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Obito opens Kakashi's door without knocking–it was his first mistake.

Kakashi was sitting on a mat on the floor, a long mirror right in front of him. The younger had a white tee on him, the hem hovering just above his belly button. His usual mask was out of sight. His legs were spread apart, on display on the mirror where Obito could literally see everything. There was something missing.

Kakashi Hatake didn’t have a dick–literally. He has a very different set of genitals from Obito, a vagina. Clitoris. Labia.

“Eyes up here, buddy,” Kakashi tipped his chin up with his finger.

“You’re wet,” Obito licked his lips, pointing it out like it was normal to do.

Alternatively, Obito needs to learn how to knock.


Do NOT fuck after shaving. This is just fiction, so I eliminated STDs and infections from this world. It can be a huge risk since shaving can leave micro-abrasions where it is easier for viruses and bacteria to enter the body. Don’t let horniness get you sick.

I can’t believe I had to write that out as one of the warnings
 Anyways, happy reading!

Oh, and Obito is 20, Kakashi is 18.

(See the end of the work for more notes.)

Work Text:

Obito let himself into Kakashi’s house that morning. They had a mission coming up tomorrow, so they should make a plan on what they were going to do as soon as possible. Kakashi was great at making plans on the spot, but it left no room for discussion, and Obito hated it. It’d be better to plan before Kakashi was able to force his ideas on him tomorrow.

He didn’t call or text the other about his arrival, directly arriving in front of his door and waltzing in. Usually on Saturday mornings like these, the other was still cooking breakfast in the kitchen, but there was no sign of him. That was odd. He crept around, trying to locate the younger man, before hearing some noises of struggle in the main bedroom.

Obito opens it without knocking–it was his first mistake.

Kakashi was sitting on a mat on the floor, a long mirror right in front of him. The younger had a white tee on him, the hem hovering just above his belly button. His usual mask was out of sight. His legs were spread apart, on display on the mirror where Obito could literally see everything . There was something missing.

Kakashi Hatake didn’t have a dick–literally. He has a very different set of genitals from Obito, a vagina. Clitoris. Labia. A whole, set of pussy–

The silver-haired man reddened in panic, closing his legs in a millisecond as Obito stared unmoving. “What the fuck are you doing here!?” Kakashi shouted, turning his head around to glare at Obito. It wasn’t intimidating, not when Obito had just seen all of Kakashi like that. Was that why he never wanted to go to those public bathhouses with Minato-sensei and the rest of the guys?

Obito’s breath hitched. “Fuck, sorry,” he managed to say, his eyes still hovering on the mirror in front of Kakashi. There was a bunch of products surrounding the man on the mat, scissors, and a sharp razor. In a second, Obito knew what the other was trying to do. In the morning? He couldn’t help but chuckle.

“Knock next time when you come in,” Kakashi looked away, trying to avoid his eyes. “And get. Out.”

Obito noticed Kakashi’s reddened ears, the way he curled himself into a small ball. The shirt he wore was too short for him to cover everything up. He could still make out his pussy, his hand doing a shitty job in hiding them. “You know, you used to say that I’ve got no balls when we were on missions,” he walked closer, a sly smirk on his face. There was something about embarrassing Kakashi that riles him up. “Guess who actually doesn’t have a pair, huh?”

Kakashi clicked his tongue. “It’s not funny.”

“What are you, then?” Obito crouched beside him, his eyes scanning Kakashi from the tip of his hair to his toes–lingering on his southern part. “This part of you seems like a woman’s, but the rest of you is a man’s.”

“...It’s just as you said,” he looked down, squirming under Obito’s stare. “I’m a man. Just born differently.”

“I see,” he hummed, sitting cross-legged. He has no intentions of getting up and leaving, not when he caught Kakashi red-handed like this. This is much too amusing.

“Are you going to tell everyone about this?” Kakashi lifted his head, shooting Obito with suspicious looks.

