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Welcome to my stupid blog

@katisconfused /

Kat | they/she | 30+  I have the humor of a 10 year old. All the things here will probably reflect that. I tag for triggers, spoilers, and post appropriately labeled NSFW art. if I am not tagging something you need to block I'll try to add it..

tumblr is the root of half the internets trends and memes

the curse of being on this website is knowing that shit like cottagecore and dark academia and the obsession with mushrooms and whatnot started on this godforsaken platform and not tiktok

the mushroom thing started with a fucking shitpost where it ends with "you cannot kill me in a way that matters" "im not fucking scared of you!"

"op what does this mean" "decay is an extant form of life"



i think it's really funny when formally fat people go "body positivity is a scam because when i was fat i was miserable and i hated myself but now that i'm skinny i feel alot happier" and it's like well that's because society treats fat people like subhuman dogshit for daring to breathe in public and treats skinniness as the pinicle of human excellence, so i think that's the reason you aren't as depressed maybe.

"formally fat" and "detrans" people have alot in common in the sense they project their insecurities of their former identities onto other fat/trans people and blame them for their misery as if the only reason they detransed/decided to lose weight wasn't because they were relentlessly bullied and oppressed for years by a society that values strict gender roles and beauty standards, and because they decided to crack to those standards they think the issue is with everyone else.

and obviously this doesn't apply to EVERYONE they are like. detrans people who don't project their issues with their identity onto other trans people, or formally fat people who don't treat losing weight like beating cancer, but those aren't the people trending on twitter for "being one of the good ones who overcame' or whatever.

oh i am going to kill myself



I'm going to *remembers suicide is often not a desire for death itself but rather an attempt to radically change one's life because the current state of being has become unbearable but the person can't think of any way to change it other than death* kill myself


Fight AI and Protect Endangered Cozumel Raccoons!

Remaking this post with better info on how you can help the critically endangered Cozumel raccoon from your own home by BULLYING AI INTO SUBMISSION.

The issue: There is a critically endangered species of raccoon known as the Cozumel/pygmy raccoon. Among a shitload of other threats, the Cozumel raccoon also has to deal with the fact nobody knows it exists. This issue has gotten worse with Google's new "AI Search Overviews." Unfortunately, when people search things like "Mexican raccoons" or "What species of raccoons are in Mexico," all the results show coatis. Which are not raccoons (they are more closely related to Olingos.) Mexico actually has two species of raccoon, the common raccoon (Procyon lotor) and the Cozumel raccoon (Procyon pygmaeus.) If people can't even find the Cozumel raccoon on google without using the actual species name, how tf are folks supposed to know they are endangered and need help?

Anyway, here is a way you can fight back against Google's bullshit AI and search algorithms that are limiting pygmy raccoon conservation efforts:

Please do!!! Public awareness is imperative for effective conservation. And sadly, most folks don’t know that Google is no longer an unreliable source. So we need to make sure that accurate information about animals/plants/the environment/etc is easily accessible by the general public


PLEASE buy from people who have not filled their goals!

Did you know that for a long time, Girl Scouts has openly included transgender and nonbinary individuals in its membership? I first learned of this four years ago while searching for a source for my annual Girl Scout cookie purchase. At that time, a wave of anti-trans sentiment was intensifying, prompting me to seek out transgender Girl Scouts from whom to order. One major benefit of their online ordering system is that it allows for trans girl scouts to sell their cookies with relative privacy and no contact between the scout and the purchaser when it comes to online orders.

My initial effort was a success, meeting the goals of every single scout featured on the page. The achievement felt wonderful during what seemed like one of the most severe legislative attacks on transgender children in recent memory. Unbeknownst to us, each subsequent year would bring greater such attacks. Since then, every year I've repeated this initiative, we've surpassed our previous sales, leading to coverage in multiple major media outlets.

It is that time of year again. I have reached out to the families on my list to gather girl scouts to purchase cookies from. Please consider choosing a trans girl scout to get your cookies from this year - the kids are under attack this year more than ever, so lets give them some joy.


‘She wasn’t a good mother’ great are we evaluating this character trait as one of her many facets or are we just damning her for not being the most maternal womanliest woman who ever womaned

the thrilling sequel ‘he’s a bad father but we’re using it as grounds to see him as beloved and a deeply complex and intellectual character that needs to be studied’


had a real life "and everybody clapped" moment and im still reeling. spent the rest of the ride comparing butterfly pics with the old lady next to me trying to identify it


i can not get over how perfectly he landed. how did he do this

Pressing the jump button when u meant to press the inventory button

Anonymous asked:

Teaboot what trans man pipeline did you go down (if any)?

Did you go thru the fujoshi—>i like men in a gay way—> oh shit im a man pipeline or?

Wait do u even like men

My parents didn’t do the whole pink or blue thing when I was a kid, so I never really felt any pressure about it till like. Puberty.

Then I spent so much time in the woods that my hair would get matted and tangled in sticks and junk, so I cut it all off and people started mistaking me for a boy. Which made me really happy for reasons I couldn’t articulate, and it annoyed the shit out of me when people “corrected” them on my behalf

THEN I saw a Tumblr post mentioning the term genderfluid when I was like 15 and thought HOLY SHIT THAT’S AN OPTION?

I’ve never felt like I fit in with any gender or group of any kind, but I assumed that was probably just part of the whole mental health dealie I was working with. Y’know?

I didn’t really care about pronouns till a colleague at work mentioned we had new uniform badges with a pronoun option and I jokingly complained that I’d have to buckle down and pick some.

Then I went by all pronouns, and slowly narrowed it down to what felt best by eliminating what didn’t sound right.

If you had to ask me now, I’d say I’m probably genderfluid or a gender or genderqueer or whatever, like still not solidly one thing or another, but he/him still feels best as far as pronouns go.

And attraction doesn’t take up much brain space for me one way or another, so like. Meh?

The pattern seems to be “anyone who can suplex me is hot but I don’t wanna fuck” so. Pretty solidly asexual, and I say I’m bi or pan or whatever but it doesn’t come up much. Probably aromantic too.

My gender is Guy, my sexual orientation is I’d Rather Be Doing Art Right Now, and my romantic preference is This Would Be More Interesting If It Was Happening In A Book To Someone Else.

IDK, kinda just going with the flow here


Years ago I saw a Lord of the Rings display at Barnes and Noble that included a Hallmark-style greeting card with Frodo on the front and inside text that read: “We set out to save the Shire, Sam. And it has been saved. But not for me.”

And I have been thinking about that card ever since, desperately wishing I had bought it, and wondering what the fuck kind of occasion would warrant a card featuring that sentiment.

weirdly enough, i have actually been the recipient of that exact card. it was a birthday card from someone who knew i loved lotr but didn’t really know much about the actual movie, but i feel like she should’ve been clued into the ‘wtf’ vibe from the incredibly agonized face frodo is making on the front of the card. 

If you still have that card… I would do anything to see a photo of it. You can cover up the personalized message, but I really, really, really want to see proof that this card existed and was not the product of my overactive imagination.

@glumshoe I FOUND IT!!

I’d forgotten just how close to death Frodo looks on the front, not to mention Sam’s agonized face and the very odd stylistic choice of including the Ring instruction and the Eye of Sauron in the background. who the hell is the target audience for this?

Fuck!!!! It’s so much better than I remembered!

What sentiment is this supposed to CONVEY


i open tumblr. i close tumblr. i check discord. i open tumblr. i close tumblr. i open spotify. start a song. open youtube. pick video, ending song. video bad. i close youtube. i open tumblr

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