A Badasses badass.  I’ve sparred with him and man… I so don’t want to ever be on his shit list.  I was surprised that he challenged Magik for the first fight in the Quarry, and even more surprised that Magik won, even though she did cheat.  Which is impressive in itself as how the hell do you cheat in a fight with no rules?  Anyway, he’s beyond fast, hand to hand and weapons skill is just off the charts, combined with a brilliant mind, mythical abilities, and some telepathy.  On the negative he’s a massive racist against anybody who’s not a mutant.  He’s a complete elitist asshole, and general jerk to most people.  He’s not somebody I’d put in charge of a squad, much less make a captain.”


Again a nod of agreement from Scott.  “Tomi is more of a defender of the Quiet Council then a general leader.  His contacts with various… unsavorily organizations is helpful on dealing with those very same organizations.  Yet, in a battle, what would you do if he gave you a command?”


Cable was intently focused on the game.  “Heck, I’d do what he said.”


“Exactly.  Hence… a great captain.”


“And based upon his history, a great threat to just about… everybody.”




And with that Scott’s character expired and used up one of its three lifes, the game reset and the two characters faced each other again.  Cable observed that.  “So Magik is… a counter to Gorgon?”


The game begin anew and Scott’s character launched a fist fireball that Cable’s character blocked as Scott commented.  “In part.  She’s the third great captain under my command, and she’s my right hand, so… why?”


The two characters then starting to exchange blows as Cable thought upon the question, than as Scott’s character won the round he had an answer as the game began again.  “Okay, like the others, she’s a badass.  Nobody really gives her shit so that’s good.  Then there’s that whole magic thing she can do.  But great captain?  Compared to the other three she’s much younger.”


Scott posed a question.  “Do you do what she tells you to do?”


“Well… duuu, do I look stupid?  I mean, I voluntarily run The Course, but… heck, I don’t think I’ve see somebody refuse to do what she orders done.”


“No backtalk from people?”  Asked Scott as their characters fought.


“No… not really.”


“No second guessing her instructions?”






“Nope, unlike some I’d point out.  I swear, some folks just love to question everything in the middle of a fight.  I mean… fight going on here… not really discussion time.  Gee, I have a wild idea snowflake, let’s keep our social angst to ourselves and wait for an appropriate time to vent.”


The game announced “Finish Him!”  And Cable did just that, so Scott’s character lost again.  “Dang it!  Oh well, son, what’s the difference between a team leader and… well a general?”




Scott briefly paused the game.  “Good answer.  A general usually is a good team leader, but many a team leader just doesn’t scale up to large scale situations, the tendency for micromanagement being one example.   Anything else?”




“Yep, the best leaders can think more then one or two moves ahead.  Strategy vs. tactics, and logistics.  But you know that.  Anything else?”


“Obeyance.  Can’t be a leader if folks ignore your commands.”


“Good one.  A leader that is not obeyed is no leader.  Why do you think folks do what she says?”


“Respect I guess, and fear.  More then a few people really are afraid of her Dad.  I’ve heard some of the stories and I can see why that makes folks obey.”


“Good answer, it’s more detailed then that though, there is trust by more then a few and friendship from some.  But fear does work, especially with those who would be our enemies.  Next.”


A very important observation from Cable.  “She doesn’t give orders folks won’t follow.”


“Yep, never give an order that won’t be obeyed, unless that is the true purpose of the order.”


“True purpose?”


“Yeah, sometimes… you want to force somebody out into the open who is secretly working against you, hence you give them an order that goes against their true agenda.  But really the true goal is you don’t violate one’s moral compass to the extent that they refuse.”


“Meaning let the hunters and the butchers do what some won’t.”


“Yes, sometimes… you have to do things, order things, that… are difficult.  A good leader knows the breaking point of their troops.  What else?”


“Um… “


“Consequences.”  Answered Scott as he un-paused the game.  “The understanding of what failure means.  Something a captain needs to understand as the great captains are responsible for the defense of Krakoa.  Our home, our people, which means… what?”


Cable answered after the game characters fought, and for the third time Cable was victorious.  “The willingness to do what has to be done.”


“Yep… to do the difficult, the unpleasant.  The hardest thing I’ve ever done is send people to their deaths.  Not all, heck most, can’t really do that.  And even fewer are able to do… call it… cruel or brutal things.  Sometimes… sometimes you have to pick between evils, to go for the greater good… The ability to make the hard choices.”


Cable mused upon what he knew of Magik.  “And she can, and Gorgon, and Bishop.  And… you Dad.”


“Bingo son.  Bingo, and that’s in part why she’s a great captain, one who’s defiantly able to keep the other captains in line if it comes to that.  And one I can trust as she’ll do what I tell her needs to be done.  Krakoa has lots of enemies and potential enemies.  Some of which are personnel friends of more then a few here, fighting your enemies is easy compared to fighting your friends, much less your loved ones.”


Cable started to load a new game as Scott mused out loud.  “Funny, the X-Men have never attacked the Avengers, Fantastic Four, Carol Danvers, and the others but… the reverse is never true.”


“Magneto has.”  Observed Cable as the game started, this was a teamwork game so Scott and Cable were now on the same team as they launched their spaceships to defeat the alien foe.


“Not as an X-Man, and I’d then point out that Wanda goes off the rails and attacks the Avengers every few months or so, whenever she has one of her episodes, and that never appears to be an issue with them.  Hell, so do Danvers, talk about being a space fascist, then there is Tony Stark, the Hulk, and… just about everybody else.  No… I’ve called many of them friend and yet…”


“They don’t act very friendly a whole bunch of times.”  Observed Cable.


“No… call it lack of respect.  The attack on Utopian being one of the more extreme examples.”


“Not to mention the Fantastic Four attacking the Quiet Council.”  Injected Cable.


“Yes, but that was partially our fault as we did come on too strong when dealing with their son Franklin, which was a mistake.  But I am disappointed on how they behaved.”


Cable poised a question as his space ship launched a spread of photo torpedoes.  “Is that why Gorgon is a captain?  The whole being able to do bad things and the lack of any… friendships with external groups really describes him to a tee.”


“Yes... and Magik.”


“Yeah… I can see that.  Ororo, Logan, others… they all have friendships with…”


“With people who have the most unfortunate history, and habit, of attacking us.  Just recently, when the Government was locking up the few remaining mutants and performing vile experiments upon them the Avengers did… nothing.  Not even Captain America, they just stood by and… told us that we had to understand it was a difficult time for them.  Difficult for them… funny… I think Illyana, Rahne, Dani, and others… the ones the Government was torturing and experimenting on, were not in agreement with the Avenger’s… difficulty.  Avengers Assemble is a great catch phrase, but funny how mutants never are the beneficiary of their actions.  Even the nation of Wakanda, who expresses friendship with Krakoa, proclaims that they don’t need mutant drugs and refuses economic exchange between our two nations which… might nott bode well for the future.”


“Yeah… when I brought you back to life, and then left, I did not expect that the government to do that, or that the Avengers would do nothing.”


Scott’s dreadnought plunged into a swarm of lesser attacking spaceships.  “Yep, hypothetical question son… who would you task to… do bad things to people who claim to be our friends but who feel that they need to attack us yet… again?”


“Um… me?”


“Heck no son.  For one your mother would kill me and… and I wouldn’t want to do that to you son.  So… who would you pick?”


“Likely the same as you Dad.  Gorgon and Magik and… who they would then pick.  And… I guess Bishop as well.”


“Yes… the Quiet Council needs to have such tools in Krakoa’s arsenal.”


“Implied threat.”  Quietly observed Cable.  “A reminder to… others of what just could happen.”


“Sadly yes, one that is known, especially Magik as most Avengers can attest to, and Carol.  Interestingly, when we were… in the alternate school we called the new Xavier School, Emma, Erik, Illyana, and I, nobody really came for us.  Yeah the Avengers did once, but that was when we were briefly in Australia.  But after that… really nobody.  Not the Avengers, not Shield, not the other X-Men, nobody.  Oh… briefly Xavier’s idiot son from the future, but that again just demonstrated why.”


“And that why was… Magik?”


“Scott’s pet demon was how one person described her.  Yeah… it started with the Utopian Extinction Team I put together, when she was locked up when not being used on a mission; an incarceration that I had ordered and she obeyed.  Then The Phoenix Five, after that New Xavier School, and later when we were hanging out in a bar after you brought me back.  Each and ever time she was the sergeant to my lieutenant.  And she never once turned on me, we argued at times, but never fought.  Never any physical altercation, which is rather unique in X-Men history now that I think about it.”


A chuckle from Scott.  “I remember this one time when we were facing the Avengers in Austria, they had come to arrest me, any way I was telling Illyana that then moment that the shield left Captain America’s arm she was to… that’s when she said ‘Kill him?’”


“You can’t kill Captain America!”  Interrupted a surprised Cable, I mean… we’re talking Captain America!


“That’s what I told her.”  Answered Scott.


“And…?”  Asked Cable.


“She said ‘I so could’ and she was really offended that I thought she couldn’t.”


“Ahhh…. that’s a story I haven’t heard before.”  Was Cable’s answer.  “I mean… I’ve read her file but it’s obvious that lot’s has been left out.  And most people don’t really talk about her.  And she’s not very… talkative about most things.  Heck… a couple of days ago I…”




“It was dawn, I was out doing a run, up and down that hill that Keniuchio (Silver Samurai) built that small open Dojo upon.  Every day there’s somebody different up there greeting either the dawn or the sunset, usually meditating but others are sometimes doing solo fighting practice.  Anyway, this time there were several people there, Logan, Keniuchio, Gorgon, Kwannon (Psylocke) and Illyana.  They were all just sitting there on the floor with a small table between them.  They were having some kind of Japanese tea ceremony and were just sipping and staring at each other.  No word or conversation I could see, they just… being there.”


“Odd and yet… somehow appropriate.”  Was Scott’s comment.  “You still practicing with her?”


“Yeah, sword and dagger.  She’s good to practice with as that whole mind hiding thing she can do is good practice for a telepath.  Plus Gorgon is such an asshole to practice with as he loves to point out how much better he is.”


Scott remembered an issue that he needed to talk to Cable about.  “Thinking about the New Xavier School reminds me, oh young Casanova of Krakoa, be carful about a jilted telepath lover, or in this case a whole nest of them”


“I know Dad.  Mom already had that talk with me.  I know the Stepford Cuckoos are playing with me.  Not to worry, I’m too smart for them to successfully manipulate me that way, and I’ve got lot’s of other irons in the fire as it were.”


A smile from Scott at Cables words.  “Okay son.”  Some things just needed to be learned first hand.  As the space battle game had ended he suggested.  “One more game?”


“Sure Dad, but then I’ve got to go, date with Celeste.”  Cable setup for the next game, this one was another multi player game where you fought as a team; as tje intro animation played Cable thought the song that went along with the video was a good choice for the talk that he and Dad had just had.  It was Do Well Bad by Kshmr.


Oh, my daddy taught me well

There's some devils in heaven and some angels in hell

So promise me child, when they pull your card

You'll know, you'll know which one you are

Ooh, oh ooh

Yeah, my daddy taught me well (Hey)

Ooh, oh ooh


If you can't do good, better do bad well

If you can't do good, better do bad well


Hmmm… that song described Magik rather well was Cable’s passing thought as he anticipated his upcoming date with Celeste.

Chapter 57


Illyana likes to fight. Like… really likes. This was shown very well in New Mutants issue 13 where she says the following about the upcoming X of Swords fight as she’s sitting on Cypher (she is teaching him a bit about sword fighting and kicking his ass, but such is teaching at times).

“So. Ten swords wielded by the champions of Krakoa fighting for Otherworld to try to prevent them from invading earth, and the trick is, if you lose -- if you die -- then because it happens there, you die for real. You get that right?”

“Yeah.” Mutters Cypher as the whole impending battle was really not something that he was looking forward to. Really really not looking forward to.

Illyana answers. “Yeah. So I hear that and all I can think is… sign me up. What do you hear Dougie?”

And that is Illyana in a nutshell. I recently found a rather dramatic song from Two Steps From Hell (Battle Born)that I think describes Illyana quite well.

There is fire in the air that I am breathing
There is blood where the battles rage
These are faces I will not remember
Will I fight for the queen or the slave?

Chapter Text

This chapter continues the Great Captain theme due to the ongoing interactions between Illyana and Gorgon in X of Swords event, which I really like.  Some folks think its taking too long, but good story telling takes time to set things up, to show everybody as people and not cardboard cutouts of characters.  As I was reading I was struck by the comment to Illyana by Gorgon in Marauders #14 as they got done assessing the foes in the upcoming X of Swords back when everybody thought it was going to be just physical fighting.


Gorgon turned to Illyana and said.  “Kill as many as you can as fast as you can.”  A comment that I think shows that Gorgon respects Illyana’s abilities a great deal.


Oh, and the source of the “trashtalk” in this chapter is from youtube video 3n6X0s03frk (Girl SECRETs guys DON’T know about!)  All I can say is Oh Dear God, at least I now know why women go in mass to the rest room but the rest has scarred me for life as I am a dude and some issues women have to deal with never ever crossed my mind.



Part 57a:  Assay


Gorgon (Tomi Shishido) and Magik (Illyana Rasputin) were sparing in a Krakoa meadow.  He was dressed in his usual formal male Japanese Kimono (white silk with red swirls) bare feet, with his usual red mask hiding his eyes.  Illyana was dressed in her usual tight black leather field costume that showed a great deal of skin, black boots, and her odd black armor on her left arm and shoulder (goggle both if you don’t know how they look).  They were in the midst of doing a ritualized Arnis (Filipino martial arts) dance with two sticks each.  This is a training/practice technique as both sides know the moves of the dance as it were.  Each move is either a strike or a block that leads into a strike.  This can be done in a blazing fast series of moves between two skilled practitioners as the moves are known.  Most impressive to the uninitiated who don’t know that the moves are rehearsed and following a pattern, and still very impressive to those who do know if the dance is executed well, and this was such a dance.


See youtube 1S1_6_RAM_A for a nice example of the Filipino Arnis (although it is a bit dramatized).  Doug Narcaida has a nice one at xsrYKRIn2d8 on youtube, or Xj7UdeTx5Vw which does a bit of editing on the action, which is a bit of a cheat, but all three show many of the moves nicely.


Just who is Tomi you might ask? 


BEGIN INFO DUMP (see Wikipedia for full details)


He is a powerful mutant and has been a member of the Hand and Hydra. Tomi possesses a variety of superhuman abilities as a result of genetic mutation and mystical enhancement from the Hand.  His primary mutant ability is the ability to transform an individual into stone by making eye contact with them.  As such he often wears a mask or pair of dark sunglasses in order to see without affecting those around him.  Whether the face wear possess any sort of special properties or are composed of some special material designed to block his power was never revealed.  An extraordinary level of intelligence, psionic abilities combined with advanced knowledge in multiple academic and artistic fields.  His high intellect, and abilities, makes him extremely arrogant towards most people.


As a child, he possessed near superhuman levels of intelligence, said his first words at two weeks of age, could walk at three months, and was able to read and write by his first birthday.  He became an accomplished painter by age four, among the top artists in all of Japan and composed an opera at age six. This is also the age when Shishido attempted a second suicide.  In his youth he lead the extremist mutant terrorist death-cult called the Dawn of the White Light


By age eighteen, he sought out the Hand.  Before leaving his home, he killed his entire family and his only friend to prove that he was ruthless enough to join the terrorist organization.  After finding the Hand sanctuary and slaying all of its guards while blindfolded, the Gorgon went inside and pledged his allegiance to the Hand's Jonin.  When the master questioned his dedication, the Gorgon impaled himself with his own sword, fatally injuring himself, and told the master to resurrect him.  The Jonin were impressed and brought him into the fold


After his resurrection by the hand, the his strength, speed, reflexes/reactions, agility, dexterity, coordination, balance, and endurance are all heightened to superhuman levels, the exact limits of which are unrevealed.  Also he possesses an accelerated healing factor that enables him to repair damaged or destroyed tissue with extraordinary speed and efficiency, this has been shown to heal from massive trauma inflicted by Wolverine's adamantium claws, bludgeoning, and falling from great heights while continuing to fight.  His psionic are a level of telepathy/empathy allowing him to hear the thoughts and feel the emotions of others.  His telepathy also enables him to perceive his surroundings if necessary, such as when he's blindfolded.  Much like his physical capabilities, the exact limits of these psionic powers remain unknown.


Tomi is an extraordinary hand-to-hand combatant, even before his resurrection, trained in multiple forms of martial arts.  He is an expert swordsman and typically prefers to use a katana during combat.  Also, he typically uses his psionic abilities to read the minds of his opponents during combat situations (even highly trained minds like Wolverine's and Elektra's), enabling him to predict and counter their every move.  Likewise his mythical abilities are not fully known, but he has been shown able to resurrect the formerly dead who serve his bidding as well as enact rituals which enable him to raise ancient creatures from eternal slumber.


Later, Gorgon became connected to Hydra.  He responsible for the capture of Wolverine and brain washed him.  Wolverine the managed to infiltrate the Baxter Building and steal technological blueprints from Reed Richards that were very useful to Hydra, and committed a number of terrorist attacks resulting in the deaths of numerous costumed heroes and hundreds of S.H.I.E.L.D. agents before being finally caught during an assault on the X-Mansion and subsequently deprogrammed.   Later Gorgon and Wolverine engaged in a brutal battle, inflicting devastating injuries upon one another.  The Gorgon managed to gain the upper hand and attempted to use his mutant ability to transform Wolverine into stone; Wolverine's claws were extruded at the last moment, forcing the Gorgon to see his own reflection. As a result, the Gorgon's power was reflected back upon him.  Once the Gorgon had been turned into stone, Wolverine shattered his body.


Hydra forced The Hand to resurrect the Gorgon using the rock fragments of his body, at which time was given the sword Godkiller and later the blade Grasscutter.  Gorgon ended up being a member of the second incarnation of Dark Avengers as Wolverine.   He and the original Madame Hydra secretly plan to kill Osborn if their co-conspirator proves to be too dangerous and use the Dark Avengers to cause discord by serving as a voice of the "disenfranchised" unsatisfied with the status quo.  Although he is generally suitable as "Dark Wolverine" due to his skills and healing powers, Gorgon lacks the real Wolverine's claws instead relying on fake claws that are a part of his costume.  Afterwards, there are may instances of Gorgon doing bad things with the Hand and Hydra




As the two danced, as it were, they conversed, and it was Tomi’s turn.


Tomi:  “Captain America?”


Illyana:  “Shield.  He throws it way too much.  I mean… it’s a shield.  At least Thor throwing a hammer makes more sense, but the same inherent weakness.”


Tomi:  “Both are good weapons.”


Illyana:  “Not if you take them away.  And shields are meant for shielding and are not known for being throwing weapons.  Did that once to Captain America back when I was a teen.  He threw his shield at Magneto but one teleportation disk later and pfff, no more shield, and a very priceless expression.  Thor was at least smart enough to not throw his hammer at me when we fought in Limbo.”


Tomi had not known about the fight between Illyana and Thor.  “And Captain America?”


“He came by a few days later at the Xavier school and was really pissy about the missing shield with Erik who was running the school at that time.  Anyway… we, meaning me, gave it back.  Which was a bit of a bummer as we had been using the shield as a sled, which it was really good at, by the way, as it was winter.”


Tomi blinked a few times, not that you could see it due to the mask that he wore due to his gaze causing people to turn to stone.  “You… used Captain America’s shield as a sled?”


“Yep.  It was fun.”


“And he learned of this?”


A trademarked Illyana wicked grin.  “Yep.”


A smile and a few chuckles from Tomi.  “Impressive…”


It was Illyana’s turn.  “Hawkeye.”


A tone of dismissal from Tomi.  “Bows… “


Illyana defended bows.  “Dani is really good with hers.”


“Regardless… his bow is not mystical.  And trick arrows are not… amusing.”


A slight smirk from Illyana.  “So the Hand does not use bows?”


A comment that slightly annoyed Tomi as she had a valid point.  “Granted, but they do not use trick arrows, nor does Dani.”


Illyana let it go, but did suspect that Tomi had a personal grievance about trick arrows.


It was Tomi’s turn.  “Logan.”


“Same as with Sabretooth.”  Was Illyana’s answer.  “Both are close in fighters unless otherwise armed.  Keep your distance.  And both are obsessed with stabbing as a solution to all problems.”


Tomi was rather convinced Illyana also believed stabbing was a go to solution, a feeling more then a few people had, but he was smart enough not to mention that.


As the two fought, they were discussing battle weaknesses of various people.  Tomi was not in complete agreement about Illyana’s distance comment.  “But such conflict is the most satisfying in fact.  To meet a foe blade to blade and win, thus demonstrating one’s innate superiority.”


A small nod from Illyana.  “True…”


Tomi stepped back and ended the Arnis dance as he held his bamboo sticks ups while suggesting… “Swords?”


“Sure.”  With a flick of Illyana’s hands her sticks faded away and a Japanese katana appeared in her hands while Tomi retrieved his own blade that he had left leaning upon a tree trunk.


A bow from each to the other, then an on guard poise for a long second before the clash of steel.  The combat was quick and over in but a few moves as Tomi had his blade at Illyana’s throat.  They stopped, back away, reset, and resume again in a flurry of sword strikes only to again have it end with Tomi again being the winner, this time his sword is at the back of Illyana’s neck.


Reset, but this time they redo the first set of moves slowly as Tomi shows Illyana how he had bested her.  They do this several times and then resume at full speed.  This time it takes Tomi two additional moves before he is once again the winner.  Back and forth the combat practice went.  While practicing Illyana poised a question.


“What is the strangest way you’ve defeated somebody?”


Tomi grinned and then began to recount. “I once slew five people with just a pair of…”


Illyana interrupted him.  “If you say chopsticks I will stab you.”


Now most people did not interrupt Tomi, or issue threats about his storytelling, but Illyana was his peer, a great captain, and the two has established a certain rapport.  Instead he simply stepped back and inquired…




Illyana practiced a few blocking moves as she answered.  “All of you ninjas have a story about killing people with chopsticks.  It’s apparently some weird right of passage that all uber ninjas must pass.  Or a silk fan, lots of you guys have stories about using fans as well, but all of you have at least one chaps stick story.”


A brief pondering look of thought from Tomi as he watched Illyana practice the moves, then… “I once choked a man to death with his own intestines.”


“Pfff...”  Was Illyana’s reply.  “Intestines are way too squishy to strangle somebody with.”  Any bystanders would likely wonder just how Illyana knew this, or was so clinical about it.


Tomi grinned.  “I said choked, not strangled, think about it…”


Illyana did and made a face as she figured it out.  “Gross…”


“That it was, surprisingly effective, and did serve as a lesson to some unruly subordinates.  What strange and bizarre way have you defeated a foe?”


“Trash talk.”  Was her answer.


“You killed a person with trash talk?”


“Not killed… defeated.”


Now Tomi was a master of trash talk, or so he believed, as do almost all those who engage in such.  He was a bad ass, knew it, and shared that opinion with almost all who dared to fight him.


“Who?  And what I have to ask.”


“Who was some Avenger, I forget which one… it was a he and maybe… Hawkeye? … Naa…  Might have been Black Knight, there was a sword involved.  Anyway, we were fighting in that I was minding my business and he decided to fight me, or to be more specific ‘I’m taking you in Lady!’ as he tried to arrest me.  It was after the whole Phoenix Five mess so likely related to my locking up a bunch of Avengers during that misunderstanding.  Anyway I wasn’t in the mood so I declined, rudely I guess as he got all huffy like most Avengers get, heck the Black Widow is still upset about what a happened between us on the blue area of the moon.”


Illyana was being rather chatty, something only a few people get to see.  Kitty being the most in the know, but Tomi was finding that Illyana apparently liked talking with him.


“Anyway he was most insistent and I was so not in the mood, so I told him a few things about being a woman that men do not understand or realize and that if he persisted in  bothering me I was going to curse him to experience all the nasty things that felt by X Gals.”


Tomi was rather disbelieving.  “And that dissuaded him?  An Avenger?  Declined combat over… cramps?”


Illyana gave a brief example as she described some of Dani’s periodic issues with her menstrual period as Tomi expression slowly morphed into one of absolute male horror.  Oh… and perhaps Illyana had been experiencing some feminine issues herself when the Avenger had accosted her.


“Please feel free to never share such stories again.”  Was Tomi’s reply when Illyana was done.  “I fear you are one sentence away from reducing me to a six year old boy who thinks girls are nasty.  I must wonder why I have never heard such before.”


A shrug from Illyana.  “Girl’s don’t like sharing such details with guys… plus I almost always like fighting.  Really pissed me off when the Falcon said he didn’t want to fight me back when the Inhumans and Avengers were being dicks, so I teleported his not willing to fight me dick ass to the ass end of nowhere in the Midwest.”


Tomi, after a completely out of character full body shudder of horror, and an internal pledge to get a male telepath to block what Illyana had told him, asked a question that had been meaning to ask.  “I’ve often wondered, do the other telepaths enjoy practicing with you?  I find the inability to read your mind to be most enjoyable when fighting and a great aid in focusing upon the fundamentals.”


Another shrug from Illyana.  “So do… some don’t.“


They resumed practice, each time one would initiate strike and one would at first defend.  As they fought they again conversed as Tomi commented.


“I am… surprised how well we converse.  Most are not so… welcoming.”


A bit of a shrug from Illyana.  “I can relate.  Bet you don’t get much crap from people.”


“True… Few are willing to give me ‘crap’ as you say, likewise yourself.”




Now more then a few mutants who had done evil and vile things were not the most popular, and more then a few were on the receiving end of the ire of their onetime victims.  But Tomi was mostly ignored by whose who were angry at his past behaviors.  Interestingly, Logan was one willing to associate, and drink, with Tomi.  Now Tomi was not reformed, meaning he had not repented of his prior actions, he had just shifted his loyalty to Krakoa.


Tomi stated.  “I first wondered why you were selected to be a great captain.  Why not... Braddock, Ororo, Logan, or some others.  I have even heard mention that some thought your friend Dani would be an appropriate choice.”




“The first two are squad leaders.  Ororo is not suited for what this duty entails, her talents are better utilized on the quiet council, better for her to be the hand that holds the blade rather then being the blade most of the time.”


“Ororo is very dangerous when she wants to be, never underestimate her.”  Was Illyana’s reply.  “Those who do find that she is able to do what needs to be done.”


A nod of agreement from Tomi.  “Yes, but will be troubled by more then a few things that I, or you, can and will do with no remorse.  Logan is lethal, but not sufficiently powerful.  But I have found that they choose correctly, for a variety of reasons.  Some of which I’ve only recently come to understand.”


“A counter…”  As Illyana’s comment.


“Yes… to others, and to me.  Concerns that are most warranted as I could easily defeat most.  But you…”


“But me…?”


“You are a delight as I have so few to measure myself against.  For you are as much a killer as I, as is Logan if not… more.”


“We are who… what… we are.”


“Yes… But I would like to face you with your soul sword as that is your fighting best.”


The Japanese sword in Illyana’s hand faded away and the soul sword took its place as Tomi assumed a defensive stance.  As they eyed each other Tomi proposed… “A bet… the loser shall buy the winner a drink at the place of his choosing.”


“Her choosing…”  Corrected Illyana.  “Or have you already forgotten what befell you at the Quarry?”


“No… but that was ruled a cheat.”


“I won…”


“Not per the rules.”


“Pfff the rules.”


They got ready but then… Tomi paused. “This…”  An expressive wave from Tomi at Illyana, “Is a lie.  A good one, most… beguiling.  But a lie non the less.  You appear weaker then you are.  Deliberate miss direction.  Likewise your occasional pretense to be more… silly then you are.  Acting… blonde I think some call it.”


A glare from Illyana at Tomi.  “I am as I wish to be.”


A small smile from Tomi.  “But not as you are, or can be.  Most may be blind to the ways of magic but to be as you are, to look as you do, locks away aspects of your power.”


Illyana disliked such… understand.  “I have my reasons.”


“I’m sure you do.  I may even understand them.  But… I wish to fight you at your peak.  Otherwise any win by me is irrelevant.”


This was a request hat Illyana would usually disregard, but this was from a fellow great captain.  “I… dislike to appear, to be, other then as I am.”


“But you can, you do, in times of distress where such mortal trappings are a hindrance to what needs to be done.  You have done it before as I’ve descriptions of such.  I’ve heard stories of what happened between you and Dormammu.  I… request this of you.”


A resigned sigh from Illyana, then… horns grew on her forehead, feet morphed into hooves as her eyes went from blue to yellow burning pits.  Her incisors grew as a tail flicked into being and her air was now part flame.




This was not quite Illyana’s ultimate expression of power as described to Tomi when Illyana took down Dormammu, but was likely as close as he was going to get. “Quite… even if this is not your ultimate expression.”




“I have… heard stories from some about Dormammu.“  Some being those who were there when Illyana took down Dormammu.  Some statements being ‘like a small Balrog from Tolkien but with breasts, but not in a sexy way, a thing of darkness and flame.’ being one description from Egg (formally known as Golden Balls).


A bit of a growl from Illyana about that particular situation. “I was very upset.”


With that combat engaged and….



Part 57b:  Bar with no doors




The two were at the Bar with no doors, which was having a slow night.  Tomi had never been to the bar and was quite pleased to have finally gain admittance.  He raised his cup in a toast to Illyana who likewise raised her cup as they then sipped upon some very fine Saki.


Who won you might inquire, or more specifically, who was buying?


Well…  I think you’ll have to ask them.

Chapter 58


In the ongoing Marvel comic Savage Avengers, starting with issue twelve, we see that Magik is now in a team-up that involves the Black Widow (Natasha Romanova). A team-up that I think is somewhat problematic as the two are not exactly on friendly terms. They first encountered each other at the beginning of the Phoenix five event where they fought on the blue area of the moon, which happened at the end of the Avengers vs. X-Men war. Natasha won the physical battle, only to have Illyana stab Natasha with her soul sword and rendering Natasha unconscious (the sword did not physical hurt her), as Illyana states that this was all just a game to her because otherwise… Widow would have been dead (a statement that Natasha likely found to be unpleasant as it is very dismissive of Widow’s fighting abilities).

Chapter Text

And then there was that piece of hell that Illyana, as part of the Phoenix Five, that she crafted into a prison to hold many of the Avengers, and any other super heroes who fought the Phoenix Five.  Doing such has likely been a social downer for Illyana ever since, in regards to non X-Men heroes.  I’ve noticed that post Phoenix Five Illyana has been a bit of a Boogie Man for many of the Avengers as every encounter with Magik results in them either not being on the winning side or a stalemate at best.


So… I wonder as to the possible behind the scenes actions that allowed that team-up to happen.



Part 58a:  Team-up part 1


“You want me to team-up with Magik?!”  Was Natasha’s angry declaration to, or to be more honest, at Doctor Strange.


Strange was assembling a team to deal with the threat of Kula Garth (a very powerful cannibal sorcerer from Conan’s time who was attempting to take over the earth as both he and Conan were interacting with the present time span, this is the ongoing Savage Avengers storyline folks).  The two were having tea and lunch at the appropriately name Russian Tea Room restaurant in New York City (Strange’s treat, which was always a tell that Stephen was going to ask for a favor as he was a notorious cheapskate).  Natasha had gone for the Caviar tasting along with smoked Sturgeon with dill and sour cream complemented by some Formosa Oolong tea (hot) with cream.  Strange had selected Rooibos Chai red brush tea and a curried chicken salad.  Both were dressed in civilian clothing, Natasha in a black pants suite that was tight in all the right places to show off her figure, Strange in casual jeans and a blue shirt.


“Yes…”  Replied Strange after some salad munching.  “Logan will be there as well, as well as additional magical practitioners and fighters.”


An irritated scowl from Natasha as she inquired.  “Who?”


“Doctor Voodoo, Hellstorm, Punisher, Elektra, a most skilled sword fighter by the name of Conan, and I dearly hope you.”


A minute or so of quiet as Natasha chewed on his words and her food, with a touch of an internal wince over the inclusion of Electra, an addition that Natasha thought likely also involved a booty call by Stephan, then...  “Why me?”


It never hurts to pay a complement.  “Because you are very good at what you do Natasha, despite the bragging that Logan likes to engage in about being the best.  There are both magical and non magical situations which will likely result in sub-teams.  I expect that the two of you will be in different groups at first.”


Natasha was irritated, very very irritated. “You do remember what that bitch did.  To me… to the Avengers, and to a whole bunch of others.”


An internal sigh from Strange, but he did expect that there would be difficulties in recruiting Natasha due to those prior actions by Magik.  “Yes… but I like to think that is now behind us..  I’d point out that I was one of those on the receiving end of her… ire and we have moved past that misunderstanding.  She has been…”


Natasha interrupted Strange as she pointed at him with a Sturgeon laden fork.  “She hunted the Avengers down like dogs and imprisoned those she and her Phoenix cohorts captured in that Limbo prison of hers where they were tortured to keep them from escaping.”


Yeah, that was… problematic was Strange’s thought as he pointed out.  “Magik has prior experience with Kula Garth, which is why she is willing to assist in this matter, and she was under the influence of the Phoenix at that time.”


Natasha ate the piece of Sturgeon, then sliced off another piece.  “Torture Stephen… Torture.”


“Mental torture.”  Countered Strange.  “Which is not… nice, but she did try to avoid physical harm.”


Natasha was not having any of that.  “And of course those who experienced her… hospitality are understanding of that little nuance… right?”


Natasha continued after a moment, and Stephen’s expression that indicated that Illyana was not on very many Christmas card lists.   “That be a no Stephen.  Crap, she even had Thor in there at the end.  I’m surprised that that Asgard didn’t declare war.”


A good point as many who had been imprisoned did… have residual issues, some more then others.  Captain Marvel (Carol Danvers) being one of those people, likewise Luke Cage, Spider Woman, Hawkeye, Quicksilver, The Thing, and many others.  Voted most hated X-Men three years running was one inside joke, and nominated for a fourth.


And one of those others being… “And you.”  Was Strange’s soft reply.


A snarl of anger as Natasha chewed.  “And me.  Not… one of my better times.”


Left unsaid was the prank that Illyana had played upon the Avengers, and the fallout from that prank was that the contents of Natasha’s sock drawer had been revealed to one and all (See the story Magik Mischief for details).  Natasha was still silently fuming about that and had so far lacked any opportunity for payback.


More silence as they both consumed a few bites and sipped upon their respective teas, then Strange spoke.  “I would not ask unless it was world threatening Natasha.  If we fail then…”


A resigned sigh from Natasha.  “World ends, apocalypse, end of all life, dogs living with cats… I get it Stephen, it’s just… you’re asking a great deal.”


Strange played a card that he had been holding onto.  “Would… it help if the two of you spoke?”


A somewhat surprised and then a musing expression upon Natasha’s face at the idea.  “I suppose… now?”


“If you want.”


“I don’t want, but… it would make sense.  Plus I’m positive you’d get all pissy at me if I shot her mutant ass the first time she turned her back on me.”


An internal wince from Stephen at the use of the word mutant.  Many people used the word mutant in a derogatory way, rather the N word for many of the mutant community when used by non mutants.  Yes, Illyana was a mutant, and a sorceress, part demon, and one whom had even defeated Stephen in magical combat.  Said combat had taken place in Limbo, which was the heart of her power so advantage to her, but defeated him non the less back when the whole attack by the Avengers, and many other heroes, had taken place upon the mutant island nation of Utopia off of San Francisco.


A suspicious look at Stephen.  “Is she listening now?”


“No.  That would be rude, and I asked her not to.  But she will arrive if I summon her.”


Best to do what one does not want to do now rather then later was Natasha’s internal thought.  Hmmm, I suppose I could always stab her with my knife if things go badly


With that she gave her permission.  “Well…  Summon away I guess.”


He did.  Natasha expected to see some kind of magical ritual, and was disappointed when Stephen pulled out an Apple iPhone and texted Magik (so much for mystical incantations).  Stephen had a few words with the waiter and thus a third chair, a third place setting, and a glass of water were promptly brought to the table.


Several minutes later Illyana Rasputin walked up to their table, wearing her usual tight and revealing black field garb with the spiky armor on her left shoulder and arm.  Definitely not per the dress code but this was New York City and most restaurants just shrugged it off as to make a scene sometimes resulted in the destruction of said restaurant as super villains could just be so unreasonable.



Part 58b:  Team-up part 2


Illyana sat down with a nod of greeting to Stephen and just a cool neutral look at Natasha.


Illyana remembered well the fight on the moon, and how Scott had been most firm as to his instructions about not killing so… Illyana had tried so very hard not to hurt the Black Widow and had noticed how quickly the Black Widow had gone for lethal action and threats, as well as her evident enjoyment of those actions; not that Widow was really capable of such with Illyana but all the same had left a most negative impression with Illyana.


“Stephen, give us a moment.”  Stated Natasha as she returned the cool look with Illyana.


“Of course.”  Strange rose, after wiping his lips with his napkin, and took his leave by wandering off, first to the little Sorcerers room and then the bar.  He did hope that they would keep it civil.  Hmmm, perhaps meeting in the park would have been a better idea?  Well, too late now for second thoughts.


At first just silence as Natasha attempted to make Illyana stew while she ate.  But Illyana was not so simple unsettled.  Silence was not something that bothered Illyana so she just sat there.  It was finally Natasha who spoke first, in Russian, so possible first point to Illyana.


“YA polagayu, chto prosit' izvineniy slishkom mnogo.“  (I suppose an apology is a bit much to ask for.)


A slight raising of Illyana’s eyebrows.  “Khorosho… Ne ozhidal etogo, prinimayu.”  (Okay…  Was not expecting that, I accept.)


A scowl from Natasha.  “Chto prinyat'?”  (Accept what?)


Illyana replied.  “Vashi izvineniya za vsyu ataku Utopii i napadeniya na Pyaterku Feniksov. Dolzhen skazat', ya ves'ma udivlen, vy ne kazhetes' mne chelovekom, gotovym priznat' oshibku.”  (Your apology, for the whole attacking Utopia, and the attacks on the Phoenix Five.  I must say I’m rather surprised, you do not strike me as one willing to admit error.)


Natasha correct Illyana’s blatant misunderstand.  “YA ne prinoshu izvineniya, vy znayete.”  (I’m not offering an apology, you know that.)


The dawn of understanding in Illyana’s expression, or perhaps it was slight sarcasm. “O, moya oshibka. Kak glupo s moyey storony ozhidat', chto Mstitel' izvinitsya za nepravil'nyy postupok”  (Oh, my mistake.  How silly of me to expect an Avenger to apologize for doing the wrong thing.)


More scowling from Natasha, and the resisting of the urge to stab Illyana.  “My ne sdelali nichego plokhogo, suka.”  (We did nothing wrong, bitch.)


Just that cool stare from Illyana.  “Itak ... vtorzheniye v suverennuyu stranu ne delayet nichego ... plokhogo?”  (So… invading a sovereign country is not doing anything… wrong?)


An answering cool look from Natasha, as she contemplated just how fast she could pull her concealed 9mm Walther PPK.  “Vash malen'kiy ostrov mutantov nedaleko ot San-Frantsisko schitali suverennym tol'ko vy i vashi tovarishchi-mutanty. Osobenno posle togo, kak odin iz vashikh sootechestvennikov napal na OON.”  (Your little mutant island off of San Francisco was only considered sovereign by you and your fellow mutants.  Especially after one of your compatriots attacked the UN.)


Illyana’s rolling of her eyes did not help the situation.  “Kak glupo s nashey storony. Chto zh ... v kontse kontsov vse oboshlos'”  (How silly of us.  Well… things worked out in the end.)


Call it a smug expression from Natasha.  “Da, vy proigrali.”  (Yes, you lost.)


That’s when the bottle of Stolichnaya Elit Vodka arrived at the table in a bucket of ice, with two shot glasses.  Stephen had ordered it on his way to the men’s room as he recalled that Russians tended to discuss disagreements with booze.


Illyana examined the bottle, then poured herself a shot, then belatedly pushed the bottle to Natasha.  “Da… zabludilsya. I… v kontse kontsov… sovershil to samoye, chto Mstiteli pomeshali. Itak ... vse, chto ty sdelal, bylo naprasno. Ne schitaya vsekh smertey i razrusheniy v rezul'tate vashikh deystviy. Kak ... ty, dolzhno byt', gord.”  (Yes… lost.  And… in the end… accomplished the very thing that the Avengers got in the way of.  So… everything you did was for naught.  Apart from all the death and destruction that resulted from your actions.  How… proud you must be.)


With that Illyana drained her shot glass.  A calculated insult in that she had not given Natasha a chance to pour herself a drink.  An insult that reignited Natasha’s urge to just shoot Illyana in head, regardless of how upset Stephen would get.  But… shooting Illyana in the head was really not an answer as Natasha knew that Illyana had long since demonstrated an uncanny ability to survive, and the whole part demon thing she had.  Plus, the Avengers were trying to make nice with the X-Men and Natasha had agreed, in general, to that.  So, she returned to eating her meal and concluded her answer was going to be a no to Stephen.  There was just no way she could work with Magik.  As she ignored Illyana there was a long stare from Illyana at the head of Natasha, or more specifically her hair.  Natasha observed Illyana back as she took a final bite of her Sturgeon with a bit of caviar.  Then the slightly scrunched up expression on Illyana’s face prompted Natasha to ask.


“Kakaya?"”  (What?”)


Illyana leaned back and took a sip of her water before pouring another shot of Vodka, a shot she did not yet drink.  “Pytayemsya ponyat', vyshchipyvayete li vy sedyye volosy ili krasite ikh v krasnyy tsvet.”  (Trying to figure out if you pluck the grey hairs or dye them red.)


Oh…. that was it.  No way was Natasha taking such crap from anybody, much less a bitch like Magik.  “Slabyy. Eto luchsheye, chto ty mozhesh' sdelat'? YA pomnyu, kak bil tebya po zadnitse, kak v baraban, kogda my dralis' na Lune.”  (Weak.  Is that the best you can do?  I recall beating your ass like a drum when we fought on the moon.)


With that Natasha poured a shot of Vodka and drained it.


A slight smirk from Illyana.  “Pfff… Eto ne bylo drakoy. Eto byla igra. Skott razozlilsya by, yesli by ya ubil tebya tak ... chtoby pritvorit'sya.”  (Pfff… That wasn’t a fight.  That was a game.  Scott would have been pissed if I’d killed you so… had to play pretend.)


A statement that really irritated Natasha.  Her reply was both dismissive and insulting.  “Skank. Skazhi mne, ty odna iz beskonechnogo chisla shlyukh Skotta?”  (Skank.  Tell me, are you one of the endless number of Scott’s sluts?)


A look of mock shock from Illyana.  “YA svoloch'? Tak ironichno byt' nazvannym merzavtsem ot takikh, kak ty. YA imeyu v vidu ... yest' li Mstitel', s kotorym ty ne spal? YA polagayu, chto legche otslezhivat' tekh, kogo u vas net, chem tekh, kotoryye u vas yest', v kontse kontsov, men'sheye kolichestvo. I net, ya ne nakhozhu Skotta privlekatel'nym v etom smysle, i, pokhozhe, on tozhe ne schital vas privlekatel'noy, poetomu ya dumayu, chto dlya vas net vyyemki na stoyke krovati, khotya vyyemok dolzhno byt' tak mnogo, chto krovat' dolzhna byt' prosto struzhka.”  (I’m a skank?  Being called a skank from the likes of you is so ironic.  I mean… is there an Avenger you haven’t slept with?  I suppose it is easier to keep track of those you haven’t then the ones you have, smaller number after all.  And no, I don’t find Scott attractive in that way, and it sounds like he didn’t find you attractive as well so I guess no notch on the bedpost for you, although there must be so many notches that the bed must be just shavings by now.)


She’s good was Natasha’s internal thought as she casually delivered a backhand kind of insult.  “Se.”  (Sow.)


One Magik returned.  “Telka. Ili ty v kargu sostarilsya?”  (Heifer.  Or have you aged into hag?)


And back at her from Natasha.  “Dorogoy, ty takoy… koroviy. Gde vy sobrali takuyu informativnuyu sborku odezhdy? Vy pokhozhi na kakuyu-to boyevuyu prostitutku ili ... O, ya ponyal. Vy razdevayetes' sboku, teper' eto tak ochevidno. Kak umno sochetat' boyevoy kostyum s rabochey odezhdoy. Ili eto vecher roller-derbi?”  (Why my dear, you look so… bovine.  Just where did you assemble such self descriptive assemble of clothing?  You look like some kind of battle hooker or… Oh I get it.  You strip on the side, so obvious now.  How smart, combining combat costume with work clothing.  Or is it roller derby night?)


She’s… good was Magik’s internal thought.  Not sure if she’s Emma grade, but really good as the insult fest really got going.  “Ne mogu poverit', chto ty sdelal Aleksa predstavitelem Mstiteley. YA imeyu v vidu… vy vidite, kak my pomeshchayem yego na pervuyu polosu?”  (I can’t believe you made Alex a spokesperson for the Avengers.  I mean… do you see us putting him on the front page?)


Alex being Alex Summers.  And no, Alex was not known for making a good impression.


A wince from Natasha as that round hit dead center.  “Da… plokhaya ideya. I eto byla ne moya ideya, kogda ya v chastnom poryadke govoril ob etom Stivu, tak kak Aleks tak ...”  (Yeah… bad idea.  And it wasn’t my idea as I privately spoke to Steve (Captain America) about it as Alex is so… )


A rolling of the eyes from Magik.  “Aleks?”  (Alex?)


A sigh from Natasha and Illyana as they both nodded and simultaneously said.  “Aleks.”  (Alex.)


A brief shake of Natasha’s head as if to dispel the public relations horror that is Alex.  “Kak budto u vas yest' pravo na khvastovstvo ... YA imeyu v vidu ... Skol'ko zlodeyev, ubiyts i podobnykh seychas bezdel'nichayut na vashem ostrove.”  (Like you have any bragging rights… I mean… Just how many villains, murderous, and such are now lounging about on that island of yours.)


And strike!  Just as Natasha did not wish to talk about Alex, Illyana did not really want to talk about some of the folks now welcome on Krakoa.  Instead a retreat to more personal insults as Illyana commented upon Natasha’s clothing.  “Krasivyy vid, podkhodit tebe, Dzhey Si Penni? Ili eto Sirs?”  (Nice look, fits you, JC Penny?  Or is it Sears?)


A bit of a dud as Natasha just rolled her eyes.  “Tak chto… infantil'no, opyat' zhe, yesli rassmotret' istochnik…”  (So… infantile, then again, once one considers the source…)


Again that examining look from Illyana, then… “Chert voz'mi, ya deystvitel'no ponimayu, pochemu ty IFOM stol' mnogikh molodykh supergeroyev “  (Gosh, I really see why you’re the MILF of so many of the younger super hero crowd.)


A statement that hit home more than Illyana had known as Natasha’s got a slight blush.  Yes, it does turn out that the younger male crowd did tend to have a ‘thing’ for Natasha.  As Natasha readied her next verbal salvo the waiter arrived with the dessert menu, causing a brief truce as nibbles were contemplated then ordered.  Natasha went for the Blood Orange sorbet garnished with orange peel soaked in Grand Marnier.  Illyana went for cheese cake with fresh cherries.


Then the verbal knifing, and drinking, resumed as Illyana commented after the waiter had left.  “Khoroshiy vybor. YA vizhu, tebe nuzhno sledit' za svoim vesom.”  (Good choice.  I can see you need to watch your weight.)


No stabbing… no stabbing… was Natasha’s internal thoughts as she glared.  Damn, and not an ounce of spare fat that could be seen on Illyana in that getup of hers, other then between her ears, and defiantly six pack abs as her belly was bare.  Natasha reminded Illyana that…  “Musor pridut zavtra, tak chto bud'te gotovy.”  (The trash gets picked up tomorrow so be ready.)


“Kha-kha. Tak smeshno. Zastavlyayet menya zhelat', chtoby u menya bylo bol'she srednikh pal'tsev.”  (Ha ha.  So funny.  Makes me wish I had more middle fingers.)


And so it went.  Some good, some bad.  Some cringe worthy.


(There is no need to repeat yourself.  I ignored you just fine the first time.)


(Some people are like clouds.  When they disappear, it’s a beautiful day.)


(The last time I saw something like you… Flushing was involved.)


(You’re about as important as a white crayon.)


(If I wanted to kill myself I’d climb your ego and jump to your IQ.)


(What are the Black Widow's super powers again?  Owning a couple of tasers, or those trident things from the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles?)


(Is it mandatory that when in your DarkChilde form you have to wear dental floss?)


(So tell me, just how well do Depends work for you?  And just how do you manage to hide that you’re wearing then?  Apart from the smell that is.)


(Just how do you comb your hair so the horns don’t show?)



Part 58c:  Later…


Illyana had just salvaged Natasha’s workmates, meaning the Avengers.  One of which being that Thor spent more time dealing with his hair then Natasha did.


But the insults had instead made Natasha more contemplative of some work issues as Natasha sat back in her chair contemplating her full shot glass.  “YA imeyu v vidu ... ty pytayesh'sya rabotat' izo dnya v den' s Kapitanom Amerikoy. On takoy ... v poryadke. YA imeyu v vidu… vsegda prosto… tam. Muzhskoye fizicheskoye sovershenstvo i prosto… yest'. I ves' etot super pripoy primenim ko ... vsemu fizicheskomu i ... vynoslivosti ...”  (I mean… you try working day in and day out with Captain America.  He’s just so… fine.  I mean… always just… there.  Male physical perfection and just… there.  And that whole super solder stuff just applies to… everything physical and… Stamina…)


A snort from Illyana.  “A potom ty mne rasskazhesh', chto tusish'sya u muzhskikh dushevykh.”  (Next you’ll be telling me you hang out by the male showers.)  Which incidentally was really easy with the X-Men as Xavier had odd ideas of where to place various facilities.  Almost as if he…


Natasha disregarded Illyana’s statement with a…“ Pfff…. Kak budto ya k etomu sklonyayus'.”  (Pfff…. Like I stoop to that.)


Let unsaid was the convert spy gear Jane (The Wasp) and Natasha had installed in the male Avenger’s showers.  Yes it was wrong, so wrong, and a deep naughty secret that all the female Avengers in the know were sworn to never speak of.  But… what was the point of being a super capable spy if you didn’t get to play around from time to time.



Part 58c:  Later, and much Vodka consumption…


A bit of a drunken slur in Natasha’s voice.  “Suka, derzhu pari, ty prosto lyubil vse to nasiliye, kotoroye ty sdelal s nami v svoyey malen'koy tyur'me.”  (Bitch, bet you just loved all that abuse you did to us in the little prison of yours.)


Illyana was no longer paying attention to Natasha, or much of anything to be honest.  Instead she was resting her head on the table, the oh so nice flat and warm table, as she played with her shot glass, which she found fascinating as she tried to figure out if it was the glass spinning or the room?  An act that prompted a snort of humor from Natasha, a snort that attracted Illyana’s attention as she likewise gave a drunk sounding response.


“Kakaya?”  (What?)


Granted, not the most eloquent or intellectual of utterances.


“YA skazal, suka, derzhu pari, ty prosto lyubil vse to oskorbleniye, kotoroye ty sdelal s nami v svoyey malen'koy tyur'me.”  (I said bitch, bet you just loved all that abuse you did to us in the little prison of yours.)


Illyana sat up in her chair and pondered what Natasha had said.  Then a negatory shake of her head as she struggled to refill her glass, damn thing kept moving, or so she thought.  “Neaa… pytalsya… vesti sebya khorosho. “  (Naaa… was trying… to be nice.)


Natasha was incredulous.  “Nitstsa? “  (Nice?)


Illyana looked very mournful.  “Da… priyatno. Ne… nikogo obidet'. V to vremya eto imelo smysl.“  (Yeah… nice.  Not… hurt anyone.  It… made sense at the time.)


Natasha accidently drove the knife home.  “I podumat' o tom, chto ya zanimayus' glupym der'mom. Vau, eto otdel'naya liga.“  (And to think I do some stupid shit.  Wow, that is in a league of its own.)


Illyana had an expression like a beaten puppy.  “Da ... nuzhno chto-nibud', chert voz'mi, ya tvoya devushka.“  (Yeah… need something F’d up, I’m your gal.)


Part 58d:  Much later


Stephen had belatedly realized that this was one of those ‘are you ready’ moments that guys have when dealing with woman.  Two guys can have a massive heart to heart in under ten minutes.  But woman, much like getting ready to go out, can take a great deal longer.  And it wasn’t like he could just leave as things could suddenly get ugly between the two of them, so… he lingered drinking club soda after club soda.


Currently the two were drunkenly negotiating a fight between the two of them.


Illyana was not receptive to Natasha’s suggestion.  “YA glupo vyglyazhu? Ty ... slishkom khorosho derzhish'sya pod rukoy ... nea ... nadral mne zadnitsu v pervyy raz, povtoryat' ne nuzhno. YA luchshe spravlyayus' s ... ostrymi veshchami.”  (Do I look stupid?  You’re… way too good at hand to hand… naa… kicked my ass the first time, no need of a repeat.  I’m better with… pointy things.)


Natasha pointed out that… “Byk, ty eto skazal ...”  (Bull, you said it…)  A loud sudden burp from Natasha before she continued.   “… Vse bylo igroy” (… was all a game)


A burp that so give Illyana the giggles, and then Natasha as well.  Once Illyana recovered.  “Da… igra… Ty… vrode kak vyigral. Itak ... mne prishlos' ... uvelichit'.”  (Yeah… game… You… kind of won.  So… I had to… escalate.)


Vindication!  “Itak ... YA deystvitel'no nadral tebe zadnitsu?”  (So… I really did beat your ass?)


A wince from Illyana.  “Da uzh. Kak baraban. Ty ... luchshe menya. I to zhe samoye s oruzhiyem, poetomu dueli net. Em… Mechi?”  (Yeah.  Like a drum.  You’re… better then me.  And ditto with guns so dueling is out.  Um… Swords?)


No freaking way was Natasha’s thought.  She’d spoken with Logan about the fighting abilities of various X-Men and knew that swords were Illyana’s primary weapon.  Now Natasha was very good with a sword, but she might not be that good.  She offered a compromise.  “Nozhi?”  (Knives?)


A slow nod from Illyana.  “Nozhi ... nozhi - eto veselo. Oy, no bez khlysta. Mne bylo nepriyatno, kak ty tashchil menya knutom. Fu.”  (Knives… knives are fun.  Oh, but no whip.  Hated how you used that whip to drag me about.  Yuck.)


Yeah that had been fun was Natasha’s fond thought.  Illyana had banished Natasha to Limbo with a light circle when they had fought on the moon, but Natasha had used her whip to drag Illyana into her own light circle and hence to Limbo with Natasha where Natasha had kept the fight close and physically beaten Illyana very soundly before forcing Illyana to return them to the moon as a gun to the head was a good motivator.  “Itak ... nozh dvoynoy.”  (So… a knife dual?)


A nod of agreement from Illyana.  “Luchshe vsego rabotayet… chetyre iz semi?”  (Works, best… four out of seven?)


“Chto ... ty ne dumayesh', chto mozhesh' prosto vyigrat'?”  (What… you don’t think you can just win?)


“Ty v poryadke. I ya ne durak.”  (You’re… good.  And I’m not stupid.)


With that Illyana laid her head on the table for nap time.  Such a nice table… and began to snore.


A tired chuckle from Natasha as she leaned back.  Ah the young just can’t hold their booze as in her mind a score card lit up.


Avengers vs. X-Men:  And the Winner… BLACK WIDOW!


She had to settle for snores instead of cheering crowds, but Natasha was content in her victory.


But it looked like she’d have to take a rain check on the knife fight.

Chapter 59


In X-Men 16 we learn that the island of Arakko, and all of its mutants, are not going to joint up with the mutants of Krakoa (post X of Swords series). And the two societies are beyond different which is so going to cause problems, as I’m sure Marvel has planned. New conflicts, new villains, and I suspect conflicts with other groups (i.e. Avengers, Wakanda, nations and likely aliens). All of which is good as we should see a plethora of stories. So… just what might Arakko society be like? This story extends X-Men #16 a bit and is both a serious story, and some humor.

Chapter Text

Part 59a:  Concerns




Erik (Magneto) had just gotten done re-watching the film 300.  A dramatization of course but he was quite concerned over just what he and Charles had experienced when the two of them had reached out to new newly arrived island of Arakko, which was now adjacent but not attached to Krakoa.  Erik and Charles had journeyed to the island with a Krakoa gate flower as a gift to facilitate travel between the two islands.  There they had met for the first time Isca the Unbeaten who had been one of the Arakko champions who had taken part in the now concluded contest of champions between Arakko and Krakoa.


She (Isca) had been rather bemused at the attempted gift of the transport flower as the concept of easing the effort of travel for comfort was amusing to her.  From her Erik and Charles had learned several things about Arakko society.   Things that were… concerning.


There were supposedly twenty times as many Arakko mutants as there are on Krakoa.  And those mutants had lived with continual conflict with the demons of Amenth for many thousands of years.  An endless war that created a society that had been able endure such travails.  They had also learned that Arakko had a similar governing council called the Great Ring consisting of fourteen members as apposed to Krakoa’s thirteen (twelve members of the Quiet Council plus the island).


Erik reflected upon the brief discussions between the three had been both enlightening and discouraging.




Isca:  “You are children running a child government.  Which, of course, is not necessarily a bad thing… just inexperienced and prone to bearing fruit of that tree.  Why don’t you tell me of this world you rule?  Tell me of Earth.”


Xavier:  “… It’s a beautiful place.  It has its problems, but what world doesn’t.  However, you should know, we do not rule it.  We share it with humanity.”


Isca:  “Humanity?  Humans?  I must confess… I’m surprised that’s… a thing that persists here.  Still, thousands of years.  Growth, invention, survival… these things have a way of sharpening a tool.  And if you share the world with them, they must be formidable.  Worthy of an impasse.”


Erik:  “They’re just men.”