“No!” he immediately said, looking hurt how Kakashi had thought so badly of him. “I’m an asshole, but I’m not that much of an asshole. I also have my morals.”

He grumbled, propping his head on one hand. He looked between Kakashi’s thighs, finding the younger one lowering his guard a little. He took the chance to spread his legs, marveling at the sight beneath him. He hadn’t gone far with the shaving, just little trims here and there that never really reached the optimum length to shave it down. “Were you shaving?” he asked to confirm, earning a kick to a chest with a scowl.

Obito could smell the other’s arousal. It’s musky and heady, in a way. It should feel wrong, to sniff it around and chase its scent, but Obito’s just so curious . He holds back every ounce of urge to get closer again to take a whiff. Kakashi’s legs were clamped tightly, but he could still see the bottom of his cunt. There was a sheen of wetness around them, a single droplet landing on the mat.

“Eyes up here, buddy,” Kakashi tipped his chin up with his finger, an embarrassed frown etched on his face. “You were supposed to leave my house a few minutes ago. You’re still here.”

“You’re wet,” Obito licked his lips. His second mistake of the day. The other merely scoffed.

“You’re not in a very good condition to say that either,” he extended a leg and pressed his foot against Obito’s ignored hardon. The Uchiha grunted, scowling at Kakashi who threw an overzealous smirk.

“I can help you shave,” Obito scooted closer, gripping Kakashi’s ankle with an iron grip that was sure to leave red marks later. His third mistake–so quick. Already? He bent it away, gaining a clear view of how dripping Kakashi was. “I can tell you were struggling before. It’s hard coordinating your hand with the mirror, isn’t it?”

Kakashi looked like he was pondering, his eyebrows furrowing down, cheeks ablaze. “Why would I trust you to touch me?”

“I dunno,” he truthfully said. There was no reason to lie. “But I’ve had experience shaving myself. It shouldn’t be too different.” Though, the folds can be a bit of a problem, he thought.

Kakashi’s frown deepened. “You’re just going to take a picture and spread it to people I bet–”

Obito threw his phone away on the bed, away from where they were sitting. “There. Happy?”

There was a pause between them. Kakashi narrowed his eyes, squirming in place. Obito could literally hear his gears turning, the scales shifting in his head as he weighed the options carefully. It appeared he hadn’t made the correct decision. “Fine. Only because I’m not used to doing this, okay?”

With a playful grin, Obito hoisted Kakashi up on the bed while he kneeled on the floor. He spread the man apart, pressing down on his inner thighs. He had a clear view, and Kakashi’s pubic hair
 there really isn’t much. “Why do you want to shave anyways, are you looking to fuck?” he asked, lazily glancing at Kakashi.

“Just because,” Kakashi lets out a heady breath, staring down at Obito, who’s swiping a finger down his slit, his finger dipping inside the wet folds. He’s so wet. He didn’t know they were able to produce this much slick. It’s even dripping down to Kakashi’s ass.

“Wow,” he commented, watching as it slowly dripped onto the floor. “Are you that turned on because of this?

Kakashi didn’t say anything, throwing his head back. He doesn’t seem to want to see this. “Hurry up.”

“Alright, alright.” He picked up the scissors Kakashi was holding. He cut off the remaining ones into a short trim, just enough for the razor blade to cut them off cleanly later. He swiped the fallen hair off, watching as Kakashi turned wetter, and wetter. The slick sticks on his thumb as he accidentally grazed the slit, and he instinctively brings it to his nose to smell.

“Oh my god, did you just sniff that?” the younger asked in a high pitched voice, a lot more flustered than Obito that looked like a deer caught in headlights.

“I was curious!” Obito reddened, getting caught in the act. “You kinda smell
 like a pineapple. Musky. I can’t really explain it,” he frowned. “What’s next, exfoliation, right?”

Kakashi hummed, the sound almost akin to a whine. “The chocolate bottle,” he curtly said, before looking away once more. Obito reached out to grab it, noticing how it was a sugar scrub. He read the ingredients, somehow checking if it were really safe or not, even though he didn’t really understand much.

