tonight's gonna be a daugerreotype. i'll hold still.
subway employees when i tell them i want a sub:
Must be severed the way I don’t remember asking
Drug and alcohol addiction
i keep thinking about this picture like the pure cunt of it all shakes me
they finally bred a kind of dog with an organ for processing food into gunpowder, which will hopefully make shooting things much cheaper going forward
human and bug relations will change by the end of the century
ok but imagine if disco elysium was about a young king trying to solve the disappearance of his neighbour's dinner in koridai
the post below is fucking incinerated. sorry
hey guys i jus-AAAAA 🔥 AAAAAAAA🔥🔥AAA 🔥 🔥 A 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥
didnt realize this was an ad at first so i just assumed that was somebody's advice. no1 art tip... hunt monsters...