round out

from WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006)
round out
    v 1: fill out; "These studies round out the results of many
         years of research" [syn: {round out}, {finish out}]
    2: make bigger or better or more complete [syn: {round out},
       {fill out}]
    3: express as a round number; "round off the amount" [syn:
       {round off}, {round down}, {round out}, {round}]
    4: make round; "round the edges" [syn: {round}, {round out},
       {round off}]
from Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
61 Moby Thesaurus words for "round out":
      accomplish, bag, balloon, belly, belly out, bilge, billow, bouge,
      bring to completion, bring to fruition, bug, bulge, button up, cap,
      carry to completion, clean up, climax, close out, close up,
      complete, conclude, cone, crown, culminate, dilate, distend,
      eke out, end, fill in, fill out, finalize, finish, finish off,
      finish up, fulfill, get done, get it over, get through,
      get through with, goggle, make good, make up, mature, mop up,
      perfect, piece out, pooch, pop, pouch, pout, refill, replenish,
      rotund, round, swell, swell out, terminate, top off, top out,
      wind up, wrap up