“Will this make you smell like coconuts?” he asked, raising an eyebrow.

Kakashi shrugged. Right, this was still sealed. He cracked it open, finding it’s texture to be quite interesting. He looked back at Kakashi, and decided he was going to dry him off first before applying the product on him. He took the nearest clean cloth on the mat and patted him.

“Don’t do it so roughly
” Kakashi protested with a scowl, his hand reaching down to stop Obito. The Uchiha didn’t say anything, but did it much more slowly and carefully.

“Sorry,” he muttered, feeling a bud hardening under his touch. He tried to ignore that, taking the exfoliator and spreading it against Kakashi’s skin. When he was about to massaged the product into the skin with only both of his thumbs, the younger male snapped his thighs shut.

Thank fuck Obito was quick enough to block him from actually crushing his neck.

“Wh- what are you doing!?” Kakashi panted heavily. 

“It's on the instructions to massage the skin damnit,” Obito frowned, shoving the product towards Kakashi’s face. “Stop being a pervert and calm down!”

“I’m not a pervert!” Kakashi protested. “It’s because- ugh. Just because I read Icha Icha doesn’t mean I’m applying it to my life.”

Obito ignored him and kept putting pressure on the lips, the parts where his pussy meets his legs, anywhere he can reach.

“Mmnh,” Kakashi shivered, throwing himself back on the bed silently. Everywhere he touched was red, and pink, and brown because of the product–it was dizzying to look at. The sounds Kakashi was making wasn’t helping either, the small little whimpers going straight to his cock. He could probably cum in just minutes if he wasn’t mentally holding himself back.

“Toilet,” Obito muttered, retreating. He threw water on his face before grabbing himself a wet towel. He came back, cleaned Kakashi off the product, silently glancing at the man who was splayed out on the bed, huffing with his eyes unfocused. His whole body was taut as a bow. He placed a hand on him, feeling the organ throbbing wildly as he closed shut the lips with his fingers. It was quick to being wet again, slowly dampening his fingers as he grabbed the shaving cream.

He worked much more quickly now, slathered it generously. He watched as Kakashi threw his head back in a mewl. After spreading it enough, he shaved them cleanly in one swoop, trying not to focus on how Kakashi was shaking, his thighs threatening to close in again.

“Stay still, I don’t want to accidentally cut you,” Obito muttered loud enough for Kakashi to hear.

“Easy for you to say,” the other huffed. This may be a mistake–but so far? Obito was enjoying this somehow.

After a while, he was finally finished. All clean and smooth, Obito swiped his fingers through again and again, making sure there were no bumps of residual hair left. He took the moisturizer, a scentless clear liquid, and lathered it on the skin. Kakashi twitched, the liquid cold against his very hot skin.

Obito stared intently as the moisturizer mixed with the other’s bodily fluids. The liquid made his glide against his skin so smooth that he almost plunged his fingers into the male, the tight heat inviting him to come in and warm himself up. He tried to get the product to lather evenly, even in between his folds, which made Kakashi’s toes curl and whimper in pleasure. Did he like this?

He used two of his fingers, tracing down the inner corners of Kakashi’s cunt, feeling them twitch and throb with every might. He traced them up again, using his thumb to press what Obito recognized as the clitoris, so hard and small against his large and thick fingers. He traced under the labia, his thumb ghosting against Kakashi’s entrance–

Until Kakashi gripped his hand, a small cute frown on his face. His cheeks were dusted with red, his face so full of sweat that Obito was beginning to feel sorry for him. He looked down on Obito with hooded eyes, his lips letting out small pants, glistening with drool. The Uchiha had been too much, he knew that. He was ready to get punched by the Hatake. He’s ready to be immediately thrown out of the house with a hard-on visible in his pants in the middle of the day.

Fuck, his dick was straining against his jeans and it hurted .