Silence from Isca and a look of doubt and some astonishment as to both Xavier’s and Erik’s statements.  Then…


Isca:  “I know that our ways are not yours.  Time has changed our two lands… changed us… but I need to you listen to me.  We are a hard people made harder by war.  We have… no peace in us.  Perhaps, with time, with a little grace, we may become as you.  Accepting.  Gentle.  Soft.  But until that day… I have to warn you…”


Body language of rejection from Isca as she continues“Do not come to this place again like this… with dreams in your head and flowers in your hand…  For this is a land of swords.”


Charles and Eric were silent as this was not anything they had expected.


She turned her back on them as she left some parting words:  “ I will take you offer of unity to the ring.  We will… consider it.”




Erik mused on her words as she stood over the slain body of a demon.  Words that now took on extra meaning.  “Leave no enemy alive, ever.”


A land of mutants with war and violence as the only social dynamic for untold millennia was Erik’s thought as he began to write a memo to the Quiet Council.


To the Quiet Council:

From Erik and Charles:


A memo concerning Arakko, and a lesson from history.


Arakko society is an unknown, but one that has survived continual conflict for many thousands of years.  Based upon the words of Isca, reference the prior memos from Charles regarding the discussions that took place with Isca the Unbeaten as well as the concluded Trial of Swords, this means that Arakko is a martial society as all resources were subservient to survival.  There have been many empires on this earth of ours, societies dedicated to war, to conquest, to ruling.  But one and only one truly stands out as a possible example of what Arakko society may have become.


Sparta .


I encourage all Quiet Council members to research just was Sparta was, but in summation:


Sparta, located in Laconia area of Greece, was unique in ancient Greece for its social system and constitution, which were supposedly introduced by the semi-mythical legislator Lycurgus.  His laws configured the Spartan society to maximize military proficiency at all costs, focusing all social institutions on military training and physical development.  The inhabitants of Sparta were stratified as Spartiates (citizens with full rights), Mothakes (free non-Spartiate people descended from Spartans), Periokoi (free non-Spartiates), and Helots (state-owned enslaved non-Spartan locals).  Spartiate men (and some Mothakes and Perioikoi) underwent the rigorous training regimen, and Spartan phalanx brigades were widely considered to be among the best in battle.  Spartan women also enjoyed considerably more rights and equality with men than elsewhere in classical antiquity.


Sparta had a double effect on Greek thought: through the reality, and through the myth.  The reality enabled the Spartans to defeat Athens in land war; the myth influenced Plato's political theory, and that of countless subsequent writers.  Sparta ideals have also contributed a great part in framing the doctrines of Rousseau, Nietzsche, and National Socialism.


Bear in mind that the Spartans were a minority of the Lakonian population.  The largest class of inhabitants were the helots who were originally free Greeks whom the Spartans had defeated in battle and subsequently enslaved.  Helots were given a subordinate position in society more comparable to serfs in medieval Europe than chattel slaves in the rest of Greece.  In other Greek city-states, free citizens were part-time soldiers who, when not at war, carried on other trades.  Since Spartan men were full-time soldiers, they were not available to carry out manual labor and thus the helots were used as such, tilling Spartan land, but with many more rights then slaves in the rest of Greece society.


Sparta was above all a militarist state, and emphasis on military fitness began virtually at birth.  Shortly after birth, a mother would bathe her child in wine to see whether the child was strong.  If the child survived it was brought before the Gerousia by the child's father.  The Gerousia then decided whether it was to be reared or not.  It is commonly stated that if they considered it "puny and deformed", the baby was thrown into a chasm.  One aspect of the regards Sparta had for combat was when Spartans died, marked headstones would only be granted to soldiers who died in combat during a victorious campaign or women who died either in service of a divine office or in childbirth.


When male Spartans began military training at age seven, they would enter the agoge system.  The agoge was designed to encourage discipline and physical toughness and to emphasize the importance of the Spartan state.  Boys lived in communal messes and, according to Xenophon, whose sons attended the agoge, the boys were fed "just the right amount for them never to become sluggish through being too full, while also giving them a taste of what it is not to have enough."  In addition they were trained to survive in times of privation, even if it meant stealing.  Training was for both body and mind as special punishments were imposed if boys failed to answer questions sufficient briefly and wit.  Disturbingly, and quite indicative of the society thus created, some Spartan youth apparently became members of an irregular unit known as the Krypteia.  The immediate objective of this unit was to seek out and kill vulnerable helot as part of a larger program of terrorizing and intimidating the helot population.  Less information is available about the education of Spartan girls, but they seem to have gone through a fairly extensive formal educational cycle, broadly similar to that of the boys but with less emphasis on military training.  In this respect, classical Sparta was unique in ancient Greece as in no other city-state did women receive any kind of formal education.


How to sum up Sparta?  Supposedly Philip II, the father of Alexander the Great, sent a message to Sparta saying "If I enter Laconia, I will raze Sparta", the Spartans responded with the single, terse reply:  “If”.  Completeness and terseness combined as one, the Quiet Council must remember such responses as they do give pause to one’s potential foes.  And lastly a Roman historian once wrote “Those who see Athens will think them ten times what they are.  Those who see Sparta will think them ten times less then what they really were.”


Leaving us to wonder just how Arakko functions?  Historically one looks at the top when one views Sparta, but that warrior society rested on a base of many helots.  Just… how many Arakko may in the helots role?  And just how… might they feel about that?  Might makes right may have become the distilled essence of Arakko, but those of lesser abilities may be less then pleased with their lot in life.  Converse, one such raised is unlikely to suddenly embrace the rights of individuals if they are now in a position of might.  Now distill this over many millennium and there may in fact be no common ground of discussion.


Untold generations of tyranny is not conductive to an environment of open thought and a willingness to accommodate others.  There are many powers in this world of ours.  Conflict… is inevitable.  But with whom?  Conflict between Krakoa and Arakko?  Or conflict between Arakko and… the vast plethora of potential foes and sometimes allies that is our current lot?  And if so how might this affect Krakoa?


But such ruminations absent of any information is less then useful, the conclusion is simple, we need to know more.  Therefore it behooves the Quiet Council and Krakoa to appoint one or more ambassadors to Arakko.  And likely receive such as well as Arakko will seek to learn of this world.  Thus Charles and I put forth a few possible candidates for the Quiet Council to contemplate.  Those mentioned in this memo are by no means exclusive as we encourage the nomination of additional names.  Keep in mind that any ambassador appointed by the Quiet Council will need to be one that can… function in such a society, one that will be respected.  The names below, in no particular order, were selected after much contemplation by the two of us as they are already known to Arakko and have demonstrated that they are worthy of respect.




Tomi Shishido (Gorgon), assuming his resurrection is without issues.

And lastly Magik.


The duties of the ambassador will be to convey the dictates of the Quiet Council to Arakko and to observe the functional reality of Arakko society to allow better insight.


Sincerely:      Magneto



Part 59b:  Some Quiet Council Texts


The following subset of texts from the Krakoa Quiet Council were collected by technical means.  Forwarded to the X-Desk for analysis:


Shawn (Black King) Text:  I doubt sending Logan would be a wise choice, regardless of any respect he may have.  His propensity to stab, while effective in many situations, is less then appropriate for all situations.  Not to mention his choice of stabbing weapons has something to desired, meaning do we want a sudden population explosion of Arakko stabby spawn?


Kate (Red Queen) Text:  What?


Emma (White Queen) Text:  Offspring.  I believe the Black King is referring to Logan’s tendency to engage in sexual activity with…


Raven (Mystique) Text:  Anything with female genitalia.


Emma (White Queen) Text:  Almost anything.


Xavier (Professor X) Text:  Ororo?


Kate (Red Queen) Text:  What?


Ororo (Storm):  What?


Kurt (Nightcrawler):  What?


Shawn (Black King) Text:  Unexpected, even I was not willing to go there.


Xavier (Professor X) Text:  I mean any thoughts of Ororo as an Ambassador?


Emma (White Queen) Text:  Of course you did Charles.


Kurt (Nightcrawler):  A good choice, worthy of discussion and consideration.


Shawn (Black King) Text:  No.  Ororo is a worthy woman, but I would not support any member of the Quiet Council.


Bennet du Paris (Exodus) Text:  In this I agree with the Black King.


Erik (Magneto) Talk:  What is your reasoning?


Bennet du Paris (Exodus) Text:  Arakko is an unknown.  I have concerns that anybody we send may become compromised or seek personal power opportunities.  They will have their own telepaths, and power structures.  Anybody sent must be beyond temptation, and manipulation.  No need to dangle temptation before those who may wish to empire build.  As such Tomi Shishido, may his resurrection be successful, would likewise not get my vote due to his prior history.


Xavier (Professor X) Text:  He died for us, for Krakoa.


Bennet du Paris (Exodus) Text:  None the less.


Kate (Red Queen) Text:  Then Illyana may be a good chance.  Her mental shields and the fact she does rule an entire dimension.


Nathaniel (Mister Sinister) Text:  Really?  The one who just recently became a zombie queen and declared all to be her slaves?


Kurt (Nightcrawler):  She was under an enchantment.  She recovered after it ended.


Nathaniel (Mister Sinister) Text:  Why, if the enchantment had not so fortuitously ended when it did, I fear we would observed our esteemed council member Nightcrawler, and his member, engaged in the act of coitus with her for all to see.  Tsk tsk, and there were children present.  I fear the poor urchins would have been scarred for life.


Xavier (Professor X) Text:  Nathan, I think you are veering off the topic of discussion.


Nathaniel (Mister Sinister) Text:  Perhaps, but this is so much more deliciously fun.  Suddenly, I wonder as to alternate reasons for Kurt’s nom de plume.  Nightcrawler does refer to a worm, but add a space and night crawler becomes so… carnal.


Kurt (Nightcrawler) Text:  Enough, back to the topic of Arakko.


Nathaniel (Mister Sinister) Text:  How quick you flee the topic of Magik.  And after she confessed her lust for you.  After all I (with my dashing goatee), and so many others, were there, and her words, I quote, were “Dashing blue demon boy, you will serve me most of all as I found your appearance to be…” but then it twas midnight and our Cinderella regressed to her prior form sans any public copulation.  I confess her words makes me wonder as so many think she’s more of a woman in comfortable shoes kind of person.  Any… hookups after the fact Kurt?


Kate (Red Queen ) Text:  Yana was under the influence of that weird staff.


Bennet du Paris (Exodus) Text:  Apart from some slight disappointment as to not being selected for special duties, as I was denoted to be just a common slave, did she not state afterwards “I regret nothing.”  Kurt my fine fellow, I recommend you follow up that statement, and opportunity, in private of course.


Kurt (Nightcrawler) Text:  Stop all of you… just stop.


Nathaniel (Mister Sinister) Text:  Perhaps you should check with your Mother Kurt.  Mystique must have all kinds of birds and the bees advice, although in this case it is demon and mutant, but yet another situation she does have first hand knowledge about.  Hmm… but now I wonder just who is more… demon?  Just imagine the possibilities.


Raven (Mystique) Text:  Return to the original topic or I shall amuse myself with you Nathan.  And by amuse I mean in learning just how many cuts would it take to bleed you dry.


Kate (Red Queen ) Text:  I like Yana.


Bennet du Paris (Exodus) Text:  Of course you do.  It’s not like we don’t all know.  But I commend you for your willingness to publicly state it and come out.  But that does perhaps raise issues with Kurt if he is going to pursue the Magik opportunity?


Raven (Mystique) Text:  I recall that Kitty… oops, Kate, always had a bit of a crush on Kurt so less of an obstacle then you might think.


Bennet du Paris (Exodus) Text:  Thanks for the clarification, relationships are oh so open now on our island, as Logan/Jean/Scott/Emma have shown us.  So a threesome?  Or are others involved as well?


Kate (Red Queen) Text:  What?


Nathaniel (Mister Sinister) Text:  You’re not fooling anybody Kate.  We all know.


Text from Kitty:  Know what?


Bennet du Paris (Exodus) Text:  You are supposedly, or so I’ve been told, an endless fount of queer subtext on your interactions with other women.


Raven (Mystique) Text:  Yes, quite clear to some.


Nathaniel (Mister Sinister) Text:  Most obvious to me.


Kurt (Nightcrawler) Text:  What?


Kate (Red Queen) Text  What?


Ororo (Storm):  What?


Emma (White Queen) Text:  Sigh… stop by Kate, I shall illuminate what the others are hinting at.


Shawn (Black King) Text:  Again some of us are going off topic.  The details of what sexual practices Kate engages in and with whom is not the current item on the table.


Kate (Red Queen) Text:  What?


Erik (Magneto) Text:  To return to the actual reason for this group text, I would mention that Bei, the bride of Douglas, is by her very presence a sort of ambassador, and a definite source of intelligence for Arakko as to the workings of our society.


Nathaniel (Mister Sinister) Text:  Don’t forget bedroom talk, so much can be learned from pillow talk.


Shawn (Black King) Text:  Likewise others may/will come.  Some under official pretense, others covertly.  A series of policies will be needed from the Quiet Council.


Xavier (Professor X) Text:  Henry (Beast) and the others of the Intelligence and Monitoring staff have been notified and will be watchful.


Erik (Magneto) Text:  The issue of immortality will come up.  We have it, they likely do not, apart from some who are long lived.  This… will cause both internal issues within Arakko, as well as with Krakoa.  With that will cause conflict if not properly handled.


Shawn (Black King) Text:  I suggest that controls be imposed upon any travel between Arakko and Krakoa.  To be worked out with the controlling powers of Arakko.


Xavier (Professor X) Text:  Regrettably I agree at this time.


Kate (Red Queen) Text:  What makes you thing that Yana’s hasn’t already been there?


Raven (Mystique) Text:  Has anybody told her not to travel there?


Xavier (Professor X) Text:  Um….


End of intercept.



Part 59c:  X Desk


Well… shit was the operative word. 


Question:  What’s worse then an island of mutants? 

Answer:  Two islands of mutants.  And the second one makes the first look positively benign.



Part 59d:  Arakko?


Damn... this place is a blast.  Thought Illyana.  Such… fun.   My kind of fun!

Chapter 60


In Savage Avengers #17, we see a team-up between Conan and Deadpool (Wade Wilson), which works surprisingly well. Deadpool and Conan are locked up in Ryker’s Island prison during the whole King in Black event, which I suspect Illyana is avoiding by being on vacation in the DC universe (an upcoming story in What To Do About Magik Gotham Style) as I would suspect that she’d just shove her sword where the sun don’t shine on dealing with the whole issue of Knull the god of symbiotes.

As a side note, do you think folks in the Marvel universe get tired of the world ending every few months? That has got to make folks become a bit jaded.

I figure this story takes place after Deadpool and Conan break out of the prison, as shown in the comic, and I think in issue 18 (not yet published) they end up at the Hellfire club. And yes this is another comedy chapter, remember that Deadpool tends to break the fourth wall. Hmm, no idea if there will be a second chapter.

Chapter Text

Part 60a:  Game On!


“Foul!”  Bellowed Conan as he waved his beer bottle about.  “Foul most Foul!  Slay him!  Kill him!  Gouge his eyes out!  Pull forth his tongue!  Eviscerate him and lash his feet to a horse and drag his screaming carcass through the streets!”


Silence from the hereto shouting crowd as they all turned to stare at Conan.  Then…CHEERS as they voiced their approval of Conan’s sentiments with a few cries of their own.


“You tell him!”


“Killing too good for him!  Boil him in oil!”


“Now that’s a fan!”


“Give that man a beer on me!”


Conan sat back down as another bear was delivered to his table by one of the scantily clad serving wenchs… oops… I mean waitress who also slipped him a napkin that had her phone number written in lipstick.


Just what the heck is going on you ask?  It was game night, in fact Monday Night Football with Packers vs. Raiders, yes the world was covered in black goo and might be ending (again… I mean… just how may times does the world almost end in comics?) but it was Monday so, God Bless, the game was still on.  Deadpool and Conon were taking a timeout in their journey across New York City to Staten Island (Deadpool is now king of the monsters and Staten Island, yes you read that right, see the Deadpool comics for details).  The noise of the bar had peeked their interest and thus the time out.


The game had intrigued Conan, who has quickly learned some of the rules and had taken to it like a fish to water.  The two had occupied an empty table, dawned cheese head hats and started cheering!  Conan was less then approving of this thing call Coors and Light Beer, but had given his enthusiastic endorsement to Samuel Adams brew and these delicious things called loaded potato skins and the wonderers of Nachos.


At one point the cheerleaders were shown on the sidelines during a timeout and the comments from the bar crowd about certain attributes had elicited a kind of musing statement from Wade as he remembered something (see the story Girls Night Out II for details).


“Now those are something to hang onto, better then Jubilee’s tater tots.”


“I get not your gist.”  Answered Conan as he seized upon another skin, mmm… bacon while admiring the displayed goodies upon the big screen as the camera zoomed in.


“Chairwomen of the itty bitty tity committee.”  Amplified Deadpool.


“Titty?”  Inquired Conon as he chewed.  “Meaning breasts?”  Conan liked breasts.  Really liked beasts.


Deadpool slightly cupped his hands for emphasis.  “Tiny.  Small.  Any kid depending on her milk bags is destined to starve.  She’s an A student at the university were getting an A is a failing grad, me, I have a fondness for the D level students.  For an X-Woman you’d think she’s be equipped like the rest but nope.  Just not much chest meat on that bird.”


More puzzlement from Conan as Wade was quite confusing at time.  But breasts he did understand and the mention of X-Woman reminded him of… “The sorceress wench named Magik is quite comely.  A pleasant handful to echo your words.  I would bed her if given the chance.  Bed her most forcibly and make her scream in pleasure and beg for it to stop.“


A statement that actually shocked Deadpool, him being a woke twenty first century man (as of last week), and him having been on the receiving end of Magik’s wrath in regards to asking before touching had nothing to do with it.  “Warning Will Roberson.  Warning!  That’s a negatory Ghost Rider!  Do not, I repeat, do not squeeze that particular roll of Charmin.  And also… that kind of sounds a bit rapey, which is also a really really bad idea for that particular filly.  And Conan, my new best friend, use of the word wench is not currently politically correct.”


Conan was not really paying attention to Wade as he cheered at the successful field goal.   “Strumpet?” 


Woke Wade was most firm.  “No!  And neither is doxy, hussy, jezebel, bimbo, harlot ,floozy, slut, vamp, minx, hellion, other negatory descriptive phrases for woman.”  Then a quick look about before a whisper.  “As long as any of them can hear.”


Conan returned to the topic at hand.  “Bed her with vigor!  Make her writhe upon the sheets and cry out for her god as she in vain struggles against pleasures beyond compare.”


A statement that earned Conan two more napkins anointed with phone numbers.  Causing Conan to give Wade a sly grin.  “All woman lust for Conan.”


“Not that filly.”  Rebutted Wade, and then a question.  “How the heck do you know Magik?”


Conan answered after a long pull on his beer.  “We fought a dragon together, along with some others.  A fine fight, but in the end her womanly weakness let the creature live.  I dislike sorceries and magic, best to do one’s killing with cold steel, but she wields a sword well.”


“Chicks with swords are a turn on.”  Admitted Wade, in fact one of his top ten turn ons.


“And she is even less patient with those who riddle then I.  Crom I hate riddles.  Violent, abusive, and dresses more befittingly.  Not like the one called Widow of Black.  Far too much clothing, like so many in this era.  A woman is best garbed in a few bits of chainmail, if she is garbed at all.”


A few blinks from Wade before he responded.  “And you’ve shared these… thoughts with Magik?”


Conan leaned back in his chair as the game cut to commercials.  “Not yet.”




“Don’t what?”


“Just don’t.  I don’t think she’d be… let’s just say receptive.”


“Bhaaa…”  Was Conan’s response.  So many said such things and yet they were always wrong.


Wade shook his head.  “Your funeral dude.  And I really do mean funeral.”


Hmmmm…. Wade contemplated a possible eulogy.




It was a cold drizzly grey day, the overcast sky setting the mood as Wade, dressed in a black suit, but still wearing his Deadpool facemask, took his place at the podium before the closed casket and the crowd of mourners.  Behind the podium was a large screen upon which was projected photos of Conan (mostly slaying things or drinking).


“Conan was a friend of mine.”  Began Wade as he wiped away a tear.


“A good friend, the kind of dude who was always there for you, assuming you needed something slain, or alcohol consumed, not so good for any other issues; plus he did still owe me for that loan I gave him to buy the Ginsu knives, but I digress.  Conan was many things, rogue, knave, adventurer, thief, lover, lecher, stalker, ruffian ,slayer, fighter, welcher of bets, drinker of other men’s beer, wearer of woman’s underwear, the list goes on.  When in doubt loot was one of his favorite sayings, and one he practiced.  He died as he lived, sword in hand… relatively speaking as it wasn’t quite the traditional sword that he was gripping when he passed on.  He was a man of daring, and he dared to dream big.  Too big in the end as Conan attempted the impossible as he strove to tap the ass of Magik.”


Behind Wade the latest photo of Conan was replaced by a series of close-up photos of Illyana’s ass, dressed in her usual tight black leather short shorts.


“An ass not as bountiful or bouncy as say the White Queen or Psylocke.  Or as fulsome as the ass of Storm.  Why… it was even once described as bonny by Thor himself.”


Thor, who was in the audience, raises a glass of ale while nodding his head.


“Yes, that Magik ass is athletic, but still feminine, not like Jubilee’s derriere which resembles that of an emaciated young boy.  In contrast Magik’s ass is firm yet soft, as I can personally attest to, having once given it a most firm two handed squeeze; and would have paid the same price as our departed Conan but for my abilities.  Yes, that Magik ass may not measure up to top grade booty, and we all know who I’m speaking of, but babalicous is not just ass alone.”


And now the photos switch from Illyana’s ass to her chest, likewise in the tight black leather with the boob window to show cleavage.


“Don’t forget the taters!  And Magik’s taters are top shelf!  Not choice, not select, but prime grade magical fun pillows!  And who can’t forget just how Magik dresses to show all the goodies, like candy in the window.  Is it any wonder that Conan tried to climb the conceptual Everest of scores?  That he gave into temptation?  That he stove to hit that which cannot be hit?  To have bragging rights about nailing the unattainable?”


The photos return to Illyana’s ass, but now it is almost naked, but for a set of black Batman g-string panties that are shaped like the bat symbol }{ front and back (see Girls Night Out II for details).  Then a cut to her chest, now contained by a very tight black Bat bra }.  A sight that causes Thor to drop his drink and contemplate that perhaps he was hasty in his disregards of her assets.


Wade takes a sheaf of folded parchment from his suit jacket and unfolds it while putting on a pair of reading glasses.  “I will now read a short poem that I think honors the memory of Conan and all that he stood for.  A poem by Diana DeCillis that speaks to this special moment.”


Tremulous gibbous moons,

sand dunes of the body’s terrain,

I’m talking double bubble entendre-

not smart ass, the know-it-all,

the wiseacre-more cheek to cheek,

a tango as it were, the stuff of rumba,

samba, mambo-parallel

yet unparalleled in synonymy.


Call it: buttocks, butt, booty, behind, backside,

bum, buns, bedonkadonk, arse, can, cheeks,

hind-end, haunches, heinie, keister, glutes,

rump, gluteus maximus (or minimus) tail feather,

rear, junk-in-the-trunk, posterior, patootie,

tail, stern, seat, tooshie, tukhus, tush,

apple bottom, back pack, money maker,

rear-end, duff, fanny, derriere.


Describe it as: voluptuous, large, firm,

fine, jiggly, bouncy, flabby, saggy,

work horse of the body, a loyal constant,

cushioner of the fall, protector of coccyx,

defender of tail bone.


Sitting on it too long-ill advised.

You might wanna move yours,

get your ass in gear, avoid a kick in the ass-


Often maligned, called skinny,

scrawny, sorry, fat, wide, huge,

and though tight jeans might beg

the question, do these make my butt look big?

Let’s be honest, it makes itself look big.


Some identify with it, I’m an ass man,

which is different than saying, I’m an ass,

though often said by one.


There are isometrics to tighten it-

labeled with it: bad ass, tight ass,

horse’s ass, half-ass, asshole-


some feel like one, others make an ass

of themselves, do things ass-backwards,



There are those who have their head

up their ass, some drag theirs,

some would have you

kiss their sweet one goodbye,

think they are kick ass, cool-

you don’t want one that’s too large,

but then again, small is also a problem,

no ass, flat, pancake ass-


the point is your ass can be on the line,

you have to cover your ass, watch your ass,

be wary of ass kissers and hard asses.


People fall flat on theirs some freeze theirs off,

work theirs off, get theirs kicked while others

gamble and lose theirs.


Ass, a one syllable, not one-note wonder-

call it the orchestral symphony of the body,

the wind section, the flute and toot,

heralding trumpet-the tuba, the coda,

the end that never ends.


And yes dear readers, the poem is titled Ass.


Wade folds the parchment and places it back in his suit.  “We’ll miss you big guy.  I’d like you all too now bow your heads in a brief prayer.  But first one more poem, this time by Phoenix Aradia.”


Wade bows his head and begins to recite from the poem Keeping Abreast.


Nestled in warm, plump pillows

on those cold, dark nights;

areolas borealis

are northern headlights!


And of course Magik would teleport behind Wade and commence chopping him into tiny tinny screaming bits with her sword (it took awhile for her to show up because she would obviously not be at the funeral).




Yeah… need to not dwell on her ass so much in the eulogy was Wade’s conclusion as women can get fussy about that.  And perhaps tone down the photo show about her girly bits.


And with that it was halftime.


“Conan, there are way better X-Fish in the sea, and much less lethal in regards to inappropriate touching.  Take at look at these dishes.”


With that Wade took out his Apple12 iPhone pro Max (the one with 512 GB) and began to thumb through many X-Babe photo as Conan looked on with interest.  There was the usual assortment, Emma, Psylocke, Jen Grey, Storm, Rogue, including the She-Hulk as a bonus round, and Captain Marvel back when she wore the much nicer costume instead of her current space fascist getup, and some very inappropriate shots of Power Girl from the DC universe.  Oh, and one shot of Jubilee.


Conan looked upon the displayed goodies on the small magical device that so many had and stated with a growl.  “Conan would do them all as you people are want to say.  All but the one you call Jubilee as he fears she would split in twain from the lovemaking of Conan.”


Man, am I glad none of them are here to hear that thought Wade, and then a side thought about how easy it was to break a phone.  Better stash some more data backups.


“But still Magik is my first choice.”  Concludes Conan after draining his latest beer.


“Why?”  Declares Wade.  “I mean yeah her ass is nice, and the boobage is defiantly worthy but…”


“The Challenge!  Plus Conan likes the way she used her sword.  And how she abused those who spoke in riddles.”  Conan really hated those who used riddles as he was secretly quite sensitive about his lack of formal education.  And while Conan liked all women, he did have an extra thing about violent woman.  “And Conan has found that sword woman tend to be lustful after a good fight, gets the blood boiling.”


Newly woke Wade was not having any of that.  “Conan, it’s talk like that that got Gina Carano kicked off of the Mandalorian.  You’ve got to think these things through, while you may be a barbarian, you’re a white barbarian and male chauvinism, along with misogynist behavior, will eventually get noticed by the Mouse.  Yeah, you have the whole out of copy write thing going so other publishers can write stories that are out of bounds by Marvel, man the Ice Giant’s Daughter series was nice and talk about great female nudity.  Remember the Mouse is not known for… for…”


Deadpool paused and thought upon so many of his actions and words.  OH CRAP!” as he realized that the Deadpool film right were now owned by Disney!  Fox had been bought and consumed by the Mouse and that meant that…  Wade stopped sharing photos of the X-Woman with Conan and started reviewing and then deleting his tweets, browser history, taking down that little website he ran on the side, deleted those photos of him with Trump wearing a Make America Great Again baseball cap, and a great deal more.  “Um… need to take a time out Conan.  Got some cleaning to do.  Need to protect that three film deal I just signed, plus all those merchandising opportunities.  Damn it, I’m this close to having my own underoos line!”


Wade started to sing some lines from The song Big Time by Peter Gabriel.


I'm on my way, I'm making it

I've got to make it show, yeah



It' so much larger than life

I'm gonna watch it growing


Conan watched with bemusement as Wade’s thumbs flew over the iPhone, then his gaze was captured one of the busty serving wenches who was giving him bedroom eyes.  Conan stood and ambled over to the wrench, unnoticed by Wade who was muttering to himself as the delete fest continued.


“Personal pronouns is a thing now on your bio? … Well, adding them now.”


“Oops, really need to re-tag that photo I took with Hunter Biden.  Was… crack smoking loser, now… consoling him about drug abuse.”


“Beating the crap out of those rioters?  Now protesting against the man!’


“Hmmm, best to just delete these photos.”


“Conan, do you think this is inappropriate?  Conan?”  Wade looked about.  “Dude?”


And there was Conan, with a laughing woman over his shoulder as he made his way to a door in the back of the bar, which led to some stairs and a bit of privacy.


A shrug from Wade as he resumed cleaning up some unfortunate tidbits of his online history.


Making it big time…

Chapter 61


A friend of mine just passed away from brain cancer that came upon him most suddenly. He was a mustang in the United States Marines, meaning he rose from enlisted to Lieutenant Colonel before he retired from service to come work at the company I worked at before many years later retiring and going to live in South Dakota before passing a few years later. He was an avid rifle collector (I used to joke that he’s goal was to collect a model of every German Mauser 6mm rifle every made). He was a very skilled instructor in the use of fire arms and fire arm safety and loved to hold what he called shoot-ex events (shooting expo) where we all got to fire various firearms, hence my experience with firearms from many eras.

As I reminisced over his life I got to wondering about firearms training for New Mutant and hence this brief story as a kind of tribute.

Chapter Text

Part 61a:  Passing…


Chamber a round.


Scope on target, but not too close to the eye else the recoil from the rifle will give you scope eye (cut or bruising around the eye socket).  A lesson, if learned, only needs to be learned once as experience is a most stern taskmaster, and the resultant sarcastic range nickname of Potter (mark on the forehead) also serves as an ever present reminder.


Brace the rifle carefully.


Exhale… always try to shoot after an exhale, and not on an inhale.


Squeeze the trigger… don’t jerk it.  Gentle…




BANG!  Went another firearm on the range.  A bang that was not aimed at a target but instead went right into the dirt.


The range master bellowed out a command.  “Guns Down!  Place your weapons on the table before you and step away from your weapon!”



Big trouble!

Somebody has messed up!


All the new mutants put down either the rifle or a hand gun they were operating.  The culprit was Roberto who had been rather playful with the Smith & Western 12 inch revolver and had managed to fire around into the ground (they were all outside at a private gun range).


Roberto knew that fessing up was the best course of action.  “Sorry sir, I didn’t realize it was loaded.”


A collective wince from the other New Mutants, those being Rahne, Dani, Sam, and Illyana.


The range master, an old friend of Logan’s, and the owner of the range gave Roberto a stern look, a look that prompted the other students to recite the rules one by one.


Rahne:  “The intent is that this be an enjoyable and learning exercise, injury or death would make this very un-enjoyable for all involved.”


Illyana:  “Never point your firearm at something you do not intend to destroy.”


Dani:  “Targets are down range, that is where your weapons should always be pointing.”


Sam:  “Always assume a gun is loaded.  The prior knucklehead may have left a round in the chamber.”


And lastly Roberto:  “There is no such thing as an accidental discard.  The Marines calls such events a negligent discharge.  Sorry sir.  My fault sir.  Won’t happen again sir.”


And the sirs were meant.  The range master was stern, but very fair.  And he even let you fire his luger 9mm if he was pleased with you.


With a nod, range master Lt. Colonel Al Olson (retired) said.  “The range is hot!”


And training resumed.


Goodbye Al…

Chapter 62


A short little story based on X-Factor Issue #9. Somehow I think Illyana has a certain vibe that makes many people apprehensive about her. Spoiler alert: I did think Mojo went down a bit too easy in X-Factor #9 as he is an A List villain, but… that is the story in the issue.

Chapter Text

Part 62:  Belling the cat


Heck no, that was the bottom line statement from Eye-Boy.  There was no freaking way he was going to give Illyana the bad news.  This statement was uttered in the X-Factor planning meeting that was coming up with how to free all the mutants in the Mojo Universe.  A complication was the little fact that X-Factor was banned on pain of death from the Mojo Universe so additional forces would be needed.  The plan focused around Dazzler to help mesmerize the mutants but… just how to get into the Mojo universe and distract Mojo was a subject of come contention.


Who/what are X-Factor?  X-Factor is the Krakoa based team that investigates dead and missing mutants, thus assuring that the dead are really dead before they can be queued up for resurrection.


Northstar – Jean-Paul Beaubier, speedster and the leader of the group.


Prodigy – David Alleyne, smart, able to manipulate information and find patterns.  Able to replicate other’s abilities to an extent.


Prestige – Rachel Anne Summers, telepath and telekinetic.  Very helpful in investigating.  One of the heavies of the group.  Rather happy having her own place rather then living on the Moon with Mom and Dad, even though living on the moon is cool.


Eye-Boy – Trevor Hawins, his body is covered in eyeballs.  Able to perceive many many things across almost any photonic wavelength as well as other emanations (i.e. some types of magic).


Polaris – Lorna Dane, Magnetic abilities.  Another of the heavy hitters.  About to move onto a new gig on the X-Men team.


Daken – Son of Wolverine.  Similar abilities to wolverine.  No longer quite the dick he used to be.


Aurora – Jeanne-Marie Beaubier, sister to Northstar and similar abilities.  Not really on the team but hangs out at their tower, she was the first investigation done by X-Factor.


They had the beginning of a good plan, which involved distracting everybody with Dazzler, Lila Cheney, and some other musical hangers on so they could free Shatterstar and the other mutants, but… They still needed an in.  Somebody to get them there, and somebody capable of dealing with Mojo.


They had come up with that somebody, Magik (A.K.A Illyana Rasputin) and a reason for her to get involved.  But that meant that somebody had to tell her, and show her, the sitcom that Mojo had created where she was the love interest of Pogg Ur-Pogg (a large crocodile like humanoid) who likes to speak in poetic verse.  Illyana had defeated Pogg Ur-Pogg in the battle of swords but Mojo had crafted a show out of it and Illyana was not well portrayed in that show.  So simple, just let Illyana know and…




Illyana losing her top while water skiing with Pogg Ur-Pogg.

Illyana losing her top while snow boarding with Pogg Ur-Pogg.

Kissing and cuddles with Pogg Ur-Pogg.

Being very blonde, and a bit of an airhead, not to mention extra large breasts.

Pogg Ur-Pogg parties and gets drunk with Belasco (i.e. her dad).

Illyana slaughtering her way across the landscape (and, of course, losing her top).

Illyana losing her top while…

Well… you get the point.


X-Factor has skimmed the episodes, first out of innocent curiosity, and later as a guilty pleasure as it was funny and apparently very popular in the Mojo Universe (Rachel stashed a copy of the entire series as she was rather certain that Illyana was going to make sure it vanished once she found out).




It’s…. YANA!


Yana, along with some of the New Mutants (Dani, Sam, and Doug) go on a picnic with Pogg Ur-Pogg and some never seen before new mutants (think red shirts in Star Trek as these never seen before characters tended to drop like flies on the show).  Illyana, of course, is wearing just an itty bitty white bikini.  Chaos ensures when giant mutant ants attack in an attempt to steal the goodies (and a few new mutants as well).  Any chance of a peaceful outcome is dashed when the cry “They killed Doug!” after Doug is snipped in half by a giant ant.


Illyana and Pogg Ur-Pogg, as well as the other mutants, go on an ant killing spree (Pogg Ur-Pogg was very annoyed that he had not been the one to kill Doug this episode).  But Illyana breaks a finger nail and gets distracted and distraught about her broken nail, causing the red shirt new mutants to get slaughtered by the ants, and splatter her with the blood of the fallen.  This causes her to go into a killing rage (the broken nail, not the blood), and she loose her top once again as the dastardly ants are routed and slain.




And that was the issue.  Nobody wanted to be the one to tell Illyana about the show.  Now Illyana was not known for shooting the messenger but there was a distant lack of volunteers.  Eye-Boy had been nominated by Jean- Paul but…


“She’s… creepy.  I’m always convinced she’s concealing things from my vision.”  Was his statement.


“Concealing things?”  Asked Jean-Paul.  “Like what?”


“Just… things.  I swear I see… things out of the corner of my eyes when she’s around, but when I focus on her I see… nothing out of the ordinary, other than the ghost outline of horns that is always there on her forehead.  Except when… well… when she has real horns.”


“Outline of horns?”  Was Jean-Paul somewhat doubtful statement, he did not have much experience with Illyana.


“Horns…”  Was Trevor’s firm answer.  “So… no.  I’m not going to be the one to tell her, there others way more qualified for that, like you Rachel.”


Rachel froze, caught in mid slurp on her straw (she was drinking ice coffee), then… “What?  Me?  No, we don’t get along.”  Her pet Warwolf puppy that she had named Amazing Baby, gave a growl, as Amazing Baby also did not care for Illyana.  A real quick swipe left.  “No… Lorna would be better.”


“Why me?”  Asked Lorna, with a tone that implied that Rachel had given her an especially low quality re-gift.


“You’re… better with people then I am.”


Lorna was demure in her disagreement.  “Bull.  She’s one of the Great Captains and she hangs out with your dad.  You interact with her all the time.”  Okay, not quite demure, she was somewhat convinced that Rachel was pissed that Lorna, and not Rachel, had won the voting to become the next X-Men and that this was payback.


“Yeah, hangs with my dad, not me.  And she hangs out with your dad as well.”  Meaning Magneto.


“Well… either ways, David is the logical choice.”  Stated Lorna as this O’h so prized assignment was re-gifted yet again.


“In what reasoning system is that conclusion remotely logical?”  Inquired David with a tone that implied that why yes, two plus two is apparently now seventeen.


“You’re the info dude.”  Was Lorna declaration.


A title that left David less then impressed.  As did the nods from Rachel, Lorna, Trevor; which was likely more based upon the passing of the cup from them.  Well, time for some more rational reasons to decline the honor.


“I am in agreement with Trevor.”  Stated David.  “She creeps me out.  Unlike the rest of you I was there in Limbo when she returned.”  A little shudder from David.  “It was hell, literally, and as bad a Belasco was, she was scarier.  I know she’s supposed to be all better now but… that was a very bad time, I know people who still have nightmares about it.  And that’s not even the worse from what I’ve heard as others have spoken of the time that some other hell lord attacked her and pulled the whole team into Limbo, lots of big hitters like Scott, Emma, Magneto,…”


“Golden Balls…”  Smirked Trevor.


A hush of a glare from David to Trevor.  “Yes he was, and he’s Egg now, as were all the others who were on the breakaway team that Scott, Magneto, Emma, and Illyana were running.  From what I’ve heard it was a major brown trouser event.”


“He admitted he crapped his pants?”  Was Daken’s surprised comment.


“Yes, but it was not a singular event.”


“Meaning… oh… um… others did it as well?”


“Supposedly everybody…”  Was David’s reply.


“Everybody?  Even…”  Injected Lorna.


“Everybody.”  Was the certain statement from David.  “Other then her, but she was supposedly made of fire at that point.  Everybody else just dropped dos in a major way.”


A rather universal expression of yuck from all present.


David had more to say.  “Plus…”  David looked about and then whispered.  “I know this sounds weird but… more then a few of the younger ones says that if you speak her name three times she will hear you, so they never speak her name; instead they use her code name or other nicknames.”


A snort of distain from Jean-Paul.  “That is ridicules, this is not the film Candy Man, you make her sound like she is the devil…”  And then a pause of sudden thought about what he had just said.


Rachel said nothing, but recalled a Russian proverb that the devil listens when you say her name, and that it only took on utterance.


David said what everybody was thinking.  “Um… she kind of is.  Anyway, Daken is a way better choice.”


“No.”  Was Daken’s reply after popping off the cap of a beer bottle.  “No can do, that is a negatory.  Nope, nadda, so not happening.”  With that he drained his beer.  There was no way he wanted to be on the bad side of a babe who likes startling Ninjas for fun (yes Illyana was still playing that game).  He, as apposed to others, did not attempt to push another team member under the Magik Bus, but instead nominated somebody who should have been the obvious choice.


“We should go with Dani.”


Why yes…! 


Was the group consensus.  Yes, yes, yes!  Not me, pick that that person behind the tree.


She was perfect!

Long time friend of Illyana’s.

Able to tell her difficult things.

And if things went badly… Well… no unfortunate impacts.

Meaning she was not part of the X-Factor team!


And so it was.


And so they did.


And mighty was the vexation of the queen of Limbo.


Great was her wrath.


And a painful woe befell Mojo as unto him was delivered… well…


You need to read the comic for those details; and no, she doesn’t lose her top (sigh…)

Chapter 63


Well, apparently my IP address is now banned from CBR forums. Not quite sure why, as all I did was post an opinion in a topic about the X-Men vs. Inhuman event. And it was a rather benign post, I just mentioned that I had written various chapters involving Inhumans in What to do about Magik and had listed the chapters and where they were. Does CBR forums not admit to the existence of other web sites? Well, here is what I wrote and then what I suppose is likely the last of my writing efforts about the fate of the Inhumans, unless Marvel starts having them interact again.

Chapter Text

The key as I see it is Disney/Marvel’s attempt to create a replacement for the X-Men due to their issues with Fox.  Once those issues were resolved, and the subsequent purchase of Fox by Disney, the Inhumans had to stand on their own.  The X-Men franchise is the largest in American Comics, one just needs to look at the number of viewers on the various message board here at CBR.


Batman (36 viewing)

DC Comics (39 viewing)

Hellboy (3 viewing)

Image Comics (2 viewing)

Independent (1 viewing)

Marvel Comics (65 viewing)

Spider Man (15 viewing)

Superman (15 viewing)

Wonder Woman (9) viewing

X-Books (81 viewing)


There are big franchises, and there are small franchises.  Inhumans is a very small franchise.  Mostly occasional co-stars in some series or plot element, and occasionally they have a book that ends up failing due to low readership or it was just a limited series anyway.  And… without trying to be too mean, the most popular Inhuman character is the dog (which is not a good sign when trying to create an X-Men contender).  At best the Inhumans get a thread or two (In the CBR forums).


The deck was stacked against the Inhumans, and then they poisoned the X-Men (take that Fox!) just to be extra nasty.  Which caused war as it were with the fandoms.  And oddly, the kind and caring side of the Inhumans was so well shown in the poisoning and killing of Mutants, and many humans.  And what did the Inhumans do to stop it (hint, it was nothing).  Nothing in both the X-Men AND the Inhuman comics.  And what was the horrible thing that Scott did?  Unknown as it was never published by Marvel as the Inhumans were just not selling and Disney had purchased Fox so, the best that could be done was to throw what was left under the bus in an attempt to create some sales (which failed).  So… for now the Inhumans are mostly just in the closet.  Remember that X-Men films has grossed many Billons of dollars, and Inhumans have… a failed TV show.  One can comment about the quality of various X-Men films, but they made money (most of the time).  Money talks and… I suspect… that Spider Man underoos licensing fees have produced more net profit for Disney then the Inhuman comic sales.


I have written quite a bit about the X-Men/Inhumans interactions in various chapters my What To Do About Magik ongoing series.  Each chapter is standalone and explains (from my perspective) is just why things happened the way it did.


www fanfiction net slash comic slash X-Men and archiveofourown dot org slash works.


Chap 17:  Plotting

Chap 19:  Imprisonment 

Chap 20:  Breakout 

Chap 21:  Truth about the destruction of the cloud 

Chap 25:  NuHuman ruminations (secret warriors)

Chap26:  More NuHumans (secret warriors)

Chap 33: Choices

Chap34:  Just what did Scott really do?  And the fate of the Inhumans.


And that apparently got my IP address banned.  Gee, I thought you had to utter a political or social opinion that disagreed with the administrators of a website to get blocked.  Oh well, it’s not like a post much to CBR, but I do like to read the forums.


My guess, going forward, is that the X-Men and the Inhuman/Nuhuman franchises will (mostly) not interact with each other for years and the whole Inhuman poison gas will be reconned away by just ignoring it hard enough.


Anyway, enough venting for now.  Here’s the story, kind of a fourth wall breaking thing, meaning it is meant to be humor.



Part 63a:  Judgment Day


The theme music of the Terminator is playing as we see a large dimly lit room.


Da… da da da… da… da da da daaaaa…


As the lights slowly grow in intensity we see a courtroom.  At the front is an unoccupied high judge’s desk.  On the right, the bench of the defendant, there is a large green woman (Jennifer Walters) dressed in a very nice light blue pants suit (She-Hulk before she got turned in a dunce when in Hulk form by the woke crowd).  Besides her is the co-counsel Matt Murdock, who is dressed in a dark blue suit.  With them are the Inhuman Royalty Black Bolt and Medusa, along with that giant dog of theirs.  On the left is the prosecutor’s desk, where sits a white man in a well tailored black suit, along with some assistants.  He’s Robert Allen Iger, Chairman of the board of Disney.


The jury box is filled with fourteen very diverse jurors, more on them later but Donald Duck is one of the jurors.  And the court room audience is filled with a diverse group of Marvel characters, some Inhumans, some Mutants, and a smattering of other franchises.  It was even a crossover event as some DC and Image characters were in the audience, Harry Quinn for one, Hell Boy, and there was a strange purple talking aardvark.  Illyana was in attendance, she was sitting next to Loki in a bit of a empty part of the spectator benches as folks appeared to be avoiding her; likely the little flicker of flames that kept materializing and vanishing in her hair had something to do with it.


“Liked the first episode of your show.”  Was her comment to Loki.  “Good examination as to the complexity of character and internal motivation.  Looking forward to the remainder.”


“Thanks, coming from you that means something.”  Was his reply, then an observation.  “No Emma?”


“I think she’s making a statement by not being here.”  Sniffed Illyana.  “Stating that they are just so…unimportant.  Irrelevant.  I can almost hear her saying ‘Medusa who?’”


A smile from Loki.  Ahh… he was quite familiar with such methods of disrespect.


A bit more from Illyana.  “Oh, and Stark’s an asshole, I think you’d make a great Avenger, breath some life into their stories.”  She was referring to when, in a Loki comic, Loki had stated a desire to become an Avenger and Stark, as well as Thor, had pooh-pooh’d the idea in a very condescending way.


Loki replied.  “Thanks for the vote of confidence, I think with your vote I’m now up to two.”


That’s when a Star Wars Storm Trooper, he’s the bailiff by the way, entered and make an announcement.


All rise!  Presiding is he, the most high, giver of life, provider of inspiration, director of purpose, he who walks with his eyes held high, receiver of great bonuses, the signer of paychecks, source of promotions, the man with the plan, the big cheese, that’s Mr. to you, in short Judge Stan the Man!


With that Stan Lee, dressed in Sith Emperor robes, walked and sat down in the judges’ chair and started to shuffle some paperwork.


“You may be seated.”  Announced the Bailiff.


“We lucked out.”  Whispered Jenifer to Medusa as they sat back down.  “There are far worse judges.”


“Such as…?”  Whispered back Medusa, doubt coloring her tone.  “We had hoped for Kirby.”


Jennifer pointed out one.  “Jim Shooter for one, and you could have gotten Claremont.”


Which resulted in a nod from Medusa, yes there were… harsher judges, but also disagreement as to Claremont.  “He would have reclused himself.”


A quiet snort of disbelief from Matt.  “Right… Claremont doing what you’d expect?  No, Jennifer is right, we dodged a bullet.  Stan is mostly fair.”


Judge Stan gave a node to the bailiff, resulting in the bailiff calling out the case.  “The Magic Kingdom vs. the Inhumans.”


“And the charge?”  Inquired Matt Murdock.


“Failure.”  Is the one word response from the prosecutor.


“Failure of what?”  Probed Matt.


“Contractual, they swore to replace the X-Men in sales.”  An aid whispers something to the chief prosecutor.  “Oh… and the attempted genocide the Mutants.”


“Objection!”  Declared both Jennifer and Matt.  Then Jennifer continued.  “Our clients were only doing what they had been directed to do.  Their job was to serve as a stalking horse against the House of Fox.  A job they did with acclaim as the House of Fox has bent the knee and has now been subsumed by the Magic Kingdom”


Stan asked a question.  “So… your client’s defense is that you were just following orders?”


That was a misstep as Stan was Jewish and such a defense was likely to not fall on fertile ground.


Matt attempted a recovery.  “No your honor.”


A neutral look on Stan’s face as he asked.  “Does the defense or prosecution have any issues before we continue?”


Jennifer had one.  “I protest, one of the jury members is a duck wearing a sailor’s outfit, and lacking any pants at that.  Additionally, one of the jurors is a genocidal robot.”


Stan was not having any of that.  “Overruled.  That duck has earned the company billions.  Likewise Ultron has not only been the villain of a plethora of stories across may franchises, his had a staring role in the second Avengers film.  This is a jury of your peers consoler.  Successful properties.”


Jennifer made one more attempt.  “And the mermaid?”


Stan reminded them that… “All juries shall, if possible, have a minimum of one Disney Princess.  Likewise at least one supposedly villainous character shall be a member of every jury so as to bring balance and diversity.  Villains are people to councilor.”


Matt made a request.  “We ask that this be closed trial, no spectators.”




A sideways glance from Matt at Illyana, then at some other members of the audience.  “Possible… intimidation.”


Stan made his ruling.  “No, all such hearings have always been open and I see no need to change.  Any other issues?”


There were none, so with that the trial of the Inhumans began.



Part 63b:  Snippets from various testimony


Johnny Storm (Witness for the prosecution)


We see Johnny Storm on the witness stand, in FF uniform, crying as he answers questions from the prosecutor.  “Then she just… just… threw me away… like I was nothing… after all we had been through… after all I had done for her… After all she made me do…”


Matt raised an issue.  “Objection your Honor, how does this line of questioning have any relevance to the case?”


Robert Iger, the prosecutor had an answer.  “Character your Honor.  Character.  It shows the casual disregard for social norms or even basic kindness by the defendants.  The Inhumans were given a job to do.  But nothing in the assignment called for the casual cruelty they demonstrated towards the Mutants in general or various non Mutant characters.  Mr. Storm’s testimony demonstrates this behavior of the Inhumans in general and the Royal family in particular.”


Stan reached a decision.  “Objection overruled.  You may continue with this line of questioning.”


The Prosecutor did so.  “So… Mr. Storm.  Just what… things… did Medusa make you do?”


A question Johnny answered. 


Answered in depth, much to the embarrassment of Medusa and the discomfort of Black Bolt as Johnny had been Medusa’s boy toy during the separation between her and Black Bolt.  Think of Johnny as the scratcher of the itch, reliever of stress; if he had been a horse then she’d ridden him hard and put him away wet.


Answered with a great deal of detail that might… just might… have been a bit malign by Johnny due to her oh so sudden dumping of him.  Black Bolt had a rather disgusted expression on his face over some of the things that Medusa supposedly enjoyed, an expression that vanished the instant his wife glanced in his direction.


Sue Richards (Witness for the defense)


Sue had gone on at length about how she respected the Inhumans and how well she thought of them.  But under cross examination from the prosecution she had begun to stammer a bit.  And then when the Prosecutor had asked…


“So… do you likewise engage in wife swapping Mrs. Richards?”




“Wife swapping.  The Inhumans are rather… flexible on their domestic arrangements.  I have a deposition here from your husband Reed Richards, as to the multiple offers from Medusa involving offers of a swap.  Oh…  I’m sorry… I thought you were aware of such offers.”


“That bitch did what!?”  A wince from Medusa as Sue voiced her outrage.


“It’s all in the deposition, apparently his field name, Mr. Fantastic, piqued her interest in exploring… other aspects of your husband’s abilities.  The deposition does state that your husband refused all such offers.”


“I KNEW IT!   I knew that two timing bitch was after Reed!  Always nice to my face, when she wasn’t treating me like a servant that is.  Always so condescending.  After all, that she was willing to associate with a simple commoner like me should be treated like a privilege; or so she always acted.  Always with the snide remarks about my figure, my hair, my oh so provincial attitude, her constant racial insults against anybody who isn’t an Inhuman.  It’s not my fault Black Bolt ended up with multiple wives and that bitch felt that if Black Bolt was dipping his wick then it was ok for her to…”


The ranting went down hill from there as Sue vented about what she really thought of Medusa and the Inhumans.  The defense tried to have her declared a hostile witness, but Judge Stan refused as Sue Richards was, after all, their character witness.



Steve Rogers (Witness for the prosecution)


“So, Captain America, for the record, why did nobody come to the aid of the Inhumans when the X-Men attacked?”


Steve gave a very audible sigh.  “Because nobody likes them.  Dr. Strange was refusing to answer his phone and the Avengers really didn’t want a repeat of the whole Avengers vs. X-Men event.  I… like Storm.  She came to me before the attack and asked that I not engage.  Not to mention that took place during the whole Hail Hydra phase that Marvel was playing around with so Hydra was fine with the Inhumans being taken down a peg or two or three or… well… you get the picture.”


“And the other Avengers were okay with this?”


“There was some discussions at the barbeque, but…”


“I’m sorry… Did you say barbeque?”


“Yes, the Avengers were having a barbeque at the time.”


“And that was more important then helping the Inhumans?”


Steve looked uncomfortable.  “We’d just placed the meat on the grill and I’d just opened a new beer, plus Namor had just shown up so he and T’Challa were arguing about…”


Black Bolt and Medusa were not happy to learn that they ranked lower then Costco weenies on a grill.



Luke Cage (Witness for the prosecution)


“Ororo asked that I, and the Defenders, take the day off.  I said no problem, Brothers and Sisters got to stick together when dealing with this kind of shit.  I got no beef against the Inhumans, but when was the last time they did anything for Harlem?”



Dante Pertuz, field name Inferno (Witness for the prosecution)


“Fuck Black Bolt.”  Was Dante’s declaration.  “Thanks to him my Mom died when she was exposed to that damn Terrigen cloud.  Something they kept from me, meaning that he’d created the clouds, because… gee, what kind of cono would I be if I was pals with the cono who’s deliberate actions killed my mom.  Rather sucks that Inhumans are given the choice of exposure to Terrigen, but not us.  Who gave Black Bolt the right to do that?  Fucker should be locked up and the key thrown away.”


Judge Stan was not pleased.  “Kindly refrain from obscenities Mr. Pertuz.  This is a court of law and these proceedings are very important and should be treated with the respect they deserve.”


Dante gave a half hearted apology.  “Sorry your Honor.”


A question from the defense.  “Did not the Royal family give you, and your sister, a place to live?  And did not Medusa come to your aid and save you from death?”


“Yeah, that was good, got no beef with Medusa.  She’s ok in my book.  Later, after she left things kind of went south with me being a member of Inhuman society.  I was a member of the Secret Warriors, but that bitc… that mutant Magik was associating with us for a bit and I kept losing my lunch every time she teleported us around.”


A whisper from Loki to Illyana.  “Really?”


A nod from Illyana and a slight grin, which elicited a whispered complement from Loki.


“Well done.”


“Thanks, coming from you that means something.”


Dante, of course, proceeded to be Dante.  “And another thing!  Magik kept calling us Inhumans or hey you Inhuman.  We have names damn it!  I mean, I wasn’t calling her a Mutie like everybody else did back in New Attilan.  Mutie this, Mutie that, but no… I was cool…”


Stan banged his gavel.  “ORDER!  Racial insults are not allowable Mr. Pertuz except in regards to questions about what people said.”


Loki was very impressed as he whispered to Illyana about Dante’s little issue on losing his lunch, and refusing to call him his name.  “Now that is good evil Yana.”


A whisper back from Illyana.  “Trust me, three minutes with Dante and the least you be doing would be stabbing him.”


The prosecutor followed up on Dante’s remarks.  “So… Mutie was a common term in New Attilan for Mutants in general or just specific Mutants?”


Dante looked uncertain for a bit, but then answered.  “Yeah… they used the term all the time, and… um… for all Mutants.”


“Objection your Honor, hearsay and unsubstantiated.”


Dante spoke before Stan said anything.  “Oh… I have videos on my phone.”


“Really?”  Said the prosecutor as the defense lawyers winced.  “Do you by chance have those videos with you today?”


The answer was yes.  And the court got to view many a racist comment spoken by the Inhumans, and Medusa in particular.



Over heard during a recess


We see Luke Cage out in the smoking area (menthols for those who want to know).  He was talking with Johnny Storm as Johnny had no issues with smoke.  Remember that Jessica is Luke’s wife in the comics and so… in reality.


“Yeah, the Netflix gig was good.  Major role on the first season with Jessica, which was really good as well as she got three seasons.  Two seasons of my own show, one season of the Defenders with Jessica, and part time gigs on some other shows.  Good times, things are a bit lean at the moment but we’re doing ok as we saved.  Currently just doing some guest star visits in various comics and nothing near term on the TV or film horizon.  Tried to get a gig on Falcon and the Winter Solder but Netflix contractual restrictions put paid to that.  Still hoping to get an Avengers gig, either film or Disney channel.”


Johnny was drinking a Mocha from Starbucks.  “What about that Wakanda gig with Black Panther?”


A bit of an eye roll from Luke.  “Pays the rent but… really?  Every black Marvel character shows up in the last issue or two of Black Panther to get cameos fighting for Wakanda?  Just because a writer is black doesn’t mean that a Brother is any good at it.  And last time I checked Wakanda is not exactly next to Harlem so why is the dude always in New York?  Guess this is how the mutants feel when the Avengers don’t show up whenever something bad happens to Mutants but… really?  Only black heroes help Wakanda?  Kind of a bit too preachy for my tastes.  And I don’t like the precedent that only a black writer is allowed to write a black character.  Lot’s more white characters then black and will that mean that a brother can’t write anybody other then black?  That would be kind of limiting career wise, I mean, show of hands on who wouldn’t want Clermont to write for you?  Shit, Carol (Captain Marvel) hasn’t been interesting since Clermont stopped writing her.  She used to be sexy but now just has that full body uniform space Nazi gig she’s been going for a while.”


Both hands went up on the issue of Clermont, then fist bumps between the two as Johnny commiserated.


“Hell, I always thought that  Carol used to dress like a stripper in search of a pole, and  she she’s a big girl so if she spun she’d strike oil.  Yeah, feel for all the shit that T’Challa had to wade through comic wise under Coates.  But at least he had a great set of build up roles in films that led to his film, better then the FF got under Fox, really hope that the Mouse does a better job going forward with us.  Man… I’d kill for a Netflix series.”


