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Part 1 of Earth 2756 (Uncanny - The Series)

Chapter 66: Season 4 Recap+


A recap of the story so far.


See end chapter notes for context of where story-updates happened!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Season 4 Recap


I’ve included a summary of the past seasons– an updated list of recurring characters– and a dictionary for the fictional terminology often used in the work.


If you have read Seasons 1-4 of Uncanny, please feel free to skip this recap. It's more for quick-access to speedily search for Context than anything else.


Previously on Uncanny...
*Charles Xavier, a wealthy, disabled telepathic mutant, recruits his first 5 students for a private mutant school called the Xavier Institute. These first students are Jean, Scott, Hank, Warren, and Bobby. The place doubles as a school, a research facility, a safe house, and a home base for the super team.
*In the first season, in 2017, the X-Men face numerous threats, including but not limited to a group called the Brotherhood of Mutants. One member of the Brotherhood is Charles Xavier’s estranged husband, Erik Lehnsherr; another is a shapeshifter named Mystique.
*Mystique assassinates multiple people, including but not limited to the Worthington family (Warren’s parents, and extended family). She tries to assassinate Tony Stark, and successfully kills Xavier’s friend Moira MacTaggert. We learn the targets were all involved with the development of “Mutant Cures.”
*Jean Grey had an encounter with their future during this first year at the Institute. They learned a little bit too much about how they’re supposed to die.
*There is an organization that is referred to as Department K who deals in a complex system of mutant trafficking worldwide. X-Men, Department K and the Brotherhood have a sort of enemy triangle.
*In 2019, Jean Grey and Scott Summers are in love, pining after one another in their young adulthood, but Jean is terrified of a future that they believe is set in stone.
*Jean is going to grad school, pursuing education so they become educated to teach others at the Institute eventually.
*There’s some kind of mutant serial killer on the loose; they refer to him as the X-Killer. Strange murders have been taking place with a spray-painted X graffiti’ed onto the crime scene.
*They later find out that Kevin “Proteus” MacTaggert, the son of Xavier’s late old friend, Moira, was involved with the X-Killings. The case goes cold when Hank McCoy secretly keeps him hostage in the basement of the Institute, only for him to disappear unexpectedly.
*A club in New York called Hell’s Fire seems to be a meeting point for members of the Brotherhood. A high-powered telepathic mutant named Emma Frost owns the place; Kurt Wagner also works there, as do mutants like Jamie Madrox the Multiple Man.
*Kurt Wagner, the son of Mystique, helps the X-Men by providing all the information he has on the Brotherhood. He ends up taking residency at the Xavier Institute. He has an adoptive sister named Rogue who he’s worried may be intertwined with Brotherhood affairs.
*There was an incident in the Danger Room where Scott accidentally almost severed Warren’s spinal cord. Xavier’s lack of communication was, perhaps, to blame.
*The X-Men build a “Hazard Room” in one of the training gyms: a home, customized laser tag course. The room’s name is a play off of their combat/power training room, the Danger Room.
*Scott and Alex are held hostage in an arcade called Murderworld by a villain called Arcade; they’re psychologically tortured just a little, and a whole league of bad guys wanted to see it happen. They’re rescued safely with help from Xavier’s good friend, Logan “Wolverine” Howlett. Logan’s old friend Thunderbird* is found “dead” in Murderworld as well; Logan ends up staying with the X-Men for a bit after that happens.
*Ororo becomes an official member of the X-Men after her help with the Murderworld incident.
*Azazel, Kurt Wagner’s father, is taken hostage by Department K after the Murderworld events. While there, we also learn that Warren’s father, who is believed to be long-dead, is also a captive mutant there. As is the recently presumed-dead friend of Logan's- Thunderbird.*
*In Hawaii, an X-Killing takes place and Bobby acquires a tracking chip that would lead Department K right to him. He keeps it as a strategy.
*Wanda Maximoff has twin baby boys and has a relationship with Vision, and a membership to the West Coast Avengers. She and Pietro have been feuding over both siblings being judgmental of the other’s marriage situations.
*Erik’s children Wanda and Pietro learn that Lorna Dane, an Xavier Institute student who Xavier has legal guardianship over, is their biological sibling on Erik’s side.
*Xavier recruits his next class of young mutants - a bunch of preteens and young teen mutants who live at the Institute as students. One of them, Xuan, is a target from Department K. Pietro Maximoff keeps her tracking chip.
*The X-Jet is toppled to the ground out of the air over Antarctica on a mission by Pteranodons in a place they didn’t get to explore called Savage Land. Warren, Scott, and Bobby had gone on a mission to investigate Dr. Karl Lykos, a mutant man who has some kind of known connection with Department K. The crash happens, and the three X-Men are injured and stranded for some time. Bobby ends up killing Lykos when Lykos approaches them, and Lykos, in his dying breath, explodes a Department K facility.
