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Part 1 of SSA Izuku Midoriya
Creative Chaos Discord Recs

Chapter 34: Payoff


The BAU have their meeting with Sir Nighteye.

Chapter Text

Sir Nighteye was clearly at least miffed at the BAU’s presence at the meeting. At the very least, the BAU would get a meeting with Sir Nighteye. Izuku didn’t think All Might’s ex sidekick could push them away seeing the multiple UA students at the meeting, more than half being Izuku’s own students. Either way, the BAU were given seats and joined the heroes in waiting for the meeting to start. Izuku didn’t miss the looks he got, at least from the heroes the BAU hadn’t worked with yet, and chose to ignore them. If they had an issue with him being there, they could try to argue with the wall that was Hotch.

Izuku tried his best not to groan in relief when Sir Nighteye finally walked in, late to his own meeting, his sidekicks, Centipeder and Bubble Girl.

“We’re all here, Nighteye. Let’s get started.,” the pro hero Ryukyu offered, Uraraka and Tsuyu at her side. Sir Nighteye nodded as he looked around the room, taking in everyone in the room.

“Thanks to the information provided by all of you, our investigation has progressed substantially,” Sir Nighteye announced, getting small reactions of pride and relief from the small-ish crowd. “We’ve invited you all here for a joint conference to share the intel we’ve acquired. Regarding the yakuza group Shie Hassaikai and what we believe they might be planning.” Izuku noticed how many of the heroes seemed to focus more at the mention of the group. He chose to ignore it as they were led through to another room, this one having a large screen at the front and a large enough table with chairs for each of them. Everyone, apart from Centipeder and Bubble Girl sat down, the two of them standing at the front beside the screen.

“All right, for the past couple of weeks now, we have been conducting an investigation into Shie Hassaikai, a small but organised group of criminals,” Bubble Girl started.

“What prompted this?” Kesagiri man questioned.

“An accident involving a gang of thieves called the reservoir dogs.”

“Yeah, I heard about that.” Mr Brave nodded.

“The police thought the whole thing was an accident but there are a number of details that didn’t add up so we began tailing them.” Bubble Girl continued.

“I began following the leads to see what I could uncover. I found that, in the past year, the members of Shie Hassaikai have increased contact with those outside of their organisation including other groups whose business dealings are less than reputable. Their aim seemed to be expanding their organisation and enriching their coffers. Shortly after our investigation began, they made contact with a member of the League of Villains Jin Bubaigawara, villain name; Twice. They were wary of being tailed so I was unable to follow them but with the help of the police I confirmed that an altercation had occurred between the two groups.” Centipeder explained as they showed pictures of the ruined warehouse on the screen.

“So, after all that went down, we posted a notice on the HN requesting assistance.” Bubble Girl

“That is why we are here, as representatives for the police investigation into the League.” Hotch interjected.

“Where’s Tsukauchi?” Kesagiri Man asked, almost dismissive.

“Follow-ups with some other eye-witnesses. Y’know, cop stuff,” Hotch offered, partially as a joke. Izuku felt bad that the detective was running around Tokyo, and other cities in Japan, looking for Kurogiri, especially since the other had the relief of a teleportation quirk. Reid was still back at the station, making and adding to the multiple geographical profiles he was making, not just for the League case but for the few they’d made for this meeting about the Shie Hassaihai case. Penelope and Derek were working with Gran Torino on other general casework like information gathering and other investigative work.

“Shouldn’t you be with him then?”

“We aren’t police, we are part of the FBI currently here on loan to help solve the League of Villains case,” Hotch dismissed.

“Hassaikai’s movements are hard to trace but we suspect one of their main sources of income is illegal drug sales. So I requested help from heroes with expertise in that area.” Sir Nighteye gestured to Fat Gum, causing the hero to abruptly stand, startling a couple of the others.

“Yep, I brought in my fair share of drug dealers back in the day. The distribution channels for stuff like that are complex and although they’ve shrunk since the old days, drugs still pass through various people and organisations before they finally reach the end user,” Fat Gum explained, as though the heroes wouldn’t know how the whole drug system worked. “There’s no concrete evidence that Hassaikai handled the drug, but we know for a fact they interacted with one of the middlemen responsible for moving it.” Izuku sighed, what was the point of talking about all of that if Fat Gum was just going to say that .

“The other day Ryukyu’s team broke up a fight between two villain groups. One of the groups was controlled by the intermediary organisation that Fat Gum mentioned,” Nighteye expanded.

“One of the two giants had been given an inferior drug that didn’t last as long,” Ryukyu finished. Finally, and it made sense, at last.

“There has been a rise in gang-related crimes recently and most could be connected to the Hassaikai if you tried hard enough,” Kesagiri Man agreed.

“Which is what it seems like you’re doing to make them guilty. Don’t you have anything that implicated them more clearly?” One of the other heroes questioned. Izuku liked his mask.