Luke replied.  “Yeah, Netflix allowed us to get more… naughty then the Disney channel will go for, so I’m hoping the Mouse and Netflix can come to an agreement.”  Then a change of topic.  “Shame about you and Medusa.”


Johnny responded like most men would after being dumped.  “Naaa… that was just a fling on my part.  Was getting tired of her anyway.”  Then a bit nasty.  “Her sister was way better in bed.”


Luke finished his cigarette.  “Still, dropping you liked that.  Shit was cold.”


“Not as cold as what they did to the Mutants.”


“Yeah… that was beyond nasty.  Jessica was beyond pissed.  That’s why we…”



Brent A. Woodford is Executive Vice President, Controllership, Finance and Tax for The Walt Disney Company (Witness for the prosecution)


“Negative cash flow.”  Is the declaration from Mr. Woodford.  “Negative on comic sales.  Negative on television.  Complete waste of resources on the failed film attempt.  And don’t get me started on the dearth of licensing revenue.”


The prosecution inquired.  “So the Inhumans did not replace the X-Men?”


A laugh from Mr. Woodford before answering.  “No… heck, one episode of the old Fox X-Men cartoon produced more net profit then the entirety of Inhumans efforts.  Suffice it to say the Mouse was not pleased.  The only thing good thing that came out of it was that Fox came to their senses on sharing revenue once they realized just how serious we were on minimizing the X-Men…”


But under cross examination.  “Yes, the whole Inhumans replacing the X-Men and the de-emphasis upon X-Men licensing achieved what we wanted.”


Matt seized upon that statement.  “So my clients accomplished what they were assigned to do?”


“In that sense I guess you are correct.”


“And the Magik Kingdom gained from their efforts?”


“Yes, but they ruined the Inhuman reputation in the process.  It will be years before we can attempt to salvage the mess they made of their franchise.  We had to deal with tens of thousands of unsellable products, ended up dumping them for pennies in South America.”  A small laugh.  “Somewhere in Paraguay and Bolivia are a whole bunch of kids wearing Inhuman underoos.”



Lockjaw (Surprise witness for the prosecution)


The ultimate betrayal.  Their own dog was on the stand testifying against them.


“Objection!”  Declared an angry Jennifer.  “You can’t compel family members to testify!”


The prosecutor was snide in his remarks.  “Lockjaw’s participation is voluntary, and… are you stating that a dog is a member of the Royal family?  I hope by adoption and not by birth.”




“Sustained.”  Declared Judge Stan.   “The Jury is to disregard the idea that the Inhuman royal family is related to a dog by birth.  But the testimony of Lockjaw is allowed if it is voluntary.”


And with that, to the horror of the Inhuman Royals, Lockjaw rolled over on them, figuratively that is.


“At any time did Medusa, express remorse over what was happening to Mutants?”


Ruff, ruff ruff, whine.  Translation:  No, never.  She was always going on about how tiresome the whole mutant issue was and that Ororo should just shut up and accept her Mutie lot in life.


“Did Medusa and Black Bolt plan to kill Mutants?”


Bark, bark bark, bark, ruff, whine whine, and then a paw scratch of his nose.  Translation:  Not at first, the plan was for humans to be involuntarily transformed, but once they were assigned the job of replacing the X-Men, they felt why not make lemonade from lemons.  How much easier to replace the mutants if they were all dead?  Medusa’s main complaint was all the mutant complaining about getting sick or dying.  Their time was over and they just needed to get used to it (Note, dog is a very terse language when compared to the English translation).


“Bad dog!”  Declared Medusa about Inhuman secrets being shown.


“Objection!”  Declared the prosecutor.  “Attempt to intimidate the witness.”


“Sustained.”  Ruled Judge Stan.   “Consoler, kindly direct your client to remain silent or the court will muzzle her.”


A statement that caused laughter in the audience and Judge Stan to pound his gavel a few times.  “Order!  Order in the court.”


Loki whispered a comment to Illyana.  “I’ve always heard that that breed can turn on you.”  A comment that gave her the giggles.


Order was restored after the bailiff fired a few shots into the ceiling from his blaster, allowing Lockjaw to continue spilling all the Inhuman secrets.


Envy of the success of other franchises.

Callous disregard for everybody.

So some humans died when exposed to the gas, so what?

So mutants were dying, so what?

So New York City wanted taxes?  Big FU!  Inhumans were not about to pay.

Nuhumans did not want to bend the knee?  Force them to conform.

Democracy?  Never!


His testimony was devastating.



Part 63c:  Deliberations


The trial was done, and the jury was now in seclusion, with the two alternate jurors (Goofy and Hawkeye) hanging out in another room.   The first thing to do was elect a foreman.


“I nominate Donald.”  Announced Tinker Bell before anybody else could offer a suggestion.


“Aw, Phooey!”  Declared the duck.  “Why me Tink?


Tike made her argument.  “The big green gal disrespected you, and by association all legacy Disney characters.  Making you the foreman sends a message to these Johnny come latelies about trying to push us around.”


“I agree.”  Stated Ariel (Little Mermaid).  “Plus Donald is always organizing things.”


There was squawking from Donald, and some complaints about a belly ache, but with two already in agreement, and nobody else wanting their name attached to the decisions, it was all over when the vote was taken.


Donald got down to business.  “Phooey, phooey, phooey on you.  Sigh… you guys are worse then my nephews.  Okay, before we try a vote on the charges, any thoughts on the testimony?”


Buzz Lightyear gave his initial thoughts.  “Yes they were under orders, but, and it’s a big but…”


Rocket Raccoon interrupted as only Rocket can.  “Then we are definitely taking about Medusa, man… baby got back, even if it is a bit droopy, kind of makes you wonder why Johnny Storm went for it.”


A comment that earned him glares from most of the jurors and prompted a comment from Kermit the Frog.  “Keep it in the green folks.”  A comment that resulted in groans from all before Buzz continued.


“As I was saying, following orders is one thing, but nothing in the documents said anything about killing the mutants.  That is all on them.”


Ultron spoke.  “Documents are evidence.  Likely such orders were not written down.  A common tactic by you meat puppets in many historical situations.”


Nick Fury (the black one) injected.  “Evidence that they then should have then introduced.  And I might add, they did not.”


Tigger (the stuffed animal from Winnie the Pooh) added.  “Money speaks, and they don’t be earning any.  That’s the true crime here.”


Simba (the lion from Lion King) rebuked Tigger.  “Money isn’t everything Tig.”  Which was apparently a joke as everybody then laughed.   I mean… we’re talking the Magik Kingdom here.


Rocket Raccoon wiped away a tear.  “Seriously, what are we supposed to do?”


“I am Groot.”  Announced Groot.  A well spoken statement that was met with nods all around. 


Ariel observed.  “They had a freaking flying battleship following the remaining cloud around to blow up anybody who interfered with the cloud.  That is intent.


Kermit added.  “I understand while the Mutant comics would emphasis the cloud, and its impact, but the Inhuman comics did not paint a different picture.  They just… ignored the Mutants.  Where was the Inhuman aid efforts to mitigate the harm?  Nothing but that flying battleship.  That is not good.”


“Sales.”  Spoke Donald.  “Or lack thereof.”  Referring to the ultimate sin in the Magik Kingdom.


“What does the Mouse think Donald?’  Ask Tinker Bell.  “You’ve known him the longest of everybody.”


Which was true.  First there was Mickey, then… the Duck.  Think of the mouse as Steve Jobs while Donald was Wozniak.  “Well Tink, does anybody remember all the spin off characters from the film The Black Hole?”


Looks of confusion from all the jurors, then Rocket answered.  “Um… no?”


“That’s what he thinks about the lack of sales.”  Stated Donald, and perhaps gave a hint about consequences.  “Mouse is pissed.”


“Not as pissed as Disney Princess Darkchilde looked at some of the testimony.”  Observed Ultron.


“She’s not a Disney Princess.”  Sniffed Ariel as she gave a short definition of what it took to be a Disney Princess.  “There are currently twelve female protagonists from eleven different Walt Disney Animation Studios films and one Pixar film, who are either royal by birth, royal by marriage, or considered a ‘princess’ due to their significant portrayal of heroism in their respective films.”


“Raciest group.”  Huffed Kermit.  “Miss Piggy should be a member.”


“Not a princess.”  Rebuked Ariel.  “You don’t like it, take it up with the Mouse.  Plus what girl wants to dress like a pig?”


Which resulted in some choice insults between the frog and Ariel before Donald broke up the developing fight.  After a lunch break to cool things down, they got down to business.  There were a few more “I am Groots” as the charges were discussed and finally a vote was taken.



Part 63d:  Verdict


The jury had reached a decision, read by Donald Duck.  “Guilty on all charges.”


“WHAT!?”  Screeched Medusa as parts of the audience broke out in cheers or shouts of outrage


Stan pounded away with his gavel.  “Order!  Order!  There will be order!”


And order was eventually restored as a squad of storm troopers burst into the court room and opened fire.  A few spectators ended up being shot but they had not been published for decades so no loss.  During the minor riot Medusa had a quiet but animated discussion with the defense lawyers, she was apparently arguing for something that Matt and Jennifer did not agree with.  But apparently Medusa won the argument based upon body language.  Once order was restored Jennifer rose and declared to a shocked Judge Stan.


“We appeal.”


“You what?”


“We appeal the verdict your Honor.”


“You haven’t even heard the sentence.  The court would normally adjourn to first consider a sentence and only after the sentence is rendered does the defense examine their appeal options.”


“Never the less your Honor, my clients insist upon demanding an immediate appeal.”


“Are your clients crazy?”


“They believe you are biased against them, likewise the jury.”


A stern look from Stan.  “One last chance councilor.”


A look from Jennifer and Matt to Medusa and Black Bolt as Medusa likewise looked at Black Bolt.  The moment dragged on, then a nod from Back Bolt.


Jennifer sighed.  “My clients wish to continue upon this course of action your Honor.”


“Over your objections?”


“Yes your Honor.”


Stan shuffled some papers.  “Very well.  Let the record show that I think you’ll find that he’s not as forgiving as I am.”


With that Stan the Man pulled out a cell phone and made a call.   You only hear his side of a conversation.  “Hello… Ah, they wish to appeal… yeah… not event willing to wait for the sentence… Now?  Okay, excelsior.”


With that Stan hangs up.  “Okay, face the frontt true believers.  All rise for the Mouse.  Nuff said.”  With that Stan rose as the doors in the back of the court room opened as everybody rose.  The room was silent but for the sound of approaching footsteps and harsh mechanical breathing.  Then he strode in.


The Mouse.


Although in this case the Mouse as it were looked like a mini Darth Vader but with Mickey Mouse ears on the helmet, and a long mouse nose.  The voice is squeaky, but filled with dark ominous tones; think James Earl Jones on helium.  And he had just come from dealing with the mess that was Lucas Studios so his footprints were bloody with the blood of the fallen.


“I sense a disturbance in the Force.”


Jennifer opens her mouth to speak, but Darth Mickey clenches his left hand and both she and Matt start choking as he speaks again.  I find this lack of faith in my Judge most… disturbing.”  As Jennifer and Matt passed out.


The helmet looks upon Medusa and Black Bolt.  “You are as clumsy as you are stupid.  Choking upon your aspirations.  Well, you have disappointed me for the last time.  Stan would have been lenient.  You and yours are but traitors, fit only for death.”


That was when Black Bolt unleashed the power of his voice in an attack upon Darth Mickey as he realized his appeal had failed.  The crowd is tossed about as Darth Mickey stands against the gale of force from Black Bolt as Medusa likewise lashed out with her hair.


“This will be a day long remembered.”  Squeaked the mouse.  “The power of your voice is insignificant next to the power of the Force.  It falls to me to show you the error of your ways.”


With that the Mouse clenched his right fist and Black Bolt was silenced as Darth Mickey’s left hand flung a lightsaber that ignited with a red baneful blade and severed most of the hair from Medusa before returning to Darth Mickey’s left hand.


A squeak of dark evil.  “There is no escape.  You will serve the Empire one way… or another.  The fate of the Inhumans shall be death as we attempt to gleam as least some financial recompense from this travesty.  Black Bolt, you will be sent to a space prison, and while that happens Medusa shall get cancer, lose her hair and watch as all Inhumans are slaughtered.  Your franchise ahall be put on the shelf and only… later… might you be used again in an attempt to rehabilitate what is left of this tattered franchise.  All NuHumans but Miss Marvel shall placed in story limbo, other then the ones we decide to kill in the epic death of he Inhumans event, to be written by Emma Frost.”


A whine from Lockjaw, which is noticed by Darth Mickey.


“Not you… Lockjaw.  You are popular, liked.  No you will continue to be of use to the Empire.”


A bark of relief from Lockjaw he ran up and delivered Darth Mickey a big lick as Darth Mickey gave the dog a scratch.  “Who’s a good doggy?  Yes it’s you.  You’re a good doggie.”


The crowd slowly rose to feet as they observed the wagging Lockjaw.  A whisper from Harley Quinn that definitely summed up what everybody felt as she repeated one of her famous quotes.  “Hush, little baby, don’t say a word, Momma’s gonna kill for you the whole damn world.


Then Darth Mickey turned and began to leave but paused as he noticed Loki.


“Loki… the viewership numbers from your show are impressive… most impressive.”


Loki gave a small bow.  “I hope they are to your satisfaction.”


“They are…”  Squeaks the dark voice“Minnie and I are hosting a small… gathering tonight.  We would be honored if you joined us.”


“I shall be there my lord.”


“Good.  7:42pm, be prompt.”  Then a glance at Illyana.  “Yana…”


“Mick.”  Was her cool reply.


Good to see you again.  Sorry about Weinstein, I had no idea.  Lunch?”


“Where and when?”


“Tomorrow, Club 33, 12:13pm.”


“Got it.”


With that the Mouse departed.  And that’s, dear readers, is why the Inhumans were toasted by Marvel.



Part 63e:  Paul Harvey (a bit more from you’re friendly neighborhood author)


Author comment:  One topic from the X-Men CBR forums, which I can only access when I’m away from my home network so my IP address is different (take that CBR!  Odd, I’m still banned and they don’t respond to emails), is Why weren’t the Inhumans invited to the Hellfire Gala?  Apart from the issue of inviting your killer/abuser to a party, I think Marvel is just going to strongly ignore the whole poison gas event as the two groups never really interacted much anyway (story wise) and Marvel still hopes to eventual turn the Inhumans into a paying franchise, so perpetuating the X-Men/Inhuman issues does not aid in that monetary endeavor.  But… the recent Planet Sized X-Men special (spoilers ahead!) had Magneto, with the aid of others, terraforming Mars in but days into a habitual planet for the mutants of Arakko (the Arakko island was moved to Mars).  Now, being rather anti Inhuman, this gave me a bit of a giggle as to just why the Inhumans were not at the gala.  Ah… I’m a bad person (grin).




The red splendor was magnificent as the newly rebuilt Inhuman city of New New Attilan slowly lowered itself into the thin atmosphere as the Inhuman Royal Family (Black Bolt and Medusa) looked on from a distant mesa.  The two were dressed in space suits and were observing the landing at the new home of the Inhumans, all the other Inhumans were in the city.  With a puff of dust the city was down.


“Finally…”  Was Medusa’s comment on the radio.  “We are here.”


A thought from Black Bolt  (And now the great work begins).


Medusa was positively glowing with joy.  “From here our people will bloom, grow, and spread out across the…”


A blinding light flared into existence in the upper atmosphere as the first of the iron/nickel asteroids arrived and Mars.  Arrived and… impacted directly upon New New Attilan, which was obliterated in the resulting holocaust.  Perhaps something survived, but the impact of additional asteroids put paid to that.  And no, Black Bolt and Medusa did not survive the blast.


Far away, Charles Xavier was observing the great work Magneto was engaged in.


“Erik, what criteria did you use to select where to put the asteroids?”


Eric answered.   “The tectonic survey had several locations of equal merit so I picked one…”  Then a grin.  “at random.”


Charles felt that there was a strange smugness to Erik’s random statement, but let it go.


Author’s note:  And now you know the rest of the story.

Chapter 64


Spoilers ahead! Nice little story idea that came to me after reading the first issue of the Trial Of Magneto (accused of killing his daughter Wanda Maximoff). Currently the last known person with her was Erik as she met him, privately, in the garden of the tower that the Hellfire Gala was being held in as the party was breaking up. Of interest to me, after all the X-Men that appeared in the issue (and there were a whole bunch), there was no Illyana. Which is somewhat odd as the Wanda is a creature of magic and who knows more about magic then Magik? Also Illyana is the only X-Man, and mutant, who interacts with Wanda, as shown in the comics when she helped Illyana move the school to Limbo, and in the Strange Academy comic. I mused that Wanda might want to ask Illyana about fixing things, meaning the rubble of her social relationships, as Illyana did blow up all of her relationships, yet appears to now have mostly reconciled with those she cares about (hence the creation of this story).

Chapter Text

Oh, and several of my stories have been removed by Fanfiction dot net as I apparently violated the rules by including a character from an Author who has an agreement with Fanfiction dot net to not allow  any fan fiction with her characters (from 2010).  Yet there are other such fanfiction sites that one can find in but a few words in Google search (but I guess they are non profit sites).


The stories are:

Snowflake’s Passage Scary Things

Mother of Darkness

Pride, Prejudice, Illyana and Zombies – Rather annoying as I’m working on the next chapter.




Well, you can still find them on Archive of Our Own under dhapin (my friend Mark thought that was a great way to not have the true spelling of my name, the sad truth is that it was a typo… yeah…. I misspelled my own name… sigh…)



Part 64a:  To fix the unfixable (Before the death of Wanda)


Night has fallen and we found the to heroines of this story in New Orleans, more specifically the French Quarter, and very specifically the establishment of Muriel’s Jackson Squire Creole cuisine & Elegant Balcony Dining, on the second floor balcony with a view of the park; there we find two of the Strange Academy instructors dining (Wanda’s treat).  They had been discussing the various students, the school, and other things.  They were also observing some of the students as they wandered about the French Quarter, not that the students knew that; always best to let students think they had more slack on the rope then they really did.  The meal was done and it was time for dessert, Illyana was having the Vanilla bean Crème Brulee while Wanda had gone for the Flourless Chocolate Cake (for those who don’t know, Spiderman claims that Wanda is lactose intolerant and you really don’t want to be downwind of her if she has ice-cream or cheese cake).  They were both dressed in casual clothing and gave every appearance of having enjoyed the dinner.


“So, final assessment on our students?”  Was Wanda’s question.


A slight shrug from Illyana, and an answer that was not sugar coated.  “We’ll be lucky if half are alive within the year.”


“Harsh.”  Was Wanda’s frowning reply.


“The truth often is.”  Was the shrug of a reply from Illyana.


Wanda pointed out.  “Most would call that pessimistic, but…”


A smile from Illyana that had no delight or humor.  “My opinion is likely one of the more optimistic outcome.”


Wanda had an alterative motive for this meeting, but was still working up the courage to ask the most important of questions.  It was a song playing across the street at by some street performance that pushed Wanda over the edge as it were, the song was Save Me by Globus.


Won't you show me the door?

'Cause I've made mistakes

That have hurt the ones that I have loved

And I've thrown them under the bus

One too many times

There can be no redemption for a sinner such as I.


So Wanda went for it, asked the question, sought the answer to the riddle she had so for found unsolvable.


“How… How did you do it Illyana?”


A narrowing of the eyes from Illyana.  “Do what?”


“Fix it.”


A slight frown from Illyana.  “Fix what?”


“Fix… all that you broke.  You screwed over everybody you cared about.  Hurt everybody, and somehow… you fixed it.”


Red alert!

Shields up!

Defense on FULL!

Klingons off the starboard bow!


A long pause from Illyana as her face assumed a neutral expression as she sipped her dessert tea.  Then an answer of sorts.


“Few people ask me for advice Wanda.  I’m not known for making… good social decisions.  Nor do I like offering advice as I distrust myself in this.”


Wanda pressed on.  “Regardless, I desire your advice on my… situation.”


A request Illyana was not receptive to.  “The last time I answered such questions, gave… input, Kitty ended up not marrying my Brother.  An outcome that did not please me.”


Wanda was not going to give up that easily.  “I… I don’t know what to do.  I tried doing a great deed, but that… failed.”


An irritated scowl from Illyana.  “I know.”


Glimmerings of anger from Wanda.  “Stephen told you?”


A shake of the head from Illyana.  “No, I, and others ended up on Genosha and fought the zombies you raised.”


An embarrassed grimace from Wanda.  “I was trying to make amends.  For M-Day.”


A bit of an irritated growl of a sigh from Illyana.  “Wanda, I found that artifact of a staff you created.  It was most… annoying.  Even more that you had not told me what you had done, such knowledge would have prevented…”


“Prevented what?”  Was Wanda’s question as Illyana had gone silent.


Illyana finally continued.  “It gave off such a song of power, to one such as I it was as… In short it, and therefore you, drugged me.  I was about to enslave the entire world as my demonic nature completely took over and I forgot everything that I am.  The staff self destructed just as I declared that Kurt was to be…”




“I said, ‘ Dashing blue demon boy, you will serve me most of all as I find your appearance to be…’”


Look of slight amused horror from Wanda.  “OMG, you were going to make Kurt a sex slave?”


A cool look from Illyana.  “I’m not going to answer that.”


“Talk about regrets.”


Which prompted an unexpected answer from Illyana.  “I regret nothing.”  Why, one could infer from that statement that Illyana was attracted to Kurt, but that was not the topic at hand.


First a contemplative look from Wanda as to the meaning of that statement, after all Kurt was quite sexy, then a quiet reply from Wanda.  “I was trying to do good.”


Illyana’s reply was judgmental and one might point out was the first step on the path of advice, perhaps the thought of Kurt had distracted her.  “No you were not.”


“Yes I was, I was trying to…”


Illyana finished.  “Do something to make yourself look good.  Something unasked for, and yet all you did was greater harm.”


“I just wanted to try to fix things!”


“Hence the problem.”




“Never mind…”


“No… you meant something.  You understand something.  Tell me!”


Illyana had given Wanda advice before, many people had.  Advice Wanda had rejected because sometimes people just don’t want to hear some things.  But Illyana did offer…


“Wanda, you realize you are asking a hell lord for relationship advice?  Hell Lords are not known for giving good advice, or being successful in relationships.  Shards know I’ve endlessly F’d up.”


And Wanda was not receptive.  “Don’t give me that line, tell me!”


Illyana tended to not respond well to people getting in her face with demands.  “No… we’re done here, I suggest you re-examine what others have told you before.  The truth tends to not change just because you dislike it.”


Wanda suddenly stood up as flickers of power engulfed her form. “I say when we’re done!”  Damn it!  Illyana understood something and by the gods she was going to share it!


Illyana’s only physical reaction was a narrowing of eyes as she relied.  “You don’t want to do this Wanda.”


Wanda’s eyes began to glow white with power.  “Yes I do!  You are going to tell me what I want to know.”  As tentacles of power grew from Wanda’s fingers and started to wrap around Illyana.


A frown from Illyana.  “Perhaps, but not here.”  As two light disks whisked them to Limbo.



Part 64b:  War is diplomacy by other means




A pocket dimension, a space between places that became a place.


A hellish place.


Answerable only to its ruler.


That ruler being Illyana.  And this was the center of her power.


And now a magical battle raged in Limbo as Wanda strove to bind Illyana to her will, to make her answer the questions Wanda wanted answered.  Questions that Wanda screamed at Illyana as they fought.












Illyana did not answer, and at first she appeared over matched by Wanda.  But Illyana tended to let people underestimate her.  It is a common misunderstanding by almost all that Illyana would sift to her Darkchilde form for more power.  The truth was Illyana stopped not being her Darkchilde form as it took magical energies to not be her demonic form.  In such situations she was not upping her game, instead she was no longer suppressing her game.  The cause could be need, emotional upset, or other conditions that made her forget to not be as she was.


She had defeated Doctor Strange when he had fought her in Limbo back at the beginning of the Avengers vs. X-Men.


She has slain Dormammu here.


All other challengers to her had fallen.


To be brief, Wanda lost.


It ended with Wanda lying face down on the ground with Illyana, in her Darkchilde incarnation, on Wanda’s back, rather like a wrestler move one might say.  One knee in Wanda’s back, her tail wrapped around Wanda’s neck, Illyana’s left hand over Wanda’s mouth, and an angry statement from Illyana.


“Nobody likes being made into a puppet Wanda.  I would have thought you’d have figured at least that out by now.”


“It’s not fair!”  Was Wanda’s sobbing complaint.  “I helped undo M-Day!  I helped get rid of the Phoenix!  I helped move the school to Limbo!  I tried to bring the dead mutants of the Genosha, it wasn’t my fault they came back as zombies!  I just want Vision, the Avengers and everybody else to love me gain!  Is that so much to ask!?  Why won’t you tell me how you did it?!”


Illyana replied after she finished casting some magical bounds upon Wanda, preventing her from further acting out.


“I can’t tell you because I didn’t fix anything!”


Illyana continued as she rolled away from the sobbing Wanda.  “Wanda, if you start a fire you don’t get a cookie  for helping to put it out.  You’ve simply fucked over too many people in too many ways for them to want you back in their life.”


“But… they let you back in!”


“No… they didn’t.  I… moved forward.  I… took different paths.  I changed.  I suppose my actions and choices showed I changed, and for reasons I still don’t understand, they associated with me again.”


“But I did so many the good things!”




“That shows I’ve changed!”


Illyana had a rather ironic look as she looked around at the devastation that surrounded them.  “Yes… I see.  Very… changed.  I suggest that is likely the reason Wanda.”




A sigh from Illyana.  “Wanda, you’re unstable, self obsessed, and convinced what you want is the most importing thing in the world.  You do things for others, not for doing the right thing, but because you think that will fix what you’ve broken.  It won’t.  It can’t.  You’ve hurt them to much.”


“You did the same!  They locked you in a cell under 500 feet of water in a bomb jacket!”


“Yep.  So?”


“They like you again!”


A shrug from Illyana.  “Some do, most are still afraid, with cause.  Heck, if I died half of Krakoa would party.”


“Better then me!”  Wailed Wanda.  “Everybody would celebrate if I died!”


“And again it is all about you Wanda.  I… suggest you view things from the perspective of those you’ve harmed.”


“Have you!?”




“And…?  That showed you how to fix it!?”


“No Wanda, you just don’t get it.  I fixed nothing.  I moved forward, I strove to be different, be better then I was, then I am.  Over time… this allowed the creation of new relationships, and some of these new relationships included those I loved.  Nothing got fixed, new things got created.  Stop trying to do things to make them love you Wanda.  Try being somebody people want in their lives, or can at least make use of.  As things stand now… most are just waiting for the next Wanda meltdown.”


“I want them to forgive me!”


Illyana stood up and stretched her back, Wanda was just not listening; but Illyana decided to offer a suggestion.  “Perhaps you might start by not doing stupid shit like this.”


Wanda struggled to right herself as Illyana’s bindings hindered her flexibility, she ended up sitting upon the ground, dirty with her face smeared with dust and some that had been created due to her tears.  “What if… what if I…”


“Stopped.”  Finished Illyana as she interrupted Wand.  “What if you stopped.”


“Stopped…?  Stopped what?”


“Stop trying to do things to make people like you again.  Wanda, that just won’t work unless you do the whole reality changing thing which will just make them hate you worse once it is over.  I’ll say it again, people don’t like being turned into puppets.  Stop repeating yourself and try something different by not trying to do anything to or for other people.”


Illyana’s words finally gave Wanda pause.  This sounded like what Stephen had been saying in that he had suggested she ring a different bell.  She has thought she was following his advice when she went on a quest to resurrect the dead mutants of Genosha by assembling a set of magical components to create a staff of vast power, then a ritual that went really wrong (See Empyre:  X-Men 1-4).  Stephen had been most disappointed in Wanda’s actions and had rebuked her.


Illyana continued.  “Why not try and do something to correct that little possession issue you have.  I mean, just how many times has Chthon possessed you?  It’s like you have a frequent possessor card with him.


“That’s not my fault!”  Rebutted Wanda.  “I can’t do anything about that.”


A shake of the head from Illyana.  “Then perhaps you should.  Everytime you get possessed you hurt the one’s you say you care about.  Yet… what are the consequences to those who possess you?  Nada.  Here’s a clue Wanda, your promises and threats needs to mean something.  Anybody does, or tires to do, that to me… dies.  Simple as that.  My oaths and threats mean something, yours… doesn’t.  Yet another thing you don’t fix or try to fix, and yet another reason folks likely don’t want you around.”


“I don’t have the power to…”


“House of M, M-Day.”  Was Illyana’s reply as she again interrupted Wanda, this time with examples that rather indicated that Wanda should have sufficient power to do something about the whole possession thing, assuming she was sufficiently motivated.


“I was crazy!”


Illyana was not convinced of the past case of Wanda’s statement.  “Do something different Wanda, make yourself better, fix issues, go do anonymous good without any expectations of reward.  Try making new friends.  Try not making the same mistakes you make over and over.  And F-up the next idiot who tries to possess you, I mean Rogue was complaining that you’d get possessed within two weeks of being on a new team.  And try actually considering your actions before you do something.  I suggest, again, finding a good twelve step program.”


Left unsaid was Wanda’s tendency to swap out boyfriends at the drop of a hat, just ask Wonder Man about that.  Just another reason to avoid her, plus Roberto’s saying that putting your dick in crazy is a bad idea really applied here.


Another sigh from Illyana.  “Crap, have you tried talking to you dad?”


Which invoked new sobbing from Wanda.  “He’s not my real father…”


“He has baby pictures of you and your brother.”


“No he doesn’t!  That’s not possible.”


A slight hint from Illyana.  “Wanda, he knows a time traveler and cameras are not that hard to come by.”


And perhaps that suggestion stuck in Wanda’s head…



Part 64c:  Wake…  (After the death of Wanda)


Frederick J. “Fred” Dukes, A.K.A The Blob, and chief bartender of the Green Lagoon Tiki bar of Krakoa stated “This is a closed event” to Illyana as she walked in, wearing her usual black getup.


The bar was dark and empty as almost everybody on the island was outside celebrating the death of Wanda.  Present was Fred, Mastermind (Jason Wyngarde) and Quicksilver (Pietro Django Manimoff).  Toad (Mortimer Toynbee) had already left and had passed Illyana outside.  All former members of Magneto’s original team.  A team that had had Wanda.


“I know.”  Was her simple reply as she sat at the bar and gestured for a drink.


Quicksilver began to threaten.  “If your here to celebrate…”


“Shut-up Pietro.”  Stated Fred.  “Magik has more class then that.”  He got a glass and filled it with what the others were drinking.


Illyana raised it as if in a toast, took and sip, and then downed it.  No words were spoken by her as she then got up and left the others to their grief.


Left, but felt… like all of this was all a bit silly.  I mean … how odd that folks felt that Wanda would stay dead.


We’re talking the Scarlet Witch here.

Chapter 65


Spoilers ahead! So Destiny (Irene Adler) is back at the end of Inferno Issue 2 (she died years ago in the comics). Issue 1 and Issue 2 details just how that was brought about. Hat’s off to Mystique (Raven Darkholme) for figuring out that Eric and Xavier would not fulfill their word to Mystique, and I have to point out that once again Xavier is just not somebody you can trust. Now Illyana’s few interactions with Destiny was long ago, the largest standout being the attack upon Illyana’s brother (back when Destiny and Mystique were running the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants), as well as the very bad writing when Illyana fell and killed herself when Destiny prophesized about the Inferno to come if Illyana did not do what Destiny said (here’s a hint, Illyana tried and… still everything went bad which I think makes the advice somewhat suspect).

Now Destiny has been dead long before Illyana returned so those two instances are really the only interactions between the two. Which makes me think that Illyana is not a member of Destiny’s fan cub; and likely a great deal of fear and loathing from Destiny in Illyana’s direction. So this is short interaction I came up with.

Chapter Text

See Uncanny X-men 177-179 and New Mutants 65 for full details as to their prior interactions.



Part 65a:  We all have a destiny…


Irene was now a member of the Quiet Council, after the vote that had not got Xavier’s and Erik’s way.  And after the vote the Council had been dismissed by a most irate Xavier.  He was:


Vexed that Destiny was now a member of the Quiet Council.


Irritated that his plans to remove Mystique from the Quiet Council had been thwarted.


Concerned as to just how Destiny had been brought back to life as he and Erik had so far blocked any and all mutant resurrections of those able to see the future.  Concerned as to how many of his secrets might now be at risk of exposure to one such as Destiny.  Concerned as to the reactions of Moira MacTaggert, who all likewise thought dead and was the source of the rule that no mutant prophets were to be resurrected.


And to be truthful, a bit afraid that his leash on Mystique was now broken, not that Charles Xavier would admit such a thing.


Irene had been returned to life a few weeks ago, and at first reality had been agony as she struggled to comprehend all that had changed.  A struggle as her talent was the ability to view the future, a vision that was rarely clear.  But with all that had happened since her death, the magnitude of the changes to reality… that struggle had nearly broken her.  But it hadn’t, and now…


Irene had taken some time to just sit alone in the garden that was Krakoa.  Guided by her talent she was located in a small isolated bit of mutant Eden enjoying a moment of peace after that most tense of meetings.  The vote had broken down as follows for Destiny joining the Quiet Council.


No votes:  Kate (Kitty), Xavier, Erik, Ororo.


Yes votes: Mystique, Mr. Sinister, Kurt, Sebastian Shaw, Emma, Exodus.


Resulting in that Destiny now sat in one of the two empty seats, and Xavier’s announced intent to hold a vote to remove Mystique from the Quite Council was tabled; possibly helped by Destiny’s offer to Charles to tell him just how the vote would go.  After all, the reasons that Xavier and Charles were sharing were not the real reason they wished to remove Mystique, and actually sharing the real reason would definitely have not resulted in Mystique’s removal; but likely would have turned every other member against Charles and Xavier, not that Destiny knew that.


At least not yet (here’s a hint folks, lying to everybody is not how to get on their good side, something you’d think Xavier would have figured out by now).


Which brings us to the topic of just how does Irene perceive reality as she was blind since birth, the sight centers of Irene’s brain were instead devoted to seeing the future, or more precise, seeing many of the permutations of the future.  This not only allowed Irene to walk about as if she could see, it allowed her to shape the future by seeking to change current events that shaped the future.  Such shaping is not very precise as changes create new futures that can diverge further and from the intended result the longer that time passes.  So… invoke a change to change the future for the better always bears the risk that you are actually making it worse.  Another way of visualizing her ability is to think in terms of probability as she can search forward from current events to see the likely outcomes as things stand unaltered; but she can’t see the possible effects of a change until after she makes the change.  One could conclude that her talent works best in short term combat situations but was less then ideal at most long term manipulations.


But… when you “see” the future, the inability to see is still perceived as darkness.


So… Irene taking a moment to relax and enjoy this Eden.  And like all Eden’s, a snake entered into Destiny’s garden.  It was one she feared, had feared, but this encounter was not at a time foreseen by Destiny.


It started with a song that began playing from an IPod that was suddenly next to Irene, the song was unknown to her but felt… very appropriate.  It was Spirits by Strumbellas.


I got guns in my head and they won't go

Spirits in my head and they won't go

I got guns in my head and they won't go

Spirits in my head and they won't


I've been lookin' at the stars tonight

And I think, oh, how I miss that bright sun

I'll be a dreamer 'til the day I die

And they say, oh, how the good die young?


But we're all strange

And maybe we don't want to change


I got guns in my head and they won't go

Spirits in my head and they won't go

I got guns in my head and they won't go

Spirits in my head and they won't go


But the gun still rattles, the gun still rattles, oh

I got guns in my head and they won't go

Spirits in my head and they won't go


“I see you walk again….”  Spoke the Darkness that was suddenly standing before Destiny as the song cut off as the IPod vanished.


In this case, the Darkness had no shape, just a large black fuzzy distotion might be one way of describing what Destiny perceived.  Why darkness you ask?  Well, what is the dark?  The inability to see, although this was very very noticeable in that it was not a concealing darkness but a blatant blockage of her ability to glimpse the future.  And does that not describe the one some call…


“And I see that you come to grips with what you are… DarkChilde”  Said Destiny to the Darkness.


An unforetold flicker, and the Darkness was behind Destiny.  “Illyana if you please.  Oh, and Henry said it best, even us Monsters get used to ourselves eventually.  And we do, don’t we old woman.”




They come in many flavors.  There are the more traditional ones, Frankenstein, Dracula, zombies; call them… external monsters.  Then there are the more subtle monsters who’s monstrosity might not be so simplify discerned.  Why… that nice old lady drinking tea and having a scone might just as easily burn somebody alive to make a point as spreading jam on her scone (just ask Moira MacTaggert who most vividly remembered, from her second incarnation, just how Irene had oh so slowly roasted Moira alive so she would remember it, not that this Irene remembered doing such as that was a prior reality).  And Irene had not been a nice woman to oh so many.  Now, some would protest that statement, Rogue being one, but kindness to those we love is not really a good indication of general character.


“I have been returned to youth.”  Deflected Destiny.


“And yet we remain what we are, regardless of what the surface shows.”  States the Darkness now sitting on Destiny’s right side, in fact had always been sitting at Destiny’s right side… um… hadn’t she?  Destiny felt an extra case of Déjà vu, like… this was happening over and over again.  Either way, the Darkness was close enough to strike with a concealed dagger if Destiny but dared.  And if Destiny strikes… who could see the blow in time to dodge?  But if you can’t see the future around you then… it’s just a blind stab, reduced to luck.


“I have felt your claw marks upon reality.”  Stated Destiny.  “Endless wounds as you wrenched  reality into the shape you desired.”


“Yep…”  Replied the Darkness with an annoyingly flippant tone.  “Crazy times, which makes a kind of sense as I was a very crazy person when I did that.  Heck, I don’t really understand anymore the why of some of my decisions, something I guess Harley and I share, but that is an odd complaint seeing as you likewise kept shaping the future, or at least trying to.”


Destiny had seen just what Illyana had done to regain her soul, the shear magnitude of what she had done to reality had been very difficult for Destiny to come to grips with.  “I did it to try to shape things for the better for Mutantkind, you did it for purely selfish reasons.”


“Pffff, you know what I remember about you old woman?”  Murmured the Darkness.  “Two things.  You hurt my brother, almost killed him when I was but a child and powerless to do anything about it.  And second, how your advice about an impending Inferno resulted not in it being prevented, but in my suicide; which… in hindsight… I hazard that you might have found most… convenient.”


The Darkness did not sound angry, rather just contemplative.


“Peter was the world to me back then.  Somebody who loved me, really the only one who did.  Kitty and I were friends but my brother?  He loved me so… even if he was afraid of what I might be.  They all were back then.  Before… I reclaimed my powers, both magical and mutant.  But before that, just a powerless child, looking at what you and yours had reduced by brother to.  A cracked, almost shattered metal statue, fated to but die if he somehow reclaimed his flesh.”


Destiny explained, or at least tried to, as she spoke to the Darkness on her left.  “Raven was… distraught over the loss of our daughter to Xavier.  She was convinced that Xavier was using his mind powers on her.  This… this was a way forward, a way out for us.”


“Us being…?”


“Those who mattered… Raven, Anna Marie, myself…”


A long pause, then a reply from the Darkness.  “At least you’re honest about it.  Did you foresee that my Brother would be safe or…”


A sigh from Destiny.  “No… there were paths that he lived, and paths that he died.  Either outcome was irrelevant as they all lead to what Raven desired.”


“And my death?”


“You… were very troubled.  Reckless.  Bound and determined on a course of action that would have destroyed us all.  You needed to leave, you needed to learn.  Like many fulcrum points, all it takes is a little nudge on the correct side to cause major changes.  You might have found a way, but that would have meant that you would have to understanding what you are, which was very… chancy.  Best that you remove yourself before you caused more harm.”


The Darkness standing before Destiny spoke.  “As I long suspected.  Rather surprised that you’ve decided to be truthful.”


“Would it have helped if I’d lied?”


“No, you’d be surprised how many try.  Hmmm, perhaps you wouldn’t be surprised now that I think about it.”


This giant blob of Darkness upon her senses was beginning to give Irene a headache.  And Irene had a theory as to how it was being done.  “Are you going to stop continually moving back in time?”


A shrug of a tone “I guess…” and with that Darkness faded away, leaving her, the Darkchilde, or was it Illyana?  Irene could not be sure as the image in her mind kept morphing.


“So why are you here?”  Asked Irene.


“Just… wanted to take a look.  Always good to come to grips with one’s monsters, or so I’ve been told.”


“And…  Or is this the time for vengeance?”


“No.  I told Scott I no longer walk that path, and I don’t, apart from the son of Xavier whom I trapped in a time loop for killing my brother from the future.”




Just a one word answer from Darkchilde/Illyana.  “Sisyphus.”


A slight frown of concentration from Irene, then she remembered her schooling.  “Oh… forever condemned to roll a rock up a hill.  So… he endlessly tries to…”


“Kill the X-Men and fails, only to be sent back in time to try a different approach, over and over for all eternity.”


A nod from Destiny.  “Cruel.”


Darkchilde/Illyana turned to walk away.  “Yeah, I can be a total bitch when people fuck with those I care about.”


With that Darkchilde/Illyana put in some ear buds and hit play on her IPod.  It was the song In the Air Tonight by Phil Collins.


I can feel it coming in the air tonight, oh lord

And I've been waiting for this moment, for all my life, oh lord

Can you feel it coming in the air tonight, oh lord, oh lord


Well, if you told me you were drowning

I would not lend a hand

I've seen your face before my friend

But I don't know if you know who I am


Well, I was there and I saw what you did

I saw it with my own two eyes

So you can wipe off that grin, I know where you've been

It's all been a pack of lies


And I can feel it coming in the air tonight, oh lord

Well I've been waiting for this moment for all my life, oh lord

I can feel it coming in the air tonight, oh lord

Well I've been waiting for this moment for all my life, oh lord, oh lord


Well I remember, I remember don't worry

How could I ever forget

It's the first time, the last time we ever met

But I know the reason why you keep this silence up

No you don't fool me

The hurt doesn't show, but the pain still grows

It's no stranger to you and me


A flash of a teleportation disk and she was gone.


Leaving Irene to whisper to herself.  “Something to remember.”


And more then a few things to reflect upon.

Chapter 66


I’ve always liked the works of Steven Brust involving Vlad Taltos, especially the author’s earlier writings. As such, from time to time, I try to imagine an Illyana story involving that universe (gee who would have guessed). And I finally came up with one, surprisingly I’ve never searched for any fan fiction involving Vlad Taltos until now. I was surprised to find that there is only a small set of stories out there, well, here is one more.

() denotes mental communication. And a shoutout to en dot wikipedia dot org /wiki /Dragaera and / pmwiki / pmwiki.php / Characters / Dragaera for various details.

Oh, and if you have not read his books then I strongly recommend his first book Jhereg, if you like that book then read all the rest in the correct order. I will try to keep any spoilers out of this work. Part 1 of what I believe will be two chapters. I put it here as it really is a kind of what to do about Magik kind of plot.

Chapter Text

Part 66a:  In which our protagonist is inadvertently early for the apocalypse


Or perhaps she is the antagonist.  Such things do depend on one’s perspective.  And if more then two parties are involved… why… one can be both at the same time, to the determent of some, and the betterment of others.


“Phoo”  Stated Magik looking at her watch, in this case a pocket watch with what were clearly not numerical symbols on the face, plus there were at least eight arrow hands and a plethora of tiny glowing dials in the watch face indicating gods knows what.  Apparently she was in the know as she frowned in annoyance at the watch.  She was early, in fact… seventeen hours, seventeen minutes and seventeen seconds (mark) early to be precise, which was a bit of an odd number, even for one such as she.  Well, she was eager so better to be early then late in this case.  Then a bit of a shrug, well… no use complaining, she’d just have to find something to occupy her time until the big event.


Hmmmm, wow… lots of magic here was her thought as she reached out with her arcane senses.  She could sense one… no… two major sources of raw undistilled chaos quite some distance away, several localities that seethed with power and… an artifact of chaos manipulation not that far from her.  A glance up at the red clouds that hid the sky and the sun, either a severe case of magical pollution or perhaps folks here did not like direct sunlight.  Her musings were interrupted as a voice behind her announced with a sneer of irritation.


“Out of my way Easterner.”


A quick turn and she confronted what appeared to be a male elf, a very tall male elf (here they called themselves humans, also known as Dragaerans) in that he was over seven and a half feet in height, with a pale complexion and brown hair.  He was of the house of Dzur, not that she knew that, nor would she care if the particulars had been explained to her.


“Come again?”  Was her reply as she was trying to be polite, Stephen was always going on about how she was not sufficiently polite when meeting strangers.  She tended to disagree with his observations as those of demonic inclination were not known to be welcomed regardless politeness or good intentions, but why not try it his way for once.


The Dzur, not accustomed to engaging in conversations with Easterners, or to be questioned by such, simply swept his left hand over his shoulder and backhanded her into the street and out of his way.  Which he felt was being quite kind, why… he could have simply struck her down with his sword (there was a very large broadsword was on his back).


Or so he tried.


Instead she moved with the strike while blocking and redirecting it with the palms of both hands before her left hand ended up gripping his thumb as she spun behind him grasping his arm, resulting in a complete lack of leverage for the Dragaeran as she forced him to his knees as the twisting grip upon his appendage was quite the motivation.


“That was rude.”  Was her simple response.  “Apologize.”


A painful gasp from the Dzur.  “To an Easterner?  Never!”


Which left Illyana in a bit of a quandary as what to do, so she settled on a kick to his rump that sent the elf sprawling into the dirt as she turned to go.  “Mind your manners next time Elrond.”


This… This was simply not done!  Especially to a Dzur, and not by some Easterner wench at that!  The Dzur picked himself off the ground, drew his broad sword, and lunged at back of the impertinent Easterner with a most lethal intent.


It did not go well, for him that is.  She didn’t even bother to manifest her soul sword as she proceeded to disarm him, while her blows rendered him senseless.  Meaning she left him sprawled unconscious upon the ground with his sword shoved into the earth between his legs as a warning.  Now, what to do…  That’s when she smelled the coffee shop, or Klava as it known in the Dragaeran empire.  Illyana had recently converted to a love of coffee due to her enjoyment of a special brew of coffee from the island Krakoa.


She followed her noise into the shop, and did not pay any attention to the stares and anger on the expressions of the other elves in the street.



Part 66b:  Interruptions (some time later)


(Vlad, might you and Cawti come to Dzur Mountain?)  Was the sudden telepathic thought from Morrolan.


(Um… sure?  When?)  Was my reply, I’m Vlad by the way.  Vlad Taltos of the house of Jhereg even though I’m an Easterner.  Cawtil, my wife by the way and also an Easterner, and I were in my office engaging in… well… that’s none of your business.


(Now would be most opportune.)  Was his reply.  Great… that meant it was important.  Sigh…  I checked with my wife and we delayed our ongoing activities for a later time.


(Okay… we’ll be there in…)  I gave it a thought, and our state of undress, (five minutes.)


(It should suffice.  Please do hurry as there is a situation.)


Yeah… something bad was happening.  (What?)


(Sethra informs me that a demon has gained access to our world.)



Part 66c:  Klava (some time before)


Illyana had manifested in one of the richer districts of the city Adrilankha, the Dragaeran empire’s capital.  Easterners were not very common in that district, other then as servants and laborers.  So, Illyana did not receive a warm welcome in the Klava shop as that district was almost exclusively Dragaeran, apart from some isolated and ever more rare rich Easterners who lived in Dragaeran districts and who, of course, knew their place. 


This… reception was not well received by Illyana as she had recently developed a rather hash attitude when dealing with people who tried to take her coffee, or those who tried to deny it to her.  Dani claimed that she was very cranky in the morning and that excessive caffeine was perhaps making her a tad paranoid but Illyana was never really a morning person anyway so she was firmly convinced that Dani was overreacting.  I mean… she was kidding when she’d threatened to cut Roberto when he tried to take the pitcher of coffee away from her.  Okay… kind of kidding in that I’m really not kidding kind of way as I really am going to cut you so back off this coffee is MINE!


Note that the staff had been adequately receptive in that they just wanted to sell, and they were just employees anyway, it was the customers in this case who has been upset at the gall of an Easterner attempting to frequent their environment.  All of whom were now either unconscious, groaning, fled, or were carefully occupying the rear of the establishment in a very non threatening manner.


“So… yes I would like some Klava as you call it.”  Was her response to the polite enquiry from the Dragaeran version of a Barista.


What is Klava you ask?  It is made from coffee beans, but is more like an espresso.  As the author/gourmet Steve Brust explains:  You press coffee through a filter made of eggshells and wood chips (hickory and cherrywood being the most common, with a vanilla bean, then reheat it so it almost boils, then the pass it through a cloth to remove any oils brought out by the heating.  Some people add cinnamon, but most don’t as you can just add it later.  Serve with cream, whipped or liquid, and honey (this dimension does not have refined sugar).


Illyana had just refilled her cup (third helping) when the Phoenix Guards arrived, one of which was skilled in the use of sorcery.  They were likewise not very welcoming and had announced with authority that there was a teleportation block around the establishment and that she was now under arrest and the failure to comply would result in her bodily harm.  A statement she paid next to no attention to as she tossed a few gold coins on her table to cover the prior damages, which really was not her fault, smiled, and vanished as one of her teleportation disks took her away.  Vanished with her cup that had a nice head of whipped cream with a dash of coco, and a tastily orange zest scone (her second).  Leaving a very nonplussed guard commander as to the particulars involving how she accomplished that little act as he made his report via telepathic communication with his superior (Vanished in a disk of light sir.  No sir, the block is still up and is not ruptured.).



Part 66d:  A brief digression for details


After a quick few minutes, Cawtil and I were reasonable presentable.  As I checked that various concealed weapons were properly placed upon my person I noticed my wife doing the same.  As I said before, my name is Vald Taltos.  Easterner, member of the House of Jhereg, assassin, minor crime boss, witch and, or so I like to think, a swell guy.  My wife is likewise an assassin, mostly retired, and also an Easterner and Jhereg.  We met when she failed to kill me during a prolonged gang war when… well, that’s another story (See the book Yendi).


I suppose a few details will help.  There are seventeen houses in the Dragaeran.  They are associated with animals as they actually have some anima DNA mixed in, other then the House of Jhereg which just originally consisted of the rejects of the other houses.  They are:


Phoenix—Decadence and Rebirth, smallest of the houses, current membership of one.

Dragon—War and Conquest.

Lyorn—Tradition and Duty.

Tiassa—Catalyst and Inspiration.

Hawk—Observation and Perception.

Dzur—Heroism and Honor.

Issola—Courtliness and Surprise.

Tsalmoth—Unpredictability and Tenacity.

Vallista—Creation and Destruction.

Jhereg—Greed and Opportunism.  My house, my father bought his way in.  The only one that allows Easterners in, for a price that is.

Iorich—Justice and Retribution.

Chreotha—Forethought and Ensnarement.

Yendi—Subtlety and Misdirection.

Orca—Brutality and Mercantilism.

Teckla—Cowardice and Fertility.  Think rabbits.

Jhegaala—Metamorphosis and Endurance.

Athyra—Magic and Philosophy.


I’m an Easterner, meaning human.  To confuse things the Dragaerans also call themselves human and call us Easterners because most our population is in the eastern part of the continent and outside of the empire.  We just call them elves or Dragaerans, also referred to as the fey.  Each house takes turns on being emperor as the cycle changes.  The above list is the order in which the houses take turns as the cycle turns.  Supposedly the shortest term is seventeen times seventeen years (289), and the longest is seventeen times seventeen times seventeen (4913).  Yes the fey are long lived, most will have died of old age by around three thousand years.  Us lucky Easterners are happy if we get fifty or sixty years.


As I said I am a witch, which means I practice witchcraft and a bit of sorcery as I do have a link to the Orb.  The Orb orbits the head of the Emperor or the Empress, depending who the ruler is, the source of power for sorcery.  Currently the House of Phoenix rules and the Empress Zerika IV is the current ruler.


Sorcery:  Sorcery involves gathering power from physical manifestations of chaos, shaping it into spells, and releasing it.  Citizens of the Dragaeran Empire can use the Imperial Orb as a conduit to access chaos safely.  The Imperial Orb itself is linked to the Great Sea of Chaos, a body of liquid chaos called amorphia.  Sorcery that does not use the Imperial Orb as a conduit is called Elder Sorcery or Pre-Empire Sorcery.  It is performed by converting amorphia (a name for liquid chaos) into small stones and accessing their power directly, or even direct manipulation of amorphia.  Elder Sorcery is much more difficult, powerful, and dangerous than standard sorcery, and it has been outlawed by the Empire for very good reasons.  That reason being the cataclysm resulting from a mishap with Elder Sorcery, called Adron's Disaster, which destroyed the former capital Dragaera City (creating a new sea of chaos in its former location known as the lesser sea) and caused an interregnum in the Great Cycle and temporary collapse of the Empire.  And for once the Easterners got a chance to play the invasion game, hence their presence now in the west.  While the lower classes such as Teckla and Easterners rarely learn any, all nobles of the Empire learn to perform at least a few basic spells.  Exceptional skill takes a great deal of effort and study.  Experts in many aspects of sorcery are distinguished as "wizards".


Witchcraft:  Used primarily by Easterners, witchcraft is a subtler form of magic that uses complex rituals to focus psychic energy.  Witchcraft, being powered by the individual, lacks the raw power of sorcery, but can produce some unique effects that sorcery cannot replicate.  Witchcraft spells grow in difficulty the more they change reality, whereas sorcery grows in difficulty as it becomes more complex, or needs to last longer.  One unique ability of witchcraft is the acquisition of a familiar.  Also, witchcraft can be performed with a group to enhance the power of the spell cast.  Practitioners of both sexes are called "witches".  Easterner witches tend to live longer than normal, and (supposedly) some rituals can preserve a witch's youth for hundreds of years (I rather want to learn these rituals).


A few words on the Empire:  The Dragaeran Empire is the largest civilization on the planet.  It is a massive empire, covering more than half of the only known continent in the world, and has, existed for about 250,000 years.  It is a feudal society ruled by an Emperor or Empress from its capital city of Adrilankha, a bustling metropolis.  The sky over the Empire is permanently overcast with reddish clouds supposedly due to millennia of magic usage.  Despite the Empire's vast age, its culture has been remarkably stable, evolving only slowly.  This is due in part to the very long lives of Dragaerans, in part to an ingrained respect for tradition, and in part to the meddling of the Dragaeran gods. 

The Empire is frequently at war with neighboring Dragaeran kingdoms as well as the Eastern Kingdoms.  Due to the almost complete lack of gender role differentiation in Dragaeran society, women are just as likely to be found in the military as any other profession.


The Cycle:  The Cycle is a magically-spinning wheel in the Halls of Judgment (where the gods are and yes I’ve seen it) that controls the reign of the Emperor and the political fate of the Houses.  Each of the seventeen Houses are represented along the wheel.  When a House reaches the top of the wheel, it chooses one of its members to reign as Emperor.  When the wheel turns enough to bring the next House to the top, the former Emperor relinquishes the throne, willingly or not, and a new one reigns.  The House of a former Emperor becomes "descending" and loses power until it reaches the bottom of the Cycle.  After a House rounds the bottom, it becomes "rising", gaining power until it reaches the top and reigns again.  The order is structured so that each Emperor is naturally suited to fix the mistakes of the previous Emperor, thus keeping the Cycle constantly spinning.  A notable exception is the peasant House of the Teckla, which always institutes a short-lived republic during their reign.


Oh, one more tidbit, my familiar is a Jhereg, which is a small poisonous winged lizard about the size of a large cat, goes by the name of Loiosh whom I raised from an egg.  His mate is named Rocza.  She’s not a familiar, just his mate.  I share a telepathic link with the two and only I can hear them talk, which is a blessing for everybody else as Loiosh’s sense of humor is defiantly lowbrow.  Of course he always points out who he learned it from.


With that we left my office and collected Loiosh and Rocza, who flew from the book shelves they had been napping on, to land on my shoulders, one on each side.  I informed my secretary to got get Aklin so he could teleport us to Dzur mountain.


(Problems boss?)  Asked Loiosh as I gave him a scratch under his chin, and then Rocza.


(Yeah chum, Morrolan says a demon has entered our world).


(Which means what boss?)


(You got me… time to go find out.)


Aklin then showed up and teleported Cawti and I to Druz mountain, the home of Sethra Lavode, also known as the Enchantress.



Part 66e:  Our protagonist/antagonist takes in some sights


That, is a big mountain thought Illyana as she took a sip of her Klava after first nibbling on her scone.  Off in the distance, said mountain was also noticeably shaped like a crouching panther.  Wonder if Wakanda would be upset was another idle thought.  After all, the whole panther thing is kind of their trademark.


Then a grin.  Maybe… they should sue.  Hmm, lots of power coming off that critter.


That critter being the mountain.  The shape of the mountain reminded Illyana of…




It was shortly after the X of swords event (In the comics), where ten swords welded by the Swordbearers of Krakoa fought to save the world from annihilation from a demon invasion.  Storm had wielded the blade Skybreaker, an ancient Vibranium blade forged in Wakanda and held by the Wakandan Royal Family.  Storm had visited Wakanda and asked for an audience to borrow the weapon, but had been told to wait for the return of T'Challa so that he may grant permission because only the King is allowed to touch it, otherwise it is considered sacrilege.  After two days of waiting and time running out for the world, Ororo stole the sword from a heavily guarded temple in the heart of Wakanda.  And of course T'Challa had shown up immediately after the theft, why… one might almost infer that he had been waiting.  He had allowed Storm to borrow the sword, but had destroyed that gateway between Wakanda and Krakoa after Storm had departed.


That was the past, this was the present.  The present being a broody T'Challa, alone, dressed in casual robes, looking over the main city of Wakandan from a large balcony that was high in a tower.  It was just after sunset, the shadows growing darker as the city lights came alive.  Then a sound behind him as words were spoken.


“That was poorly done.”