*Rogue has absorbed Carol Danvers “Captain Marvel’s” powers. Jean is exposed to cosmic radiation through an encounter with Rogue’s new powers.
*Bobby, traumatized, decides to join Pietro Maximoff’s hunt to topple the enemy mutant traffickers. They end up discovering that Rogue is essentially being forced to hunt down the little girl at the Xavier Institute, Xuan. Rogue is liberated from her captive state.
*Jean discovers that their body is possessed by the Phoenix Force. They struggle for months with difficulty sleeping and difficulty distinguishing reality from their own imagination, regarding Phoenix, who seems to be tormenting them a little bit for fun.
*Jean and Scott try polyamory. There’s a complex polycule among the team, involving Logan, Kurt, Jean, Scott, Warren, and on one occasion, Emma Frost. More particularly, Jean/Scott/Warren becomes a true throuple who lives together.
*Bobby Drake’s origin story at Floral Park High School from his youth is used in a Netflix Original Series which portrays his story poorly. They get caught up in a legal battle, working alongside their high school bully.
*Pietro Maximoff is lethally infected by Terrigen crystals from Attilan, the homeland of the Inhumans. He has unknowingly brought crystals to earth and secondhand exposed Toad and Multiple Man. Warren learns his powers are capable of healing other people using his blood; he reverses a bulk of the damages from the Terrigen.
*Wanda Maximoff knew about the Phoenix and chose to ignore it without warning Jean; Emma Frost briefly found out about the Phoenix but Phoenix wiped her memory of it. Both of these occurrences happened on Jean’s last day.
*Erik is freed from Xavier’s psychic hold over him, controlling certain aspects of his free will; he leaves and rejoins Mystique in their Brotherhood misadventures.
*Jean is overcome by the Phoenix Force, who takes the life of Scott Summers in their shared home; Warren uses his blood to revive Scott, and the Phoenix Force is “dealt with” off script.
*Within a day of that event with Scott taking place, Jean Grey dies. We know she flung herself into the sun. (the Dark Phoenix Saga is to be developed in-depth in the spinoff Lovers, Dreamers & Me, which at this time only has one published chapter).
*Logan leaves the Institute without another word sometime between Jean’s passing and her funeral.
*Soon after Jean’s passing, many members of the household split apart from one another. For instance, Pietro Maximoff assassinates Senator Robert Kelly in retaliation after Kelly began to speak poorly of Jean Grey after the Phoenix Saga. Following the killing of Senator Kelly, Pietro’s spinoff Every Little Thing takes place. He meets, sleeps with, and ends up falling in love with Remy LeBeau, AKA Gambit.
*Additionally, the My Friend spinoff with Bobby and Warren takes place after Jean’s passing (though that spinoff is also still a work in progress with few updates).
*Ororo becomes the new team leader of the X-Men.
*A bit before the two-year anniversary of Jean’s passing, Warren is kidnapped and tortured by an unknown party and in an unknown location; he has little to no memory of the events that led to his injury. But his wings are amputated (against his will) in the aftermath. He is recovered from the hospital by the X-Men and brought back to the mansion in Hank McCoy’s care. As a team, they work to uncover the events that led to his injury (via Xavier’s telepathy) and try to figure out new ways to help his health recover (via Hank’s knowledge of mutant medicine). We find out that Warren undergoes some sort of “episode” as his body attempts to further mutate; we find out later on that the medication Hank provided him with was mutant inhibitor to prevent the mutation from furthering.
*On the 2-year anniversary of Jean’s passing, Bobby flies in to visit the Xavier Institute. Everyone is surprised to see that Logan showed up to the memorial service uninvited.
*Logan reveals to Kurt and Ororo that he was gone, in part, due to his grief of Jean’s passing, but in part to support Logan’s daughters and his missing son Akihiro.
*One day, the villain called Arcade invades the Xavier Institute and manages to kidnap each and every one of its inhabitants; we learn that he has been plotting this scheme for years. He constructs a massive death-trap-filled arena called Murderworld, and forces the X-Men to play life-or-death games for an audience full of villain sponsors.
*Many Xavier Institute residents are used as hostages for the “X-Games” at Murderworld, as are many friends and loved ones to the “Game-Playing” X-Men.
*Meanwhile, Erik Lehnsherr (unknowing of the Murderworld plot) buys a mega-cruise ship to become his new lair slash Mutant Homeland, “Genosha.”
*A rescue team is established thanks to the help of an escaped Emma Frost, and Murderworld is invaded by superheroes.
*Several members of the Institute household survive the endeavor– some more worse for wear than others– but many of Arcade’s hostages lose their lives or are severely injured. Warren further mutates and becomes Archangel, and takes the life of Hank McCoy. One of Jamie Madrox’s “dupes” dies in a Murderworld task. Sean Cassidy dies. The house cook, Margaret, dies. Bobby Drake is severely injured but makes it out alive.
*The season ends with a revelation that Charles Xavier, alive or otherwise, has not been discovered as Murderworld comes to a close. We also learn that Arcade has been returned to the Raft, a little more cheery in mood than one might expect him to be.


