run against

from Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
126 Moby Thesaurus words for "run against":
      aggravated assault, aggression, amphibious attack, antagonize,
      armed assault, assailing, assailment, assault, attack,
      banzai attack, be antipathetic, be at cross-purposes, be inimical,
      bear, bear upon, beat against, blitz, blitzkrieg, boost,
      breakthrough, buck, bull, bulldoze, bump, bump against, bunt, butt,
      butt against, charge, clash, collide, conflict, conflict with,
      confute, contradict, contrapose, contravene, counter, counteract,
      counterattack, counteroffensive, counterpose, countervail,
      counterwork, coup de main, cram, crippling attack, cross, crowd,
      dead set at, descent on, dig, diversion, diversionary attack,
      drive, elbow, flank attack, force, frontal attack, gas attack,
      go against, go counter to, goad, head-on attack, hurtle, hustle,
      infiltration, interfere with, jab, jam, jog, joggle,
      join the opposition, jolt, jostle, lightning attack, lightning war,
      lock horns, mass attack, meet head-on, megadeath, militate against,
      mugging, not abide, nudge, offense, offensive, onset, onslaught,
      oppose, oppugn, overkill, panzer warfare, pile drive,
      play at cross-purposes, poke, press, prod, protest, punch, push,
      ram, ram down, rattle, resist, run, run at, run counter to, rush,
      sally, shake, shock tactics, shoulder, shove, sortie, stress,
      strike, swim upstream, take issue with, tamp, thrust, traverse,
      unprovoked assault, vote against, withstand, work against