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@greatwyrmgold /

Trying to be less terminally online. Failing. octopus therian? he/him

Considering how often Maomao walks directly into Jinshi, I'm pretty sure he moves directly in front of her whenever he catches her walking distracted.


Ok I got a headcanon to offer here. You know how when ur going to walk into someone there’s the moment of deliberation where one of you moves to the side? Jinshi is high status enough that he’s probably never the guy who has to move. In fact he’s high status enough that he probably barely ever has to deal with almost walking into somebody bc most people are in the category where the correct social thing to do when they meet him is to move to the side and bow. It’s probably instinctive for him to just keep walking so that’s why he hits maomao so much.

I see where you're coming from, but they keep doing this in wide open areas without a lot of people. Your argument requires Jinshi to not only coincidentally stand in the relatively small path where Maomao is walking, but also have no ability to recognize new patterns.


I feel like naming kids after fictional characters is a risky idea even if the name and work are considered respectable just because like. anybody who recognizes the source is now starting their acquaintance with that person holding opinions about their parents' taste and media analysis skills.


one of the most frustrating things about the neil gaiman situation (and others like it) is people who were fans immediately moving to a different person to idolise ('well, at least we still have x author' or 'please tell me y author is still a good person') and in this situation specifically, 'terry pratchett would be furious'. no!!! you do not know!!!you have no idea whether terry pratchett or any author you like was/is a predator! you cannot take a situation in which a man's public persona as a feminist and supporter of women allowed him to prey on vulnerable women without suspicion and then look at all the other men who portray themselves as good people and say 'well, these ones are still okay though.' just stop idolising celebrities!!!!!!!


Still thinking about when my gf and I were in big Tesco and we saw an armed cop going through self checkout so my gf started loudly saying "omg why does he have a gun in big Tesco what the fuck" and then I pointed out what he was buying and we both started hooting and screaming with laughter until he looked at us sheepishly and my gf said "you should quit your job" and he said "yeah uh" and power walked out of the shop

He was buying a 24 tray of Krispy Kreme donuts


The slap was so good, way better than I expected, the crowd stood up and cheered lady Lihua as she went into action

You know a slap was worth it when both cheek and had are left red and numb

Lihua chose violence and we love her for that

One thing that stood out to me this episode is how potent fictional violence becomes when it's used in moderation.

Shin scratched Maomao's, Lihua slapped Shin (and threatened to punch her). In an absolute sense, that's not much; in a different context, they could easily forget they were ever hurt by tomorrow morning. But The Apothecary Diaries is not an action series; most episodes don't have any violence.

Contrast battle anime. Hardly an episode of My Hero Academia or Naruto or Shangri-La Frontier or whatever goes by without someone getting punched or stabbed or burned. Violence is routine, it's expected. But in The Apothecary Diaries, it's rare and shocking. One slap can carry more weight than a mountain-crushing punch.


plankton’s guilty expression here has always struck me. he’s betrayed spongebob’s trust before and he knows he’ll likely do it again, and yet spongebob still cares enough about him to make a special valentine just for him. it conjures an image of him hunched over a desk with an x-acto knife and a magnifying glass, possibly with several failed attempts in the bin, all so plankton, a man who has and will continue to leverage his trust to his own selfish ends, can have something nice on a holiday that likely holds no special meaning to him. but spongebob will continue to love plankton because spongebob loves everybody, no matter how they have wronged him. in this way he is like jesus christ


this is so fucking funny

i can't stop thinking about this. this kind of shit is not like milsim plane nerds with their own super-expensive desktop cockpit recreations. that kind of hardware makes sense to exist.

this does not. they're playing world of tanks which is like the "call of duty" of tank games (casual, players only slightly bad-smelling). it also doesn't have support for tank peripherals. no game does. no trainers do afaik. which means that (assuming this isn't just a video editing) all of that shit they are fucking with translates into mouse/keyboard inputs that the game understands. that's weird/hard and perplexing, uh, and considering that "tank peripherals" aren't a thing that exist i can only guess they built them theirselves

which is fucking hilarious because why are they so good. why does the fucking cannon breech have a little dry ice smoke effect when the breech opens like they just shot a shell. what. manual turret traverse crank?? did they build a fucking ready rack!! they're even using the correct phraseology which means one of these mofos read a PDF file

"tank peripherals aren't a thing" yeah they are, it's called Steel Battalion and it singlehandedly killed the market for specialized controllers like this


The HRT clinic I go to makes me kinda emotional whenever I go. It's staffed by a mix of balding middle aged queens and loud yet mousey lesbians and it genuinely feels like seeing my stupid gay high school friend group all grown up with successful and stable lives. We are all going to make it.

We're all gonna make it! Yeah! We're all gonna make it! We're all gonna make it Evermore!


(A venn diagram connecting Byleth Eisner, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Shen Qingqiu. The overlap between Byleth and Obi-Wan says 'mentor/dad tragically died in their arms', the overlap between Byleth and Shen Qingqiu says 'personally knows the creator god', and the overlap between Shen Qingqiu and Obi-Wan says 'has grown a beard'. In the middle is a solid paragraph of text that reads 'awkward 20-something coerced into mentoring the protagonist who they are shipped with but they're actually a natural teacher but they don't know it at first and if they had a time machine they would do so many things differently and also they're magic and sci-fi at the same time and they have a cool sword and-'. End of image description.)

Is this anything, or...?

I was today years old when I learned that Byleth has the same last name as Michael Eisner. And I've actually played FE:3H!


One piece of rhetoric that shits me up the wall in regards to the endless Star Wars discourse is when people argue that the sequels are held to an infinitely higher standard than the original trilogy despite the originals also containing a bunch of objectively stupid seat-of-the-pants writing decisions. Yeah. We judge the new ones more harshly because the filmmakers had access to 40 years of cultural commentary on the original films, coupled with more money than god, which in a sane universe would have panned out in an uberfilm that distills the positive qualities of the originals while eliminating the weaknesses. And enough of the side projects managed to do exactly that to demonstrate that it wasn't even impossible! It just didn't happen


[Image of text saying,

Some AAVE speakers pluralize 'child' as 'childrens'. People get racist about this ("It's already plural!"), but 'children' actually comes from Middle English speakers doing the same thing: slapping their plural marker on word already pluralized by an extinct plural marker.

To oversimplify: in Old English, 'childer' ('ċildra') was the plural of 'child' ('ċild'). Middle English developed an '-en' plural marker, which we see in 'oxen'. Instead of updating to 'childen', people slapped their preferred '-en' onto the end of 'childer' - so now we have 'child-er-en'. AAVE carries on this tradition with 'child-er-en-s'.

"Pure" language is just impurity obscured by the passage of time.

End ID.]

“Pure” language is just

impurity obscured by

the passage of time.

Beep boop! I look for accidental haiku posts. Sometimes I mess up.

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