Professor Charles Xavier, he/him (status unknown) - professor
-Older adult. A married man with a long-term estranged relationship with his husband Erik. Dark complexion; bald. Paralyzed from the waist down. Aging more rapidly since the X-Men started than he has the past several years. Legal guardian to Lorna Dane. Went missing at the end of the Murderworld fiasco.

Dr. Moira MacTaggert she/her (deceased) - former professor
-Adult. Dark hair. Irish. A discreet mutant with an expert study in mutants. Was in some way or another involved with the mutant trafficking group, Department K. Has a mutant son, Kevin, who is a trafficked mutant and a serial killer.

Margaret Rankin she/her (doesn't live there; deceased) - cook
-Not a mutant. Adult. Maternal. Older. Has a son named Calvin. Died in Murderworld.

Jean Grey "Marvel Girl," or "Phoenix" they/she (deceased) grad student and X-Man
-Red, loosely-curled hair; freckles. Pale complexion. Mid-sized body shape and about average height. Their hair has been short for a while, but it was long when they first moved into the Institute. Young adult. On HRT. Telepathy and potentially other things. Has a big family who lives locally, but doesn’t talk with their twin brother. Quite wordy, and loves to incessantly rant to their friends about all their problems. Polyamorous. Obsessed with their own incoming death. Has a tattoo inspired by the play Our Town. Has known Xavier for much of their life. Strangely associates Kermit the Frog with death, since the loss of their childhood best friend at age 5. Almost “haunting” the loved ones who survived them.

Scott Summers "Cyclops/Cyke/Slim/Scotty" he/him - resident, teacher, X-Man and leader.
-Tall and slim athletic build. Black with dark curly hair, cut relatively short. I imagine he has wildly sharp cheekbones and jawline. Always wearing glasses/visor. His eyes have basically no pigment under the visor, so they look an almost cloudy blue in some lighting. Color blind. Optic blasts. Orphaned, and has a younger (half)brother named Alex, whom he practically parents on his own. Major trauma surrounding plane crashes. Not the best at expressing how he feels. Sustained a traumatic brain injury in his youth. Polyamorous. He’s working to become a high school teacher along with his career as an X-Man. Earned himself the nickname “boy scout” back when he was younger. Played basketball in his childhood. Devoted lover and self-proclaimed caretaker to Warren since he lost his wings.