“--Can’t take it anymore,” Kakashi suddenly whined, leading his fingers into his cunt sloppily. “Stop teasing me. Want you in me. Please? Just a bit is fine, I want you–”

Obito pushed Kakashi down again on the bed. His third mistake– or fourth, he couldn’t count anymore. Fuck, fuck, fuck , he’s not even in control of his body anymore. He was suddenly hyper-aware of how his heart hammered against his chest as he stared down on Kakashi, who still frowned, so irritated at how Obito kept edging him accidentally.

His thumb shyly spread his cunt apart, clearly distinguishing each of the folds. “You’re telling me I can do anything I want with this?” he asked, suddenly feeling lightheaded. The other nodded, placing a hand against his own eyes.

Holy shit.

What the fuck was Obito supposed to do now?

He was again, face-to-face with the unknown organ that he had once seen in porn magazines and biology books. Not knowing what to do with it. Kakashi seemed to enjoy his clueless ministrations, so he decided to explore it. He pressed on the nub once more, flicking it with his thumb. He watched as Kakashi squirmed, his hand covering his mouth from letting out indecent noises.

“Kakashi, I don’t want you to cover your voice,” Obito said–his voice pleading. “How am I supposed to know if I’m doing the right thing?”

Kakashi reluctantly listened to him, lowering his hands down to grip the sheets. “‘S good.”

Obito then continued. He traced the labias before, setting his fingers in between them but never really putting any pressure. It was hard, settling his fingers in. Too thick, but he managed to press down, somehow scratching between the folds as Kakashi let out a keen. But it wasn’t much, no. He spread the lips apart, finding his entrance. He circled his thumb there, putting more pressure. He liked the way Kakashi squirmed, and used his other thumb to swipe and tug the clit as he dove a finger in.

Kakashi moaned, pulling on the sheets beneath him, crumpling them in the process. “More- more, Obito. More,” he begged breathlessly.

He pushed his finger deeper, using his thumb to play and pressure the clit even more. There was so much slick dripping off of Kakashi, that he grew curious about its taste. He pulled away from the younger, making the other whine, before giving a small lick to his middle-finger.

“What are you doing!?” Kakashi panicked. “It’s dirty!”

Obito shrugged. He literally just cleaned Kakashi himself, so what’s the problem? He dove between his legs, chasing the taste of Kakashi. He gave his slit a long stripe, biting the nub gently. It didn’t really taste like much, the skin was smooth, and there was a hint of saltiness to it that made his mouth water with want. He ignored Kakashi’s voice and inserted his tongue inside his entrance, lapping every bit of essence that flowed out. The younger was so sensitive after being shaved that every little ministration had him spilling soft noises out of his lips.

He moved his tongue up, biting and flicking the nub as he entered two fingers into his tight heat. It was a lot like making out, his tongue playing with the clit as if it was candy. His nose sucked in the scent of Kakashi’s arousal, making his dick twitch and harden against its confines. He pumped his fingers in and out of him, curling them upwards and making Kakashi cry. He didn’t care how much Kakashi’s thighs were crushing him, how he gripped his hair tightly as he pushed and pushed Obito to go harder. He kept getting deeper and deeper, passing his knuckles into the slit before he sucked hard .

He could feel Kakashi twitching, his walls clamping his fingers up as more juices spilled out onto the bed. From the way Kakashi’s back arched, his whole muscles tensing up, it seemed as if he had just gotten through an orgasm. Obito pulled away from between Kakashi’s legs, lapping up every bit of fluid that flowed out of him. There was a string of either his spit or the younger’s slick, both thick in consistency as it connected the cunt and his tongue.

“How are you this pretty even down here?” Obito praised, catching his breath. The cunt clenched on nothing, there was a gaping hole where his fingers had been. The Hatake whined at the praise. His face feels warm, with his chin slick with Kakashi’s juices and his nose wet. He climbed the bed, caging Kakashi underneath him before the younger gave him a shy lick on the nose.

That was it. Obito devoured the man’s lips, forcing them open with his tongue. His hand reached down, plunging two fingers in him, scissoring him apart even more as Kakashi let out a muffled moan through the kiss. Kakashi tasted sweet, and Obito was addicted. He pumped in and out, before scissoring and dragging his fingers upwards to find his g-spot. Obito broke away, letting Kakashi gasp as he kissed his scar, then peppering his neck and collarbone with kisses, lifting his shirt before sucking on a nipple. His chest looked flushed, the red dusting prettily on his pale skin. He kept pressuring the spot that made Kakashi cry with pleasure, pressing and sliding his finger against it until he felt a familiar clamp on his fingers, the younger’s insides throbbing with heat. Kakashi comes with a scream, a rush of slick pushing through his fingers as the man’s body stutters.

Obito straightened his back, letting Kakashi go through his orgasm. He slicked his stray hair back as he looked down on Kakashi like he was staring at his prey. Everything thought was going through his head: every scenario, every lewd acts he wanted to try with the silver haired man, who’s still riding out his orgasm.

Kakashi let out a weak huff, catching his breath from his orgasm. He was still shaking, his eyes struggling to flutter open. There were tear tracks on his cheeks, the marks Obito gave him was starting to bloom red against his pale skin. “It’s unfair
” Kakashi whispered. “How could you still look like that after all that?”

And Obito just chuckles, his voice raspier than he remembered. “Oh yeah? What do I look like?” he leaned down, sucking more hickies on Kakashi’s skin.

“Sinful,” he muttered, slapping Obito away from him. “What are you? A demon? I thought this was your first time.”

Obito cackled, sitting up straight. “You don’t look different yourself,” he said, biting against Kakashi’s chest and sucked on a bud.

“Noo,” Kakashi pushed Obito away with a whine, his hands on the man’s cheeks. “I don’t want that .”

“Then what do you want?” he asked, a little nervous chuckle escaping his lips. He placed a hand on Kakashi’s, tenderly caressing the back of his hand. “Hm? You should tell me.”

“It- it feels empty,” Kakashi whispered. His fingers traveled down to spread himself, leading Obito’s eyes downwards towards his entrance. Kakashi’s fingers were thinner than him, it was pretty and elegant as it tried to display how much he was gaping and full of want for Obito to come back in. “

“Please what?” he asked, his throat bobbing as he gulped. His other hand followed Kakashi’s fingers, helping the other to trace his own entrance. Kakashi bit his lip.

“Please fuck me. Fill me up. Want your cock in me,” he begged, eyeing the growing hardon in Obito’s pants.  The Uchiha blinked rapidly, before breaking into a smile.

“Is that from Icha Icha–”

“Yes, fuck,” Kakashi said frustratedly. “Just come here and stick your dick in me already, Ahobito.”

Obito let out a satisfied laugh, being able to pull that information from the other. “I always knew you were a pervert,” he opened his pants. He threw his belt away, before releasing the button and pulling the zip down. He lowered his boxers, setting his cock free from its confines. He hissed, watching as precum flowed down the shaft. It grew to its full length after he stroked it a couple times.

“Mhm. I probably am. Just for you,” Kakashi sighed, eyeing Obito’s cock with greedy eyes. His cock twitched under his stare, an angry red coloring it full. “You’re gonna have to let me touch it later.”

The Uchiha snorted. “You can touch it now if you want.”

“Too needy. Need it in my cunt first, then my hands. Okay?”

“Fuck, are you even listening to yourself?” Obito chuckled, eyeing Kakashi’s fluttering hole. He sat down between Kakashi’s legs, the other watching with lustful eyes. He didn’t seem intimidated at all by the size, even though this was his first. It was Obito that was nervous. The only thing that popped up in his mind when he lined his cock up to Kakashi’s hole was–will it fit? Two fingers were barely stretching him open then. How was this supposed to get in there?

