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I Haven’t Taken Anything Seriously Since 1915

@hmslusitania /

Hayley || Fully-fledged adult (against my will but time comes for us all) || She/Her || @starry-eyed-guttersnipe is the Gus to my Shawn || I write sometimes

Leverage meme quotes [5/5] → from Nathan Ford

My name is Nathan Ford. And I… am a thief

There are moments when Nate goes completely cold and he is way scarier than any of them, or all the rest of them combined, like a reminder of what is sitting there under the surface - an incomparably brilliant mind with no heart to anchor it and nothing to believe in.

you can tell that Nate is an ex-Jesuit, or perhaps more accurately an almost-Jesuit He has this Catholic self-hatred coupled with this deeply rooted sense he’s better than others and it’s all tied together with a large amount of ‘here, hold my beer’

“My father would buy me an ice-cream” is just the the most terrifying thing anyone in the show says.

He says, in one line, that he was raised to be bad, knows how to be bad, chose to be good, fell, chose to be good by doing bad, but his gut reflex, the one he’s been supressing for his entire life, is just to be a walking nightmare, exactly what you’d expect if you rewarded a child for lying, cheating, swindling, and hurting for fun and profit.

Nate Ford is not a nice man. But he’s all that’s standing between us and Jimmy Ford’s Son, so let’s be thankful for that.


We three dicks disorient are

Bearing cunt we travel afar

Field and fountain, moor and mountain

Following yonder star

i was forcibly removed from the scriptorium for singing this jollily to pass the time on a particularly lengthy manuscript ://////

I’m sorry Brother Mayhew that sounds like such a tricky case of conflicting needs for accommodation 😔 you know Brother Cringfael can’t illuminate for shit if it’s too noisy


one time this nondescript guy came into my dunkin donuts and ordered a small black coffee with blueberry flavor shot, and for some reason that peculiar order stuck with me so much that when, seven months later, i saw him in the parking lot walking towards the door, i quickly made a small black coffee with blueberry flavor shot. he ordered it and i was already holding it. 

i would describe his demeanor that second time as “incredulous”

What the fuck who drinks that

it’s such a perfectly bonkers order because like, most unusual orders are maximalist and sugary but this one just combines the most basic drink with the most incongruous little add-on. it’s the order of a simple, regular man who has something wrong with him

this post always makes me laugh. this guy has the weirdest drink order and he probably never goes to this dunkin’ if it took seven months for the barista to see him again. so think about a coffee shop you go to so little you’re not even sure if you’ve gone there before and you walk in and the barista hands you the drink you were about to order before you even ordered it. he will remember that for the rest of his life

“it’s the order of a simple, regular man who has something wrong with him” gets me every time.

Official Post of Massachusetts


really liking batman and robin: year one so far

also i like how bruce pretends everything dick does as robin is perfectly normal but no way he didn't panic the first time this happened

no way he didn't panic the 3045th time this happened either, just learned to hide it better


A few consistent factors about Golden Age Lois Lane:

  • She really loves Superman, and really likes Clark (As a friend, potentially more. She's stated a couple of times if Superman wasn't a factor she'd probably date Clark. She only says this when she sees him shirtless) She likes muscle men first- niceness is the secondary factor.
  • She's a reporter who will always find out the truth- at any cost. She once refused to publish a lie and was fired for it, and left with no regrets. She's also contantly competing with Clark for scoops and isn't afraid to trick him.
  • She's kind of a goober- she'll tell little jokes that only she finds funny. She'll also openly roast whoever she finds aggravating.
  • She's never broken under interrogation. She's told people multiple times, Nazis, thugs, superhumans, that they'd kill her before she breaks.
  • Given a modicum of power, she will immediately start abusing it. It's kind of charming how egotistical she is at times.
  • Her fashion game is absolutely on point, and she has, many, many different outfits. We are not allowed to see her closet, as it probably breaks the laws of physics.
  • She's not a coward- even when she's honestly way too physically inept to be able to escape or handle a situation, she will throw herself headfirst into it. I kind of love how flawed Lois Lane is as a person. She's loud, egotistical, opinionated, conniving and vain- but she's also brave, committed and loyal.


She is also a canonically terrible speller.

She's dyslexic in more modern canons I believe (I'm obviously more familiar with the Golden/Silver Age) but here's a possible example of it early on: from Action Comics #227 (1959)


i don't care if monday's bleak

tuesday matches wednesday's freak

thursday mispronouncing steak

it's friday, i'm in love

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