Warren Worthington III "Angel/Archangel/Death" he/they (Death, yet not deceased)- part time resident. Pilot, X-Man.
-Blonde with blue eyes. Massive white feathered bird wings which protrude from his back; these were amputated between Seasons 3-4, and are replaced with techno organic metal blade-wings near the end of Season 4. Very disabled, with hollow bones. Little to no body fat. Implied dissociative disorder as a result of several major traumas, and especially as of more recently, “loses time” and recollection of recent memories quite a bit. Orphaned in Season 1. Heals fast, and has healing blood which can even revive the recently dead; the blood burns “demons” like Kurt Wagner, though. Currently a CEO of a major corporation he inherited from his deceased relatives. Frequently engages in sexual activity as a coping mechanism; polyamorous. Implied to have been used in Department K experiments. Seemingly sees, and speaks to, dead people since he further mutated.

Dr. Henry "Hank" McCoy "Beast" he/him - professor, pilot, X-Man
-Originally, pale with dark hair, with glasses and prehensile feet. He mutated to become blue and furry in his late teens. Exploring his options, regarding his involvement with the Institute, and expressing interest in joining the Avengers instead. A bit stuck up and obsessive about his work, but has a softer side as well. Perhaps is turning just a little bit into a stereotypical mad scientist. He takes a turn for the better to help take care of Professor X and the residents of the Xavier Institute after Jean Grey’s passing, but he loses his life during the Murderworld incident after losing too many Tasks.

Robert "Bobby" Drake "Iceman" they/he - resident, mentor, teacher and X-Man
-Brown-haired white dude with straight hair. Around average build and height, with his baby face beginning to mature in S2. Stubble. Gay; definitely more comfortable with their identity now than before. They’d been really scared to come out when they were younger. Been in love with Warren since they were teenagers (unrequited and unconfessed feelings). Sympathetic puker. Simultaneously afraid to grow up and pushes themselves to grow up faster. He’s mentioned once or twice that he’s Jewish. Their parents live locally in Floral Park. Trans, and figuring it out. Has difficulty reading the room sometimes. Big heart. Semi-recently became a math teacher. Has begun to spend time off on their own, and lived for some time in California. Was severely injured (impaled; crushed legs) at Murderworld.

Ororo "Ro" Munroe "Storm" she/her - resident, mentor, teacher and X-Man
-White hair and dark complexion. From Kenya. Relatively tall. Eyes which can turn all white during power use. Control over the weather, and some manipulation of other forces of nature. A little less outgoing than some of her friends when it comes to expressing how she feels, but quite bold in other aspects of her self-expression like wardrobe and art. A photographer, and a very talented/renowned one at that. Not one to talk much about her sexuality, personal traumas, etc. The art teacher, with her own building on the property that acts as a gallery. Roommates with Kurt. She became the X-Men team leader after Jean’s passing, and also began to take on more administrative duties at the Institute.

Alexander "Alex" Summers he/him - student; soon-to-be X-Man.
-A young teen. A little paler and less lanky than his half-brother's build, but not exactly as toned as Scott. We know that, sometimes, he’s been called Havok. Loves video games. Dating Lorna Dane. Considering proposing to her.

Lorna Dane "Polaris" she/they - student; soon-to-be X-Man.
-MTF Trans/Genderqueer. Tan. Natural curly green hair. A fair amount of piercings and tattoos given their young age; they do their own tattoos and do them for others quite a bit. Metal manipulation. Plays guitar and sings. Engages in smoking up on the roof pretty regularly. Biologically related to Erik, Pietro and Wanda. They were also raised by the same person who raised the Maximoffs in their youth. Dating Alex Summers. Tour guide at the Institute.

Piotr Rasputin “Colossus” he/him - resident and X-Man.
-Can turn metallic. Tall, large. Ukrainian with a noticeable accent. A caring big brother.

Illyana Rasputin she/her - student and soon-to-be X-Man.
-The youngest Xavier Institute resident back in the day. Small, with blonde hair, usually done up in some kind of style. Disappeared for a while, and came back her older brother’s age and height. Now brooding.