“You won’t hurt me,” Kakashi forced himself to sit up, hooking his arms around Obito’s neck. His legs clung onto the man’s waist, dragging him closer.” I don’t mind if it hurts anyways. It’s bound to.”

“I just don’t think your first time should be with me. Especially, when it’s bound to hurt,” Obito sighed, touching their foreheads together.

“Then who else?” Kakashi kissed his lips with a peck. “Come on, I can’t wait forever.”

Obito pouted, looking at Kakashi’s cute begging expression. God, he’s so weak to these kinds of faces. He pumped his cock once, twice , just to make sure that it slicked up enough to enter the man that was eagerly placing his cunt against him. Kakashi had an expectant look on his face, staring down with his mouth open as he watched the cock breach him with its thick head.

It slid in in one try with a pop. Kakashi moaned, throwing his head back. Obito hissed at the welcoming tight heat. His walls throbbed, it felt like there was another heart right up against his cock. He pushed forward, using his finger to spread Kakashi apart even more, another one supporting him on the bed. The man widened his legs, giving Obito better access to enter him as he whimpered softly, biting down his bottom lip with a frown on his face. There were tears pooling in his eyes, and immediately Obito stopped. “Tell me if it hurts, okay? I’ll go slow.”

Kakashi nodded as Obito pushed further in, breath hitching when it's halfway in. Obito pulled out and pushed in even more, earning a loud moan from Kakashi as he clawed Obito’s back. He stopped for a while, letting the man adapt to his size before pushing the rest in with one swift motion, making Kakashi scream as he arched his back beautifully.

The man’s hips stuttered as he came, the juices coating his dick and flowing out in drips of clear liquid. He clenched on him, and Obito immediately grunted, trying not to come. He huffed, kissing the other’s neck to distract himself. He couldn’t move at all because fuck, Kakashi is so soft and hot and tight that it takes him everything to not just come right there.

He pulls back and slowly thrusts in, earning a yowl from Kakashi, whose tears slowly descended down once more down his cheeks. He feels Kakashi sucking him in, squeezing him with all his worth. “Kakashi,” Obito groaned, his hand tapping the other’s hip. “Relax. I can’t move if you’re squeezing me like this.”

“Sorry, it’s just- you’re really big,” Kakashi huffed, willing himself to relax his body.

Kakashi tried his best, slowly willing himself to not tighten up, before finally allowing Obito to move in shallow thrusts. The younger moaned softly each time Obito pushed in. The older could watch how the pain slowly turned into pleasure, how Kakashi’s head lolled back weakly, his mouth open as drool dribbled down his chin. The cacophony of skin slapping against skin, Obito’s groans and Kakashi’s moans filled the room as Obito sped up.

He gripped Kakashi’s waist, angling him up suddenly, making the silver-haired man yelp in surprise. Kakashi’s hands gripped the pillow underneath him, his eyes threatening to shut in pleasure. The new position enabled Obito to enter deeper, hitting the spot that sent Kakashi over the edge during his previous orgasms.

He watches in amazement when he manages to see his own cock, pushing against Kakashi’s skin from the inside. Was he really that deep? He slowed down, experimentally pressed on the bump, making Kakashi jolt as his hands scrambled to stop Obito from pressing on it. “Don’t- it feels funny,” he sobbed, tears running down his face, gripping weakly on the other’s wrist.

“Doesn’t that mean you’re going to come?” he asked, thrusting Kakashi slow, deep, and most importantly hard enough to see the head of his dick appearing on the younger’s stomach, wrecking the man apart. He kept pressing the bulge down, alternating from flicking his clit to coming back to his stomach. He felt his dick hit something, and aimed himself at that.

“Aah!” Kakashi immediately screamed, scrambling down to stop Obito from slamming himself there. He sobbed, his hands pushing Obito away, but the older man couldn't stop. Not when he knew Kakashi was close, from the way he was tightening. His insides throbbed, turning hotter and hotter. He picked up the pace, jackhammering deeply into the spot that had rendered the other weak.