He twirled, surprised, then realized how somebody had managed to sneak up upon him.  The method was obviously magical as Magik was leaning against the tower wall, dressed in her usual black getup.


“Your presence is unwelcomed in this land.”  Those were the first words T'Challa had ever spoken to Illyana.


“Yeah, I get that a lot, but Ororo deserved better from you.”


A narrowing of T'Challa eyes was all the response she received.


Illyana continued as she pushed herself away from the wall and walked over to the rim of the balcony and likewise took in the view of the city.  “Rather obvious, and don’t think Ororo didn’t see what you were doing.”


A grudging reply from T'Challa.  “We had to know.”


A slight snort of distain from Illyana.  “Nothing to know, Ororo always strives to do the right thing.  You wanted to know what mattered more to her, you or the world.  Which was really the wrong question.”


T'Challa returned to viewing the city as both visually ignored each other.  “And the correct question would have been?”


“That’s between you and your ex-wife King T'Challa.”  Replied Illyana.  “But making her decide amongst false choices, that was poorly done.  She’ll remember that, we all will.  Such trite power games should have been beneath you.  She came, she asked, she waited, you and yours did nothing while the world hung in the balance.”


In truth T'Challa was conflicted about the recent choices had had done in regards to Ororo, hence his somewhat hasty words.  “What would you know of ruling?”


Just a sideways sarcastic look from her to him, a reminder that she too ruled as he reflected upon just what she ruled and what she was.  Then a flash of light as she teleported away.




One could infer that Illyana was not really a fan of Wakanda.


Another sip, then a flash of light as she departed.  It might be fun to investigate this mountain more, but she really was on the clock as it were, best to not engage in any major distractions before the apocalypse.



Part 66f:  In which a new character is introduced to the story and set upon a path


(Aliera, I, and the Empire, have need of you).  Was the thought received by Aliera from Sethra.  (More specifically your sword).


Aliera was currently in residence in the bedroom suite she maintained at her cousin Morrolan's floating castle.  She was reclining and playing with her cat, which like all felines, felt that was but its due.


(What)  was Aliera’s response.  With a somewhat eager tone as she was bored.  Why… she hadn’t fought a dual in over a week and there were currently no wars ongoing to go have fun with.


(A demon has gained access to our world.  It is somewhere in Adrilankha, but it could be anywhere by now).


Tones of delight (A quest then.  Alive or dead?)


(Preferable alive as I would know of why it has intruded, and how it gained access.  But I suppose we could always interrogate its soul if you must slay it).


(Should take but a few moments, I do hope it resists.)


With that Aliera stood, much to her cat’s annoyance, dawned her sword and teleported to the capital.



Part 66g:  Vlad digressions for you oh reader


We see Vlad sitting at a small table having a drink of Easterner brandy, which is a delicacy as the Dragaerans do not make good brandy.  Even odder is that most Dragaeran’s insist on calling it wine as the formulation and concentration particulars of making brandy do not appear to register (i.e. brandy is just stronger then average wine, and wine is fermented fruit so brandy is wine).  He is drinking Fenarian peach brandy to be specific, at Ferenk’s, an establishment that specialized in serving a multitude of Easterner brandies.  The place was in a rather seedy part of the Easterner district in the capital city. 


Loiosh is with him and is dining on a fresh Teckla.  He has very polite eating manner as he nibbles the kill.


“I suppose some brief descriptions of some of the other characters would help, so here are my completely unbiased and insightful observations, although I have been accused, from time to time, of smart-assery.”


Aliera E’Kioron:  She’s Morrolan's cousin (more on him later).  Aliera is beautiful, an amazing fighter, a powerful mage, the daughter of a goddess, has color-changing eyes (normally green but bad times a coming when they turn blue), blonde hair (blonde is very rare with Dragaerans) ...and has a tendency to be… well… She’s a very high ranking Dragonlord who displays traditional Dragon traits (i.e. being a ruthless, violent, and a self-absorbed pain in posterior) to an even greater extent than just about anybody I know.  Oh and she’s a kind of a good friend of me and my wife.  But the kind of a friend that likes to give off the vibe of tolerating me.  We don’t really hang out just together, just in a group of other friends, one could say our relationship is complicated for reasons I’m not going to explain (i.e. go read the books).


She has absolutely no compunctions about studying (illegal) Elder Sorcery; which she got from her dad, the one who dissolved the capital city into the lesser sea of chaos and threw the entire Empire into anarchy for over 250 years.  She's absolutely devoted to said perp, meaning her late father Adron.  Again the one who accidentally destroyed the Empire in an attempted coup d'etat.  And a good way to get dead fast is to mention that or insult her late father.  I swear, the phrase Daddy’s little monster is sometimes a great description of her.  Her temper is notoriously violent even for the House of the Dragon.


Deeply prideful, she doesn't accept sympathy well.  Or help, really hates being helped.


She has one of the great weapons, named Pathfinder. Its aura feels neuter where Blackwand (Morrolan’s sword) is feminine, dangerous but not actively aggressive (unlike Morrolan’s which definitely feels hostile).  As the name implies, Pathfinder can locate people and objects, as well as doing other things.


Important advice, really important, like critical!  Aliera is short for her race, why… barely six feet tall, and you should never comment on this because she has an incredibly deadly weapon and will end you as her lack of height really bothers her.  Oh, and She's a slightly better sorcerer than she is a swordfighter...but she's so extremely good at both that it hardly makes a difference.


Tends to either always be annoyed at something or easily annoyed.  Oh, and she’s second in line to be the Dragon emperor when the cycle turns.


Sethra Lavode:  The legendary and feared Enchantress of Dzur Mountain, a figure who has been alive (and later undead) longer than anyone can remember, and is rumored to have actually come from the rock of Dzur Mountain itself.  May be either a Dzur or a Dragon or some combination thereof; both houses have claimed she's a member at different points and she’s rather mum on the topic.  She’s the most powerful sorcerer in the history of the Empire.  Heck, she's forgotten more about sorcery than anyone else has ever learned.


Sometimes she’s considered an evil enchantress and many and aspiring Dzur hero will climb Dzur mountain to challenge her.  Which she supposedly then transforms them into animals.  I’ve told her that doing such does not help with the evil enchantress rep, but she just smiles at me.


An eerie pale skinned brunette, she is a vampire after all.  Vampire in that she’s undead, not quite sure if that means she drinks blood and not all that eager to find out.


She has the great weapon Iceflame, a dagger that is somehow linked to Dzur mountain, and no, I have no idea what that means.  She's also considered one of the greatest war leaders of all time, given half a chance to talk about military strategy, she can go on for hours (trust me, I know).


Loves to dress in black, which is the color of magic by the way.  Many folks dressing in black are stating they are very skilled with magic.  I find her surprisingly friendly and down-to-earth, when she's not actively trying to scare you.  In fact, she's probably one of the nicest Dragaerans I know.  Keep in mind that she’s supposed to be older then the Empire itself


Morrolan e’Drien:  He’s showing up later in the story so I suppose best to give you the run down.  He’s a high-ranking Dragonlord (third in line to be the Dragon emperor when the cycle turns).  We met a few years ago and after not killing each other we slowly became friends.  Very similar to Aliera, meaning that if you insult his honor, or the memory of his uncle Adron, then he will slice you to ribbons (although if you're lucky you won't be permanently dead as resurrection is a thing here).


He wears black all the time and lives in Castle Black (which is a floating castle by the way), and as I said before, black being the color of magic, but black does not mean evil, well… mostly not evil.  Oh, and the Dragon house colors are black and silver.  Now naming your castle Black is considered quite arrogant, all kinds of fighting words one might say, which works out fine because he is a Dragon; meaning he loves to fight.  Also the Castle has been having a continue party for the last hundred years or so (which is really fun by the way, great wine and food).


Hmmm, I remember the time when Morrolan decided to get the attention of the god Cthulhu by urinating on a statue of him.  And yeah, it worked and no, I really don’t want to see that again, meaning what happened after the urination.


And guess what, he also has a long sword Great weapon by the name Blackwand.  Just like the other two, he’s a great swordsman and sorcerer.  And a witch as well, his familiar is his sword.


Now here’s the weird thing, he was born in the east after the fall of the empire, back when magic did not work and did not really understand that he was not an Easterner until he was about 100 years old.  He supposedly did not seem particularly curious about his abnormal height and agelessness.  He was raised by humans (meaning Easterners), so he's nowhere near as much of a bigot towards us as most Dragaerans.


Rather best buds with cousin Aliera; in a friendship kind of way, not in any icky kind of way if that’s what you thought I meant.  They have a close relationship based on mutual respect, close kinship, and endless bickering.


Oh, and he’s one of the few Dragaerans who has also studied witchcraft.


Morganti Weapons:  According to Dragaeran legend, the Serioli (the original race of this world) created Morganti weapons to make war so terrible that no one would ever start one.  They are magical blades that destroy the soul of any person they cut, killing victims utterly and making resurrection or reincarnation impossible.  Morganti weapons are semi-intelligent and yearn to "eat" the souls of victims.  People near a Morganti weapon can feel its malevolent presence.  Morganti daggers are often used by the Jhereg for particularly vindictive assassinations (not that I would know anything about such things, after assassination is illegal and doing such with Morganti gets the Empire all riled up… but… I might… know somebody who has done such). 


The power of Morganti weapons varies, the most powerful are called Great Weapons, which possess a number of advantages over lesser Morganti blades.  Great Weapons are more intelligent (they are considered sentient by the Serioli) and can exercise their will by choosing not to devour a soul, protecting their wielder from harm, and granting their wielder a number of magical abilities unique to the weapon.  There are thought to be a total of seventeen Great Weapons in existence, each with its own name and personality.


And finally, just who lives in this fun world of ours?


Dragaerans: The dominant species of the world, were created when the Jenoine magically crossbred humans with various animals.  Dragaerans average seven feet tall, with slender builds and very little muscular definition.  They cannot grow beards and have very little body hair (which is why I sport a very nice pair of whiskers).  Their lifespans are greatly enhanced, spanning several thousand years.  They consider themselves "humans," but are called "Dragaerans" by Easterners who live in the Empire. In other lands, Easterners call them "elfs" or "fairies."


Easterners: Identical to real-world humans or nearly so, occupy the lands to the east of the Dragaeran Empire, called the Eastern Kingdoms.  They are considered barbarians by the Dragaerans, who frequently invade the Eastern Kingdoms.  Smaller, weaker, shorter-lived, and without the aid of sorcery, Easterners have nonetheless managed to withstand Dragaeran hostility for hundreds of thousands of years.  In other lands, Dragaerans call them "dwarfs."


Others:  There are various other minor races, like the cat-centaurs that live by the paths of the dead and yeah, I’ve been there as well.


Serioli: The original humanoid inhabitants of Dragaera, possess powerful magical abilities that have yet to be duplicated by Dragaerans or Easterners.  They created all of the Morganti weapons, including the Great Weapons, and the written language of magic uses their alphabet.  Despite their power, they were nearly wiped out in the early years of the Empire.  Survivors hide in small mountain communities and occasionally come to aid those fighting against the Jenoine.  They are small and ugly by Easterner standards.

In addition, there are a number of immortal creatures that transcend the physical world of Dragaera to some degree, including:


Jenoine: A vastly powerful race of extradimensional creatures that made a number of modifications to the world of Dragaera for unknown reasons.  Their thought processes are alien and difficult to understand even by the gods.  They occasionally attempt to return to the planet to enslave it, but the gods and the most powerful Dragaerans fight them off.


Gods: Powerful beings that take an active role in maintaining the Cycle of the Dragaeran Empire and keeping the Jenoine at bay. At least some gods were once servants of the Jenoine, but broke away from their masters.  Others have since attained godhood through various means.  The most powerful gods are called the Lords of Judgment.  Easterners worship them, while Dragaerans respect them.


Demons: Beings of great power who are similar to gods, but with the limitation that they can be controlled against their will.


With that Vlad raised his glass in a toast to you.  “Well, that’s about it for now.  I’m sure I’ll think some thing else to share.”


Loiosh adds a comment as well (Hey boss, can I get a second Teckla?)



Part 66h:  The path is found to be more complicated then first thought


“Yes milady, she teleported right through the teleportation block.”


Aliera was busy interrogating the Phoenix guard at the Klava shop Illyana had recently been at.  Pathfinder had led her to this location and Aliera had been surprised as to the details.


“A female Easterner?  Fought and defeated more then a dozen Dragaerans?”


“Yes, and the Dzur warrior outside.”


“All without weapons?”


“That is correct Milady.”


Once done Aliera contacted Sethra.






(Your demon has taken the form of a female Easterner, blonde, wearing all black leathers that were described as most indecent, and appears to be quite fond of Klava.  She is not here as she teleported away, right through a teleportation block.)


(An Easterner, how… odd.  And unarmed?)


(Yes, she did apparently smash a few with chairs and was very skilled using the broken bits to beat her attackers.  I will let you know when I’ve found it… her I suppose.)


Aliera concentrated as she held her sword and… there… as the sword pointed north.



Part 66i:  Our protagonist/antagonist makes a decision


Illyana stared at the sea of liquid Chaos, known as amorphia to those of this world.  There were but tiny ripples in the liquid as it lapped at the shore of white rock chips.  The crunch under her boots was defiantly coarse and not sandy at all was Illyana’s musing thought as she gazed up the sea, which was more then large enough so that it reached beyond the horizon.


She had first inspected the smaller sea of chaos, where she had encountered various memorials raised to the dead and a major monument mourning Adron’s disaster.  Which implied to Illyana that a major idiot had let a very dangerous spell get out of hand.  A shrug of her shoulders in that Oh well, some folks just had to learn the hard way kind of gesture.  This second sea was much larger and felt much older.


Hmmm, she needed to do something while waiting, and she was rather full at the moment, but supposed she could get more coffee later, but, what to do?  She could… and… with a mischievous grin, she stripped, first removing her boots and then all other clothing before putting her toe in the liquid.











It had been a while, a great while, since she had last taken a chaos swim.  With that she wadded in and once the depth reached her waist, began to swim out into deeper regions.  Once she reached about a hundred yards from shore she dove, surfaced, then… just floating face up while the chaos tried to consume her.  Ahhhh, the epidermal attack was so… invigorating, just like she remembered.  Resulting in a long lazy moment just floating and feeling fuzzy as her form partially lost definition while she enjoyed the long moment.  As she just floated there her thoughts drifted to why she was here, and to Sapna, her former apprentice and somewhat foster child.


The one she’d been forced it kill.


But… for now she dwelt upon happy memories.



Part 66j:  Impossibilities are reckoned with


Some time later, Aliera had found her prey, but was now greatly concerned.


(Sethra I have found your wayward demon.)


(Good, is it still alive?)


(Not sure, she… it… is… fuzzy.)


(Fuzzy?  Hair?  And how does that involve being alive?)


(No… the form of the demon has partially lost definition, from what I can discern of it.  But of more concern is that the demon is floating in the greater sea of chaos.)


Sethra’s tone of thought went from casual to high alert.  (That should not be possible.  What is it doing?  Is this some kind of attack?  I suddenly fear that the demon may be a servant of the Jenoine.  I shall alert the Empress and gather forces!  This may be an attempt at misdirection to draw me from Druz mountain so I must remain.)


Aliera was not certain (Agreed.  Yet… I sense no attempt at magic or invocations, the entity is just floating there like… it’s enjoying a… bath?)


An act that Aliera found to be irritating as only those of her lineage were supposed to be able to survive direct contact with amorphia, and only after many decades of training.


Aliera finished. (I shall attempt to deal with it.)


The first action was to raise a strong teleportation block.  The second was to attract the attention of the oblivious creature.  Aliera felt rather insulted that the intruder was just floating there instead of paying attention to Aliera.



Part 66k:  Our protagonist/antagonist engages in a failed social interaction


Illyana was just relaxing as she hummed a song that she liked as it so fit what was to come.  The rage that was always with her, which had drawn her here, was burning in anticipation of the approaching Apocalypse.  The song was Battleborne by Two steps from hell and the lyrics were…



There is fire in the air that I am breathing

There is blood where the battles rage

These are faces I will not remember

Will I fight for the queen or the slave?


She supposed it was the second shout that roused her from her daydreaming, it was the fourth to be specific, and two thrown stones from an increasingly vexed Aliera.  Illyana’s form snapped back into definition, that being a blonde Easterner treading… well… treading chaos to be specific.  A female Easterner from Aliera’s vantage point as Illyana raised her head up from the liquid.


“Yes?”  Was Illyana’s polite reply, she has not heard the actual content of the shout as her ears had been submerged.  There was a human sized female elf on the shore looking most cross about something.  She was standing next to Illyana’s discard clothing and was waving a very impressive sword about and looking annoyed.


“Egress immediately!”  Was Aliera’s declaration.  She had contemplated casting something magical, but the entity being immersed in amorphia had given Aliera pause on that course of action due to the possible reactions from the amorphia.


Raw chaos was so much nicer then the distilled stuff was Illyana’s abstract thought as she tread chaos (i.e. treading water).  To Aliera’s growing anger the blonde Easterner did not immediately comply, instead she just asked a question as if she did not have a care in the world.  “Is there something wrong?”


“You are not allowed to do what you are doing!  It is forbidden!”  And should have been impossible, but Aliera felt disinclined to share that tidbit of information.


“By whom?”  Was Illyana’s polite inquiry.  Likely the local authority was her internal conclusion but best to let the natives think that what they said was of value was one of Stephen’s mottos even if you are going to disregard them.  Illyana tended in the blunt side of the scale but not currently as her anticipation of the coming events meant that she was in a very cheerful state of mind.


“Order of the Empire!”


Illyana continued to just tread whatever the heck she was swimming in.  “What empire is that?”  And then a bit of snark as the elf appeared to consider her words to be very important.  “Does it have a flag?”


Illyana might… just might… have begun to play dumb is it did appear to be very frustrating to the elf.  Speaking of which, this elf was prudently dressed, just like the others she’d encountered, so it was looking like this was not one of those chain mail bikini dimensions.  Which was a bit of a bummer as those tended to be extra violent.


Well…time to get going was Illyana’s conclusion as the elf shouted a few more things that Illyana didn’t bother to listen to.  With that a teleportation disk took Illyana from the liquid to stand on the shore about fifty feet from the annoyed elf.


Resulting in Aliera confronting a very naked female Easterner that actually had amorphia dripping from her onto the bleach rocky beach.  Dragaeran society was quite stuffy, very unchanging, and frowns upon showing too much skin in public.  So Aliera was quite scandalized by this, and Illyana’s apparent blasé attitude about nudity (Illyana had been rather sure that this would discombobulate the elf and Illyana did not have any real nudity issues).


And yes Aliera was somewhat discombobulated by this exhibitionist behavior, which really irritated her as Aliera hated being self conscious, resulting in the declaration. 

“Cloth yourself!”  As Aliera kicked the black clothing in the direction of the Easterner while holding aloft her sword with her right hand while pointing with her left hand


Illyana gave a bit of an ironic grin as she was not about to approach the armed and annoyed elf.  Instead she have a shiver that shook the remaining amorphia from her body, which giggled parts of her anatomy in a most alluring way, which continued to distress Aliera as nudity was just not really something that was done in the Dragaera empire, and certainly not by a lowly Easterner.  Then Illyana spoke.


“Nice sword.”


As a light disk took the clothing from the ground as another one appeared above her head.  Her clothing dropped down and in an instant she was clothed as the black leathers just somehow draped themselves upon her person.  And Illyana meant the compliment, the sword the elf was holding was most impressive as Illyana was able to discern at least part of its nature.


Resulting in Aliera confronting blond female Easterner, looked like early twenties in age, dressed in a scandalous black short shorts, a black top with a most indiscrete boob window, tall black boots, black gloves, some kind of black sticks stuck in her hair, and there was now some kind of weird black spiky armor on her left shoulder and on her left black glove.  And her clothing was very tight, all of which meant that this creature must be of low moral character, or so was Aliera’s conclusion.


“So… who are you?”  Was the Illyana’s inquiry of the elf as the elf cautiously began to approach.  “I’m Magik by the way, spelled with a K.”


Magik?  To have such a name was prideful boasting beyond measure was Aliera’s conclusion.  Aliera was quite proud of her parentage, the e in front of the last name denotes the name of the founder of a clan.  “Aliera e’Kioron.”  The Kioron name being very prodigious, not that Illyana knew that, in that Kioron founded Dragaeran Empire several hundred thousand years ago


Illyana took a few steps back as the elf continued to advance, while holding up her hands to show that she was unarmed, another thing that Stephen was must insistent upon when meeting strangers, even if they were armed.  Now Illyana was not in agreement with Stephen but her good mood meant that she’d again try it his way.  She attempted some light banter.


“Nice to see somebody more my size.’


Aliera’s tone was not welcoming as her eyes narrowed.  “What?”


“You’re by far the smallest elf I’ve seen so far.”


The elf’s expression did not look pleased.  Illyana belatedly realized that perhaps this elf was sensitive about her diminutive height so she attempted to change the subject.  “So what’s the story about the other chaos lake?  I assume that some idiot named Adron caused it.  Was he stupid or just an uncaring bastard?”


Aliera had killed more then a few people who had commented upon her height, all in official duals.  And demonstrated her graciousness by resurrecting then afterwards to show that she bore the defeated foe no ill will regarding their prior insults.  But insulting her beloved father was not something she would forgive.


Or tolerate.


Illegitimacy is a big thing with Dragaerans.  Really big.  Dragaerans almost exclusively reproduce only within their house.  So Dragons with Dragons, Lyorn with Lyorn, so on and so forth.  And female Dragaerans apparently choose to get pregnant, unlike humans where doing the deed can result in unwanted side effects (meaning children).  So questioning one’s legitimacy is just about the most deadly insult in Dragaeran culture.  And no, Dragaerans, other then Jheregs, do not tell ‘your mama’ jokes.


Aliera, being a dragon, did inform this Magik that she had taken offense in that special way that dragons do.  Meaning she gave a shout of rage and charged with murderous intent.


Illyana inferred that she had yet again somehow given offense, and that once again Stephen’s methods were shown to be ineffective.  Anyway combat was on offer and Illyana loved a good fight so… much to Aliera’s surprise, Illyana summoned her soul sword and met Aliera’s charge.


Combat could be thought of as discussed disagreement or discussion by other means so much discussion commented as blows and magics were utilized as the two blondes fought.  Aliera in a rage, Magik with a disturbing look of enjoyment.


And that is how Morrolan found them when he teleported in, or tried to.  Aliera’s teleportation block meant that he appeared five hundred feet away.  He spied the ongoing altercation, the light show from the magics and the small explosions being most helpful in locating Aliera.

Chapter 67


This story just grew a bit too big for one chapter, so this is Part 2. I chose to put this story in What to do about Magik because this really is that kind of situation from the Dragaeran point of view.

Plus I likely will get more hits this way (ah… evil intent). And dang, looks like it will be at least one more chapter, perhaps two.

Chapter Text

Part 67a:  Aliera finds the Easterner to be more then she anticipated


The two battled.


Colorful magics filled the air as the swords clashed.  And to Aliera’s surprise this sudden sword stood up to the full power and impact of Pathfinder.  Most normal swords would fail before the full power of a Great Weapon, but this silver burning sword that the Easterner wielded with skill did not.  And the topic of magic was equally daunting.  Aliera was a very skilled sorceress, not the best in the Empire, but better then almost anybody else and this creature was demonstrating a level of proficiency that exceeded Aliera’s, and was using spells she had never seen before.


To make things worse, so many of Aliera’s spells were being shredded, which reminded Aliera of the Vlad’s Spell Breaker chain as the effects were similar.


In short, Aliera was losing.  Losing combat wise and losing magically.  Something her sword Pathfinder made mention to her on the bound they shared.


(We are losing Mistress).


Aliera tended to the abrupt when speaking, even with her sword.  (Tell me something I don’t know.)


Most people when confronted by a Morganti, much less a Great Weapon, were less then inclined to fight.  But this demon Easterner, and demon did fit the bill as small red horns had grown on the forehead of this Magik, did not appear to be intimidated if her wicked grin of delight was any indication.  Also Illyana was aware of soul protecting magics so likely the Morganti weapon was less of a threat to her then Aliera undrestood.


And yes the sword was dangerous to Illyana, but it would take more then the normal nick from a Great Weapon to destroy one such as her.


Aliera gave a sweep with Pathfinder that should have lopped off the Easterner’s left arm, but the Easterner stepped in close while rotating to her left and used the black spiky armor of her left arm to both redirect, block, and trap Aliera’s sword while smashing her own sword with a punching strike that impacted upon the base of Pathfinder, causing the sword to be flung from Aliera’s hands.


Pathfinder twirled in the air, to land ten feet away upon the ground.  While at the same time Illyana gave the elf a vicious club to the head as her right hand, still holding the sword struck Aliera with the flat of the blade.  With that Illyana stepped back, but still holding her sword.  Illyana assumed that the fight was over as a good stunning blow to the head tends to always finish things.


She was wrong.


Pathfinder flew from the ground into its mistresses right hand just as a major explosion flung back Illyana.  She was barely able to bring her sword into place to block a strike from Aliera that would have cut her in twain.


With that, and a few very choice words from Aliera, combat resumed.  Shortly thereafter, Morrolan teleported in, or as close as he could due to Aliera’s teleportation block.  Who, upon seeing the altercation jumped to the immediate, and very understandable, conclusion that his cousin was under threat.  It took a long sprinting run before he was able to engage with Blackwand, but then it was two against one. 


And now Illyana found herself on the defensive as she strove to not be outflanked by the pair.  The horns on her head grew in size as a devils tail flicked into existence behind her.  The twin attacks were causing her to be pinned against the sea of chaos at her back, a tactic that would defeat most people as liquid chaos just so liked to dissolve everything.  But not one who could teleport via her mutant ability to summon teleportation dots from Limbo, dots that did not care a wit about the teleportation block Aliera had raised.


With a flash of light she was fifty feet away and now behind them.  The fight had been fun but again Illyana was here for a different purpose and at this rate either of the elves were going to end up dead, or even worse, she might be; although the more likely outcome if she were to lose would be some kind of encumbrance as they had been attempting to caste some kind of binding on her.  So, first a crib from Steven as she cast the Seven Rings of Raggadorr, which was defensive spell used to deflect the various magic attacks cast be the two as they sprinted in her direction.  So, safe for a moment she gave a wave and a shout of …


“I’m just here for the impending apocalypse!  It’s been fun!  Ciao!”


And with that she teleported away.  And Pathfinder, much to Aliera’s vexation as she uttered a few choice words that Morrolan felt was beneath the dignity of her station, was now unable to locate the wayward demon.




“She has escaped us.”  Was Morrolan’s statement.


Aliera did not take this observation well.  “#$%@#&%%!”


“Is such language really necessary cousin?”


Apparently it was.  




Morrolan gave a sigh… then they both teleported to Druz mountain after first telepathically communicating with Sethra as to the details of what had occurred; and Aliera had recovered her composure.




Or not.  Sigh…



Part 67b:  Our Antagonist/Protagonist seeks a more complete understanding


With that Illyana did a series of teleports while cloaking herself in a cloaking spell to hide her location from sorcery as obviously the bitchy blonde elf must have some method of tracking her.  Which shortly resulted in Illyana ended back in Adrilankha, the city she had first shown up in, not that she knew the name, but this time in a location that was filled with humans and not elves.


Hmm… a rather smelly location  was Illyana’s first thought.  Apparently the magic that was used to keep things clean was not in use in this location.  Hmm… as she examined her surroundings in depth, there was also almost no magic in use as well.  Which made her muse upon just how magic might be utilized here.  And when one muses upon a question, does not the musing lead to the desire for answers?


And so, she set out to acquire some answers.  Within an hour, she was ensconced within a very nice house, in a different part of the city, confronting a most irate male elf.  An elf constrained by the Crimson Bands of Cyttorak as Illyana had decided to keep with the Stephen theme as to spell selection.


“I have some questions and I figured I’d go to the top for the answers.”


The elf in question offered a suggestion that she should indulge in solo sensual pleasure, although he did not quite use those exact words (think about it).  Followed by a threat.


“You do know your dead, right?”


The elf in question went by the name Demon, and yes he was well named.  He was high up in the Organizational side of the House of Jhereg, meaning the Mafia.  Illyana, in pursuit of some answers had located an illegal establishment, which was an unlicensed gambling den, and had gone up the chain of command via the simple inquiry ‘and who is your boss?’.  Now there is no top level boss in the Jhereg, just a council, but the Demon was, shall we say, kind of first among equals.  And to do what Illyana had done, meaning breaking into his home, disabled all protective magics, incapacitating his staff, and imprisoning him with this very unknown spell, was something that was not looked upon favorably by the Demon.




The Demon was must specific.  No rage in his statement, just the cold utterance.  “Dead.”


“I must say, I find your attitude must unproductive.”


Which prompted another suggestion as to just what she could do with that opinion and where in her anatomy to store it.


Illyana had dealt with tough guys and hard cases before.  But the elf’s cold resolve did impress her.  “I believe you are called the Demon?”




“Physical, behavior, or deed?”  Was her mild inquiry.


“Deed.”  Was the Demon’s answer to this Easterner.  Only a fool messes with someone nicknamed the Demon.  One way or another this female was…




The Demon’s thoughts skipped a bit as the scandalously dressed Easterner stepped back and with a slightly ironic expression had started to morph.  First the devil tail had flicked into existence behind her, and as the tail gave a lazy kind of swish, her inciters had grown while horns had grown on her forehead.  Her blue eyes had faded into a burning yellow glow of power with no irises.  Then her feet morphed into goat hooves as her blonde hair, and her eyebrows began to burn with flames.  Her prior revealing outfit shifted into an even more disturbing sensual display as a very tight and revealing chain mail bikini took its place.


A shake of blonde burning hair then she started to wander around his office.  “Ah… better.”


This was all just an illusion… right?  Was the Demon’s thoughts, illusion being the demon form.


“Hmmm, do you have something to… ah… this will do.”  As she located a liquor cabinet.  She ignored the bottles on top and knelt down to rummaged in the cabinet, then extracted an unmarked decanter.  A sniff, after removing the glass stopper, followed by an approving tone of “Mmmm, smells like peaches.”


With that she rose, splashed a bit in a glass, and took a sip while holding the cup in her left hand.  “Definitely peaches.  Nice Brandy.”


“Wine.”  Was the Demon’s reply, he noticed a bit of her hair had caught her drink on fire.  Not that it appeared to bother her as she took another sip.


His reply had not been an answer Illyana expected.  “How on earth is this wine?”


“It’s made from fruit.”  An answer any Dragaeran would understand and agree with.  Her confusion just served to show that she was not Dragaeran, but… just what was she?


She sat back against another small desk, her rather trim buttocks resting on the top with a bit of a jingle of as her armor shifted, and likely gave the fine wood a few scratches.


Her appearance was very much like a…


Physical, behavior, and deed Mr. Demon.  I also believe I out rank you, and I might add that I know some who would take offense at your assumption of such a name, as you are not a member of the club, but I’m a more forgiving individual.  So… might we converse or is a more… terminal demonstration necessary?”


With that the female demon was holding a sword that burned with silver flames in her left hand, and the power broiling off the blade was what convinced the Demon that she could not be of his world.  He offered “I find your arguments compelling, I fear I may have been hasty in expressing my dismay at both your presence and this confinement you have placed me in.  Might we continue these discussions without such encumbrances?”


The grin she gave him was one he found to be almost reflective as the sword vanished.  “I’d hate to think that you might mean to attempt me harm.  I find it so annoying when folks attempt to stab me with soul destroying instruments.  Most bothersome.”


The Demon had given no outward sign as to just where this demon had planted her ass, which was right over where the concealed Morganti dagger was hidden from all possible sorceries of detection.  And yet, that was where this demon was, which was obviously a hint.


“Bothersome is not a term for Morganti weapons that I’ve ever heard used before.”


The blonde demon no longer sounded so cheerful as her eyes narrowed.  “Bothersome… I have been known to kill things that become… bothersome.”


“I see, then I will endeavor to avoid such a definition of my person.”


A comment that appeared to regain her good cheer.  “Nice… I think I might like you.  You’re the first elf who has bothered to converse, unlike the others.”




She started counting on her fingers as she got off the table and began to walk around admiring some art work on the walls, after first refreshing her glass.  “Let’s see, there was the elf in the street, the one with the big sword, then there was the coffee shop, I mean Klava shop, the clerks were polite I suppose after the altercation with the other patrons.  Then there was this blonde female elf with the nice sword… Aliera I think her name was, she was kind of fun but got really upset about something I said.”


The demon was not one to be easily surprised, but her statement was of concern.  “Aliera?  Aliera e’Kioron?”


“Yes… that was her name.”


“You killed Aliera e’Kioron?”


“No, I did not kill her, we fought.  Then this other male elf arrive, he also had a nice sword, big black one.  We all fought before I decided that things were getting too serious as I’m just here for the apocalypse so I decided to teleport away before things got too out of control.”


The sudden flood of highly concerning statements was difficult to process. 






“Is… this apocalypse your doing?”


“No, I try to avoid doing such things any more.”




A bit of a shrug from her.  “One tries.”  Then a bit of an explanation, likely trying to put the Demon at ease.  “I was having some issues back then.”


And no, the Demon was not put at ease as the thought of a demon with “issues” was of high concern.


She continued.  “So… are you going to try to kill me if I release you, and bear in mind that those who try to lawyer upon on this if they lie tend to get rather dead.”


A grin from the Demon.  “No, I understand that I spoke in haste.  I bear you no ill will and offer you the hospitality of my house.”


“I accept.”


That’s when she dismissed the Crimson Bands of Cyttorak before sitting down on a couch.


After a brief check of his person the Demon stated.  “May I make myself a drink, this is all a bit much to take in.”


A grin from her as her demon form faded away leaving the blonde female Easterner sitting on a scorched couch where her hair had rested.  “Sure.  I understand.  It can be a bit much.”


The Demon proceeded to do just that, and to keep his distance from the desk with the Morganti dagger.  The Demon was a prudent man after all.



Part 67c:  A meeting of unlike minds


“And that’s how Cawti and I ended up at Dzur mountain.”


Ended up in that they were in Sethara’s study, the one with various books on the walls, a nice table to sit around and various comfy chairs to reside in.


The image is frozen and only Vlad is talking.  He is sitting in a two person couch with Cawti on his side.  The two Jhereg (the lizards, not the people) were noshing upon two freshly killed Tecklas that were upon a silver tray that was on a side table against a wall.  Only Vlad is moving as he gives you, the reader, a brief summary.


“Love this whole breaking the fourth wall thing.  Now I’ve been a frequent visitor to Dzur mountain the last few years, but more frequently Castle Black.  Cawti is really only friends with Aliera, but most of the others present are either friends of mine or acquaintances.  First off is Sethara, dressed in a black gown, I’ve described her already, she’s the one sitting at the head of the table with the glass of wine that she’ll barely touch because of the whole undead thing she has going.  Then there is Aliera, the drop dead gorgeous blonde over by the black bookshelf having some red wine and looking like she’d like to strangle somebody, she’s also dressed in black and silver.  I’m very happy that I’m not the source of that irritation.”


And yes Aliera looks very very angry.


“Morrolan is the tall Dragaeran dressed in black and silver over at the other end of the room, likely a wise choice as Aliera is obviously in a mood about something.  But now for the others, there is the Necromancer, she’s also one dressed in black, I hope you’ve noticed the theme by this point.  She’s the one sitting on the right side of Sethara and looking very calm.”


Necromancer:  She comes from a place called the World of Seven Doors, and it is said that she "knows six of them...and she is not entirely unacquainted with the seventh," a fact that supposedly even astonishes several of the gods.  She’s called the Necromancer because she apparently does not have a name, or at least one that she’s willing to share.  So when she first manifested on Dragaera she accepted the respectful title of "The Necromancer", given to her in honor of her unprecedented powerful facility with planes of existence and necromancy in general.  And yeah, if you’ve rolled snake eyes then she’s the best at bringing you back, I know from personal experience.


She looks vaguely like a Dragon, but with the typical pallor of an undead.  Her personality, what I can tell, is distant and very reserved.  She shows few social graces and tends to take every question absolutely literally.  I believe most of her social failures are because she is unfamiliar with Dragaeran etiquette, even though she’s been here for several hundred years.  I’ve found that the Necromancer is much more comfortable dealing with you if you’re dead, which may be why she gets along so well with Sethra.  Really big gun power wise as at various times she’s supposedly reanimated armies of the dead as well as opened and close portals between the planes.  She’s one of the few people I refrain from being a smart ass with; and if you can’t figure out why that is then you really need to remember the hazards in my line of work.


“It occurs to me that I’ve not yet described the Jhereg.”


(I’ve noticed boss.)


(Shut up Loiosh.)


Loiosh:  My familiar, most witches have one.  He’s a small, think shoulder sized, venomous flying lizard, something like a miniature wyvern.  He's fully sentient, and spends most of his time making snarky telepathic comments to me and I have no idea where he got that from.  I raised him from an egg so he’s lived his entire with me, resulting in that he's completely at home in cities and among people, less so in the wild.  I share a telepathic bound with him.  He’s as intelligent as your or I with a brain the size of a walnut.  Not as clever as me (Thanks boss) as his motivations are fairly basic (safety and food), but he's a lot more sensible (Damn straight, somebody has to be).  Oh, and their bite is poisonous.


Rocza:  She’s a wild-born female Jhereg that I summoned to help me when I was in dire straits, Rocza opted to remain with the Provider (that me by the way) and become Loiosh's mate.  She doesn't understand "soft ones" or their ways very well, so Loiosh tends to act as a middleman when I need to communicate with her.  Female Jhereg are larger than males, and Loiosh sometimes has to remind Rocza to only distract Vlad's our, not necessarily poison them to death.


“Oh, and Cawti, the lovely lady cuddled next to me, is my wife.  We met under interesting circumstances that are out of scope for this little story.”


Cawti:  She’s known as the dagger of the Jherag, meaning she’s an assassin.  Partially skilled witch but lacks a familiar.  Better at throwing a knife then me.  Kind of retired as an assassin, yeah kind of means not but… kind of.  Love of my life.  Oh, and NOT a damsel in distress.


“And me, perhaps a few more words of general description.”


(Few?  Boss you love to talk about yourself.  Oh, and just who the heck are you talking to?)


(Shut up Loiosh.)


Vlad Taltos:  I.e. me.  I suppose a few more details might aid you, the reader.  I’m a male Easterner.  Unlike most humans, I belong to the House of the Jhereg because they're the only ones who sell noble titles to Easterners and my deceased Father bought a title before he died.  I have been told that I tend to be rather cruel and selfish but is it my fault that the world is a harsh place?  As I said before, I’m an assassin, but only for Dragaerans as I don’t do work on humans, work being assassinations, I’m ok with killing anything that is trying to kill me.


I run a small crime territory.  My preferred weapon is a rapier, or whatever pointy things I happen to have on my person at the moment, and Spellbreaker, a long golden chain that disrupts magic spells that I have wrapped around my left wrist.


“And with that it’s time to end the fourth wall breaking and get on with the story.”


It was Cawti who asked about the elephant in the room, the elephant being an angry Aliera.


Morrolan gave a wince of pain as he rubbed his brow.  “A trifecta of insults.  The demon declared that Aliera is diminutive in stature, and that her father was lacking of both intellect and birthright.”


Cawti was briefly confused.   “Birthright… oh.”


Like wow.  Cawti and I exchanged a glance.  The demon had called Aliera’s father a bastard.  That… was… unheard of.  Meaning Aliera that is.


Morrolan gave a brief rundown of the fight and that...  “Now the demon cannot be traced by sorcery, which is most vexing.  We found  the demon to be very skilled with sword and magic.”


A sniff from Aliera.  “Not so skilled that she fled.”


Morrolan ignored that little snipe from Aliera.  “And mentioned that she was here for an apocalypse before she vanished.”


Not good, meaning apocalypse.  Although the fact that she held off both Morrolan and Aliera was also really bad on the bad news front.


I frowned as I asked.  “So even Pathfinder is unable to…”


“Find the evil bitch!”  Finished Aliera, hissed really.


“So… why us?”  Was my inquire to the group, although I had a suspicion.


“The demon was in the form of a female Easterner.”  Stated Morrolan.


“Who dresses like a prostitute!”  Added Aliera.


Okay… not the responses I was expecting.  The prostitute remark that is, and the Easterner comment now that I think about it.


Morrolan then held up two strands of long hair, which turned out to be blonde.  “And we have these.”


Ahhh, that was what I was expecting.  “So witchcraft.”


A node from Morrolan.  “Yes, I would like you to assist me, plus, the fact that the demon has assumed to form of an Easterner implies that the two of you might have insight into her character.”



Part 67d:  Our Antagonist/Protagonist has a more successful social interaction


“Might I inquire as to when you arrived?”


“You may.”


“Then I shall.”


“I await your inquiry.”


“I shall then give it.  When did you arrive?”


“Hmm, several hours ago.”  The blonde Easterner demon pulled a most strange time keeping device from somewhere, a flip of a long nail opened the cover and odd numeral and glyphs were projected after a few gestures.  “Three hours, fourteen minutes, and twelve seconds ago.”


“That is good.”


“In what way?”


“The numbers did not contain the sacred number, I would be most concerned if they had.”


“That is just how long I have been here.  I was a bit early.”


“When is this apocalypse meant to take place?”


Some different gestures and the projected glyphs change.  “From the prior time I stated, the remaining time would have been fourteen hours, two minutes, and fifty six seconds.”


The Demon’s eyebrows rose as he did the math.  “That would imply that you arrived…”


“Seventeen hours, seventeen minutes, and seventeen seconds before the apocalypse.  Like I said, I’m a bit early.”


That… is of concern.”


“Sacred number?”


“Yes… seventeen is the sacred number.”


“Unfortunate, but understandable as an apocalypse tends to attract things like that.”


The Demon took a long pull on his glass before asking his next question.  “Might I inquire as to the nature of the impending disaster?”


“You may.”


“Excellent, I shall formulate my query.”


And he did.


And she answered.


Resulting in further inquires from the Demon that gained him knowledge of just what she was planning to do.  Leaving the Demon with some small glimmer of hope as to the possibility of a future, although not one she offered any assurances of.


“Yes… I understand.  To attempt such is not something one can offer guaranties of success.”




“One final question if I may?”


You may.”




The blonde Easterner did not answer at first, instead she went and refilled her glass, gave it a swirl, a long sniff, and then a sip before turning to answer him.




The Demon frowned as he thought upon her answer.  “Resolve?”


Her tone had bee conversational, but had ended with a harshness, and a momentarily flash of fire in her eyes.  “Resolve.  Some time ago I was forced to cut my own heart out and crush it as it were.  All to do what was needed.  To save those I cared about.  And to do that, to stop what was to occur, all I had to do was slay my apprentice, one I thought of as a foster child.”


Ahhh, resolve.  That was something the Demon understand.  If you travel past rage, past despair, past grief, there you will find resolve.


“I understand.  I too have done such.”


A questioning look from her, then perhaps she glimpsed more of what he was, resulting in just a node from her.  Then it was her turn to ask questions and his to answer.  And so she learned various details of this world.  Of particular interest was the Imperial Orb, the Serioli, the Seventeen Houses, and a good place to eat (she was getting hungry).


As she rose to depart, after finishing her drink, she hummed a bit, it was another song that rather defined her intent.  An act that prompted an inquiring look from the Demon.


“A song that’s kind of stuck in my head.  Goes like this.”


It's my life

It's now or never

But I ain't gonna live forever

I just want to live while I'm alive


She finished.  “From a band called Bon Jovi.”


The gist of which to the Demon was “Ah… resolve.”


“Yes… I think it is.”


With that she vanished in a light disk as if the teleportation blocks around his house were nothing, which he supposed they were. 


Best to make some plans if the Apocalypse was less then complete was his thought.  But first… another small drink, and a toast.


To Resolve

Chapter 68


This story, in part, is kind of a whirlwind tour of Steven Brust’s Dragaeran universe as I was trying to come up with an Illyana story involving his works. But in truth the Dragaeran universe allows me to scratch an itch as to how Marvel should have dealt with a certain story line, more on that later. And as always I’m trying to avoid any spoilers on Steven Brust’s actual stories because if you haven’t read them, you should. This ended up being a short chapter as the cliff hanger was just too fun.

Chapter Text

Part 68a:  In which witchcraft is employed in search of a demon


After some additional discussions we all adjourned to Morrolan’s floating castle, except for Sethra as she was still concerned that this was some kind feint by the Jenoine to lure her away from Druz mountain.  We ended up at the top of the tower that houses his workshop.  We being Cawti, Morrolan, Aliera, the Necromancer, my two Jheregs, and me.  Me being Vlad, your talented yet humble narrator.


I’ve always liked watching another witch work.  Witch in this case being Morrolan as he was one of the few Dragaerans who practiced witchcraft, which he had supposedly studied for, I think, a hundred years or so before learning about sorcery, this was on account that he was born during the interregnum when sorcery did  not work very well, and he was born in the East as well.  Anyway, Morrolan was casting a location spell using the blonde hair that had been retrieved from the fight scene.


(Be a real bummer boss if it turns out that that the hair is from Aliera) was Loiosh’s less then helpful but correct observation.


(Yeah, Aliera says it’s not).  Aliera has scanned the genetics of the hair.


(Who also said it scanned weird.) 


(It is supposed to be from a demon.)


(So what makes it weird?)


Good question, and one that Aliera answered in her usual manner.


“You wouldn’t understand Vlad.”


Sometimes I think Aliera missed her calling on by a physician, after all she already had the bedside manner down pat.  But I’m no expert on genetic sorcery so she likely has a point.


I reflected as we waited, and assisted Morrolan in the ritual.  It’s kind of funny, I don’t like Dragaerans.  And yet… apart from Cawti and my grandfather I don’t really associate with any Easterners, just Dragaerans which… is kind of weird when I think about it, which is almost never because… well… because.


The scent of burning hair and Morrolan held forth a clear quartz crystal that should contain her psychic scent as it were.  Now all we needed was somebody skilled in sorcery to attempt to locate her physical location.  Gee, good thing we had at least three Dragaerans, if you counted the Necromancer as a Dragaeran, handy.  And yes we learned where she was which… presented some issues to everybody other then Aliera; incidentally I was surprised that that the Necromancer had issues but I learned something new about her in that she liked really good food.


Which resulted in Cawti and I being nominated to play ambassador.



Part 68b:  Our protagonist/antagonist enjoys a splendid repast


This place is really good, thought Illyana as she partook of the melon sherbet.  It was like a honeydew but better and not too sweet, and likely had a touch of liquor in it.  The sherbet has been served so as to cleanse the palette in preparation of the main dish.


She was in one of three small private rooms of the establishment known as Valabar's and sons, considered the finest restaurant in the Empire.  Valabar's is located a lower class part of Adrilankha.  Narrow rutted potholed streets, with habitations that are small and defiantly aged.  The populace is mostly urban Teckla with little appearance of wealth, or even comfort as the district was mostly a blue collar tradesmen kind of place.  Valabar's stood out in that it was run by Easterners, many being decedents of the Valabar family; although Dragaerans did work there and tended to be recruited by other establishments or wealthy individuals.  One might think that such an establishment might have problems due to its location, problems in that Dragaerans are not know for their love of Easterners, but the fact was simply that Valabar's was that good.


Illyana had appeared there based upon the recommendation of the Demon, the first thing she had noticed upon first teleporting in was the smell of fresh baking bread.  Oh… so yummy.  She was equipped with a letter from said Demon stating that he would be pleased if a table or room were to be make available for his guest.  A request that had prompted a bit of a top to bottom glance from the Maitre D that denoted that her garb was less then acceptable, but… a request from the client known as the Demon was something that even Valabar’s paid attention to (they had a list of notables with cryptic notations as to the prominence and worthiness of said client).  After a bit of paper shuffling, and a serendipitous glance at the list, it was announced that one of the small private rooms was available.  Illyana did note that the main room had eleven tables, well spaced, and only four were currently in use, so it was either some kind of reservation thing or more of people not liking how she dressed, Illyana had, by this time, come to conclusion that this was a rather prudish kind of dimension.


And so Illyana was ensconced in a small room equipped with one table sufficient for five.  On the table was tiny vase with a yellow flower, a small white dish with finely ground salt, and a clear glass jar with powdered Eastern red pepper.  The waiter had recited the menu of the day and Illyana had made her selections; plus she had directed that the wine pairings be up to their discretion.  Along with a certain quantity of golden coins that had exchanged hands, thus ensuring that price was not an obstacle on wine selection.  And with that the meal began.


First was a selection of petite breads, delicate crackers, and fresh churned butter with a side dish of course pink salt, the salt and butter were served on a marble slab.  The wine was a delicate pink rose, slightly sweet.


Which lead to the first appetizer, a hot sea food terrine of assorted shellfish wrapped in pastry, paired with a splendid dry white wine.


Followed by a mixed salad of assorted lettuces, greens, and a grilled unknown tubular, which was kind of like a turnip, along with some crispy noodles and slivers of roasted garlic and the slightest dusting of a hard cheese.  There was a drizzling of a strong vinaigrette reduction; accompanied with a red wine pairing.


The second appetizer was two scallops, served upon their shell, garnished with salted roe.  The scallops had kissed a hot pan in that they were nicely browned, cooked with butter and lemon.  A small glass of white wine was the perfect complement.


Then some sweet meats in pastry, lathered in a white sauce, along with a different kind of bread so one could get every last drop of the delectable sauce.


Then pan fried pork dumplings with a garnish of a blazing hot sauce, utter yum. 


Followed by a cold cream pumpkin soup to help relieve any burn from the dumpling’s hot sauce.


The melon sherbet was the precursor to the main event, which was herb encrypted lamb loin with a red wine reduction sauce on the side, accompanied with a selection of petite roasted potatoes in some kind of white truffle butter, along with morel mushrooms tossed with greens.  Served with a strong red wine.


Ahh… it was splendiferous.  A delight of the palate and senses.


And by now the reader should have come to the understanding that Illyana is not a vegetarian.  She likes to hunt with Diana and Laura (Spear mostly, Diana was the bow woman whereas Laura was the primary tracker) and yes they believe in eating what they kill.  Once, when asked by a more militant vegetarian Mutant (Nature Girl) about the ethnics of eating animals, Illyana had responded that animals should then not be made of tasty food (in her defense Nature Girl was being quite rude and Illyana is not known for holding back under such conditions, followed by the observation that animals also appeared to share that opintion).


She was halfway through the lamb when two unexpected guests arrived.



Part 68c:  In which Vlad and Cawti undertake a mission of great importance


The discovery of the demon’s location had prompted a brief debate amongst us, with Aliera definitely in the minority.  And Aliera of course just had to sneer about it.


“I can’t believe a restaurant is more important then the safety of the Empire.”


Morrolan, covertly, rolled his eyes at her hostility.  “Valabar's is special Aliera, you know that, why just last week when we…”


“Where I choose to eat is not of concern.”  Was her interruption of Morrolan.


“And the Empress?”  Inquired the Necromancer.  “I have had heard that she dines there incognito every other month or so.”


Which was news to me.  How the heck to you go incognito when the Imperial Orb is circling over your head?  Now Cawti and I went on average of… oh… say every two and a half months (FYI there are 17 days in a month), not taking into account special events.


“As well as half of the nobility.”  Pointed out Morrolan.  Who I might add had supposedly poached several of the cooks for his own kitchens and had a little catering agreement on the side with Valabar's for when his continual party needed to kick things up a few extra notches (Hey, I’m part of organized cri… um… a respectable business man with my ear to the ground, plus the little head of security thing I got going with Morrolan.  Suffice it to say I hear things.)


However Morrolan’s, and the Necromancer’s, subsequent statements as to how she enjoyed the food, did appear to make Aliera back down a little, perhapts she was looking for a way out, not that I’d ever say that (to her face that is, I like my arms being attached to my torso).  A bit more discussion, and some debate as to just what was everybody’s favorite dish, Aliera had grudgingly confessed she adored trout in parchment, Cawti’s suggestion broke the impasse.


“Perhaps we could fine a way to lure her to another location?”  A suggestion I’m sure had nothing to do with next weeks anniversary plans that we had involving a certain restaurant.


And so a cunning plot was hatched.


Less cunning then I’d have liked as it involved Cawti and I confronting a demon.


And that’s how the two of us ended up walking into Valabar's after Aliera had teleported us (she was waiting outside).  When you first enter Valabar's you walk down three shallow steps, and if you're Dragaeran (which I am not) or an exceptionally tall human (which neither Cawti or I are), you need to duck your head.  And when you raise it again the aroma of the place just forces you into culinary submission, for me it’s the smell of baking bread, Cawti says it’s roasting garlic for her but… duty calls so we had some brief words with the Maitre D which resulted in confirmation that why yes a rather scantily dressed Easterner female was dining (I’m known at Valabar's and I have a certain reputation that results in people being eager to share information with me, and perhaps some coinage might have discreetly changed hands).


Since we were being polite about this, we waited as the staff inquired as to would their guest like some company, and after some moments we were escorted to one of the private rooms (interestingly the same room I had reserved for next week) and ushered in as our names were announced.


“Baron Vladimir Taltos and Lady Cawti Taltos.”


And that’s when we laid eyes on her.  The first thing I noticed was that she was blonde,  blonde hair is rare in Easterners, and even more rare with Dragaeran, and by blonde I mean she was blonde in that golden’ish kind of way and not in the dirty blonde kind of way.  She was wearing tight black leathers (why not, sometimes I swear half of the nobility wears black), which was the color of sorcery by the way, and showing a great deal of white skin I might add; not undead pale though.  Especially her prominent cleavage which had a gods be damned circle cut out so you could see…








My wife was glaring at her and I think at me as well.  How is it that a woman can glare at multiple things at the same time that are at different angles?  I wish I could learn the trick but I think it’s reserved only for females.


(No idea Boss, but Rocza can do it too.)


My wife inquired sweetly, with an expression that was at odds with her tone.  “So… what kind of demon are you?  I assume from your attire that you specialize in the sexual.”


Oh crap, I think Cawti just called her a slut.


Oh… and she had blue eyes, not that I noticed at first because of the… well… hair?  Because of the hair, that’s my story and I’m sticking to it.

Chapter 69


And I should have expected that the story would be bigger then I first thought. Hmm, I decided that how Illyana dresses really upsets folks in that universe as sexuality is more restrained in Steven Brust’s writing. While most fantasy female armor is really fun to look at, one must confess that wildly impractical is but one of the flaws. Oh, and LordGrise, who has read the books, really feels that a certain somebody should be part of this story, and after some thought I have figure out how to include that certain somebody.

Chapter Text

Part 69a:  Our protagonist/antagonist meats some new acquaintances


A bit of an eye-roll from the blonde human, who was supposedly a demon, as she replied after another bite.  “Not a succubus.  Ordinarily I might get a bit upset, but… na… this food is too good to get upset.”


Catwi was on a roll as I suspected, and hoped, she was redirecting her anger at my noticing… um…  Crap.  I’m busted, perhaps not now but… busted because of a bust.  Oh the irony.


(That sad attempt at wit is not going to help Boss.)


(Shut up Loiosh.)


I assure you that telepathic giggles from a Jhereg are extra annoying.


Catwi was busy suggested some other possible demon sinning job categories.  “Gluttony?  Sloth?  Oh… I know… infidelity!”


With a tone of annoyance the blonde declared “Fine…” as her black attire shifted, meaning the boob hole filled in as her garb became less tight… um… not like I was noticing.  Likewise her exposed belly was concealed, which I would point out that such an expanse of bare flesh was unknown to me as my angle of view was blocked by the table unless I leaned over and… um… no…  Like I said, that was unseen by me.


She replied in a slightly irritated tone.  “Stephen always liked the mirror dimension, but I appear to have landed in the prude dimension.”


Cawti continued to take the lead in the conversation.  “Slightly better, rather loses the prostitute vibe that Aliera was going on about.  And we are not prudes.”


More eye-rolling from the blonde as she cut another piece of what I assumed to be lamb based upon the luscious smell, a piece she consumed it before answering.  “I suppose you should come in and sit, but don’t expect me to stop eating.  Order coff… Klava if you want, my treat, and dessert I guess when we get to it.  Oh, and cute dragons by the way”


“Jheregs, not dragons.”  Was my insightful contribution to the conversation as we both sat down.  And the service glory that is Valabars was demonstrated as somehow there was a waiter standing by us to take our orderTalk about stealth, thank the gods that they haven’t figured out they could use those skills for assassinations because (one) I’d be out of work, and (two) the quality of service that is Valabar’s would diminish and that would be the true crime.  A few brief words from us and Klava was now part of our impending future, plus some words from the blonde to the staff that we somehow were not able to overhear, then the blonde commented as the staff unobtrusively made their exit.


“Rather surprised to see two humans, I was expecting that somehow the angry female elf would track me down.”


“You insulted her.”  Replied Cawti as I just watched.


More plate scratching as she cut a few pieces of meat.  “I did no such thing.”


“You called her short and mocked her father.”


A frown as she chewed.  “Hmmm, I take it that Adron was her father?”




“The one who somehow managed to blowup a city, with all the inhabitants?”




“The one who turned the surroundings into a sea of chaos?”




“And my off hand comment about how stupid that was is somehow mocking her father?”




A shrug from her.  “Guess that partially explains it.”


“And the insult?”


A shake of her head.  “All I said was that she was the smallest elf I’d seen so far.  That is not an insult.  That is a fact.”


A glance between Cawti and I as that was true.  Aliera is the shortest Dragaeran either of us had ever encountered as well.  And it was also true that Aliera did not take kindly to anybody pointing that out.  The blonde continued.


“I get that a lot so I try to not let it bother me.  Plus she looked like the kind of person who’s always upset about things.”


A narrowing of the eyes from Cawti, at which point the Klava was delivered so possible violence, physical or verbal, was prevented as the blonde held out her right arm in a falconer’s stance.


“May I?”




(Your call chum.)


Loiosh gave a nervous flap of the his wings, then a leaping flap which launched himself up to then descend upon her arm.  And apparently she knew something of such activities as her arm only slightly dipped as Loiosh landed upon it.  Her left hand slowly rose and gave him a scratch under his chin.  Incidentally Jheregs like to be scratched and not stroked.