Sean Cassidy “Banshee” he/him (deceased)- resident, father, and X-Man
-An Irish accent. Helpful. Doesn’t socialize much with a lot of the other X-Men. Apparently owns a gun. He adopted a little mutant girl named Theresa. He died in Murderworld.

Kurt Wagner “Nightcrawler” he/him - resident, mentor, teacher and X-Man.
-German. Blue, and he has a tail and blue hair, too. Kind eyes and stereotypically demonic features. A burlesque dancer at a club. Roommates with Ororo. Romantically, not just sexually, involved with Logan. Polyamorous. Theatre kid and performer. Religious. Has a sister, Rogue, and seemingly endless relatives somewhere abroad. Face badly burned in Murderworld.

James Logan Howlett “Wolverine” he/him - X-Man.
-Canadian. Short. Burly. Gruff. Hairy. Built different. Ambiguous age. An old friend of Xavier’s. Apparently once had a wife. Doesn’t say “I love you.” Reputation. He has several children.

Emma Frost - she/her - teacher and resident.
-bleach blonde. Conventional Hollywood bombshell. Powerful telepath, though as of now, she’s not an X-Man. Owns a mutant bar. A few years older than the other X-Men, so has academic experience qualifying her to teach already in 2020. She really took the lead in the Institute after Jean’s passing.

Mạnh Cao Xuân she/her - student,  soon-to-be X-Man.
-Has been with Department K before. Vietnamese. Enjoys dinosaurs. Psychic powers. People have a tendency to get her name wrong.
Danielle “Dani” Moonstar she/her - student,  soon-to-be X-Man.
-Young. Cheyenne. Terrified of spiders. Big fan of nightlights. Makes people see scary hallucinations and night terrors.
Rahne Sinclair - she/her - student,  soon-to-be X-Man.
-Scottish, with brown hair. A shapeshifter. Likes floral patterns. Talks a lot.
Roberto Da Costa - he/him - student,  soon-to-be X-Man.
-Brazilian. Solar energy powers. Likes Minecraft.
Samuel “Sam” Guthrie - he/him - student;  soon-to-be X-Man.
-from Kentucky. Quiet. Has a violent and turbulent history. Kind of a pain in the ass.
Jubilation “Jubilee” Lee - she/her - student; soon-to-be X-Man.
-A New Yorker now, but originally from Beverly Hills. Originally liked the city too much to move into the Institute, but recent events have left her with little other choice. Chinese American. Lorna’s best friend. Has powers involving pyrotechnics. Quite new to the Institute. Gamer. Likes bright colors.
Theresa Cassidy - she/her - student
-Dangerous voice. She has her powers and voice inhibited for her own safety, as she’s capable of violently killing with the wrong sound produced from her mouth. A variation of Sean Cassidy’s powers. Sean adopted her. Large eyes; scaled/armored salmon skin; reddish-brown hair.
Katherine “Kitty/Kat/Kate” Pryde - she/they - student; soon to be X-Man.
-Walks through walls. Has a close relationship with Ororo, who calls her “kitten.”
Russell “Rusty” Collins - he/him - student
Sally Blevins - she/her - student
Arthur “Artie” Maddicks - he/him - student
Jimmy “Leech” - he/him - student
Armando “Darwin” Munoz - they/he - student
Tabitha Smith - she/her - student
David Alleyne - he/him - student
Kev “Morph” Sydney (deceased) - they/them - student, soon-to-be X-Man.
Other names: Aurelie, Pedro, Beak, Lucy, Gerard, Dean, Robin, Julio, Lazaro, Victor, Patrick, Alani, Sarah, Paras, Andrea


Other non-resident recurring characters:
Wanda “Scarlet Witch” Maximoff - she/her - Avenger; Former Brotherhood; Ally.
-Pietro's identical twin. Naturally white hair, which she dyes diligently, usually dark brown or black, sometimes reddish tones. Roma. Married. Charismatic and much-beloved, but apparently “gets away with murder.” Kind, and good-hearted, but supposedly unstable. She’s technically a magical construct since she was supposed to die in childhood. Has twin boys, Billy and Tommy, who are magical anomalies of her creation.

