My parents didn’t do the whole pink or blue thing when I was a kid, so I never really felt any pressure about it till like. Puberty.
Then I spent so much time in the woods that my hair would get matted and tangled in sticks and junk, so I cut it all off and people started mistaking me for a boy. Which made me really happy for reasons I couldn’t articulate, and it annoyed the shit out of me when people “corrected” them on my behalf
THEN I saw a Tumblr post mentioning the term genderfluid when I was like 15 and thought HOLY SHIT THAT’S AN OPTION?
I’ve never felt like I fit in with any gender or group of any kind, but I assumed that was probably just part of the whole mental health dealie I was working with. Y’know?
I didn’t really care about pronouns till a colleague at work mentioned we had new uniform badges with a pronoun option and I jokingly complained that I’d have to buckle down and pick some.
Then I went by all pronouns, and slowly narrowed it down to what felt best by eliminating what didn’t sound right.
If you had to ask me now, I’d say I’m probably genderfluid or a gender or genderqueer or whatever, like still not solidly one thing or another, but he/him still feels best as far as pronouns go.
And attraction doesn’t take up much brain space for me one way or another, so like. Meh?
The pattern seems to be “anyone who can suplex me is hot but I don’t wanna fuck” so. Pretty solidly asexual, and I say I’m bi or pan or whatever but it doesn’t come up much. Probably aromantic too.
My gender is Guy, my sexual orientation is I’d Rather Be Doing Art Right Now, and my romantic preference is This Would Be More Interesting If It Was Happening In A Book To Someone Else.
IDK, kinda just going with the flow here