Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0

a  b  c  d  e  f  g  h  i  j  k  l  m  n  o  p  q  r  s  t  u  v  w  x  y  z
R and D, Ra, rabbet, rabbi, rabbinate, rabbinic, rabbit, rabble, rabble rouser, rabble rousing, Rabelaisian, rabid, rabies, raccoon, race, racecourse, racer, racing, racism, racist, rack, rack rent, racked, racket, racketeer, rackets, racking, raconteur, racy, radar, radar parts, raddle, raddled, radial, radiance, radiant, radiant energy, radiate, radiating, radiation, radiation physics, radiation sickness, radiator, radical, radical right, radicalism, radically, radio, radio control, radio operator, radio receiver, radio station, radio technician, radio transmitter, radio wave, radioactivity, radioelement, radiogram, radiologist, radiology, radionics, radiorays, radiotherapy, radium, radius, radix, RAF, raff, raffish, raffle, raft, rafter, rag, rag out, raga, ragamuffin, rage, ragged, raggedy, raging, ragman, ragpicker, ragtime, raid, raider, rail, rail at, railing, raillery, railroad, railroad man, railroader, railway, railway car, railway express, raiment, rain, rain forest, rainbow, rainbowlike, raindrop, rainfall, rainmaker, rainstorm, rainy, rainy day, raise, raise hell, raised, raiser, raising, rake, rake off, rakish, rally, rally round, rallying cry, ram, ram in, ramble, rambler, rambling, ramification, ramify, ramous, ramp, rampage, rampant, rampart, ramshackle, ranch, rancher, rancid, rancor, rancorous, random, random sample, randomness, randy, range, ranged, ranger, rani, rank, rank and file, ranked, ranking, rankle, rankled, ransack, ransom, rant, ranter, ranting, rap, rap session, rapacious, rapacity, rape, rapid, rapidity, rapidly, rapids, rapist, rapping, rapport, rapprochement, rapscallion, rapt, raptorial, rapture, rapturous, rare, rarefied, rarefy, rarely, raring to, rarity, rascal, rash, rasher, rashness, rasp, rasping, Rasputin, rat, rat race, ratable, ratchet, rate, rated, rather, rathskeller, ratification, ratified, ratify, rating, ratio, ratiocination, ration, rational, rationale, rationalism, rationalistic, rationality, rationalization, rationalize, rationally, rationing, rations, rattail, rattle, rattlebrained, ratty, raucous, raunchy, ravage, ravaged, ravager, ravages of time, rave, ravel, raven, ravenous, ravine, raving, ravish, ravished, ravisher, ravishment, raw, raw deal, raw recruit, rawboned, rawhide, ray, ray of sunshine, rayless, raze, razz, razzing, re, re create, re creation, re form, reach, reach out, react, reaction, reactionary, reactionism, reactivate, reactor, read, read the riot act, readable, reader, readily, readiness, reading, reading glass, reading matter, readout, ready, ready made, ready-made, ready-to-wear, reagent, real, real estate, real property, realign, realignment, realism, realist, realistic, reality, realizable, realization, realize, realized, really, realm, Realpolitik, Realtor, realty, ream, reap, reaper, reappear, reappearance, reappearing, rear, rear end, rearing, rearward, reason, reason to believe, reasonable, reasonably, reasoning, reasonless, reassurance, reassure, reassuring, reasty, rebarbative, rebate, rebel, rebellion, rebellious, rebirth, reborn, rebound, rebuff, rebuild, rebuilding, rebuilt, rebuke, rebut, rebuttal, recalcitrance, recalcitrant, recall, recant, recantation, recap, recapitulate, recapitulation, recapture, recede, receding, receipt, receipts, receivable, receivables, receive, received, receiver, recension, recent, recently, receptacle, reception, receptive, recess, recession, recessive, recessive character, recharge, recherche, recidivate, recidivism, recidivist, recipe, recipient, reciprocal, reciprocate, reciprocation, reciprocity, recital, recitation, recite, reciter, reckless, recklessly, recklessness, reckon, reckon on, reckon