Pietro “Quicksilver” Maximoff - he/him - Brotherhood; Former Avenger; Ally.
-Wanda's identical twin. Naturally white hair. Roma. FTM (Trans man). Divorced, or rather annulled, from a bad marriage to an Inhuman. Substance abuse issues, and as a Brotherhood member, pretty violent and volatile. As a friend, very caring and considerate. Father to Luna Maximoff; partner to Remy LeBeau.

Remy “Gambit” LeBeau - he/him - Thieves’ Guild; Ally
-Dark, long hair and “demon eyes.” Cajun. Super-charged powers; he likes dealing cards and weaponizing them. One-Night-Stand turned Lover to Pietro. Cat owner.

Erik Lehnsherr "Magneto" he/him - Brotherhood, and sometimes Institute resident
-White hair. Muscular, tall, older adult of indiscernible age. An affinity for purple and red clothes. A clever smile he nearly always wears when he's not scowling at Xavier, his estranged husband. A tattoo of a number on his arm is sometimes visible, as he is a Holocaust survivor. A father to a complicated family tree, with his currently living children being Wanda, Pietro, and Lorna. He’s perfectly lovely when he isn’t thinking about a bit of global domination. Cares deeply and loves intensely.

Luna Maximoff - she/her - former Department K.
-”Test tube baby” turned “lab rat,” Luna was taken in by her biological parent Pietro. She has a great deal of superpowers, including but not limited to trace elements of her grandfather Erik’s power, some Chaos Magic capacity, super speed like her father, and most notably Empathic and aura-reading/emotion-reading/manipulating powers from her biological father Empath. (Not Crystal and Pietro’s child like she is in the comics). Unruly; odd. Dead ringer for Pietro.

Raven Darkholme "Mystique" - any pronouns. Usually she or they - Brotherhood
-Naturally, relatively young-appearing. Blue, red hair. Androgynous. Has a wife named Irene, and has some kids, notably Kurt and Rogue.

Jamie Madrox the Multiple Man - he/they - Brotherhood
-Dark hair. Able to duplicate himself; he calls the replica bodies “Dupes.” One of his Dupes is called Jamie II or “Twoey” and identifies more femininely than the other Jamies do, as they have become more of an independent identity from being split off for so long. Another runaway Dupe is called Cortex.

Steve Rogers “Captain America/Cap” - he/him - Ally
-A super soldier and living legend, the Captain is a frequent representative used to communicate between the Avengers and the X-Men due to the Maximoffs’ close connection with Cap.

Crystal Amaquielin - she/her - Ally, Inhuman.
-Ex-girlfriend to Johnny Storm and ex-wife to Pietro Maximoff. There was a whole Story there. She has a young daughter and a royal status on Attilan, a country on the moon that is home to the Inhumans.

Peter Parker “Spider-Man” - he/him - Ally
-Friendly and in the neighborhood.

Mortimer “Toad” Toynbee - he/him - Brotherhood
-Brunette, stout, wider build. Has been mostly absent in recent seasons of Uncanny, but lived with the Maximoffs when they stayed with Erik in their teen years.

Maddie Pryor - she/her
-redhead. Shockingly identical to her cousin, Jean. Has a family with a lot of Elvis impersonators in it. Very briefly dated Scott Summers, but she sure is a lesbian.

Candace Southern - she/her
-dark hair. Warren Worthington's long term on-again-off-again girlfriend. Celebrity. The X-Men call her Satan. Not a mutant.

Elaine Grey - she/her
-Jean’s mother.
John Grey - he/him
-Jean’s father.
Sara Grey - she/her
-Jean's oldest sibling. Red hair. A whole grown adult.
Roger Grey - he/him
-Jean’s brother.
Liam Grey - he/him
-trans masc. Jean's twin brother. They don't talk much at all. In fact, they really only argue.
Julia Grey - she/her
-Jean’s youngest sister.