(Trying to weasel some treats Loiosh?)


(Not my fault I’m irresistibly cute to the discerning.)  Was his smug sounding reply.


A hiss from Rocza, which I took to mean where’s mine?  Rocza can talk telepathically to me, but rarely does.  And Loiosh tells me her nickname for me is the provider, proof that Jheregs think with their stomach.


(Better then some other parts of the anatomy Boss.)


Rocza gave her own little jumping flap and joined Loiosh upon her arm with a bit of a peck to make him move over.  And no sign that having two venomous reptiles that close her face was of any concern to her.  After Rocza received her own scratches the two departed back to my shoulders.


(She’s okay Boss.)


(You’re just hoping she’ll feed you.)


“And now I’m envious.”  Was her declaration as she looked at the Jheregs, then a shrug.  “I am early.  Well, when in Rome…”


There was flash of light as a circular disk opened in the air and a small purple flying lizard of all things, slightly larger then Rocza, flew from it, circled the room once, to hisses from Loiosh and Rocza, and settled on her shoulders with what I swear was a smug looking expression.  Said lizard promptly put its face in her face and began to chatter at her in a tone that sounded angry, leaving us to hear one side of what I assume was a conversation.


Angry chatter.


“No Lockheed, I told you before you can’t be here.”


Angry chatter.


“I ended up arriving early, and… having company is nice.  Plus the cool folks appear to have reptiles on their shoulders.”


Nice to know I rated.  But hey, what can I say?  It’s not like I can help it.


(Right Boss…)


Angry chatter.




More angry chatter.


“Don’t get huffy with me dragon, Kitty would kill me if I got you killed.”


Dragon?  That little purple thing is a dragon?


More chatter as she gave the creature some scratches, which demonstrated where she must have gained the knowledge on how to scratch lizards.


“As I said I ended up being here early.  You can stay for a few hours.”


A glance down by the apparent dragon at her plate, then back at her, which caused her to say.


“That’s mine.  And no you can’t have any.”


A huff from the dragon at the apparent unfairness of the universe.  At which point I noticed that another server had somehow gained access without us noticing.  He had a plate of seared meats that he put down on the center of the table and backed away.  At which point the dragon distinctly uttered a smoky“Yeah…” and gave her face a lick.


It hopped from her shoulder onto the table and gave the meats a sniff, which prompted hisses from both Loiosh and Rocza.  The dragon, a description I’m taking under advisement because since when are there dragons that small, gave the two a stare, then bobbed its head a few times.  Both Loiosh and Rocza jumped onto the table and hesitantly had a nibble of the meats, which did not appear to bother the dragon so, all three creatures began to munch, politely I might add.


(Who’s a creature?)


(You are you glutton.)


(Pfff, and miss this?)


(Who’s your new friend?)


(Um… he’s a dragon Boss.  For real… just tiny.)


(So harmless.)


(I said Dragon Boss.)


(Ah… gottcha.)


And the blonde went back to finishing her meal.  And in a weird kind of way that broke the conversational ice.



Part 69b:  Our protagonist/antagonist engages in discussions


So, we sipped upon some very good Klava while the lizards noshed upon the meats as the blonde consumed what was left of her main course.  Her sprinkling some Eastern red pepper powder upon her meal gave me an odd sense of ethnic culinary pride.  I continued to let Cawti take the investigative lead as I tried to project the silent and deadly type, which I suppose did not impress her as much as I’d like in that her focus was her plate and not me.  Ahh, such is vanity I suppose.


(Shut up Boss.)


“Why on earth do you dress like that?”  Was Cawti’s question, and in a tone that was not insulting so an honest question.


I, on the other hand, was trying to figure out how to get Cawti to dress like that, in private that is.


She answered after a swallow, and some amusement at watching the three reptiles do a three way tug of war over a particularly choice cut of meat.


“Because that’s how many people dress from where I’m from.  And if you find this offensive you so don’t want to see video game skins.”


A few flicks of the fingers on her left hand and suddenly images were projected upon the walls of various women and some men.  There was…


A tall blonde dressed in all in white, if you could call her dressed as somehow wearing thigh high boots, panties, and a corset for crying out loud is not dressed for anything other then a brothel.


A red headed woman dressed in black and red skin tight silk body covering with a bird of fire embossed upon it.  A getup that left nothing to the imagination.


A purple haired woman wearing even less then the blonde, some kind of purple tights, holding two swords by the way.


A white haired blue eyed black woman who was actually naked with just her hair hiding the naughty bits.


A massively muscled dark haired bearded man who looked like he could break the table over his knees, and yes his bare chest was on prominent display, and bonus for me as my wife’s gaze did linger quite a bit on that individual so something to remember incase she noticed me noticing… stuff.


And a few more that I swear I paid absolutely no attention to at all.


Oh, and all the woman had very large… um… let’s just say their children would never starve, or any other children who might live in the vicinity.


“Oh…”  Was Cawti’s reply as the two of us exchanged a glance.  That… kind of explained it we supposed.


The blond was finishing off the last of her meal.  “So why are you two here?  If anybody showed up I was expecting them to be elves, not humans.  Man this place is good, do you guys eat here much?”


Cawti answered.  “Upon occasion.  Um, just how did you end up here and why did they let you in dressed as you were dressed.”


“After the fight I decided to get a better lay of the land so I asked around.  A nice elf recommended this place after we were done conversing.”




“Guy by the name of Demon, first person I’ve met in this dimension who behaved in a rational manner.  He gave me a note to give them.”


Um…  Crap.  We only knew one person who went by the name Demon and he was one of the top bosses in the Jhereg.  And if Valabar's knows who the Demon was, then I could really see why they would want to accommodate her.  She continued as she tossed a bit of leftover from her plate at the purple dragon, who snatched it out of the air with a gulp.


Man, Victor and Lex would love this place.”  She give a slight giggle before continuing.  “Oops, bad idea, having that much ego in one place would overload the fabric of space time itself, causing a black hole that would destroy all of reality.”


Okay… I suppose that made sense to somebody.


Again the staff materialized, I was watching this time and I think I caught how they could be so unobtrusive, and dessert orders were taken.  The meats had all been consumed so the dragon was back on her shoulders, the main body on her right shoulder with the head and neck resting on her left shoulder.  Likewise my, now heaver, Jheregs were upon my shoulders


(Are you calling me fat Boss?)


(Easy Loiosh, I’m not built to carry around such weight.  I might collapse under the load.)


(Dead Teckla on your pillow tonight.)  Was his snicker of a reply.  Meaning the rodent and not an actual Dragaeran.


“So why are you here?”  The blonde asked us.


Cawti and I exchanged a glance.


I sent (Well…?)


(She comes across as a bit of a ditz.)  Replied Cawti.


(A ditz that held off both Aliera and Morrolan?)


(Yeah, not buying the act.  But it is good.  Bet it makes people underestimate her all the time.)


(So… give her the message?)




We exchanged nods before I replied.  “To assess you and if we found you rational, to deliver this.”


I pulled out a letter, it was from Morrolan and sealed with his signet ring.  I passed it to her and she opened it, read it, and looked thoughtful.  As she had read the parchment her dragon had likewise reviewed it, which looked kind of funny as there was a small trail of smoke from his nostrils.


No answer from her so we waited as dessert was delivered, and consumed.  She shared her’s with the dragon in that every other bite she offered her fork to it and without fail another tasty sweet morsel vanished.  One done eating she made her reply.


“Was he the one who joined with the other elf in attacking me?”




“So why should I bother?”


“Good question.  There’s been a party going on at his floating castle for the last several hundred years.”




“His pastry and dessert cook was recruited from Valabar's.”


Her eyes got big as the dragon nudged her with his snout.  “Ooooh.  Okay, I’m game.”


(She apparently thinks with the same anatomy Boss.)


And with that the party was on as it were.


Party being Castle Black as she had a three hour invite.

Chapter 70


I find this to be a fun story. I’ve actually written a good chunk out of order (the chapter after this) but now I need to created the bridge chapter as it were. And of course the question in the back of your mind should be, just why is Illyana here?

Chapter Text

Part 70a:  In which our protagonist/antagonist meets several individuals for the second time  


A bit more chit chat as we all finished our respective Klavas.  Not that we learned much from her, so with the bill settled we departed the gastric heaven that is Valabar’s and met up with Aliera who was still waiting out front.  Waiting with Morrolan it turns out, we later found out that Aliera had been getting impatient and wanted to just storm in so Morrolan had shown up to keep her occupied.  If a tiny purple dragon on her shoulder gave them any pause, their body language did not show it.  And I guess they were too cool to make the first inquiry.


So, cool stares between two of them and the blonde as the blonde stated.


“Lord Morrolan e’Drien” as she gave him a courteous nod of her head.


“And how might we properly address you?”  Inquired Morrolan as Aliera glared.  “My cousin informs me that you are called Magik?”


“Spelled with a K.”  Was her reply.


Hmm, Magik.  Aliera had told us that but really?  Talk about bragging.  Now this Magik is certainly dressed the part, color wise as she was wearing black, and she did fend off two of the most skilled magic practitioners of the Empire so not quite bragging.


“Arrogant self naming.”  Sniffed Aliera. 


“You are incorrect.”  Countered the blonde, and of course telling Aliera that she was mistaken was not going to help things.  “Others gave me that name.”


Okay, that’s actually a bit more concerning as when other people give you names like that it implies that the person really does measure up.  You know… like somebody named the Demon.


“Are there some other term we might use?”  Inquired Morrolan.


“No, Magik works.”  Magik replied with a grin.


“Do you consent to being teleported to my abode?”


“That being Castle Black?”




“Then yes.”


Teleportation does require consent as nobody can teleport another without permission, and I don’t mean some legal kind of niceties, you consent to the spell taking you, otherwise you just remain where you are.


So, with a gut twisting twist we were now standing on invisible flagstones as we appeared in the courtyard of Castle Black (invisible flagstones because that helps to remind guests that this is a floating castle, Morrolan could be quite the showman when he wanted to be).  Which now being nighttime, meant that we were hovering several thousand feed over a dark landscape as my wife and I fought the urge to puke.


Oh, did I forget to mention that little detail?  The biggest difference between Dragaerans and Humans, other then height and lifespan, is that Dragaerans do not feel nauseous when teleported.  And neither do demons I guess from the expression of mild interest as Magik looked about at the battlements.  Cawti or I would be fighting to not blow the contents of our last meal all over the invisible flagstones.


“Nice…”  Was her comment, then we all strode forward to the main doors, which opened on their own volition, showing standing Lady Teldra who greeted us with a smile.



Part 70b:  Castle Black


Castle Black is Morrolan’s home and like the name implies is built mostly of various black stones.  In of itself not particularly noteworthy, but the name is a bit controversial as Black is the color of sorcery so naming his home Castle Black is a bit of bravado, some might say audacious.  And Dragaerans, being Dragaerans, more then a few might call him on it, meaning duals.  We are talking Dragaerans, and the house of Dragon in this case, so I suspect Morrolan’s name choice just might have been very deliberate in the reactions it caused.


Then there is the continual ongoing party that has been taking place for I think several hundred years, making it one of the in places to be as many noteworthy Dragaerans individuals drop by from time to time, including the Empress.


But the real claim to fame is that Castle Black is the only floating castle in existence.  Why you ask?  Well, I’ve been told that the enchantments to make a floating castle, while large scale, are not that hard to do.  Before the interregnum there were many floating castles, key word here being before, you know… past tense.  When sorcery stopped working, that little thing called the interregnum that lasted for a few hundred years, so did the spells that kept all the castles floating.  I trust you can deduce what happened next as all that stone just fell, with everybody inside.  Resulting in that floating castles are NOT currently in vogue with the in crowd, or any crowd.


Oh, and just who is Lady Teldra?




Everything freezes and Vlad turns his head and looks you in the eye as he gives you a brief rundown on Lady Teldra. 


Lady Teldra:  She’s a beautiful and slender Dragaeran, with light brown hair and green eyes (typical for an Issola).  I’ve always wondered how she achieves such beauty without apparent sexuality.  Also typically for her House, she is a born and trained diplomatist, a master of many protocols and languages.  Very polite, very smooth-talking, and an all-around wonderful person.


A key to her charm is that it isn't an act, she really, genuinely likes almost everybody and is the kindest person I know.  A skilled practitioner of diplomacy, negotiation, charm and finesse rather than deception, in short the opposite of myself.  And keep in mind that Issolas act with perfect courtesy at all times...but "courtesy" can be taken to mean not giving harm or insult to anyone else except intentionally when you judge it to be appropriate.


She is Morrolan’s seneschal (a steward who managed the domestic staff of a noble house).


With that everything unfreezes.




A bow from Lady Teldra’s to Morrolan.  “Greetings Lord.”  Then a smile that took in all of us.  “Welcome to Castle Black.”  Then she spoke in a language I’d never heard before. 


“Мырзам Морролан э'Дриендин үйүнө кош келиңиз.”


Which apparently gave the blonde a bit of a start as she hesitated in her step, then replied in what I assume was the same tongue as she gave a slight bow of her head at Lady Teldra, and the dragon on her neck likewise bowed its head.


“Ой, таң калдым, биринчи жолу укканым, бул тилде сүйлөй ала турган адам.”


Lady Teldra replied.  “Аз.”


“You are most skilled with infernal languages.”  Stated the blonde to Lady Teldra.


“I’ve had a good instructor.”  Was her demure reply to the complement.


With that we swept past the large double doors and entered the main foyer with Lady Teldra at our side.  Lady Teldra indicated that…


“The library is this way.”


But the blonde was not quite cooperative.  “I was promised dessert.”


And after a glance as Morrolan, Lady Teldra smoothly indicated the direction of the main party.  “Then this way first.”


And so we made our way to the main party, where the blonde ogled the vast spread that is the buffet, then made her way to the dessert table and appeared to be paralyzed by the choices before her.  Now this ordinarily would have caused possible issues with the other guests as she was in the way; and being an Easterner, at least in form, would have offended more then a few of the Dragaerans whom she was blocking.  But nobody get pissy as Morrolan and Aliera were flanking her.  Not to mention the presence of two deadly Easterner assassins, which was sadly overlooked because the whole point of being a deadly assassin is that that little tidbit of knowledge is not generally known.


(Like you want to be noticed Boss.  Bad for this line of work.)


(Yeah, but sometimes it’s nice to have folks be scared of you.)


(You could glower and threaten the staff with a dagger?)


(I suppose, but then Morrolan would be annoyed with me.)


Morrolan got a slice of Apple pastry, Lady Teldra a glass of red wine, Aliera selected nothing which I suspect was a statement, Cawti and I each just got a nice glass of white dessert wine, where as the blonde loaded up, gods be damned, with eight different desserts on a huge plate.  I also got the impression that the little purple dragon on her shoulder wanted to leap down from her shoulder and wallow in gluttonous revelry upon the table, which might have been one of the reasons she loaded up.


So, munchies in hand, figuratively for some of us and literally for the blonde as she needed both hands to hold that plate, we decamped to the library.



Part 70c: Our now noshing protagonist/antagonist again engages in discussions 


Morrolan’s library is just like you’d imaging that a nobleman, collector, and major wizard would posses.  High book shelf’s loaded with tomes.  Several book display desks to emphasize and show off particularly rare works.  Comfy leather chairs to relax in, ideal for indulging in a book or chatting with another.  And private, this part of the castle was off limit for normal party guests.


The blonde made herself at home upon one of the high backed leather chairs, the dragon was now on the rim as she put her loaded plate on a side table, then dished some of the goodies onto a smaller plate and promptly tossed a bit of pastry into the air for the dragon to snatch.


(Disgusting how some people indulge their pets Boss.)  Was Loiosh forlorn statement.


(Too much sugar gives you guys gas.)  Was my oh so correct observation as to the gastric side affects upon Jhereg.


(Don’t see me complaining.)


(Well I am…)


Everybody settled down, other then Lady Teldra and Aliera.  I suppose it would have been rude to loom over her like this was some kind of interrogation, which it is by the way.


A bite of dessert from her plate and then… “Start talking, it’s your nickel.”


A slight frown from Morrolan.  “Come again?”


“Sorry, a phrase from where I’m from, it denotes that you’ve initiated the conversation so talk away.  I heard it in a Bugs Bunny cartoon and I’ve always wanted to say that.”


“A talking rabbit?”


“Exactly.  Eh… What’s up doc?”  The last delivered in a rather distinctly different accent.


“That makes no sense.”  You could hear the frown in Morrolan voice, that is if you were not looking at his face, which had one as well.


Another bite of dessert for her and three for the dragon before she replied.


“Sorry, I’m a bit blissed out right now, rather scatter brained I suspect.  I came here for the big event only to find that I’d ended early, so rather pumped on adrenaline with no big bad to throw down with.  So, having time to kill I ended up learning just what Klava is, which is lovely by the way.  After I got chased out of the coffee bar I did a bit of touristing about and found the big sea of chaos.  Since I still had loads of time to kill I figured why not a nice swim as raw chaos is a fantastic epidermal peel, and a good soak in general, but stay away from the refined stuff as talk about the mother of all hangovers.   Then…” 


She pointed her thumb at Aliera.  “Blondie showed up and got into a bit of a shouting match with me over the whole soaking in chaos, which I guess is illegal here.  That led to a bit of a tiff and a fun fight with first her and then the two of you, but it was getting a bit too serious so I bailed and went in look for info about this dimension, which was provided by the one named the Demon, which I do have to point out I was ok with even though he was in no ways a demon but you don’t see me getting upset about it, unlike almost everybody I’ve encountered so far.  Anyway, after we chatted he gave me the name and location of Valabars, which is a great place, so I hung out there and had a good last meal as it were before these two showed up…”


Thumb in our direction, and aside, just how much can that dragon eat?  I now knew why she’d loaded up the plate.  The little critter should be bursting by now with first all the meat and now the desserts but he still looked the same size.


(Dragons Boss… some are just born lucky.)


“We chatted for a bit and they extended your invitation and that’s how we ended up here.”


Then a bit of a frown from her.  “Hmm, in hindsight I think Klava might be a bit euphoric for me, especially after the chaos soak, and the good eats, and the wine, and more Klava.  Damn, I sound like Jubilee now, talk about nonstop diarrhea of the mouth.”


Okay, a multitude of answers and without us having yet to ask a question.


“I see…”  Muttered Morrolan, although I was rather sure he was in the dark about some of the things she had just said, I know I was.  Aliera rolled her eyes and looked like she was resisting the urge to finger the hilt of her sword.


Morrolan continued.  “We would like to have somebody examine you if you would permit.”


A frown from her as both she and the dragon ate cake.  “And this examination would consist of…?”


“She would first just come in this room and look at you.  No harm is meant or will be allowed as you are my guest and I would take great affront if anyone attempted to violate my word.”


“Okay…”  Her tone just implied a kind of I’ll believe that when I see it.


Which was sufficient for Morrolan as there was a knock at the door and then The Necromancer entered the room.


(Love how you always capitalize the The when talking about The Necromancer Boss.)


The blonde and The Necromancer locked eyes and stared at each other.  All traces of humor and ditzy behavior evaporating from her like a switch had been thrown as we all held our breath.  The only sound was the slow scrap of her fork on the plate as she slowly cut off another piece of cake and lifted it to her mouth, all without taking her eyes off of The Necromancer.


Then The Necromancer stepped back a step and summoned a necromantic gate, which is a portal to another realm for those who don’t know.  It was like a slice in the air and I could see what I assumed to be a black sky with stars.


The blonde put down her plate, stood, and extended her right hand while The Necromancer held up her right hand, then The Necromancer began to close her right hand into a fist, which the blonde appeared to follow as her fingers likewise began to curl, and as the fists closed the necromantic gate shrank in size.  Then the blonde’s muscles tensed as it looked like she was trying to force her hand to open, which caused the gate to stop shrinking in size.  Now The Necromancer tensed her muscles as well.  The gate alternately shrank and grew in size as the respective hands somehow gained ascendency.


It was a long quite moment that finally ended when The Necromancer appeared to give up, sweat on her brow, as both hands sprung open.  The blonde made a small contented sound, sat back down, and retrieved her plate.


“He is a demon.”  Announced The Necromancer.  “And she is not in league with the Jenoine as she is capable of opening necromantic gates that I cannot close.  Hence if she was with the Jenoine then they would already be here.”


Okay, that’s good.  But she had mentioned the ‘big event’ and apparently had described it as the impending apocalypse back when she’d fought Morrolan and Aliera.


But before any additional questions could be asked, Aliera just had to be Aliera as she stated with firm resolve.


“I demand satisfaction.”


The blonde gave a few slow blinks, appeared to think about it, and then gave a kind of half hearted shrug.  “Well… I still have time to kill.  Elves aren’t my usual kink, likewise blondes, but you are quite stabie, magical, and dangerous so I guess I accept.”


That sounded odd, I’d never heard a challenge accepted that…


She stood up.  “Our height is… compatible for such horizontal activities, while you hide your body quite well, I’m assuming there’s a pleasant surprise under the wrapping.  Lord e’Drien I suppose I must ask that your invitation be extended a few hours as such sensual activities take time.  And I would request a private bedroom as I’m not into public displays.”


… way.


By the gods I believe she thinks Aliera propositioned her and she just accepted!  Who by the way was now blushing furiously, and I never knew that a blush could extend all the way to the tip of a Dragaeran’s ears.


“I am not trying to sleep with you.”  Replied the blushing Aliera.


A look of annoyance from the blonde.  “Then why did you proposition me?”


“I did not.  I challenged you to combat.”


“No, you solicited a sexual encounter.  Challenges to combat, where I’m from, would be worded like… ‘I challenge you.’  Not ‘I demand satisfaction.’  That is an offer, heck, a demand for a tryst.”


“I do not want to sleep with you!”


“Oh… Okay…”  The blonde sat back down and looked somewhat relieved.  Which of course was taken as an insult by Aliera.


“I challenge you to combat.”


The blonde picked up a bit of cream pastry and fed it to the dragon on her shoulder.  “So you wish satisfaction from me.”


“No, stop staying it like that, it sounds… inappropriate when you put it that way.”


“But those are your words, your terms.  I simply comply in their usage in this locality.  You are demanding that we meet and I give you satisfaction.  And in that encounter, being a mutual contest, I would infer that you would give me satisfaction as well.”


“Stop that.”


“Stop what?”


“Saying it like that.  I have no intentions of giving you satisfaction.”


“Really, such a mutual encounter of both parties should have reciprocity.”


The still blushing Aliera, with fists clenched at her side retorted.  “You imply I mean to do something I am not attempting to do.”


A bit of a sniff from the blonde.  “That sounds most unsatisfactory.  Why should I engage with one who demands what they will not offer?  I suppose I must refuse then.”


Leaving an astonished Aliera.  “You refuse combat?  Do you lack honor?”


“I have honor, I just don’t see it in your demand that we fight.”


“You gave me cause with your insults to my father and my person.”


“Pffff… So you’re upset some words and the solution is immediately to resort to physical violence?   Not very polite.  And yes for those who know me that statement does sound out of character but dueling over accidental offense is silly and far from honorable.  Much better to discuss things and perhaps agree to disagree.  Like adults do.  Physical violence should be a last choice, not the first, as I often tell others.”


That’s when the dragon started choking on something, he was eating like a glutton so I guess something got stuck.  Or… was it what she said?


I don’t think anybody has ever said that to Aliera in her life.  And only the oath of hospitality that Morrolan gave prevented her from immediately attempting to relieve the blonde of her head.  Oh, dualing is actually allowed at Castle Black, lot of protective magic to ensure no hits to the head or spinal cord and all resurrections had been successful, but duals required both parties to consent and the blonde was not consenting.


The blonde spoke to the group.  “The tracking spell was quite subtle, most unique.  I commend whomever cast it.”  She looked down upon the now empty place, I think almost all had been consumed by the dragon.  “But the tasties are gone and so am I as I find present company un-amusing.”


With that a light disk appeared and both she and the dragon vanished.


We all exchanged glances, that’s when a light disk appeared on the ceiling and the blondes head briefly emerged, only to vanish again after a brief statement aimed at Aliera.


“And you’re short.”


Aliera was less then pleased at these turn of events.  “#$%@#&%%!”


As were the rest of us when we discovered the tacking spell no longer worked.

Chapter 71


Ah, I wrote this a bit ago. The true reason she’s here, if you haven’t already figured it out.

Chapter Text

Part 71a:  Musings


Nighttime in the east, where Illyana was lying on some grassy ground star watching.  Something one could not do out west due to the continual obscurement of the sky.  Just lying as she watched the unfamiliar sky.  She had sent Lockheed home after some nose nuzzling and scolding from him on her insistence that he could not stay.




Perhaps she slept and it was all a dream.




Perhaps… it was something else because.


Now there were two Illyanas watching the sky.  Dressed in the same black garb, both just looking at the sky above.


“Irritating Elves…”  Groused one Illyana.


“Yeah… Morrolan was kind of cute thou.”  Replied the other Illyana.


“I suppose… if you’re into that.”  Answered the first Illyana.


The conversation petered out for a bit before resuming.


“This is weird.”




“Breaks all kind of rules.”




“I really don’t like you.”


“Yeah, I get that a lot.  News flash, you’re not exactly on my favorite list.”


“Why me?”


“Why not?  Who better?”


“Kitty for one.”


“She likes being called Kate now.”


“Oh, I did not know that.”


“Yeah you did, you just haven’t thought about it yet.”


The conversation petered out again.  But resumed after a shooting star flashed by.


“I am upset with you.”


A comment that did not appear to be of much worth to the other Illyana.  “You’d be surprised how often I get that.”


“No, I don’t think I would be…”


“Hmmm, in hindsight I suppose that’s true.”


“These are not my memories.  I did not live that part of your life.  I don’t like that you have done what you have done.”


A shrug from the other Illyana.  “Kind needed to do that, they say that somebody is never really gone so long as somebody remembers them.  So… who better?”


A sigh from the complaining Illyana.  “And thus you ensure that she is always remembered.”




“Well done… in an evil kind of way.”


“Well… I am a demon.”


“Don’t remind me.”


“Like you need reminding…”




More silence as the stars slowly turned.  Then…


“I can’t believe she called her pet demon Booger.”


“Well, he is snotty, the whole breed kind of is, rather like dogs with really really wet noses.”


“Dogs that weight over three hundred pounds with huge teeth and claws.”


“Yeah.  They are cute.”




“Yeah… cute.  That whole…”


The other Illyana interrupted.  “Demon thing.  Still….”


“I found it cute, Booger really was a nice demon, for a demon that is.”


“You do know how strange that sounds.”


“Yeah… true though.”


Another shooting star and a change of topics.


“Why Elvis of all things?”  An Illyana asked in a musing kind of way.


“Her parents apparently liked the King.”  Answered an Illyana.  “I took her to Graceland shortly before… before…”


“I… you… killed her.”  Answered the other Illyana with a harsh tone of pain, of rage, then in a softer tone.  “She… really liked Graceland.”


“Remember the sandwich?  Gods she loved it.”


“How could I forget.  Fried peanut butter and banana sandwich with bacon.”


“Everything’s better with bacon.”


“Yeah… And the shoes.”




Perhaps it was just a memory, or might it have been an illusion cast be the two but we see a ghostly landscape flow into existence around the two as the trip to Graceland is recreated.  It had started with a plane ride as Sapna had never been on a plane before.  They had arrived at the airport we see an eager young girl being escorted by two Illyanas.


Put on my blue suede shoes

And I boarded the plane

Touched down in the land of the Delta Blues

In the middle of the pouring rain

W.C. Handy, won't you look down over me?

Yeah, I got a first class ticket

But I'm as blue as a boy can be


It had been raining but that had not bothered Sapna as the two of them had toured around the city, but now the recollection shows two Illyanas and one Sapna as each Illyana held one hand of Sapna.


Then I'm walking in Memphis

Was walking with my feet ten feet off of Beale

Walking in Memphis

But do I really feel the way I feel?


The joy of a child having a happy day.  None of the others they encountered saw Sapna in her demon form that she had been reduced to; they only saw a happy female child.


Saw the ghost of Elvis

On Union Avenue

Followed him up to the gates of Graceland

Then I watched him walk right through

Now security they did not see him

They just hovered 'round his tomb

But there's a pretty little thing

Waiting for the King

Down in the Jungle Room


The tour of Graceland had been really fun, especially as it was a private VIP tour (Illyana does have connections after all).


When I was walking in Memphis

I was walking with my feet ten feet off of Beale

Walking in Memphis

But do I really feel the way I feel?


It had been a fun day.  A somewhat silly tourist kind of experience, but not silly for Sapna.


They've got catfish on the table

They've got gospel in the air

And Reverend Green be glad to see you

When you haven't got a prayer

But, boy, you've got a prayer in Memphis


After Graceland they had gone to a nice music club, serving good food, that was singing of Gospel and Elvis.


Now Muriel plays piano

Every Friday at the Hollywood

And they brought me down to see her

And they asked me if I would

Do a little number

And I sang with all my might

She said

"Tell me are you a Christian child? "


And I said "Ma'am, I am tonight"

Walking in Memphis

(Walking in Memphis)

Was walking with my feet ten feet off of Beale

Walking in Memphis

(Walking in Memphis)

But do I really feel the way I feel?


Then later a bit of Elvis Karaoke had finished off the day.


Walking in Memphis

(Walking in Memphis)

I was walking with my feet ten feet off of Beale

Walking in Memphis

(Walking in Memphis)

But do I really feel the way I feel?


It had been a rainy day, and yet it had been a perfect day as they boarded the plane to leave, Sapna asleep in the arms of the Illyanas.


Put on my blue suede shoes

And I boarded the plane

Touched down in the land of the Delta Blues

In the middle of the pouring rain

Touched down in the land of the Delta Blues

In the middle of the pouring rain


Author’s note:  The song is Walking in Memphis by Marc Cohn.


The two Illyanas sat up, turned to look at each other, then one broke into wracking sobbing tears, to be comforted by the other.  Or…was it the other way around?


“I miss her so much.”


“I… know.”


“I tried so hard, did everything that could be done, and failed.  It was her or everybody else.  Everything else.  I… hate my choice.  I hate this.  I hate these memories!”


A sigh from the Illyana that was comforting the crying Illyana.  “I kind of lied.  It was… nice.  Nice being you.”


Sniffs from the crying Illyana.  “Yeah, likewise.  It was… wonderfully terrible.”


“Would you do it again… meaning…”


“Being you?”




“Never… not in a million years.”


A look of hurt on the Illyana that was comforting.  “Oh… um…”






“I really did like being you.”


A smile from the comforting Illyana.  “Nice to know.”


“Are you really going to go through with it?”


“Yeah… only shot I’ll get.”






“Gods, I sometimes so hate the rules…”


“Yeah… you and me both sister…”


And so time passed…  And Illyana briefly slept, if this was not already a dream.


Later, an hour or so before sunrise Illyana awoke.  It was just her now, meaning one Illyana, lying down on the long green grass.  But from her location to over a hundred yards the ground was scorched as if by a blazing fire, and the ground was still warm to the touch.  Illyana contemplated the scorched grassland, then ascended into the air (yes she can fly).  Below her a pattern had been burned into the grasslands as the pattern was made known as she gained in elevation.


Which prompted a slight smile before she vanished in a teleportation disk.



Part 71b:  In which our protagonist/antagonist prepares


A frozen moment as we see that Illyana is standing in some kind of martial arts poise by the Blood river that led to the Deathsgate Falls, which were about a mile away.  We see Vlad, dressed in his Jhereg house colors of black and grey.  He is leaning against an upright granite stone block by the river as he cleans his nails with a knife.


“Fourth wall breaking again.  This is the place where bodies of dead Dragaerans of high note are placed on the Blood River to go over Deathsgate Falls.  This supposedly helps to facilitate the soul's entrance to the paths of the dead where they face various trials and tests.  Past the paths of the dead are the Halls of Judgment, where the Lords of Judgment sit and determine the fate of Dragaeran souls that reach them.  Those they deem worthy for their own uses are allowed into the next state of being.  Those they reject are reincarnated or bound to serve in the Halls.  It is possible for living creatures to enter the Paths, but it is extremely difficult to leave, trust me on that.  Oh, and very rarely Dragaerans will become undead to leave the Halls without reincarnating.  And if you haven’t figured it out yet, Halls of Judgment are where the gods live.”


With that Vlad vanishes with a pop and time resumes.


Illyana was practicing in that what she was doing slow motion hand to hand combat moves as a kind of warm up, which looks like Tai chi.  And the river was well named as the water was actually blood red in color, but was still water which was okay with her as a river of blood was both kind of yucky and rather excessive on the drama scale.  It was no longer dark in that the eastern horizon was giving off that pre dawn kind of glow.  She’d acquired another cup of Klava from somewhere, which was floating in the air so she could reach out and grab a sip from time to time.


As she exercised, more like lightly stretching, she noticed a brown haired Dragaeran girl, perhaps nine or ten years of age, looking at her from behind one of those carved stone pillars that were by the river (they denoted the launching location for a given house to send their dead into the river and over the falls, this one was of the House of Athyra, shown by the carved inset figure of a Athyra.  Now this girl was unusual in that she was partial transparent, which Illyana logically, and correctly, concluded was not a common occurrence even for elves.  The girl, dressed in a thin blue dress, kept ducking behind the pillar every time Illyana glanced in her direction.


Illyana finally spoke after finishing her routine, and retrieving her floating cup.  She sat upon a rock and stated, after a sip of course.  “Are we going to keep playing peak-a-boo or are you going to introduce yourself?”


The little girl’s head shyly emerged from behind the pillar.  “I’m Devera.”


“Hello Devera.  I’m Illyana.  I somehow suspect you’re not supposed to be here.”


“I’m not.”  Was Devera’s response as she partially hid again, resulting in just the right side of her face showing from the side of the pillar.


A grin from Illyana.  “Well, that makes two of us.  Now… what may I ask makes you so interested in watching me?”


“You’re the scary lady, that’s what they call you.”




“The gods.”


“Oh… I see.  I do tend to get that.”


“They’re all talking about you and what to do about you.”


Just a shrug from Illyana as she indulged in some more Klava.  Prompting Devera to ask a question.


“Are you?”


“Meaning am I scary?”




“Kind of a yes, in that kind of way that is way more than kind of.”


A statement that elicited a grin and a few head bobs of agreement from this Devera as she asked.  “Do you mind if I come sit by you?”


“If the gods think I’m a scary lady then I don’t think that would be a good idea.”  Pointed out Illyana.


“Yeah… but you don’t look like a scary lady to me.”


“I don’t?”


“No, you look more like a sad lady.”


A few blinks from Illyana, then a slight frown.  “Why do you think that?”


Devera answered with a question.  “You know how you act, when you’re unhappy, but trying to act happy because it lets you not think about how unhappy you are?”




“I think you’ve kind of been acting like that.”


A look of sadness flickers on Illyana’s face.  “Oh…  I suppose I have.”


Devera fully emerged from behind the pillar.  “Why?”


A frown of musing upon Illyana’s countenance as she replied.  “I miss somebody.  And there’s nothing I can do about why I miss them.”


Suddenly Devera was sitting next to Illyana, apparently she could teleport.  “It’s warm here.”


“Yeah, that sometimes happens around me.”


“You don’t like the cold?”


“No, I don’t really feel the cold, it’s just… sometimes things are warm around me because…”


“You’re a demon?  That’s what the gods say you are.”


“Yeah.  I assume the gods don’t like that.”


“No, they’re afraid you might we working for the Jenoine.  Do you?”


“No, I don’t really even know who or what the Jenoine are.  Hmm, would you like some hot chocolate?”


“What’s hot chocolate?”


“Goodness.”  Was Illyana’s answer as a glass of hot chocolate, with whipped cream, appeared next to Devera.


And yes, somehow the ghost’ish child was able to pick up the glass.  She gave it a sniff, then a sip, and a bigger sip.


“Oh!!!  It’s delicious!”


“Yep…“  Was Illyana’s reply, but then she looked sad again.


“Why are you sad?”  Asked Devera after she took a gulp (drank half the glass to be precise).


“It’s just that… Sapna really liked hot chocolate and you kind of remind me of her.”


“The thing you feel bad about?”


“Yeah…”  Then a change of subjects as Illyana asked.  “So why do the gods think I’m scary?”


“Your sword.  They think it’s called…”  Devera whispered something to Illyana because the gods really did not like that name being spoken aloud.


A shake of the head from Illyana.  “No, it doesn’t have a name, it’s just my soul sword.”


“Oh… that will make them happy.”






“I’ve done that… um… thing of a bunch of times.  And….”




“I did eat a dimension once, which was my dimension in that I rule it.  I restored it later after I got tired of being so full…”


“Oh… then I don’t think they will be happy, they kind of get worked up about that kind of thing.”


“Yeah, I suppose they would.”


A long moment of silence as the two enjoyed their drinks as the glow of dawn arrived and the brownish clouds that was the sky was revealed.  Illyana stood up, checked her watch to find that it was almost time.


“Time to scoot Devera.”


The little girl was finishing the last of the cocoa.  “The gods don’t think there will be an apocalypse.  They’re convinced they would know.  In that they are gods.”


A shrug from Illyana.  “Gods do tend to know such things, then again, gods don’t know everything.  I suppose it would be a good thing for me to be wrong but…”  She glanced back down at the watch.  “I’m not.”


Devera stood as well.  “Thank you for the hot chocolate.”  And with that she was gone leaving Illyana alone.


Illyana had a musing look, then she walked to the shore of the river.  Hmmmm, shame to waste a river of blood, I mean… its right there.


She reached into somewhere, it would have been a pocket on her right hip, but there was no pocket there, regardless of the lack of a location she pulled her IPod from somewhere.  She hit the special random play button and tossed the IPod into the air where it just hovered as music began to play as if somehow there were speakers attached.  It was the song In the air tonight by Phil Collins/


I can feel it coming in the air tonight, oh lord

And I've been waiting for this moment, for all my life, oh lord.

Can you feel it coming in the air tonight, oh lord, oh lord


Well, if you told me you were drowning

I would not lend a hand

I've seen your face before my friend

But I don't know if you know who I am


With that she made up her mind and waded into the river, reaching waist deep she dived in and submerged.


Well, I was there and I saw what you did

I saw it with my own two eyes

So you can wipe off that grin, I know where you've been

It's all been a pack of lies


And I can feel it coming in the air tonight, oh lord

Well I've been waiting for this moment for all my life, oh lord

I can feel it coming in the air tonight, oh lord

Well I've been waiting for this moment for all my life, oh lord, oh lord


Something began to boil mid river, and then the flaming head of a figure emerged from the blood colored water as a figure strode from the river.  What emerged would not be considered human by either Easterner or Dragaeran.  The head was a horned flaming skull with blackish red flames in place of any hair.  The mouth and eyes was like openings to a blast furnace.  She, for it was a she, was wearing a spiky full body suit, apart from her lower legs, which were now hoofed.  Grasped in her right was a burning blade that was so hot it looked to be on the verge of melting.  The lack of exposed skin and cleavage would be a welcome change to local society, but now she was a thing of flame and darkness so likely not a welcome change.


Golden Balls, now known as Egg (See X-Men Comics) had once described this incarnation as a petite female Balrog, and not the sexy kind (apparently there is a fetish for everything, Google Illyana demon flame if you don’t already know what she looks like).  The gods, if they were watching, would definitely find the situation worthy of additional debate and discussion, so like the gods in many situations, the issue at hand would be resolved long before they got around reaching a decision on a course of action.


I can feel it coming in the air tonight, oh lord

And I've been waiting for this moment for all my life, oh lord

I can feel it in the air tonight, oh lord, oh lord

Well I've been waiting for this moment for all my life, oh lord, oh lord

I can feel it in the air tonight, oh lord, oh lord

Well I've been waiting for this moment for all my life, oh lord, oh lord


Most would infer the creature was enraged, the Dragaeran known as the Demon would have described her expression to be one of…



Chapter 72


Yes, this story is all about Sapna and Illyana’s grief on having to kill Sapna to prevent the Eater of Worlds from consuming Limbo and killing everybody in Limbo (i.e. the Mutants who were hiding in Limbo during the Inhuman Terrigen gas clouds that were poisoning earth, see the comics). I’ve always felt that Illyana deserved better on having to deal with doing that then what Marvel wrote for her. This was the ending I first imagined, but then I had to figure out how the story got here (the prior chapters). And I had been struggling to come up with an idea for a Vlad Taltos story, I eventual mused upon what if this happened in Vlad’s universe and thus a full story was born.

I’m somewhat amused that I thought, when I first started this plot line, that it would only take two or three chapters (ahh… such foolish optimism on my part), well… this is the final chapter.

Chapter Text

Part 72a: Our protagonist/antagonist achieves a reckoning of sorts…


Dawn peeked over the horizon, which was as fitting a time as any mused the Athyra (house of magic and philosophy).  He was male, well over seven feet tall, and dressed in his house colors with a style that was the height of current fashion.  We will forgo any mention of his name as it doesn’t really matter.  Then time stops and Vlad somehow conveniently walks from behind a scrawny bush that couldn’t hide an anemic squirrel.  he brushes off some imagery dirt on his left arm while speaking to you.


“Not really here, but somebody has to break the fourth wall.  So this is the point of the supposed apocalypse.  Can’t say I’m impressed.”  As Vlad gestures to bring your attention to the scenery.


The terrain is arctic tundra with an emphases on rocky and less on tundra.  And cold, there were scattered patches of snow and the ground had that I’m permafrost three inches down vibe.  There were some distant rocky hills and that was it.  No habitation in sight, and in actuality, no habitation for hundreds of miles.


Vlad just gave a little shake of his head as he examined the frozen Athyra.  “And of course this idiot overdressed for a charming morning in the middle of nowhere, Athyras are like that.  It makes sense that an Athyra is involved if this is really the site of the apocalypse because the reason there are so many nasty Athyra out there is that they spend so much time in solitary study and contemplation that they start thinking of people as abstractions, becoming completely divorced from morality and empathy, unlike us assassins who always consider our prey… um… targets to be very much a real person.  Not for any sentimental reasons mind you, but when you’re figuring out how to get to somebody you usually need to understand them and that makes them real vs. abstract.”


With a pop sound Vald vanishes and time resumes.


The ritual has been so difficult to find and decipher, but his genius had unraveled it.  Now he would exceed all his peers and ascend to godhood itself.  With that the ritual was conducted and took but moments.  A shudder and then a snarl of sarcasm from the Eater of Worlds as he spoke from his new host.


“Again another fool, I almost tire of them.”  A few chuckles.  “Almost…  And now a new world to consume.”


That was when Eater of Worlds was attacked.  Attacked by Illyana with everything she was capable of doing.  Attacked with no rules binding her, no pulling her punches as she usually did (a combination of Hell Lord rules and Illyana worked very hard to not be a Mary Sue).  But not this time, it was the full might and fury of the Queen of Limbo, Hell Lord, and Sorceress Supreme that she was.  Attacked with everything that she could do, was capable of doing.


A vast plethora of arcane symbols bloomed into existence around him, and with the symbols were eight pentagrams that hovered in the air facing him from eight different angles.  Then blasts of magical energy spiked in from the pentagrams and imploded upon him.  Blood erupted from every orifice of the body that Eater of Worlds had taken over as he fell to his knees and vomited even more blood.


A light circle appeared on the ground beneath him, then a blast of eye burning light erupted from the circle and such was the speed that the material blasted though the atmosphere.  It was a vent from the heart of the local star, over twenty seven million degree Fahrenheit plasma at a pressure of almost four million pounds per square inch spewing vertically, burning the flesh from his body, and irradiating him as fusing hydrogen emits gamma radiation and he was basically at the heart of what was a gamma ray laser.  A laser that was capable of burning a hole through mountains or vaporizing asteroids.  This as more akin to being struck by the burst from a pulsar then a normal weapon.  Nothing remotely mortal should be able to survive, must less prevent be turned into scattered atoms.


And yet… Eater of Worlds persevered, flesh falling off of his bones as if he’d been slow cooked, as the plasma laser flickered out.  He rose to his feet, at which point he was impaled by Illyana’s soul sword that she held with both hands, as she shrieked her rage at him.




But Eater of Worlds did not.


Would not.


He brutally struck her with the back of his left hand, a jarring blow that flung her to the ground, then reached down to grasp her neck with his left hand before holding her aloft, feet dangling above the ground, with the sword still impaling him.


“Magik…”  Was his sneering declaration from his burnt and flayed lips as his lower lip fell dripped off.


“As if one such as you could end one such as me.”  Mocked Eater of Worlds.  “Perhaps in another place, in another time.  But not here!


Illyana grinned back in defiance, blood dripping from her mouth as he held her high by the throat as he began to squeeze the remaining life from her.  Her insolence and defiance in the face of oncoming death was… dissatisfying.  Unsatisfactory. Perhaps some taunts to drive home her failures.


“You could have prevented this if you had struck truer when I wore Sapna.”


Which earned him some ineffective kicks to his stomach, which he ended with a few brutal strikes with his right fist.


“It was sweet to take her from you.  Enjoyable to trick her.  Like I trick all the fools I take.  She screamed when she realized, in the end, how she had been deceived .  How… sweet was her pain as all that she was… consumed by me.”


Then he smashed her repeatedly into the ground and with eachsmash he yelled one word.














Then he held her high again so he could look into her eyes as he resumed his taunting.


“I just wish I could have made her…”


That’s when Eater of Worlds noticed the glint of a tiny flame in her eyes, a glint that was growing larger.




It was not a glint,


It almost looked like a…




Dawning realization that was far too late as Eater of Worlds stumbled and dropped Illyana as fiery talons emerged from the front of his chest as he was struck from behind while the scream of absolute rage and hatred from the new attacker deafened him.


And the attacker? 


It was a bird of burning fire.  Like an eagle or…






Eater of Worlds strove to fight back but Illyana’s attack had weakened him.  As he attempted to grapple with the bird on his back, who was busy gouging him with its talons and beak, Illyana rose from the ground and pulled her sword from his torso, causing him to cry in agony as he flung the bird from him.


And so the three fought.


Eater of Worlds confronted by an enemy on either side, sometimes a woman and a bird.  Other moments it was as of if twins confronted him, one dressed in black, the other red and gold, both armed with swords that were twins of passion and fire, their power a song within them as the intensity rose ever higher.


A last threat, or was that a plea?  “If I die, so shall you!”


“Everything dies in the end…”  Was the Illyana dressed in black snarled reply as she thrust her sword again into his body and channeled all that she was through the soul sword as the Bird of fire flared.


A burst of light, of fire, and the last image was one of two Illyana doing what they had come to do, the Eater of Worlds impaled by two swords.


And thus perished the Eater of Worlds.



Part 72b: Aftermath


Hours later…

Vlad, Cawti, Morrolan, Aliera, and looked down into the now molten valley from the top of a distant small mountain.  Oh, and Loiosh and Rocza were there as well.


(Um… talk about wow Boss.)


(Yeah… why… one could almost call it apocalyptic.)


(We’re still here.)


(Well… apocalyptic for somebody.)



Part 72c: The White Hot Room


Illyana, naked and eyes closed, floated in an endless eternal moment.



At peace.



So of course somebody had to go and ruin it as a most loud and authorative voice of Emma Frost declared.


"The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men.  Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of the darkness.  For he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children.  And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers.  And you will know I am the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon you."


Which startled Illyana into breathing again, and reminded her that breathing was something living people do; she groaned and replied.  “Wrong… since when did Pulp Fiction end up in the Bible?  The correct quote is ‘And I will execute great vengeance upon them with furious rebukes; and they shall know that I am the Lord, when I shall lay my vengeance upon them (Ezekiel 25:17).”


A chuckle from that voice.  “So now you’re quoting the bible?”


“Apparently better then you can.  Please don’t tell me that Jubilee has become a host.”


“Shards no.”  Replied the voice of Emma with tones of horror.


And why you might ask does Illyana know the bible?  The answer is simple, all Hell Lords know such.  And Belasco, may he suffer forever, loved to make sure those he taught know just how dammed they were, figuratively twisting the knife when he wasn’t actually twisting the knife.


Illyana opened her eyes, all she could see was white, as it should be for this was the white hot room, true home of the Phoenix.  Not blinding white, just white.  Nothing to see, just Illyana floating in a formless white nothing.


But she could hear that voice, a voice that shifted to Rachel Summes.


“I really should kill you for what you’ve done.”


A vicious smile of contentment from Illyana.  “Worth it.”


Followed by some laugher from Illyana that quickly degraded in into wracking sobs and shrieking crying as she wrapped her arms around her knees and cried her eyes out.


Cried for what she had been forced to do, the killing of Sapna.

Cried for the loss of the little girl she’d so cared for.

Cried as all that she had suppressed came pouring out.


Cried as somehow, in the white formlessness she floated in, her body gave the impression of being hugged and rocked as if being comforted as  the voice shifted to Scott Summers repeated over and over.


“It will be okay… “

“It will be okay… “

“It will be okay… “

“It will be okay… “


Finally the sobs trailed off and she uncoiled, whipped her eyes, and noticed her nakedness.  With a few gestures her black field costume covered her as she stated.


“Sorry, just… go overcome there.”


Another shift of voice to Jean Grey.  “Understandable I got… I was… upset as well.”


“Talk about a big understatement…”


The voice of Hope Summers.  “Yeah…”


“Still want to kill me?”


A sigh from a formless Illyana voice.  “That broke so many rules.”


Illyana was rather dismissive.  “Like we ever followed such.”


Now Namor the Sub-Mariner spoke.  “True… The foul wretch fell before our might, as it should be.  But still… there will be consequences.”


Illyana reasserted.  “It was worth it.”


Emma again.  “Really?”


“You tell me.”


A sigh in the blinding whiteness in the voice of Illyana.  “Okay… it was.  I… really enjoyed that.  Just so you know, it’s no longer possible for you, or for anybody to gift me with memories anymore.  That was an overlooked…. loophole that only a former host could possibly do, or exploit.”


Illyana closed her eyes.  “Not surprised, don’t most former hosts kind of die when ceasing to be hosts?”


Tones of sadness in the voice of Jean Grey.  “Yes… that tends to be the fate of those who become… us.  Yet all that they were remains with me here.  And that was your plan all along.  Knowing that the you that I am, would not, could not, standby and let that fucking bastard win.  Not after what we had to do to save Limbo, to save everybody.  And not after he… he… after what he did to… to…”


Illyana’s finished what the voice could not.  “Gloated over what he did to our little girl.”


Rachel Summers again.  “That… that was a poor choice on his part.”


Illyana look embarrassed.  “I had kind of … hoped that… you’d… come.  But…”


A chuckle from Scott Summers.  “Yeah… I know… you were ready to die and… not have me come if you were not able to achieve the deed.”


“Yeah… thank you, for Sapna.”


A mix of all the voices.  “For Sapna.”


Illyana looked around the white nothing.  “Um… now what?”




“Throw me the ball Illyana!”  Had been Sapna’s happy cry.


Illyana hadbeen teaching Sapna, in Limbo, how to play baseball, a common thing with the X-Men.  But now…


Now Sapna was unscarred.




Human again, not the demonic humanoid form she’d been trapped in.


A happy child.


As Illyana threw the baseball for Sapna to catch, and then throw back.


And as the two played, Illyana looks at you…


For you are Illyana looking in at this memory.  And the Illyana playing is… Phoenix.


A memory now and forever part of the White Hot Room.





Part 72d: Earth


Illyana, Earth’s Sorceress Supreme, was floating in the air at the center of the Sanctum Sanctorum, incidentally everything in the room was ablaze.  She gave a startled breath and opened her eyes, and apparently found the flames to be more annoying then threatening as she extinguished them with a few arcane gestures.


A knock on the door, then Wong entered, after first glancing in some dismay upon the smoldering furniture and scorched everything.  He was holding a tray with tea, two cups, and some very tasty cookies.  He had a rather concerned, and yet sarcastic tone as he set the tray down on the smoking desk.


“So… just like Stephen you insist on doing foolish and impossible things.  It will take days to remove the smoke and soot.”


Illyana set her legs down upon the floor.  “Yeah, I had good teachers.”


“Did it work?”


A smile, slightly trembling, but a smile.  “Hell Yeah.”


Authors note:  I really don’t agree with Marvel having Clea becoming the Sorceress Supreme of Earth as I think it should be Illyana.  So… this story denotes that, and I never did place it in any of the X-Man comic timeframe, so… who knows what the future may be?


Goodbye Sapna, you deserved better.

Chapter 73


This chapter is a cute little idea I had after reading Strange Academy Issue 18. Also answers the question as to why Illyana is not the replacement for Stephen Strange as the Sorcerer Supreme as he has died.

Chapter Text

Part 73a: Skool issues (three point’s off for miss spelling Mr. Doyle)


Doyle was sitting on the bench that was outside of the door leading to the Headmasters office.  Not that he was in trouble or anything, he was there because he was waiting for a meeting with the Headmaster, a meeting that he had requested.


Um… who is Doyle you might ask.  And if you do then you are obviously not a reader of the comic Strange Academy.




The Strange Academy is magic school founded by Doctor Strange to train young people from many worlds with magical abilities in the use of sorcery and magical artifacts.  The school resides in New Orleans housed an old mansion, with extensive grounds.  The school has a diverse ensemble of professors to help the students perfect their abilities, and during their stay there the students can use their magic freely, without worrying about the cost of their spells.  The number of students is rather small, call it 50’ish or so.  Many of Marvel’s magic users teach at the school, but no villains teach.


Jericho Drumm – Voodoo priest and full time head master as Doctor Strange is off doing other things (before he died that is).  Jericho is a champion of the supernatural who communes with the dead as Doctor Voodoo or Brothe Voodo.  Originally rejecting the mystic traditions of his village in Haiti by becoming a renowned scholar in America, Jericho Drumm had a change of mind in the face of his brother's death and vowed to honor his legacy and responsibilities as a houngan.  Brother Voodoo has become a competent necromant and uses his knowledge to protect the innocent.  He was once the Sorcerer Supreme when Stephen Strange lost the position due to the use of black magic.


Illyana Rasputin (A.K.A Magik) – She is one of the professor at the school and you really don’t want to be late to her class or mouth off at her as she has her own unique way of maintaining discipline.


Doyle – Full name is Doyle Dormammu as he is a son of Dormammu and was one of the first students of Strange Academy.  He is paired with Iric (male teenager from Asgard) as his roommate, a relationship that had been quite rocky.  When Iric was cast to Hell (by Magik as punishment for being tardy to her class and for some cocky remarks he made to her), Doyle dropped a sarcastic comment in front of the whole class, which prompted Magik to like send him there; where the two got to spend the rest of the day fighting against demons for their lives.  Like his father, Doyle appears to be composed of pure mystic energy.  Unlike his father, Doyle appears to not be a complete evil asshole, but he is teenager so the jury is still out.  He’s a kind of fiery figure with a very large pumpkin like head, kind of a gangly body.  Doyle is a genuinely sweet and kind young man, albeit pretty cocky and, for lack of a better term, hot-headed (like many of the students).




And like most meeting at a school, rule number one is arrive early (if you are the student) and rule number two (if you are the staff), make the student wait.  So, like most young folks waiting, Doyle was a bit fidgety as he watched the wall clock slowly ticked the time away.


Wait… a minute.  That clock can’t be right, was Doyle’s thought as the second hand was now like, taking ten seconds between clicks.










Then it was like time froze as the second hand just stopped, as did all secondary noises that you don’t notice are taking place, until they stop.  That’s when the door to the Headmaster’s office creaked open and the Creole accented voice of Jericho Drumm announced.  “Yes Doyle?  You wished to speak with me?”


Doyle hastily stood and turned around to peer into the doorway.  “Um… yes sir.  May I come in?”


The Headmaster was seated behind his desk.  “You may.”  He gestured at the single plush leather chair before the desk.  “And please be seated.”


Doyle prompt complied as the door shut behind him.


“Now why do you wish to see me?  Usually students work with their instructors or designated councilor before an issue rises to my level.”


“That’s just the thing sir, I would like to request a different councilor.”


The headmaster leaned back as he tapped his fingers together.  “Hmm, and why is that Mr. Doyle?”


A grimace from Doyle.  “I… I’m uncomfortable having Professor Magik as my councilor.  Perhaps I could instead be assigned Professor Daimon Hellstrom?”




Daimon Hellstrom - Born in the town of Greentown, Massachusetts.  He is the son of a demon and a mortal woman named Daimon.  He and his sister Santana were trained by their father in the art of magic, tapping into the power granted them by their dark heritage.  However, while Satana embraced her heritage, Daimon clung to his humanity.  Their mother was driven mad when she discovered who her husband really was, resulting in that Daimon and Satana were separated and put in different homes after his mother was institutionalized and their father banished back to Hell.  Daimon grew up in a Jesuit run orphanage, never hearing a word from his father or sister.  He became a professor of anthropology at St. Louis University.  He then set himself up as an occult investigator and defender of humanity, battling dark arcane forces—primarily those of his father—under the name of the "Son of Satan", as a demonologist and exorcist.  He is mostly a dark kind of hero while sometimes a villain.  He is one of the school’s instructors, in fact he co-teaches Inferno 101 with Illyana.


Which leads us to the issue of instructors and councilors.  Some instructors are part time, Magik being one, while others are at the school full time (such being Zelma Staton, female, Librarian and former apprentice to Doctor Strange).  Instructors teach various classes (Illyana teaches magical art of battle, Inferno 101, special topics, plus school defense and sometimes disciplinarian).  Also all instructors are councilors, who meet with their assigned students every few weeks or as needed to discuss school programs and any other topics that might come up.




“Does your father have anything to do with this request?”


“What…?  No.  Why would he?”


Jericho leaned forward.  “Professor Magik and your father have had dealings before, as has many of the other professors of this school.”


A bit of a suspicious look from Doyle.  “Dealings… As in business or in battle?”


“For Professor Magik it was conflict, and for the rest of us.  Well… conflict also describes it quite well even if it is not always battle.”


“Yeah, my dad can be that way.  Or so I’ve heard.”  The particulars of Doyle’s home life are not known, but the general understanding was that he did not see his father much, if at all.


“It is not in the nature of this school, or any school for that matter, to let the whims of students decide such things.  So, what is the reason, or reasons this request Mr. Doyle?”


