'madonna,' edvard munch, c. 1984-97.
helena bertinelli after batman berates her for the 18000th time: may bruce wayne live a long and prosperous life. with a beautiful wife/husband by his side and supportive friends and family. and may it all be in his head because he's actually hallucinating from syphilis for the rest of his life amen.
wait let me get on this level
Green Arrow Vol 3 #46, 70
Girl make up your mind
I hate buses so much. Trains are easy, reliable, straightforward. No nonsense. You can trust them. Buses are evil, deceitful creatures who delight in your suffering
yeah that’s fair
Wanted to make a post about what's going on in turkey but I'm so fucking tired
Please reblog this. They unlawfully stopped showing the live feeds and ordered all news to be stopped
Some of y'all gotta uncouple your personal self worth from your thought patterns. Me saying something is a reactionary thought pattern and urging you to examine it is not me personally calling you a fascist lmao. Everyone has thought patterns and some of them are going to be reactionary since yknow. We live in a society etc etc
Yeah like. that's not the same thing. we don't do thought crimes here. All it means is, if it hadn't occurred to you that these patterns might be reactionary or sexist or what have you, it's an opportunity to analyze that and see things from a new perspective
This is low-key another reason why callout culture sucks cause without the ability to learn from your mistakes there's much more incentive to deny them. It's okay to fuck up and need to reassess stuff. I'm not a fucking cop. I'm not gonna sit here and condemn you to the dungeon because you said something stupid.
FYI this is literally from an episode where Lois and Clark fight actual Nazis. That little punk was a NAZI working undercover at The Daily Planet.
This was like 1995.
Not that it should be in question at all but Superman and his wife fucking hate Nazis. They hate them. If you are a Nazi sympathizer, Superman hates you.
Also, just in case you’re distinguishing yourself, Superman also hates the KKK.
Also in this episode, the Nazis take over the Daily Planet and Perry clocks the first one he sees with ZERO hesitation. Literally doesn’t ask any questions, doesn’t stop to find out what’s going on. He sees a Nazi and he punches him.
Unironically the biggest death knell I heard for twitter was the fact that, as far as anyone is aware, there are no longer any furries working at twitter.
The rats have fled the sinking ship
The wolves have fled the sinking ship
The dragons have fled the-
I'm not even joking furries account for like 30% of all modern tech infrastructure.
I miss her
I should text her. she'd answer.
I miss her
I want it back = I drag its dead weight forward
Vote to trans someone's gender!
Vote for Cassie because 1) She is part of Young Justice, the most queer coded team to ever exist and 2) Queen has been slowly transitioning this whole time
Tim Drake, child of divorce