Ali Blaire "Dazzler" - she/her
-blonde modern disco queen. Has mesmerizing mutant powers. Competed on Dancing with the Stars the same season Warren did. Romantically involved with Johnny Storm; has also been involved with Warren and with Candace Southern.

Kevin MacTaggert "Proteus" - he/him
-the bad guy; an X-Killer with some odd affiliation with both Brotherhood and possibly Department K.

Johnny Storm "Human Torch" - he/him
-celebrity superhuman from the Fantastic Four. Jean's age, and goes to the same school as Jean. Gets around. Blonde. Hollywood handsome. A “Human Homewrecker” so to speak, having gotten involved with Pietro’s ex-wife Crystal.

Vision - she/her
-Wanda Maximoff's synthezoid wife. Pietro doesn't like her very much. Very capable of human emotion, and quite tall.

Dr. Reed “Mr. Fantastic” Richards - he/him
-Scientist. Genius. Fantastic Four.

Dr. Susan “Invisible Woman” Storm - she/her
-Scientist. Genius. Fantastic Four.

Ben Grimm “The Thing” - he/him
-Big rock. Hosts poker nights. What a guy. Fantastic Four.

Bartol Utler "Butler" - he/him
-the bad guy; Pietro Maximoff killed him. Implied to be Rogue’s biological father, but we don’t hear much about this guy other than that he’s bad. Works for Department K under control of the Mauve Facility in New York.

Azazel - he/him
-red demon “Neyaphem” man; biological father to Kurt. Complicated dynamic with his baby mama, Mystique; they’re in the Brotherhood together. Recently under the custody of Department K. Teleporter.

Warren Worthington Jr. - he/him
-Scripted as “MR WORTHINGTON;” Warren’s supposedly late father, whose mutant powers are being used to fuel Department K’s projects. Not the nicest of men.

Callisto - she/her
-Leader of the Morlocks. Scarred face. Stalked Warren.

Masque, Plague and Sunder
-Other Morlocks.

Drew Palmer - he/him
-Warren's long-distance boyfriend and previously his roommate. He's quite sick. Non-mutant. His parents were colleagues of Warren’s father, and the Palmers were all present for the assassination of Warren’s family in 2017.

“A.R. Cadenski” Arcade - he/him
-A man of mysterious origins who seems a little too invested in the goings-on at the Xavier Institute. Implied to be a mutant; implied to have both telepathy and metallokinesis, perhaps among many other abilities. A bad guy who owns an arcade-and-carnival themed torture house, where he frequently hosts supervillains and takes commissions to harass or kill superheroes. Was under SHIELD custody in a prison called the Raft and spent his time incarcerated plotting his revenge on the X-Men. Constructed a new and improved version of Murderworld to sadistically murder the X-Men one by one.

Senator Robert Kelly - he/him
-A prominent anti-mutant politician who was recently assassinated by Pietro Maximoff after the statements he made following Jean Grey’s death.

Cameron Hodge - he/him
-Grew up with Warren and Emma and them around the Hellfire Club. Works for Warren now. A medical doctor, with ambitions to become a surgeon. A problematic reputation.

Wyatt Wingfoot - he/him
-Johnny Storm’s college roommate.

Misty Knight - she/her
-Jean Grey’s college roommate.

Akihiro - he/him
-He’s Logan’s biological child from Logan’s barely-discussed marriage. Biracial. Tattooed. Has previously worked as a performer, and knows Emma Frost to some extent or another. Has had the name “Daken” used to describe him, but that is, in fact, a derogatory term. Akihiro was recently held hostage in Department K’s Mauve Facility under the name “War.” he seemed strange and unresponsive to the members of the Brotherhood who liberated him.

Laura and Gabby - she/her and she/her
-Logan’s daughters; Laura is older, and Gabby is youngest. While we have not seen them in-person yet, Logan spent a good year or so living and traveling with them between Seasons 3-4. 

There are also definitely other characters lol

Cerebro= A machine meant to increase the scope of telepathic powers. Charles Xavier uses it to track mutants, but it can be used to read anybody on the planet. At least those who don’t have some form of psychic block.