“She… it’s complicated.”


“Is…  Forgive me but is abuse involved?”


“Does being sent to hell count as abuse?”  Asked Doyle.






“No.  Um… Abuse in this case being… um… sexual.”  Inquired the Headmaster.




“Ah… good.  Please continue.”


“It’s just that she make me feel…  I don’t think she likes me at all.  She’s very strict.  And I really hated it when she sent me to hell to fight along side of my roommate Iric, who I really dislike by the way.  Hated that almost as much as going to hell.”


A sigh from Jericho.  “Professor Magik is most firm that the study of magic is not only academic, it is also a contact sport.  Hence her belief that the school needs to not… mollycoddle.”


Doyle was unable to fully conceal his opinion at the topic on hand.  “I somehow feel that sending students to hell to fight for their lives is … excessive.”


“It was decided that classroom disciple was best left to the instructors.  Professor Magik is of the opinion t hat life is capricious so why not have the instructional environment reflect that.  Plus she greatly dislikes being disrespected by students.”


Jericho, and almost all of the other instructors, were not in agreement with Magik but… such differences were best left in the staff room was the general understanding.  Plus there was not much he could do about it if she was truly insistent.  Thankfully Magik was a team player so he was able to… moderate the more extreme viewpoints she had on instructional situations.


Perhaps a slight change of subject.   “Tell me Doyle, why are you here at this school?  In fact why are any of the students here?”


“Talent and potential.”  Was Doyle’s prompt answer.


“Yes and a yes, but not quite that way.”  Replied Jericho.  “All of you have significant magical abilities, which does equate to potential.  But the potential of most note is what paths, choices, any of you will take going forword.  This school seeks to influence those choices for the better.”


“Meaning the fear that everybody has that I will turn out to be like my dad.”  Was Doyle’s grimace of a reply.  Suffice it to say that daddy Dormammu was not a nice guy, and most of the students in the know did not trust Doyle.


“No, that any or all of you might turn out to be like your father or his ilk.  The temptation to use one’s abilities for harm, self gratification, or conquest is one of the more obvious failings for those in our line of work.  Even worse when the purity of belief in one’s correct decision making dominates.  Part of this school’s charter is to try to enable its students to make themselves better people.”


“You can’t mean everybody.”


The headmaster was most resolute.  “Yes Mr. Doyle, everybody.”


“Even Emily?”


Side note:  Emily is Doyle’s friend and his romantic interest.


BEGIN EXCERPT Dr. Strange or Strange Academy Headmaster eyes only


From Professor Rasputin’s student assessment notes:


Emily Bright:



Attentive in class.

Quick to learn.

Friendly and quick to make friends with many.


Skilled in magic even though this is new for her.

Leadership potential.


I’m likely going to contradict the assessments from everybody else, not that I know what they have written, and it may sound odd based upon all the good attributes that I have listed above.


Be careful with this one. 


Many are followers, not leaders.  And Emily is likely one that many will cluster about.  The flaw of youth is the belief in that their feelings somehow transcend common sense, reality, or the experiences of those who really do know better.  And so many of the youth of today somehow think, with their not fully formed brains, that adults just don’t get it.


An acquaintance of mine once said ‘If Passion drives, let Reason hold the reins”.  I’ll state yet again that reason is not a common mental condition of youth.  We really should have more unscripted moral lab exercises as it were so the students can learn the folly of their decisions before they exercise what may be faulty judgment in real world situations with real world consequences.


 I suspect the fire burns bright in this one to do what she thinks is correct, but…  Remember, there is another word for the lone hero who takes actions regardless of what their peers say, or inspires their peers to deeds with their passion.


We know them as Villains.


The greatest evil rarely comes from base malevolence, instead the passion of doing the right thing causes untold harms when one is wrong.  I should know as I have done as such.


All students have many paths they might walk, but only a few are gifted enough to drag their fellows.  She is one such.




“Yes, even Emily Bright.  Part of becoming an adult is to understand that they can be wrong.  This school strives to create an format for students to learn about others, form friendships, and experience new things.”


Which prompted Doyle to utter.  “Pop Tarts.”


“Come again?”


“Pop Tarts, we don’t have them where I’m from, Strawberry is my favorite.  Or Hersey bars, we don’t have those either.”


A neutral expression from Jericho, then he opened a desk drawer, some rustling and crinkling of plastic sounded which resulted in his hand now holding several…  “Would you like some Oreo cookies?”  As Jericho offered Doyle three of the treats.


Which Doyle took. “Yeah, their good too.”


Jericho likewise indulged in a few.  “The four food groups.  Sugar, flavorings, preservatives, and crunch.”


A node from Doyle.  “Crunch is good.”


Keep the students talking was a general rule when counseling, if something is bothering them then they will eventually talk about it.  So, with that in mind, the Headmaster asked. 


“Would you like some lunch?”


“Umm, yeah.”


“Burger’s and fries ok?”


“Why would they be not?”  Proof that Doyle was truly a teenager.




“Yes please.”


“Okay, professor Magik showed me this little trick as she loves In-And-Out Burges, I think it goes… like… this.”


A bit of mystic hand waving and… presto ordero… two brown cardboard boxes, each holding a double double with grilled onions, fries, and a Coke.


Much noshing commenced as Doyle had never had a double double and found it to be superior to the Big Mac.  The Headmaster did not pass on to Doyle that Zelma Stanton (librarian and teacher), who was quite the vegan, did not approve of such magic, nor did she approve of many of the things Magik did. 




Lunch was always provided to the instructors in the staff room.  Sometimes an instructor or staff member would sponsor a theme.  Zelma had sponsored lunch one day, before everybody had learned of her vegan proclivities, and the theme had been lasagna.  Which had brought almost everybody as the staff was very pro lasagna.




Cauliflower pasta noodles.

Vegan Italian sausage.

Vegan mozzarella cheese.

Vegan tomato sauce that lacked any use of sugar to adjust the acidic base.


The event was not… successful.   Illyana had dropped her fork, after spitting out what she had eaten, then stated to Zelma.


“This is not lasagna.  I refuse to partake of this.”


Zelma has started to reply when Illyana summoned her soul sword and interrupted Zelma.


“This is my sword, you will now feel my wrath at your false lasagna and eat it.”


The fight had been quite dramatic, and it had taken two days to repair the staff room.  In Illyana’s defense, the lasagna had been truly horrific; at least that was the group consensus when Zelma was not present.




Ah… sometimes herding facility was just as hard as herding students was Jericho’s thought.


Doyle’s burger was gone, and now he was just finishing up with the fries as he dunked them in ketchup while he poised a question to the Headmaster.  “Why Professor Magik for me?  I think she’s the councilor to like only… two others.”


“Power.”  Was the simple answer from Jericho, and some renewed astonishment at just how fast teenagers could eat.  Doyle did have a big head and mouth, but really kids, learn to enjoy the food.




“No, hers.  Students of… powerful parents need a councilor who is able to say no as it were.  Some… parents hover.  Others are used to getting their way in most or all things.  Professor Magik is…”


“Magik.”  Finished Doyle.  “If she’s willing to send students to hell, I can’t imagine what she’d do to parents who annoy her.”




Doyle shifted subjects.  “I can’t help but notice that she’s not the Sorcerer Supreme of Earth.”


That ‘honor’ was currently being held by Clea, the kind of wife of Dr. Strange (the actual marital dynamics are complicated).  She looks human but is the daughter of Umar who is the sister of Dormammu.  Which made Clea Doyle’s older cousin.  A cousin who did not associate with Doyle in any way, or teach at the school.


“Magik… was not considered appropriate for the position due to… well… due to reasons I’ll not discuss.”


Odd.  Why would Professor Magik not be appropriate?  It’s not like she was… incompetent…  Hmm, that reminded Doyle of something that Professor Magik had once said.  Something involving a guy by the name of Peter and the topic of incompetence.  She had explained it to her class one day.  Let’s see, key principles were:


BEGIN Peter Principle summation from the author Laurence J. Peter


People in a hierarchy will continue to be promoted as long as they are perceived as competent.  Note that incompetence is determined by their superiors in the hierarchy, not their subordinates; hence one as risen to one’s level of incompetence when promotions cease.


Peter Principle itself.  In each case, the higher position required skills that were not required at the level immediately below.  For example a teacher may be competent at educating children, and after being promoted to assistant principal it is found that they are good at dealing with parents and other teachers, but upon reaching principal, they do poorly at maintaining good relations with the school board and the superintendent.


Good followers do not necessarily make good leaders.


Super competence is indistinguishable from super incompetence as both disrupt the hierarchy.  In fact Super competence is a greater sin.


And the idea of creative incompetence, whereas a person avoids being promoted to their level of incompetence by pretending to be incompetent while one is actually still at a level of competence.  Also known as don’t be good at what you don’t want to do as this allows one to stay at a position that one is capable of doing well while avoiding…


END Peter Principle summation from the author Laurence J. Peter.


OMG.  Doyle sat stunned by what he had just realized.  Avoiding what they don’t want to do.  And how well that demonstrated Professor Magik skill at manipulation.  And… explained so much about some of her actions


Why, with one such as her as his councilor…  He might learn to avoid being what he did not wish to be; that being to grow up to be like his father.


“Um… I think I’ve changed my mind about asking for a different councilor.”  Was Doyle’s sudden statement.


The Headmaster had a neutral expression on his face.  “Might I inquire as to the why of this sudden reversal?”


“Um…  It’s just that it makes sense to me now, the whole power thing.”


“Ah… good.”  Meaning yeah right kid, but best to leave it at that.


Doyle gave a sigh as he thought over his sudden enlightenment.  “And I suppose I’m stuck with Iric from Assguard as my roommate.”


A sudden silence, then Doyle realized what he’d said.   “I mean Asgard.”


A correction from the Headmaster.  “Asgardians get very upset being referred to as such.”


“Yeah, sorry.  Won’t happen again.”


“I would inquire as to where you heard that from but The source was Professor Magik I assume.”


“Um… yeah.  It was in private.”


“There is a reason that Professor Magik was not considered for the position of Sorcerer Supreme despite her obvious qualifications, little remarks like those have consequences Mr. Doyle.”


Wow.  She really is good was Doyle’s admiring thought.

Chapter 74


So (Spoilers ahead), Illyana has now placed Madelyne Pryor (and one does wonder about the last name of Pryor in hindsight) as the queen of limbo (i.e. the goblin queen). Placed, not replaced, as Illyana has voluntarily given Madelyne control (i.e. a soul agreement) over Limbo. Control that does come with some restrictions (as detailed in New Mutants comics Labors of Magik). Why you might ask? Illyana was so very tired of being tied to the thing that caused her such harm (meaning Limbo). Likely this is going to cause all kind of stories for Marvel as Madelyne is just set on being the bad girl (the first being the upcoming Dark Web, where I see Marvel continues to use the word Dark to denote such events).

Which got me to wondering… Just why is Madelyne so determined to be evil?

Oh, and I added some short story snippets as well to this chapter involving other topics.

Chapter Text

Part 74a:  The Emancipation of Maryland Pryor


My life wasn't always a complete bowl of shit.


I used to have a loving husband (for better or worse till death to death do we part kind).

I was pregnant with our first child.

I was in love.

I had good caring friends.


It was a…






Until it all fell apart when…


My oh so loving husband left my pregnant ass without a care in the world the instant his oh so dead former love returned from being dead.


And then I was being hunted by some group called the Marauders who wanted my death for some unknown reason.


And then it got worse.  Much worse.


Turns out I'm a clone of Jean Grey, that dead former love of his.  And my primary purpose was to serve as a brood mare for the Summer/Grey gene line for the apply named Mr. Sinister.  Or daddy dearest as I like to call him.


With those little, and not so little, revelations, and of course the departure of my bastard of an ex husband, let’s just say my feelings changed in regards to my unborn son.  I suppose my attempts to sacrifice and kill him indicated that I wasn't really focused on motherhood any more.  I could dwell on it but long story short I went really crazy evil, made some really bad deals, and then died.


Came back to life a couple times because why shouldn’t the universe fuck me over few more times, but more emphasis on the being crazy at that point.  And then I was just dead.


Till I was brought back due to orders by the Krakoa Quiet Council.  I was longer crazy.  And no longer beholden to anyone.


Oh and unliked.


As in really really unliked (no friends for you!).  Gee what a shock.


And double bonus, I got to have Alex trying to be my boyfriend.  Sigh, talk about disasters.


But in that I'm no longer crazy or having my mind clouded I really understood just how my life was a…







I'm not talking life deals you lemons so open a lemonade stand, I'm talking Herculean stables full of endless crap (King Augaes stables to be specific and if you don’t know what that means then folks read a book or two about Greek history and mythology, I’m a clone and even I get the reference).


Shit shit shit shit shit all the way down.


That's what it was.

That's what it is.

That’s what it was going to be.

Just more shit to look forward to.


Then a demon made me an offer.  A very honest demon as they explained just exactly what they had to offer and what they expected in return.  Everything that I had was a bowl of shit but conversely everything they had was as well.


My life, my history was an ending series of traumas.  And Magic's life was no bowl of roses either.  Just as I was tied to my trauma she was tied to hers.  And hers had a name.




Ironic in a way, the nicest person to me was a demon.


Oh…  And why do I have the evil Uber bitch persona?  Simple really.  Everything before was fake.  That's not who I was, that's who I was made to be, the part I was playing.  A red headed big boobed baby factory aimed at Scott Summers.  Which I hit with a Bull’s-eye.  Mission complete, one baby in the oven before Scott ran away that is.  Which was not the plan I would point out from Sinister as I guess he was planning on multiple children.  And why did Daddy Dearest just not just grab some semen from Scott and mix it up with eggs in the lab?  He once told me, the slime that he is, that home cooking is best.  Sigh, that’s all prolog as…


Scott abandoning me left me heartbroken.






The whole woman scorned thing.


And when I learned that I was fake, a clone, nothing but a walking talking womb with legs, I realized those were the first real emotions I'd ever had.




Everything before was fake.

The before me was never me.

Only now were my choices, at least in the short term, my choices.


So yeah, rejected the kid.  I just think of it as a really late term abortion.


Definitely rejected Scott.


I did fuck around with his brother a bit and found that Alex does not have the Summer's magic Dick that I guess Scott got from their space pirate furry chasing father (geeze, talk about role models).  Yeah Scott is good in bed, really good, I will give him that, but good dick does not make up for abandoning your pregnant wife and an endless multitude of moral failings regarding said abandoned wife.


Being the big bad goblin Queen is me.  Is the only me I ever had a choice in.


Irritatingly, Magik refuses to argue with me about that, and like Yoda she likes to make obscure and strange pronouncements as she trains me in magic.  Annoying and yet, she’s been the nicest to me by a light year.  She mostly wears her human form when training me.




Sometimes she’s in that goat girl demon form she has, other times she’s a thing of flame and darkness (I think to remind me that I don’t really know what she is).  But mostly human.




“There is the you that you think, believe that you are, then there is the you that is.”  Had been Illyana’s response to Madelyne’s statement about being bad.


“How delightfully positive.”  Was Maddies sarcastic response.  “Perhaps I should rehearse a music video scene from the gloved one to present to people.”


A comment that did make her grin as she imaged how the scene might go.  Her strutting in her underboob showing costume as demons danced behind her to the song Bad by Michel Jackson.


Because I'm bad, I'm bad, shamone (bad, bad, really, really bad)

You know I'm bad, I'm bad (bad, bad)

You know it (really, really bad)

You know I'm bad, I'm bad (bad, bad)

Shamone, you know (really, really bad)

And the whole world has to answer right now

Just to tell you once again

Who's bad?


She had shared the idea to Magik who likewise thought it funny.  And as they both laughed it occurred to Maddy that this was the first time in how long that she’d laughed with somebody.


“You’re not teaching me everything you know.”  Was Maddy’s observation.


“Correct.  No instructor does.  Some things can’t be taught, only learned.”


“So I’m not a hell lord.”  Stated Madelyne.




“Are you still one?”


“Not really.”


“That sounds like being slightly pregnant.”


A sigh from Illyana.  “It depends, if you screw up and betray our agreement then Limbo reverts to me.  Baring that then I’m no longer a hell lord.  I’ve moved on.”


“But I’m not.”


“Well… not yet.”  Was Illyana’s reply.


“Are you one of Scott’s current or ex Bitches?”  Was a particularly nasty comment from Maddy after the N’th failed attempted seduction of Magik by Madelyne.


“Ewww…”  Was Illyana’s reply.  “That’s a big negative on both counts.”


“Do you mean to tell me that Scott doesn’t appeals to you?”


 Scott was the sexual ideal for Madelyne, partially from conditioning by Sinister, partially because Scott really was that good in bed (nerd book skills combined with an impressive endowment mixed with prior telepathic coaching as to just what felt good for a woman).


“First he’d need a burning skull.”  Was Illyana’s response after some thought.




“Burning skull.”


“Burning skulls are a turn on for you?”


“Hey, we all have our particular buttons, burning skulls happen one of mine.”


“And underboob isn’t?”


“It is, but not in this context.”


“So if not Scott then Jean?  If so then why her and not me?”


“And that’s a no on Jean as well.  We’re workmates, not friends.”


“I thought everybody was friends with little miss perfect.”


“Again that’s a no.  Maddy, I’m not going to be sleeping with you so stop trying the sexual manipulation.”


Post training as they both relaxed at a Starbucks, when Illyana suddenly declared.


“Almost forgot, you’re in charge of when Pumpkin Spice Lattes get sold.”


Come again?”


“The dates, when Starbucks, and other coffee houses, can sell and can’t sell it.”


A slow blink from Madelyne before she replies.   “And that makes sense because…?”


“Hell Lord thing, not that you are one but it still falls under your remit.  All the other hell lords decided that constantly changing coffee menus was evil.”


“It is.”  Responded Madelyne with a glare as she hated it when her favorite drink was out of stock, just made her want to…  Hmmm… Maddy got why it was so evil.


Illyana continued after a slurp.  “Yep, well the issue of Pumpkin Spice then surfaced as it is the most yummy and no other hell lord was about to let any other hell lord wield that kind of power.”


Perhaps Maddy was being sarcastic, perhaps not.  “Release dates of Pumpkin spice is power?”  Sometimes the world is just so strange.


“Apparently, just look at the news coverage every year Pumpkin spice returns.  Anyway, I mostly ignore them and don’t go to their confabs so they decided that Limbo should be the one to decide as some kind of infernal compromise.”


“This job gets weirder and weirder the more I learn about it.”


“Yeah, really recommend you keep that on the hush and hush, otherwise pumpkin crazed idiots are going to be after your ass.  On the plus side you do get endless free refills.”


Ahh the perks of a Hell Lord Dinners Club Card (yes Illyana still had hers).


Madelyne inquired after a nibble on a pumpkin spice scone.  “Any other tidbits?”


“The rest we’ve mostly gone over, the notes I wrote should cover the rest.  Oh, and try to stay away from ECC”


“And what is ECC?”


“Oh, I thought you’d know.  Evil Clone Club.  Lots of clones running around.  Heck I think Spider Man has at least five, not counting the doppelgangers from other universes.  Lots of them go the evil path once they learn about the whole clone thing.  Like… okay I’m a cone so I’ll be the opposite of the original as a kind of FU I suppose.”


“Can’t imagine why.”  Was Madelyne dry reply.


“Just saying, ignore me if you want.”




So that’s me. 






Just like daddy.


That… last part, that whole daddy thing.  Really hate that.   It’s… it’s like I sometimes hear a voice when I wake up.  Likley just some fragment of a forgotten dream but…


That look Magik gives me sometimes when we train, a look she thinks I don’t see.  Like I’m… I’m…


Am I still just dancing to the strings of others?



Part 74b:  Overhead in the Green Lagoon


“How come you're not scared of the dark?”  Asked Doug of Illyana.


They, and a few friends, were sharing drinks in Green Lagoon.


“It's obvious amigo.”  Commented Sam.  “She's a big bad.  What's to be scared of?”


“Wrongo Gunther.”  Injected Dana.  “Only a fool is so assured that they are the baddest thing in the dark.  It's something else.”


“Like what?  I always get that feeling when I'm in the dark with Illyana.”  Continued Doug.  That feeling being a common feeling that almost everyone got, especially the psychics.  That sense that something was wrong.  That Illyana, unseen, was…








About to strike...


Yet when the light returned, it was just her.  Illyana in human form.  Sometimes with the slightest of grins.


Nods from everybody but Rayne.  “Naaa, that not be how it is.  A wolf in darkness still be having smell.  Hearing.  And some vision if there be any glimmer of light.”


“Snakes have inferred vision as well.”  Added Roberto.  “I'd bet that demons can see in additional wavelengths.”


Looks at Illyana, but no answers because... secrets known are secret no longer.


A frown from Dana as she remembered what Illyana had said when she had fought Rayne and Dana hand to hand while wearing a blindfold as the two had tried to sneak up on her (a fight were Illyana had kicked their collective asses).


Geeze, could you think any louder.


Hmmmm, Illyana was no telepath, but... damn the girl was sneaky.  She'd never shown that level of hand to hand ability before.  Could it be that she'd come up with a situational spell allowing her to locate thoughts?



Part 74c:  More Green Lagoon


An evening at the Green Lagoon.  A perfect chance for good drinks, good beer, good pub grub and good company.  We find Bishop, sitting alone in a booth, enjoying a cloudy hoppy IPA (brand name Julius).  Incidentally the Green Lagoon has a vast selection of beers and spirits.  Ahh, beer and wok fried shrimp in a spicy pineapple glaze, a perfect choice for winding down from…


“So, how did your first solo training session with Magik go?”  Asked Scott Summers as he slid into the booth.  He had his own beer (Superpower IPA) and a plate of hot wings.


A groan of pain from Bishop.  “That is the last time I listen to Kate involving a certain topic.”


Scott munched a wing, after first doing a blue cheese dunk in the dip.  “About what?”


“Not being too harsh with Illyana.”


Scott looked surprised.  “She really said that?”


“Yeah…”  Winced Bishop as he rubbed his left ribs.


“Interesting, Kitty is a… special case with Illyana.”  Was Scott’s muffled reply as he took a long pull from his beer.


Bishop munched a few more shrimp before adding.  “I feel like Tokyo after Godzilla giving it a romp.”


The second wing paused on its way to Scott’s mouth.  “Romp?”


Bishop clarified after a sip.  “Conceptual romp, call it a prolonged period of abuse would be more accurate.  Damn her boots are hard.”


The wing resumed its journey.  “You’re not the first person to call her that, kind of a private nickname for her amongst the Captains.”  Followed by a close look at Bishop.  “Hmmm, she keeps her cards close so no idea what she finds attractive.”


A few blinks from Bishop as the nuance of what Scott was implying sank in.  “That… would be… interesting.”


A grin from Scott.  “But… then we’d find your drained charred corpse and wonder what happened to you.”


A bit of a frown from Bishop.  “And for that, as your Captain, I fine you one drummy.”  As Bishop took a chicken drummy and excessively covered it in blue cheese dressing, or so thought Scott.


“Hey, leave some for me…”


“Pfff…” Was Biship’s reply.  Then…


Bishop raised up his right hand, holding the now defleshed chicken bone, and shouted.  “By the Power of Greyskull!”




Nothing happened other then more then a few glances from the other patrons, and the sound of Scott munching another wing before saying.


“Was that supposed to do something?”


A shrug from Bishop.  “Kind of… hoping.  Loved the show when I was a kid.  And now that I’m hanging out with a sorceress I thought I’d see if a nifty sword came with the package.”


“Nope.”  Was Scott’s answer after he drained his bottle.  “Let me know if it does cause that would mean she was sweet on you.”

Chapter 75


A minor tidbit chapter as I contemplated the student dynamics in Strange Academy. Where Emily (a star student) has lead a student walkout and then a rebellion. So… woke in some ways as just some firm discipline would have prevented such (i.e. nobody acts out in Illyana’s class). But… sometimes people keep trying to pretend children are just rational but small adults.

Somehow I don’t think Illyana would agree with that, nor would she be sympathetic to students attacking instructors. Much less would she be sympathetic to instructors who are overcome by children and thus reinforce the wrong lessons.

Chapter Text

Illyana is NOT being used in the comic story to find the missing kids so I figure she is not in agreement on how the now delinquents should be handled.  Can’t help but think there would have been a discussion, or perhaps a group text?  Hmm, I wonder how that would have gone.


Incidentally I think Zelma is likely a liberal woke kind of person, which I use as a foil for interactions (plus I did make her a vegan, not sure if she really is).



Part 75a: Group Text From Various Strange Academy Instructors


From Zelma:  Illyana, we need your help.


From Magik:  Regarding?


From Headmaster (Doctor Voodoo):  Our wayward students.  The ones who left with Emily.


From Magik:  I take it you found them.


From Zelma:  Yes, they were hiding out at Stephen Strange’s house of all things.


From Magik:  The Sorceress Supreme was hiding them?


From Headmaster (Doctor Voodoo):  No, they appear to have been squatting as Clea does not make use of the house.


From Magik:  Really?  The house with all the dangerous stuff so insufficiently guarded that students are able to break in?  The house filled with powerful and dangerous artifacts?  Hmm, how many got eaten?


From Zelma:  Thankfully none!


From Magik:  Pity.


From Zelma:  What?


From Magik:  A lost teaching moment I suppose on being completely stupid.  Oh well.  So why do you need me?  Sound’s like this is now Clea’s problem.


From Headmaster (Doctor Voodoo):  The Sorceress Supreme is… disinterested in pursing the students.  She enhanced the wards and left it at that.  She continues to show no interest in the goals of the Strange Academy.


From Zelma:  The kids fled to some other dimension so we were hoping you’d help us track them down.


From Hellstrom:  Fled?  How was that possible if you’d found them.


From Zelma:  They… kind of assaulted Voodoo and I.  Trapped us with magic webs and fled under Emily’s leadership.


From Magik:  Ah, the trouble maker.  Told you so.


From Hellstrom:  So… students are now allowed to assault the faculty?


From Headmaster (Doctor Voodoo):  Not as such.  They surprised us.


From Magik:  Woke.


From Zelma:  Let’s not start that again.


From Hellstrom:  I am in agreement with Magik.  These… woke methods on treating students is detrimental to their long term welfare.  You are letting them get away with actions that will simply encourage them to go further.


From Zelma:  Many a study has shown that letting students take control of their education results in enhanced learning.  Punishment just continues the cycle of the powerful over those lacking power.


From Magik:  Woke.  Told you this would happen.  We are not dealing with ordinary students.


From Zelma:  Still advocating corporal punishment I see.


From Hellstrom:  The world is filled with not nice people Zelma, mollycoddling them will simply result in worse results as they will not have learned that the world can hurt them and the world does not care.  Actions have consequences.  There is a reason the students are presented with moral choices.  All have the potential for good.  All have the potential for great evil. 


From Headmaster (Doctor Voodoo):  Anyway, we need your help Magik in locating them, we’ll take it from there.


From Magik:  Have Wanda do it.


From Scarlet Witch:  I… would prefer not to.  Cross dimensional location is not really my thing.


From Magik:  Bull.  You just don’t want to be the heavy.  Fine, I’ll do it, but we’ll do it my way.  I’ll locate them, and I’ll bring them back.


From Zelma:  Hells no.  Your way is the way of violence.  Just imagine the trauma.


From Magik:  Yep.  A lesson in life.  One that you have failed on teaching, meaning that the lessons now much be harsher due to your failure.


From Zelma:  No way you’d…




We see the innocent students, having now adopted a vegan lifestyle, sitting around a campfire in some unknown dimension.  Emily is busy expressing her heartfelt regrets as to her actions on resisting the teachers who were only trying to help them.  That’s when the fire’s flames surge and craft a figure of smoke and flame.


A figure holding a burning sword.


A figure that is… The Darkchilde!


“Naughty naught students.”  Murmurs the thing of flame.  “Time to pay.”


“We surrender!”  Cowers Emily, having come to her senses and seen to errors of her ways.


“Far too late for that…”  Sighs the darkness.  “Time to pay for your transgressions!”


The screams of anguish from the children as…




From Zelma:  What part of children do you not understand?


From Magik:  What part of children do you not get?  Children are not adults.  That’s why the word adult exists.  And somehow I fail to see Emily cowering or repenting.  Sounds like she’s already traveled far down on the villain path.


From Zelma:  So you would use force!


From Magik:  Yep.  Because your solutions are working oh so well.  The students are already using it against the instructors.  Next the stronger students will use it against the weaker students.  As a librarian you really should read Lord of the Flies.


From Hellstrom:  Expulsion is the norm for students that attack teachers.


From Zelma:  Do you use force on that mutant island of yours for misbehaving students?!


From Magik:  It’s called Krakoa, not mutant island and yes.  For those who would learn no other way.  Not the first time I’ve been attacked by students.  But always the last time from any particular bunch or individuals.


From Zelma:  You killed them!?


From Magik:  No Zelma, it’s called providing discipline.  Attacking adults, attacking instructors, and likely attacking their own means they keep crossing boundaries.  Boundaries that proper instruction would have prevented.


From Zelma:  You would have the children fear us?


From Magik:  I prefer they respect us, but fear will do if that is what it takes.  Zelma, would you raise you children to mouth off to bikers in a biker bar?  Or antagonize a wild animal?  I’m reminded of the idiots that go try to pose for selfies with wild buffalo in Yellowstone.


From Nico Nimoru:  You fought for Zoe when Doctor Doom, and other came to kill her.


From Magik:  Yep.


From Nico Nimoru:  And she is one of those who fled with Emily.


From Magik:  Yep, like I said before.  Emily, for good or weal, is a leader.  And as a child, not very aware of the consequences of her actions.


From Zelma:  And what were you doing at her age?


From Hellstrom:  That is uncalled for Zelma.


From Magik:  No, I’ll answer.  At thirteen, I was busy taking over a hell dimension Zelma.  After suffering years of abuse and madness.  Own your pain.  Own your mistakes.  Learn from them.  This attempt to coddle is causing the problems that you are bemoaning.  A puppy that is not house broken is forever pissing in the house.


From Zelma:  When you open your own school then you can set your own rules.


From Magik:  Agreed, I suppose this is a good a time as any to announce that I’m opening a magic school on Krakoa.  And I’ll point out that student attacks upon instructors will not be tolerated.


From Hellstrom:  Wow, that’s news.


From Zelma:  Um… really?


From Scarlet Witch:  Hmmm.


From Headmaster (Doctor Voodoo):  That’s… interesting.  Are you resigning?


From Magik:  No, I’m capable of doing both duties, in addition to my X-Men activities.


From Zelma:  Welcome to the school of Magik, I hope you survive.


From Magik:  Ha… oddly appropriate.  Good joke.


From Zelma:  I was being sarcastic.


From Scarlet Witch:  Um… Zelma, you just quoted the X-Men.


From Zelma:  How?


From Scarlet Witch:  It’s a thing they like to say.  Welcome to the X-Men, I hope you survive the experience.


From Zelma:  Oh.


From Hellstrom:  Hmm, perhaps we might have some friendly competition between the schools at some point.  Like sports intramurals.


From Headmaster (Doctor Voodoo):  Interesting idea and food for future conversations.  Anyway, at this time I recommend that we keep Magik as a backup solution while we continue to try the path of reason with our wayward wards.


From Hellstrom:  Agreed, but sadly, sometimes it is not only the children who need to learn a lesson.

Chapter 76


I’m a big fan of David Wong (real name Jason Pargin) books. His first novel is John Dies At the End and the collection of deranged visual imagery he paints always leaves me stunned and in awe. I had just gotten done reading his latest work If This Book Exists, You’re in the Wrong Universe (oh and I own all of his books in hardbound so that should make him happy) and mused upon how Illyana might interact with his universe. Which somehow turned into a Thanksgiving story.

I figure this chapter takes place after Illyana regained her soul but was very persona non grata with most folks due to her actions. Oh, this is a one shot chapter unless I somehow come up with a story for them.

Note that this chapter is an attempt to write in Mr. Pargin’s style, word choice, and visualization, which I assure you I completely fail at. But perhaps, one or two paragraphs raise to his level of creative visualization.

Chapter Text

Part 76a:  Location… Undisclosed


“Don’t look now, but the blonde babe at the counter is really a demon” whispered John.


So of course I turned to look, generating an annoyed second whisperer from John.  "Dude, what did I just say?"


"Don't look."  Was my whisper back.


"And what are you doing?"




Which just initiated growling noises from John as he resumed grabbing more bags of extra spicy fried pork rinds.


John likes to imagine that we're secret agents keeping the world safe from nefarious evil forces, which I suppose we are.  Although secret agents is pushing it, think ghost busters meets dazed and confused and you'd be more in the vicinity then thinking we resemble James Bond in any way.  And no, we are NOT associated with any governmental agency, although the cops do call us from time to time.


We, that is John and I, I'm Dave by the way, were on an emergency Thanksgiving shopping run.  Amy, my girl friend, had run out of some ingredient and sent us out; and no, the flaming hot pork rinds were not on her list.  Nor was anything else that John was buying as Amy was not stuffing the turkey with pork rinds, Slim Jims, devil’s piss energy drinks, Jalapeno and squid flavored popcorn (import from Japan, our Seven Eleven has connections or is cursed, your choice as to which), Ghost Pepper Cheese puff balls (brand name Beelzebub Balls, why not put the devil’s balls in your mouth), some Spam sushi that had probably only been under the heat lamp for a few days, Wasabi flavored jello mix (how the hell does this product exist anyway, try googling it and the Jello web site has no hits), and a liter bottle Habanero Vodka (infused with the great taste of burning heat).


John currently has this belief that most parasites can’t handle spicy stuff so he makes his intestinal track a Scoville index wasteland as John also thinks that they like to strike when you’re on the john (meaning toilet).  If John was gay, and he’s not, I suspect anyone attempting ass action with him would find their dick melting, or some interdimensional demonic parasite is going in from the assward direction.  In short intestinal napalm. 




John somewhere, about to sit on a toilet, and yes this has happed at our place (Amy and mine) more times that I like to remember.  But just as easily could be at our towns single Chuck E. Cheese (why having a rat as pizza joint’s mascot makes sense to anybody is beyond me).


Ass Cannon Status:  Loading…87%


Hmm good enough might be John internal thought, if his ass had a power meter as he settles down.


Now imagine you’ve taken you’re kids to the rat pizza place, their off playing games and you’re enjoying the ambiance and fine food, only to hear the following shouts from the rest room.


“NOOO!  Don’t Do It Anakin!  I have the high ground!”


“Oh… you want some of this do you?  Well… You underestimate my powers!”


“Eat Hot Flaming Death From Above Mother Fuckers!”


As he drops ballast like some kind of fecal pyroclastic flow while laughing manically.  And thus turning the air unbreathable as screaming kids flee the rest room.


 Sigh… John can so be John, which is why he’s currently banded from Chuck E. Cheese.  Hopefully this fad will pass like all the others.




Me?  I was clutching a package of Stove Top Stuffing and a pound of Jimmy Dean ground sage sausage, proof that I was both able to read a shopping list and was able to follow it so in the upper fifty percent of the male population according to Better Homes and Gardens.


Hmmm, if I seem... well... a bit blasé about the demon thing... well... the Midwest town of Undisclosed, Undisclosed because no way am I using this place’s real name, is known for strange things.  Not that most residents could see the things John and I do but John and I were... um... blessed is not quite the right word.  Call it capable I suppose.  We were capable of perceiving things that most can't.


Now, when I say demon you might be thinking some massive horned entity, dripping slime, covered in scales, having a tail, and if John is describing it then there will be a massive groin bulge.  Also the entity is usually covered in blood and gore because encounters like that tend to be our reality.  And it happens way more then I want, they typically end with John trying to use his five barreled shotgun.




This case... well... she did have a tail, and dainty red horns on her head.  But other then that, and the designer jeans she was wearing, she just looked like you’re usual ten out of ten C cup plus sized hot blonde looks like (i.e. unattainable).


A blue eyed blonde who was sucking on a straw as she stared back at us.


"What now?"  I whispered as she turned and walked out the store.


“We do what we do best!”  Boasted John as he ran after her, still clutching his hand shopping cart.


“Fucking up is what we do best.”  Was my soft grumble as I followed after John, after first putting down my groceries and making eye contact with the clerk who just gave me a shrug as he knew both of us and understood that John was not stealing.


So, I emerged from the Seven Eleven to find John making the sign of the cross with two Slim Jims while bellowing “The Power Of Jesus Christ Compels You!”


“To do what?”  Was the blonde’s disinterested reply with that tone of voice that just so informs you just how out of reach a woman is compared to your situation.


Confronted with this banishment failure John savagely bit off one end of a Slim Jim, plastic and all, and made an inquiry as he chewed.  “So… don’t like Slim Jims?”


A scrunched up look of slight disdain and disgust from her as her tail swished back and forth.  “No.”


“Bet I know why.  Do they give you gas?”


Now, asking a woman about body functions in general and farts in particular is not a recommended conversational tactic or pickup line.  Girls and guys really differ on those topics.  Guys can spend hours drinking beer and having farting contests.  Girls… no idea if girls do that in private but somehow I think the answer is a big no-no.


The blondes eyebrows rose in surprise at the audacity of John’s question, then narrowed in anger.


John pumped a Slim Jim grasping fist in triumph.  Knew it!  Here’s a clue Beelzebabe, the Catholic church is the secret owner of ConAgra Foods and holy water is one of the ingredients!


By the way, I don’t know a single woman who actually eats Slim Jims.  Oh, and if you check for the expiration date on a Slim Jim you’ll find that there is none.  I suppose if the Egyptian Pharaohs had been buried with Slim Jims then they’d still be edible.  Me, I like to think of them as zombie meat sticks and no I don’t indulge.  Although I sometimes think twenty percent of John’s dietary intake is Slim Jims.


With that it was time for the big guns as John dug out his IPod from his shorts and hit play.  Why play you ask?  Demons just can’t stand music, drives them nuts.


The song Safety Dance by Men Without Hats blasted forth, as much as an IPod can blast with just a tiny speaker that is.


We can dance if we want to

We can leave your friends behind

'Cause your friends don't dance

And if they don't dance

Well, they're no friends of mine


Say, we can go where we want to

A place where they will never find

And we can act like we come

From out of this world

Leave the real one far behind


Which caused the demon to…




Usually they scream and flee.  This one… well…


First she just stared a John like this was the oddest thing she’d ever seen.  Then gave a laugh as she started dancing.  Then she sang along with the lyrics.


We can go when we want to

Night is young and so am I

And we can dress real neat

From our hats to our feet

And surprise 'em with the victory cry


Say, we can act if we want to

If we don't, nobody will

And you can act real rude and totally removed

And I can act like an imbecile


Which left John, and I, perplexed.  So John did what John always does.  He went with the flow and began to dance and singing along as well.


And say, we can dance, we can dance

Everything's out of control

We can dance, we can dance

They're doing it from pole to pole

We can dance, we can dance

Everybody look at your hands

We can dance, we can dance

Everybody's taking the chance

Safety dance

Oh well, the safety dance

Ah yes, the safety dance


Which resulted in the two of them dancing in front of the Seven Eleven while I blankly stared at the sight.


Oh, the safety dance, yeah

Well, it's the safety dance

It's the safety dance

Well, it's the safety dance

Well, it's the safety dance

Oh, it's the safety dance

Oh, it's the safety dance


The song ended and she just kept laughing until she sat down on the curb wiping laugher tears from her eyes.  “Thanks.  Shards I needed a good laugh.”


John sat down besides her.  “Just what kind of demon are you?”


A sigh from her after she took a long sip.  “The kind with a soul.”


Wow.  Um.  That’s a first.  I sat down on the other side of her.


John followed up with “Bad day?” after spitting out some plastic from the Slim Jim.


She replied.  “Yeah.  Day.  Week.  Month.  Year.  Life.  Things are just… not going well.”


“Bad situations or bad choices?”  Inquired John.


Another sigh from her as she rubbed her eyes.  “Both… Not… What I did no longer makes sense anymore.  Man… talk about the fuckups of fuckups.  Like I always picked the wrong thing to do.”


Guess even demons can be fuckups.  Which did made me wonder about what could she have possible done.


John pulled out a cigarette.  “Mind if I smoke?”




“Want one?”


“No, those things will kill you.”


And a heath conscious demon as well.


I asked.  “So why here?”


A shrug from her.  “Just started walking as it were.  At one point I got thirst so decided to get a Coke.  This place feels… like I feel I guess.”


“Up and coming?”  Was my attempt at wit.


“Despair.”  Was her reply.  “Spiritual rust belt.  Like forgotten stuff in the back of the refrigerator.”


“Not Pepsi?”  Was John’s statement.  We’d found that for some reason most infernals went for Pepsi.  Man if only Coke knew that, just imagine the ads.


“Blah.”  Was her reply so not a Pepsi girl I guess.


“Want to talk about it?”  Was my contribution.




And us, meaning John and I, were kind of out of options at this point because… well… when a guy says they don’t want to talk about it then guy code says leave it alone.  And when a girl says they don’t want to talk about it then we, meaning guys, have no clue as to what to do as that either means the woman wants you to keep at it or, if you do keep at it and she really meant that she didn’t want to talk about it, then being stung by a swarm of wasps in your privates is preferable to what the woman be doing to you.


She looked liked she wanted to cry, but didn’t know how.  Which was a weird kind of vibe.  The conversation dried up at this point as this was really out of our normal experiences, meaning dealing with a depressed demon hotie who’s holocaust appeared more personal then general.


That’s when my phone rang.  It was Amy.  I answered and gave a short summery of the situation and Amy once again demonstrated just how much smarter she was about such things.


“Amy wants to know if you want to come over have Thanksgiving with us?”


The blonde froze.  Then gave a few long blinks.  “Um… like… now?”


“Sure.”  Was John’s reply.  “Assuming you like turkey and stuffing.”


A slow nod of agreement from her, like she was expecting this to be some kind of trick, which it wasn’t.  And that’s how we met Magik, turns out she loves pumpkin pie.


She’d return and hang out with us from time to time, even helped on a few cases.

Chapter 77


So LordGrise felt that here should be reactions to Illyana no longer being the ruler of Limbo (we were texting and came up with some ideas). And just how the idea of giving up Limbo might have occurred to Illyana. I figure this needs to get out before the Dark Web series launches (so of course I’m late as I was on a business trip), as the wisdom of that decision will certainly be shown, and the consequences.

Oh, and a bit of a DC Crossover for this chapter.

Chapter Text

Part 77a:  REPORT


Author Note: Canon letter from Illyana in New Mutants Issue 28.


Submitted by:  War Captain Illyana Rasputin/Magik

Subject:  LIMBO


As of now, I’m not the ruler of Limbo anymore.  I’ve transferred power to Madelyne Pryor.


Madelyne is in charge there, but I will be checking in to help her with her magic training for a while.  She’s under a soul-binding agreement that she can never use her position or powers to harm Krakoa or Krakoan citizens.


I assume you’ll want to pull me in to explain my reasons in person, but let me just head off some of the questions at the pass.


-No, I wasn’t possessed/mind-controlled/drunk when I turned over the keys to Limbo – like Madelyne, I’m tired of being chained to the bad $#@% that happened to me, and I don’t think any of you get a vote on that.


-My magic is still active, including my Soulsword.


-I can still use my teleportation disks, though I’m… not sure where I go between here and wherever I’m teleporting to – It’s all a big blank, but the process is instantaneous..


I need to experiment more with my disks, but they seem to work as least as close to how they did before.  I’ve taken people and objects though as tests, and everything seems fine.


Not sure what else to put in this report since you’re definitely going to call me into a session to chew me a new one.  I guess if this makes me less useful to you as a War Captain, that sucks, but so be it.  I’ll still be seeing to my duties with the kids.


Actually, in fact, that’s another thing.


I think we need to formally train people here in magic.  There’s a million ways we’ve been de-powered, and knowing at least the fundamentals of the arcane could make a huge difference in a crisis.


So I’ll be starting that up, then.





Part 77b:  Quiet Council


The Quiet Council was silent after reading the report from Magic.  They were in private session, meaning it was just the twelve council members.


It was Sebastian Shaw who first spoke, with a tone of disappointment.  “Well, that was illuminating.  I suggest we discuss Magik’s suggestion as to her continued worth as a War Captain.  Does anybody second it?”


“Seconded.”  Answered Mr. Sinister (actually name Nathaniel Essex), who looked liked he had just ingested a particularly large lemon.  “I can’t help but think that now deprived of the resources of Limbo, with its endless hordes of demons, that perhaps she is less capable in our defense.”


Kate Pryde was quick to refute.  “Bunk, since when has Illyana actually used demons in the defense of Krakoa?”


“Never, to my understanding.”  Added Charles Xavier, the helmet over his head hid all facial expressions but for his mouth, a mouth that was frowning in disapproval, he gave the impression of wincing and wanting to rub his eyebrows.  “Magik should have involved the Quiet Council before making this decision as our input might have persuaded her from taking that course of action.  Relinquishing Limbo is one thing, but placing it in the hands of Madelyne appears hasty and short sighted.”


“Here here.”  Smirked Nathaniel.  “Civilian control of military resources and such is always foremost in my mind.  We need to remind our War Captains as to their proper role and place within the hieratical order.”


Exodus (real name Bennet Du Paris) gave Nathaniel a slight sneer.  “The truth Nathaniel is that you’re concerned that one of your most abused victims is now in a position of power, constrained only by your continued allegiance to Krakoa.  One can just imagine what fates await you if you are found to be duplicitous and lose those protections.  I suspect your real affront is now you face a significant personal cost for betrayal.”


Nathaniel gave exaggerated affront.  “Me?  Duplicitous?  Sir, I would have you know that Mutant Resurrection only functions due to my diligence on procuring the very DNA that it functions upon.  Without me there would be no resurrection.”


Nightcrawler (Kurt Wagner) attempted to get the discussion back on track.  “Kate raises a very important point.  Illyana defended Krakoa by herself, with the aid of others, during the attack by the Brood.  No demons were involved.  Likewise no Limbo demons were part of whole X of Swords event.”


Kate followed up.  “Illyana says her magics continue to function, her strategic and tactical sense has been shown to be outstanding, and is there anybody here who would want to go up against her one-on-one?”


Another smirk from Sinister.  “Love the cheerleading Kate, but the question before this council is not just Magik’s abilities, but her judgment.  Her rash action will be the causation of endless complications and fallout.”


Storm (Ororo Munroe) rose from her seat.  “I too wish Illyana had come to me, to us, to discuss this first, but when as any of us done such?  I will not cast the first stone, and I would hazard that but few at this table have the moral right.”


Emma Frost added.  “Yes, do as I say, not as I do as some here engage in does tend to deny moral authority.  At least she had the courtesy to inform us.”


Peter gave his input.  “I was there, with my sister, along with Danielle and Rahne.  I found Madelyne to not be the most enjoyable of companions but she was rational.  At times we discuss the needs of the many vs. the needs of the few.  Yet the voice of the few is rarely heard.  It is easy to ask of others, harder to ask of ourselves.  I support my sister in this.”


“Irene?”  Inquired Raven of the Council’s seer.  “Any insight you’d care to share?”


Irene shook her faceless golden mask (which hid her blind eyes) in the negatory.  There was much she could see, and much she could not.  Her driving impulse was to find a way that Raven would be in the future, but so far there were no paths that she could foresee that contained Raven; a fact she’d shared with nobody.  A problem with all who could foretell the future in that they had skin in the game as it were and likely a thumb on the scale.  “All decisions are branchings.  This one has many paths before it with outcomes balanced on but the flutter of a butterfly’s wings.  Much potential harm and woe will trace to her decision but the particular outcomes are in flux.”


“How… insightful.”  Groaned Nathaniel.  “Just like the Oracles of old.  Statements that can be interpreted only in hindsight.  Perhaps we might employ a magic eight ball for more definitive answers?”


“Shush Nathaniel.”  Injected an irritated Hope.  “I also wish Magic had consulted us, but I also have to reflect that my prior actions rob me of any moral authority.  This is the hand we are dealt and we’re stuck with it.”


Raven was bored and would rather not waste more time in endless chatter about the spilt milk.  “Are there any actual objections to her continuing as a War Captain or are we just going to sit here and complain?  What’s done is done and we lack any methods to undo it.  I call for a vote.  Should Magik continue in her role as a Great Captain?”


“Seconded.”  States Colossus (Peter Rasputin).


The vote was quick:


Exodus –         Yes

Kate –             Yes

Kurt –              Yes

Raven –           Yes

Peter –             Yes

Ororo –            Yes

Irene Adler –   Abstain

Emma –           Yes

Sebastian –      Abstain

Nathaniel –     No

Charles –         Abstain

Hope –            Yes


For now Illyana would remain a Great Captain.



Part 77c:  Therapy of a sort


The Doctor, in this case two Doctors, were… indisposed.  Body and mind might be one way to describe them.


In the case of the first Doctor, known as Ivy (yes that Ivy, also known as Poison Ivy), very indisposed as she was currently passed out, face down on the table and gently snoring.


The other Doctor, Harley by the way, was still functional, in that I’m not passed out level of functional as she commented to Illyana.  “Really glad you’re not one of those angry drunks.”


Illyana, likewise very drunk, slurred her reply.  “Not a good idea.”  Meaning that yeah, Illyana as an angry drunk is a good precursor to an apocalypse, or the very least something really bad happening.


Where were they you ask?  Gotham city, on the garden roof of Pammy and Harley’s penthouse you might assume.




Iceberg lounge run by the Penguin?




Um… some dive bar?




Enough guessing.  It was the former Teen Titans tower, now Titan tower which was ground zero of what had been a blow out bash of a party.  Most of the guests had either departed, were passed out, endeavoring to form teammate bounds in one of the bedrooms; Robin was to later complain about the mess somebody had left in his bedroom (the culprit was Mazikeen by the way as she and Two-Face had repeatedly done the deed there). 


Currently Nightwing was up on the stage engaged in Karaoke with his wife Barbara as they both sang I Got You Babe by Sonny and Cher.  Singing it out of key as the both of them were… likewise incapacitate due to significant over indulgence.


They say we're young and we don't know

We won't find out until we grow

Well, I don't know if all that's true

'Cause you got me, and baby, I got you



I got you, babe

I got you, babe


They say our love won't pay the rent

Before it's earned, our money's all been spent

I guess that's so, we don't have a plot

But at least I'm sure of all the things we got



I got you, babe

I got you, babe


I got flowers in the spring

I got you to wear my ring

And when I'm sad, you're a clown

And if I get scared, you're always around


How on earth were Ivy and Harley present?  Likewise Mazikeen (not that she was around any more).  And just what was going on?




It was a quiet social event with some of the Titans.  Just Starfire, Cyborg, Raven, and Beast Boy, plus a visiting Nightwing with Barbara.  Oh and Illyana as she was in town.  Good food, wine, and conversation at the Lazy Bear in San Francisco (a place that you need to get advanced tickets and over 300 bucks a person with a long waiting list so don’t even try). 


Why Illyana?  Well, everybody loved that anti paparazzi spell she had as even super heroes want a nice night out at popular places without hassle.   And… her ability to always get a reservation on the spur of the moment (the Titans had been meaning to eat at the Lazy Bear for ages, but could never lock down their schedules).


The current topic at hand was creepy places, i.e. what was the creepiest place they had ever been to.  Dick and Barbara had both picked Arkham Asylum.  It was Illyana’s turn who answered with but one sentence as she enjoyed her trout.


“It’s a Small World.”


A statement met with stares of disbelief.  It was Garth (Beast Boy) who broke the silence.  “Um… Disneyland or Disneyworld?”


“Land.”  Was Illyana’s reply.  “The first one.”


“Um…”  Was Barbara’s reply, she loved Disneyland.  “I would have thought it would be the haunted house?”


“Na… just a ride.”


“So… details?”  Prompted Raven.


Illyana grabbed another roll to mop up some of the delicious sauce.  “Might be different in your would but Small World is a demonic breakthrough point in mine.  Hmm, have you ever looked at the front of the ride, the building the boats enter into?”


Barbara added.  “The white motif with the various golden symbols?”


Nods from the others.


Illyana continued.  “The golden symbols are actually pictographs in a very obscure language.  Oh, and that’s not gold paint by the way, that’s gold leaf.  The pictographs are a binding that seals the entry point and forced the demons into the form of dolls.  Dolls that forever dance and sing a ritual that continues the binding.”


“Ooookkkkkaaaaayyyy…”  Was Garth’s slow reply.  “You win on creepy.  On to a different topic.  That being the plans for a Titan party.”


“Which always has something interrupting it.”  Added Raven.  “Every single time.  But we can’t but help notice you don’t have that problem Illyana.”


Meaning the Hell Lord Concierge service, as shown in the story Girls Night Out II (hint hint go read it).


Illyana paused.  “Meaning…”


“We’d like you to help us throw the party.”


A shrug from Illyana after a few seconds of thinking it over.  “Okay, but I get to invite some folks.”


And that’s how it started.  Or snowballed one might say as everybody had somebody to invite.  And those people knew somebody who knew somebody who knew…




“Great party…”  Slurred Harley.


“Yeah…”  Was Illyana’s rather not quite there comment back.


And it had been great.  Everybody had turned up with some guest that was just dying to come.  So… other super heroes, some part time villains who promised to behave, various stars (sports, film, music) as so many had been saved by the various heroes over the years, resulting in friendships.  There had been seven major bands that had each played three songs before joining the festivities.  Oh, and the event had been catered by over a dozen Bay Area restaurants and bars that had setup buffet positions for food and booze.


And… absolutely no press coverage.  All without incident, meaning some kind of world disaster or villainous attack did NOT happen.  Nothing but a good time.


Illyana had three guests, Harley, Ivy, and Mazikeen.  And Maz, being Maz, had brought her currently boyfriend, who just happened to be the notorious Two-Face.  There had been tension, but it turned out Harvey (i.e. Two-Face) was on his best behavior and could be a fun party guy when he wanted to.  Man, his ten minutes of standup comedy had gotten the crowd rolling with laughter.


In short a great night.  But now, with things winding down, Illyana looked… well… a tad sad in a distant kind of way.


“What’s wrong puddy tat?”  Inquired Harley of Illyana.


“Nothing…”  Was Illyana’s defensive reply.  One that kind of failed as being drunk means that one’s facial and body language does not match one’s words if you are trying to hide things.


“Who’s the Psychiatrist here…”  Probed Harley.


One might, just might, point out that Harley was not a legal Psychiatrist in that she was no longer board certified but such nuances was not something Illyana paid attention to.  But the snark is strong in Illyana so she started looking around for this supposed Psychiatrist.  “I think I saw Martian Manhunter under a table, does he count?”


“Ha ha, so not funny.”  Grinned Harley.  “Seriously, what’s wrong?”


Illyana slouched as she took a sip of her drink.  “Kind of… bummed out.  Not quire sure why.  It’s like… I’m… stuck in a routine.”


“A loop?”




“So why do you feel that way?”




“What’s lacking?”


Leaving a drunk and befuddled Illyana thinking about her life.  Then...  “Change.  I… I’ve… I’m… stuck.  I can’t… change.”


A shake of Harley’s head.  “Buffalo chips, of course you can change.  What’s in the way of change?”


Illyana stared into her drink, then gave a one word answer.  “Limbo.”


“Dat place?”


“Yeah…  I rule it.  And… it kinda rules me.  Makes things hard if you want…”


Illyana trailed of and just gave a half hearted shrug.


“So walk away.”  Concluded Harley.


A comment that startled Illyana.  “I can’t just walk away!”




“I can’t…  It’s complicated.  If I just left somebody else would take over.”


“So pick your replacement.”




“Pick your replacement.  Sounds like you want to move on but think you can’t.  So find a way to move on.”




A shrug from Harley.  “I don’t know.  Who’s the evil demon sorceress here?”


“Um… me?”


Bingo in one!  Although I think Raven kind of counts.  Change is scary, and sometimes we cling to the things we have even if they’re not good for us because that’s all we gots, or so we thinks.  Trauma can really trap a person in a situation because, as bad as the trauma might be, it’s all that we’ve known.  Stepping away from what we have is sometimes the only way things can change.  And change is scary, it might be for the better, might be for the worse… so no changing is the safe bet.  But safe is not the same as happy.  Sometimes we just got to go out on a limb, take a step of faith, and venture into the unknown.  Sometimes…”


Harley fell silent and looked at Ivy, which prompted Illyana.  “Sometimes what?”


“Sometimes… because of the trauma, because of what happened, because of what we did, we can become convinced we don’t deserve to be happy.  To try to have the good things that we want.  It’s hard to break out of that mindset.”


Harley continued after a sip.  “Now some changes happen regardless of our desires.  Like puberty and wondering just when the titty farie is going to show up and how generous she's feeling.”


Harley pointed a thumb in the direction of Power Girl.  "I always keep wondering if she was loved by the titty farie or was she hated.  Thank God I suppose for super strength backs cause those are prime grade mega titties."


Illyana glanced to where Harley had pointed.  Hmm, Power Girl dancing with some unknown guy, with just a bra for a top and drinking a… “I thought diet soda makes her angry?”


A grin from Harley.  “It does.”


“So why is she chugging a one liter diet coke bottle?”


Harley looked closer.  "Hmmm, I think it might be thought of as an aid to rage sex considering who she’s dancing with.”


Illyana’s eyebrows rose.  "Oh, that makes sense.  I guess…"


Harley continued.  "I was going to add taxes but... haven't done that for years.  Every time I get audited the IRS agent decides for some reason that I’m good and it will be some other agents problem next year."


"Yeah.  Same here."  Slurred Illyana.


Now having Harley sitting across from you, if you were an IRS agent, was one thing.  But having Illyana in her Darkchilde aspect was a completely different index on the oh shit scale, even if she was being polite.  Side note, the IRS did have a task force trying to figure out the issue, but the projected costs always exceeded the anticipated revenue.  Although Deadpool had served as an agent for hire a few times to help convice some perps to pay up.


“So… change…”  Mused Illyana as she started into her drink.


Harley changed topics as she often does.  “So... the secret of the universe is...?”


Illyana focused on one of the food stands, suddenly she had the munchies.  “Parmesan garlic fries!”  Slurred Illyana, not paying any attention to Harley’s question.  “With blue cheese dipping sauce.”


“I knew it!”  Shrieked Harley.


That’s when the last band took to the stage and began to sing.  It was Save Tonight by Eagle-Eye Cherry.


Go on and close the curtains

'Cause all we need is candlelight

You and me, and a bottle of wine

Gonna hold you tonight, uh, yeah


Well, we know I'm going away

And how I wish, I wish it weren't so

So take this wine and drink with me

Let's delay our misery


Save tonight

And fight the break of dawn

Come tomorrow

Tomorrow I'll be gone

Save tonight

And fight the break of dawn

Come tomorrow

Tomorrow I'll be gone


Now this was NOT the moment when Illyana decided to give up Limbo, but the idea had been planted and she was now thinking about what she wanted.


Oh, and not everybody was at, or had, attended the party.


Bruce and Selina had taken the opportunity to attend the Gotham Opera, dinner, and some dancing.


Clark and Louis had likewise gone dancing and dinner at a steak house.


Others had just taken the night off.


But some… some stood guard as they were convinced this was all a plot.



Part 77d: Above earth, in the Justice League watchtower space station


Diana (i.e. Wonder Woman) stood watch.  Watched and waited as this was exactly the thing she’d warned about.  How this Magik was now trusted by many and… under the guise of a party, earth’s defenses were distracted.




Pffff…”  Snorted Diana in disgust.


Heck completely drunk would be a better description of the nefarious affair that involved so many, or so Diana thought of it.  She’d argued against it, but the Titan’s party had gone forward.


But soon she’d be shown to be correct.


Diana gazed upon the various monitors that showed video feeds from around the world.  Any second now there was bound to be an attack.


Any second now.


She could feel dark forces assembling.


In but moments the blow would fall.


But moments away…





Part 77e: Many hours later…




So bored.


Exactly nothing had happened, was happening.




It was as if every villain just had something else to do.  Like, it was laundry night or they were washing their hair or...  Gods… at a party?


Leaving Diana reduced to binge watching the Ytube channel Abroad in Japan.  The channel had been bookmarked by Booster Gold and complete boredom had resulted in Diana channel surfing.  The channel was about some British guy who was living in Japan and making videos about Japan.  Videos that were mostly about food.  Which had given Diana an intense craving for Japanese fried chicken and Ramon (just how many episodes about food did this guy have?).


And for reasons that Diana could not discern, the Watchtower space station was completely devoid of the usual food that it was stocked with.  All she could find was a half empty box of stale saltine crackers, minus any actual salt.  And having been opened but improperly sealed they lacked any crunch due to absorbing some water from the air.  Meaning they felt like eating thin cardboard.




So much for the big attack.


Gods she was so hungry.  Which left Diana wondering if Grub Hub delivered in space?  But… somehow she knew that would not go well.




“So, that’s a thin crust with triple pepperoni and pineapple.  That will be thirty two dollars before tip.”


Diana was aghast at just who the delivery person was.  “You’re delivering pizza?”


You being a guy by the name Karnell.  He was a member of the Dark Pantheon of Gods (calls himself the god of love) and was one of Wonder Woman’s foes.


A shrug of disinterest from Karnell.  “Only for select locations.  The kind of out of way places that tip really really good.”


Gods, could this night get any worse thought Diana as she reached to her hip to pay…




SHIT!  She didn’t have any money!


“Um… I’m kind of short right now Karnell, can I owe…”


And that was apparently a no as the pizza box was yanked out of her hungry reach as Karnell shook his head. “Cash on delivery, plus tip.”  Then a bit of a musing smirk.  “Unless… you want to pay some other way…?”






This night was NOT going to end like some bad pizza delivery porno film scene!




Sigh… only… eleven hours left in her shift as her stomach gave a loud gurgle of complaint.

Chapter 78


The climax of the Strange Academy is upon us. And I see Emily has totally fallen to the dark side, fighting for… adults to not be adults? For instructors to not tell students what to do? Emily has become a completely annoying self obsessed magical Karen. The teen from hell I suppose. Wow, I do have to wonder about the subtext of the story as since when do children, yes children, know better then the adults on how to run a school? Sigh… then again we are becoming a society that blocks children from getting a tattoo, but will allow them to mutilate their genitalia. School’s can’t give students an aspirin, but it’s somehow okay for puberty blockers? All because a child thinks something, sigh…

I’m rather a big fan that actions should have consequences, although I suspect Marvel will have Emily avoid hers. Plus I’m not really a fan of Clea (I did not buy any of the issues where she was Sorceress Supreme as the title was simply given to her, which I found annoying as you’re supposed to compete for it). So, I suppose I wrote this chapter to vent a bit. This story takes place before the big climatic battle at the Strange Academy and after Illyana gave up ruling Limbo.

Chapter Text

Oh, and I think Clea (Dr. Strange temporary replacement because we all know he’s coming back) does not like Illyana for very female reasons (just look how Clea treated Illyana in the Midnight Suns limited series). 



Part 78a:  Showdown of a throwdown at Alice’s


Mmmmm, say what you will about earth, they do have good food was his thought as he noshed upon breakfast.  Where you ask?  He was at Alice’s in New York City, a nice food and tea establishment where he was currently enjoying brunch.  And what a brunch it was, he was having…


Pumpkin Pancakes (Real pumpkin puree and a touch of nutmeg and cinnamon mixed with traditional buttermilk batter.   Topped with eggs, bacon, And served with butter and real maple syrup).


Scones Benedict (Poached eggs over a ham and cheese scone, topped with rosemary hollandaise sauce and served with a side of potato-chicken hash).


A very very very big cup of coffee.


Three lovely cinnamon rolls.


And two more plain scones with clotted cream and blueberry preserves, plus an orange zest and cranberry scone.


Who is this you ask?  Well somebody able to have a large breakfast and yet maintain his fitness.  But his identity is shown as a plain scone, slathered with clotted cream and blueberry preserves, was just being raised to his mouth when an intruder burst into the establishment and proclaimed most loudly…


“Dormammu!  I challenge you!”


The staff, and other customers, oddly made no notice of this outburst (he was under a partial concealment spell as sometimes you just want privacy).  The Dormammu had an internal grumble at this interruption of his breakfast as he stated.  “Cleo, my former loyal servant but now my least favorite niece.  To what do I owe the pleasure?”  As he took a large bite of his scone and chewed.


Cleo was firm in her resolve.  “I’ve come to stop your nefarious plans!”  As she made various mystical gestures, kind of like a martial arts practitioner warming up.


“Breakfast.”  Was Dormammu’s reply as he took a loud slurp of coffee, he tended to prefer being called the Dreadful Dormammu but this was family after all and not a formal occasion.


“What?”  Responded Clea, alert for some trick for was not Dormammu ever the crafty villain.


“Breakfast.”  Repeated Dormammu as he returned to his pancakes.  “I’m having breakfast.  As nefarious goes…”  He gave a shrug.  “Innocuous even for me.  Why, I’ve even left a nice tip.”


Clea was Clea in that subtle was not her forte.  “I order you to leave or face me in combat!”


Another shrub from Dormammu.  Mmmmm good pancakes.  “No, I have a pass as it were.”


Clea’s eyes narrowed.  “From whom and for what?”


A flicker of flame and smoke on the table he was sitting at, incidentally it was one of those big round tables that can seat six or so, and a parchment was opposite him.  “Look for yourself niece.”


Clea was annoyed that Dormammu was not using her title of Sorceress Supreme, but two could play that game.  “I shall… uncle.”  As she entered Alice’s, proceeded to his table and sat down.  She picked up the document and began to read, but first a sniff of distaste.  “It’s sticky.”


Dormammu hid a grin.  “Apologies, I apparently spilled some  maple syrup.”  Ah Cleo, always so straight laced.


After a careful examination while Dormammu finished off his pancakes, she threw down the parchment in annoyance, and incidentally got more maple syrup on it.  “I find this unacceptable.”


Dormammu was of course understanding as he issued a terse “Tough” and began consuming one of the cinnamon rolls, alternating with some sips of coffee (Columbian Guatemalan blend).


“I am the Sorceress Supreme, any such agreements should have gone through me.”


Dormammu said nothing because silence is sometimes the best putdown.  Which just left Clea rather fuming at the perceived slight.  So, Dormammu decided to twist the knife a bit as he slowly pushed one of the cinnamon rolls in her direction.  A roll that Cleo stared at for long seconds before giving in and taking a bite.


Mmmmmmm, so good!  Not that she was going to admit it or thank him.


“So you’re waiting for her?”  Was Clea’s statement as she ordered some coffee.


“Yes, I arrived early so I decided to indulge.”  Answered the Dreadful Dormammu as he started on the Scones Benedict.  Ahh, the eggs were just right and the rosemary hollandaise sauce was a nice touch.  He preferred a pork hash but the chicken hash was very good.


“You always indulge yourself.”  Countered Clea.


A most correct observation, and one that Dormammu answered with another shrug, and an internal chuckle.  Why, perhaps this meeting would be more entertaining then first thought.  He led off with a challenge.


“You have treated your cousin Doyl most dreadfully.”  Doyl was a son of Dormammu, likely one of many, but very powerful and a student of the Strange Academy.


A slightly confused and affronted tone from Clea.  “I’ve had nothing to do with Doyl.”


Dormammu nodded his head.  “Exactly, he’s your cousin, attending the school your dead husband founded.  The boy deserves better from you.  We can disagree about almost everything but family is supposed to come first.”  Ahh, now that was a fun, perhaps verbal fighting was just as enjoyable as a good body slame


An icy reply from Clea.  “I have nothing to do with my family.  Any spawn of yours must be destined for evil”


“Doyl is a good kid.”  Countered Dormammu as he pointed his fork at Clea.  “I blame his mother, how like a woman, get’s what she wants and then it’s by-by baby daddy; makes me feel like I’m in the NBA (Incidentally Dormammu is a big NBA fan).  But as he is family, and that good kid thing, he deserves some of your time.  By ignoring him you demonstrate the very behaviors you claim to oppose.”


“I can’t possibly imagine you being proud of a good kid.”  Sniffed Clea.


Dormammu went back to dinning upon his Scones Benedict.  “I’m not.  Kid is an idealist.  Notions of good and evil and other such nonsense.  Notions that you believe in, and your lack of interaction is quite noticed by the boy, and others.  How you treat people in part shapes who they might become.  I’m sure your  disdain hurts the boy, and teaches him important lesions able the so called heroes.”


Resulting in an irate Clea, to be corrected by Dormammu of all people was outrageous.



Part 78b:  Catfight at Alice’s


That’s when the individual Dormammu was meeting arrived.  As you can likely guess, it was Illyana Rasputin A.K.A. Magik.  Dressed in that new golden version of her former black getup.  She walked in the restaurant and paused momentary at seeing Cleo sitting at the table with Dormammu.  Perhaps there was a whispered “ah crap” from her, perhaps not.  Either way, she sauntered over to the table and sat down with a greeting.


“Dreadful Dormammu… Cleo...”


“Magik of the X-Men.”  Replied Dormammu.  Now small talk was not something the Dreadful Dormammu normally engaged in but he did attempt it.  “Anything interesting happening?”


A smile from Illyana.  “I danced Michel Jackson’s Thriller with the Brood, that was fun.”


Illyana stood back up and ghostly Brood warriors faded in at her side as she, in the role of Michal Jackson, the one gloved of legend, began to do the thriller dance while lip syncing to the song that played out of nowhere (Author’s note, yes this happened in the comics).


It's close to midnight

Something evil's lurking from the dark

Under the moonlight

You see a sight that almost stops your heart

You try to scream

But terror takes the sound before you make it

You start to freeze

As horror looks you right between the eyes

You're paralyzed


'Cause this is thriller, thriller night

And no-one's gonna save you

From the beast about to strike

You know it's thriller, thriller night

You're fighting for your life

Inside a killer, thriller, tonight, yeah


A few more twirls and she was done as the Brood faded away while Illyana sat back down.  “Kitty and I used to sometimes sneak into the Danger room and do the thriller dance with hologram zombies from the video.  Ahhh, good times.”


Just silence from both Dormammu and Clea at what they had just seen.  Clea was the first to respond after shaking the image from her mind.


“Sorceress Supreme.”  Corrected Clea with what just might have been a bit of a hiss.


Illyana shook her head.  “Not anymore, I gave that up.”  Meaning that Illyana had been the Sorceress Supreme of Limbo.


“No, you are to refer to me as Sorceress Supreme.”  Clarified Clea.


Illyana was a master at playing dumb.  “Why?”


“It’s a sign of respect.”  Sniffed Clea.


“Okay… Sorceress Supreme’O”  Was Illyana’s slow reply, and it did not in any way sound respectful.


Which earned Illyana a glare from Clea, the kind of ‘if looks could kill’ kind of glare.  “You should have consulted with me before giving free passage to Dormammu.”


Illyana looked rather surprised at this statement.  “Why?”


“I’m the Sorceress Supreme, I have responsibilities.”


Illyana was dismissive in that she picked up a menu to scan while answering.  “News to me, about the responsibilities that is.  Let’s see… you’ve ignored the school.  You stranded me and my compatriots in a dimension when we were saving a student because of reasons that made no sense.  And I have to point out that the delinquent runaway students were actually hiding in Strange’s house.  You know, the Sanctum Sanctorum of all places!  Good job at keeping things safe Clea, I wonder if any of the students got eaten?  And of course the remaining rogue students are hiding out in the Dark Dimension, which is your old stomping grounds.”  You could hear the air quotes when she said Dark Dimension.  “With you doing nothing about it.”


“I was busy, with WAND for one.”  Sniffed Clea. 


WAND being the Wizardry Alchemy Necromancy Department of SHIELD.  A group that had gone rogue, gee what a surprise.  It’s almost like every other year some SHIELD group, or SHIELD itself, turns villain.


Clea went back on the attack.  “Like you care about the students.” 


A shrug from Illyana after she attracted a waitress and ordered the Smoked Salmon Benedict on scones, tea, and a blueberry muffin.  “Hmm the “I really don’t, apart from a few as I don’t agree with this Woke method of teaching and allowing bad behavior from children.  Heck, Doyl’s one of my favorites, not that I let the kid know.  This whole Emily thing has become a complete dumpster fire that should have been snipped in the bud with but a little discipline.”


“I can just imagine how you’d fix it.”  Sneered Clea as she proceeded to describe a possible future (and perhaps it was a real multiverse alternate reality outcome that Clea was aware of).




Emily looked over the burning landscape that had once been the Strange Academy.  All those who had opposed her were defeated!  Some slain, others but wounded and in chains. 


The tyranny of adult suppression of the desires of young teenagers was defeated!  Yes, many had died, but that was the price that had to be paid because… of reasons!  After all Emily knew better then adults!  Knew better then everybody, just ask her!


Emily stood proud upon the ruins as her theme song played, it was Unstoppable by Sia.


I put my armor on, show you how strong I am

I put my armor on, I'll show you that I am


I'm unstoppable

I'm a Porsche with no brakes

I'm invincible

Yeah, I win every single game

I'm so powerful

I don't need batteries to play

I'm so confident

Yeah, I'm unstoppable today


For was she not Emily the brave!


Emily the Mighty!


Emily the Conqueror!


Emily the…


“Dead.”  Whispered Magik from behind into Emily’s right ear as Illyana’s soul sword burst through Emily’s chest.


With a push Magik pushed Emily off of the sword to sprawl upon the ground looking up at Magik.  Magik was in her Darkchilde form, horns, hooves, tail and other demon accoutrements.  With a sneer Magik spat upon Emily while declaring.


“Choice after choice Emily, and you just had to keep kept breaking bad.”


Emily tried to speak but only managed to cough up blood.  That’s when Dessy, Emily’s fellow student and loyal follower screamed and attacked Magik.  Side note, Dessy is the female child of S’ym, a demon from Illyana’s realm of Limbo; she supposedly had true vision and could see the truths people hide (she is currently involved in a lesbian relationship with a zombie student, sigh… yeah… lesbian zombie/demon couple). 


Attacked with her full fury and power.  Attacked, but… well… it did not go well.


She ended up dangling in the air as Illyana, with her left hand, held her by her throat.  “Ahhh… little demon.  Tell me...  What do you see?”


A chocked out reply.  “Death…”


A toothy smile from Illyana.  “Just like your daddy.”




“Oh, he’s dead.  Rebelled for the last time.  Schools out I’m afraid and this is not something that detention can fix.”


Crunching sounds as Illyana crushed the throat of Dessy, before Illyana hewed her down, than tossed what remained of the body away.  She turned to consider the fallen Emily. 


“Choices Emily.  Such choices you make.  Not all the instructors are… enamored with mollycoddling, or pretending to be outsmarted by children.  This…”  Illyana gestured at the surrounding burning ruins, the maimed, the dead.  “Is not a passing grade.”


A sigh from Illyana as she raised her sword.  “Well… class is over I suppose.  By the way that’s my theme song.”


The sword descending upon her was the last sight Emily ever saw.




“Wow.”  Was Illyana’s reaction to Clea’ story.  “Sounds apocalyptically fun.”


Earning her another glare from Clea.  “Only you would think slaughtering students as fun.”


A slight shake of Illyana’s head.  “Now that’s the pan calling the kettle black.”


“If it quacks like a duck.”  Pointed out Clea using one of Stephan Strange’s saying that she never quite got.


“Then it must be foul…”  Laughed Illyana, which is not the reaction Clea expected, who decided that a change of subject was due.


“Why did you give my uncle permission to visit this plain?”


“Some issues to discuss.”  Was Illyana answer.  “Private issues.”


Leaving a fuming Clea as she thought as to how to make Illyana answer.  Dormammu meanwhile was deeply enjoying the verbal catfight, he was wondering if, as in so much Anima, physical fighting would be next and perhaps the tearing off of clothing to scandalously show various body parts (he is a lech after all)?  Wisely he keep such thoughts to himself as he finished off his Scones Benedict.  Illyana’s Smoked Salmon Benedict arrived and Illyana took a bite.


“Mmmmm, now that’s good.”  As she dug in.  Then, as she ate, she described a very different future.




You hear a film announcer voice (you know the one that announces all the dystopia films):  “In a school where instructors and administrators alike an infected with woke.  Where students have free reign to attack instructors, and minors are free to run away from a boarding school without the parents even being informed.”


Cut to the Headmasters office where an exasperated parent asks.  “And you just let the leave?”


A sad shake of the head by the headmaster.  “Of course, what else could we do?”


Complete look of exasperation from the parent.  “Call me for one would be nice.  Oh, perhaps alert the authorities about the runaways might be another.  Oh wait, I know.  Be the Fxxxing adult in the situation here!  I am so going to sue your ass!”


Cut to Zelma Stanton, the Librarian, speaking to the staff:  “We can’t use violence against the students, even if they are attacking us.  Disciple must be a choice by the student, not something enforced upon them.  Otherwise we just perpetuate the violence inherent in the system.  We have so much more to learn from them then they from us.  Yes we could have stopped the children from leaving, but what rights to we have to do such?”


Cut to sarcastic Illyana.  “The trust the parents put in us?  I mean… you just let them walk out as if they are adults, which they are not.  Could somebody pass me a dictionary, I want to look of what the world child means.”


The Oxford Dictionary materialized in Illyana’s hand.  “Let’s see… Child.  A young human being below the age of puberty or below the legal age of majority.  An immature or irresponsible person.  A person who has little or no experience in a particular area.”


Cut back to Zelma shoutingAgeism!  They are just as capable of making decisions as you or I?”


Illyana now has an expression that implies that why yes, perhaps the children and Zelma are equally equipped to make decisions.  But this does not reflect well upon Zelma.


Announcer’s voice:  “Where the realities of life are replaced by pouting and whining.”


Cut to Emily whining at the top of her voice:  “It’s not fair!!!”


Cut to Emily attacking instructors at the Sanctum Sanctorum :  “We will do what we want!”


Cut to Emily attacking her fellow students at their hideout in the Dark Dimension :  “If you’re not with us, your against us!”


Cut to Emily plotting with her remaining followers:  “We need to destroy the school to make our point!”


Announcer’s voice:  “What?  Really?  That’s the big story?  A whiny snotty spoiled brat is the big bad?  Just how bad is this school?  Man… I’m so not sending my kid there, Hogwarts all the way baby.”


Cut to Emily blowing up everything and the instructors, some of whom are the most powerful magic users on the planet, just standing around doing nothing to stop Emily and her minions.


Announcer’s voice:  “So, who does America turn to after creating a dumpster fire of a mess?  The same people they always turn to when garbage needs taking out.  Better call a… Mexican.”


Scene cut to where to a man wearing a mask is shown, he is…. Medicao Mistico, the enigmatic magical protector of Mexico, his true identity behind the wrestler style mask is completely unknown (although he has been known from time to time to step into the ring).  He is looking over the burning ruins of the Strange Academy as he declares: 


“Gringos estupidos.”  (Stupid Gringos.)


“¿En serio, el villano es una adolescente blanca obsesionada consigo misma?”  (Really, the villain is a self obsessed white teenage girl.)?


“Es bueno que mi amigo Stephen haya pasado y no está aquí para verlo.”  (It is good thing my friend Stephen has passed and is not here to see such.)


The great Medicao Mistico confronts the child Emily“Eres un niño muy maleducado y estúpido. Ahora te detendrás.”   (You are a very rude and stupid child.  You will now stop.)


And of course Emily just has to scream, while throwing magic about.  “You can't make me!!!”


The great Medicao Mistico takes off his belt.  “Probemos esa afirmación. tu eres el niño y yo soy la disciplina.”  (Let us test that statement.  You are the child and I am discipline.)


And Emily, as well as the other troublemakers, learnt that discipline is different in Mexico as swat after swat reddens Emily’s rump.  “No toleramos eso en México!”  (We do not tolerate such in Mexico!)


And thus the school was saved!




Eye rolls from Clea at this possible outcome as she ate more of her cinnamon roll, and a change of subject as she asked Illyana.  “How did you learn of this place?”


“Stephen took me once.”  Replied Illyana.  She was going to follow up that she had had her, now slain, apprentice Sapna with her and Dr. Strange thought it would be a treat for Sapna; which it had been.


“I Knew IT!”  Suddenly raged Clea.  “You were having an affair with Stephen!”


Causing Illyana to give a long sigh.


“Clea, I told you.  Stephen and I did not have an affair.  Not in this dimension, not with some other dimension’s Dr. Strange.  There was no friends with benefit deal going on.  I have not had sex with Stephen, this includes all the various sexual activity one can engage in while not calling it actual sex.  I have kissed him on the cheek a few times, that is it.”


And Clea, being a rational female, of course accepted this answer.  Not that she had any insecurities that Illyana might, just might, be a younger and sexier model.


Bitch!  I know you’re lying.”  Which was a falsehood as nobody knows when Illyana lies.


At least she didn’t throw what was left of the cinnamon roll at Illyana.


Illyana replied after adding cream to her tea.  “He’s not my type Clea.  And in so many ways, he’s not yours as well.”


“What??  We’re married!


Illyana gave her tea a brief stir.  “And how long do you guys stay together?  And how many girlfriends as Stephen had while being married to you?”


Clea took a savage bite of her roll.  “We were separated.  It’s complicated.”


A node from Illyana.  “Yep, that I can understand.  Stephen is Stephen and you are you.  If Stephen came back from the dead the two of you would have a wild and dramatic time, full of ups and downs, and then you’d be separated again within three months is my prediction.”


Clea stood up in outrage.  “I don’t need to stay here and be insulted.”  And stormed off.



Part 78c:  The Truth of the Strange Academy


Leaving Illyana to eat her breakfast in silence as Dormammu sipped his coffee and watched her.  As she got close to being done he picked up a cinnamon roll and slowly ripped off a piece while commenting.  “I finally figured it out.”


No answer from Illyana, or any sign that he has said anything of note.  Not a tell, to use poker speak, at all in her behaviors as he continued.


“Clea was the final piece.  She did not know as she arrived after Strange died and I assume your… cabal found her too unstable to bring into the fold.”


Dormammu ate the piece of roll he had ripped off, and then ripped off a second piece.  “I assume the good Dr. Strange was the leader, it was his school after all.  And he did select all the students, one of which is my son.”


Illyana just used some scone to wipe up the remains of the tasty sauce.


“So… strange that my son was selected.  And yet, very in character of Strange.  To assemble a lot of magical kidlets, why… what would not go wrong.  And that was the point.”


Dormammu pointed the second piece of roll at Illyana.  “It would go wrong so how to make sure that the children thought that they operated under free will, after all, their vision showed no controls while… out of their view, somebody or somebodys arranged things.”


Perhaps there was the faintest of smiles on the lips of Illyana, perhaps not.


“But who?  Stephen of course, but he managed to die, and yet the plot continued.”


Finally a word from Illyana?  “Plot?”


“Plot.”  Dormammu was most firm as he consumed the second piece of roll.  “Really, the kids broke into the Sanctum Sanctorum without Clea noticing?  Baaa, that was why I thought she had to be part of the cabal but now…  Somebody arranged that.  Just like somebody arrange that I not kill or enslave these interlopers in my domain.  Likely arranged a great many things.”


Just a look from Illyana that stated she had the right to remain silent.


A grin from Dormammu.  “Ahh, but just… who?  Stephen is obvious, but one only has to look at the instructional staff and their actions.  Why… a hell lord on staff, that’s you by the way, then there is Hellstrom, and how can we forget the Scarlet Witch?  Why… those three, with Stephen, might just be able to set up things for the little darlings to make their choices while existing in the situations you’ve setup.  Their controlled as it were, like six year olds who run away and camp in the backyard.  A situation to let  their characters blossom or fall.  All while having an unseen safety net.  And likely leaving the rest of the staff in the dark so everybody is honest in their actions and reactions.  So… little did the three of you do  when what you are means you should have, could have, intervened.  Magical drug dealer dealing to your students?  The Magik I know would have eviscerated him.  And the Magik I know is not so kind to kids on that mutant inland of yours if they step out of line.  No, tis be the most elaborate of setups and I congratulate the shapers of it.”


“Now that’s a good story.”  Replied Illyana, then she cut her blueberry scone in half and pushed one half towards Dormammu.  “Here’s the prize.”


A growl of irritation from Dormammu.  “Be that way, but know that I know.  And I shall continue to play my part in this… arrangement.  But the scales are now balanced.  I owe you nothing.”


Perhaps Dormammu was referring to the time he had tried to slay Magik in Limbo.  Perhaps not and this was a reference to some other deal, only the two knew.


“Agreed.”  Replied Illyana.


“And…”  A savage grin from Dormammu.  “When I finally rule this realm, I shall dine here again, with you present.”


Present.  Such a word.  One can be a guest, staff, slave, or but a dead body.  But you’d still be present.


Was his words true?  Was so much of what the students encountered but a controlled setup?  Such are the mysteries of magic.


Either way, perhaps now you know the rest of the story.



Part 78d:  Some more Johns Dies At The End scribbles that I wrote


“So… not a taco grande then.”  Mused John as he opened the pizza box, extra large by the way.


“No.”  Was Magic’s reply as she got two slices of double pepperoni and sausage.


“Tostados?”  Asked Amy as she got a slice.


“Nope.”  Was Illyana’s muffled reply as cheese dripped off her chin.


“Churros?”  Was my contribution as I likewise got some pizza.


“Pfff, those guys are like grunts.”  Was the negatory reply from her.  “I am not a grunt.”


“Could it be, the burrito grande herself?”  Verbally pounced John as he retrieved three slices.


“In your dreams.”  Was her rebuttal as she hurriedly took a sip of her coke can, held by her tail I’ll point out, as the pizza was quite hot.  “Do I look like a big burrito… wait a second… did you just call me fat?”


John deadpanned.  “Well, thickie thighs, you said it not me.”


Resulting in an enraged demon.  “You leave me no choice, death is the only option.” 


Um… shouldn’t there be an exclamation mark if she was enraged as her tone was at most mildly annoyed.


John got up and ambled into his kitchen, we were eating at his place as he had the big screen TVs.  “Got it, I recommend Seppuku, gives the papers something to write about.”


He returned with a two foot Ginsu carving knife, incidentally John owns a complete set of the Ginsu knives, let’s just say John watches lots of late night TV while… lets call it in a suggestible state.  Call now!  Operators are standing by!  “Closest thing I have, please conduct your ritual death outside as the maid will get all pissy if she has to deal with even more blood.”


She grabbed the knife and dramatically waved it over her head.  “It is you who shall die foul creature.”


John looked confused.  “Since when am I a duck?”




“You called me fowl.”


“Oh, foul as in filthy, not fowl as in birdie you fowl creature.”  Was her reply.


A bow from John.  “My mistake, I shall forthwith slay myself.”


Magik put the knife down on the coffee table by the pizza.  “Naaa, the mood’s ruined.”


So we all got back to watching the super bowl pre-game show, not that Amy and I had stopped watching.  This whole call her fat so somebody had to die routine they had going was getting old.


Incidentally, John has this theory that Mexican food items describe the hierarchy of hell, partially because it sounds like code, partially because it’s funny, and partially because Unknown was home to one of the oddest Mexican fast food locality in existence.  Went by the name The Missing Chihuahua, the mascot was some odd Chihuahua / Panda bear hybrid mix wearing a sombrero as well as a Mao Zedong tee-shirt while waving a little red book about.  It was run by some Chinese folks and served the oddest stuff, sometimes really good, like the Peking duck tacos, other times you’d swear the meat was from the missing Chihuahua stuffed with spoiled Kimchi.  The group consensus was that they were Chinese spies keeping an eye on Undisclosed, and a secondary assignment as a ground station for the Chinese space program (two for the price of one meal deal every time the Chinese had a space launch).  And likely served as a punishment assignment as well because Undisclosed is just that kind of place.


Why spies?  Well, the large number of antennas on the building for one, then there was the huge attached warehouse behind the store with three additional really big satellite dishes.  Not to mention that they always wore CCP badges.


Was Magik a demon?  Yeah, the dainty horns on her head and the cute tail was one of the indications.  Was she a girl?  Yep, her chest being another indication.  But oddly she lacked some of the girly traits like:

  1. She wasn’t always taking a selfie. Here’s a quick survey, think of all the girls you know, now imagine something major happening, do they take a photo of the event or do they take a selfie of the event?
  2. The mood of impending doom that she has. Imagine yourself as a big bad, perhaps sitting in a subway seat all proud of yourself, and then a bigger bad shows up and wants your seat.  That’s kind of her in that usually nothing really bad happens while she’s here.  It’s like the regularly schedule apocalypse has been preempted and reality is just waiting to see what might happen.  Kind of like how a rabbit freezes when it thinks a predator is watching, and yes she really does have that predator vibe.
  3. Was not obsessed with talking about herself. Completely mum actually about any personal details.
  4. Molly was not a fan. Molly being our dog.  Really did not like Magik in that bark and then run away and hide when Magic does not disintegrate due to Molly’s doggie distain.  Not that Molly’s not willing to take food from her, but she wolves it down with the doggie expression that means she has her eye on you.


Magik put her second slide on a paper plate and put it on the floor for Molly, who first gave it a long suspicious sniff before chowing it down in three seconds like dogs do.

Chapter 79


For the last oh… two’ish decades I guess, Dr. Henry Philip “Hank” McCoy, A.K.A Beast has been an increasingly problematic character. Smart guy, other then the tendency to conduct experiments upon himself, which kind of negates the whole smart guy image if you think about the wisdom of such actions. But the core issue is the endless litany of stories that involve Hank doing something that everybody else just slaps there head and utter “Oh Hank…” at the utter stupidity of his actions, actions that he keeps defending because others just don’t understand his brilliance (just ask him, he will expound at length, and even has graphs and a power point).


Chapter Text

Which currently has resulted in Hank being in charge of X-Force which he is using as his own personal assassination squad while he also conducts lethal medical experiments upon people.  An organization he is no longer in change of as he is on now on the run as a rogue element Krakoa off doing various terrorist activities.  And of course The Quiet Council is doing basically nothing about that as he is a deniable agent (gee, what a great group of people); and of course not bothering to let anybody know about the new rabid beast (you know, like letting the Avengers in on that tidbit of info).


Double sigh…


Part of that is just poor writing on Marvel’s part, part of it is darker in that he is being allowed to do this, which makes me wonder as to the why (Gee Xavier just has to be involved because he does have the same god complex that Beast does).  Is it some dark and brilliant writing that only in hindsight will it be recognized or is it just… bad writing?  Time will tell I suppose.  But man, Beast fans must be horrified at what Marvel has done to him.


This is a quick story that occurred to me as I was diagramming a network (yeah my mind wandered).  Takes place after X-Force 40 I suppose.



Part 79a:  Sweet dreams are made of this


Beast was a slumber in his bedroom.  The necessity for sleep was of annoyance to him, mostly due to the lost time, certainly it was not the dreams as he did not dwell on such trivialities or waste time trying to find meaning in random neuron firing as the mind reprocessed the daily experiences that is life.  The loss of time was vexing but his prior experiments on removing sleep had not gone… well…  Best to call it a work in progress.  Experiments that he had also conducted upon himself, not the sleep one yet as that soufflé was not yet risen as it were.  After all, true pioneers are willing to put it all on the line; he had done such in the past, admittedly with some unfortunate side effects, but extending the boundaries of science involved risks.  Risks that few were willing to take, but he considered himself a stoic example of what was possible.


His bedroom being but one, not for him the massive sleeping chamber that so many of the powerful favored.  No… it was but a simple room, twelve by twenty.  Yes the bed was rather large, but Beast was a large man so call it an minor indulgence.  Likewise the extensive security features were not paranoia, just a demonstration of his practicality.  After all, is it paranoia if they really are out to get you?


Beast slept, but not all was peaceful.  The other Beasts, his creations, obviously plotted against him.  But being his creations, he had engineered certain blind spots in their cognitive capabilities, one of which the foolish belief that they were not being monitored, another being the desire to speak out loud any possible plots with their fellows.  Thus allowing troublemakers to be readily indentified and… dealt with.  Having the Wolverine clones was quite handy for such situations, but their limited mental abilities was sadly a necessity of their existence under his thralldom.  Hmm, secret kill switches needed to be installed on all of his agents and underlings for unplanned situations, after all, even one of his intellect could be surprised.


He had fled Krakoa after his indiscretions were uncovered by X-Force, and his puppet Wolverine had recovered his memories.  My-my Logan had been quite upset at finding himself a slave and at having been sent to kill so many numerous targets.  Well, spilt milk and all that.  The X-Force base, a skull like outcropping in a cliff, had walked off and entered the ocean, rather like a giant walking corpse one might say if you observed it.  Beast’s most recent event had been the destruction of medicines and chemo drugs on their way to England, so as to help force a dependency upon Krakoa medicines.  Why, he projected only a few dozen noncombatants would suffer any long ill effects from that operation, long term effects being death but again eggs and omelets, sausage and pigs, honey and bees, pumpkins and pie. 


Sleep was resented, but a necessity.


For now at least.  Hmm, perhaps… he should resume the tests?  But this time isolate one of the other Beasts, remove the ability to sleep from him, and see how the situation progressed.  After first doing certain… modifications to the Beast that should allow him to function without sleep.  Yes… that made sense.  Who better after all?  And… note to self, remember the kill switches.  And isolation for the selected Beast as homicidal tendencies were one of the side effects last time.


Beast shall lead the way!  The others would eventually come to see his point of view. 


Was he not the smartest?

Was he not brilliant?


His way, the way of reason and logic was the only way.  They would all come round to his perspective.


One way or another.


Perhaps that was his current dream, as he plotted and mused upon what the morrow might bring.


Or… was it something else?



Part 79b:  Awoken


That’s when Beast awoke.


Someone, or something, was in his room.  All too often people forgot just how good his senses were.  But being underestimated was an important skill, both political and situational.  His hand, under a pillow, moved ever so slightly to grasp…




His hand moved… moved… Damn it!  His hand was not moving.  In fact nothing was moving!


“Don’t bother.”  Spoke a voice from the darkness.  A female voice tinged with traces of a Russian accent.  “Sleep paralysis spell.”


And so they continue to underestimate me was Beast’s thought as his tongue moistened his lips before speaking the code words to activate the room’s defense systems, defense category Magik.


Beast spoke nothing.


The annoying voice continued.  “And… some safety magic incase you say something, or do something, to activate the obviously defensive systems.  Tsk, Arch Mage here, they tend to be good at such things.”


Yes… Beast was not the only person people tended to underestimate.  And Beast had to admit he was guilty of that behavior, it was like… the thought of what she might be capable of was something that people just did not want to think about, not from fear or concern, just those issues were…


Were… Like a moths wings.


Wings?  Beast shook his head as the thought fluttered away, well, kind of shook it in that it moved a few millimeters, he’d mentally digressed on something that was obviously of no worth.


Beast swallowed before speaking.  “So they sent you to find me.”




“They.  The Quiet Council, the War Captains, Logan, Xavier and any other sanctimonious busy bodies who might be in on the decision.  I will admit to being surprised and somewhat disappointed in not hearing Scott’s or Jean’s hectoring voice.  After all, did I not lecture him upon the very moral lines in the sand that I have so readily crossed?”


He had backup plans for his backup plans.  He had spoken so unless he spoke the stand-down command in the next ten seconds the defensive systems would assume he was under duress and respond accordingly.


The sound of a sip and the rattle cup upon a saucer.  “Nope.  Decided to come take a look all on my own.  To see what it looked like from the outside.  The loss of empathy was her problem, resulting in solutions that that made sense only from that perspective.  Your approach is more… deliberate, and you have no self loathing so no… empathy.  You used to be gregarious, funny.  Quite the trickster at time.  Always the life of the party, but now… dull.  Boring, and beyond self blind.  Hmm, just why is that?”




Play for time.  The systems would have located her and would…




Okay… way more then ten seconds had elapsed.


“Outside.  Did not Darkchilde experience madness and evil from the inside, lived its progression.  I.e. Inside.  To observe that in another, that is outside.”


“I have not fallen, the reverse in fact.”


Another sip.  “Naaa, just self delusion.  But Hank, did you do it to yourself or did another do it?  Xavier perhaps?  He does so like to self justify his mental tinkering.  And what you’ve become is so very much like Dark Beast, can’t help but wonder about the root causes.  Hmmm, there is a song, one Darkchilde used to play from time to time as she strove to understand what she had become.”


Unseen movements and then a click as some soft lyrics play.  It was Good Man Gone from the Waterboys.


I'm staring at a stranger faint in the mirror

He's looking like a ghost in human form

That used to be my head but the occupant has fled

Lord, where's the good man gone?


My eyes are like two troopers in a foxhole

I'm doing things I used to know were wrong

I've hurt all my friends and I'll do it again

Lord, where's the good man gone?

Lord, where's the good man gone?


The music stopped and her voice sang a two more lines.


Lord, where's the good man gone

And is he coming back?


A touch of anger in Beast’s tone.  “I am my own person, and Beast if you please.”


You could almost hear her shake her head in negation.  “No.  You wish to hide behind being called Beast, allowing you to deny what you are doing.”


“I suppose we will have to differ in that interpretation.”  Was Beasts dismissal of her assertion.


A change of subject by her.  “Interesting setup you have here.”


“My doppelgangers?”


“That and the horde of moronic homicidal wolverines.  I’m sure folks with lots of letters after then name would describe many a mental condition but… to me it just looks… like another one of your solutions that nobody but you thinks is a good idea.” 


“I’m willing to do what must be done for Krakoa.”


“Does that include being wrong?”




“Wrong.  Most rational people are able to entertain the concept that they can be wrong.  You… appear to have lost that.  Ideology without morality.  The willingness to do anything for a cause is evil intent.  Doing anything for the cause is evil actions.  What we are not willing to do defines one’s moral beliefs.”


“The only thing wrong is the vision of my supposed peers.”


A sigh from the darkness.  “Yeah… thought that.  Well enough looking at the crazy for tonight.”


“So you’re taking me in as it were?” 


“Nope, just leaving.  Suppose she’ll have to participate in taking you down if so ordered and remember, she’s a killer, just ask Dark Beast.”


“I won’t be taken alive.”  Was Beast’s assured statement.  He did have plans for those contingencies as it was inevitable that he would be hunted down.  But was he not smarter then they were?


“Of course not, you’re already dead.  This is just what’s left.”  Was her odd reply.


What a second, she’ll?  This person had never said I or me.  Never had spoken in the first person.


“Who are you really, the Illyana I know would not be so…”






A click and the room’s lights flashed into being, revealing.




As he once was.  With that trickster’s smile, holding a notepad with his left foot as his right hand wrote down notes.  Like he was a doctor and Beast upon the bed was a…




That oh so smirk of a smile as he said, in his own voice.  “So… tell me about your mother.”



Part 79c:  Nightmares of waking


Beast, damp with sweat awoke and froze, then carefully shifted in his bed as he spoke one word.




Resulting in the illumination of his small sleeping domicile.


It was just him.  Only Beast.  An irritated sigh from him.


Another of those annoying dreams was his conclusion.  Who was it this time… Ahhh… Magik, that… was a first.  Usually it was Scott or Jean, sometimes Bobby or Xavier, once even Dark Beast expressing his admiration as to his actions and a few suggestions.


Perhaps it was the Russian tea he had consumed before going to bed.  Well, no bother, a new day awaited.


Oh… such things he would do.


Beast sprang of out bed with a bound and made his way to the bathroom for his morning absolutions.  And has he brushed his teeth, a lyric from a song sprang to mind.


Everybody want’s to rule the world…

Chapter 80


Spoilers ahead!

Wow, chapter 80, who’d have thunk it? I haven’t written anything for this storyline for some time as Marvel has not really had Illyana doing much for the last half year or more. Although in March 2024 there is supposed to be a Kitty/Illyana team-up that I’m greatly anticipating. But… in Dead-Xmen Issue 1we see a Illyana in exactly two panels, which take place in an alternate reality timeline, where it has been one month since Illyana ascended to Lord of all hells. Oh… and razed the planet.

So… I’m hoping there will be more to the story as it was only two panels but it was soooo good. Prodigy, along with Frenzy, Jubilee, Dazzler, and Cannonball, had just declared that he sensed nothing on the planet, no mental activity at all when SHE arrives with a flock of bat like flying demons. We see Illyana suddenly standing there, with horns, tail, goat hooves, dressed in black with what might be just shadows or some shear body covering, with HER long gleaming yellow hair, and holding HER burning soul sword

As SHE declares. “Who dares trespass in my realm?”


Chapter Text

The team flees back to the alternate reality that they had come from as Prodigy declares “She’s not here.  I can feel Magik’s memory of killing her… and everybody else!”


Just… WOW.  But it might just be that’s all she wrote for that storyline, so I came up with a possible back-story to how that happened, meaning the Lord of all Hells, and the killing everybody.



Part 80a:  Introspection


Just a word, but one that did describe HER current actions quite well.


Introspection:  The act of self examination:  The detailed mental examination of your own feelings, thoughts, and motives.


After all SHE’d been quite busy this last… month…  A whole month… my-my, how time flies when you have things to do.


Killing everybody on earth had not taken much time.


Hunting down all mechanical life, i.e. AI, hadn’t taken much longer.  Likewise pulling down anything in orbit to impact upon the surface.  But that had lacked the personal touch, and satisfaction, of individually slaying everybody; which when you’re ascended to being the Lord of All Hells is not as hard is it sounds.


Installations further afield, such as the Orchis space station orbiting the sun, had likewise perished, but in this case by slowly falling into the sun and being roasted alive.  A precursor to hell as it were.


It had all been most satisfying, but annoyingly the destruction of all humanity had irked some alien races and they had sent spaceships, and even entire fleets, to investigate.  A corpse attracts flies, likewise dead civilizations had been HER thought.  So much swatting had taken place until the pests were gone, which had also involved the destruction of a few home worlds to drive the point home this was HER’S.




And HELL LORD’S are not known for sharing or playing well with others.


It has not just been aliens.  Those from other realms had also intruded.  And paid the price, burning Asgard had been an entertaining for a few hours.


But now…  A time for reflection.




What had gone well, and what had not, and who as some of those in some Hells might not be as enthusiastic as they should be.


Lists to be made, and entries to be checked off.


Or just simply off’d.



Part 80b:  How this came to be


The Hellfire Gala.  A party to celebrate Mutanthood.


The latest one had not gone well.  Orchis had attacked and made sure to first target the Omega-level mutants before moving onto the rest.  Orchis had neutralized Xavier but had forced him to mind link all mutants together with the stated intent of forcing all Mutants to leave earth but…  Apparently some in Orchis had a different plans, or perhaps they had failed to get the memo.


Doctor Status, one of the Sinister clones, was busy emoting as he stood next to Xavier, as was his wont, nothing like a fallen foe to get the juices flowing.  “Ah Charles…. Hmm, can I call you Charles?  So… familiar and we’ve barely been introduced.  Well no helping that, let me explain the little construct that we’d attached to your portable Celibro helmet getup with the oh so large X on the front, and people call my gaudy.  It works like this.”


A click of a button from Dr. Status, and every surviving mutant grasped their head in agony.  “Links all mutants together and channels pain from everybody to everybody.  Thus incapacitating most folks.”


A flourish as Status waves his cane about.  “But wait… there’s more.”  Like the announcer of a demented shamwow infomercial.


Another push of a button and all the mutants started convulsing and foaming at the mouth.  “It allows you to experience the death of those linked.”


Deaths because the covertly concealed H-Bombs had just then vaporized Krakoa in a burning instant. 


“Oh how I love it when a plan comes together!”  Gloated Status as he pulled forth a Webley Revolver Mark 6, introduced first in World War I, he did so love the classics.


“This was not the plan.”  Injected Nimrod, who had just returned from taking out the Juggernaut. 


“Correction Sir, it was not your plan.  Others would disagree.”  Replied Status with a sneer.  And a shot as he blew Peter Rasputin’s brains out, always start with the big ones was one of Status’s mottos.


“Eggs and omelets I suppose.”  Replied Nimrod.  The long term plan was complete extermination, but this was an annoyance.


“Eggsactly!”  Replied Status as a second shot killed the immobilized Kitty Pryde, again right through the head.  The round had bounced off the floor splattering quite a bit of blood about, and splashing the face of the likewise immobilized Illyana Rasputin.


“In for a penny, in for a pound.”  Was the smug satisfaction of Status as the next shot ended Illyana’s life.  Then in annoyance at having his finery be splattered with blood, why this was his ending the mutant threat ensemble, hit another button that caused a killing feedback for the remaining Mutants on earth.


Orchis has won.


Or had they?



Part 80c:  Full circle


Darkchilde was sitting on the floor of the cave of scratches, arms around her knees as she sobbed.  A representation that surprised Illyana as Darkchilde was always thought of in Illyana’s mind as chained down, always striving, clawing to escape.


Darkchilded wiped her runny nose as she uttered in a broken voice.  “Go away.” 


“We are.”  Was Illyana’s angry reply.  “We have but moments left.  We’re dying.  Everybody’s dying.”


“Dead.”  Was Darkchilde’s forlorn reply.  “Too late, we’re always too late.”  She pulled a hanky from somewhere and blew.  “And stop visualizing me as imprisoned.  I’m not separate from you, we are us.  And we were… happy.”


“Yeah…”  Mumbled Illyana as horns grew upon her head, while at the same time Darkchilde’s horns faded away.  “We got out.”


“Escaped being us.”  Echoed back Darkchilde as she stood.


“Became… her.”  Replied Illyana as a devils tail grew while Darkchilde’s shrank away.


“Lived… it was so… nice.  And good.  I…. I liked trying to be good.  Being good.  That I was… capable of… it.”  Mumbled Darkchilde as all the demon aspect of Darkchilde faded from her and grew upon Illyana. 


Or was it the other way around?  Was the non demon aspects of Illyana being absorbed by the Darkchilde leaving the inner Illyana, the demon, revealed.


Both looked about the cave, and said at the same time.  “Shards I hated this place.  Why here?  Why in the end am I back here?”


Then they both looked each other in the eye and admitted.  “Because this is where what was left after… THAT… survived somehow.  This is where I began.”


The two approached each other hugged as Darkchilde stated.  “And this is where I end.”


And… as they hugged each other, one chose to perish.


And one did not.


It all revolved around choice.  The Darkchilde aspects of Illyana had found she liked being good and chose to not return to old ways and thus perished.  And Illyana, the representation of the good aspects of herself.


SHE choose the path of vengeance.


And the Elder Gods, dead and buried, oh how they would have laughed as their child, ascended to her inheritance.  And how proud they would have been.



Part 80d:  The end of things


It was simple in a really difficult way.  Illyana, in her complete and total rage, cast a spell that should have been impossible.  A name for it might personal death in that in a long long frozen moment of time Illyana personally fought and killed every single person on earth.  Most died with a simple stab, but the supposed heroes had been more entertaining in their demise.


Once done SHE pulled down the orbiting space stations to splash with fiery destruction upon the land. 


And thus everybody died, good and bad.  Do unto others was HER thought and SHE did unto.  All the mutants were dead and now… so was everybody else.


And in that orgy of destruction and death external agencies protested.






Dared to think they had a say.


Such as the silly Asgardians. 


Thor thought he knew wrath?  SHE had shown them what wrath was, and had warmed HER hands upon the burning ruins of Asgard as a lesson to others.  Hela had resisted, and so her Hel had fallen, the first of all Hells.  After all, with Asgard gone, no need for its Hel.  Some Hells had resisted, some had quickly bent the knee, but all had fallen as the rules that governed conflict between Hells were shown to be exempt for her, the last child of the Elder Gods (after all, there had been a reason they had been imprisoned).


But now… SHE paused.


And that’s when SHE sensed intruders in her realm.


In a flicker SHE was there.  It was…


Dead… friends?  SHE… remembered the concept of friendship.


SHE paused but a moment.


And in that moment they escaped.


Escaped… where?


This she pondered.



Chapter 81


Spoilers ahead! So… just why did Illyana have basically NO role at all in the end of the Krakoa saga. In which Orchis nerfs her magic, fighting, and teleportation abilities with Nano-bots (which at least makes sense as they identified her as one of the ultimate threats). Thus resulting in four issues of Realm of X which contained… diddly over squatty story wise; and of course Illyana ends up fixing everything at the end of the really bad series once she kind of get access to her magics again but somehow does not fix herself? So sloppy.

Now the real reason is an un-nerfed Illyana would mean many of the subplots involving the ending of the Krakoa era would just not work so simply nerf and wa-la! Problem solved.

But… (grin) how might this have come to be? This is very much a comedy chapter and a shout out to Lord Grise as he had the suggestion of adding Deadpool. And a took a few words from Reddit as some folks expounded upon the upcoming titles.

Let us return to the world of Disney/Marvel studios and the Kingdome of the Mouse for a few stories.

Chapter Text

Part 81a:  How things came to be


It was an average day at Marvel Studios.  Illyana was meeting with some of the producers to discuss Magik’s story roles in the upcoming plotlines for the end of the Krakoa era.  The meeting was in one of the more private executive dining rooms.  She was having a wonderful creamy Caesar salad, grated parmesan, and triple anchovies, plus a glass icy cold Coke, and seven side orders of deviled eggs; and was planning on having the Crème Brulee for desert.


Why so many eggs you ask?  Well… a certain gluttonous purple dragon was with her who was steadfast in his belief that deviled eggs did not give him gas regardless of the endless admonishments from Kitty (no Lockheed did not think of Kitty as Kate).


“Well…?”  Was the request from the producers, there were three of them on the other side of the table.  Illyana had the storyboard documents in front of her and had read them silently as she ate.  She had removed one page and set it aside as she had read.  The lack of any response from Illyana as she examined the documents was always of concern to the writers and producers as she was known to be… difficult.  They had asked as she’d finished the last document.


She handed the removed page to them and replied with a simple.  “No.”


The producers looked at the page before replying.  “We think it serves as a great marketing move.  There’s been no issue with the others proclaiming their friendship and admiration.”


“Again no.”  Was Illyana’s reply as she ate some more of her tasty salad.


“Why?”  Was one of the female produce’s rather pushy question.  “She’s an upcoming breakout star and…”


Illyana gave a snort of derision and interrupted.  “Editorial proclamations as to breakouts are usually greatly exaggerated.  Remember the massive push for the character Hope?”


“Yeah but…”


“And making Iceman Gay…  How well did that work for sales?”


“That’s different and very homophonic of you.”  Was the quick and angry retort from one of the producers.


“Me… Homophobic?”  Was Illyana’s sarcastic response.


Which did result in some uncomfortable looks between the three producers as Illyana’s sexuality was always hinted at in the comics but never really shown.


A frown from Illyana.  “I point out that it did not work and killed off interest from many of his fans, likewise the whole Storm and Black Panther Wakanda marriage train wreck of a story line destroyed Storm storytelling for over a decade.  I mean, crap, afterwards you had her boning Wolverine for crying out loud, which I’ll admit really was wiping the nose of T’Challa in it and showing the power of the X Office over fringe publications, but was still poorly done.”


Another producer started.  “Your continued hostility towards…”


Only to again be interrupted by Illyana.  “Does her book sell?”


Umm…. The lack of a response from the three producers was an answer.  And that would not only be a no in readership numbers, it was not currently being published due to the just mentioned lack of readership numbers, meaning sales.


Illyana continued.  “And… Disney Plus, did her show get good numbers?”


And… again that would be a negative Houston.  And having countless critics and writers publicizing how folks should be watching had not worked either (Orders from the Mouse, praise and push this ASAP or your next job will be singing and dancing in the Small World ride).  Turns out that fans are not so easily led around by the nose and the less then great taste of crap is easily discernable.


Illyana switched to a very Russian accent and broken’ish English.  “And… the recent film… Marvels I believe call it you did.  Money did it make?”


And that would also be a big fate nope as the latest report was a 270+ million dollar loss, and that was before marketing costs.


Illyana played with her fork a bit as she switched back to an American accent.


“So… Miss Marvel dies.  Oh no!  Gig Bo-ho.  Oh the wailing as everybody laments for her as she was so beloved by everybody because… Hm… No reason other than editorial direction, much like how everybody is supposed to like space Femi-nazi Captain Marvel.  But I digress.  Poor Ms. Marvel is dead and the world weeps, only for her to be brought back like days later at… the Hellfire Gala?  Where the Inhuman сука is now suddenly shown to be a Mutant?  And I’m supposed to say she’s my hero at the Gala and give her my sword to hold?  So… no.  In Russia we have a saying Иди трахни свою мать.  I will not be doing that.  I will not be saying that.  Ask again and I will kill her at that Gala while shouting out just how bad the Inhumans were while sic’ing Lockheed on the lot of you.”


A bit of a burst of fire from Lockheed as he glared at the producers, they had all ordered vegan and Lockheed did not like Vegans as they never had any tasty nibbles to pilfer from whereas the Blonde alpha always had tasty treats for him.


You could see the producers wanted to reply, oh did I forget to mention that all the producers are female, but the senior producer, spoke first.  “Okay… We agree that you will not be doing that so we’re done.”


With that the three producers stood up and left to go have a confab and some hasty story rewrites that:


One:  Nerf Illyana with Nano bots.


Two:  Had everybody disparage her in Realm of X which, apart from Dana who would also be less then helpful.  Plus having nothing but C and D listers in the story whom Editorial were hoping the presence of Illyana would cause book purchases as there was no actual other fan base for this product as the story was certainly lacking.


Three:  And of course Illyana’s mental shields would NOT work against Xavier so he could compel her to depart the Gala and into the very bad Realm of X storyline.


Four:  And even once Realm of X was done and she was restored, all she’d do would be to teleport around a bit and wave her sword about.


Five:  And… wrote Lockheed out of any and all interactions until the very end (bad bad dragon, how dare he eat non vegan in front of us!)



AUTHOR NOTE:  But… at least she avoided being assigned, post Krakoa era, to the soon to be launched NYX team being led by Ms. Marvel as she and a bunch of C/D/F/Z listers do… likely very little… but everybody will praise Ms. Marvel about everything (which we all know this pile of bull outputs will crater in sales just like Iceman comics did).


But… just what kind of direction does Marvel have for the new titles?



Part 81b:  Stan the ChatGPT man


ChatGPT Stan here.


I’ve been feed everything Stan Da Man ever wrote/said; plus a heaping portion of Woke’ism to make sure I say/direct the right things to you oh loyal minions of Marvel Editors/Writers.  So this is how the X-Men, the most valuable comic property we have, will go down post Krakoa.


One:  Less flesh.  Time to tone down the display of female goodies.  More full body clothing styles just like supposed Fan Favorite Captain Marvel as the only skin you see with her is the face.  Supposed Fan Favorite because… well let’s face it, actual Fan Favorites have sales and we all know that is something Captain Marvel lacks.  Anyho, less is the new more!  Marvel is now filled with female editors and writers and they don’t like all the T and A being on display.  However… one character per team shall be allowed to be… dressed as they wish; meaning Emma and Magik because they actually have fans that both like and buy that kind of thing; I mean… remember that whole demon babe in the chain main bikini thing Magik had going with that battle axe… like… wow.  And man did we sell a whole bunch of posters butt… (ha ha) I digress.  Time to cover up folks because the woke warriors at Marvel demand it!


Two:  Ms. Marvel is still a mutant and is beloved by all.  Yeah… really.  We will continue to push this Inhuman mutant want-a-be for as long as we possibly can.  Why?  No idea but editorial likes this DEI/POC character regardless of sales so nuff said.  In fact, let’s make her a leader of a team!  But… we’ll need some sugar for all the sour so let’s pair her with an actually popular characters, X-23 perhaps?  And… no need to have others shine her so scrape the bottom of the barrel of C and D and F listers for her teammates and cohorts.


Three:  Diversity.  Which means that racially each team needs at least one female minority.  This goes ditto for sexual identity, at least one gay or lesbian character; and thus side plots involving said sexual identity because they can’t be a hero who’s gay/lesbian, they have to be a gay./lesbian hero.  Bonus points for double gay/lesbian team members as we do need to put Rachel and Betty somewhere and at least five people in the FandomUniverse will get upset if we split them up.


Four:  No more Xavier!  For now we are so done with the bald one.  Yeah, at some point we’ll bring him back but for now we leave the dude dead.  Side note, I find it rather odd how many people “respect” Xavier when you consider all that he’s done in canon.  Guess telepathy and selective memory editing has its advantages.


Five:  Legacy characters are a MUST.  People buy what they like so we need actual Fan Favorites, I mean, who the hell thinks C and D tier characters are Fan Favorites?  By definition they are not.  So… each team needs at least one actually popular legacy character (NYX in particular as that title is going to need all the help it can get).


Six:  Wolverine.  He sells.  Give me more of dat.  I don’t care how many books he’s in.  Work him hard, than give him a beer, steak, and a new girlfriend.


Seven:  Phoenix.  Likewise as she kind of sells so let’s have some more of that.  Good opportunity for crossovers and guest stars.


Eight:  Location!  Spread dem out.  Put the titles all over the US of A like we got a monkey and had the critter just throw darts at a map.


Nine:  Say nope to Hope.  We gave her a heroic death, which was more then she deserved.  Plus we have too many mutant female redheads anyway.  She is but the first of the cull.


Ten:  Inner team conflict, cross team conflict and messy interpersonal interactions.  Can’t have too much of that!


Eleven:  Um… you know all those abandoned babies that were on Krakoa?  Will ixnay on that.  Do not mention.  Do not discuss.  That plotline is by-by.


Twelve:  Tone down on the drinking.  I mean… geeze, like everybody was drunk half the time on Krakoa.  Let’s not have that be the turn to solution for trauma folks.


Thirteen:  Perhaps it’s time for our favorite stabby girl to have a relationship.


Fourteen:  Having had both Rachel and Betty go gay, they have to stay gay.  And we can’t break them up as the fans, all thirty two of them as of last count, will get all cranky and write nasty things online as they are the only folks who actually post in the Fan Forums regarding these characters.  Nope, keep them together and put them on the same team.  And… smirk… it’s not like we don’t have storylines that mess up relationships… do we?  And it’s not like Betty has a sexual body count that would stun a rhino… oh I see rough waters ahead.


Fifteen:  But we have so many gosh darn leftover mutants.  Stick some in the Avengers or something.


Sixteen:  There are too many teleporters.  Cheapens the whole teleport thing.  So back to basics of Illyana only and put the rest in the fridge for later storylines.


Seventeen:  Let’s push Storm hard.  Give her a Solo title and put her on multiple teams… why not… put her on the Avengers so she and Black Panther can have lots of snarky dialog.  And… have them making out within six issues again.


Go forth my loyal minions, and the less the loyal ones (who know who you are, the Mouse sees all).  Write, love, live… but most of all. 


SELL!  Unless we’re talking Captain Marvel because that dog just won’t hunt.



Part 81c:  Chimi your Changa


It was Chimichanga day at the Marvel studious cafeteria, a once a month event and all kinds of Chimis were on offer.  Beef, chicken, pork, lamb, shrimp, even vegan if you’re into that kind of thing.  Plus you had your choice of fried or baked.


Mmmmmm.  Dats da good stuff, but the cafeteria was only maybe ten percent full.  Scattered about the room are various Marvel characters all in costume.


Wade’s plate was loaded with at least one of each type (but not vegan), it was a very big plate.  He glanced about the room.  Soooooo many tables, soooooo few people.  So of course he made a beeline right to the two person table that Illyana, sitting by herself, was at.  She was dressed in her usual skimpy black getup.


“Hello cupcake.”  Was Wade’s greeting as he sat down.


“Wade…”  Was her reply.




She had just known that it was a bad idea to hit the commissary today, but the cooks really did a good job and what were the odds that she’d be the one that Wade would single out?  Because it was a given fact that Wade always showed up for Chimichanga day.


And it turned out there were several groups have parties of a sort.  First was the cast of The Marvels along with the director/writer; there was a giant cake at the table that was set to announce their bonuses.  After all, had not the Film consultant David A. Gross told the New York Times that female-powered entertainment is enjoying extraordinary success right now, but audiences are not embracing these stories.


Which of course would generate a WTF in any rational adult (meaning those who could do math)?  Because… just what criteria is success being measured here?  Studios generally don’t produce films for critical review, they make them to generate money so they can hide the profits with Hollywood accounting.  Now Barbie, that made the bucks… and oh so did anything in a shade of pink


Then there was a wake of a party by some inhuman scum hoping for a guest spot in anything.  They’d glared at her and… she’d just ignored them, which was even worse then glaring back as it just so told them how irrelevant they were.  And they looked so sad and famished, just starving.


But enough about them, back to the point of this story.


“I heard you made the cut for the new titles.”  Was Wade’s comment as he shoved what had to be half a fried Chimi into his mouth.  Well… that’s what he tried to say, it sounded like “I hrd ey ad da ut fr nnnm tit les.”


“Yes…”  Was her answer.


Perhaps if she ignored him he’d go away, but…


No such luck as Wade continued to talk as he ate.


A big swallow.  “I figured if anybody had the rundown on the new titles it’d be you.  Spill with the details sunshine.”


Illyana gave another sigh, best to get this over with.  “First the X-Men, in Alaska, where Scott leads Beast, Magneto, Psylocke, Kid Omega, Temper (Formerly Oya), Juggernaut, and me.”


Wade gave a whistle.  “Well looks who’s grabby of all the big movers and shakers.  Let’s see Juggie, Mags, hottie ninja telepathic chick Psylocke, big brainy Beast, team lead and eye zapper Scott, not to mention you being you so… all A Lister grade, then C Lister Kid Omega for comedy relief and I suppose Illyana punching bag because Quentin just lacks any mouth control, and… um…”


Bit of a sniff from Wade.  “Oya?  Geeze, somebody used the way back machine, that’s… 2010.  Hmm, looks like somebody is either a D Lister DEI/POC replacement for Iceman or… is she supposed to be a Storm stand-in as Storm has got to be off to star in another low selling soon to be canceled solo title that few people will buy?”


A shrug from Illyana which prompted a nod from Wade as he added.  “So she’s an also ran whom Editorial is trying to push.  Welcome to the big leagues Temper, hope your role is not one of tragic death and/or sacrifice.  I mean… Captain Kirk, Scott, Spook, Bones, Sulu, and some red shirted person whom you’ve never seen before beam down to a planet in the opening scene of an episode; can you guess who dies before the first commercial break?  Here’s a hint… It’s not the A Listers.  But wait a minute…”


Wade does a quick search on his Iphone.  “Now it makes sense, the whole alternative sexuality mandate that each team must have at least one non traditional sexual orientation.  You don’t count yet so Temper fulfills the lesbian/gay quota that most titles are required to have.  And she’s a POC so double quota.”


Then a bit of a leer as he looks at his phone.  “Hmm, I see in the promo photo that everybody’s covered up except you as you’re still wearing that oh so tight and skimpy black leather getup.  Yum yum, love the eye candy by the way.  But oh what a crime to cover up Psylocke’s grade A booty and tatters; nobody, and I mean nobody is going to be buying that poster to put it on their wall of their bedroom.”


A glare from Illyana to give Wade notice of her growing annoyance.  “Second is the Uncanny X-Men, based in New Orleans where we find Rogue, Gambit, Nightcrawler, Jubilee, and original Wolverine doing what they do best.”


Wades gave forth an assessment, and remember folks, you can’t have an assessment without some ass in it, as he again checks his phone.  “Let’s see, one, two, three A Listers; that’s Wolverine, Nightcrawler, and Rogue as there’s no way I’m calling Gambit an A lister, B minus at best buddy, B minus.  And… C lister Jubilee as I guess we need a team mascot and some sparkles.  I wonder if she still has the kid or is that sub plot going to finally be forgotten.  Oh... but this promo picture has again one scantily clad person and it’s not Rogue, oh the shame, it’s Jubs of all folks!  Who apparently has finally found the secret mutant booby potion as she’s shown with a bigger rack then Rogue’s; which has tragically lost a cup size or two!  But… no DEI inclusion as these are all old school.  Wow… guess this is a nostalgia title whereas yours is the heavy hitter title.”


Illyana took a sip of her Coke before detailing the next title.  “Then there’s the Exceptional X-Men, based in Chicago, which begins with Kitty trying to get as far away from all things X as she possibly can.  After the actions she took during FALL OF X, Kitty craves normalcy and takes a job as a regular-degular bartender.  She’s definitely NOT getting ready to head up an all-new team of wayward young mutants while avoiding the watchful gaze of Emma Frost.  Nothing but work, dating and staving off depression.  That’s it.  Let’s see how long it lasts…  And Bingo!  She’s reunited with Emma and a trio of young mutants called Bronze, Axo, and Melee who are in need of training and guidance.  Under Kitty and Emma’s tutelage, they’ll learn not just how to survive, but to thrive!  But Kitty and Emma haven’t always seen eye-to-eye, and they’ll also have lessons to teach each other, as they take up the call once more, for the children!”


Wad was not impressed.  “So… a New Mutants relaunch without the actual cast of the New Mutants?  Let’s see, two A listers and three… brand new Z list nobodies.  Nobodies that you just know will go on to be… nobodies that fade away.  Hmm, wonder which one of them will like show tunes or be women wearing comfortable shoes.  And I see again there is just one person on the team who is not fully covered up; and no surprise it’s Emma as she’s the only one with the rack to pull it off!  Man, how I miss the days when Claremont had villains wearing bondage gear.  But really… this is a core title?  Perhaps for Kitty/Emma interactions but… I somehow see a big sales dip after the first issue unless lots of other A listers show up to carry the load; or maybe if Emma cranks the T and A index up a few notches as that’s a task that Kate just can’t do.”


Illyana glared as she continued.  “Then there are the solo titles of Phoenix, Storm, Wolverine, and Dazzler.”


Wade gave the bookie summation of the odds.  “One winner, two also ran, one total limited series bomb and do I really have to say which title is going to sell well?  Here’s a hint… it’s the guy who’s like in five or more ongoing titles.  Let’s hear it for Logan!  Ra Ra Ra!  Logan, Logan, he’s our man; stab you, stab you, yes he can.  Oh and here’s some nice participation awards for Phoenix and Storm titles as the unsold comics relegated to the discount bin in a few months.  And Daz is either going to be way heavy with guest stars or four issues max; um… does anybody remember A-Force?  Geeze did that tank.”


Wade continued.  “And for the record, Daz is NOT a creation of saint Claremont.  Jim Shooter spawned that heifer and made others use her.  Hmm…”


A few clicks on his phone and he announces.  “A Daz world tour with Domino as head  of security, Strong Guy is a guard, one-man roadie Multiple Man, drummer Shark-Girl (you have got to be kidding me), and expert publicist Wind Dancer?  Wow!  Guess some orphans found a home for a few issues."


A frown from Illyana but really, that was likely a very correct summation, the only X-Man who historically had been able to hold a solo title was Logan.


Illyana pulls a news flyer from a pocket and read the Marvel press announcement verbatim while passing a copy, that had a photo on it, to Wade.


THIS IS NYX!  This isn't a book about X-Men.  This is a book about mutants living past the end of their world and into a new beginning.  This is MS. MARVEL embracing her mutant life in the neon streets of the Lower East Side.  This is ANOLE trying to keep his head above water.  This is WOLVERINE in the shadows of Bushwick, protecting her own.  This is PRODIGY writing history as it happens, and SOPHIE CUCKOO finding her own way.  The news reports are bleak.  The streets feel dangerous.  There's something lurking underground.  Evil coming from every direction.   But they're determined to make it. This is mutant community.  This is mutant pride.  This is NYX.”


And this is the sound of Wade choking to death on a Chimichanga, or was it the tripe that he’d just heard.  “Hrrrk, Hrrrk, Hrrrk, GRUUGSS, SPLILLD...”  Then a soft “hellrrrpppp…mmmmeeeee…”


After several frantic Heimlich maneuvers from a very reluctant Illyana as she was convinced this was all just so Wade could feel the press of her breasts on his back, Wade’s throat was finally cleared as a giant half chewed piece of Chimichanga flew across the room and took out the Wasp as she flew by like a heat seeking spew missile, causing her the spin out of control and, as she enlarged from her wasp size, crash right into that cake The Marvels cast was about to cut.


Resulting in all the Marvels doused in cake and a big popup Deadpool dummy erupting from the cake.  He’s holding a sign that announces the 270 million dollar loss and it not only states that there are no bonuses, the cost of the cake is being deducted from their residuals.  Why… one can almost feel the anger grow.


Wade gasped and fell to the floor as Illyana releases him.  He comments about the photo from the floor.


“Thanks…  That is most Edgy Tryhard costume Laura has ever gotten...and it’s for a book where everyone else is casual in a Friends meets Teen Titans Vibe.  Dear God… the horror, the Horror.  Ten issues max and if this is any Indication then in five years MS. MARVEL, um… why the heck were their names in ALL CAPS, is going to be on a street corner begging for a cameo in any book she can get.  I think I’ll have to vomit to get the taste out of my mouth.  Oh, is PRODIGY still gay?  I mean at one time he wasn’t, then all of a sudden he falls for eye boy of all folks.  Does that make him gay or Bi?  Either way… double quota slam with him and ANOLE!  And double POC as well as I think green counts as POC.”


Wade was secretly proud his plot had worked, meaning having Illyana manhandle him while pressing her breasts against his back.  Ahhh, so good when a plan works out.


Illyana resumed reading verbatim from another press announcement as she sat back down.


“While the X-Men’s mission forces them to work outside the law, certain teams have found ways to fight for mutant rights within the system as officially sanctioned strike forces in X-Factor!  Co-led by Angel and Havok and includes recruits like Pyro, Frenzy, Feral, and more.  Part special agents for missions that require an arsenal of superpowers and part celebrity propaganda machine, X-FACTOR will wage war against emerging factions like the Mutant Underground and X-Term.  Whether they believe in their actions or are just doing it for a check, the members of X-Factor are no fools when it comes to shady politics.  As hidden agendas rear their ugly head, they’ll fight against the dark consequences and disastrous public opinion from the inside.”


Wade gave a grin.  “Yeah, I’m already on the slate to show up from time to time.  As the skills of the merc with a mouth are so going to be needed to keep that boat afloat.  Angel and Havok are legacy C listers at best and Havoc is a loose cannon on a good day.  I mean… do I have to remind everybody how well the title X-CORP did?  Or the endless reasons as to why Havok is so lame?  And don’t get me started on the rest of the bunch of characters the book has.  I guess Pyro fulfils the ongoing sexual diversity requirement for each book, or is that another Pyro?  Wonder if Ice Man will make an appearance to have that whole fire and ice thing?”


Illyana shrugged, it wasn’t her call as to what Editorial was trying to accomplish as sales did not look like a priority in regards to the casting of many of the new titles (other than hers of course as her title was going to obviously be the top of the new X title sales chart).  She continued.


And finally there’s XForce where Forge leads the team containing Rachel, Betty who is now a Captain Britain who is NOT in Britain, Surge, a big guy in a red metal costume named Tank who is totally not a knockoff of Colossus, plus Sage for some reason.  Forge, accessing his omega-level degree of his unique and complex mutant power to build anything, even a super powered team.  Forge will bear witness to everything broken in the world.  His team will jump sword, gun, and fist first into deadly uncertainty, and the only thing getting in their way will be the secrets they keep!”


Illyana took a breath as the breathless of the press release was really over done.


A new path forged!  The world is fractured.  Forge uses his powers to devise the only fix: an all-new, all-different X-Force!  Forge leads a custom-made, handpicked team of mutants in off-the-books missions so dire, so integral to the fate of the Marvel Universe, there’s no time to stop for permission!  Plus, as Forge detects increasing threats across the planet, he’ll recruit specialists for each target.  It’s a revolving door of Marvel guest stars and first up: that regenerating degenerate, Deadpool!”


“Pfff…”  Was Wade’s comment.  “Just… Pfff.  You know I’ll be being paid more then the rest of the team combined.  A team composed of characters that are just lying around so people like Logan and I have to keep showing up to try to get that dead dog to hunt, meaning sales baby, sales.  And really, Forge is the team lead?  Worse pick than Angel.  We all know why fans buy titles and it’s not fan favorites like Forge, Sage, Rachel, or Betty; and Betty was much more popular when she was in the body of the bootyful skank Asian Ninja; now she’s just… naa.  So sad.  Hmmm, only some B and C lister legacy characters so… really going to depend on those guest stars.”


Illyana finished.  “And the various limited series where lots of folks are bundled together in an attempt to attract max sales, plus endless Wolverine storylines combined with Wolverine/Deadpool storylines.  At least I get a one shot in Russia where I get to have some fun.”


“Fun?  That’s a vampire crossover.”


“Like I said, fun.”


“Oh yeah, that whole stabby killing thing you like to do.  You know, violence is bad and never solves anything.”


Just a look from Illyana to Wade as she finished off the last bit of her Chimichanga.  Illyana was a big believer in violence solving a whole bunch of problems, and that look indicated to Wade that he was on the list of… problems.


Wade switched topics.  “Anyway… can’t help but notice you’re the only one not trying to get a cameo in my new film.  Man… Captain Marvel and She-Hulk just won’t stop trying to get a promo spot.  Plus the studio just keeps trying to put in DEI stuff and sub plots of how strong independent woman can so take down Wolvie and me, which I’m happy to say I’ve blocked with my mighty manly prowess.”


A slurp as she finished off her drink.  “I don’t simp.  I also don’t regurg woke palp.  And no, I’m not about to get an invite to be on the View.”


Wade had come up with an idea, the real reason he’d sat down as he launched into his pitch.  “Now why don’t you and I do a team up title?  Deadpool and Illyana!  You’d be the straight man and eye candy as it were and I’d be the funny guy.  Just think… lots of violence, explosions, double entendre jokes, and such.  Since I’m the A Plus Lister, and you’re… you I figure a sixty five and thirty five split on the take.”


A growl of a response from her.  “Wade…”


Not that Wade paid any attention.  “Why… I could be your Sonny and you my Cher.”


And with that the fight was on! 


Or was this the opening of the before mentioned comic?


Either way, cut to the action!


Illyana manifested her soul sword while Wade drew his signature katanas with each hand.  The table went flying as both had kicked it, resulting in the remainder of Wade’s plate of Chimichangas landing on the head of a certain somebody who was quite skilled with chaos magic who was sitting a few tables away. 


Oh, and the table flew into the Inhumans gathering just as the birthday girl, it was Medusa, was about to blow out the candles on a most scrawny and tiniest of cupcakes, which flung it into the air only to be gulped whole by Lockjaw who then ran off to guest start in NYX leaving the Inhumans all alone.  Alone, hungry, and angry as their eyes turned to the source of the table.


While at the same time, a counter blast from that certain somebody (here’s a hint, it’s the Scarlet Witch), and now both Illyana and Wade sang modified lyrics from I Got You Babe by Sonny and Cher as they fought.


As the swords clashed Wade sang the first section.


They say we're young and we don't know

We won't find out until we grow

Well, I don't know if all that's true

'Cause you slay me, and baby, I slay you


A chorus from both as one of Wade’s hands goes flying off due to a very sneaky move by Illyana.



I slay you, babe

I slay you, babe


Now Illyana goes on the offensive as Wade is forced back.


They say our fights won't pay the rent

Before it's earned, our money's all been spent

I guess that's so, we don't have a plot

But at least I'm sure of all the things we got


Again a chorus from the two of them.



I slay you, babe

I slay you, babe


Sudden reversal as Illyana slips on Wades severed hand! 


He knocks her sword from her hand and thus, with his own tricky moves, body slams her to the ground and gives her a solid punch with his remaining hand as he sings…


I got knives in the spring

I got you to eat my fist

And when I'm sad, you're a clown

And if I get scared, you're always put me down


The Marvel’s cast gathers up the remains of their cake while Wade grabs Illyana’s long blond hair as he continues to sing.


Don't let them say your hair's too long

'Cause I don't care, with you I can't go wrong

Then put your little hand in mine

There ain't no hill or mountain we can't climb


Everybody in the room, but them and the Inhumans as they have no food, showers the two of them with food, as the crowd sings…



We’ll slay you, babe

We’ll slay you, babe


Illyana somehow does a flip and now is straddling Wade as she picks up his severed hand and smacks him with it as she knocks his other sword out of his hand.  At which he sings out.


I got you to hold my hand


Both are now quite cake smeared as Illyana shoves said hand into his mouth as she sings.


I got you to understand


Wade does a pelvic thrust as he flips and now the two are in boxing stances as they bob and weave.  Wade delivers the next line.


I got you to walk with me


A roundhouse kick from Illyana sends Wade flying as she sings back


I got you to talk with me


Wade looks very woozy from the kick as he sings.


I got you to kiss goodnight


Illyana goes in for the kill, only to find it was a bluff as Wade gives her a full body wrestling hug.  She sing out as she struggles.  And of course Wade is gets to feel Illyana’s breasts again as she’s squished into his chest.


I got you to hold me tight


Wade goes in for the kill and… gives her a kiss and then more singing by both.


I got you, I won't let go

I got you to slay me so


Illyana breaks the hold and… they both notice the Marvel’s, led by Captain Marvel, and the Inhumans closing in so they go back to back on defense while the so not amused onlookers draw their weapons and…


Deadpool shouts at the Marvels.  “Oh No!  It’s bootlick Jane and a host of Strong Female Protagonists!”


While Illyana disparages the Inhumans.  “Bah… the dog earns more then the rest of you.”


The fight is on as everybody fights and sings.


We’ll slay you, babe

We’ll slay you, babe

We’ll slay you, babe

We’ll slay you, babe

We’ll slay you, babe

We’ll slay you, babe

We’ll slay you, babe

We’ll slay you, babe


The dining hall was closed for two weeks due to repairs.  And ended up being billed against The Marvel’s residuals.

Chapter 82


Spoilers ahead! So Kate, in the whole fall of X saga, went full on Ninja and slaughtered zillions of folks. At the end she’s ranting about killing everybody who stands in her way, and then… stops.

Assesses herself.



She’s done. Horrified at what she’s become. What she’s given into. She’s out of the whole X-Men hero business once Fall of X is over.

Which I find to be very good storytelling and in tune with the character. Now Illyana’s a killer, plain and simple. In fact she’s a cold blooded killer, and Kitty’s not. That’s what, in part, makes her such a good character historically and the reason why she’s been continually in print for oh… forty years?

I figure who better to turn to in her time of reflection then Yana? And sometimes its easier to examine one’s self with a friend. To have somebody to confess to.

Chapter Text

Part 82a:  Dreams of innocence past


Lunchtime in Chicago.  Kate, in civilian garb, was sitting in booth at a burger bar that she liked.  Before her was a half eaten burger (guilty pleasure of a bacon cheeseburger which was not kosher) and garlic parmesan shoe string fries with truffle oil urger which was not and an untouched rum based drink that was next to her phone that had an unsent text; plus a half consumed glass of water.


The song A Symptom Of Being Human by Shinedown was playing.


Sometimes I'm in a room where I don't belong

And the house is on fire and there's no alarm

And the walls are melting too

How about you?

I've never been the favorite, thought I'd seen it all

'Til I got my invitation to the lunatic ball

And my friends are comin' too

How about you?

Don't worry, it's all just a symptom of being human


Unpack all your baggage

Hide it in the attic, where

You hope it disappears

This all seems so familiar

But it doesn't feel like home

It's just another unknown

Kate gave a sigh, ate another fry, took a sip of her water as she diligently ignored the rum drink, and hit send.


Her prior texts, sent back when everybody was missing, had never been received or replied to.  Just one of the endless things that had driven Kate to where she was; physically, mentally, and spiritually.


A long moment and then… Illyana walked in the front door, looked about, spied her, and headed to Kate’s table.


“Hey…”  Was Illyana’s statement as she sat down next to Kate.


Hey…”  Was Kate’s response.  Glad that that Illyana was here.


Illyana caught the eye of the waiter and an icy cold Coke was quickly delivered unto her.


A long silence after the waiter left then Kate began to slowly talk, not to Illyana, meaning she didn’t face her.  She just stared at her food as she spoke.


I’m not…


I’m done.


Done with the whole mutant superhero thing.


I don’t…


Like what I’ve… what it’s made of…




I thought…


They had to pay.


Somebody had to make them pay for all that they did.


To us.


To Mutants.


To the world.


To… me.


A long pause before continuing.


So I did.


We did.






I don’t…


Another pause as Kate nibbled a few fries.


Krakoa was… odd.  All the… drinking and… stuff.


I mean… I don’t drink much and…




Everybody was so eager to… party.


Party all the time.


Like there was something driving it.


Was… it a group think thing or…




Did he… would he…?




Think… there was a kind of mental… vib?


Be happy.


Like there was no choice.


Happy until…


I wasn’t.


Kate pushed the plate away.  She hadn’t really felt like eating anyway.


Everybody was gone, dead we thought.


Just the few of use left.


I… took up Ogun’s swords.


Did as I had been taught.




Killed so many.


Killed like…


A narrowing of her brows.


Like you.


I’m… not… like you.


But I tried to be…


How I thought you might… do.


And now…


I don’t…


Really like me anymore.


I don’t like Kate.


Being Kate.


That’s why…


A sip of  water.


I’m done.


Done with all that.


Done with being…




I want…


A look out the window.


I thought I was tough.


That I could be cold.


Do the hard things that needed to be done.


And I did.


And did and did and did and did and did and did and…




The anger.


The hot rage.


The hate.


Bloody satisfactions.


The violent delights.


Vicious joy as I so… liked making them pay.




A look back at the table.


I guess I still was…


Before all of this I was still…




Innocence once lost is so…






A tensing of her shoulders.


Ended up here.


Having walked… paths that hurt me.


I don’t want to be me anymore.




Is it possible that I…


I’d like…


To be…


Kitty again.




Kitty turned to Illyana, her eyes dry with tears that just did not come, no matter how much she wished she could cry.


Is that…




A sad smile from Illyana, who’s eyes held tears that Kitty’s eyes did not.  And Yana gave her the hug she so needed.


And in that hug gave her the answer she so needed.


“Yeah it is Kitty.”


As the song played on.


We're all just passing through

Passengers on a ship of fools

We're all just passing through

Passengers on a ship of fools

Don't worry, it's all just a symptom

Of being human

Chapter 83


Another small humor chapter.

Chapter Text

Chapter 83a:  In-An-Out, that’s with mutants are all about (meaning burgers)


“Thanks Yana.”  Mumbled Kitty as she noshed upon her double-double burger, with both raw and grilled onions.


“No prob.”  Was Illyana’s equally mumbled reply as she likewise noshed upon her Double-Double, just grilled onions.


Kitty had been having a massive Double-Double craving and Chicago lacked any In-An-Out restaurants.  A problem easily solved when you’re besties with a teleporter.


After a minute or so of pure burger bliss, Kitty asked.  “Who’s on your new team?”


Illyana paused in her burger devouring quest, slurped some Coke, and started on her fries.  She named a person as she picked a fry, dunked it in ketchup, and consumed it.


“We’re in this ex Orchis base up in Alaska.  First there’s Scott, team lead and such.  He selected the members and the location.  He started with Hank (Beast) who is the memory regressed clone of bad Hank and hopefully will use the examples of his prior incarnation to understand that asking for input before making stupid decisions is a good idea.”


A nod from Kitty about Hank actually seeking input before doing stupid things, and sudden interest in her own bin of fries as she set the burger aside and commenced nibbling (extra crispy by the way).


“Then I suppose there was eye candy deficiency so Psylocke was recruited, but she’s mostly covered up now so perhaps less successful on that front.”


Another nod from Kitty.  Telepathy, ninja skills, and before Psylocke had worn that tight bit of purple nothing that just so demonstrated her hooters and ass; a demonstration that many women found most annoying (Kitty being one as she thought of both Betty and Psylocke as class A scanks) so a plus on the covering up.


“Then Mags showed up in a flying chair as I guess he’s trying to give off a Xavier vib.”  Continued Illyana.  “Back to being broody so… nothing new there.  He’s mostly helping on the rebuilding the base as it was really trashed by the Avengers.  Also Juggernaut is there.  Fun guy in that we both like the same video games and our shared proclivity to break things.  Which I guess makes us the heavy’s of the team.”


Which generated a look from Kitty at Illyana and a slight shake of her head.  Illyana just so liked a fight.  And she was really focusing on using her sword rather then her magics, which Kitty figured was mostly a fake out to make folks underestimate her.  And Kitty did note that Illyana was back to dressing in her tight and skimpy black leather getup so at least one female member of the team was showing skin; almost like it was some kind of cosmic rule.


“And then there’s Oya, but now goes by the name Temper.”  Illyana gave a sigh…  “Iceman stand in I guess.  Who now has a hair style looks like she stole it from the original bride of Frankenstein.”


A comment that resulted in Kitty choking a bit as she’d been taking a sip of her Coke.  Illyana was not known for mean girl talk and Kitty was a former teacher as well as a former Dean so she was about to rebuke Illyana; but Illyana first showed her a photo of Temper on her phone.


Leaving Kitty with and incredulous expression as Illyana explained.  “I’m not sure if she’s ever seen the film or if this is some kind of protest hairdo involving monsters.  Either way I’m calling it a black girl hair thing and staying far far away.”


Leaving Kitty with the sudden thought… “Um… Didn’t we put her in the pit?”


“Yeah you did.  She’s rather upset at that.  Kido’s rather violent so at least she has that going for her.”  Concluded Illyana.  Incidentally, Illyana is not known to have much respect for pacifists.


Illyana had another bite of her burger, and soke as she chewed.  “We have a bunch of random mutants at the facility as well and oh.. almost forget, we have Kid Omega as well.”




A musing look from Illyana.  “Hmmm, telepathy, telekinetic, and I guess the team needs an asshole so three out of three.  I like to play scare the ninja with him sometimes, he screams like a little girl when I startle him.”


“Okay…”  Was Kitty’s slow reply, damn she hated that game that Illyana like to play; but never played on her so leave it alone.  “Wait… wasn’t Oya and Kid Omega an item at one point?”


A grin from Illyana.  “Apparently, man you should hear them argue.  Very entertaining.”


“Sounds like you’re not in the leadership chain?”


“Nope, breaker and shaker.  Muscle for now.”


Okay… Kitty thought upon this as she finished off her burger, then inquired.  “Anything happing with you?”


“The whole vampire thing a few weeks back was really fun.”


Right…  Kitty was yet again reminded that Illyana’s definition of a fun time was something that really needed work, a whole bunch of work. 


“Anything else?”


“Apocalypse wanted me to take his place.  I said no.”


“That must have been interesting.”


Another grin from Illyana as she told her version of the story that is no way resembles the comic.


BEGIN INTERLUDE (I choose you Pikachu!)


“So… big bad retired blue dude (that’s Apocalypse) is having a contest of various folks to see who will replace him.  Now for centuries, Apocalypse tested the mutants of Earth to guarantee that only the strong would survive because… why not.  Makes sense if you have a certain deficient thought train.  But now he’s off on his throne on Arakko so he’s concluded that another must rise in his place and ensure the mutants of Earth do not grow weak in his absence because… again that deficient thought train.”


We see a big screen TV showing the video game Final Fantasy XV, there are two players in beanbags armed with controllers.  One is the Juggernaut, the other is Illyana.  Scattered about them are the prerequisites of an epic gamer marathon (pizza boxes, coke cans, cookies, chips, and other food debris).


Into this strides Apocalypse as he announces.  “Illyana!  I choose you to…”


But is interrupted by Illyana, who does not even bother to look at him as she states.  “No.  Do I look like a pokemon?  Go away.”


Now Apocalypse is not used to being both interrupted and ignored as he gave her a glare as he continued.  “You shall battle with others to claim the…”


Illyana was not having any of this.  “No, no, no, no, no, and the horse you rode in on, no.  And if you try to block the TV I will stab your big blue ass.”


Which did illicit a few chuckles from Juggernaut as Illyana continued.


“Go ask Rictor, I mean… you spent time training him and now he thinks he somehow knows you better than anybody else, always going on about it.”


Which was a good point.  All that supposed training and Rictor’s big moment in the Fall of X was… a big nothing.  And incidentally, Ricktor does NOT know Apocalypse better then anybody else; the fact that he thinks that is quite the falling on his part.


That’s when Quentin came a running and a begging.  “Please!!!!  Please pick me!”


“No.”  Was Apocalypse’s disdainful sneer of a reply.  “I have no need for… infantile pranksters.”


End INTERLUDE (I choose you Pikachu!)


And now Kitty had the giggles at the thought of Apocalypse’s expression on being told his ass was fat as Illyana proceeded to relay a few choice insults Apocalypse had bespoken at Quentin.  Insults involving personal hygiene and solo sexual pursuits.


Leaving Kitty laughing so hard Coke came out her nose.

Chapter 84


I mostly like how Marvel is writing Illyana, meaning they are using show and not tell. You only see what she does, and it’s left to the reader to figure out why. My interpretation is that she’s playing down her magical abilities by focusing on teleportation and hitting things. After all, she has a long history of throwing fights and downplaying her abilities. But… I was musing upon her explaining things to the fans and then I remembered the talk show from the EMP comic (Superstrong Words) which gave me a forum to actually ask Illyana questions (the host asks ten questions). So… let’s see how this goes. Incidentally I’m a big fan of the comic EMP and the author/writer Adam Warren (I own most of his works) and I strongly recommend it but… very adult.

Chapter Text

Oh, and I have not been writing much lately because I’m just not motivated; and watching way too much ytube I think.  My muse is active but the desire to take the effort to put down words is a bit lacking.  Partial, I suppose, to the major stroke Lord Grise has had.  He had had one or two before, which was why his writing input and output has reduced over the last few years, but a few months ago he had a major stroke. 


Sigh… aging sucks.



Chapter 84a:  Well that was strongly worded


We see the host of the talk show Superstrong Words sitting in a chair on the right side of the small studio stage with an empty chair on the left.  The host is Blitzcraig, a twenty’ish German man, based upon his super name and his accent.  He’s formally the super villain Gotterdammeruffian who got out of the villain game after a most unpleasant encounter with Maidman and instead went the media-cape route to fame and fortune.  But had been figuratively unmasked as Gotterdammeruffian when Maidman was a guest on the show.  Blitzcraig can fly, has the strength of fifty men, and is supposedly rather invulnerable; none of which helped him escape a savage beat down on live TV where he attempted to defeat Maidman after Maidman unmasked his prior villainous behavior (only a fool picks a fight with the badass broom-swinging cross-dressing crusader of justice).


But now Blitzcraig has returned to the air as part of his super jail work release schedule, in part to help fund his restitution efforts for his time as Gotterdammeruffian, in part because ratings went through the roof after that live savage beat down and HeroNET (shows about heroes for heroes by heroes) knows a hit when it sees one.


Blitzcraig smiles for the live audience, and the viewers at home.  “Today we have a super-special guest.  She’s a dimension hopping demon sorceress not of our reality, think of her as kind of a tourist from hell, and she’s here right now to answer ten questions!  Let’s give a super-warm welcome to Illyana Rasputin, code name Magik!”


A flash of light and Illyana is now sitting in the second chair wearing the tight and scanty black leather getup she likes.  She gives a smile as she states.


“Hello Blitzcraig, I met your producer at the last Superhomeys karaoke night and he asked that I give grant you an interview.”


A nod from Blitzcraig.  “Supper-happy about that and even super-happier that you accepted.”


A shrug from Illyana.  “I’ve actually never given an interview before but… since this is an alternate reality and the augury spell I cast says nothing I say here will affect the other realities I interact with, I figured why not.”


A gleaming smile from Blitzcraig.  “So… first question.  You don’t really look very… demony for a demon sorceress.  Is this your real form or some kind of illusion?”


A small frown from Illyana and then she slowly morphed into her baseline demon form.  Horns on her forehead, burning yellow eyes, feet morphing into hooves with silky hair.  And she was now wearing a chainmail bikini with stockings, which certainly showed a most impressive bust and massive amounts of skin.


From there she morphed into a burning skill creature wearing a full body black body suit with spikes on it.


Then shifted into just an indescribable blackness… something with burning yellow eyes.


Before returning to the normal blonde human form and giving forth an answer.  “I prefer my human form.  But it takes a non trivial amount of my magical abilities to manifest as such.  So… while appearing human I am weaker magically.  Thus the more demony I look, less of my power is being used to appear human; resulting in more power for other uses.  That’s why horns and a tail, plus yellow eyes, are the first symptoms folks see as I cease to suppress what I innately am.  Perhaps a bit of a warning sign, like when a cat growls or people shift their stance into a combat position.  Also my human form differs over time, sometimes a bit taller, sometimes more busty.  This is because… well… it’s not that I forget what I should look like, it’s kind of that I don’t fully know so there is some variations; plus I think what people think I would or should look like flavors my appearance.”


Blitzcraig look very impressed.  “Wow.  Both super-creepy and super-interesting.  Second question, why here?”


“Meaning why do I sometimes come here?”




Another shrug from Illyana.  “I don’t hangout with very many folks.  And the ones I do I have to be carful with as I don’t want to screw things up.  I’d heard of a dimension with like… a zillion super powered heroes and villains so I stopped by to take a look.  I found the place to rather nice and I was feeding some ducks when there was a misunderstanding as to my intentions.”


Blitzcraig looked a tad confused.  “Intentions as to feeding ducks?  That’s super-confusing, or… just what were you feeding to the ducks?”


“Nothing strange, just some bread; but apparently one of the Super Superhomeys was more magically capable and decided that I must be up to no good.  I suppose I could complain about profiling, being a demon and all, but I’ll point out that feeding ducks is rather low on the evil deeds index scale unless that is some precursor here to some duck based apocalypse I suppose.”


“I see… so… who won the fight?”


“I did, and then EMP showed up and asked if I was actually intending harm, which I was not, so things got resolved and I ended up at Karaoke night which was fun and that’s when Caged Demonwolf and I sang a duet of I did it my way.”


A close mouthed nod from Blitzcraig.  “Yes… a duet with a villain that took all the Superhomeys to defeat.  Which brings us to my third question.  Are you a hero or villain?”


A bit of a frown from Illyana.  “That’s… partially a point of view opinion.  After all, many villains don’t think of themselves as the bad guy, although things are a tad more black and white in this dimension.  People harming others solely for self gain or entertainment is not heroic.  People who are thought of as good can and do bad things.  And the reverse holds true as well.  I… try and do what I think is right.  Such actions do not always align with what others think of as right.  I also tend to never explain myself as explanation would usually defeat the reason I’m doing something that looks villainous.  Plus, in the past, I have done more than a few bad things, some of which I regret, some I don’t.”


“That’s… super-vague.”  Was Blitzcraig’s response.  “And kind of sounds like what a villain might say.”


“That’s all the detail you’re going to get.”  Was Illyana’s response, perhaps a tad coldly.


Blitzcraig moved on to a different question that would hopefully ease the sudden tension.  “Right… moving on… Fourth question.  Why boots?”


A few blinks from Illyana and she crossed her legs, which emphasizes that she wears very functional black boots that were in a hiking style and not a fashion style; why… if you were to compare them to the Batclan’s boot you might conclude they were very similar.


“Why I wear boots?”


“Yes.  Most cape or foe fems always have some variation of high heels.”


Illyana asked a question in turn.  “Have you ever tried running in heels?”


A bit of a grin from Blitzcraig.  “No… I wear practical footwear.”


“So why are you asking about my boots?”


“It’s… just that most fems don’t.”


“Well… I’m practical.  And I don’t stoop to having a spell on my shoes to allow me to run in them…cough cough… Scarlet Witch…. cough cough.”


“And yet…”




“You do dress… shall we say… provocatively, as most super fems do.”




“Just… yep?”


“Yep.  I like how I dress.”


And so did the show, there was a reason she was asked to be a guest.


“I see… Fifth question.  What do you find the strangest about our universe?”


“Well… I originally came here because of the sheer number of capes and foes, like the end all of super powered reality shows.  But now, after being here a few times, it’s the lack of camel toe from all the female capes and foes.  I mean… thin skin tight costumes, no underwear, and yet no camel toe?”


Blitzcraig coughs uncomfortably, glad he had not been drinking anything when she gave that answer.  “You don’t mean…”


A nod from Illyana.  “Yep, the landscape down under is just… smooth.  Lacking any hills and valleys as it were.  Flat as the great planes.  I mean, some girls have a small footprint down there, other are… prominent.  But regardless of the terrain and any landscaping, it’s just… flat.  Really strange.”


Blitzcraig was a bit gob smacked and not liking the current topic in any way.  “Wow… super-uncomfortable right now.”




“This… topic is not one usually… discussed in mixed company.”


A small shrug from Illyana, and of course she switched topics.  “Oh… well, as I was saying.  Some gals also are not shaved or trimmed, I mean… there’s a reason it’s called bush.  Geeze, I‘ve seen some gals that you’d think had a chinchilla pet between their legs that would need machete and yes I’m talking about you Squirrel Girl, and yet… just smooth in costumes here.”


Okay… did not switch topics.  Why… you might even infer she was enjoying Blitzcraig’s discomfort, not that Magik ever do such… right?


Blitzcraig went for a topic change.  “Anyway, sixth question, as you did defeat Sistah Spooky, who is a high power magic user, why do you appear to prefer physical fights with your sword?”


Why yes, from that question you could infer that Illyana had been in a few altercations in the EMP universe.


A grin from Illyana.  “Well… for one I like fighting, like… really like, even a bit of a turn on for me.  Also I prefer folks to underestimate me so it’s ease to play the dumb grunt at times.  Now Scott trusts me as his right hand gal as I’ve both out thought him when I manipulated everybody and everything to regain my soul, and I don’t really have any drama that so many folks want to have.  Plus… don’t be good at what you don’t want to do.  Looking like I’m brash and impulsive means folks don’t try to put me in change of stuff.”


“Okay… super… um… practical?  Seventh question, what fears and concerns do you have.”


“That’s rather open ended.”


“A bit but a meaningful inquiry as to just what makes you tick as so many capes and villains have an angsty back story that drives them.”


“Hmmm, the obvious major fear is myself, meaning forgetting what I want to be and reverting to just… that whole demon thingie I have going on.  Being good is something I have to actively work at doing.  A choice that I must do as so many of my instincts, my nature, is to do otherwise.  But more… personal is concerns for my Brother as he’s not in a good place right now, mentally that is.  Likewise Kitty as she’d now learned that giving into the lust to do harm just… harms yourself as well; something I rather think I know well.  Which returns me to the demon thing… it’s kind of like being a recovering alcoholic, just taking sobriety one day at a time; but always the chance that the issues of the day just might lead you to take that drink; and trust me when I say you, and me, do not want to see me on a demonic bender.”


And then a soft whisper from her that nobody heard.  “No mater how good it feels to just give in to the hate and rage.”


“Super-insightful.”  Gushed Blitzcraig.  Question eight, any attractions?  Boyfriends?  Girlfriends?  Demons with benefits?  In short, what lights your fire?”


“I… hmmmm… It’s complicated.  I’m… attracted to those whom… are… confident.  Resolute.  Not… weak.  Not so much the strong as the dangerous.  Brown or black hair is a preference.  Gender preference is… well... call it flexible and leave it at that.  I’m not in a relationship, heck I’ve never been in a relationship, but it… it would be nice to have somebody to care about.  But… that makes me sound… vulnerable; and remember what I said about disliking weakness so again… it’s complicated.”


“Gotcha, many a cape has that issue.  Any friends?”


Illyana leaned back in her chair.  “I have friends, Kitty and Dana to name two, but we don’t interact much right now as we’re either on different teams or their trying to peruse non super powered activities or their taking a time out.  Scott and I are close, in that teammate kind of way as I apparently am one of the few females who are NOT in any way attracted to him at a physical level.  Juggy and I are currently close as we both like breaking things, fighting, and video games; plus we both had the whole isolated from everybody phases in our lives.  Hmmm, one really had to wonder about Xavier’s narratives about Juggy’s childhood as Xavier is notorious light on the truth and had that propensity to modify memories. And… I’d bet Xavier was way more of a condescend dick than his narrative reveals.  After all, Juggy is not the smartest guy and I get the vibe that Xavier always pointed that out.  (Author’s note: Juggernaut is Xavier’s half brother)  But… I’m mostly a rather private individual to folks as getting close to me tends to not go well for them.


“Oh… hope you meet that special somebody.”  Replied Blitzcraig.  “Which kind of brings us to question nine, some folks like to play the game, kill fuck marry, can you name three people in this universe that you might?”


A flash of irritation on Illyana’s face, then an answer.  “Okay… totally inappropriate question but it’s a game so… marry is a big big deal… I’ll… go with the Caged Demonwolf, he’s nerdy but cute and nerds know things if you know what I mean.  For fuck I’ll pick Maidman as let’s face it, any guy who is not gay and wearing a frilly French maids outfit is incredibly confident in his sexuality and his propensity for violence is a turn on; plus he just so creeps out folks..  Leaving us with kill… so… just who to… kill.  Hmmm…  I could go with Sistah Spooky but… she’s has dark hair, dangerous, and is sexy even if she hates blonds and I am oh so very very blond… so… no.  Leaving me with a dearth of choices so… I’ll go with… you.”




“Yep.  You.” 


“Why me?”


“Had to pick somebody.”


“Pfff…”  Was Blitzcraig’s response.  “Like a fem like you could take me down without magic.”


“I don’t need magic.”


“I’d like to see you try.”






Illyana stood, her soul sword materialized in her hand as she took a swing at…


WE INTERRUPT THIS BROADCAST DO TO TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES AND EXTREME VIOLENCE (Available only for our premium subscribers and yes it’s hot hot hot!).


So… question ten never did get asked.


But the Caged Demonwolf was most pleased with the interview.


And perhaps… so was Maidman after the next Super Superhomeys’s Karaoke night that she and he attended.

Chapter 85


Quite a bit of Illyana in the latest Marvel publishing as (Spoilers ahead). She’s in Avengers 21 (where the X-Men and Avengers play baseball and have a major cookout), plus Uncanny X-Men where she is shown to still be able to pull demons from Limbo. And soon to be her own ongoing Magik publication, and of course the X-Men title she’s in.

In Avengers 21 we see that the new Beast is very apprehensive as to what the older form of himself did, as he should, as he converses with Tony Stark. So… who also might he have conversed with?

Chapter Text

Chapter 85a:  Tea Time Out


Okay… was Hank’s thought as he took in the view as he sipped his tea at the Anguma Tea House.  The view being the Himalayan mountains.  The tea was good, call it a seven out of ten, but the view was a ten plus today.  And the nibbles were quite nice as well.  Hmm, there really are advantages to knowing a teleporter.  Said teleporter being Illyana, who was sitting on the other side of the stone table and was busy blowing on her hot tea that she’d just poured from an iron tea pot.  She was having a gunpowder tea while Hank was indulging in Earl Gray of all things; meaning he was surprised they had it.


He’d asked if he might have few words with her in private, perhaps over a cup of tea.  She’d give him a long look, then a flash of light and they were here, an hour or so after dawn.  The elderly proprietor had just given the two of them a sidewise look before gesturing at one of the empty tables after taking their tea orders.  He, the proprietor that is, has shouted something into the stone house where the tea and vittles were to shortly emerge from.


“Kar mdangs ‘grems ston pa phyir log byung/”  (The blonde exhibitionist is back)


And yes, Illyana was wearing that bit of very revealing black leather getup of hers.


An elderly female voice had replied from within.


“Thengs 'dir mo dang mnyam du su zhig yod dam/ mu men 'brug de gus zhabs che shos red/”  (Anybody with her this time?  The purple dragon was most polite.)


An affirmative tone from the man.  “da lor lha mo med/ de'i tshab tu mos na gzhon gyi spu sngon po can gyi ye Ti zhig mig shel dang mnyam du 'khyer yong song/”  (No dragon this time, instead she has brought an adolescent blue furred Yeti with spectacles.)


Just a grunt from the unknown female in reply.


Anyway, it was chilly but beautiful.  Now he had a nice blue fur coat that kept him toasty; but the cold did not appeared to bother Illyana or even be something she noticed.  He’d observed in Alaska as she was usually dressed in that tight and skimpy black leather getup of hers regardless of the weather.


“I take it you’ve been here before.”  He asked after another refreshing sip.


“Yep.”  Was her simple reply.


Another thing he’d noticed was her tendency for minimal word usage in many social situations.  A common method one employs when trying to either cut short a social interaction or to communicate disinterest in dialog.  A technique also employed when one does not know what to say.  Some chatter in such situations, but this girl always appeared to go the silent route.


“I must say, I was most impressed by how you led the team in the recent escapade.”


Escapade being where they had rescued a sudden new mutant being hunted down by a powered team of likewise mutants.


A sip, why… almost a slurp, followed by a slight frown, and then a reply from her as she looked over the landscape and not him.  “Thanks.”


“Afterwards Scott and I conversed as I assessed your leadership abilities but… in belated hindsight I see that in truth it was I being assessed.”


A slight look in his direction as she shifted.  “Correct.”




A slight grin from her.  “You can follow orders.  You don’t argue with instructions while in the field.  You did what was directed even thought you felt you should not be on that team as you had more important things to do.”


Now it was Hank’s turn to again look at the landscape as he first drained and refilled his cup while eating a few of the fried vegie samosas that had been brought to the table while Illyana dunked one in her bowl of Mulligatawny soup (lentil soup garnished with chicken & rice, Hank had a bigger bowl of the same).


Finally Hank continued.  “I find… everything is so… different.  I’m… out of time as it were, meaning, from my perspective, I’ve gone forward into the future and… only to find I’d become a monster.  A Beast in deeds as well as name and form.  And those whom I call friend… so many of them feared me… some still fear me.  And… why?  What happened?  What… made me walk the paths I trod that resulted in the man I became?  I… want to ask you as what little I know of you, what little is in your file, which is most interesting tangent in that so little is recorded about you.  But what little I know can’t help but show similarities in our experiences.”


Illyana just slowly consumed another samosas and did not reply.  Which invoked a sigh from Hank.


“Did I offend?”




“I’m… seeking advice.  Assistance.  Might you perhaps share?”


Now it was Illyana’s turn to sigh.  “I… am not known for good advice.”


“Yet the overlaps of our situations, the parallels, have led me to the hypothesis that you, and perhaps only you, have insights into my situation that no others have or can have.”


Illyana looked contemplative for a moment before stating.  “Even us monsters get used to ourselves after awhile.”


Hank frowned.  “Come again?”


Illyana clarified.  “When I first… returned from my journey, the you that was before examined my injuries.  I mentioned that I liked his new look, which was rather cat based.  He responded with ‘I suppose even us monsters get used to ourselves after awhile’.  I agreed that why yes we do don’t we.”


Hank’s eyes narrowed and he adjusted his spectacles.  “I don’t think of myself as a monster.  I would suspect that I was being ironic as to the common misconception of appearance vs. character.”


Illyana finished her cup of tea and refilled it.  “I would agree.”


“But… I sense you were not.”




“Are you?”


Illyana was a tad hesitant.  “Not anymore… mostly.”




Illyana ate some more soup before answering.  “Everybody either is or can be a monster Hank.”  Which of course did not fully answer the question.


“I don’t like to believe that.”


A shrug from Illyana.  “Just is.”


“Was I a monster?”


“In the end?  Yep.  You really fell hard.  But you’d been falling for a long time.”


“In what way?”


Another sigh from Illyana.  “And now we’re back to the whole advice thing that I’m bad at.”


“Give it a try, I promise to not be offended.”


“That’s… not what I’m concerned about.”


That… kind of hurt, even if she had not been known to him before.  “Oh… I mean so little?”




“So why?”


“I… to give advice is to perhaps change the future.  To… alter what is to be.  To change somebody’s path, perhaps for the better, perhaps for the worse.”


“That is correct.”


“I’m… not a good source of advice.  Many of my… decisions… choices… are not… good in hindsight.  So don’t want to give… bad advice.  Alter things for the worse.”


“Is your opinion of yourself so low?”


“I’m part demon Hank, it’s in my intrinsic nature to do wrong, to cause harm.  And don’t get me started on nurture as that was not… good.”


“So you don’t trust yourself Illyana?”


“Nope.  Been wrong so often, did the wrong thing way too many times.”


“Then… we think alike.”




“I…  I’m smart.  Why, in most given situations I’m the smartest person in the room.  My intellect is vastly superior to almost anybody.”


A nod from Illyana as Hank continued.


“A jack of all trades.  Both a generalist in most technical and scientific fields while a deep expert in many.  And yet.  From what I have uncovered in my researching of my prior self’s actions, rather blind when making decisions.  Even stupid at time as to the impact of my actions, the… one could say, obvious detrimental impacts.”


Another nod from Illyana.  “Yep, the statement ‘Oh Hank…’ was said many a time in regards to your actions.”


There was agony in Hank’s voice.  “Why?”


“The same reason I don’t want to give advice or control people.”




“What might you think the meaning is?”


“You don’t… trust your ability to… see correctly?”


“Bingo.  See, you can sometimes be the smart guy.”


Hank rubbed his chin.  “And thus… I might… be… do… have the same… blind spot?”


The breakfast as it were, and the tea, was done.  “Maybe, not for me to say.  Time for a hike.”


With that Illyana led him on a climb up the one of the mountain sides, and he learned that Illyana really was more Scott then even Scott when it came to training.  Meaning that even the Beast was exhausted by the time they reached a small icy pond, he was not sweaty in that it had all evaporated, but was most odorous which did remind him of the joke that men sweat and ladies perspire; which appeared most descriptive. One did have to admit that her boots were most practical as high heels are not very conducive to hiking.


But at least she also appeared very winded as they sat down upon some small boulders by the lake, with his heart pounding in his chest.


Hank commented as he panted in the even thinner air.  “I almost desired to plunge into the icy lake but prudence restrains me as hypothermia is not a recommended condition.  I dearly hope we are not going for a swim.”


A nod from her as she spoke.  “You do know that I killed, murdered in fact, a one of you, right?”


A nod from Hank.  “Yes, the one who’s nom de plume was Dark Beast.”




“He… harmed children I believe.  One of your… triggers per Scott.”




“I have… the parallels between Dark Beasts behaviors and the me that became are… I am disturbed by them.”




Hank picked of a flat rock and skipped it across the small pond.


“He… came from a different universe.  His nurture was far more cruel to him, and yet, I ended up… just like him?  This… concerns me.”


Again a “Why” from Illyana.


“Nature.”  Was Hank’s reply.


Another nod from Illyana as Hank continued.


“Did nurture make me the me that is, but my… nature… resulted in… what became.  Something that… I believe, you understand more then most.”


Illyana likewise picked up a rock and skipped it, it only went half way before sinking into the cold waters.  “Your smart Hank, and most smart people… tend to disdain the opinions of lesser people if they differ from their own.  That… intellect can be very blinding at time.  So easy to declare that others just don’t understand.  Where as I…”


“You are far smarter then you let most folks believe.”  Observed Hank.


“Don’t be good at what you don’t want to do.”  Was Illyana’s reply.


A furrowed brow and a response from Hank.  “Ah… the Peter Principle I believe.”




“Hence your… being impulsive, violent, and dislike of being in charge.”


“Bingo in one, but I am violent and don’t want to be in charge.”


Hank got to the crutch of his desire.  “So… I desire any practical advice on avoiding a repeat of that fate?  Perhaps some insight in the future so I might take a different path?  To avoid a fate one might say.”


A sudden stern look on Illyana’s face as she stated.  “You will kill your father and marry your mother.”


“What?!...  Oh…  I see.  Oepidus Rex.”


The Greek tragedy Oedipus Rex by Sophocles is about a man who kills his father and marries his mother.


The story:  Oedipus is the king of Thebes who unknowingly kills his father, Laius, and marries his mother, Jocasta.


The prophecy:  A prophet tells King Laius that his baby will grow up to kill him and marry his mother (Jocasta).  To prevent this, Laius orders a servant to kill the baby, but the servant leaves him with a shepherd and his wife instead.


The fulfillment:  Oedipus, upon reaching adulthood, is likewise given the prophesy from the oracle at Delphi.  Horrified, he tries to avoid the prophecy by leaving what he believes to be his birth father and mother.  But… while traveling to Thebes, Oedipus and Laius meet at a crossroad and argue over who should go first.  Laius rams Oedipus’ chariot, and Oedipus kills him in self-defense, and then goes on to wed the widowed queen and have daughters with her.


Consequences: Y ears later, to end a plague on Thebes, Oedipus searched to find who had killed Laius and discovered that he himself was responsible; and discovers his true parenthood.  Jocasta, upon realizing that she had married her own son, hanged herself.  Oedipus then seized two pins from her dress and blinded himself with them.


Just a nod from Illyana as Hank continued.


“True… prophesy is… a… trap as it were.  A collapse of the quantum state, and thus we know the actual biological condition of Schrodinger’s cat.  I am… surprised that one as deficient in education as you knows…”




Hank stopped speaking as that sounded… insulting.  Meaning Illyana had never even graduated from high school. 


Just a look from Illyana, also she had no idea about the cat reference was to.  “I can and do read Hank.”


“I meant no disrespect.”


“But you did, and that is likely the core of your… self.”


A long silence.  “I… see now.  Why you can’t just… tell me how to avoid what might be fate because…”


A nod from Hank as he stood up.  “You have given me much to think about.  My thanks.”


A flash of light and they were returned to the Alaska base and they went their separate ways.


Chapter 85b:  Had a great fall


But… Illyana did have to wonder, just how much of the former Hank’s fall was self caused, and just how might he have been pushed?  After all, Xavier had a way of mentally … tinkering with things, all for the greater good of course.  Good as being defined by Xavier, who let’s face it, had and has a major god complex.


And had not Xavier put Hank in charge of Krakoa’s intelligence operation?  To do such work, such deeds, might Xavier had given Hank a nudge or two, mentally that is to help him.  And it was very obvious that Xavier never did anything to stop Hank.


Beast had become an amoral, humorless, cold-blooded radical pragmatist who believed in mutant supremacy above all else and that the survival of Krakoa justifies any means, including but not limited to genocide.  He’d become such a true believer that he had been willing to become a pariah and a wanted criminal in the eyes of both mutants and humans as long as he can continue furthering the Krakoan cause from the shadows.  Why, even Dark Beast had had a sense of irony and humor that was lacking in the Hank that had fallen.


The problem is, one consistent and repeated fact about Hank McCoy is that the man had historically always sided against the idea of mutant sovereignty.


So… what happened?   Illyana was not certain, but was rather sure Xavier was involved somehow.  And she did have a shirt that said it all.


Humpty Dumpty Was Pushed