“At Red Riot’s debut fight, Tamaki was shot, and the bullet contained some kinda drug I’ve never seen before,” Fat Gum paused, clenching his fist and crushing the sweets he’d held. “One that destroys quirks.” 

Oh no, what a nightmare.

“One that destroys quirks?” Kesagiri Man repeated, incredulously.

“Whoa, what? Tamaki, you’re okay, right?” Mirio asked, standing from his seat adjacent to Sir Nighteye.

“Yeah, the stuff wore off while I slept,” Amajiki offered, he held up his hand, revealing a cow’s hoof. “Here, look. I’ve got this cow hoof and everything.”

“I’m glad to know the effects aren’t permanent at least. So this stuff doesn't zap a Quirk permanently,” Rock Lock sighed, seeming relieved.

“No, but Eraserhead has some further insight,” Sir Nighteye nodded to the teacher.

“It doesn’t seem to function exactly like my Erasure does since I’m not actually attacking the Quirk directly. What we call a Quirk is an extraordinary addition to an ordinary human body. Those additions are collectively called the ‘Quirk genes’.” 

Izuku blinked. Was Aizawa really explaining how quirks work? Something they learned in basic biology? Izuku sighed.

“I can shield those genes and temporarily block their expressions but I don’t actually damage them.” Aizawa looked back at Fat Gum.

“But after Tamaki was shot we brought him to the hospital and they found that his Quirk genes had substantial damage,” Fat Gum explained grimly. “Fortunately, they seemed to have healed on their own and he’s back to normal now.”

“Fat Gum, can you share with the others about what you found out about the substance he was shot with,” Sir Nighteye prompted, getting a nod from the large hero.

“Whatever it was, it didn't damage the rest of his body, nothing but his quirk was impaired in any way. The guy who shot him clammed up, he wouldn't say a word, and the round that hit Tamaki was totally spent,” Izuku wasn’t sure what Sir Nighteye expected Fat Gum to share from that. “However, Kirishima bravely defended Tamaki from a bullet that bounced off his own body and should now provide us with a viable sample.”

“Wow, I did that? Really? That’s crazy!” Kirishima blurted out.

“And when we analysed the substance from the bullet we discovered something that made me sick to my stomach. It contained human blood and cells.” Fat Gum finished his explanation.

“In other words, that effect came from a person, from someone’s quirk. A quirk that can destroy other quirks,” Ryukyu hummed, discontented,

“Their young head; Chisaki, Quirk; Overhaul. With this power, he can disassemble things and then reassemble them. A Quirk that allows him to completely break down matter. And a bullet that can break down a Quirk. Chisaki apparently has a daughter called Eri. There are no records of her birth but when Mirio encountered her, he noticed there were bandages wrapped around her arms and legs.” Sir Nighteye explained.

“Could he do something so horrific?” Ryukyu grimaced.

“Unfortunately, yes. In a world of superheroes; if you can dream it, you can do it.” Rossi sighed.

“Hold on, what are we talking about?” Kirishima muttered.

“Once again, why do we have children in this meeting?” Rock Lock insisted. Ok, bitchy. “I’ll say this one time; we’re wondering if this Chisaki bastard is turning his daughter’s body into bullets and selling them on the black market.”

“No,” Kirishima gasped, horrified.

“To be clear, we aren’t certain that he’s actually selling the bullets. At this point, their efficiency appears to be questionable. It’s possible they are still in the testing phase and he’s giving them out to rally more people to his cause. We have no hard evidence, but we do know he’s gathering allies and funds from across the nation. If the completed drug allows him to annihilate someone’s Quirk entirely, imagine the devastation he could cause.” Sir Nighteye

“Just talking about it is enough to make my blood boil. Let’s get this monster!” Fat Gum

“Woulda saved us a lot of trouble if the amateur had just gotten the girl away from him.” Rock Lock

“I take full responsibility, the blame should not fall onto him. I had informed him not to get involved with the Shie Hassaikai, especially with the leader Overhaul, he reacted based on my guidance. I assure you, nobody in the room is more frustrated than him.” Sir Nighteye

“We’ll get Eri away from him next time and we’ll protect her.” Mirio

“Kid, you wanna talk big, that’s fine, but what if what Nighteye is saying is real and that little girl is at the centre of Hassaikai’s entire underground drug operation? She may have managed to get away from Overhaul for a few minutes but she got herself seen by a couple of heroes,” Rock Lock leaned forward, starring Mirio down slightly. “Do you think he’s still gonna keep her at home after that? I know I sure wouldn’t, and if we go busting into their headquarters and she’s not there, they’re gonna know that we’re onto them. We gotta be sure of where he’s hiding her.”

“He has a point. Do you have any plans for that, Nighteye?” Ryukyu asked.

“That’s our conundrum. Since we don’t currently know how far they’ve taken their plans, the success of our initial strike is crucial. To that end, we’ve made a thorough list of groups with connections to Hassaikai as well as properties owned by the organisation. This is our starting point. I would like you all to investigate each coordinate on this map, it is the most logical way to narrow down our targets.” Sir Nighteye 

“So that’s why you asked minor heroes like us to join you.” One of the other heroes muttered.

“What do you mean?” The hero from before asked, the one with the cool mask.

“Go on, look. The heroes in this room all operate in one of these locations. We know those areas better than most.” he replied to the masked hero.

“This could have been an email,” Izuku huffed.

“Exactly! While we’re taking our sweet time that abused girl is out there crying somewhere.” Fat Gum announced, standing once again.

“We must be meticulous about our strategies and predictions from the outset so we have the highest chance of saving her,” Sir Nighteye argued.

“He’s right, to an extent, we shouldn’t rush. If we show our hand and don’t end up rescuing her then we risk them going further underground and completing their research before reappearing,” Rossi added.

“We know this is hard but we need more information and the right circumstances to make sure the rescue of Eri and the dismantling of the Shie Hassaikai goes well,” Hotch agreed.

“We should get started. There’s a child in trouble, that’s what’s important here,” Ryukyu nodded, getting looks of agreement from Uraraka and Tsuyu.

“We must confirm the girl’s location and take her into our protection as soon as possible using the most accurate data. I’m counting on your help. All of you,” Sir Nighteye said as he dismissed them.


The BAU were once again sat in the conference room they were given in the police station. Reid and Prentiss were quietly talking at the board, studying the map and files, Rossi and Hotch were talking with Tsukauchi and a few other police officers. The rest were mostly scattered around the room working on the case in their own way.

“Wait, if Overhaul killed Magne then why are the League working with him?” Garcia asked into the room, causing it to immediately silence.

“Shigaraki’s profile suggests a lack of care for those who work for him, so long as he gets what he wants,” Morgan offered.

“Sure, but Twice and Toga care a lot about each other and their fellow members,” Izuku countered, flipping through his notebook.

“They could be working for him under threat of death and Magne was the demonstration,” Reid said, not turning away from the board.

“Centipeder’s report suggests that it was the league that approached Overhaul,” Tsukauchi recalled, flipping through the file he had in hand.

“It fits the profile,” Rossi shrugged, “All for one was obviously the dominant within the organisation and Shigaraki was his submissive. So without him that leaves Shigaraki without direction, focus and resources, since he doesn’t have the criminal underground network or intimidation of the number one villain to back him up.”

“So they’re getting resources and manpower. Building back up from the bottom,” Morgan nodded.

“What’s the likelihood that they know about the quirk erasing bullets?” Izuku asked, looking up at the others.

“There’s no doubt they’d be a point of interest for All for One,” Hotch agreed.

“It’s a possibility we can’t rule out,” Gran Torino muttered.

“Which comes with another issue,” Tsukauchi sighed. Everyone in the room turned to look at him. “If the league knows about the bullets, and are after them too, they might just cut out the middleman and go to the source.”

“Which means we might find ourselves in a standoff with all 3 groups trying to take Eri for themselves.” Morgan grit out.

“What makes you so sure that the league could synthesise the quirk-erasing drug from Eri without Overhaul?” One of the police officers asked.

“Considering the state All for One was in at Kamino it’s very likely they have an experienced doctor, or access to one at least,” JJ explained.

“So, we’ll just have to make sure the League can’t get their hands on Eri,” Prentiss nodded, “we can’t take the risk of them possibly taking her and making their own bullets.”

“What do we know about Overhaul? Besides his quirk, of course,” Izuku said, changing the topic of conversation.

“Why do we need to know more about Overhaul?” A police officer asked.

“Because we’re about to raid one of his bases,” Izuku stated, “we need to know him the best we can to be able to counter him to the best of our ability. Who is he going to have with him in the base, who will he keep by his side? What is his most likely plan of attack? Will he fight back or will he simply run? Will he choose to destroy the base? Would he booby-trap it?”

“Thank you, Pandora,” Hotch sighed, resting his hand on the table.

“Well, he’s never been seen without the mask or gloves on the extremely rare occasion he deigns to go outside,” Gran Torino offered as he slipped onto a seat.

“He’s also been seen wearing the mask and gloves inside his base,” Tsukauchi added.

“He could be agoraphobic?” Morgan offered, joining Izuku at the table to look through the file they had on the man.

“But the sanitary measures suggest mysophobia,” Reid added, likely thinking of his own germaphobia.

“We can’t rule out that he’s OCD or immunocompromised,” JJ said.

“How does that help us?” Gran Torino grunted.

“It gives us a potential weakness, something we can use to appeal to him,” Rossi explained.

“Or to throw him off,” Hotch added, sharing a look with the team.


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