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obsessed with danmaku shooters

@fryshrimp /

hiiii my name's hirundo they/them or it/its please ^_^

Okay I got in touch with @90-ghost (Ahmed) and he has confirmed to me the deactivation was not something he did himself. He also showed me a screenshot of his tumblr app glitching out because of it.

Tumblr deleted his account. That being said, it might have been an automatic response to a mass reporting campaign being led by zionist stalkers. It could also have been a decision made by tumblr staff themselves.

We don't fully know what happened. Ahmed has contacted them to report the issue. In the meantime, make people aware of this problem.

If his blog is gone the vetting links to a lot of legit fundraisers are going to be broken now and not be of any use.

For the record, I only use Tumblr. In the case that my own blog gets deleted randomly like this, I'd likely just talk to one of my friends like Saif or Nairuz to let you all know about any new blog I make on their blogs. (nabulsi, palipunk, chanafehs, efc...)

Don't follow any blog that claims to be me unless one of my friends has cosigned it publicly on their blog.

@90-ghost blog has been reinstated! Vetting links should be working just fine now! Thanks to you all!

Ahmed is still taking a break from tumblr due to stress but he will return eventually.


Remember in kh2 back when phones didn’t exist merlin had to literally take control of the gummi ship without telling sora and the others and bring it to hollow bastion cause he wanted to show them winnie the pooh

i know less about what kingdom hearts is the more i learn about it


why does palamedes have so much banter and tension with every older woman. remember when he meets aim for 5 seconds and they have a complex interpersonal dynamic and stare at each other across a table within that 5 seconds? he is literally putting his whole pussy into trying to be some cougar's annoying wife


I'll block a bitch on letterboxd I'll block a bitch on airbuds widget I'll block a bitch on goodreads I'll block a bitch on microsoft teams


with 90-ghost getting terminated gone by days with no word on it id discourage us from posting about whatever cutesy thing tumblr does for april fool's which is right around the corner. april 1 is a really big day for engagement on tumblr


really hate when companies are a single noun. “yeah you can watch this on constellation” i watch constellations every night dipshit they’re in the sky. get a better name

Anonymous asked:

Should I be worried that my cishet girlfriend doesn't like me calling mine a girlcock? I thought everyone knew that word.

queen you should be worried that your cishet girlfriend is het 😭


'you are not immune to propaganda' is true but sometimes the way people deploy this particular soundbite reveals a complete unwillingness to attribute any agency or ideology to people who espouse some pretty heinous bigotry.

like there was a post going around recently talking about people whose parents became increasingly radicalized by fox news and it had one of those tumblr style comments on it along the lines of "REMEMBER! THIS COULD BE YOU! You are not immune to propaganda either. STAY VIGILANT" and the implication here is always that right wing radicalization is something that somehow happens to otherwise pleasant people without their consent or knowledge. But perhaps some of you guys just need to grapple with the fact that your parents might be more bigoted and reactionary than you want to believe.

nobody is immune to bad information ecosystems or groupthink or poor science or anything else that makes radicalization possible, but i do think the idea that anyone is just a bad news pipeline away from supporting white supremacy does a lot to let white supremacists off the hook. it's the same kind of line of thought that gets people to talk about how bad things in fiction shouldn't be 'romanticized'. its a kind of worldview that operates under the implicit belief that a human being is a vessel being uncritically filled with whatever you pour into it and does nothing to grapple with what the actual appeal of these far right talking points is to the sort of otherwise ""normal"" seeming people that can be sold on them.

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