Department K= A mutant trafficking ring; it’s worldwide and, from what we know, not tied back to any particular government/nation. They have facilities that are labeled using names usually attributed to something like a color (ex: “Mauve.”) Sometimes they have their own mutants do their dirty work. They specialize in mutants who have one or more mutant parent/relatives in their lineage, or mutants who have more than one power. There are different branches of this that work with other groups, like the infamous Weapon X.

X Factor= The environmental aspect of a mutation. It may be before birth (in utero) or after birth, usually before or during puberty. It can be anything from a trauma to an injury to exposure to something dangerous.

X Gene = The genetic/heritable aspect of mutation.

Mutant= A marginalized group affected by a combination of natural and environmental factors that leads to an individual having permanent superpowers. They are classified by power type and power strength; “Omega Level” is a term used once or twice, from comic canon, to describe a mutant who is the most powerful individual of their power type on the planet.

Mutate= Someone who experienced a theoretical “X Factor” and gained powers, but they do not have the X Gene. Spider-Man being bitten by a radioactive spider but not being born with the X Gene is a good example of this.

Cure= a blanket term used to describe any scientific/medical efforts to deactivate mutant abilities long-term. Several sources have tried to develop a Mutant Cure– including but not limited to Worthington Industries pre-merger with Stark Industries, and to some extent Moira MacTaggert and Department K.

Phoenix Force= a divine being from outer space who has possessed Jean Grey’s body to enact destruction multiple times across time and space.

Murderworld= an arena constructed by Arcade full of carnival-or-game themed death traps, almost always with a “fair” way out if someone plays competitively for their lives. Related terms: X-Games, which Arcade used to refer to a series of trials/tasks in Season 4’s Murderworld plot.

Neyaphem= An ancient mutant ethnic group who resembles demons. Burns on contact with Cheyarafim blood. Azazel and Kurt are examples.

Cheyarafim= An ancient mutant ethnic group who resembles angels, with wings. Healing blood, which grants the individual theoretical immortality, but also the ability to heal others with their blood. Burns Neyaphem, though. Warren Worthingtons II and III are examples.

Ichor= the substance used to power “eliminators”; this was a prototype of a mutant cure which was eventually weaponized due to its toxicity in gas form. It’s mostly composed of “godblood,” or “ichor” thus the name– taken from the body of a healing Cheyarafim.

Eliminator= a mechanism used by Department K to control their escaped mutants. They’re made in 3 separate forms to control-kill on command; they’re modified to work differently depending on the individual mutant. The Brotherhood had weaponized a version of eliminators to assassinate some of their anti-mutant targets.

Rift= A tear/hole in the fabric of reality. The average person wouldn’t know the word for this.

Limbo= A little-understood pocket dimension of some sort; Illyana Rasputin was stuck there in her youth.

Chaos Magic= A school of magic unique to the Maximoff twins, as a result of their unstable natures from years of experimentation, trauma, and DIY magic spells. We learn that Doctor Strange, the Sorcerer Supreme, doesn’t understand Chaos Magic very well.

...that just about covers it.


A List of All Major Updates to the Story:
-Significant edits made to 4.1: Ebb and Flow, which was extended from short story to a several-scene book.
-Significant edits were made to 4.5 Healing, with new scenes, new lore that had otherwise gone unexplored.
-Smaller edits in word choice and scene length were made to the other pre-Murderworld Season 4 chapters.
-I have begun editing my scrapped "Skills Lab" scenes for Seasons 1-3. None of them have been posted yet, but they include training sequences such as target practices, one-on-one wrestling matches, among other things. I will be sure to indicate if/when/where those get posted.
-Today I actually sat down to start writing an outline and a few sample scenes for the beginning of Season 5, though I have no idea when that is going to start.

To those who have read up till this point- thank you for your patience as I've been putting this story under construction.


There's about a dozen whole seasons to follow with a word count that I promise is unfathomable. Come along for the ride if you'd like.

My apologies if any formatting is strange; I wrote this originally in another document and some of the italics and such didn't necessarily carry over. It's like that sometimes.

Series this work belongs to: