right wing
WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006)
right wing
n 1: those who support political or social or economic
conservatism; those who believe that things are better left
unchanged [syn: {right}, {right wing}]
Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
59 Moby Thesaurus words for "right wing":
Bircher, Bourbon, Epistle side, Tory, backward, bitter-ender,
clockwise, conservatist, conservative, decanal side, dexter,
dextral, dextrocardial, dextrocerebral, dextrocular, dextrogyrate,
dextrogyratory, dextropedal, dextrorotary, dextrorse, die-hard,
diehard, extreme right-winger, fogyish, fundamentalist, hard hat,
imperialist, monarchist, nonprogressive, off, old liner,
old-fashioned, old-fogyish, old-line, opposed to change,
preservative, radical right, reactionarist, reactionary,
reactionist, recto, right, right field, right hand,
right of center, right side, right-hand, right-winger,
right-wingish, rightist, royalist, social Darwinist, standpat,
standpatter, starboard, starboard tack, tory, ultraconservative,