“No, it’s not- Too much, ‘Bito, please, I–”

With one, particularly hard press, it happened–Kakashi’s eyes rolled back in pleasure, his mouth gaping open in a soundless cry. He squirted against Obito, wetting his shirt and everything in the vicinity as his body trembled, his walls clamping on Obito. It didn’t take long until Obito came afterwards, spilling inside Kakashi with a grunt  in thick spurts as he chased his own high. Once he felt himself softening, he pulled himself out of Kakashi, feeling a little proud when his thick white liquid slowly poured out of Kakashi’s hole. He braced himself on the edge of the bed, feeling his knees weaken.

He finally caught his breath as he threw himself on Kakashi’s bed, panting away as he looked up to the ceiling. Fuck, that was intense. “I didn’t know you could squirt.”



Obito got up immediately, his eyes widening in panic. “Kakashi, are you okay?”

He lifted the younger’s bangs away, only to see the man with his eyes closed, unconscious with tears flowing down his face. His body was still twitching under Obito’s touch, unconsciously trying to go through the orgasm that was still wrecking his body. His legs were still shaking. He looked utterly fucked out and exhausted. The marks on his skin served as a reminder on what they just did, what Obito did, to the silver-haired man.

It was a pretty sight.

“I’m sorry sensei, but can you please postpone the mission for another day?” Obito begged, massaging his temples as he paced across Kakashi’s room.

“This is surprising. What happened? Is everything okay?” Minato’s voice sounds genuinely worried from the other side of the phone, which made Obito feel a lot more worse.

“Yeah, things are fine, it’s just that, uh–” he glanced at Kakashi, who’s sat on the bed. An irritated look was etched permanently on his face ever since he woke up. “Kakashi can’t really
 walk right now.”

“Oh, did he sprain his ankle?” his teacher asked. “I can probably send Rin to check on him before she goes to the hospital–”

“No!” Obito immediately shouted. “No, it’s fine. It worked out. We managed to heal it. But he still can’t walk. Shouldn’t! Wouldn’t want your student to fail the mission, right?” he chuckled nervously.

There was a pregnant pause between them, before Obito heard a gasp. “Oh Sages. Did you two–”

“Talk to you later sensei, goodbye!” Obito hung up his phone call, before turning to the Hatake who had an amused look on his face. “What?”

“You’re so bad at lying,” Kakashi chuckled, opening his arms for Obito to climb in. The black-haired man scowled, though he slowly climbed in Kakashi’s bed, laying his head on the other’s chest. He was clean, Obito did his best to get rid of all the sweat and sticky bodily fluids from them both after he woke up from his nap.

“So,” Obito cleared his throat, looking up to face Kakashi. “It’s a bit late, but are we

“Boyfriends?” Kakashi asked, his eyes crinkling. The sharingan spun slowly, a mesmerizing sight to see. “Sure. I’d love to.”

The Uchiha sighed pleasantly, resting his head on the crook of Kakashi’s neck. The other’s natural scent calmed him down as he closed his eyes peacefully. Until Kakashi’s hand lingered under his pants.

“Fuck, you just woke up from passing out during sex. Can you stop being a pervert!?”


Rin: So you did it. Without protection. Knowing he has a fucking vagina.
Obito: I- I can explain–
Kakashi: What do you think the baby will be? A boy or a girl? Or maybe both?
[Obito passes out]
Rin: Congratulations Kakashi, you just turned yourself into a widow.

Nah, Kakashi’s not pregnant lmao, since he’s on birth control. It’s just fun teasing his boyfriend. You can tell I'm obsessed with fingering from my last two fics. It's embarrassingly hot lmao

Funny how not knocking can lead to... this, right?

Kakashi's thought process is: If I agree to him helping me out, he'll probably fuck me later, right?
Meanwhile Obito: Yes let me prod around and accidentally edge you with my curiousity