with, reckoning, reclaim, reclaimable, reclamation, recline, reclining, recluse, recognition, recognizable, recognizance, recognize, recognized, recoil, recollect, recollected, recollection, recommend, recommendable, recommendation, recompense, reconcilable, reconcile, reconciled, reconciliation, recondite, recondition, reconnaissance, reconnoiter, reconsider, reconsideration, reconstitute, reconstruct, reconstruction, record, record book, record changer, record keeping, record player, recorder, recording, recording instrument, recording secretary, recount, recounting, recoup, recourse, recover, recovery, recreant, recreation, recrudescence, recruit, recruitment, rectal, rectangle, rectangular, rectifiable, rectification, rectify, rectilinear, rectitude, recto, rector, rectory, rectum, recumbency, recumbent, recuperate, recuperation, recur, recurrence, recurrent, recusant, red, Red, red baiting, red blooded, red cent, red complexioned, red faced, red flag, red handed, red herring, red hot, red light, red light district, red man, red tape, redcoat, redden, redecorate, redeem, redeemable, redeemed, redeeming, redemption, redemptive, redneck, redness, redo, redolence, redolent, redouble, redoubt, redoubtable, redound to, redress, redskin, reduce, reduced, reducing, reduction, reductive, redundancy, redundant, reed, reed stop, reeducate, reef, reefer, reek, reeking, reel, reeling, reenact, reentry, reestablish, reeve, refection, refer, refer to, referable, referee, reference, reference book, reference mark, referendum, referent, referential, refill, refine, refined, refinement, refinery, reflect, reflect upon, reflection, reflective, reflector, reflex, reflex action, reflexive, refluent, reflux, reform, reform school, reformation, reformatory, reformed, reformer, refound, refract, refraction, refractor, refractory, refrain, refraining, refresh, refresh the memory, refresher course, refreshing, refreshment, refrigerant, refrigerate, refrigeration, refuge, refugee, refund, refurbish, refusal, refuse, refutable, refutation, refute, refuting, regain, regal, regale, regalement, regalia, regard, regardful, regarding, regardless, regatta, regency, regenerate, regeneration, regicide, regime, regiment, regimentation, region, regional, regional accent, register, registered, registrar, registration, registry, regnant, regress, regression, regressive, regret, regretful, regrettable, regular, regularity, regularize, regularly, regulate, regulation, regulatory, regurgitate, regurgitation, rehabilitate, rehabilitation, rehash, rehearsal, rehearse, reign, reigning, reimburse, reimbursement, rein, reincarnate, reincarnation, reindeer, reinforce, reinforced, reinforcement, reins, reinstate, reinstatement, reinstitute, reissue, reiterate, reiteration, reiterative, reject, rejected, rejection, rejoice, rejoicing, rejoin, rejoinder, rejuvenate, rejuvenation, rekindle, relapse, relate, related, relation, relations, relationship, relative, relatively, relativity, relator, relax, relaxation, relaxed, relaxing, relay, relay station, release, released, relegate, relent, relentless, relentlessness, relevance, relevant, reliability, reliable, reliance, relic, relics, relief, relieve, religion, religionist, religious, relinquish, relinquished, relinquishment, reliquary, relish, relocate, reluct, reluctance, reluctant, reluctantly, rely, rely on, remain, remainder, remaining, remains, remake, remaking, remand, remark, remarkable, remarkably, remedial, remedy, remember, rememberable, remembered, remembrance, remind, reminder, reminiscence, reminiscent, remiss, remissible, remission, remit, remittance, remitted, remittent, remnant, remodel, remonstrance, remonstrate, remonstrative, remorse, remorseful, remorseless, remote, removable, removal, remove, removed, remunerate, remuneration, remunerative, renaissance, renascence, rencontre, rend, render, rendering, rendezvous, rendition, renegade, renege, renew, renewal, renewed, renitency, renitent, renounce, renounced, renovate, renovation, renown, renowned, rent, rental, renter, renunciation, renunciative, reoccurrence, reorganization, reorganize, repair, reparable, reparation, reparative, repartee, repay, repayment, repeal, repeat, repeated, repeatedly, repeater, repel, repellent, repelling, repentance, repentant, repercussion, repercussive, repertory, repetition, repetitious, repetitive, repine, replace, replacement, replenish, replete, repletion, replevin, replica, replicate, replication, reply, report, reportage, reported, reporter, repose, reposeful, reposing, reposit, repository, repossess, repossession, reprehend, reprehensible, reprehension, represent, representation, representative, repress, repressed, repression, repressive, reprieve, reprimand, reprint, reprisal, reproach, reproachful, reprobate, reproduce, reproduction, reproductive, reproof, reprove, reptile, reptilian, republic, republican, Republican, Republican Party, repudiate, repudiation, repudiative, repugnance, repugnant, repulse, repulsion, repulsive, reputable, reputation, repute, reputed, request, requiem, require, required, requirement, requisite, requisition, requital, requite, rescind, rescript, rescue, rescuer, research, research and development, research paper, researcher, resection, resemblance, resemble, resentful, resentment, reservation, reserve, reserved, reserves, reservoir, reshape, reside, residence, residency, resident, residue, resign, resignation, resigned, resilience, resilient, resin, resist, resistance, resistant, resister, resolute, resolutely, resolution, resolvable, resolve, resolvent, resonance, resonant, resonate, resort, resort to, resound, resounding, resource, resourceful, resources, respect, respectable, respected, respectful, respecting, respective, respectively, respiration, respire, respite, resplendence, resplendent, respond, respond to, respondent, response, responsibility, responsible, responsive, rest, rest assured, rest home, rest on, rest room, restate, restaurant, restful, resting place, restitution, restitutive, restive, restless, restlessness, restoration, restorative, restore, restrain, restrained, restraint, restraint of trade, restrict, restricted, restriction, restrictive, restructure, result, resultant, resume, resumption, resurgence, resurrect, resurrection, resuscitate, retable, retail, retail store, retailer, retailing, retain, retained, retainer, retaining wall, retake, retaliate, retaliation, retaliatory, retard, retardant, retardation, retarded, retch, retell, retention, reticence, reticent, reticle, reticular, retina, retinue, retire, retired, retirement, retiring, retort, retouch, retrace, retract, retraction, retread, retreat, retreating, retrench, retrenchment, retribution, retributive, retrievable, retrieval, retrieve, retro rocket, retroaction, retroactive, retrocede, retroflex, retroflexion, retrograde, retrogress, retrogression, retrogressive, retrospect, retrospection, retrospective, retrousse, return, return to, returnable, returns, reunion, reunite, revaluation, revamp, reveal, revealed, revealing, reveille, revel, revelation, revelational, reveler, revelry, revenge, revenue, revenuer, reverberate, reverberation, revere, revered, reverence, reverend, reverent, reverie, reversal, reverse, reversed, reversible, reversion, reversionary, revert, revertible, review, reviewer, revile, revilement, revise, revision, revisional, revisionism, revisionist, revival, revivalist, revive, revived, revocation, revoke, revolt, revolted, revolting, revolution, revolutionary, revolutionist, revolutionize, revolve, revolver, revue, revulsion, revulsive, reward, rewarding, reword, rewrite, rewrite man, reynard, RF, RFD, Rh factor, Rhadamanthus, rhapsodic, rhapsodical, rhapsodist, rhapsodize, rhapsody, rhetoric, rhetorical, rhetorician, rheum, rheumatic, rheumatic fever, rheumatism, rheumy, rhinestone, rhomboid, rhubarb, rhyme, rhyming, rhythm, rhythm-and-blues, rhythmic, rhythmical, rialto, rib, ribald, ribaldry, ribbed, ribbon, riboflavin, rich, rich man, riches, rick, rickets, rickety, ricochet, rictus, rid, riddance, riddle, ride, ride out, ride roughshod over, ride to hounds, rider, ridge, ridicule, ridiculing, ridiculous, riding, rife, riffle, riffraff, rifle, rifleman, rift, rig, rigamarole, rigged, rigged out, rigging, right, right and left, right away, right hand, right hand man, right mind, right minded, right sort, right wing, right winger, right-about-face, righteous, righteousness, rightful, rightfully, rightist, rightly, rightness, right-of-way, rightward, rigid, rigidity, rigidly, rigmarole, rigor, rigorous, rigorously, rile, riled, rim, rime, rimple, rind, ring, ring in, ringed, ringer, ringing, ringleader, ringlet, ringmaster, ringside, ringworm, rink, rinse, rinsing, riot, rioter, rioting, riotous, rip, rip off, rip out, rip roaring, ripe, ripen, ripened, riposte, ripping, ripple, rippled, ripply, riptide, rise, rise above, risibility, risible, rising, risk, riskiness, risky, risque, ritardando, rite, rite of passage, ritual, ritualistic, ritzy, rival, rivaling, rivalry, rive, river, riverhead, riverside, rivet, riviera, rivulet, RN, RNA, roach, road, road hog, road map, road test, roadbed, roadblock, roadhouse, roadway, roam, roamer, roaming, roan, roar, roaring, roast, roaster, roasting, rob, robber, robbery, robe, Robin Hood, robotlike, robust, rock, rock bottom, rock garden, rockbound, rockbound coast, rocker, rocket, rocket power, rocket propulsion, rocketry, rocking, rocking horse, rocky, rococo, rod, rodent, rodeo, rodomontade, roe, roebuck, roentgenograph, roentgenotherapy, Roger, rogue, roguery, roguish, roil, roiled, roily, roister, roisterous, role, role player, roll, roll around, roll back, roll call, roll in, roll on, roll out, roll up, rollback, roller, roller skate, rollick, rollicking, rolling, rolling stock, rolling stone, roly poly, roman, Roman candle, Roman nosed, romance, romancer, romantic, romanticism, romanticized, Romeo, romp, rondeau, rondelle, rood, roof, roofed, roofing, rooftop, rook, rookery, rookie, room, room temperature, roomer, roomette, rooming house, roommate, roomy, roorback, roost, rooster, root, root out, rooted, rooter, rootlike, rope, rope off, ropy, Rorschach test, rosary, rose, rose colored, rose oil, rose wine, rosette, roster, rostrum, rosy, rosy cheeked, rot, rota, rotary, rotate, rotation, rotator, rote, rotogravure, rotor, rotten, rotting, rotund, roue, rouge, rough, rough diamond, rough draft, rough out, rough sketch, roughcast, roughen, roughhew, roughhewn, roughhouse, roughly, roughneck, roughness, rouleau, roulette, round, round about, round and round, round out, round robin, round trip, round up, roundabout, rounded, roundel, roundelay, rounder, roundhouse, roundly, roundness, roundsman, roundup, rouse, rousing, roustabout, rout, route, routine, routinely, routinize, rove, rover, roving, row, rowdy, rowing, royal, royalism, royalist, royalty, rpm, rub, rub down, rub in, rub off, rub out, rub the wrong way, rubber, rubber band, rubber stamp, rubberneck, rubbery, rubbing, rubbish, rubbishy, rubble, rube, rubella, rubicund, ruble, rubric, ruby, ruche, ruck, ruckus, ruction, ruddy, rude, rudeness, rudiment, rudimentary, rudiments, rue, rueful, ruff, ruffian, ruffianly, ruffle, rug, rugged, rugged individualist, rugous, ruin, ruination, ruined, ruinous, rule, rule of thumb, rule out, ruler, ruling, ruling class, rum, rumble, rumbling, rumen, ruminant, ruminate, rummage, rummy, rumor, rumormonger, rump, rumple, rumpled, rumpus, run, run across, run after, run against, run aground, run along, run amok, run at, run away, run down, run for, run in, run into, run off, run on, run out, run over, run ragged, run riot, run the gauntlet, run through, run wild, runabout, runaround, runaway, rundle, rundown, rune, rung, runic, runnel, runner, runner up, running, running head, running mate, running start, runny, runoff, runs, runt, runty, runway, rupture, ruptured, rural, ruse, rush, rushed, rushing, rust, rustic, rusticate, rustle, rusty, rut, ruth, ruthful, ruthless, ruthlessness, rutty